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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 26, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the farming land as well as that holds us all being stuff. most local authorities believes that between 5 and 6000 people have been affected and they are afraid. this might only be the beginning. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello on somebody the this is the news our life from don't coming up in the next 60 minutes a ceasefire and gauze as needed. soon. jo biden's words to benjamin netanyahu administer during these really 5 ministers visits to the white house. on the grounds, we hear accounts of torture from ballasting in prison is released by israel, also
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a head and then use our in the u. k. pro test as gather, often visually motors of a police officer kicking and stone thing on the head of a man as an airport and young migraines from senegal. and molly are taking the plunge and noting to swim off to surviving dangerous journeys into the atlantic ocean. and on a piece of spanish and go to school to new south africa shocked me zealand in the rugby savings coast finals with the link, the games at a move on the way nature and the program. the we begin this news, our and united states with the white house as president joe biden is told israel's prime minister, the ceasefire dealing gauze as needed soon. biden is how talks with them, it's in your, in washington dc. it's this and you, i was 1st visit to the white house since 2020, and his 1st trip a broad since october 7th,
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a ceasefire deal. and the release of captives is on the agenda. and this and y'all was expected to meet was vice president, come out of harris. protestors have gathered near the white house as the 2 leaders met benjamin netanyahu. his visit comes a day of the thousands of demonstrators gathered on capital hill to denounce his address to congress. all right, let's go live to patrick all, hey, now she's in washington, d. c. apache and joe biden. as a times shown frustration at the lack of progress in terms of achieving the ceasefire, wouldn't get to know, have heard that sort of tone when he met with by then highly likely the white house for months has been same behind the scenes that the
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president joe biden is getting increasingly frustrated with what he seizes and transients from the israeli prime minister. he said at one point that he thought that he could be possibly putting netanyahu could be put in his own political career ahead of a cease for ideal. they since walked up back and you saw in deeds and words the white house was frustration. they held back a shipment of 2000 pounds bombs and a shipment of 500 pound bombs. just few weeks ago, the white house changed course on the 500 pound bombs, sending those over to israel. but also you have to put this in the broader context of where president biting is now he has dropped out of the race. he has 6 months left in office to cement his legacy. he's not going to be able to do that domestically. congress has to caught up in the campaign cycle to really pass anything. so this is where joe biden put it has put his focus, his passion, his entire career into foreign policy, is so expecting me to put much more effort on the war in ukraine and also getting
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a cease fire in gaza. so was he tougher behind the scenes? i thought it was very interesting that it wasn't just the meeting between vitamin and netanyahu, which was the me, it was a loud and it was incredibly brief. they're usually talk for a little bit longer than that was about a minute 30, which they said almost nothing. none of the a fuse of praise really that you see by them basically saying, okay, we have less talk about, let's say, let's over to you is basically what he said. but then there was another item added and that was when the president us president news really prime minister met with family members of the hostages. and we are getting an indication not just from the styling or versus folks of the police, the press afterwards and said, they think that's something a new framework could be released within 2 days. but from people on camera at the white house, those folks people say they are closer than they have ever been before. that there are gaps, but they can be bridge and that the framework has been agreed to. so really, since that 1st release of hostages, this is definitely they're definitely sending the tone that they think they're
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closer than ever before. part of that could be turned, tried to put additional pressure on the is really prime minister, obviously has his own domestic agenda concerns, especially with the right when government that does not like the cease fire framework. so probably a tough meeting. but now all eyes turned to just across from the white house, the old executive office building, where the vice president campbell of harris has our ceremonial office. we are expecting to see them. they met bern, supposed to meet 35 minutes ago. we don't expect that they're going to make any comments. it's not very usual for the vice president to make comments and forward policy with a foreign leader comes. but we'll see this is a, a definitely a different election year and different administration than we thought saw just 3 days ago. all right, patsy, and thanks very much for that. this particular in, in washington dc where you as far as president the, as patsy mentioned, the president cumberland iris is a,
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is due to meet with is really probably going to stay in washington dc. visa live pictures. we're waiting for those talks to take place. and that's and i was also expected to meet the former president, donald trump and maro logo on friday. or let's bring in aaron david miller, a senior fellow at the carnegie endowment for international peace. he's also in washington dc. thanks very much for joining us. and i'll do 0, i want to go back about 24 hours. uh, just to also give some conflicts around. and it's, and you always visit to the united states and the address you gave it, congress, the goals approaches at the time outside congress. how will those protests viewed in the united states? what you saw come on here is a statement. she put out a very tough statement, indicating that a, any deployment of her mouse and support for her ma, slogans,
