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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 23, 2024 3:00am-3:30am AST

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realism and the effect that news conference can have on democracy's, everywhere. here, at the listing, post the us vice president, common iris hits the campaign trail. she tells supporters and stuff in delaware, we're going to wait and it is my intention to go out and earn this nomination and to win the okay, johnson. this is alex, it's aaron lawson, so also coming up now as you remember, joe biden as not just the quitter which he is, but one of the worst president of the united states of america. but my friends, combo harris is a 1000000 times worse, and everybody knows the public and vice president. no, many defense attends,
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is focused towards doing his campaign. events in virginia is very prime minister. benjamin netanyahu arrives in the us for 12 to jo 5 and i submit it to his new offensive and gaza kids at least 70 palestinians. adults is about 4 to say it's civilians and sedona suffering for when this levels of audits, the ongoing conflicts the and again in the us with vice president, common iris that's kicked off the campaign for the presidency. she addressed that campaign. stuff is up the headquarters and done it with just hours of to getting the endorsement for my house speaker and the senior democrat, nancy pelosi. all of this is happening off the president chose biting out of the race for the white house on sunday, but, and made a short statement on the foot and the head of harris's speech. ever since promised
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to defeats donald trump if she's chosen as a candidate for the november election, to spend the days and weeks ahead i together with you, will do everything in my power to unite our democratic party to unite our nation. and to win this election, you know, as many of you know, before i was elected as vice president, before i was elected as united states, senator, i was the elective attorney general of mentioned the california and for the as a court room prosecute. and those wrote, i took on perpetrators of all kinds creditors who abused women fraudsters, who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. so here me when i say i know donald trump's type, and in this campaign i will proudly i will probably put my record against his
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black. honda has more now from washington dc. is there any possible speech indeed, laying out the templates of what is likely to become her campaign stands, what is likely to be repeated many times in the weeks ahead and clearly as well as just note that harris's self is convinced, such as now got more than half of the delegates necessary to get democratic party nomination, so it does appear that her positive securing that kind of the c a head is very clear. but her speech was very powerful. and she also indicated that she was going to take donald trump on the head on in that a sound bite to her, the referring to his estate, just as a convicted felon had referring to his, his fact that he was found guilty of sexual misadventures by a quote, so she is going to use that templates off, prosecute to versus filling in the campaign ahead. you also heard the another thing
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that is likely to become a theme. the difference between a campaign that looks for that looks to hope that looks to brightness, to a campaign that she says looks to the past, the past, the weakness and darkness. so she's already laying out exactly the way the campaign is going to go. and it's very powerful indeed one must just note as well that campaign organizes have confirmed as that in the $24.00 uh, since president biden stood on a record amount of funds was raised and 66 percent of those donors with 1st time donors. now this is just an indication of that massive impact that comma the harris will have on the grassroots of the democratic party. was jennifer victoria is a professor of political science at george mason university. she says to accommodate harris's entry into the re, says re energize the democratic policies campaign. i think we've seen an incredible
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integration over the last 24 hours. you know, there was a lot of him running about joe biden through, through the spring to some extent. but after that really disastrous debate, the poor performance that he gave just about 3 weeks ago, the democrats has really been kind of downtrodden and very concerned about their alexa prospects and having joe biden decide not to accept his party of nomination. and having the pardon food unite around the vice president conway harris has really invigorated an incredible energy. and we see that the evidence by the incredible financial sold. this is susan. so i will get the official numbers later, but it looks like within the last 24 to 36 hours the, the harris campaign as it is now has raised some will be in the neighborhood of 80000000 dollars, which is different on heard of some in that short of the time period between the
