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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 22, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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sometimes they regret you and you don't even realize you're being recruited. so just a little while to explore the doc surveillance on to well beneath the diplomatic surface. most that is done on the israel launch has a new operation. and dawson, at least assessing 9 palestinians on calvin con eunice on john list also come under attack the deadline. this tells you of, hey, this is out of here a lot from don't. all 2nd us vice president calling about hire a says she intends to and when the democratic nomination for the white house comes off to joe biden accepts the race, the us presidents has dropping out is in the best interest of his policy. and his
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country and republican presidential candidate donald trump says 5 and was never sent to run for office on that, harris is even less the . we begin with breaking news from garza where the death toll is rising rapidly. of the israel launched a new military offensive and eastern conyers. at least 39 palestinians have now been killed. thousands were wounded and taken to hospital. how destiny and say they were given no time to find safety. is really forces to office and bond that area just moments after they issues and evacuation order. just based families are now flying towards west and pods of con eunice. well talk to him, a sucka is the head of the nursing department as long as the hospital. he's going to international organizations to provide urgent supplies, to the overstretched medical company a little bit. how does your slides have done?
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the situation is mos on dia. we do not have even enough space to accommodate the number of entities, not only all the hospital beds, but also all the quoted doors and the hospitality flows. we appeal to all the u. n . organizations, well, health organizations to immediately provide las is complex to, with all the se, sending medical supplies, we have run out of most of the critically needed medical supplies, many of which have 3. it's 0 stocks and it is a grateful that we say. the last set of hospital has run out of beds, mattresses, or even bait seats. that's why we are forced to place victims and the one did on the flow that activate this is again its own form. so for humanity,
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what is just within the last couple of hours, attendance being used by john list outside the actual hospital and they're all bala was targeted fine is really drones strike. we understand at least one journalist was killed. that, that brings the total number of done this killed since the stones of this war to $163.00. hol, let speak to in for the all right. she's in there. all the incense will goes outside deluxe, the hospital, him to the story and strength toothpaste. very, very close to where you. i know you said you were feeling the impact highly. it took us through what happened well, it was only 20 meters for me where i'm tom, things right now. a huge explosion happened and none of us knew that this was in the hospital only until we saw the about the fire and the smoke rising from the 10th. but also let me remind you that this is not only a hospital, it's a place where thousands of palestinians are currently sheltering
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a policy. and you can turn in this was killed in this target, tennessee 3 were wounded. it's not the 1st time that is where the war planes targets the hospital. this is the 2nd 10th that has been targeted by that is re new war planes. people were hired were terrified. they did not know where to do, but what to do, but now kinda send use are asking if we leave the hospital after those continue as a hot watch and we go where there is no place a safe for police and use to go. and also there are more people being displaced from 10 units in, at the moment. and you said people are being displays, so there's no way safe to go. i understand. people were only given a very, very short window of time to, to try to move to, to fleece on units of to that. that order was issued. they, they barely had a couple of minutes, not even time. they woke up on those leaflets. they woke up on our calendar, we sending at least $139.00 carla sinews have been killed. i was
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a 100 dozens were wounded and transferred to announcing hospital the only hospital that is operating right now between dropbox and can you and is but also kind of thing. is it not even have the time to evacuate the work as we were forced to be displaced under is really prior. but also we saw people coming here in the eastern parts of the and the substance. they evacuated under fire and they were unable to take any other belongings due to the intensive setting, the conference, also the civil defense. these are saying that the numbers are likely to increase because there are places that were targeted that they could not reach on the ground for us. and darrow by that and central 1000. thank you. the
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to the united states though with a growing number of top democrats and throwing the support behind the vice president, carla harris at fathers presidential buys and sudden decision to drop out of the race for the white house of to weeks of concern about his age and his health, he himself is now backing harris, who says she'll worked on and when the policy is on the nation. whitehouse correspond, can be hosted against have coverage after days of isolation. recovering from cove it and deliver ration, consulting with his family and a handful of friends. us president joe biden made his historic announcement on x hill no longer seek the democratic nomination for president. i believe it's in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term. i was so deeply moved by the presence, powerful and poignant statements which was truly courageous