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facing statues in washington, around acceptable. so she's clearly put herself, uh, it seems to me for a number of reasons and it sorted pro is rarely political frame and i suspect the meeting today with the prime minister will probably be in that vein as was the president's meeting. um, look, mr. engineer came here to deal with his politics and ours and he gave a very tough speech design to reassure his bass is right wing bass in his room. that in fact, he wasn't on the verge of some sort of wholesale abandonment of the positions that he's been taking the same time again as it goes into recess, july 28th. and during a recess, which will last until late october, shortly before our elections here, it's impossible to bring down
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a and is really government. so mr. nat geo wants to do a deal. you will have the political space in the absence of pressure from his right wing to do it due. in my experience, the middle east negotiations, they only have 2 speeds, slow and slow. but i still think that august offers a real opportunity at least to get through phase one of a 3 phase of the 3 phase agreement to 6 weeks. these fire in exchange for limited number of hostages uh, and surging humanitarian assistance into gaza with an additional release, a symmetrical palestinian prison. and try to get to that point. uh, the administration says a deal is in place, but the details need dining out. but its specifically those details that have been sticking point long. havent they all right, yes indeed. and that's why you have a 4 and
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a half page. text him in. it may have grown longer. now it's all about implementation . i think the basic framework, at least for phase one, and i think it's important to draw this distinction because the reality is anybody looking at israel and i'm boss is longer term objectives. you could only conclude that they're mutually reconcile the israel. you're not going to dis, just torment, or military activity if i'm boss survives as an insurgency, which it will survive as an insurgency able through intimidation qualification to influence. oh, no doubt, governing structure, whatever there may be of god. and he is rallies, believing there's no security infrastructure in place, which their recent will have to attend to their own security. so the notion somehow that the implementation of this deal is going to somehow
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magically exec, extra b m. the word god se just is not realistic. really with this war at some level, including is really how bosh military activity, probably some of the rest of the year or other considerations that nothing y'all has to make. he has met with president biden. he's meeting with comma harris. she wasn't at that address and congress office is a due to prior engagements, but it is also meeting with donald trump on friday. how does he have to balance not defend being one party over the other in terms of having to hedge his events? he's exactly exactly what he's doing because he's, he's now going to meet with the curative democratic domini. come over here and the official. okay, well we're going to have to enter up to and just leave it there for
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a moment. let's go to washington dc. we come on, the arrow says meeting uh lets on the on the okay, the appears as if uh, they may be a sit down meeting at this point, but not certain. uh, how much might be both cost at this point. but that's the united states, vice president, combo harris is meeting with the prime minister of israel benjamin netanyahu. and we understand it's too believed to be at the ceremonial office that's just office of the white house in washington dc. we are likely to continue our discussion with aaron david miller, a senior fellow at the carnegie senior,
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the kind of getting dolman for international peace. so thanks very much for, for coming back to us and for your patience. we've seen some pictures come out so far from washington, dc. regarding that meeting, do you think that netanyahu is going to have to we look at, he's the direction of the way. he speaks with carmella harris, especially. she's elected president of the specific considerations you might have to make or design piece, not be as no stag in alienating her. he has no idea, and neither do we whether or not she's going to be the president. so he's hurting his batch and he's also going down to florida tomorrow to mend fences with donald trump. well, the reality is we're going to be living with benjamin mentioned. you, are we leased through the end of the year? the election is probably wouldn't occur until the spring of 2025. so i'm assuming that you know, be in a position on november 5,
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2 to see who's going to be the next president, either commer harris or donald trump and he'll adjust his tactics accordingly. i mean, i will say if the republican party is indeed the party of donald trump, then the republican party is also the party of benjamin jonathan. yeah. and over the last 15 to 20 years, he's tethered a huge management of the us israel or origin ship to is identification. uh and um, pro republican dispositions, insensibility even after we just in the face of our commer harris present g. um, so those are these calculations, they're not long term. i'm talking about the next 16 months. aaron, david miller, thank you very much for your time this evening. and for those in the lights, we are going to stay with the story and we'll speak now to more on be shara, elders, there is
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a senior political analyst is joining us from paris via skype lawanda a probably i'm gonna send it to know who he minutes was by didn't know, but uh yeah, i know this is the 2nd meeting of the day and we've seen vitamin in the past be to some extent, frustrated with it to know when a lack of agreement is that the sort of tone that harris will take at this stage also considering that she was one of the 1st of all for a ceasefire. yes, move expect highest this 3 far from the position of the policy or the by then putting the restriction at this point in time. she's nothing without the be be occupied for their own campaign the next 3 months. and it is not wise for her to be contradicted. heck, president signed up president, president of the united states on that issue,
