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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 24, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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and so there is a very big disparity amongst who was the problem and who suffers the consequences, the the color that i'm still here today. and this is a news outline from the home coming up in the next 60 men. type room gave me is about to make land full and taiwan depend on china of replacing the rest of the flooding. he's really military blows out. the palestinian home during reigns in the occupied westbank, 3 people sleeping wherever they can find space. this is the scene outside one of the few hospitals still operating in southern still, we want to live in
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a country of freedom, compassion, and rule of law. or country of chaos, fear and hate hits the campaign trail saying she is ready to take on donald trump in the us presidential election. the taiwan is bracing for a ty food and to hit land. the schools and offices have been closed and 21 cities and counties. people are being asked to prioritize their own safety. depend on china are wrong. the country is in the pos of type here and gave me. china says it's closing, it's high speed railway system that's going to affect about $260.00 trains. now this timeframe matched with another tropical storm last week in the southern philippines, killing 7 people. a while that's been talked correspondence on the ground and the
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philippine capital donnelly low. he joins us now from manila. barnaby, i can see that the flooding, the types and gave me is left behind. that will go through what's happening. going to be checking if you can hear me. can you tell us a little bit about how people are coping with, with what's been left behind from the typing. i'm afraid we're having boss. oh, i'm sorry, great. barnabees obviously isn't being communication. and the difficulty is that we'll be we'll try is again, going to be back for years to get that report from the ground. but we are now joined by a weather presented car leg and car took us through with this type in is headed next. yeah, well the weather was on can be over for some time for east asian, not just taiwan, but also china and even further afield. and that's because this is an exceptionally
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powerful storm. taiwan hasn't seen the storm of this strong in about 8 years is expected to to strengthen into a super tie for moving towards the northeast. it could bring rain for months of no need to meet has in place to so the flooding is going to be very bad. the winds are going to be exceptionally powerful as well. and then walks its way on thursday towards that south coast of china, strengthening as it does so of the type of the taiwan straits. you can see it moving in woods there. it's expected to hit the food young proven. well, let's look at the stats on this one, we're going to see winds of up to 230 kilometers per hour that for the south east coast of china, we're expecting that landfill on thursday afternoon with up to $600.00 millimeters of rain as we go into friday, even though it is expected to week and it's going to bring that moisture further in line across into most central areas. and all these areas have already seen flooding . so it is only going to get worse. it continues on saturday towards the north east
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. we have had warnings, alphabet exceptional rain before it falls apart. it is still going to bring drenching amounts to run, shall rain towards the northeast, all the way down the coast of china and into the korean peninsula. before moving on to russia's far east, the, well, these really minute 3 has killed at least a 3 palestinians during the night raids and the occupied westbank during one of them. the army storms at columbia, refugee council blew up a palestinian families home. mohammed one's last route was accused of killing 2 is riley's back in february and was really sold just shot dead at least one palestine . and during that operation, an injured 6 others where we can now speak to our correspondents no or day. she joins us from columbia in the occupied. westbank know, we know that had been multiple raids taken pace,
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but took us through exactly what's happened there in columbia over the last 24 hours was quite a violent my columbia overnight. the large contingent of is really armored vehicles and soldiers came into the refugee camp, imposed a ceasefire, and then blew up this home right behind it belongs to him. how much my nostrils family it is part of the collective punishment measures as human rights organizations call them to punish the families of palestinian accused of carrying out. attacks against is rarely as a 16 year old teenager was shot and killed during confrontations that ensued with these rarely soldiers. here at the columbia refugee camp several injuries are still receiving treatment in hospital and people are still picking up the pieces from that large explosions leveled to stories of construction. i know this wasn't obviously the only way that took place in the occupied westbank focus through what
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else has been happening. indeed into boss further to the northeast and they occupied westbank and under cover is really a occupation force ray to the town. nobody knew it was there, and it fired on a customs officer killing him almost on the spot 23 year old man. he was killed. another a colleague of his was also injured to other palestinians were pronounced that from injuries sustained in previous is really military raids. and that sort of cut him at area. so all in are all for palestinians killed in less than 12 hours and the day is just beginning, funerals are being prepared for those who died and that situation is quite tense across the occupied was find where there was simply no let up in those rates in those killings and in those detention several reported overnight including a, to
