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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 24, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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on this business uptake this voltage by the 6 bank growth partner of bangladesh. before to use the the, you're watching the news, our life from headquarters, and del fine data you navigate. here's what's coming up. in the next 60 minutes, protests grew louder. antonio, the media says it's being targeted while the president prepares to address the nation. israel blows off the palestinian home in a raid and the occupied westbank for people have been killed since tuesday. a hi susan, gave me is just ours from hitting land in taiwan. japan and china are bracing for the flooding and taking through the wreckage. the pilots is the only survivor from
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a plane crash in the falls. capital driven us with the stores. as we count down to the soft intake games in paris, we'll have some, some mexican athletes targeting history. 2 boxes are looking to become the. a within so in the middle for that country in the sports, as a vessel for his offices and recognition becca the welcome to the news our, the is really military has killed, at least for palestinians during raids and the occupied westbank during one the army storm, the columbia refugee camp and it blew up a palestinian families home. mm hm. how much monassa was accused of killing 2 is released in february. is where the soldiers shot dead, at least one person during the operation, and they injured 6 others. we have not all that was running us, not from canada to refugee comp us when they occupied westbank, where the home was blown up. and would,
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this is just another example of what many human rights organizations call collect of punishments. when is released, punish the families of policy and fighters. talk to us about what exactly happens in the fall out from this is absolutely that in up. we've been here since the morning and people are still picking up. the pieces behind me is the home, the family home of how much manasseh earlier of the cruise from the civil defense came to assess whether this building can continue to sign. because the lower for lower still house families. and as you said, this is a part of the is really policy of collective punishment as defined by human rights organizations. a 16 year old teenager was shot during classes that ensued in the 7 hours of the raid in columbia, where these really forces ordered the residents to stay in the house, clashed with the youth, demolished the home, and then left them. this is not the 1st time such an incident kind of has happened, but it's certainly the most violent in some time that you know,
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we also understand that there were, in fact multiple raids across different areas and they occupied westbank absolutely, particularly into boss where i'm under cover is really a occupation force unit dressed as civilians enter to boss. they startled a palestinian customs officer shot him dead and injured his colleague. and this incident is now under investigation being condemned by the customs police of the palestinian authority. elsewhere in the west bank. there were, there were attacks by his really settlers in florida close to nablus, where a cars and other property was set on fire. and the family in the tools cut them area is grieving the loss of their 13 year old boy who succumb to his bones. the ones he sustained when he was visiting his crown grand parents 2 weeks ago during
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a run, is rarely military raid of their village. okay, thank you so much. no, to hold a report from the columbia refugee company occupied westbank. the villages along lebanon, southern border with israel had been largely destroyed. and the ongoing confrontations between the is really military and has been long. and there's a pocket of territory, a few kilometers north. that's been largely spreads by the fighting. but as the reports, the people of the region are also ruling from the conflicts consequences. the tables is the voice of living on this song is for the cells of the country. that's again at 4. we are a few kilometers from the border with israel and one of the oldest markets in the middle east. superman, as it is known here, dates back to the 14th century, sort of thinking, well this market was across the road from here. you can reach jordan palestine
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roughly egypt. it's right, is also used to come from syria. but a lot has changed, especially since the latest hostilities between hezbollah and the is where the military began in october. no, i didn't. in the past, they wouldn't be crowds. and the market would stay open until night time. there wasn't a market like this in the country. we are in house by this district and surrounding areas our home to live in on to minorities. there's an understanding in place whereby the main, the she off armed group doesn't the launch military operations against is really military positions across the border from here, as well to is largely carrying out the surgical strikes, targeting, as well as assets. this corner in southern lebanon hasn't been directly targeted during nearly 10 months of fighting, but the sound of is rarely war planes, air, and artillery strikes as well as rockets launches by has the law, has become part of daily life. of the serenity is deceptive. and so the um has gone,
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hello, you are lucky because so far it has been quieted today. fall 2 weeks ago. we were here shopping. and the exchange of bias started. people ran away unless the instability is affecting livelihoods. i was 5 years old when my father started to take me here to sell old projects for the last few months. it's been difficult. tens of thousands of people displaced by the fighting. he's closing shop early because of the lack of customers, the model, but no one, my home has been destroyed. i live to my village, we lost every time. we hope this will in soon because it's been going on for too long. there's little optimism in a conflict that's linked to an end, as well as we're on casa, or possibly not even that center for the else as ita, southern up and on. well, on the ground and gaza, there been reports of heavy is really our air and artillery attacks on fine eunice, residential squares, and buildings have all been targeted. the un says
