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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 23, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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the, the challenges the, [000:00:00;00] the color that runs installs the attain, this isn't use our life from the coming up. in the next 60 minutes. we have people to talk to, we have phone calls to make and we have an election to in the us vice president come of the harris begins, had campaigns of the white house saying she has enough support from democrats to
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clinch the policy anomalies. now, as you remember, joe biden as not just a quitter, which he is, but one of the worst president of the united states of america by friends, combo harris is a 1000000 times worse. and everybody knows the public into shifting their focus towards harris. as a vice presidential nominee j. the vans campaigns in virginia. is there any drawing strikes targets the occupied west? 565 people have been killed. folders have again destroyed building and as israel's war on gods that goes on need is a 14 palestinian rich including thomas and fox to sign an agreement in their divisions. the holy begin, this new is our and united states of vice president carmella harris has fully launched to campaign to become president. she says that she is secure with the support of enough democratic delegates to become the parties. belmany my kind of
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against our coverage from washington dc. the vice president harris meets members of what is now the campaign stop in wilmington, delaware, hometown of president biden, who still recovering from coded and who addressed the meeting by phone. the name is change the top of the ticket, but the mission hasn't changed at all. but as the vice president started speaking, the president made it clear he was still on the phone. i love. cumberland harris threw down the go and put to donald trump, referring back to the time is prosecute to and state attorney general creditors who are abused women prod stairs, who ripped off, consumers. cheaters who broke the rules for their own game. so hear me when i say i know donald trump's type in the wake of president
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biden's decision not to contest the election. what begun as a trickle of endorsements for coming to harris has become a flood today? i am fired up to endorse campbell harris. multiple state governors have expressed the support, some of whom would consider the potential challenges. well, the nomination, not only because of how honorably she has served in the past, but how absolutely ready she is to be president. a former house speaker, nancy pelosi also gave her endorsement. this is particularly significant, and she'd previously argued for an open convention in which the nomination would be contested and seized exciting the country while praising cumberland, harris. the 2 democratic party leaders and congress have not yet formerly endorse to the scene by some as a reluctance to put a finger on the scale. early in the day vice president terrace made his 1st public appearance and starting to see the democratic party nomination. hosting the event
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at the white house, celebrating student athletes, and she keep to praise on her former running mate. joe, by his legacy of accomplishment over the past 3 years, is unmatched in modern history. campaign organize the se in 24 hours a re, quote, $81000000.00 was the night, did 66 percent of it from people who have not given before a definitive indication of the impact harris is already having on the parties, grocery support, my kind of oh, to 0, washington. how the republican vice presidential candidates a event. it's targeted both president 5 and and coming to harris during raleigh's in ohio and virginia. now yes, you will remember joe biden as not just a quitter, which he is, but one of the worst president's the united states of america. but my friend, combo harris is a 1000000 times worse,
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and everybody knows that she signed up for every single one of jo biden's failures and she lied about his middle capacity to serve as president and earlier out of riley and his home state of ohio events. praise donald trump and the decisions that he made during his 1st time as president. he also promised to increase domestic manufacturing and raise living and education sound as if he and tom's are elected in there. then o sullivan was at that raleigh in middletown, ohio, in which i don't spend a lot of time joining this. riley refer right for his child. so to the fact that he comes from a to, after all, he is a local boy that's worked through the crowd here. there are hundreds of people. many of them couldn't even get inside a one point. they have to be to find your wife. because the whole in this school was full, he actually came out to that point because he knew people who were annoyed, he gave them away and people left to couldn't get in happy that they'd at least go to save the man. they hope will become the vice president. of course,
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like i say he is a local boy, he's seen as a local boy who has done good. yes, he went to university one of the most prestigious in the well, yes, he was a bunch of capitalist and he was a best selling author whose life story was made into a netflix movie. but also he comes from very humble roots. he grew up here in small town america, he became a marine, he became a senator. now he has a potential vice president, some sites. it could ones i be a president of the united states, and that's what a lot of the people here hoping for security here as being very, very tight. remember, this is just over a week since an attempt was made on his boss, donald trump, slight in pennsylvania, and that is why we've been able to say security everywhere. federal offices with guns there was night pissed on the roofs. nobody here was taking a chance. feel about, i'll just say era in middletown, ohio,
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the israel is and that it for the salt on kong. eunice has killed at least a few one palestinians. i'm injured more than 250 pounds to me and say they were given no time to find safety. is there any forces starting to bomb the area just moments of to the issues in about to ation or to the united nations? it says 83 percent of gaza is now on the evacuation or those will these, the glad know goes ons and who don't worry reports from general dollar in central gas. the air strikes on eunice and then as always, the casualties from 2 hospitals in the box of cards. inside the dead lay on the floor. a familiar scene in garza, there's no despair. don't know that 6 of my family were killed. my son and his wife, together with the 3 daughters and son, were all killed. what's wrong that those innocent children to me suddenly ended and then naples has
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a run out to see my sisters. my nephews and nieces only lying on the ground torn to pieces. the mother was also killed on the stomach was ripped open. they were all women, the young innocent children, the body parts of wood over the place. more ambulances arise at most of the hospital. the task came minutes after and is there any warning to leave? not enough time for those people to escape. thousands of others rush to get out for simply displaced time and time again. told police, then it's a vicious cycle of brutality. the family was sleeping and they hit, they were children. this is the american not system. this is the nothing. yeah, not system. israel carried out a ton of swear,
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this time outside of the hospital and did it. but the drones try kitchen, attend, used by turning this district was only 20 meters away, where our team was based next to the hospital. the strength was so strong that the couple of my colleagues were knocked off their feet. this is meant to be a safe space next to the hospitals compound cause we have continued this, this man more in that way. where is our mother to ask him? she was killed her body. he is inside the car trunk. he tells him. and from here she will be taken to the bay in the morning as she was driven away cleaning on to their final moments with her into the office. either that is the cause of house time. well, let's speak to him. she joins us now from there all by the end of this new is really offensive. and sonya just came quickly in your report. you were saying literally minutes focused through what happened.