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a university of university students from the nablus area. no day that was the very latest for us from the ground proportion from columbia in the occupied west bank. thank you. hold on the ground and also that hasn't reports of heavy is really and artillery attacks on con eunice, residential squares and buildings have again been targeted. the one says a 150000 to palestinians have fled since monday. many people have been seeking shelter in the cities and also hospital, one of the only medical facilities that still running in the south of east 89 palestinians have been killed and more than 250 injured. since israel began it's, i'm an actual patient in that southern city. on monday, when i skipped the latest from our correspondent who cordarious g as in general ballot and central garza, and we all know several days into this con eunice is really offensive how people holding as well. there's 3 days. some
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people are trapped without, without watch or no one could reach them, no one could you back to waste them. and those are the palestinians that does not have any time to evacuate. where we know that is there any forces, julie that's on the policy and use in eastern parts of the community and then started selling in a very crazy way to all parts of con eunice. so people who were able and managed to evacuate, evacuated without food, without money, without clothes, without anything that they could survive with. and there's clattered across the streets of the eastern western parts of con unit, sorry. so part of the news do not have any place to go and they have been moving from a place to another looking for a shelter, but all the streets are over well and packed with palestinians, especially in the milwaukee area. and also let me remind you that a milwaukee has been i've talked a couple of times by those really forces. so they do not know where to go
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everywhere and where it has been a target and everywhere has not been saved for the palestinians. but also, there's only one hospital facilitating in con eunice, which is a mazda and hospital. and there have been calling for blood units because they run out of loved units to treat all of these injuries that are being received and transferred to the hospital every single minutes. but the civil defense teams and the time index are saying that they could not reach the areas. that's why we are expecting the number to increase the desktop to increase the number of injuries to increase because for 3 days now there are areas where the timer dicks were on able to reach. and those are the eastern parts of hun. you and some people made it here to the left them in this area, but the, me that there your husband also under constant attack by the, is right the workplace. so people are left homeless. they do not know where to go and they are trapped and squeeze in to the middle area. the situation in some units
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is the same thing. the tell you trying to continue. the air strikes continue and every palestinian who's trying to talk to a 4 to move to a safe for area away from the air strikes that is right across the top. there's our targeting the people. so policy news are asking why did it should they go? they do not have any place. they evacuated in a couple of minutes without taking any of their belongings. so they're left with 0 items. they left all their memories, they left their houses and those houses were already partially damaged and they tried to fix them because the is really force is already in they, the commune is for 4 months. starting at january, ending in april. and this is the 2nd huge round invasion, that is where the forces take and, and operate in con units. so it's still escalating and we're still trying to know anything about the people that are trapped in venue. so highlight an in the eastern parts of our new net and who are the for us,
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with overlays as from daryl ballot and centrals also. thank you. what we can now return to our top story. this our typhon gave me. now japan and china are along the countries in the pulse of the storm. and as i was saying, ali a, china has said that it is going to close its high speed railway system effecting some 260 trains. now that type of we managed with another tropical storm last week and the southern philippines, killing 7 people. we can now go back to our correspondence on the ground in manila . barnaby. barnaby. to walk us through what you're seeing, that we can see a huge amount of water that's been left behind by the storm of the pride. it has been raining on and off here in the capital of manila for the past few days as well as in other parts of the country. but it has really been brutal overnight from tuesday and all throughout wednesday. and you can see on my left side that car over there already drowning in
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flood water. i think pretty soon it's going to disappear into the floods. but people who have evacuated from inside the community from that street over there where you can see the white building, they say the flood waters there are rising even higher as high as the 2nd floor of their homes as far as when they had evacuated from their homes and they're now here, over on the right side, these people sheltering under an elevated highway and they're asking the government for help. they're asking the government to rescue many other people for stranded in their community. there are about 400 families living there, but they know that search and rescue workers are stretched too thin. because this situation, the situation is happening all over the capital vanilla. and again, as well as in other parts of the country. but apart from that, they're also asking the government to provide them with a more permanent shelter,
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at least over the next few days, because they know that this rain is forecast to last for a few more days. now this heavy rainfall has already set off the deadly last lights, and it is likely that it would trigger even more evacuations. but it is hope that these evacuation edwards would save more people. the hope is that there would be minimal casualties arising from these heavy rainfalls. sasha was thinking is the preparations and about to asians. taiwan is obviously now bracing for diamonds and make land full the how and people their parents of the you know, no sauce. i think it's worth noting that type would be me, did not actually get differently based directly, and it's not forecast to hit the philippines directly. and you can already see the devastating effects of type, who would see me here. it is forecast to hit taiwan directly on wednesday evening,
