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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 23, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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as the, the path to the white house goes through wisconsin. and so pamela harris holds her 1st rally of a presidential campaign in the special down state of wisconsin, determined to put a re, quote against donald trump, the 0 line from dall. so coming up, a desperate search for survivors off to, to land slides in the remote community and self wisdom, ethiopia, at least 229 people out there is where these tags and troops can 8 to 9. and one day during a new assault from con eunice and southern gauze. and since
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it is an unconstitutional outrage in the us onto the police scale and on the platform and the building up the middle call signed a choice between freedom and chaos, comma harris is made of those campaign speech in the background state of wisconsin . she says she now has enough delegates to win the democratic nomination to take on donald trump. the prosecutors compare them to criminals. she's dealt with in the pulse. trump, on the other hand, is said that he will close absolutely debate to terrace move in. once in this campaign, i promise you i will proudly put my record against his any day of the week.
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the as attorney general in california took on one of our country's largest for private colleges that was scamming students. a donald trump ran a for profit college that scammed students. as a prosecutor, i specialize in cases involving sexual abuse. well, trump was found liable for committing sexual abuse. meanwhile, u. s presidential biden's back in washington for the 1st time since he dropped his blood for re election and endorsed carmella harris. he's been isolated his home, and del away off to being diagnosed with cove of 19 joe biden will be giving a 10 devices address on wednesday, the 1st time he'll speak on camera since quitting the presidential race you as
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president joe biden says he plans to appoint a new director of the sequence of a soon, kimberly, truthfully designed off to the assassination attempt on donald trump. 10 days ago on monday chisel told members of congress, the attack on july 13th was a agencies biggest operational failure in decades. she's come on, the growing pressure to resign off to a gunman opened fire on the presidential candidates as a ready and pennsylvania. donald trump has responded to the resignation of the secret service direct to writing on the social media platform. truth social. he's at the bottom. harris administration did not properly protect me. i was forced to take it to democracy. it was my great honor to do so on my account, a report from washington dc as well. she appeared before that the oversight committee and certainly the questioning was very hostile and very, very rarely in congress. it was completely
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a bipartisan. it was from both sides of the house. republicans and democrats join didn't the criticism of the director of the secret service. so no surprise that she's now a student down the speaker of the house mike johnston. it said that you should have resigned a week ago. and this appears to be a common feeling among members of congress who are called for even more investigations to be conducted in how the secret service works. not only uh, the way it operates, but also the matter of its budget, which has been increasing. so, congress is not going to let the matter in here. they're all going to be further questions asked about the workings of the secret service. the, as well as minutes we have sold on calling units has killed at least 89 palestinians. and in just more than 250 people, residents only had a couple of minutes to evacuate before as well. targets of the area and launched
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its ground assaults, display, smell us in, and say they have no way to go off to as well. forced all the forces, ordered them to immediately evacuate from eastern con eunice to own the wasi. as this being is really alternately selling in central gaza, a residential building, an old bridge. refugee camp was targeted risk who is been working to remove bodies from the rubble topic of was doing reports from darrell by law. well, it is very occupation forces are still ongoing with the military operation in connie ms. city for the past day when you have completely demolishing of flooding residential supplies in the eastern areas. while there was a very notable advancement for the east running country. joining us, which has raised a symmetry in the con, you to say to destroy a non profit raise um its ongoing fine strain to come up where it says in the eastern areas of quantity. and we are talking about more than $200000.00 palestinians,
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have been displaced from the eastern areas of con eunice heading to allow us to get into the same truck areas of the strip. what also these areas have been witnessing more attacks within the past 24 hours in particular, in a breach refuge account where there was a very notable military encouraging in the eastern areas of, of range where the military ring from us announced that they managed to attack these really maneuvering troops in such areas as they are still families, the trapped and this incoming extreme defined. we come up where says sandy is where the okay. patient is without getting any sort of help on the ground date by david just told us raising um, a new kind of even the escalation in terms of the uh, security conditions on the ground, sofa tire. cuz i so i would 0 derek. but i had to sign israel's prime minister, benjamin antonio's, on his 1st trip to the us since the start of the one cause he's missing top officials, including president joe biden,
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who's trying to broker ceasefire dealing garza. they've been months of protests across college campuses and major cities against israel's rule, and it's no is expected to address congress and meet donald trump during his visits . so pro palestinian demonstrates as a holding a sits in inside the was capital. the perfect is wally prime minister benjamin. it's an, you know, addresses congress. the protest has a cooling for an into the war in gaza and in to us weapons exports to as well. some demonstrate is when it away by police are let's speak now to rosalind jordan. she's in washington, dc, a rosalind in the last few minutes. we've seen some of those demonstrate as being arrested as tell us more about what's happening there as well. these protesters are us sitting on the 2nd floor of the canada health office building, which is across the street from the us capitol itself. they happened to be uh,