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well, this is exactly as you mentioned, a couple of minutes to it. back to you within the past 24 hours. is there any forces for thousands of palestinians to become displaced? again? not only displaced but also homeless skills as case 821 college sinews, injured 2015 other palestinians. and this is the only happened in san eunice in the southern gauze of city, thousands of how this thing is did not have any place to go to last night. he slept in the streets without taking any of their belongings because they were at force to evacuate under fly or were they not even have time to collect any of their belongings there? not only that, but there are policy is still trapped in the eastern parts of con eunice, just like, but needs to have the colorado as days. right. the forces are expanding their crum upper ations, the eastern parts of the community. also that is there any forces shrink the human
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to target and so the so called the human to a young zone in milwaukee. i couldn't use it, but it's, it's the size of the humanitarian. so an on demand is smaller than it's used to be after this evacuation order. yes, the thing is also believe that there's no place in god's it was the western parts of communities were already targeted in the past couple of weeks. and the for us report on the grounds and they're all the incentives also. thank you. well, that's not bringing months, so stream and here's of how this thing and john the standard amount of terry and who has witnessed the will fast time in both rasa. i'm con eunice and i'm so we were just telling me to do still have some of your colleagues and sonya is what is you've been hearing from us last night. i think was one of the worst nights for the people in the southern region in the us the, especially antonio and us, hundreds of thousands of people left the eastern side of hon. eunice, and within minutes had to relocate to the western side. it's,
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you're talking about people who have to restart their lives from scratch multiple times multiple times. and when they went back to their homes in the eastern side to find you in us, they have to get the furniture out to that level. rebuild tents, try to make, make shift homes, and they stayed there for a few weeks and then they have to relocate again, leaving everything behind that they've gathered and they've really started their life. so i moved backs within minutes, back to the east to the western side. of highness, back to a mossy area. people last night were killed, injured, living on the streets, living as it was, it was extremely difficult when getting in touch with the people on the ground the . the humanitarian efforts are almost stopped. it's very difficult to get stuff insides, whether it be caustic with the 2 or goods. not only in the south, anastasia was also in the north, in the north, for the 75, the indoor coil, no vegetables, no fruits,
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no frozen goods are allowed to get in. the southern nation sense in the northeast have stopped working because there is no fuel allows to get into the north. during that us, you'll see the 10th of the german list that has been born twice now over a 163 during the rest have been killed and targeted many with their families. i think it's the old pressure tactics by the israelis on the proceedings as they go forward. is that their negotiations, you speak about pressure tactics and you and your family yourselves with subject to evacuation. what is when you are in gaza? can you perhaps explain to for some of the view is how that works. i know there if and leaflets dropped at times. sometimes they even issued a telecommunications networks, which obviously also not terribly reliable. how much time people ordinarily given to flaming this time. we were hearing was less than an hour. yeah. i think this time there were no leaflets. it was just communication on facebook, asking people to leave as soon as possible from one area to another. and people who
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didn't have internet didn't talk phone connections. i'm sure you're surprised and shocked, and that's why many people are still trapped there with hundreds to calling for help. and normally what happens is lead fits are dropped, messages are sent up. issues statements are issued on different social media networks. sometimes it's comes within minutes, sometimes within hours, the land invasion or the more mixed starts from the air. it's very hectic. it's very, very stressful. and you don't know what's going to happen. so, and you're given no indication of when the actual defensive will begin. no, no, no, no, no indication you never know if it's even going to happen or not. and so they sometimes refer to as old numbers and people in the house that don't, don't understand what these on numbers are referred to as times in terms of, of the situation right now and communist you talked about people calling for help for hearing that civil defense received something like 1700 calls. what is the capacity of civil defense that now they even able to feel that many calls? no, no, when i was in new and
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a so there was one civil defense unit that was active besides and also the hospital. however, that was bumped to the ground and evacuated. the they built a temporary one and a mossy in the western side of han, eunice. but even that is running out of fuel that doesn't have a lot, the vehicles that is functioning and them trying to get to help the people in the eastern side, in the, in the east and for the finding. this is also a suicide mission for the civil defense. we're chris. so yes, they're getting these calls, but i think that it's people on the ground trying to help each other rather than the civil defense actually attending to the. well, we are also now hearing that something like 83 percent of the entire gaza strip is under the, is about to ation. what is it in terms of people being told to flee how people actually deciding where to go? especially given what we've also been seeing and, and on the last 2 of us over the previous days and weeks. so as and said, not even on the policy itself is, is all totally safe. there's still