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and i think it's fair to say that taiwan has better is instructor to withstand typos and to woodside have you recall, but when easy for these are not taking any chances. so they have taken preventive measures. schools are closed, offices are, are shuttered, even the stock market is closed on the, evacuated more than 2000 people log in in a lance line. polls areas there. they've cancelled hundreds of flights. and since monday they have been conducting their annual war games. they've already suspended some of the exercises under those war gains they've. they've prepared for contingency for a few more days because this type who is forecast to not only affect them when it's hitting the, the island to die. but is forecast to affect the island for a few more days and saucer found to be loaded with
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a very nice just for us for pushing from manila. thank you very much. bond to be the hold of you. as far as president, color harris has hit the campaign trail just 2 days off to joe biden, dropped out, and endorsed how to replace him in november's election. she's held her 1st. solo, raleigh in wisconsin swings day. that's critical for both democrats and republicans full of our reports now from milwaukee. you can keep tamela harris away from wisconsin at the moment, but something's changed since the vice president last visited him. the crowd all smiles as they prepare to the breaking news. everybody's been expecting and i am told as of this morning that we have earned the support of the mess delegates to secure the security was on the show as be fits of the visit, snipe is on the roof on the roads, blocked a few,
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trump supposes, but they were drowned out by those calling for an end is rails will on gauze at the end, israel janice the on across the street. nobody really taking any notice because there was only one person that you were here to listen to. we need to support that. that's pressure united states, we don't have a choice. would you mind like you want to be the president efficiently? she she better be. we're going to do everything we are that line. i think she's standing on the right side of this. and i want to protect the democracy we have in this country. this is actually coming on august 5th, visit to wisconsin this year alone. why? what? because simply, it is a crucial swing state which explains why both sides a pretty so much effort into it. why didn't took it in 2020 trump took it in 2016 present in 5. and mentioned wisconsin target states that the union earlier this year. whereas last week there were thousands of republicans here for the national
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convention. this site is a big deal to both campaigns. its only been 2 days since president 5 withdrew from november's election ad endorsed to come with harris. she's already raised a $100000000.00 in donations. they haven't even had time to take. jo finds made of the brands and yet a sign of just how quickly this campaign is moving. but the democrats don't feel there is a 2nd to waste. let's also make no mistake. this campaign, it is not just about us versus donald trump. this campaign is about who we fight for. there's plenty of fight left in them. they own more than ready festival, out to 0, milwaukee wisconscin, president terabyte and is now back in the us capital for the 1st time since ending has been for re election. power bill and you dropped out of the rates. are we
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giving a televised address from the oval office nature on wednesday? not why he's chosen to step aside and lies ahead. vitamin has been isolating his home and delaware of the testing positive because of 19 donald trump says he is looking forward to taking on 5 and successor added to base his fellow republicans. i've also been shifting the political focus to come to her. she is the co owner, co author of co conspirator and all the policies that got us into the mass. i just made a list off sitting in the back this morning, a crises owned by comma here as co own the board of crisis, the inflation crisis, the crime crisis, everything happening with the economy or national security weakness on the real estate. she, she is a, she is a equal partner and all of that from the inflation crisis to the energy crisis to the crime crisis. and the number one issue facing americans, no matter what district across america is the border crisis. and commer harris is
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jo biden's, open borders are how do is peace groups have been making their voices had ahead of his rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his address to the us congress laser on wednesday of the as you can see that they've been holding a sit in inside the us capital building, demanding a see sign, and garza, they're also quoting for an end to weapons exports to is around. well, sonya elias and not so is one of the organizes of that protest. she says that demands as supported by most jewish americans. this protest gathered over 400 americans use rabbi's students, the sentence of holocaust survivors from all across the country. gathered together in the heart of congress to tell our president, to tell our vice president, to tell our elected officials that what we need right now isn't weapons in marco. we need an end to the us funding,
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and mccain aiding the and sending weapons to these really military. we need a ceasefire right now, and the only way we're going to get that is through a permanent weapons embargo that will ensure that our weapons are not being used to committed genocide, reactions from the people that happened to be in the building was quite positive. the police were obviously distressed and they arrested over $300.00 of us. but we are going to keep going and we have seen seismic shifts. it's not enough. we are going to continue pressing. we are going to continue doing more. but the only way that us foreign policy has ever shifted to center human rights. and it's long history of doing terribly and reduce things. has been when there has been a popular uprising, demanding change, and we are seeing that right now. we were 400 people having a peaceful, civil disobedience sitting in the heart of congress. but we represented the majority of american voters. we represented the majority of the american jewish