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and visionary present. biden has been one of the greatest most courageous and consequential presence of american history. the calls for by then to drop his bid for a 2nd term exploded last month after what many critics described as a disaster is debate performance. it goes for were us president donald trump stepping down 5 in immediately endorsed vice president comma la harris to be the democratic nominee. harris responded saying, i'm honored to have the president's endorsement and my intention is to earn and win this nomination. the democratic national convention is just a month away bite and had secured the most delegates to win the parties. nomination
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was bite and gone. those delegate stores automatically passed to harris. it's now what's known as an open convention with delegates free to support the candidate of their choice. harris already has 2 powerful endorsements for were you as president, bill clinton and former 1st lady, and the 1st female nominated for president hillary clinton. but for us, president brock, obama and former 1st lady michelle obama have not endorsed harris. in the statement, obama writes the party will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead. republicans are threatening to challenge jo biden's decision to step down. they argue a president no longer fit to be the nominee should also no longer be running the country. kimberly health is l g 0. the white house, republican presidential candidate donald trump has posted on his social media
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platform saying joe biden was not fit to run some presidency, certainly not fit to says all those around him, including his doctor, knew that he wasn't capable of being president and he wasn't. look what he has done to our country with millions of people coming across the border. we will stuff a great see because of his presidency. meanwhile, republicans have also responded by attacking harris the trump campaign released the video you're watching now disparaging, have political record comes as the vice president is incompetent and will be even easier to beat invited on the democratic national convention is set to begin in chicago on august the 19th and that's where the policy will make a final decision on that small, many ahead of november's election like kind of has one the spotlight is now shining brightly on cumberland harris, president biden's endorsements may make a pos to the democratic party nomination a lot easier but they are still many hurdles in who way. the former president bill
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clinton has endorsed his party candidates, along with some of her former colleagues on the senate. but for my president obama, i made no mention of kamala harris and his statement reacting to president biden's decision to step down. instead, he said we will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead. but i have extra old re confidence that the leaders of potty will be able to create a process from which an outstanding no many images. there's also be no immediate endorsement from the senate majority leader, chuck schumer, the house minority leader, hakeem jeffries or the former speak up the house of nancy pelosi. cumberland harris broke one jen to ceiling when joe biden, us to be as vice president, picking the 2020 election going on to become the 1st email to hold the office. oh, it always did it. so you're getting a really nice president of the united states. iris pointed probably to the historic
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nature of the appointment as vice president. but while i may be the 1st woman in this office, i will not be the last, the because every little girl watching tonight sees that this is a country of possibilities. as vice president harris was tossed tackling the sony issue of immigration, giving a trip to guatemala, she was criticized for what some liberal so as a harsh message do not do not come under relentless attacks from opposition, republicans and the right wing news media. harris struggled to wouldn't widespread public approval, although she remained popular with young voters and people of color. i'm going to run for re election power. so to really voters around issues of civil rights,
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excess, to abortion, and gun violence. we will not be defeated. we will not be deterred. we will not come supporters with quick to go and attack posting video accusing who of creating what is described as a folder invasion and runaway inflation lation. paris itself released the statement, thanking president biden for his leadership and accepting his endorsement as candidates. we have a 107 days until election day. she concludes. together we will fight, and together we will win california georgie, win the nomination and defeat donald trump in the election. the door, twelf, jamaican, an indian immigrant parents would become the 2nd, the black president of the united states and the 1st woman to hold the office. my
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kind of, i'll just the era washington whole biden's decision comes just before is really prime minister benjamin us in yahoo is set to himself visits the us capital. nothing young he spoke to reporters just before boarding his flight to washington dc. and thanks for us president, for supporting his war on casa, i planned to say, present environment, whom i've known for 40 years. this will be an opportunity to factor in the war during, as long as go here in public service center to vice president. and this time of war and on, certainly it's important that is of animators know that america and israel science together today, tomorrow, and always split spacing or does she joins us now from ramallah in the occupied westbank? no. where does bivens decision to exit the presidential race? now leave hopes of the supposed to be ongoing us at peace per cents.