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that the so called controversial and the united states and might, um, you know, cause her problem. she's gonna have to walk a tightrope. there's such as that because she's the one time she wants to stay loyal to by didn't enter this policy and she is careful with israel law. on the other hand, she had a showing intention leaning towards a so bridging to the progressive progressive part of the dual credit. but i think that is important. that's why so title one, the one had she expressed some sort of an emotional attachment to those who were punch thing at the the american universities. for example, she did talk about the situation. you guys are more than the others. she had to ya for the 214 the new york times, appealed to the white house to talk more. if i size more, the past sickness operate and so on, so forth. so i probably did is a bit of
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a new watch. but the new ones remains limited, and i'm not sure it's going to be the sector in the next 6 months. perhaps you have a project that has come january 2025. maybe they would be a bit of a difference from where am i going to put you in fact, not like what i think you see. and it's a logical need of liberal intervention if he called himself a scientist. he has been on because this is a 14 and then dropping genocide. think about assigned and the various for crimes guided by nothing. you know, he expressed frustration with nothing you know, but never really faxed it on it. she's also nothing like charles, she's not a sort of right mix stream right. uh, nationalist populist of that type that trump has proven to be the past 6 years. so she's of
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a different size and i also to have surveyed just one size. oh my gosh i i, i saw was what you knew the social justice and various other equality issues in the united states. what extent to for apologize, what not if i could just another one last comment on her. because that's really important where she stood and how she stood in her book that to us we whole, she doesn't express any belief for position or for a policy or pretty, you know, the borders. when she picket sign up. however, she didn't play or, you know, the, the, the people she did are the, is there a lot be life, even 100 mine percent off on the question of the guy with the people. this is ready to be stuck in this. so she's supposed to be pragmatic and she kind of goes underway. and it depends on how much pressure from visitor lobby. but yet i would say for the time be the g. my to to be slightly, but somebody,
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i'm sorry about the trunk. one issues such as is a bus $122.00, and it's an yahoo a specific and he's told hostage family's uh, family's who are demanding that hostages be returned. that israel a submit he has saved an updated ceasefire proposal to homeless within 2 days. what do you make of that? i think to nothing, you know as not stop being as a logical lawyer years. i don't believe a single word factor are, is now. he's really like, you know, i've told a lie, every one that dealt with him, including his most cost. all right, us today today. right. like, like me instead of treasury is right today is one of the was radical ministers, smart rich, call the lawyer on mice. so the amount of money, right, we expect to apply on over are, was now he's not going to have to pay the car would be
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a sausage properties. and he's going to go to the captives properties that uh, you know, he's trying to do his business and got a lot. now having said that, the war has difference here on his course. thank you. the, you know, and clearly as find it has worn since march. this needs to be another way of dealing with the situation and gosh, because this cannot continue. so i think the think that the issue of the soul 3 se ceasefire has mature. it is time for it to happen. it's not happening because once again, the final section is not release enough pressure. it's not easy. it's not, it is your, i guess are different, but horse, bottom parcel than i can close to said and i'm 40. there's 2 kinds of them. i see that the lease was slow. another slow but why is that. 6 it's because it's not serious. it's not an honest smoker because it,
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these behaviors lawyer has a different miller once said that his book, it's because teaching every invoice for each and every administration for the past 30 years. seems clifton. the guy that the sponsors go, the process. every single thing. boy, every single person in charge of that font of the diplomacy pro the uh, printer coverage to then the sauce do i don't know the size. do much the cool just fast. by the way, deluxe a blanket on so, so they are on sites. so each and every administration gave that to see what she, she seems as i'm to our own house. sorry. it is some of the times, some of them are radical service, but they are more designs and that's why it's not just slow and slower. americans are assuming that it least get this,
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this honest american different i'm assuming it's nothing. what's wrong disasters. the thought that it got to stop it, that's why safety is on. there is no peace after 30 years, 4 years, or the sponsors. and that's why i don't believe that by that. and especially when they say the police are to fix the issue. because after i had months of genocide, after 10 months of the destruction they cannot even get is or i have to agree to a 5 week cease fire, how the him or the guy get is, or i do i agree to i 261. thanks very much for your time and i'm putting forward that very important question into the realities around that. more one, be sure. in the paris, let's go back to practical haine. in washington dc. apache. we've seen some pictures come out a regarding that meeting between couple of harris and prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu. is there any indication at this point? what might come out of those talks, or what could you possibly expect as well, we're going to be watching to see what sort of read out ever, ever time a politician in the us or what are the elected leaders, has a meeting the staff puts out this is what we talked about, they're usually pretty boiler plate, but people are gonna be parsing those words very closely because when you look at cala harris, vice versa, and connelly harris, one of the things, the critics say she is not as strong on as foreign policy. so this is her for 1st meeting with another leader on this sort of stage where she's the presumptive democratic nominee for president. also going to be looking at the tone as model and it was just mentioning, she didn't come out and say there needs to be as these for our 1st use. talk more about the palestinians. the flight of the pals moves before this past days. and guys are dealing with the really anyone else in the biding administration,