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population, all of whom want to cease fire and support of weapons and cargo to hold thousands of relatives as a captives being held in gauze. i have also protested me a capital hill ahead of nothing yahoo speech. they calling on him to sign and says, find release still with him, us or step down as, as well as prime minister. we want to push if and you know, our prime minister dates, we want him to push harder for getting these deals. and we think that here in the states and by then and the other people here need to push harder on antonio and to push on from us who get to the student. because our loved ones, one class in order to run in under 3 minds there, maybe even though 2 weeks. so we need them back. and that's bringing husband guerara. he's the professor of international affairs at castle university. he's joining us today from the union capital a non, profess that nothing. you know, he's obviously under a huge amount of pressure heading into this us trip not only at home,
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but in washington to the hey, yes, no such a read. you write about that the, you know, lot of pressure on this anyhow, coming from my, you know, the american demonstration, but at the same time, from the graceful moment such as the nothing our name, which is really address that i deal with jewish woman that coating for uh, the entry door and express it in their statement is that that position of them are kind of the restriction of perpetrating the war and being a proctor in the genocide that's even the double side. and that has been the whole market, which is really well and guys, so these voltages are very important. i think we're going to have something faxed over mckinney who is expected to give a speech to, to the drawing session of the congress probably would refer to that to what he probably want to appease them. but again, he is going out on the right time to, but these are pretty important because they've been added to my, the m, i can statement on them. i can opinion that the united states should stand by as
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well as if this plan is being attacked by the universe. you mentioned that that speech to congress when men, yahoo, aggress, address to congress the last time that was back in 2015, at least 58 democrats, boy called us. now before he got on the plane. this trip he spoke of bipartisan support this time around, but it sounds like the democratic side of the honest, potentially, again going to be quite a bit him did in the republican side. and especially i think this disconnect and then your, uh and b, i don't know if there's something wrong with the communication care. but if i, if i get see right to talk about the, what exactly is some disconnected the question of, as all i was asking you about whether or not in terms of the politics in congress, there has been a cool to boycotts netanyahu's speech and, and some democratic lawmakers are saying that they're not even going to attend. uh,
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yeah, we, uh, so far we are uh, you know, here's about the 1010 numbers of the, uh, uh, the congress. i'm not gonna attend on. this is a clear message back at the present or, or, you know, it's that or production of the dissatisfaction of some part of the democratic policies. uh oh, with the american massaging policy of supporting nathaniel and support, think as well in this world or genocide. and this is very important because we know that the tradition of the squeaking, these ratings rely on their congress as the support for, as, right as bipartisan. and there was another division among the market when it comes to the issue of chicago. is right now we have 10 and probably we get out here in baltimore. and this was with a lot of pressure on that making and restrictions, particularly by getting now he's not to be, am tied to the election so he can be a little bit to free all of this. and he can put some pressure on it to me out who is going to meet him, i think tomorrow,
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or someone who is also not going to be that speech is vice president coming to her as she's saying she has a, a scheduling conflict. but i mean, off the last few days, it is now very changed to political landscape in the united states as seen as neil who has time to meet with both tons and harris to she has been very vocal about protections for palestinian civilians. so how does her presumptive candidacy now affect me all his calculations and i think it to and then the defense is cancellation simply because he is instructing a role to is going to be and. and the alban office in january, ah, showing biking was going to lose the elections, you know, given the opinion polls, but the house now was it probably bringing in a gap with trump or even leaving and missed some holes and she's trying to deviate from binding the policy at these it'd be the one and then gaga. so he needs to talk to how he needs to make sure that the americans in the session with the top or highest would be on the board. as we know that the he hoped for tom to be in color,
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but nobody knows what was going to happen. we have, we still have like more than 100 days to come for election and many things could happen and how does might end up. and then they pay that fee. and so a, as in his best interest to talk to both of them to try and find them. patterson, i think is, this is exactly what you're going to do. how somebody that a professor of international if has a castle university, always great to get your thoughts. thank you for joining us again on the houses here and use. awesome. thanks for having me. now the lee, the student is permanent through rapid support, forces has said that the group will participate and talks to end the conflict and the how that happened on the color so that they are as f shows, the goal of a comprehensive stays, fine. the united nations has invited the our assess and the student is on the 4 piece folks tossing on august 14th and geneva, united states is also involved. the conflict has forced to move in 10000000 people from their homes, creating the world's largest displacement crisis. and while that's being talked