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while the peace process, if you will, will be left exactly where biting kept it in. the deep freeze binding has been accused by palestinians of side lining the palestinian issue. and in the 9 months of this genocide, a war he's been accused of complicity. so no tears tread here in palestine over biden's announcements and perhaps some curiosity as to what the democrats would would will do. who will they choose? and will there be a difference in policy council of harris, of course, exhibiting a little bit more empathy towards palestinians in the past 9 months, but a lot more is needed to re engage palestinian ex pats palestinian americans. a lot of home hail from here in that i'm a lot and that'll be a good area to vote again, democrat and perhaps a, you know, allow, allow the democrats to win the white house in this expected a close race. it come november no a day that with
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a view from ramallah in the occupied west. 9th. thank you and or hold on some news . justin. israel's military is saying that to capt is held by him. us and gaza has now died. 76 year old historian alex danzig and a 35 year old son technician. yeah, i guess pushed them were both taken captive on october. the 7th. israel says that that's all now being investigated. spiceworks all sense to resume this week and a deal that would include the release of some 120 captives a still a head view here on out of here. would you buy a crypto car and see that scans will? i will well, coin promises it will keep your digital identity safe. plus, i'm going to say that i'm getting bobo columbia, where vinny swelling migrants are eagerly expecting the upcoming presidential elections. many states they are hoping to return if the opposition,
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when the the latest news, as it breaks, they are not afraid. they are going to stay here and see the problem with detail coverage. presidents enforced isolation may very well lead to increased calls for him to in his quest for a 2nd term. from around the world. irregular migration from west africa into europe rose by 174 percent in the 1st half of 2024. the. the lines of ethnic i'm groups is posing the biggest challenge to me in most contest since the 2021 with exclusive access to remote camps and find, find battles out shelves. the progress of an idealistic young generation of rebels
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. as a pivotal moment in the last 60 years of the countries, the trouble of history on the phones, the in my, on the, on the ropes on al jazeera, the government challenges the or the, the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back to watching now to 0. let's remind you about top stories. the sound is real, has launched a new military operation east and con eunice as these 39 palestinians have been
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killed in thousands of the just within the last couple of hours attend to being used by john. that's outside bill. opposite hospital in general, but i was talking to the vine is really trying strength. at least one journalist was killed. us president joe biden has dropped out of the presidential race against donald trump. he's endorsed his vice president carmella harris to take his place. countries across east asia have also been reacting to biden's decision to withdrawal. he just came has more for us from sol, the u. s. presidential biden's unprecedented exit from his re election campaign. also being felt here in asia. wood hot able south korea's daily's front page showing a image captain and say that he was unable to conquer the tall while of old age. now surprise is being sold as bill as president antonia and japanese prime
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minister from york. you should have spent considerable political capital to firm 3 way coordination with side and in recent years, in there, in the pacific strategies. these are the beijing and come yeah, we've seen annual military exercises, for example, come out of their landmark camp david's summit last august as north korean leader, kim jong in more deeply lines behind russian president vladimir putin. my direct comment is being avoided. japan's prime minister through meal casita said he respects biden's decision and that the japan us alliance remains a lynch pin of his country's diplomatic and security politics. and so outwardly, officials have expressed confidence and whoever the next us leader will be still many eyes on americans and next steps, especially here on the korean peninsula where inter korean relations has been at its lowest point in decades. unis kim alda 0. so well the us presidential
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race is also being launched closely across latin america to see and human has more for us from today's capital santiago. as the general feeling in latin america is one of release on of also certain puzzlement as to what job i did. so long to decide to step down, and that's because the general consensus in this part of the world as in many others, in fact is the joe biden had become an electable. he could not be re elected. and that's what really concerns most countries in this region, and that is because there was very little loved last for donald trump. he was not well liked during his 1st presidency, he was seen as beings and phobic, anti migrant and even more so now that he's running on a campaign that's even more anti migrant than most of those migrants are from latin america as we all know. so there is a sense that whoever is going to replace joe biden as the democratic presidential candidates will have more or less the support,
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at least in the hearts of most latin americans. with the exception, perhaps of the government of argentina, which is very, very close to to donald trump. that is, we're talking about the delay government, but just about everybody else. even the conservative government seem to believe that a trump administration will hurt the economy of the region more than a democratic one, and certainly that it will destabilize the world more than it is. they believe. already. see a newman, al jazeera santiago, the tobacco dash now where there is some semblance of calm on the streets of the capital of the several days of protests against a controversial job course assistance. a coffee though does remain in place indefinitely. and telecommunications blackout continues to effect internet and mobile phone services seen as
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a partial victory for protest as the supreme court scrapped most government job courses on sunday. the reinstatement of that policy and june initially sparked the student led purchase that have also since spread elsewhere. more than a 140 people have been killed, thousands was injured off to a crack down by the police and the minute train or the you and refugee agencies has more than 7000000 venezuelans have left the country in the past 9 years. most of settled and neighboring states where they've continued to struggle with economic hardship and hostility towards migrants. many hope that the upcoming presidential election could put venezuela on a different pos, paving the way for their time. at a sunroof, yes, he has this report from columbia as capital bunker to stomach buckle destiny, catalina believe they are left in the swear less 6 years ago, escaping unbearably harsh economic and political conditions under president. because that's my daughter. 3rd time here in the colombian capital has not been