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staging their protests in the place where broadcasters, including ultra 0, do have a camera crews. so that it is very easy for the international process to cover this sit in now for the past half hour or so. capital police have been a roasting of the protesters, one by one. they're not storming in on the group. there's simply of picking out a person and hand coughing the person and leading the person away because this is a peaceful protest as it were of chance songs basically saying that the us government should stop providing with military equipment to israel because of the ongoing war inside of a resident with the to now is visit this week and given the amount of pressure to use facing, are we likely to see protest like this continue this is really just
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the beginning. there are a lot of demonstrations that are going to be taking place on wednesday, around the us capital complex of the organization. answer coalition, which 1st came into be during the iraq war in the early 2. thousands has mobilized numbers of groups to protest the speech by the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu of the house speaker, mike johnson, has put out a note to hold, noting that there won't be any disruptions allowed inside of the capitol. the people will be arrested if they tried to disrupt the prime minister's speech. it's also worth pointing out the number of democratic representatives and senators are planning to skip the speech by benjamin netanyahu. an effort to try to recreate his presence and his conduct of the war. some other democrats are saying that they need
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to be in the room so that benjamin doesn't know who does not get the impression that he has the full pro support of the us congress. these to see that there are people opposed to the way that he has been prosecuting the war and awesome. all right, rose and jordan, thanks very much for keeping us updated from washington dc. now that poses continues with the demonstration is going on in the arms export to as well the this is the old you're struggling to come to terms with one of its worst natural disasters in recent history. at least when 229 people have now been confirmed it off the heavy rains triggered to land slides. it happens here in the south western district of gold fall about 320 kilometers south of the capital, addis ababa women, children, and police officers are reported to be among the dead. catherine,
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so reports people dig through this lodge hoping to find survivors in golf our region. this is one of the was natural disasters and used to appear in reason. he is many have been buried underneath the mark. it was a double tragedy. the canal with the late week of the thing has enough incident happened following heavy rains. the damage is extensive. initially there were 3 families that were buried by the land slide. we're still searching for their bodies, but the death toll search after the people who came to rescue them also got trapped . this is a mountainous area and getting the right equipment to help is difficult. so everyone is trying the best they can to help save lives. land slides not coma, it happens once in a while, so nobody can be sure of what's going to happen. the area is prone to disaster, a seasonal rains that often displace hundreds of people. this latest incident just
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makes things harder to back. katherine, so i'll just narrow in the united states has invited the sudanese ami on the power of military rapids simple forces to take part in sci fi adults. the discussions will take place in switzerland next month with the african union. the un and civil arab countries also involved, but the conditions are deteriorating for over a 1000000. sit in these refugees who flayed across the border to chad. from audrey on the trad sedan for the on the degrees reports the situation for hundreds of thousands of food and use refugees in eastern chart is getting more and more desperate. let's face this conflict. the world has forgotten this conflict and the applies as well. now you're not technicians are saying that in this area alone, which is not the account, not from official cam, but the transit station for suited use refugees. that i'm more than 200426000 in
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fact, sued in his refugees. in this particular station, which means that they cannot access all the amenities that are supposed to go to registered refugees that have arrived in eastern, tried not to abuse your says recent conflict in a flash or an engineer that has no refugees in eastern charge right now. we do have around hundreds of new arrivals every day. sometimes thousands on the old arrived in a very bad condition menu of the either the toes, the children's ammonia risk. there are some then for in dirt. so that's them. that's what we've seen so far. and the most of the thing of women and children in this particular camp that i'm more than 226000 accounts. more than 14 of them that are more than 400000 refugees in those comments. add to it added to the number of refusal. i only applied the conflicting double, making the total to more than $1200000.00 students refugees in charge. i know i
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just didn't, i didn't particularly i'm the situation according to 8 is yours is, is getting more and more desperate. many people in these camps feel that they have been abundant by the rest of the world. many degrees. i'll just do that on the charge suit on board to police in kenya, i have disclosed pro and anti government protest. as on the streets of nairobi, the crowds gathered to demand president william router's resignation. they've been running battles between processes and police are 5 to guess. the unrest was 12 by a taxable would have since been withdrawn rights groups a more than 50 people died in the unrest. one of the protest, this is their focus has now shifted. still ahead on knowledge, a 0 of course is calm for a 2nd day and bundle of dish up to days of anti government protests. but a nationwide coast you went to internet blackhawk remaining place. it's a constant battle for actually to cause all who have an impact,