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corresponding, have a morgan, she joins us now from the student use capital call to have over the last few months . it feels like the our staff has multiple times indicated its willingness to engage and towards that is the only gonna show offers with whom what we've heard from the head office is in these army general. i've been put the 100 repeatedly when he addressed his soldiers. and the last time was just under 2 weeks ago in the city of sonata, when he made it very clear that they will be north talks with the rest beth, unless certain conditions are met. and the conditions that he was referring to was the condition agreed upon by both sides in the part of the city of good the inmate of last year. and that includes the recept withdrawing from civil in homes and civil in facilities, as well as from cities that they took over. but every single time they are, the disney is about toxic. looks like the iris that makes more progress. so when that typically original assigned last the last year the iris, so it was in control of only most of cartoon at the capital. 4 up to them,
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but since then they have advanced them to and they have taken control of a majority of with our for region as well as several states in south east. so down, so the situation has changed and it's not clear if the army at this point will agree to talk with the rest there for gardening as these quiet. but what we do know is that they are recept, did respond and will come to the invitation by the united states. and the talks will be co hosted by saudi arabia. but the army which has been repeatedly saying that they will not be negotiating with ours have unless assessment conditions are met, is yet to respond to the invitation, at least openly here. but as we see this, see me a new push for some kind of piece process. can you talk us through the situation on the ground? then obviously the humanitarian conditions have deteriorated. massively to the united nations has described the humanitarian situation on the ground here incident as catastrophic. and it is getting worse the by day. people continue to be
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displaced from various parts of the country, the latest being from south east to them. as a result of the r, a septic over of several cities in bad parts of the country. human, it's aaron access is a challenge. 8 organizations say that because of the ongoing violence, they cannot deliver it to several locations where people continue to be trapped. they are reported that's as a result of hunger, especially amongst children in the gulf where we can and elsewhere around the country. so the situation is catastrophic. which spicing still continues. we were able to hear heavy artillery during the early hours of wednesday morning. we know that b, so the news army fights, the jets have been flying overhead and the city of cartoon there have been asked. right. and the city opened the flash it over the past few days. so despite the guy who monitoring the situation on the ground, spicing continues, and it's what the u. s. and the sunset area, but right now are trying to stop the trying to ensure that the business is fine in place to can to stop the deterioration of the humanitarian situation here on the ground and to allow for humanitarian access so that those were caught up in the
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conflict can get some kind of a slight haven't morgan though with a very nice us for us from the sudanese capital call to him. thank you. have a health conditions auditor raising to a 1000000 student needs? refugees who have fled across the border to chad. i'm gonna address reports from audrey, which is on the chat through don porter, of the situation for hundreds of thousands of food and use refugees in eastern charge is getting more and more desperate. let's face this conflict. the world has forgotten this conflict and the plight as well. now, united admissions, i say that in this area alone, which is not the account, not from official, kim, but the transit station for soothing these refugees. that i'm old and 400456000 in fact sued. and these refugees in this particular station, which means that they cannot access all the amenities that are supposed to go through registered refugees that have arrived in eastern tried not to abuse. your
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says recent conflict in a pressure, an engineer and i have no refugees in eastern charge right now. we do have around hundreds of new arrivals every day. sometimes thousands on the old arrives in the very bad condition menu of the either the toes. the children's ammonia res, there are some men for in dirt. so that's some, that's what we've seen so far. and the most of the women and children in this particular comes that i'm older 426000 accounts. more than 14 of them that are more than 400000 refugees in those comments. add to it added to the number of refusal only a flag, the conflicting double. making the total more than $1200000.00. soothing is refugees in charge. i know it just didn't, i didn't, particularly on the situation according to 8 is uses, is getting more and more desperate. many people in these cams feel that they've
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been upon done by the rest of the world. i'm at the risk, i'll just do that on the charge. so the on board, a still a head hail and altos, air, the mother of 2 kills in her own. why have family is questioning, the police officer had a desperate search for survive this off to to land slides in a remote community in south west. and if you are the a there tuesdays rain in southern norway now becomes wednesdays, rain for sweden and finland. and the baltic states that's dropping down into poland got to tell you some of this could produce flooding all of the speeds up with the showers in storms that we have in central europe right through to the balkans. some
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heavier burst of rain there to keep in mind the dark of the blue, the more intense that rain is falling. let's talk about the temperature of the story right now in portugal and spain. some spots pushing past 40 degrees. deville at $42.00 and the grid at $41.00. all of this hot air is coming up from the northwest slice of africa. i mean, look at the narrow cash, 48 degrees here, closing in on your hottest july day on record. don't think you'll get there and the relief does come on friday. take you back to greece and turkey. i gotta put this on your radar. what weather fall in along the black sea coast? there has been some funding there, so we'll have to watch to see if there is a repeat storms or congress created surround balis senegal, that can be a guinea piece out and guinea and to south africa. we go southern africa while the temperatures in many spots here running a good 5 degrees above average. that includes for my put so that breezy but the sun is out, shooting for a height of $32.00 degrees on wednesday. that's it for me. see you later.