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a 150000 palestinians have been forced to flee since monday, and many are seeking sheltering. the city is not set hospitable. one of the last medical facilities still operating in the south, at least 89 palestinians have been killed in more than 250 injured since israel, beyond that military operation in the southern city on monday. and it is so that he's joining us from dated by not having central gaza. so him what's going on in find you and us right now are the, is really, is still operating there. and for those victims are, are the services a civil services even able to get to them in the world? yes, it's continuing for the 3rd consecutive day. now we're at least uh years you mentioned that 150000 palestinians were able to do bossy ways. but there are thousands of other policy and you still shop in the eastern parts of communities
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where they did not even have to talk to buck you 8. i was able to talk to one of the policy news that is in the office on the set that they did not know, they did not even receive the news that they are suppose to evacuate. and then the hunting started shedding, and they did not have the time as he said, we prefer to stay because if they move, they're going to be target isn't. this is like most of the people, the our truck right now without any fluid, without any medicine. and according to the civil defense, seeds and paramedics, they said that they were able to reach the parts of the eastern units. we're talking about many. so i put out of an all of these eastern neighborhoods in one unit. and most of those people who are trapped are unable to me because they, they're going to be targeted by that is really quite sculptors. now those people who minus 2 back to 8 do not have any place their electricity's concert on the
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streets on the sidewalk. without any shelter they evacuated with not without taking any of their belongings, no food, no, nothing into it. don't even have the money to build up or set up a tent or buy the equipment to set up the 10 some palestinians are it's really how dismissed they're homeless. they do not know what to do on most of the hospital. the only facilitating operating hospital between competitive interest so much and thank you so much, my apologies. i'll just have to move away and go to this live event to present as william russo speaking and kenya will listen in country of internal and external attract. the southern lights are about people, our rights freedoms, but the peace ability and prosperity as well as our collective national interest or consequently, i turn on the national police. decide this to use it to monday, responsibly,
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professionally, and effectively inform compliance with the constitution without promoting the national objectives of a to call to touch the gate to 39 or 40 for the constitution or bridges. and violations by police up to task must be hunger expeditiously who can process without even getting that kind of a police service that oppose the highest expenditure of integrity of citizens are basically admission. we're all about duty to balance our rights and responsibilities into distribution and deal by using the word path of that dependence. the government ok, now we equally take much just to support these guidance on
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the pop to recovery of the businesses. i direct the industries to obtain verify and provide up to that data to facilitate appropriate government action. within the next 30 days. i want to give the people of cutting down the shorts, but i'll government listen to them on to that for the last 4 months. i have let the government in engaging on listening to citizens from all walks of life as they express themselves in different forms on, on various platforms. so what has that much of the foremost national concerns requiring ident decisive action? is that fixing my type of corruption on the non negotiable desire for
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a comfortable leadership and integrity in governance? i have these to say dependence. i have had you and i how about you? clear, i'm going to go to the following menu, just shall be taken to accelerate progress port tubing. they'll jump deep stated by that the number one i wouldn't be proposing amendments to the evidence and the criminal procedure court might not necessarily legislative amendments was stuck. it's relating to corruption to expedite investigations on prosecution of corruption and the climate crimes cases and provide for the conclusion within 6 months. we've got to also be proposing amendments to that with less protection
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to all the whole, the $230.00 on the institution or from the project on the consent to fives with the real was on enhanced witness protection, making it easier on safer for citizens to come for work and report corruption, as well as other criminal activity. it's about 3 are within 90 days. we have proposed amendments to the public finance management act and public procurement on disposal x to behold the institutional and operational framework of poverty procurement, which has been identified as the epi center of corruption, conflict of interest and abuse of, of, of police in the public sector. with a view to deploying digital infrastructure within the next 6
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months. the aim of this mission is to provide an open and transparent public procurement platform, which keeps open. we've time on the end to end. public visibility of public procurement from both sides meant to war the contract and to do that, what it and what the amount that people would pay. and before i have engaged with the problem entirely, the shift and as parliament to x, but the subsidy pass the conflict of interest bill with it's listed company, it that i shall detail and you'd be elected. it'd be, that's not as published the highest by,
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with respect to accountability integrity, but not to corruption. i wouldn't make for the use of the power given to me. and i took on 115, or the constitution to make sure that the beatles meets the appropriate time that's set out in that region or be about 5. why the folder respecting the independence of the national, just these little icons or the institutions and plus, went to a commitment to consult and collaborate in liberty, june. that institution order capabilities in effective, expeditious, and conclusive investigations in respect of upkeep cases, it is essential for these institutions to provide a timeframe to the people of good. because what that is,