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campaign finance and then all of the, the democrats that had endorsed her from, you know, started with kind of the rank and file democrats on we have to kind of senior party leaders and those who might have competed against her for that nomination and have all just fallen into line in a way that makes this democratic party united and excited and ready to take this to the general, already republican vice presidential nominee jody vance has just finished his 2nd rounding of the day. this time in radford virginia way targeted by the president by non combat harris. now yes, you will remember joe biden as not just a quitter, which he is, but one of the worst president's the united states of america. but my friends, combo harris is a 1000000 times worse, and everybody knows that she signed up for every single one of jo biden's failures and she lied about his middle
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capacity to serve as president. oh yeah, it's a rowdy in his home state of a higher concept praise to donald trump for the decisions he made during his 1st time is us present. you also have promised to increase domestic manufacturing raise . the thing in education staff is if the policy is elected and the vendor to the valid was at that value in middletown. you know, high of which i have on spend a lot of time during this rally refer right. phase trial to to the fact that it comes from it. after all, he is a local boy that's worked through the crowd here. there were hundreds of people, many of them couldn't even get inside a one point that have to be to find their way. because the whole in this school was full. he actually came out with that point because he knew people were annoyed. he gave them away and people left to couldn't get in happy that they'd at least got to say the amount they hope will become the vice president. of course,
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like i say he is a local boy, he's seen as a local boy who has done good. yes, he went to university one of the most prestigious in the well, yes, he was a bunch of capitalist and he was a best selling author whose life story was made into a netflix movie. but also he comes from very humble roots. he grew up here in small town america. he became a marine, he became a senator. now he is a potential vice president, some sites he could one site be a president of the united states, and that's what a lot of the people here hoping for security here as being very, very tight. remember, this is just starting for a week since an attempt was made on his boss, donald trump, slight in pennsylvania, and that is why we've been able to say security everywhere. there offices with guns there was night post on the roof. nobody here was taking a chance feel about, i'll just say era in middletown, ohio, the director of the u. s. secret service has told members of congress that to officials failed and the duty to protect donald trump. republican presidential
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candidates was grazed by bullets during the around in pennsylvania. kimberly treat what was said. it was the agencies list operational failure in decades. many politicians on the house it was thought committee wanted to resign. as if you have a tendency with holes, a raise her right hand despite caused by her resignation, secret service director kimberly tootle refuses to do so. all doing it's her role now to monitor the various inquiries into the security. lapses that up to the assassination attempt against donald trump. on july 13th, we failed. i am dedicated to find any answers to what happened. and like every secret service agent, we don't shirking for our responsibilities. i will remain on and be responsible to the agency to this committee, to the former president and to the american public. it is seasonal types of transparency, but refused to answer key questions. notably how it was possible that a roof and such a proximity to trump podium. that is, pennsylvania riley on july, the 13th could be left on secured. but even inside the security perimeter,
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people said she was waiting for the results of the investigations about make up to 2 months to complete. she did, however, confirmed of a 20 year old government had been flagged a suspicious but not as a prince. so secret service didn't stop the riley, and that the would be assassinated user range, find and reported their drone to case. besides, i have to assume that they did not know that there was a threat when they brought the president out on the stage prob, a trickle denali. but the trump campaign had been rebuffed and its request for extra security at this particular event. i believe directors should all that you should resign. performance was met with frustration and incredulity among members. the safety of secret service protect these is not based on their political affiliation. and the bottom line is that under director cheetos leadership, we question whether anyone is say not president biden, not the 1st lady, not the white house, and certainly not the presidential candidate security. over the course of 4 hours
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and 40 minutes, people insisted that they wouldn't be accountability, but not her resignation. i take full responsibility for any security lapse of our agency. we are fully cooperating with ongoing investigations. several investigations are underway, including a bipartisan task force appointed by the department of homeland security. in the meantime, cheetos testimony is only added to the by pauses on calls for her to go. she advertise the outer 0 capitol hill of the is, but uh says it has launched the dozens of rockets towards north and israel is rarely medium sized. at least 2 people have an interest in the city of serial. is the 1st such attack on the city by his but i'll post, i've been exchanging near daily, across the board of far since the war gone. so began the desktop in god's ears rising soft israel, the ones to new miniature probation. the city of con eunice,