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a big parts that have been boned by the is early, so there is some parts and l mossy. there are some products in the central region about around i'll also martyrs hospital. there are also some parts in the north, in the city and your body of that are safe. but i think even it's less than that. this is more than 8 to 3 percent because the amount of places that the people are able to set up tents and have fresh water to attend to, is much less than that. fresh water is extremely important for people to set up cops. and of course, only seeing everything get increasingly increasingly crowded on social and thank you for joining the scan on the al jazeera news. thank you. it has a lot of saying that it is launched, dozens of rockets towards moving israel is really media say that at least 2 people have been injured in the city of jury. well, now this is the 1st stop to attack on that city by has, by that has been need daily across border exchanges of fi since the war and also
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began is there any during strikes have killed at least 3 palestinians and toll car them and the occupied westbank, the military rated, the city again was seen carrying several bodies away on the folders on the boulders, as also used to destroy roads and buildings. there are reports of as rarely slices on rooftops. then all entrances into tools car and have been closed by the is really all me well that speak to, nor does she joins us now from the law in the occupied westbank. no, as we've been saying, these rates have been almost nightly since hope type of it. can you give us some context as to what's happened here and to current as well? the raid into tools cut them has been going on for more than 12 hours. now the communication has been disrupted, the electricity cut off to the food, cut them a refugee camp. we know that there was a drone strike. this is the latest in 28 drone attacks. the b as really army has carried out in the occupied was back in the past 9 months. those strikes in total
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have killed $77.00 palestinians including 14 children in this particular attack. we know that one woman was killed, her body was delivered to the palestinian red crescent fee is ready armies talking about $2.00 fighters who were killed as you said, the bodies of the palestinians killed them. that attack were taken away by the is really army. so we have no confirmation, but local sources in the comp are telling us either that up to 5 people or killed in that drone attack further to the south in the occupied was 5 in. so you had an issue. we have confirmation from palestinian and health ministry sources that 2 palestinians were killed in separate raids on those areas. of course, the is really military has been carrying out constant grades across the occupied 3rd street. the number of those rates has tripled in the past 9 months. ro, david with the latest for us,
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from the law in the occupied restaurant. thank you. a closed door talks between chinese officials and 14 palestinian groups including senior high loss and fox, our latest have concluded envisioning. this is the 2nd attempt to buy chinese diplomats to bridge the gap and find the consensus between the arrival palestinian factions. leaders had been meeting with china's foreign minister one yet. they have now signed the document in the ending division, which they according to beijing declaration. well, we cannot bring in with stuff about gucci. he's the subject general of the palestinian national initiative. one of the 14 impala standing groups that have signed this unity deal in beijing. he joins us now from now, and skype was definitely let me start by asking you what's in this unity agreement of the sort of the basic elements and disagreement. so which are the most important? the 1st one is that the student groups have declared doubt or unified and
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confronting the budget aside. that is happening in gaza on the actual finalization of the attacks on the us bank as well as 2nd. there was a declaration of that stuff just meant of and into the national consensus of government, which would be and responsible for maintaining cuz they need to you 1st bank and gaza. and with the present above do that would to be responsible for the guys a and that they asked us to see this is an important step because it blocks the. is there any efforts to create some sort of a collaborative structure against of us to an interest? there was also a decision that there wouldn't be a, an interim. uh, even if i do the show and i quoted for that meeting, go over the phone, but it's 1014, but it is. so become this kind of instead of leadership dealing with the chapel
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into the police team and people could conduct elections. it was a i found and disagreement, the new policy now national concepts of deformed. so to democratic for the elections, for the students in the occupied territories on the outside. by this time, while it to a multiple, i mean let me ask you about the timing was best because some of these splits between loss and factor. for instance, go back to 2007. how much has the war had an impact on palestine in unity because it could have also gone me all the way or whether it's the main factor because everybody feels the heavy pressure of that is coming from this terrible war crimes committed in guys. there's no side the collective punishment, the fact that the student people have to tell you unprotected in front of this, the general side that they're subjected to. and sufficiently, the most recent decision of the commission, which is declared that there is no place for that. but a student in the state and the fact that particularly declared the desk of most of
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the agreements. and there is no other way of for ballasting as now, but to be unified. i'm united dentist that i'm going to go to, i guess, distorted, but injustice understood, but like addition, but uh, as you own was said, the most important thing to now is not only to sign the agreement which was done, but to implement that. so the most important thing now is the cdl and immediate implementation of this important important agreement, which when fab the much further than i guess i agree meant in the last few years. and then there was talks in moscow in february to this, as we've been reporting as the 2nd round of talks, engaging with stuff and what has been the role of these external mediators and particularly the chinese and, and brokering this agreement. i think the fact that china stepped in as the most good did before it is important. it shows that these important so by