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what the people of getting a want within which proceedings shall be concluded. at the same time lights clearly communicated to the public and about 6 about 400000000000 shooting. suspend on tax expenditure every year, especially on the it t goodbye. it finds a process that these large illegal pick on with limited accountability would be 90 days. i wouldn't be walk in with parliament, provide a legislative and regulatory framework to make these processed on spot and open an account with a view to reducing these huge public expenditure and direct
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savings from these exercise to the product to protect us all by calling me this is going to be a very important exercise of engaging parliament in consultations with the people as to whether it is right for us to spend full 100 be on kind of shootings. every yeah. collected from the people of can you to pay a few companies on my types of c a d. if i come i think about 7. the government will also walk with pa government to tighten legislation to reduce and eliminate imports of goods and products already manufactured in can so as to promote upon the addition of manufacturing and industrialization programs. e. no quest
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to create more jobs, create the multitude piece, and create what you know an issue. we must have a national conversation as to whether one to be a supermarket for products from other countries. or we want to produce products that are already, but we already have manufacturing capacity. in my last the rest of the mission. i under to consult a broad spectrum of stick, ordered us for more sick task levels and region seen product constitute a broad base. the government in line with this undertaking,
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i wouldn't be forwarding additional names to parliament for betting prior to appointment based on the understanding of the company that's essential role in driving the transmission or like getting the mix. can you better more just and more prosperous mission for all of us once constituted. the new covenant. which the what i what transform mission agenda that is already in place in providing effective on the patient, public services, funding opportunities for employment. and what creation on creating a tide that like if we bought our collective and bishop is to talk about charged the performance of by economy for t o in the box, one has the coverage which ensures that no one is left behind or impoverished on account of health care costs or sofa and it could
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be funded education system, which looks out for latin us from vulnerable backgrounds under insure the tenants from on what so for life, leaving safe on the confide housing through how affordable housing program. additionally, i want tons permission agenda. governments provide reliable, clean water, lots of mine, connectivity of electricity and to secure more business opportunities for enterprises and employment opportunities for our young people, both here at home and abroad. our aim is to transform kenya into a middle income society. and it is essential for us to identity, mobilize adequate resources to fund these necessary programs and projects. going to
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quick updates penn consultations. i have no might have heard you. and i have heard you clearly that was president william router's message to the canyon. people has just been announcing for a number of measures on amendments to deal with corruption in the country after weeks of protests and the protest. initially, her head start or they were triggered by a government plan to raise taxes, which that included other demands like dealing with corruption as well as the governance there of also been some calls for the president himself to step down. so he's just been announcing a number of measures and amendments. we'll find out how this is likely to go down with the protest. her as has been out on the streets for many weeks, nominal bringing malcolm web, who's joining us from nairobi. so malcolm, you're with the protesters, have you managed to sort of gauge any reaction yet? what router has been saying the, the,
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the process is that we are with right now, journalists and others who are processing, who press freedom issues. they say that they faced a crackdown press freedom since this protest movement, the gun, and the acts and things to television reports that last week, who was shot with live ammunition in the legs. and threats by the regulates a is the sanction rule tosses. to my coverage of the process would be the demonstrations. this would be going on. now to more than a month, what we consistently had from them is business seeking actions, not words. and they want change. they want performs and the criticism of the government of president william who says regarding corruption is one of the key issues of president richard was just speaking about that. they say that kenya has laws do with this. but what's pretty lacking is the political will know roots. i
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just spoke about how he proposed to change some rules to make it easier for different institutions to sacral corruption. but what the demonstrations of including phone alone is the effective changes in the political will actually do that. we're going to move us to the next questions that we can keep up with the demonstrations here. yeah, malcolm. okay, while you're on the move, i mean, i'll just keep this conversation with you go. and so how, i mean, how likely do you think it is that this is, is uh, some of the protesters. i mean, i know that you're with a media people right now. but in terms of their demands as well as the demands of the other protests or is that have been out on the street for weeks is, is where it says message going to resonate with them the. a the, i mean, we come predict the roots as spoken many times and there's definitely a wide spread sense events among the demonstrates is that they don't trust what he
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says. uh they say uh that, that it, you know, it's down to what he does and examples of what they say he's done. include lowering the cabinet, but then re appointing some of the same ministers when the $1411.00 out of $22.00 ministers in uh, in, in what set out to be a resourceful as opposed to what the process is. it's amounted. this is a complete cleaning of the house they receive. the outgoing cabinet is to be riddled with political allies, the like the competency to deliver services effectively. well as many of them uh, uh, implicated in pos, throughout scandals. and add those charges. drugs by the prosecutor has been president william read say, came to the powers that it was a disappointment to that and see some of the same names back in the new covenant because the points in half of it and he just said, did not speak, then please give us a bit more names to call them and ask for the 11 the other 11. we are expecting 11