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and she knows that she can not politically be tied to what joe biden has done in this. in the conduct of this work, she knows that she can read the room better than most politicians. she knows that his or his support of israel has an ending support of israel has been disastrous for him in the polls. when you look at young people, progressive minorities, they are overwhelmingly and outside with the palestinian people. i went to michigan when joe had been, president biden was there and i talked to coach was active as you said, they will never vote for joe biden. she cannot make that mistake. she needs to really find this 5 line talking about support of israel is iron clad, but at the same time there needs to be a ceasefire. so how tough is she going to be in her language? how tough to she think she needs to be in her language. that's what we're going to be looking for. it. it really is very interesting because this is the 1st moment,
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this sort of stage. we don't usually see the vice president do this. and then of course, we're going to get behind the scenes. people are going to say what, what she talked about how tough she was willing to get such, it is going to be a very interesting, this is a very critical meeting for her. right? but i see thanks very much for that as we wait more details on this meeting. so thank you very much for that update to patrick lane in washington dc on the ground in gaza. the is where the armies released 11 palestinian prisoners. many of them showed signs of torture. they were taken by ambulance to alexa hospital in darrow, but for treatment is really forces had been holding them in office prison in the occupied westbank since the beginning of the multiple reports. and testimonies of detailed abuse of palestinian prisoners in his ready jails. tarry cowboys, whom has moved from general bala in central gaza on some of those testimonies the thousands of palestinian prisoners and his very detention caps now,
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most of them kills without any charge with every time they are released by these. but maybe continue to see if that rico rustic testimony is about the physical and psychological teacher that has been experiencing it is really change the underscore . we raced by the israeli soldiers who forces to the ground and keeps mastering us . we would torches, the foods he consecutive days, all hands and legs tied throughout. we was throwing pieces of stale bread as food we were denied, meet us in 2. we were electorate shots verbally and physically abused day and night . i was even electric shocked in my mouth. and as i said, torture, these are some of the testimonies that we manage to get from palestinian prisoners were released today. the sight of, of, of prison is to now is a still unknown time because when he paused and the new official confirmation about the exact number of loose prisoners last talk behind that is very possible for, sorry surprises. how would you say right?
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there was that i kinda saw the whole china remains on high alert as di phone gave me, makes land full long. it's a south eastern coast. it's expected to be the 2nd strongest, di food on record, in terms of potential wind and rain damage. the storms already slipped through northern taiwan, killing a face to sweet people and sinking afraid to laura westbrook or force from uncle of packing wins equivalent to a task of re full hurricane. the destruction routes by typing gave me was particularly felt in northeast and ty, one restaurant own a leech, one said she will have to replace her entire route. all the, they'll show, the roof fell and the water pipes burst. i'm on the verge of crying. now. i'm going to have to spend a lot of money and i'm afraid the roof will fall and hit someone you'll type on.
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the stone brought extreme amounts of rain that sets of flooding in many parts of the island, schools, offices, and financial markets closed for a 2nd day. it'll say grounds and hundreds of flights throwing travel plans in disarray. i've been to the bottom. it has to take care of about all these things we have to become chosen. we do have because we are here for the business for was to get and the didn't informed us about that the, this is going to be happening. so we cannot find that for them. meanwhile, preparations in china is southeastern provinces of food, john and j young began long before gaining made line for well then a 150000 people were moved from coastal areas. fishing boats were ordered back to hava, while ferries trains, and flights were cancelled that sees a long china as coast are often struck by ty simms. and imagine c responses are in place and preparation. the strong wind storm searches on to wrench,
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so rain authorities and the food g on have how the costs has been ships on stand by to handle any maritime. imagine see, full cost is expect the storm to bring heavy rain with it as the types of contracts nor raising the risk of move flooding while down who's continued to back to the north of the country, including the caps will badging to national highways were blocked by much slides unplugging the heavy rain is expected to last a week. that will pile more pressure on a region that is already seen record levels of rain this. yes. laura westbrook algebra, hong kong. hundreds of people are still missing and 7, if you have 5 days of to, to land slides hit a remote area, heavy machinery, you can't reach the region. so risk to teams and volunteers have been using their bands and shovels to dig through the month. the one says the death toll from the