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the powers really supportive of the policy manual entity and some part of the policy now rights in face of the is there any efforts to completely eliminate and liquidate above the stands? i accept a determination on the police to me and rights and jennifer. so the fact that the b g and most go out into feeding guns in this case, i think the declaration in between built on what was that you before that must cool . and the fact to that, to do the best of the little from both for though so for the extra on the egypt on the dead key would present during the signing of the agreement means that there is a serious support for them. all these gone is to the right, so it's up in this to me and people for freedom and independence. it's not just that the, i'm pushing for unity and they're pushing for unity because they're the allies that they only deal with the strength. and the 1st thing in our ability to stand up to the is the, is it any aggression? and that's in my opinion, the meaning of what's happening and you speak about standing up against is really
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aggression. and you mentioned that part of this agreement very critically. includes this national consensus government that would then take control of gaza in this article day often. what does that now mean facies find a goal? she ations does this now mean that because there is no palestine in unity that may be momentum going into talks and i hope so because it shows that it shows that is an early site that may be the american side as well. that the, any plans to divide, palestinians will not work and that their dreams about creating an alternative number of structure that would uh, be working on the some of the is that a new patient will not work. and does. it shows that we are all unified against these kinds of these kinds of plans. so hopefully this will help push forward that sees via the discussions on though i must say that the biggest,
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the biggest to decide in this whole process is that the states of america that has fin drastically in price shutting is the interest of this study. but genocide that is taking place in gaza and had the united states being had a difficult position. we would not see, we would not have seen this kind of an atrocity that is taking place now. and finally on this on did so many other places. the situation in gaza is absolutely domestic and the presence of very serious threat to the lives of every man and woman and child that goes to ship. so we need to know the whole, every possible international pressure to force is ready to go into that agreement to cease fire stuff without going to you that the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative on a 14 palestinian groups that have just signed that deal. and vision, thank you so much for joining us on out of there again stuff. thank you. thing. well, speaking of the united states is really probably minister benjamin as in yahoo has
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just arrived in washington. he's expected to meet presidents reviving and vice president calling on harris. that's me on who has also requested a meeting with donald trump and will be making his full address to congress. has on the name they is a political unless stuff and at least institute. he says they will be no tangible results on the goal is to cease fire from the strength. it is more of a symbolic visit than the message and visit then one that may be expected to you. excellent outcomes such as the ceasefire. no, i benjamin nathaniel does not stop as despite that does not guarantee his the item that i thought is to continue the war and even that. yeah. that, that is a concern or should arrangements even at that level and with this spark has been gone. so i think the main purpose of the visit is to assure his audience, back home, but also in the states that said, any disagreement that might happen if he does the resolve to us uh,
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his unit strategy and tactics is uh, a big change. and how does that sound is uh, i think the past and that he is certain of the bipartisan support that the us will provide. this is why it's less cons. now me thing with the by then it takes and you purpose now that by there is no longer sure running for president back to it. it's remains at the level of symbolism be the deal. it's in the interest of what's bothering and that's nothing. the answer to see more hostage is really easy, but uh, nothing. yeah, with these types, the terms and the button has knocked over the past 9 months. done anything in order to undo it. that's reality. i don't think now that he's not on the front end. that's going to change it, he's meeting with the trump the if, if it's like to happen would be of major importance to him. because expectation they stated that a top presidency would be better for whatever reason. coming. i seem to have
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suggested that times some concerns that then you know, there's not sure about the length of the understanding and beyond that. i think he's going to reassure headsets. i'm his audience, both in the united states, but most so much. so it is that of the bipartisan support that he enjoys, and that is that inches a hostile ahead. this house there and use on the head of the us secret service admits of donald trump is attempted. assassination was the agencies, most significant operational failure and dismay within the european union on hungary is position on russia's war and you crank the the and here's how the story goes across europe in africa on tuesday. so we're going to talk about these outbreaks of rain pretty much stretching from germany up into
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denmark, norway and sweden that then spreads out through the baltic states, sunlight, showers. i think the bigger burst of rain will actually be preserved for sweden on tuesday. also dealing with the mix of weather through central europe into the balkans as well. some pockets will definitely be heavier than others, but also sunny spells as well. still feeling quite hot across portugal and spain. temperatures coming down. it's in loose, been on tuesday to 35 degrees if you can believe it, and all this heat is coming out from africa. i look at that, the temperature america, ash $45.00, still the heat wave for central algeria is balls. and let's go back to greece and turkey because it is also hot here, somewhat, whether there was starts of dancing to assemble at 34 degrees. and it's also hot for that northeast side of africa. so from cairo down the nile into as one storms march out of molly pushing right in to set a goal, at least along the border and to the south. we go. it is a quieter picture,
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but so eventually we'll have this weather maker slide into the western cape providence that will happen late to state on wednesday. so cape town, enjoy this talking while you can see of the african stories from african perspective. i lay convinced i dentist, authorities using different media to show documentary wise applicant filmmakers from kenya and tanzania. if it goes to a science, it in black, a nickel, you pulls up on me to the west side, the bile, bob waste and all was fine. i used the drivers on, i'll just sierra the latest news, as it breaks. they are not afraid they are going to stay here. and on that, with detailed coverage presidents enforced isolation may very well lead to increased