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at least 70 people have been killed, dozens of wounded. and i've been taken to a nearby hospital palestinians say they were given no time to find safety. is there any forces started to bomb the area just moment saw? so they issued and evacuation what and who do a report start from their office on central cancer, the air strikes on eunice, and then as always, the casualties brought to hospitals in the box of cards. inside the dead lay on the floor. a familiar scene in garza, there's no despair. did you know that 6 of my family were killed? my son and his wife, together with the 3 daughters and son were all killed. what's wrong to those innocent children to me? so i landed, and then naples has a run out to see my sisters. my nephews and nieces always lying on the ground torn to pieces. the mother was also killed on the stomach was ripped open. they were old
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women, the young innocent children, the body parts of wood over the place. more ambulances arrive at the hospital. the task came minutes after and is there any warning to leave? not enough time for those people to escape. thousands of others rush to get out for simply displaced time and time again. told police, then it's a vicious cycle of brutality. the family was sleeping and they hit, they were children. this is the american naziism. this is the nothing nationally not system. israel carried out the tongues elsewhere this time outside of the hospital and did it. but the drones try kitchen, attend, used by turning this district was only 20 meters away where our team was based next
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to the hospital. the strength was so strong that the couple of my colleagues were knocked off their feet. this is meant to be a safe space next to the hospitals compound. she can communicate this man more in that way. where is our mother to ask him? she was killed, her body is inside the car trunk. he tells him. and from here she will be taken cheaper in the morning as she is driven away cleaning on to their final moments. get her into the office either that is the cause of house time medical stuff for the nurse, the hospital upset the situation that was out of control medical complex in calling you this has been overwhelmed with the number of patients which has been receiving daily, the wounded of being treated on the flu, health officials had declared the hospital known operation. actually we lost control over dealing with cases we had been receiving hundreds of course you will,
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it is and more till it is within uh or viewing 3 our our situation. uh, is that a bed? we need to be supported by me because of lies and assignments. uh, tens of cases are on the floor. we. we don't find bits to uh, least based on, on. uh, we want to find enough supplies to uh, to get his services to our patients. the situation is very hard to kind of assume has been following the latest developments from it that i'll, but i am central garza these very minute 3 is bouncing more pressure on at the city of han units and the solvent, hostile district. when you military controversial does have been passed to residents and the eastern areas recommended them to no longer remain in that place . but they have been given a very short time in which to have been on the wind minute. 3 bombardments families
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. in fact, they have been really struggling in order to leave their touches about thousands of displace palestinians are right now have a notebook and shelters while they are still families truck. um its this ongoing file where the minutes we announced that the ours pulsing and you mandatory and cogent and that parts of the city far seemingly as in the situation sounds really critical. it has been also was in the central areas was always that there is wait a minute to right now for an upgrade to refuge account. there was a very notable um, limited advancement for this very minute treat tax on the eastern areas of a brace, which has been a combined by white and tv onto the re an area of apartments. uh, i think, oh, residential houses in that area. the causing the very honest percent deal of destruction in that very marginalized parts of this trip to now there's so many kinds of lit up and fighting as how must have been engaging in fighting with these . what else to patient forces. not only do this as well, but also in operation in roughly in the falls house with district power composer. i
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will do 0 dairy, but i had a story. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has arrived in united states is expected to meet joe by a non comment of hers. he's also requested a meeting with donald trump and to make his 4th ever addressed to congress. that's in yahoo! it spoke to reports as before, boarding his flight to washington effect by them the 1st, the 4th in the world goza, 2 side slats, to see present environment, whom i've known for over 40 years will be an opportunity to factor in the war during as long to go here in public service center to vice president president and this time of war and on. certainly, it's important that is will know that america is will sign together today, tomorrow and always. so to come on out here, student protests is in bangladesh or refusing to stand up despite the quote routing