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dissolved has risen to at least 257 people. in loaners icon reports, the price of mourners echoed throughout the if you use southern top is a heavy rains at the area on monday, causing land slice. a 2nd land siding gulf locals that rushed onto the scene to help with rescue efforts. the mountainous region has made it close to impossible to bring in heavy equipment for use in rescue attempts. so people have resorted to using their hands to the cup mails of red month, hoping to find the missing times to waive. my elder brother and elder sister are dead. my sister's husband and sisters, children are all dead. all my relatives are gone. i have buried 13 family members. that's the height is. i recently gave birth to twins. my husband is dead, my sister is dead. her body has not been found. the day is dark for me. united
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nations fears to death to could climb exponentially in the coming days. do you and also says the area remains on see, and thousands need to be evacuated for now. scramble to find bodies continues for these villagers. 3 f is being dug up all around them. and run a lot on how to 0, still a head and i'll just there a or we don't have a major announcement today relative to uh to a return date. a voyage with no return date, 6 weeks on since the launch are fully install lajna now. so says it's astronaut, will remain in space for now. in sport, we've already seen a new world, wicked sense of the paris and then fix details coming up lights and to show the
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have that despite the incessant heat across europe at the moment, especially down in the south, we are seeing the development of most stormy conditions of sweeping in from the west, we've got 2 areas of low pressure bringing some heavy rain to coastal areas of the black sea stretching all the way up to the baltic. states is what it behind that another band of rain moving in across a scan today. be a stretching all the way down to western pot, severe and touching it to northern spain as we go into the weekend. so we'll still see the showers across britain on the island of island, one wave sunshine and woman conditions down in the south. the heavy rain picks up moving across the low country, some of that touching into northern parts of font. so that's going to cool things down in paris. we are going to see a chance of light rain on friday for the opening ceremony of the olympics. but we will see that sunshine dominating the field on sunday. and we're still seeing lots of heat because they are burying pending should have the temperatures have come
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down to the pots of portugal, not in the east, however, and spain continues to civil onto those a heat wave conditions. but mamma mia, it's going to get scorching hot once again. calls pots of is the over the weekend will be touchy 38 in rome on saturday. a fiduciary self. so the leader who fought in a brutal 21 years civil war and which on to become so dense, 1st vice president a news release, global knowledge to which we would identify what happens next is still a mystery. which is the real world, tells the story of john graham and mysterious death analogy. the latest news as it breaks several investigations are on the way. in the meantime,
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trickles testimony is only added to the 5 pauses on calls for her to go with detailed coverage. people have said that they feel emmanuel macro is doing everything very tiny in order not to a point next to any prime minister from around the world to this particular comes that i'm more than 220 $6000.00, making the total to more than $1200000.00 soothing this refugee is in charge alone . the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, to watching all to 0 reminder of our top stories, the sour you as president joe biden's press for
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a cease fire to the when cause i talks was, is where the prime minister benjamin, it's a now it's this a nose 1st visit to the white house is 2020, and his 1st trip of gold since october, 7th, vice president comment of harris's currency holding tools with these rarely prime minister in washington dc. and it's an y'all has been expected to meet the former president, donald trump, and motor level on friday. these ready armies released a group of at least 11 palestinian prisoners, many showed signs of torture since the beginning of the war. multiple reports and testimonies of detailed abuse of palestinian prisoners in these grady jails. the condition of the man who was kicked in the head by a police officer at manchester airport as was and that's according to his lawyer. the incident is being investigated by the independent police watch dog. police say they were responding to reports of an assault spots. acknowledge the liberal force used in that arrest was unusual. melana visited on
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a vitric report from manchester. a warning is a pictures you about to see or distressing to golf from only because a police officer kick somebody in the head as he lies face down on the ground. by stand this film in shock. as this k all succeed on folded and matches to apples on tuesday nights, police say they were responding to reports of an assault, and the 3 of their offices were injured in the altercation requiring hospital treatments, one with a broken nose by the violent arrest captain video essential quays across the nation . what i have seen the footage, and for that reason i do understand the public concern purposely option is now being taken in relation to the suspension of an officer and the head factors already having those discussions with the matter a bunch of stuff. i think they've already happened all they've taken place as we
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speak, and she has rachel. she's kept updated on developments ever since the incident. so i'm in and 5 here. they were released not long ago from to the police station. the men who are in the video here with a lawyer who says they have no space in great amount just to police or to you in peace. right now, the main consent is what they have. they are very traumatized by this experience. they are the family members of a saving police officer in the crate dimensions to please. so they were hired to shop to buy what's happened. gmc says, will people have interested at the scene for a free and a soldier to an emergency service was. but the level of force used in the arrest is now investigated by the independents. police watched old greece and not just the