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calls for him to in his quest for a 2nd term. from around the world. irregular migration from west africa into europe rose by 174 percent in the 1st couple of 2024. the the the, [000:00:00;00] the one that you're watching now does 0. let's remind you about top stories. the found at least asian one palestinians have been killed off to israel launched a new military operation. con eunice and southern gauze is full. so sauce and
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farming area just maintenance officer is showing an evacuation because don't talks between the chinese officials and 14 palestinian groups including senior. i have lots of thoughts on it as have contributed invasion. both parties have signed the documents and the ending division, which they according to the asian declaration, who as far as present carmella harris has fully launched campaigns to become president. she says she's secure enough democratic support to become her policy. meanwhile, the republican policies vice presidential nominee dr. events has attacked both by them and harris on the campaign trail isn't hosing has a fast so rally since he was chosen as comes running may last week. ahead of the u. s. secret service has described the assassination attempt against donald trump. as the agencies west operational failure and decades. the republican presidential candidate was shot during a rally and pennsylvania more than a week ago. now and many politicians on the house oversight commission, you want company truthful to resign, she have or times the has
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a raise her right hand despite caused by a resignation secret service director. kimberly cheadle refuses to do, sir, arguing it's her role now to monitor the various inquiries into the security. lapses that up to the assassination attempt against donald trump. on july 13th, we failed. i am dedicated to find any answers to what happened. and like every secret service agent, we don't sure for our responsibilities will remain on and be responsible to the agency to this committee, to the former president and to the american public. there's trees all types of transparency but refused to answer key questions. new to how it is possible that a roof and such proximity to trumps podium. that is, pennsylvania riley on july, the 13th could be left unsecured. but even inside the security perimeter, people said she was waiting for the results of the investigations about make up to 2 months to complete. she did, however, confirmed of a 20 year old government had been flagged a suspicious but not as
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a threat. so secret service didn't stop the riley and the would be a fascinated user range, trying to and reported their drone to case. besides, i have to assume that they did not know that there was a threat when they brought the president out on the stage prove a truthful denali, but the trump campaign had been rebuffed and its request for extra security. at this particular event, i believe director, she said all that you should resign performance has met with frustration and incredulity among members. the safety of secret service protect these is not based on their political affiliation. and the bottom line is that under director toodles leadership, we question whether anyone is safe, not president biden. not the 1st lady, not the white house, and certainly not the presidential candidate security. over the course of 4 hours and 40 minutes, people insisted that they wouldn't be accountability, but not her resignation. i take full responsibility for any security lapse of our agency. we are fully cooperating with ongoing investigations. several
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investigations are underway, including a bipartisan task force appointed by the department of homeland security. in the meantime, cheetos testimony is only added to the bipartisan calls for her to go. if you ever time see, i will do 0 capitol hill. a ben call is a us national security and foreign policy specialist. he says the failures could lead to achieve those from google. i think the issue really is that there are clear glare and gaps that have already been found in the handling of these that specific event that led to the nearest destination of the former president trump. and i suppose that there will be additional information or details that are discovered in the investigation. but i think really the heart of the issue is known. and a one cannot say is simply that, oh,
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this is the worst failure in decades. and then carry on. i think it's inevitable and probably really the appropriately called for that the head of the service be held responsible. the gaps in the coverage be specified which is she did not do in the testimony and then whatever measures like there may not even be need in new measures needed simply enforcement of protocols. the effectively which i think is probably the case. but short of those steps occurring, then really there's been no response by the institution, the secret service and, and it's had to what was in your national calamity. a lot of times on donald trump's life has had a major impact on the election campaign. let's get more on this for stephen oak and he's a political analyst and was also a stuff and former us president bill clinton's administration. he joins us today from single statement with this latest round of senior endorsements that we're
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seeing for couple of harris. we're seeing remarkable unity in the democratic policy . i know she has never been seen as a particularly strong candidate. so is this about policy discipline or off is of the democratic party been seen as chaos like taking precedence or that having an open process? the last one burying his excitement around vice president harris, but to nobody unifies the democratic party like donald trump does. nobody in the democratic party wants to see donald trump get a 2nd term. and so really, it is pretty surprising in a way that the part of unified so quickly and so thoroughly behind vice president harris. there had been talk, you know, in the lead up to the president by making that decision to withdraw that there would be some type of open process. there'd be town hall. there'd be some, some speeches that a convention amongst multiple candidates. that's all over it happened remarkably