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and they're facing the same depth analysis of the day. sidelines. he's ready slack, his re accusing that i was looking upon them since informed opinions. this is her 1st visit to north korea in 24. yes. why is he making it now critical debate? i believe the selections will empower him in any way as well as voters in america inside story massachusetts. the group was fine to send on out jersey around the african stores from african perspective. like on venture dentist authorities using different media to show documentary why african filmmakers from kenya and kansas. if it goes to science, it in black a need for you pulled up on me to the west side,
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the file back whisper and all was fine. i use it on. i'll just sierra the challenges here with the the welcome back to remind me of a main headlines. us vice president comment harris has addressed campaigns to office at the headquarters and dunaway. the democratic party support for the
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presidential nomination gains momentum. iris permits to protect the portion of its strengths in the middle class and back of gun control if she were to win the president's republican policies, vice presidential nominee each defense as a task both joe biden and combat harris on the campaign trail. saying iris is a 1000000 times worse than finding housings 1st, photo routers, since it was chosen to trumps. running at least 70 palestinians have been killed off the israel doors to new. but it's you information and con units. eastern cost is what a forces started for me. just a moment solve the issue and events relation so many civilians have stuff in her friends as levels of violence that's according to the doctors without borders. the age group has accused both the student is on the, on the part of the 2 rapid support forces of quote, a blatant disregard for human life and international. though it's also a choose to both policies of subjecting and todd communities to indiscriminate
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trainings, assistance, a tax on the medical facilities. over the past 2 months, health facilities that we support typing rapid has being repeatedly attacked and targeted that we were forced to suspend the operations in what mcdonny in southeastern is to don. and most recently in the tuckers hospital, in cartoon since may and assess supports. his hospitals or premises have been hit by shilling or s strikes at least 5 times in on demand. call 2 ends of pressure leading to the death tests of health workers and patients including children to banquet. that's where the summer something so calm on the streets of the capital of the several days of protests against the controversial drop quotes. a system are seen as a partial victory for, for testers, the supreme court scrap to most government job quite as on sunday. the reinstatement of the policy and g spot,
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the students lead protests wasn't 140 people have been killed in thousands injured off to a cracked down by the police and the military. because he remains in place some kind of comes, blackout continues to effect insistence about phone services and the treasury has more now from the com. the separation is early comm. there's 3 hours car, few bag today. but the carpet continues in definitely and get the situation normalize according to the government, the student stays, they'll continue that person and they're a point, demands remain intact. there is also a major concern with becoming operation going on. students and other politicians been picked up many and not accounted for a permanent to young politician. were a student leaders, jeanette sucky, and now there is no real hard. no, no. then on the account that fraud united was found in the hospital, rudely bitten by the ruling party, certain members, so those cutting down still going on opposition member and the students who were
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protesting. and yet the government wants a conciliatory compromise with the student. the also concerned with people injured with shot gun pallets many are blinded. many family members went to get their families who are killed during the protest, but the medical alternatives are unwilling to hand over the body of those with the bullet injury. these are concerned that remains in a situation where they have complete black out. there's no news. the news in the p b r censored and there is no social media for people who kind of protest people kind of show what happened. and this will have that fall out and coming days and weeks. and this is hardly over till we know how people react to win the fee. all those videos. what happened on the, all of those people that accounted fox, because in the end, people who are to those who did that must be accounted for sandwich audrey, i'll just say the dock of. so you are in union. the says it will move up coming far
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and then defense ministerial meetings from budapest to brussels in protest against congress position on the board. ukraine. hungary currently holds the european union presidency, but it's a prime minister of it to over that came on the criticism for traveling to most got to meet the russian president. i think that puts in without the support of you. i lost you on i understood that we have to send the signal even if it is a symbolic so, you know, that's been a gains for a body. so to be a union. and disqualifying the policy of the union as the party will have to have some consequences. video has the most stuff appears to show the moment that ukrainian drove this truck an oil refinery in russia's southern crescent, a dollar region on sunday. forgotten