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the or a 150 is that the gyptian history seen through an extraordinary photographic archive. this remarkable treasure troves shows how well photographers captured key military historical moments from the earliest british occupation to the arab israeli, who was the 20th century. and the contrast and emotions in victory and defeats egypt through the lens. conflicts on al jazeera, getting close to the people most affected by those in powers of the st. louis, but it's absolutely vital that the story is to be told we pushed as far forward as we can to the front line. now the smells upset our a lot of the stories that we cover a highly complex. so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can do as many people as possible no matter how much they know about
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a given chrisy. so issue, as always is there a correspondence? that's what we strive to do the the the welcome back to watching out a 0. let's remind you about top stories. the sound. taiwan is bracing for a tie food to make land full then schools and offices have been closed in 21 cities and counties. japan on china also among the countries in the pulse of the storm type and gave me much with another tropical storm last week. and the southern set of hands killing 7 people chose peace groups have health assistance at the us capital building 10, calling for an end to wesson's exports to as well as protest comes the head of
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israeli prime minister, benjamin espanol, whose address to the us congress slates on wednesday, meanwhile, in dogs, they have been reports of heavy is rarely at and on tennessee, and on con you, many people are all seeking shelter in the cities, not one of the last medical facilities still running in the south, at least 89 testing and something come as well since the start of the oil and gas, 39000 palestinians have been killed and 89000 injured many of them with life changing injuries. the strips, health facilities have been decimated, the 10 therapist has taken it upon himself to offer his services. also back before the end of 10 ton of beacons, garza doesn't make shift physiotherapist beds and they live in fear not knowing if that would be talked to. but these are ministry with us up with a a has managed to put it together for more details. there is no the and the just the
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due to the scarcity of resources and therapy and our rehabilitation centers in southern gaza strip. i have launched initiative giving hope to the injured targeting, injured people, sheltering in the tense. i felt a substantial number of injured people. 2 beds throughout the day, treat and both those injured before and during the will. i was injured on january 19th over my budget. this resulted in a dislocation to and i needed physiotherapy, which mr. martez is providing a you know what? this is the hard things because even though we are poor people, we have nothing. we're sort of medicine and food and everything we want this will to stop. when more of her dad is like i'm protected before the will. he's been display several times and never lives in 10, he needs treatment something the hospitalization garza just don't have the capacity to provide other with special ed, my nephew, i left some hospitals told me that they would perform the procedure. but without
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tennessee's or some other hospital set that i would have to go home and i will often the operations on. there is no place with hygiene and there are no pain colors. there are no results is so perfect, but she is not receiving help learning how to work with this prosthetic like so as a to young to know what is happening around them. with us tries to bring some happiness to those. he treats the times of all the little things that can bring some relief from the college that surrounds them aside, big just to the members of kenya's media, say the police of bruce lead target to journalists covering the anti government protests the they found to hold a rally following the shooting of a low for a force and the detention of a call on this move. and 15 people has been killed since these demonstrations began last month. and they were initially sparked by and go over a proposed increase in taxes. but the purchased movement has now spread across the
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country, demanding governmental reform, and president william, which his resignation. nothing lab reports from nairobi. i mean, assuming the story and nairobi city center every tuesday to more than a month, practice stocks, it against the government plan to increase taxes. they spread across the country and it's growing close to the president with them we take to resign. 6 demonstrate is blame his government for endemic corruption. they try to go to my babies international airport campaign to say it's about to be nice to an indian company under a secret deal, which the government denies. the police are only targeting us peaceful demonstrators. why? the higher the goons in the mask on motor bikes with quite a few number plates are moving. as the police just watch fairly in the day, thousands of mental motorbike gathered around the city and into the center. city
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trade isn't protested, said the paid by politicians, numbered them, chased them away, and set dislike a light. in the western town of kac omega, please find life bullets demonstrators. at least one person died here, country wide more than 50 protest as have been killed in the last month. demonstrations took place in several towns and some of ups of nairobi. some residents of this low income neighborhood, full running baths of us with police. others got caught in the middle members, meanwhile, and peace stopped in parliament for the 1st time since protest is entered the building 4 weeks ago. these being as we speak is a pit stop from pit president rotate the scrap the tax hikes and file for my soul of his cabinets via pointed, some of the same ministers for the rang during the demonstrators. praise of inspiring gas drive this past. even the small groups of presidents, the such
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a demonstration to say, present, i'm very sorry, hasn't diana meaningful to meet the demands of sweeping reforms, the government to and corruption and improve service in every some of the protest movements, prolific activists like any. so i didn't show no sign of giving up. we've had to in new york e as in me as a system, i take put option in spain. yeah. send that to us. that gives us. so if anyone, if they knew i shouldn't say that it is enough, is enough and this is low yet on the streets every week because enough is enough enough is enough. what routes i said about the demonstrations when he spoke on sunday 2 weeks of police firing to a gas in the street hasn't stopped widespread discontent with his government. malcolm webb, how to 0? my baby kenya. well,
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that speaks about some lab. he joins us live now from the canyon capital. now can i understand your to a certain different kind of protesting the, the yeah, it's a demonstration of douglas the calendar up and take a look at the as a cruise that's got it. yeah. so since the demonstration started over a month ago, the big surprise from the press about targeted violence and harass me to douglas on the streets, including the gas side by police. last week, a journalist who's self and the leg, we'd like when it's in the town of the crew. it was a police truck was film. 3 but the bullets came from that very likely, subsequently denied it. the rules have been stretched by the regulator to the sanction pro costing houses here, full of life, full costs of the process,
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which critics say is on. so see, so now with me is telling me is a party who is a cd, right? it's of a stand, a group with a member of the kenya editors deal while you're on the streets today, we're here to america. detriment to the government. this is a process again, seems to be there, isn't we've been intimidated by the security forces. we've had that sets on site uh the president speeds we've had done this been stops. we've had a better thing. yeah. member of the deal. bring up that the unsolved today we're done to mer to prevent present to the substantive, tabulate secretaries or about complaints, about 8 to be there shouldn't of done least why they're doing good job. do you
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think that these kinds of threats to press freedom instead? there are a normal level or has something changed since the process of movement. again, something has definitely changed. we've not had got very cdw is being a back to the level this, this we've not had just been sort. we'd like bullets on life problem, right? we've not had the president tom out. there is family warning and didn't get to media. what did you say? we are all about truth and justice. and you're not asking for this in my selection. you're asking for these events. told us citizen that the been pulled agendas on that likes to protect and say, why then do you think the government, the treatments of journalist and the press has changed? i couldn't. i cannot 2nd guess the government. all i can say is that, um,
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just so many options to the government, especially the president. but it seems like uh, and this has been cited in very many headline news on data to what has been asked to be. thank you. the funny you see the relative clause done to root is the say, the whole member of the said yeah, and this is guild. we're bringing more from this demonstration as it proceeds, not whoever the, on the streets of the canyon capital for us with a license. thank you ma'am. is your p a is struggling to come to terms with one of its west natural disasters and recent history. at least 229 people have now been confirmed dead off the heavy rains triggering to land slides. they happened in the south western district of go 5 months about 320 kilometers south as the capital out of solved by women. children and police officers reported to be among the dead.