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fast and, and that's in large part for 2 reasons. vice president harris, one and equally donald trump. number 2, you've said that it's a, essentially a done deal. i mean, the process itself also needs to seem that just a minute does not get and given the way for now. and do you think that there will be any kind of effect of the process or is it now done in does harris have it in the back? the vice president has it in the back or these your delegates. this is a democratic party process and the democratic party, these delegates were pledged to jo, buying and kind of all that harris. and so it's not like somebody new is coming in who they didn't think was part of it, take it to begin with. and so like there could have been if there was, if people were not satisfied and when i made people, i mean the approximately 4000 delegates who are going to vote at the convention in chicago. if they really weren't satisfied. it wouldn't be that they're, they're satisfied, and they also recognized that the only way the democratic party is,
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is going to be donald trump, in a very unified republican party, is to be equally unified. so it really came together seem with me and, and faster than most people anticipate. so is the convention now on october 6th, sorry, august 16th is that now going to be more about the vice presidential pick. but sure, that'll be a part of it. and there, there's no very qualified names that you hear out there. i think the to, to, to watch the most would be governor shapiro from pennsylvania, sen kelly from from arizona. both swain states. what the democrats must, when pennsylvania they, they would like to in arizona but, but pennsylvania is almost the most important state for both. you know, the democrats and the republicans, both are more moderate, is seen as moderates in the party, and that balance is out, you know, vice president harris. and so it works from a, a balance perspective. it works from a geographic perspective. and so i, there would be a good pick and that's certain that she could go in another direction. there's
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another half dozen names that are out there, but it will be in part about who she picks. but it's also going to be in parts get the party together, get it unified, come out of chicago with, with an energy to match. if not a see what the republicans did when they came out of their convention in milwaukee . a little space and how the republicans like hans imagined the trunk campaign is particularly thrilled about this. how does this now shift for public and strategy going towards november? well, the, the republicans and the republican machine has been extraordinarily effective, and insane. joe biden was too old. he was seen by all, he was part of this binding crime family. all of that work that they've been doing to demonize in a way and make it seem and confident president find all that worked on because that doesn't apply to vice president harris. now what the republicans are going to try and do,
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and you see the vice presidential candidate j events in particular doing is tying vice president harris to president fine when it comes to the issues of which they are not pulling very well where they don't have a lot of support immigration, the number one inflation in the economy like code number one or and number 2. and so they're going to try and make this a referendum. and president biden's 1st term and what vice president harris is going to do and, and can do more effectively than what president biden was trying to do, is make this a referendum on donald trump. and do you want 4 more years of, of what we had from 2016 to 2020. so it's a battle of narratives. and president buying was not as capable of, of winning that battle to control the narrative as vice president harris isn't. and that's where we come to right now, and is why you see the republicans trying so hard to tie vice president harrison to president by all certainly some very exciting political days ahead of us. stephen open the typical less than a full mas stuff and the clinton administration. thank you so much for sharing your
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insights with us on those. is there a student? thank you. are now moving on is on the dash at least a 187 people have died and a crack down on protest against a government job course a policy thousands more injured on sunday. the supreme court scrapped most of that job reservation scheme. as reintroduction had sparked the student had protest, police and soldiers still enforcing a nationwide costs you and telecom. this blackout continues to interrupt to mobile phone and internet services prime and associates because he and a husband feel physician for the violence. she says the coffee will only be lifted when the security situation is $0.50. if you want to talk to the most sensitive thing is the matter of the students, we must make sure that they won't get homed. we've tried by assets of all police and all forces. when awesome terrorism started, the protesting students said they were not involved in it. and we can damage, we don't want it. when the students pulled away from the protests by deployed the
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army only, then i did not do it before that. many want to tell me about deploying the army against the students. i was involved in student politics starting from the dock of university. i know what the army could do. in uganda, the military has been deployed on the streets of the capital. come paula to the tub . planned anti corruption protests that soldiers and police reported to abrupt older roads leading to parliament. young ugandans accused the government to run to corruption and human rights abuses, police of band or protests and the capital. on the eve of these pond, anti government protest, your guns proposition, need to be one posted on line, saying that police had surrounded the headquarters of the national unity platform policy and composite the opposition blocking off roads and arresting its policy mendez. he says, the government affairs, the will of the people and once the fear of the government fades, the quote, they will lose their power over us. when you count as president,
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the or even 70 wound in a televised address on saturday, that protest will not be tolerated. what the right to the do you have to seek to do? let's go to compare what the right to do of we are busy producing. what are you a good things to put up between the other parts of the study? the grateful hunger. do you do you want to disturb us? do you agree with the fire? well that's bringing the engine when that he's the managing director of the independent and yours magazine based out of uganda. he joins us now from kind of paula. i'm do when you hear that restaurant from the 71 in protest as they're playing with via i know there's been no permits issued for these protest. how