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ministers to be appointed. now that was meant to be a deal with the political opposition. oh, that was what was widely understood that they get to a point the other 11. we understand that not deal uh, sales through and it demonstrates is decoding forward in any case is not for more politicians, but for technocrats they won't say they will. they say they want to see people who don't the right qualifications and skills to actually deliver services effectively . malcolm, let me ask you about the presence of any security forces where you are right now because we know in the past and over the past couple of weeks, police have been accused of using excessive force during the process that we're going on. and there have been a number of debts in kenya. so give us a sense of, of what that's like today as william routes. so addresses the nation what we're talking about here and this demonstration is uh, and it says, take
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a few steps back to that is uh, like a few 100 journalists and all the people have gone through the process of press. freedom is about smaller crowds and some of the other demonstrations that the se, and uh, we say police around the city center. there are every day that i've been into the right place. but this demonstration has been allowed to proceed peacefully. now on other days, including a tuesday, we've seen a just started grades of, of, of protesters and government processes to up into gas for gathering in the small list of numbers and other parts of the country on tuesday, get instructions to invite them and late last night into the dog was a lot of guns. why being heard from some different neighborhoods loving some neighborhoods and the outskirts of nairobi and this box as being allowed to proceed peacefully. okay, malcolm will let you go for now. thank you so much for that reporting from nairobi
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we can bring in our our correspond endorsing jabbar. he's also joining us from the canyon capital and doors. so i can see that president william russo is still speaking. what does he have to say up until this point and what's been to take away message that you've been hearing? well, sir, and this is clearly a president who's trying to bring a very uncertain times of the country under control. the president has been saying that he has heard the people loud and clear, and today's address of the nation is one where he's trying to highlights a number of points that he's going to be pursuing to bring about some of the changes that have been demanded by the protesters, one of the main takeaways from the president's address to the nation, is a 7 point plan that he's presented, including changes to the country's laws, as well as bringing new amendments to existing laws which screen about as the
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transparency that the demonstrators have been asking for in terms of how the government is spending the countries to people's money, the president has said that he will ensure that there is a due process within a period of $630.00 days to 6 months in trying to bring about some more clarity about how the country spending its money as well as ensuring security and safety for people that are coming forth with accusations of bribery and corruption within the government. the president saying that it is very important for his government to remain transparent and to a listen to the demands of the people. but what we've been hearing over the past 5 weeks is that this president's so far has been making many promises. but when it comes to delivery on those from this is, is where he's fails. and that is why this country is that a critical point right now where there are demanding for his resignation. his
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cabinet is in disarray. he sacked his cabinet ministers and we shuffled some of them. and now today he's saying that he's going to name some new ones in a broad base government, indicating that there could be new names put forward to the parliament for reading that could appease the protesters. demand we'll have to wait and see for now this is a very much a president who has struck a conciliatory tone in the hopes of trying to bring about some at peace and stability to this country. yeah, they're, so like you're saying, i suppose, i mean the test is going to be on the streets and we'll wait to see how the protests are as react to what presidents were to have to say. but just give us a little bit more context as to how big a crisis this has been for academia as well . uh, during its been extremely uh,
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troubling. not only for the jen z protestors that have been taking to the streets, but now it's spread across the country, not just in the capital nairobi and as well. these demonstrations have been affecting local businesses. they've been hearing from business owners within the financial districts of the capital saying that on tuesdays and thursdays of every week where these demonstrations have been taking place, shops have been closing afraid of looting and violence that has a rotted as a result of this security forces response to these demonstrators who say that they are on, on then just as basically exercising their constitutional white, demanding transparency from the governments that the over 50 people had been killed since the protests began on june 25th. so there is a concern that things are certainly spiraling out of control over the past 24 hours demonstrations took place towards the capitals main, international airports and security forces. how to set up check points to stop and
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prevent protesters from reaching and occupying the airports. so there is a sense that there needs to be some kind of a solution. otherwise, if things continue as they happen over the past few weeks, this country for face one of his most serious political and security crises in recent history. all right, thank you so much. there's a jabari reporting from nairobi in kenya, and that is a live shot from the streets of my robi, where president williams a router has just been addressing the nation us store. so we're just saying, striking a conciliatory tone and announcing a number of amendments to deal with the corruption problem in the country. that's one of the 1st customers demand. so we will keep an eye out on what's happening and, and i roby throughout the day. and certainly over the next few hours and bring you any latest. and some of the, from the