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catherine, sorry for the people digs through this lodge, hoping to find survivors in go for our region. this is one of the wasp natural disasters. and you see up here in recent years, mean you have been buried underneath the mark. it was a double try to do it. they're going to come out with a late thing as enough to use it didn't happen in the following heavy rains. the damage is expensive. initially there were 3 families that were buried by the land slide. we're still searching for their bodies and the death toll search after the people who came to rescue them also got trapped. this is a mountainous area and getting the right equipment to help is difficult. so everyone is trying the best they can to help save lives. i think the, the devastation is huge and beyond double capacity. as a result, there are a lot of people who are uprooted from their homes and livelihoods. the area is no uninhabitable. we will also need to work on relocating dispute. the area is prone
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to disastrous. seasonal rains that often displace hundreds of people, land slides not coma. it happens once in a way so nobody can be sure of what's going to happen. this latest incident just makes things harder to bear. cathy sorry, uh, 0. okay, the fusion binder dash had been relaxed slightly as students that continue that protest of government job quotas. people cannot go out for 7 hours during the day and some offices are open. it's allowing some movements that have been weeks of unrest in the country has protest as fights with security forces. let's feed the tundra tundra. he joins us from the capital deca, tundra. so things do sound like they're bit calling today and they've been over the last few weeks of the yeah, it's
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a bit more commer relatively come, i'd say. but there is a, a sense of that green mood and somebody knows within the population. there's some apprehension also traffic as much heavy then usually last several days. not as the normal that totally because office hours are only 4 or 5 hours, you know, so it will end pretty soon by 3 pm. locals time. the news. it's still very hot to come by, people who wants to know what really happened, where it happened, highway to happen. the local tv and the media is, are very self sunset, the putting out, but it calibrate the news pretty much carrying the government line last several days. so people wants to know more detail what exactly happened, who is behind what? so many people died including police man, the ruling party, student members, not just the protest of general public. so these are question people have in their mind the protesting student for later yesterday in a very brief uh, uh,
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discussion with the uh, the media people said they have 2 days. i'll do made them 54 more. refresh the mountain which would include opening up the campus and shutting their security, lifting up the car car for you, and just joining the internet for not just partially and designated area, which is ready to the right to graduate speak. the internet is knowledge and the access to social media still shut off. you cannot actually without vpn and other demands that, that lot of the missing student protests start as well, or one of the key liter he's been missing that one, those people found and they one stop harassment and they're arresting. those who participate in the recent protests, the student members, the government, on the other hand, is blaming the opposition and its allies squarely for the reason drives and protests and burning of buildings and public property. as i said, it's extreme isn't what they did. so they're taking this away from the student into a different direction. time. that's right. yeah. the explaining the situation on
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the ground now for us in desktop. thank you very much. tons of the whole, the pilot appears to be the only survivor of a plane crash and the polls capital. the aircraft crashed during take off and cap on dude killing the of 18 people on board. local media are pushing the plane skidded off the runway before then. busting into flames and was headed to for kara city and central and to pull. it crashed just before lunch time on wednesday. i'll still have you here on out as you know, 3 as ends. mobility is filled with trash over the border to south korea. the,
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the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the welcome back and now the family of a black, some of that shot dead and earned us home by white policeman says he should have never even had a gun. the illinois officer has been fired but denies 1st degree murder. she have a time the has the details for the i'm trying to help you all in the audio is of sound today. july 6th. sonya massey called the police report. the chief with a pilot was outside the home police body cam video shows 2 offices entering matthews. home to tell her that nothing suspicious but things put the escalated out there. massey approached a stove to attend to a part of boiling water. uh huh. yeah
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. they do it for 36 year old mother of to was pronounced dead in the hospital from a single gunshot to the head. the body come up, the officer who fired the shots show him. grayson was any turned on off to the shooting. he gives his account of the incident and narrative. it all is with what we see in the video from his colleagues body count reset. grayson, that has been fired from the force and is being held with that bone for 1st degree murder among other charges. he's probably not guilty of the fatal shooting. however, grayson's boss, the local sheriff, said that grace and did have other options available that he should've used and that his actions were inexcusable, and didn't reflect the values or training of the office of a massey's problem. we are asking why grayson was allowed to serve and the police and the 1st place share is here is an embarrass. progress man should have never had a badge. you should have never had