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concerned are you about the government response today, especially given the deployment we've already seen on the streets. i actually think that is more of the same, it is what the what the expected of present to 70. i think that the given the kind of support the student, can you please read a get for that to see if you allow such to put this take place the may lead to their home place. so it is a better, but event it from happening, then thought i would type in, i'd have to bear the consequences show you mentioned kenya that i've been curious about the timing of these protests. how much of this has been inspired by what's been happening over the board? and i think so, i think the support this in uganda has been a goodly is bad. and the students, 18 court is happening in the day now and even have gone to governments and a spouse itself is shipped by looking at what top indicating you. you see the
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mobilization has been taking place for around about one of my senior brand thinking based on social media. so the government didn't knew what was coming when it looks across the board that they see that the kenya, the government stories movement, mobilizing on social media, i'm going to action what advantage the i'm because it will take action. they went overwhelmed by the most sessions, and the principal was forced to devices, decisions. now in uganda, the just letting people get into and you get out of work this, so that was what i need from you. so the social media owner that the government to you, especially the president, has effected on for over the over the gotten elements of the state, especially the forces. so he has depended on it. and what kind of training of the system to ensure that people are going to much to what is by them and, and also gardens. no he that one. yeah. said, don't play with the fight a few minutes so that if you were there, it's interesting the choices that the government has made in terms of the
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deployment, the police understand of barricaded opposition headquarters but, but the wind has also been very clear. this protest movement is not being organized by the opposition that it's a grocery, it's use movement as we saw in kenya to can you explain where this came from? i think it is government the debris that the look at. what does it knows that the loop is nothing following this mobilization, but i'm sure they don't want to extract is because if you put yourself in the position of government, you would expect that the newport one take advantage of the situation. so the best way is to assure that you're going to take and the child said, you don't allow in. that is what so ever. remember, this is a basic kind of, it means that a government that can follow up to the perfect i'm the struggle governments like that. do you see that mean show you like if you had to now when the one that you knew uh to be cut off, what they have to look into that is because they did the fuse, but typically situated the videos that you with the density. i'm going to for the look, the space for the point is to organize and challenge them,
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especially organize the demonstration. you can just see that because if it to is it what you to, for the simple brevity, you kind of gives you the government. so any section in the city? well, speaking of toppling a government, i mean this is primarily supposed to be about corruption. i was looking at some of the numbers. it's $2700000000.00 last the corruption every year. i see that how speak it has been sanctioned for corruption by the u. k. i'm the united states. obviously, corruption is deeply entrenched in uganda despite the government promises to fight that we've been saying this is a huge movement. what does the use want it done differently? well, i think that the, the combustion of the government of uganda to deliver publish it will design services, destructible industry. still debate has been quickly compromised by a gross corruption id corporate. this new brand, especially the company to frustrate the drugs that sort of port cards. they use it right, the dream. it just a book. uh, even the trucks uh people have constructing call,
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just have to go to the heart. so then should the agent and ms quin uganda used to get over it about think a bunch of government to deliver, what does that services publish with the services you kinda understand where they're coming from? the other thing is that i think of the government of uganda, easy. i'm to the dist. yeah. to always go into these but this i personally think of different ways that i know the government to the best. what government to do is to try to improve its own performance in order to reduce the end of the use. but instead they say government, i think it's after that the, to fight the money that's pending or no. i mean i'm the police on pain, right? it's got to actually be spend 20 proving the life income, but so i get the sense of the shooting themselves in the front. so suddenly see what happens on the streets of can paula today under one to the managing director of the independent news magazine based out of compile that thank you for joining us . sandra. you're welcome. you're welcome. now if you, if you and government official a saying at least a $157.00 people have died in the district of go 5,
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which is in the south west of to, to land slides hit that area. officials on saying that women, children, and police officers are among the dead rescue if it's a concrete on the way of the canals, with the likelihood of thing as enough after the insurance up and following a heavy rain. but the damage is heavy. initially it was 3 families that were buried by the lawn, so we are so searching for body as for the death to search for people who came to the rescue also got dropped. so far we don't have the exact numbers as right, that's fine. casualties. i know when we complete the investigation, we will make everything public. it has a very sides, and so then we are transporting the injured to health facilities and hospitals. we are trying to gather people who lost their houses and we might also need for the machines and bring them here in the united states has announced a $16000000.00 humanitarian assistance package for hasty. it's invested up to the