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jewish paste groups have been making their voices heard ahead of the is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu is addressed to the us congress later on wednesday. so they held us sitting inside the us capital building, demanding a ceasefire in gaza. they're calling for an end to weapons exports to israel, dozens of relatives of the captives warehousing garza protested near a capital hill ahead of nathaniel, whose speech and their calling on him to sign a deal with from us for the release of the captives or to step down as israel's prime minister, will displace palestinians and gaza seeing us in. yeah. who should not be welcomed by world leaders? a a, a little bit. i'm like, um, well, nothing yahoo is embraced by the american. see. he's being provided with meals, food and drink. he's being hosted in congress like, well,
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we've been killed and slaughtered. where should we go? where are the are nations, where are the are people? whereas they are well with the muslim world, where all the people have morals into european nations who welcome 6 months to who killed the united states as the main pottery and what is happening and gaza. we have been killed because of the united states. we've been slaughtered by the american plains, american ships, american tanks and american troops. everything we have been killed with these americans, button glasses, any operation in any killing and any massacre. well, now bringing how somebody who's a professor of international affairs a catch our university, joining us from the georgia and, and capital online. welcome back to alta 0. you know what mr. but already some people would say, look to the west itself. countries like the us and the u. k. a themselves have been undermining international law to support the war and gaza. and by not today, i'm going to the us and addressing congress and having the meetings that he's going to be having. what do you think the messages but the us to sending out without an
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obviously the united states is the apartment and the war ended at a scene. as i'm gather uh from the get go a by didn't made it perfectly clear that you support a valid and that is what it is hesitating besides the green light in order to commit genocide as a double side against the palestinians. and this is very important because when the, when people look at the united states has become too, that should be in charge all over the world in terms of that is in terms of democracy and come to the human rights in special law. and they see that the american themselves are the one who violates all of these principles and values. i think this is a statement them all of the deputies, candice and the part of the americans and the british and even the of the and i on the listing. well then for nothing. yeah. what else you're going to get out of this because he's going to washington, when we know the political scene has been very divided. he himself is divisive and address to congress that's seen as controversial by so i'm so what is he going to get out of this?
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and i think you and nothing else is buying time. and what is he trying to do is to talk to them, or i can add them in, in a piecing way and it piecing tone because you want to, by the time. and you want to be supportive them right? hands on to that action. uh, in, in november uh comes to the, to a to a, to a time, but when it probably come with would make it. and this would be, this would, does any one with an opinion on his uh, condition on our end as well. uh, so they want to do it the more, and i only is that, you know, even even some drawers and nothing. my name booked for any sense to be at to them. right. then it was in the queue way that americans had been critically perpetrating . and the war by providing is ran with the, with what penalties and ottoman, so it was, but they saying that there should be an embargo. so you right, is a divide succeed in america. but also the support for his reign is bipartisan. and we know this. here's the thing though, but i mean hear you talk about perpetuating the war, but we've heard earlier this week from the us sex or state anthony blinking,
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who said that the sides are within, as he calls of the 10 yard line when it comes to cease fire negotiations, nothing yeah, himself, when he was meeting with some of the hostage families in the us just on monday, he said that the conditions for a deal for the captives were held in gaza or quote, ripening. um, is there a sense of optimism? do you think that's coming out of both us and yahoo and secretaries they blinked in and if so, what are they basing that on? and i think there's a sense of deception when they say this because what 19. yeah. when you do is to say this in order to pick this up and it can be when he talks with americans, especially with biking now by the industry, he's not tied to, we had action and so he can put some pressure. so one of the video who's trying to do is to told him that, you know, and then a deed is within reach. but at the same time, he would come up with the extra conditions in order to undermine this. i think we've seen this before. so all these statements are meaningless on this. we see
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something in the ground on that. i don't think that something else is doing this in a good faith. okay, thank you so much. hi, somebody. thanks for joining us from a month. thanks for helping me. the pilots appears to be the only survivor of a plane cross and the polls capital that aircraft skidded off the runway encampment due during take off before bursting into flames. the plane was headed to port car in central in the pole. at least 18 staff members of the ocean company died in the test flight costs. roswell is the editor of the english language publication republica daily. she says that a polls aviation industry has a port safety records as one of the big issue and international community also has been raising these issue. diamond again and european union has boot in the valley. you know, craft is blacklist in terms of, you know, a, b as in safety. so there has been, you know, a far as being made by civilization all to do you have any pilot,