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police pulled the video truly shopping and said that the use of such force in interest is unusual. and then they understood wide caused alarm. but in an obvious statement, they said that there was a clear risk of firearms being snatched from offices who were carrying lessons. but that was and get on the streets of mine just at once as a 1000000 people here demanding more accountability from the police. and many, the community now appearing so called me that i'm sending it out to 0 months to the likes of nations at the mazda and investigation of the bundle. there she governments correct down on the student. protests vide, and flashes that killed at least a 150 people. was fox doing the student demonstrations against quotas of government jobs. now those quote, as have since been mostly scrapped, the process move is, is now calling on a number of government ministers to send down,
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alters there is time the child re, since this update from deco a 7 hour car feel break just about to and, and feel better it's in the capital, zack on and people are rushing back to their home. businesses where open people really suffer. most of the business houses daily wage earners like rich, triple or so now that they couldn't make bunch of money because of the shut down and the car for you know, the ultimate, i'm given by the starting protest of say before yesterday. and tonight, the main, the demands were at the university. they are open, security should be removed. all the internet access should be all the time. and all the store, things that are missing should be found. and the harassment and the tension of the store to ensure that congress still remains apprehensive on terms. the main topic of discussion is how many people died. whereas the missing people's, the hospital stick a little bit above the cost for adults are facts with the injured people that don't have any of them from time to. they have to keep them in the corridors. so
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everything may look normal, but there is a lot of tension in the city. people are still apprehensive. what is the fall out from all day is what really happened with in coming weeks and months. sunday to audrey. i'll just say the doctor. more than 5000 migraines have died in the 1st 5 months of this. you're trying to reach spain by sea, on the spanish island of tennessee, from former ties, the young people are learning how to swim off the surviving one of the deadliest crossings in the world. if this of getting fed reports a close to the spanish shore, young men from spend a gallon molly are taking the punch for them. the ocean has held the danger of grim desk. they made the perilous journey here crossing the atlantic in overcrowded boots. in some of this song,
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we would 215 people on board. we left from sent a go. the journey took 6 days. we got to the canaries at night. we had to spend the night at sea normally around 5 or 6 in the morning. we got to the big thousands die at sea every year trying to reach spain. 95 percent of them walk crossing the atlantic from west and north west africa to the canary islands. spanish volunteer instructors are teaching those for me to trust the water again. one breast stroke out of time. a see, i can dig into going there are people come with terrible fear. you see them entering the water. they hold onto your hand as if clinging to life like anybody who doesn't know how to swim. you have to add to that. they have bad gauge of experience with the crossing of 1012 or 15 days, where they might have lost relatives and studies show people from high income countries,
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a considerably more likely to know how to swim. leading to lifelong health benefits, reduced risk drowning and more professional opportunities. i'm gonna do is for molly, a landlocked country were less than 40 percent of young people have learned how some have lost friends and family in the crossing. roughly in poverty of violence, back home, incense walk in most if i wouldn't do it again, it's very difficult, very, very dangerous. it's a risk we took because we didn't have a choice. it's tough and mount up on way on. those it is challenging the waves again, thanks to initiative like this. these men are finally returning to the water, embracing it as a life giving force it to some good food, which is 0 for emergency crews have been battling a far as fi in spain as the sick and he played up a summer hits the nation. they use the planes to drop boats on a face to the areas on wednesday in the north eastern province of oregon. about 57
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people have been forced to leave the region o planet recorded. it's a hottest to 3 days on record this week, prompting the united nations to issue an urgent call for action. the temperature is sold as high as 48 degrees and one moroccan simply killing at least 21 people in a 24 hour period. a question salumi has more in the scorching heat of rule tunisia, 80 year old nea kerry, sets out on her grueling daily journey to fetch water, a burden she carries quite literally on her back on it's been met of a this whole area is dry. if one had watched her at home, every one would be free, they could feel whenever they wanted to. but at this age i carry 2 containers and spend the entire afternoon here in the heat. the old and the young as well as those who work outside among the most vulnerable to rise in global temperatures and the
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focus of the un secretary general's call to action on extreme heat. if there is one thing that unites all of the varieties wells is that we are all increasingly feeling that it hurts is becoming hotter and more dangerous. for everyone, every with june was the 13th month in a row to set a new temperature record. putting 120000000 people in the united states under heat advisory warnings leading to the death of 1300 muslims. pilgrims during harsh and closing schools in asia and africa, impacting more than 80000000 children of the un says global infrastructure needs investment to boost resilience and the reduction in fossil fuels to limit temperature rise. i must call out the fly, the forcing fully expansion. we have seen in some of the world's wells, he has gotten to this in signing such a surge of new orleans guy's licence. is that assigning away our future under the paris climate accord?