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united nations into thomas greenfield made that pledge during a trip to the caribbean nation. the aid will include food shelter and help with improvement water and sanitation services. unless the national falls lead by kenya has also arrived and hate is part of the security emission to tackle guns on the european union says at home is upcoming foreign and defense ministerial meetings from budapest to brussels and protest against hungry his position on the war. a new crime, a hungry, currently holds the european union presidency, brought to its prime minister, vic to oregon has come under criticism, said himself traveling to moscow, or somebody's russian presence that them imprisoned without the support of you allies. except austin has moved from amsterdam it would be an understatement to say that to fix the oven has ever stated brussels and many you lead us. what has been really in the back is now really a spots within the you. and what has cost is all is all the phone
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a trip just as hungry. assume a d e u presidency in july, immediately he travelled to see if the last code. so badging an even match with donald trump in the washington. and all this happens without a mondays from russell's or any you need us all, but of course have from the beginning had a different sense a than many are you lead us on what russia has done in ukraine. the invasion of oregon has warm relations. so with the president sliding me a present and has a long talk to any 8 minutes we 8 for ukraine. well, this latest this trip. the solo trip, as it has been described, you call that a piece mission. but also i from the la and lashed out last week saying it was an a p smith mission, joseph burrell. the you for policy chief has called is unacceptable. this has now
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gone too far to many leaders. so now this very important team meeting, which is scheduled for august in hungry will now take place in brussels and hungry . it's for administer, has also lashed out against this decision. also say, that's what the us doing is very childish. he's calling it the boy called and also says that this is of bill colorado. so this is definitely a spot and we will see how this continues sub class. and i'll just say rough. and i'm so that i'm still a head here on our protest in the philippines against the cost of living that the president's house, the nation poverty is decrease the,
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the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the problem that now columbia, as president, gustavo petro has signed until legislation binding bull fighting he says it may be an festal tradition, but that cannot justify killing animals for fun. petra has been watching to vandalizing since he became the mirror as long as i'm old and 12 years ago. really . but up your step in the philippines that president had non block australia, has ordered the close of all online casino businesses, most of which the chinese are. and now while that move has been welcomed, many people say they want low cost to fast address. the high cost of it, having fallen below reports of from the law and is 3rd state of the nation address
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. philippine president. 14 and marcus junior toted a fast growing economy on track. he said to deliver upper middle income status to millions are poverty rate has significantly dropped the 15.5 percent down from 18 percent in 2021. but outside congress or markets delivered to speech thousands who gathered to protest, say he's out of touch gas and food prices remain high. the, the recently approved that they do minimum wage height of less than a dollar. decent enough is a sentiment shared by many filipinos president for the men. marcus du du was selected by an overwhelming majority of people, but his popularity appears to be feeding. with the latest opinion polls showing his approval rating, falling to 53 percent. and then the other survey, nearly 60 percent the filipino spitting themselves as poor manager president, putting what most filipinos to support is marxist foreign policy, restored to international support for the philippines. claims in the south china
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sea, philippines cannot yield what also working to settle this territory. of dispute with china diplomatically ahead of his address, the foreign ministry announced that the deal would be june and resupply. filipino troops, etc, has been reached for details remain unclear. the 2 countries are also very much on the same page. and the issue of online gambling us marcus announced a total ban of the mostly chinese operations that are illegal in china. this guy using as an adjustment entities their operations have ventured into a list of areas for this from tell you me, the grave abuse and disrespect to our system of law so much not a standing ovation for legislators follow the order that the prevent public support for marcus from sliding further wine to below l. g 0. many like are now the fonder as so one of the was the biggest aviation trade says is currently taking place in the u. k. a, as in john, a boss showed off. it's new as passenger jet,
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a long range single, i'll aircraft. now the show her across manufacturers in more than a 100 exhibit is from the u. k. aerospace, defense security and space sectors. on that set for this news i've done going. i'll be back in just a moment to stay with the fiduciary selves leader who fought in a brutal 21 years civil war and which on to become suzanne's 1st vice president, a news release global knowledge to which we or identified what happens next is to live mystery which is the real world,
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tells the story of john graham and mysterious death analogy. as pirates prepared to host the olympic games, french athletes where the head, jeff will not be allowed to compete. alongside players, coaches and team leaders, athletes challenges to by creating a space for us to embrace the game they love, regardless of what they wear on their head powers, game changes which is document part of the jersey though they don't want to lose their dignity being displays and makes, it comes and not being able to get access to food, asking questions. how likely is it in reality that nothing yahoo would be arrested when visiting
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a fine look posing from the action from what i would say to the administrative health is come to see the effects of us best all from the factories in india. i'll just use chines across the world when you closer to the costs of the story of the . ringback the we have people to talk to, we have phone calls to make, and we have an election to in the us vice president come of the harris begins. i campaigns for the white house saying she has enough support from democrats to clinch the policy.


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