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but then again these, these accidents have been no, i'll cutting repeatedly, especially in the domestic feet that have been in, makes it in time and again. and this has become one of the big issue and we media people as i've been raising these issues because you know, this is, this is, this is likely to affect our tourism business as well. the government don't feel that they have said that the former problem community, we do have difficulty and, and some of the accidents are, you know, attributed to difficult dating and weather conditions. but this particular incident, this population and was not of any, any of that kind. and because you know, it takes it into place. second after the take of this means that there were some mechanical failure, maybe the inspection was not that proper. so i think the investigation committee will find out a taiwan is bracing for its high food to hit lands in the coming hours. schools on offices have been closed and 21 cities and counties. people are being ers to
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prioritize their own safety with the storm set to head at about midnight taiwan time and japan on china are among the countries in the past of type who gave me, china says it's closing it's high speed railway system effecting about 260 trains, so the tie soon merged with another tropical storm last week in the southern philippines, killing 7 people there. for an below. has this update from end of the were flood waters are rising? well, it's been days of on an off race here in the living capital manila as well as in other parts of the country. but overnight on tuesday and all throughout the wednesday. it's just been brutal. the rates haven't assessment, they have been relentless. you can see over there that car is already drawn in, in floods, water and residents in this area say that the flood waters are even higher in the community, which is over on that street inside on that street where you see that white building over there. they've evacuated to this area,
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which is just under an elevated highway. now they say that they swam out of the flood waters and they rescued themselves and they've taken only what they can, which isn't much. but they're bigger concern. are the people who are still stranded in their community for about 400 families living there. now you can see their search and rescue workers what they say that they're just not enough because they're just stretched too thin. this situation is happening or were manila. and again, in other parts of the country. and imagine this type wound type when jimmy did not even hit the filipino directly and just looked at this devastating sick to asian here, it's going to hit taiwan directly on wednesday evening and tie we need securities are not taking any chances. they have uh cancelled hundreds of flights. they have
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evacuated more than 2000 people from landslide pulling areas. and taiwan has been conducting their annual hunt war gains since monday. now, some of those exercises have now been suspended again. so i, we need securities not taking any chances one below l g 0. many like the leader of the suit, denise parent, military rapids, support forces has said that the group will participate and talks to end the conflict. how much i'm done. douglas said they are a sap shares, the goal of a comprehensive ceasefire. the ra stuff in the sudanese army have been invited for peace talks starting on august 14th and geneva on the conflict has for us more than 10000000 people from their homes creating the world's largest displacement crisis. hey. but morgan has more from her to in the united states extended the invitation for ceasefire talks to both of us with the news army. i'm the parent military
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rapids support forces or r s f. and while the leader of our staff will come to talk for a ceasefire, the army is yet to respond to the invitation. the head of the army general have been put, the hon has been repeating the saying that they will be new talks if they are a staff unless conditions of they did the declaration which was signed in may last year was met and those that those conditions include the hours of withdrawing from civilian homes and civilian facilities and the head of the army has also been repeatedly saying that he wants to be ourself to withdraw from cities that they have taken over since the start of the conflicts in april last year. now they are a self control of the majority of the dar for region, and they've been getting more territory towards the south east, off through them. and it's not clear if the lakers games mean by the, our staff. in addition to the fact that these thoughts are being extended, or rather the invitation has been extended by being added states and will be held in switzerland, will make a difference for the student needs army. and there has been sounds of
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a fight to jazz to belong to the signees army flying overhead in the city of cartoon. and there has been s reich's and the city able to fax it over the past few days. so fighting has been ongoing. there has been reports of civilian deaths and casualties, as well as injuries as a result of the ongoing fighting. and that's what the united states and saudi arabia are trying to do with the talks that are due to be held in mid august in switzerland. they're trying to ensure that there is a ceasefire in place with prop proper mckenna's and monitoring. those who sparts allow for humanitarian access. and to allow for a respite for the millionth was still remaining and it was the left behind here and cartoon, and in other parts of them. he but more than all, just barrow cartoon conditions are deteriorating for over a 1000000. so denise refugees who have had to flee across the border to tribes. i did these reports from audrey on the chart. so don, border of the situation for hundreds of thousands of food and use refugees in eastern charge is getting more and more desperate that space this conflict,
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the world has forgotten this conflict and the plight as well. now, united admissions, i say that in this area alone, which is not the account, not from official, kim, but the transit station for suit and use refugees that i'm old and 400426000 in fact, sued in his refugees. in this particular station, which means that they cannot access all the amenities that are supposed to go through registered refugees that have arrived in eastern tried not to abuse. your says recent conflict in a flash or an engineer that has no refugees in eastern charge right now. we do have around hundreds of new arrivals every day. sometimes thousands on the old arrived in a very bad condition menu of the either the toes, the children's i'm on your risk. there are some then for in dirt. so that's them. that's what we've seen so far, and the most of the thing of women and children in this particular camp that i'm