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5 can be heard trying to bring the drug down before it crashes into the facility. and by major russian oil company, there were no reports of casualties. ukrainian officials say the attack was carried out in retaliation for rushes, continued stripes on its energy infrastructure. the gunman has killed at least 5 pizza wounded. 3 all this of the opening fire with a nursing jaime ne in croatia, but called me to describe the suspect to the task as the fault in the countries for of independence and the early 19 ninety's. his shots and killed his mother and the other residents before fleet faced. they took a rest of the seats in the philippines present for the non marcus junior has ordered the closure of all online casino businesses, both of which are chinese. and while the move has been committed, did many people say they want mach costs to 1st address the high cost of living body to the reports, not from minnesota. and it's the 3rd state of the nation address. philippine
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president, 14 and marcus junior toted a fast growing economy on track. he said to deliver upper middle income status to millions are poverty rate has significantly dropped the 15.5 percent down from 18 percent in 2021. but outside congress or markets delivered to speech thousands who gather to put to say, he's out of touch. s gas and food prices remain high for the recently approved the minimum wage height of less than a dollar. we sent enough, it's a sentiment shared by many filipinos president for the benchmark has to do was selected by an overwhelming majority of people. but his popularity appears to be fading. with the latest opinion polls showing his approval rating falling to 53 percent. and then the other survey, nearly 60 percent, the filipinos breathing themselves as port. and then the president put what most
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filipinos to support is marxist foreign policy discharge. international support for the philippines claims into south trying to see the philippines. okay. not you. what else are working to settle the territory of dispute with china? diplomatically ahead of his address, the foreign ministry announced that the deal would be june and resupply and filipino troops, etc, has been reached. for details remain unclear. the 2 countries are also very much on the same page and the issue of online gambling us. marcus announced a total ban of the mostly chinese operations that are illegal in china. this guy using as an existing this entities their operations have ventured into elicit areas for this from tell you me. the grave abuse and disrespect to our system of laws must not a standing ovation for legislators follow the order that may prevent public support from marcus from sliding further winds below, which is 0 many low. so the weather is next then inside story examines us
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presidential rice. i took to buttons next it stay with the the hello again. a torrent of rain is being unleashed up and down the west coast of india. hi, everyone all has to do with the monsoon rain, so pretty much from con, can go off a ross drive right into good or at the highest level or it's issue for rain fall here. it's all spreading into central india going further north into the capitol region. so some downpours in new delhi over the next little bit. just know that there is a threat of flooding in this stone here for the philippines. 2 things going on on one side, the monsoon rains on the other, this departing tropical storm. but it's dragging whole this rain right across the booze on island. we'll talk more about this storm in one sec. but 1st,
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another storm at the same time, this tropical storm symes into the north coast of vietnam. so annoy looking at half a month's worth of rain over the next 24 hours and promised see we get here. we've got this strengthening, this will become a tie food as it closes in on tie one. think the red line on see where they started goes potentially passing rate over type pay. when it does, it could be the equivalence of a category to hurricane. so look what it does, potentially dropping a months worth of rain in 24 hours. those winds really within up on wednesday, and there is a threat of seeing some flooding once again in south korea and will end in indonesia. or there's plenty of sun to go around all islands. in 2021. the turkey security surfaces, the rest of the 15 suspected spies allegedly between 2 bodies, really intelligence the most that to report on our college student and just allow me to get in touch you sometimes they recruit you and you don't even realize you're
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being recruited. so just a while to explore the doc surveillance on to well beneath the diplomatic surface most that is done on our or out of the us presidential race. joe biden abandons his re election bid and backs his vice president. come along, harris. but what's behind this move and will it energize the democratic face ahead of november's election. this is inside store, the hello.


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