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dreams and ambitions, the uncovering hot to filibuster of them from china's expansion and visions. it's not up to the people in taiwan to the side about the one china policy, israel, aggressive doctrine, genocidal rhetoric, content, southern tendency with genocide and intense light is really government with nothing . $30000.00 defense of thousands of thousands. there would be hundreds of thousands of dollars who left the house on taco some of the toughest issues of our time had to have coming soon on a jersey to the
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pop up watching your flesh. how you avoid mainly for josh, that will move up, show her julie is we get our g 5 finish right. there's lots that'll help us through. yeah, i was just sure the the 0 reminder of our top story is this our comment? i harris has made her 1st campaign speech in the past, the ground state of wisconsin. she says she now has enough delegates to win the
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democratic nomination to take on donald trump. if he of his government says at least 229, people have died and to land slides in the remote parts of the country. it happened in the south western district of gopher women, children and police officers are among the dead risk us. that's around the way because many people are still missing in southern gaza. israel submitted to us, hold on the city of calling. unice has killed at least 189 palestinians. and then just move in 250 is really forced to start to, to form the area just moments off to the oldest people to leave is really drawing strikes have killed at least 3 palestinians and to cut them in the occupied westbank. the minute you re to the city and was seen carrying the civil bodies away on the photos of the bulldozers were also used to destroy roads and buildings. the reports of his ready snipers on rooftops, all entrances into took around has been closed by these ready ami to ortiz,
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in the us have released body can video of a police officer shooting a black woman inside a home. it happened in illinois off to 56 year old sonia massive, cold police to report a suspected including a home, as he was transported to the hospital where she died of injuries. she had pretend see reports that i'm trying to help in the audio. as of sunday, july 6th, sonya massey told the police to report that she thought a pilot was outside the home. police body come, video shows 2 offices entering matthews. home to deliver from nothing suspicious but things put the escalated off their massey approach to a stove to attend to a part of boiling water. uh huh. yeah. i hear you say
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36 year old mother of 2 was pronounced dead and ultimately from a single gunshot to the head of the body. come up the officer who fired the shots showing grace and was any turned on off to the shooting. he gives his account of the incident and narrative. it all is with what we see in the video from his colleagues body count reset. grayson, that has been fired from the force and is being held with that bone for 1st degree murder among other charges. he's probably not guilty of the fatal shooting. however, grayson's balls the local sheriff says of grace and did have other options available that he should've used and that his actions were inexcusable, and didn't reflect the values or training of the office of a massey's problem. we are asking what grayson was allowed to serve and the police and the 1st place share is here is an embarrass. because this man should have never had a badge. you should have never had it done. you should have never been given the opportunity
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to kill much off because she had some serious blemishes, which on his record, serious despair had told convictions for the you are president joe biden also released the statement. he said, when we call for help, all of us as americans, regardless of who we are aware we live should be able to do, sir, without fear and for our lives. sonya is death at the hands of responding officer reminds us that a little too often. black americans face stairs with our safety in ways many of the rest of us do not. even the authorities do that quickly and charging the officer the killing has once again revealed the stomach problems and law enforcement to everytime c l to 0 to send it to robert menendez of new jersey is for mitchell to send out til resign next month. menendez hes, been on the pressure to step down since his conviction on dr. lee charges earlier this month. on monday, the senate's ethics committee began the process of expelling him from the us senate
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that would have taken several weeks. but this announcement means he'll leave voluntarily. raul, the then become only the 1st and it's a to be expelled since 18. 62 a 2nd day of course is common bundle dish. off the days of the protests, at least a $187.00 people have died off to a security forces crackdown on student led approaches. they're angry as a controversial government job quotas. system student leaders are planning more demonstrations. according for accountability and the release of hundreds of protest as on sunday, the supreme court scrapped to most of the jobs scheme and nationwide. so if you remains in places bundle, dish remains without internet for a fift day. telecoms minister has promised to restore it on tuesday evening. no problem. gonna scotia cuz he now has blamed the opposition for the violence. she said, the cup, you will only be lifted when the security situation improves. it is hope this has
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to do with the top to the most sensitive thing is the matter of the students. we must make sure that they won't get homed. we've tried by assets of all police and old offices. when awesome terrorism started, the protesting students said they were not involved in it, and we condemn it. we don't want it. when the students pulled away from the protests by deployed the army only, then i did not do it before that. many want to tell me about deploying the army against the students. i was involved in student politics starting from the dock and university. i know what the army could do. meanwhile, in opposition, leaders denied the organization and says the white of problems that have led to the protest, a peaceful bend done into a book this moment, just release for just a moment of these fees. and not only that, not really as part of it, universities, shootings based on drugs. because of that, in fact,