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more than 226000 accounts. more than 14 of them that are more than 400000 refugees in those comments. add to it added to the number of refusal. i only applied the conflicting double, making the total to more than $1200000.00 students refugees in charge. i know i just didn't, i didn't particularly i'm the situation according to 8 is yours is, is getting more and more desperate. many people in these camps feel that they have been abundant by the rest of the world. many degrees. i'll just do that on the charge suit on board member or for us as military intelligence is believe to be one of 2 people injured in a car bombing in the capitol. moscow media are reporting that last happened shortly after the officer and our identified women got into the vehicle a slab on the news hour. we made us physio who's using what little help she has to help us patients and a make shift clinic in gauze on on coming up and support. find out why the canadian
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women's football team has been embroiled in controversy ahead of their opening. not just the terrace olympics. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination into by the
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business lasers to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the since the start of the war and gaza. 39000 palestinians have been killed and 89000 injured many with nice changing injuries. the strips health facilities have been decimated, but one physio therapist has taken it upon himself to offer his services as
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a bank reports in a tent on a beach, and garza does it make shift physiotherapist beds and they live in fear not knowing if they would be talked to but these are the ministry with does. obadiah has managed to put it together for more details. there is i'm going to have the and that these are the due to the scarcity of resources and therapy and a rehabilitation centers and southern gaza strip. i have launched initiative giving hope to the injured targeting, injured people, sheltering a tense. i felt a substantial number of injured people, 2 beds throughout the day, treat and both those injured before and during the will. i was injured on january 19th over my budget. this resulted in a dislocation to and i needed physiotherapy, which mr. martez is providing a you know what? this is the hard things because we are poor people. we have nothing. we have sort of medicine and food and everything. we want physical to stop.
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when mother of her dad had to click amputated before the will, he's been display several times in our lives and 10. he needs treatment something the hospitals in garza just don't have the capacity to provide other with special ed. my nephew, i left some hospitals, told me that they would perform the procedure, but without tennessee shot, some of the hospital said that i would have to go home and i will officer the operation. there is no place with hygiene and there are no pain. can assume that there are no results this sympathetic, but she is not receiving health learning how to work with this prosthetic like so as a to young to know what is happening around them. with us tries to bring some happiness to those. he treats both the times of all the little things that count bring some relief from the college that surrounds them. said big i just there. let's get an update on all the sports is now it's from a q 3. we saw it with some unexpected drama ahead of the olympic limits,
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but we'll tournament with the canadian team and boiled in a spying scandal. canadian olympic cheese have apologize. officer supporting staff member of the women's team, allegedly, a fluid drain over new zealand training sessions. the sides face each other on the 1st day in the opening game of the tournament newsletter complained to, to the i is he's integrity units and the operator of the drain was detained by police team. kind of that released this statements in response. the canadian olympics committee stands for fair play and we have shocks. i'm disappointed we offer our hops, house apologies to using and football to all the plans of faxes and to the new zealand. and then pick a committee. we are reviewing next steps with the i a c powers 2020 full kind of the soccer fee for power as to $20.00. 24 will bring that in to the international career of one of the greatest football us to ever play the game of mazda for pass
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for his 6th olympics. the 6th time fif women's piracy has won almost every accolade on office, but a limited gold medal has so far alluded to. officer runners that finishes in 20042008, especially 80 just for those full time leading goals scores. he's got the team goes across the 5 and, and picks in an international career that stretched 22 years. a 2 mexican athletes will look so in the countries of 1st metal in women's bulk thing is being 25 years since mexico legalized women's boxing. and it's produced multiple champions, but today this will, it finds itself in a precarious position. juliet county and i have moved from mexico city boxing runs and my deana throws his blood to the 17 year old comes from a family of mexican boxing champions, women champions. she's hoping to turn professional in the coming months with the help of her aunt and trainer holstein boxer, and
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a mighty authorities known here as the warrior in the 25 years as women's boxing was legalized. it's been a constant battle between promoters, the public sponsors and even the families at home, but didn't want to support her daughters saying this was a man support that the road for my deanna and other boxing, hopefully like for mexico can be quite bleak. despite having many world champions as well as world class talent, women's boxing likes the institutional structure to propel fighters into profitable careers as in so many other areas of life here. the lower better opportunities up north has a strong pool to combine us in the americas of working it out. and if you compare the money they can make in the us with a promoter, with a boxing match with what they can make here in mexico, the numbers just don't add up points. and so what have mexican for motors done?