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easy to make a living. she sells coffee on the streets of book with a low, caring for 9 years old daughter online. your. she says she's hoping the upcoming presidential elections will give her the opportunity to return home to be with the rest of her family. they work better the last step while i have to hope i'm face, that we will kick out the government. that things will change. that i won't be able to return to my country for most of the venezuelans abroad won't based badly that the president leaves and the country gets fixed. like many others are putting their faith in the opposition candidate. it need to go inside this route. yeah. one of his campaign play just to bring back michael living abroad. there's no doubt that the upcoming elections represent the most serious challenge yet to an ssi benefits while i'm president for me class, my daughter opinions polls favor the opposition, but in a context of ongoing refreshing against critics,
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nobody here believes that the elections will be fair. some 5000000 venezuelans were eligible to vote, live outside the country. many in shanty towns like this one on the outskirts of bull good to the re present unimportant electoral group. government numbers showed that only a 107000 that been allowed to register to vote. pre accepted and then nearly impossible requirements needed to register like demanding migrants hold residency visas in the country where they were site or valid passports that are often very expensive. some migrants just gave us up, refusing to even try and manage what i don't come at. i use today, i never registered because everybody already knows who will win again, and that's probably why the government always when it's sort of so you because people are disillusioned with the process and don't vote. and that's wrong. i know
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. but i do the same guy. why vote if they won't let anybody else when they come with you? with the election new means been swelling, migraine seesaw between hope and fear. knowing that the results could define the options to return or force many more to leave alison to be at the i just looked at more than a half a 1000000 argentine is. have had that i scanned in with tons of crypto currency. it's positive and online biometrics projects, known as wild coin. the company says the project to protect people's identity, but some countries have restricted the use of the technology because of privacy concerns. to raise a bow when to take a look and one of their, the it's known as the word s b or that scans the iris, deployed on across when a site is by technology company tools for humanity. loading up with the c works as a seamstress and came to get her iras scans. i the sub way in exchange. she'll be
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paid $25.00 world coins equipped to kerensky worth around $60.00. there is almost no work and now i have nothing and maybe next week i'll make some money. i'm angry because of the tough economic situation. this helps a bit to at least buy something for my children. more than half a 1000000 people country wide have taken part in the project. it's become a source of extra cash in times of economic difficulty. continues are struggling with a face kind of still with the plan implemented by precedents. have you had any like the iris is unique to each person around the world and by scanning it developers 6 to create a digit, an identification system that guarantees the user is a human being and not have bought. this is meant to make online from sections more secure. one of the founders, the sam altima from open a i. the company says users privacy is guaranteed because people don't give their
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names or phone numbers when signing up. and the data is encrypted and protected by state of the art secuity. but as if it's not very obvious, then using it or to verify yourself with biometrics is private, it's fine. and the counter intuitive thing is not just that it's private, but that is one of the most private systems we've ever used period much more than something like facebook and twitter. it's not like any of these things that we're using, the data they live. but several countries, i'm money towing the project and it was suspended in spain. gave me import. you go you to privacy concerns because that goes, i wanna say i didn't want to. becky says the company needs to do much more to guaranteed people's privacy from that. but as an investor you, on, i made a presentation at the agency for access to public information because there are at least 9 points that worry me very much. in my view, privacy is not guarantee they made a presentation. but for me, it's not enough. for now, hundreds of thousands of origin teens don't seem to care well coined provide extra
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money in their time of need really. so we'll just see that one aside as well. that's it for me in the stalls the attain. next inside story takes a look at what it will means to the government, to appease that student protests invited us to stay with us here on the the hello. a lot of activity going on in asia pacific. we pick up the father's story there. good to see. this is a strengthening tropical storm. it will explode into a type phone and we pay the red line on to see the track of the storm as it goes. rate over type pay will be the equivalents of a category to store and so we'll continue. keep tabs on that. our summer rains in china moving across into the korean peninsula, it's going to be
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a saki forecast for sol. we just saw some flooding there. and more rain to come for you on tuesday to the middle east. it is boiling hot here and it is about to get hotter by the day. so let's go in here for a closer look. we'll paint the colors on dr. the red, the hotter it is. so, over the next several days can wait, you're going to be bouncing around. 4950 degrees, and look at that for us here in the up to 47. here's how the story goes for bucket stein. you know, so far the monsoon range, it's been a bit below average and that trend is expected to continue over the next 10 days or so. but different story up and down that west coast of india around go clunking muscle. ross strength ratings of goods are at state highest level alerts issued for rainfall and then we've got all this rain coming in off the bay and then gall that could produce flooding.
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the . ringback the, the supreme court in bung with their scales back a government jobs, florida protests against the controversial policy lead to a nationwide curfew killings and that communications blackouts. so, well this move a piece angry students and what's behind the recurring on rest? this is inside. so the


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