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2025 is the year that nations are supposed to commit to a plan to reduce their carbon emissions and limit global temperature rise to one and a half degrees celsius and with the summers record setting temperatures. the heat is on christine salumi. al jazeera, the united nations, the united nations is latin america is the only region in the world that's reduced to the number of people experiencing food and security. over the last 3 years in mexico city, a government programs helping tackle food waste. juliano has more for 2 days donations include spinach beats and onions all fresh and in near perfect condition. these are the day sir. plus for some of the 10s of thousands of stove holders and one of the largest wholesale food market in the world from last time, before we would just throw this in the garbage because clients just buy it like
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this christian food seller in the market explains, was showing us most of the pi a is still perfectly fit for consumption. now he donates all his on, sold fruit to that, got the government run program that in turn sent it to soup kitchens and shelters across the city. over the last 4 years, the program has provided close to $900.00 tons of foods to some of the cities neediest residents, mexican government statistics, say 18 percent of the population. some 24000000 people experience food and security . here the markets director says the programs benefits go beyond feeding the hungry . it's also helping change the mentality around the reuse and disposal of food for, for people to bring the thing. all goal is to get down to 0 waste, not to have more food banks. so donation centers, we're trying to create awareness and people that nothing should be wasted. that includes restaurants, food stools and public markets that can develop circular economy projects to help
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them use those products that today are going to waste. on one hand, the scale and impact of these programs has somewhat limited timings and logistics in general. lack of information about that means that tons of food are still lost every day. here. you can see some of it here. but for those who rely on them, the support they provide is simply invaluable. it's the difference between being food and secure and having a daily balanced diet, 40 year old housewife. do you know that comes to the soup kitchen every day, or some of the food comes from the markets donation for the equivalent of roughly 12 us dollars. she buys enough for her family, a 6 to have 3 healthy meals a day economy costs ok with prices as they are. i would have to take out most of the proteins from our diet. i'd have to take meet chicken beans out of our family menu and start buying much cheaper products. honestly, without this program, my kids would be malnourished. it's supporter say the success of the plan live in
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its simplicity by tackling food and security and the less waste as one with thousands of people fed every day. it also provides a lifeline to entire families while saving tons of perfectly edible food from the dump. julia go, yeah, i know i'll just euro mexico city a to nasa astronaut. what so? so no carrots and learning when they'll be able to return on the technical problems including him, leaks on boeing, star lajna have prompted nasa to keep them in space and that's us is planning to figure out what went wrong with the spacecraft before another one is arranged to bring the 2 s reynolds home that was scheduled to spend around 8 days in space, but have now been there for more than a month and off started. uh, last time we talked uh it was about 2 weeks ago. so, um, a lot has transpired in those 2 weeks, and i thought we would sit down and, and talk a little bit about all the work that's happened across the country. uh, relative to what's going on. we don't have a major announcement today relative to,
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to a return date. we're making great progress, but we're just not quite ready to do that. still i had no knowledge. is there a as this year i will be half and i can. and half darth vader in the us call me corner tubs in full force off the hollywood strikes them from last year's event. the schools, the us open champion, as i say on whether or not winning and the left, the middle is a big deal for tennis players. details coming up the this business uptake these voltage by the state bank growth partner of on the
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dashboard to use the
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these business uptake these roads thought no bundle dash football to use the pull its time for support to pay the con, help would be paid. you ethics, some good news was the last case of the day, so that forget, recover from a terrible 1st day to eliminate the old black sevens in the quarter finals of the olympic games. on day one, the south africans lost both they pool matches. they squeeze they way into the cold finals and promptly knocked out. their old foes needs even 147. they will play hosts fronts in the semi finals store man and 20 pound help tease country defeat origin. tina defending double gold medalist. fiji also through to the final 4 of the singles island. they will take on australia who prove too good for the usa, the semi finals and final take place on saturday. south korea's let me see your prove that who country are the ones to be once again that the games between one year old. so her wrinkled, 694 in the ranking round of the women's individual archery. she'll be bidding for
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her nations times individual gold in the sport, while the women all undefeated in the team event since it was introduced at the 1988 games. so kind of this women's football team, but they have problems to one side, but between us, even to one. but it was the new zealand is who was for the 1st and the 13 minutes, courtesy of mackenzie ferry, that compounded things full. canada is coach, announced she would slip this one else. that's off the hood to stuff name is, was sent home for religion be spying on their opponents. the canadians turn things around the 1st through chloe like has to go to equalize. and then in the 2nd health evolution view and secure the way and we haven't any contained if a goal of the olympics depends i o before g, no scoring an impressive free kick against spain. the spanish, however, came back to when dispatched to one branding women's battle and to hold a i ton of bone monte. i'm marionette, colbin say score. it goes to victory. include c, spain,
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one of the most recent fee for women's world cup hundreds of thousands of people are expected to live in the same river full friday's opening ceremony to watch athletes parade on boats. full rece looks at what we can expect from the world's biggest sporting events. horace has been transformed by the olympic games. the sporting events was sent into the fabric of the city beach volleyball of the, the only full tower scape holding the plus to account code. and a bit further away, so i think in the he think it's a once in a lifetime chance for french athletes exactly a century of to the games with last held in paris. what that means also please. yeah, we are elliptic tompkins and we plant homes. so that puts a double target on our backs without public giving of support. it would be an incredible moment, a little more, a stealing picks. there's an event like no other $32.00 sports more than $10000.00 competitors from $206.00 national olympic committees with the power olympics to follow