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michigan, they go to the us market, they sign their boxers with big companies in the us space and that changes have the business develops here. social media without local promoters. there's no sponsors, no primetime television spots. but for many, the level of the sport is stronger still. for many boxers. the dream of course, is to end up here training to represent mexico in the olympics. and this month, to the officers will aim to make history, trying to become the 1st mexican women to bring home and olympic boxing metal with only days to go before paris 2024 is the plot of your piece and 5. the methods that are hard at work, they're not exempt from the challenges faced by their professional counterparts, but they know olympic success can help open doors. the biggest challenge is, is always the, the support a kind of financially, how to get a job to invest in my career. so i feel like it's
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a general problem like economically, like you're gonna find better opportunities in the space. well, more competitive salaries may end up changing the course of their careers. for now they have one focus to get mexico, its 1st women's boxing metal. julia gallano, i'll just euro mexico city a while most of them pianos will be battling for glory and power ss as from around the world will be going to go to 16000 kilometers away. on the audit of the heat. see, the decision was made because beaches and from so mostly flat this time. if you haven't sandra via us, reports tell who to call it the end of the road. others to hear these wall of skulls, home to one of the most iconic and dangerous waves in the world, and where the world's top surfers are gathered, hoping to fight for olympic gold. it's surfing 2nd to parents at the games,
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but it's also a spiritual home coming to he is in french polynesia where the earliest evidence of the sport has been traced back to the 12th century. i think we're where everyone is good. his theory is good reminder of how do you land picks are connected to the ocean, to the people, to the little villages. the decision to hold the event initially sparks significant local backlash which concerns over the environments and their way of life. this is ridiculous in december, a barge being used to build a new judging tower damage the coral reef. after protests and threats of boy costs, the original plans for the olympics site were scaled back. local homes will provide 98 percent of the housing, but concerns over the environment remain good. to go fishing anymore because you can see anything. it's very good. despite those fears,
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many to haitians are excited about the opportunity. competition is expected to be fierce. one wrong move onto the ocho, puts actually in serious danger, slammed by explosive mountains of water onto razor sharp coral just below the surface. you can have the most craziest experience in your, your view, best feelings, the best way you can have in your life. and you can also can have the worst wipe out of your life. forecast show high odds for bigger than normal waves during the competition window, which begins on saturday. that's good news for at least half the field, representing friends or to to asian locals who grew up on this way. and surfers from america, australia, and brazil have pulled up drawl dropping performances in past contests. but for others, this will be their 1st time competing on a wave, this dangerous bar outside paris, and far outside their comfort zones. alexandra buyers to 0.
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although it's only a matter of hours until the fast event gets on the way the games officially opened on friday. for the ceremony on the river said the torch is getting advocates, it's a central powers ahead of us event. on tuesday k, to the frenchman's football team, did they show some pots in the relay. as the torch passed through the country national football academy in class one thing we also went through the palace of sci with phil mattress and produces, found that high accede getting involved the stage that ended with french tennis class, colleen garcia, lighting. nicole just that's that is always a support for me. so now i will have another update later 3 will see you later on during the thank you so much and thanks for watching the news our own. i'll just do as always, you can head online for more news. our website is algebra 0 dot com. my colleague massage details with you in just a moment and she'll have more of the day's news and all the latest headlines. thanks for watching the
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covering. talk to filibuster of them, the data from china's expansion and visions. it's not up to the people in taiwan to the side about the one china policy, the israel aggressive doctrine, genocidal rhetoric and genocide in tennessee with genocide and intense light is really government with nothing. $30000.00 defense a $1000.00 and that would be hundreds of thousands of dollars. is that left the house on taco, some of the toughest issues of our time had to hit coming soon on a just the in depth analysis of the day. sidelines he's right. is that he's raised accusing that there was an okey dokey, the point them cents informed opinions. this is person's 1st visit to no credit in 24 years. why is he making it now critical debate? i believe the selections will empower him in any way as well. as voters in america inside story, massachusetts, the group was fine to send on out jersey around the
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bunk, catching the cost of geopolitical tensions, increased globalization and faces a backlash. so is the old rules based on of changing cool shape? the rules of the future? the us for china and could they cannot make alliances like bricks count to the current west, or the counting the cost on al jazeera, the, the all of latin america for most of my career,
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but no countries alike. and its my job to shed light on how and why the kenya is present and nominated new cabinets mendez as members of the media say they've been targeted by police the color there. i'm just as you tell you, this is al jazeera life and also coming the moment a plane crash lands and the poles, capital of the pilot is the only survivor. these are any minute she blows up of how this thing and home during a raid in the occupied westbank for people have been killed since tuesday evening, the sleeping wherever they can find space. this is the same outside one of the few ha.


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