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the tech to happen because of the been, isn't, is these then the people in the software, the software to use their economy. kelly kelly and i will find the item is going to be in such a place that no government is there. so a list they've been, they've that governance is going to governance those days, law and order. so yours is good. that kind of lead says that busy there's a problem. at least 45 pro testers have been arrested and you've got this capital for taking part in an antique corruption demonstration. the marches words not permission to go ahead. on monday, police arrest the dozens of all positions that goes, including some members of parliament. they've been accused of organizing the march they, but at these judges fighting corruption in this country has put through a few guys at the no, we lose what upfront at strip been treated. this is 20 percent
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of our budget. if every hour we lose the entry and what up for, and this is the money that they put the chris, it would be more that the means that the government cannot offer such as the data provided in the way it is. it's supposed to be of $226.00 migraines of this involved in the tide in full term level. no, but doctors without borders is concerned. they'll be neglected by italian officials following the controversial migrant deal between it's really an old pena. the construction of to be turned in migrant detention centers in old pena is on the way with the facilities expected to open at the beginning of august. obeying is agreed to detain up to $3000.00 migrants rescued from international waters each month while it's in the processes, they're asylum claims. one of the smallest, but the highest profile teams at the paris olympics will be from palestine due to
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israel's one, gaza by the student. athletes face a constant struggle. 8 of them do to take part in the games, but many others have been left behind. the day, bringing reports. even for a weight, lifting champion, the heavy burden of the war isn't too crushing. this is how much come out of the winning a gold medal in the junior world championships in greece, 2 years ago coming from the b c's. because this trip he carried the palestinian flag at the tokyo olympics and athlete star in the making. and he went back home to gaza, which said viable king 1st, i left the i was the fittest to my family. so i was tasked with carrying water. i counted 500 meters per day from a far distance, unable to thought that this would help me and tamara's friends. i don't want all my training to go to waste a week before the olympic qualifiers. how much made it out of garza?
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but losing 20 kilograms of weight, and unable to lift his own personal best cost him his pulse at this summer's games in paris. some of us going to check and i ended him, i need because of the water carrying. we also have $0.23, but and i lived in the north of garza, was sometimes the only food we got was animal feed palestinian sports. i've survived decades of oppression and occupation seen as a way to bring the recognition to a nation in suffering. no. this is the main stadium in palestine, and since the war started it's been empty, but at least it's still standing. in gauze, all the sports infrastructure has been flattened. many players say it's hard to keep the oil on the goals when they're trying to survive, even before they touch the. these players say that already at the disadvantage. this is a rear training for the national use. basketball team prevented by his read the way
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the mid 3 check points in the occupied with thing. the team haven't had enough training. this is going to hinder our chemist city. we're not going to be able to communicate with and actually coordinate and get along. as we're supposed to, most of the teams make cam ahead of time a month, 2 months prior to the tournament game, and they would be able to pay it for some ada. his training continues in the study capital of do how his body might be recovering. what his trauma might never hear. he says he will watch the palestinian flag the powers olympics for him. a nation facing genocide being able to send players to the world's biggest sporting event is a victory. even before the competition starts to do that, but he just eat off the occupied westbank palestine. well that's it for me for me to know for the moment you can find more information on our website,
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the ultra 0 dot com, the news continues. you'll notice 0 that's off the inside story, which will examine what role do race and gender play in us politics. the read off the bad there is to storm. so we need to talk about in this part of asia, the 1st tropical storm pepper room making 9 full northern vietnam. this is going to dump about half a month's worth of rain on noise over the next 24 hours. but the bigger storm type room gave me is insurance, closer to taiwan. you're looking to make landfall over ne, taiwan, late wednesday into thursday. but this one's really cooking up the equivalent to the category for hurricane. what does that mean for places like so i paid month's worth of brain, you're going to scoop it up in 24 hours. that will cause flooding, and then look, the winds will be roaring anywhere from about 70 to a 100 kilometers prior. so that certainly will cause some damage the threat of
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seeing some funding in korea the korean peninsula with these burst of rain on wednesday. but it's a different story and indonesia, plenty of sun to go around for all jakarta, looking good with the sun cloud condo at 30 degrees, and the cold friend work in its way across the street. now pulling in to south australia along the coast. here we could see these wins rob to about 80 to 90 kilometers per hour, but it's leaving a fresher fuel. 16 in per se. and adelaide heads up your temperatures full chop on thursday breezy just off the coast of new zealand. so some big waves there. but nothing to products, i mean what her alerts here. the
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camelot harris scanning democratic poppy. suppose it had been for the white house. will she be the 1st minority woman to hold the top jump in the us? chances against donald trump. this is inside story, the .


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