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a straight top that palestinians will compete under their own flag. it power is 2024. while the refugee team has gotten from 10 operates in 2016 to 37. the previous games in tokyo was heavily restricted by cobit 19, so piracy is also a chance for new olympic sports to truly arrive 3 schools chosen for the use of pale climbing, skateboarding and surfing. we'll have that 1st chance to be showcased in front of a full olympic crowd. while one brand new sports has made his way from the streets to the stadium. breakdown says will compete in a pop up venue at the plus to a concord. although the sports is called breaking rather than breakdown, spring break is what are the form and elements of hip hop? and so to be able to represent that on the olympic platform for me, i think it could change the world of problems it presents to publish. holly jump, it was suspended for doping on the eve of the games. while this resentment of 11 chinese swim is being allowed to compete despite failed typing tests,
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contaminated substances was cited. i want to add 5 and it was no 5 and 6 enjoyment out from a side. it's uh, i just do what i do as will walk a control the games type play. some of the huge security operation with friends on high alert funds will hope the games begin and end with only spoilt and focus. pull . reese out is era, paris, american tennis store, cook a golf, says street pick winning, and then pick middle overtaking top spot in the world rankings the world number 2 will be the flag better for the united states. and the opening ceremony. gulf is the reigning us open champion, faces all the time again, of which in the 1st round in paris, a for sure. a single square and slam is number one, i think as goals and then a most players. and then i was saying the number one ranking maybe is number 2 and then one pick some or 3 or swapping on a so, or maybe olympic metal i think would be actually i would put a left big metal for me personally over the number one ranking so yeah, at least a gold metal. i don't know about silver brands, maybe silver products under,
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but i would put a gold metal over number one. some of the biggest names in saying this will be competing in paris. will the one a guess for your own sake plays romania is eating a committee, a bigger freshman winning wimbledon? titled the board. okay. cheek about takes on sabra. so rebus tomo and they owe me a soccer, will face injury could, but who's announced to retire after the games know that you all can, which is the top seat and the mains tournament. the 20 full time grand slam champion, as one pretty much everything in the sport. however, he's middle one and then let me go middle i don't have the retirement close in my mind to be honest. um, even though i know a lot of people would love me to retire so that these arrows done, but i think as long as, as long as there is at least one of us left in the competition, i think the arrows still going away from the olympics home safely because being
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officially presented as boss to learn as new coach for 59 year old, one to brenda soniega titles during his time in charge of buying munich in germany . he takes over from chevy, whose team finished sick and being the spanish. and the last season, behind a european champion arrivals rail madrid, twin tablets. uh you can also, you can only one with a big, biggest left and this is why i'm here. so it's so i'm not saying that i would win everything that way ever tied a little like that but, but we've caught, that'd be 10. and chief this, the manufacturer always getting ready to step back into the ring. ford expedition belt. the filipino fights japanese pitchbook through p. i'm po in tokyo, on sunday. the multi time boxing will champion this last competitive fight was in 2021. you might be safe from across service with these manager heating thing. that the 45 year old ones to face call him a drink. and that is why we shall leave it full tonight for me to. thanks very
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much for that. well, comic con international has opened it stools at the san diego convention center, the comic book and pop culture stuff again says goes more than a 150000 funds of re a sense, create their own classrooms and attend the event alongside actors who make us accommodate performances and illustrates is access ryan windows and you jacqueline is scheduled to appear to promote their lights as phone did pull and wolverine 1st of all, it's amazing energy liquor on the spectrum when you keep so many, you know, like fun. so this beautiful folk are industry and you know, when you were a little girl, what would you do? you would read all this comic books rise and, and dream about being this year old. i'm a special effects makeup artist. i go to comic con every year. i usually dress up and something and showcase my special effect. make up work this year. i will be
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half and a can and half darth vader. so every year it's like a little bit more challenging because everyone expects a little bit more. a well that's it from the somebody, the full this news hour, but i'll be back in a moment with more of today's news. the heavy rains, of course, that if a gosh to burst, it sparks small villages in that. that's where the fastest off that these women have decided to take cities. they need to go to town and look for help for their families. they need tense and just about everything as some of the families that half managed to escape. i'm now living here in these little shelters of stick on store their property. they'll find me land as well as their homes house or being some most local authorities believe between 5 and 6000 people have been affected.
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they are afraid this might or would you be the beginning? the south korea police receive up to $200.00 reports while it's every day when when a to investigate career lead from one out. the front cover a hot to filibuster from the, from china's expansion and visions. it's not up to the people in taiwan to the side about the one china policy, the israel, aggressive doctrine, genocidal rhetoric and genocide. an incentive to deal with genocide and intense light is really government would not to $30000.00 defense of thousands of thousands that would be hundreds of thousands of dollars. he said left the house and the stucco. some of the toughest issues of our time had to hit coming soon on a jersey to the latest news as it breaks, the isolated minute 3 is outstanding, a minute to strikes a horse, the entire trip. the main focus is on the central area with detailed coverage,
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the rolling of the international court of justice and the legal status of the as rarely occupation comes after 5 months of deliberation. from the heart of the story, water stations are switched up for days or weeks of the time. so there is never, you know, flush her to go around the or the the hello on somebody. the, this is the news, our life from dog or coming up in the next 60 minutes. us presidential low full. come on that harris meets these really prime minister benjamin. it's a now a ceasefire. and gaza is needed to soon jo biden's words to let's,
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and you all will during his visits to the white house the 2 days of haro was your


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