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a gun. you should have never been given the opportunity to kill much off because she had some serious blemishes which on his record sailings despaired have told convictions for the you are present. joe biden also released the state when he said, when we call for help, all of us as americans, regardless of who we are aware we live should be able to do, sir, without fear and for our lives. sonya is death at the hands of responding officer reminds us that a little too often black americans face stairs with our safety in ways many of the rest of us do not. even though authorities do that quickly and charging the officer the killing has once again revealed the stomach problems and law enforcement. she, everytime seattle to 0 o groups of 2000 people to set off on foot from southern mexico to try to reach the united states. they say they hoped to reach the us before the presidential election. and they said that if donald trump wins, he'll follow through on
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a promise to close the border to asylum seekers. they tell us that old immigrants will be turned away between going to home the us, the going for, but the future to work and to serve them and then return them to a country. they want to come here to help my family, to move forward to help them support them. as you can see today, our country is not good. and today, each one of us has to leave in this way to do better. well, a 129 migrants have been rescued from the southern waters of the spanish ground. canaria island. most of those on board were originally from confusing subsaharan africa. nearly 20000 men, women and children have attempted to reach the canaries. so father c, that's a 160 percent increase from last year. i no one knows career has on mobile is filled with trash over the border to south korea. one of them has fallen inside the presidential compound and so it came just days of the south square,
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boosted its frontline propaganda broadcasts from loud speakers pointed across the demilitarized zone. now moving 2000 balloons have been dropped on south korea just since late may, carrying things like cigarette bumps in the new and used batteries. units can, has more from sol, were about 50 kilometers south on the border with north korea and across the street from me is the presidential compound which we can't show you due to security protocols. but officials here say they were watching in real time this morning. as some of those north korean balloons sent over, it had this way and drifted in this vicinity. now they waited for the buildings to land before going in to test for toxicity. they found none. and collected the contents which as of late had been mostly scrap of paper tension has been growing over these trash balloons. though. north korea has now sent thousands across the
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border since may to protest the anti came down and raising leaflets that are sent also by air, by civic groups, in some cases, holding quote, medication and us these with korean dramas as well. so the military, after the north ramblings on sunday, restarted all loudspeaker broadcasts along the border lane, k pop and north career related news that reportedly also included the recent revelation that a north korean, a high ranking diplomat from the cuba embassy had defected his soul with his family, all in all, a continuation of the tit for tat psychological warfare. as sole officials say, there are increasing signs that conjunction is under pressure. with an this enchanted the younger generation. eunice kim alda 0. so a special and got a lucky escape off the coast of a hump showing the united states. often a wells capsized the boat while breeching my gun, and then unharmed and rescued by
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a nearby vessel. pulled out, sent for me for this news, and i'll be back in just a moment before news. please stay with the pianist who has an airbag. my name is tyler. i was abducted by the c. i a, in 2004, a german citizen was kidnapped and tortured by to see the chain of lead time comes me into interpretation. a powerful documentary tells the story of how the g of politics, of the post 911 when we were in the life of an in this bill. my suitcase, which is here. very south leader who fought in a brutal 21 years civil war. and which on to become suzanne's 1st vice president,
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a news release global knowledge to which we would identify what happens next is still a mystery. which is the real world tells the story of john graham and mysterious death analogy. these called church solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs on the don't think that has a number. think about it as a person and yourself and that person shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, and at least in my life, those stages we want. we want the education reward because the women and my country, they're not sweet, i'm not doing and we are not so nice all day. we are a few months being done. this has to be trees and the coins. we are working in their thoughts,
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that's our officers. whatever has been done before can be done even better. as long as the human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the picking through the wreckage, the pilot says they are a new survivor from the plane crash and the pools capital. the color that i'm associated, hey, this is out of the red light from the also coming type here and gave me is just alice from his england and taiwan. depend on china. also bracing the heavy flooding . these randy minutes. she pillows
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a palestinian home during raids in the occupied westbank for people's been killed


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