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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 26, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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that has been done before can be done, even as long as the human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is key is you to the we cannot allow ourselves to become num to the suffering. and i will not be silent . come to our schools for an urgency is fine gauze on the release of captives during talks with israel's prime minister. the other ones are in jordan, this is all just there a life and the whole set coming up. protest as governor of the white house for the 2nd day of benjamin netanyahu. his us visit cooling for his arrest. the leader of mexico. similar drug costs while i'm a son of formerly the l. chunk of guzman,
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opposite the rest of the in texas. and young michael and some son of golden, molly, known to swim to somebody dangerous. see the us, vice president coming to harris says reiterate to the need for an urgency 5 deal for gaza. that includes the release of captives doing tools with his writing 5 minutes . the benjamin netanyahu company has also quoted for 2 state solution and emphasized apply to the palestinian people. i'll just say was practical hanging reports from washington dc. walk, you know, to give unscheduled remarks, vice president campbell harris made clear. she had one message for the is really prime minister and the proposed ceasefire. as soon as i just told prime minister netanyahu, it is time to get this deal done. and so to everyone who has been calling for a cease fire and to everyone who yearns for peace,
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i see you and i hear you a new and clear message to the pro palestinian protestors who have mostly been dismissed by the bind administration. and while she pledged iron clad support for israel, she spoke at length about the horrors, the palestinian people have been suffering for so long. what has happened in gaza over the past 9 months is devastating. the images of dead children and desperate hungry people fling for safety, sometimes displaced for the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th time. we cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. we cannot allow ourselves to become num to the suffering, and i will not be silent. this is not how american officials usually speak about palestinians. they very rarely talk this way about the human told the dead,
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the starving. and in both meetings, when the press was allowed in sending a clear message to these really prime minister by what they didn't say. very few words of welcome and no praise for their visitor, which almost never happens to the binding ministers and says they are close to finalize indices fire proposal. and some analysts see renewed reason to hope they can as it goes into recess, july 28th. and during a recess, which will last until late october, shortly before our elections here, it's impossible to bring down a and is really government. so mr. nat geo wants to do a deal. you will have the political space and the absence of pressure from his right when you do it you if prime minister netanyahu came to washington to prove he still has us support, he leaves knowing the images painted
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a much different picture around half of the democrats in the house and the senate boycotted his speech to congress and the bind administration is clearly losing patience with him. and his continued war on gasser. patty calling l g 0. washington repels theme is a columnist with the american prospect. he says, coming to her as proved in just one speech, but she has what it takes to be president. i think the fact that she was able to face the media after clearly telling a world leader something he didn't want to hear. really, you know, behind that backdrop of american flags, looking like a president will go a far away to convincing a lot of americans who might have doubts about her capacity is that she's ready for the job. that in addition to just this, the spirit of kind of joy and fun, she's introducing to a democratic party, which has been quite dial or in the face of a candidate who seemed to be kind of spiraling it or something uh, unthinkable. a loss of donald j trump is facing arrival, which,
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who clearly has used in vitality on her side. and, you know, donald trump seems to have a skill in framing his adversaries, but these cutting nicknames and his nickname for a kind of la harris was laughing. pamela, and this kind of signifies the fact that she has this kind of can have this kind of bubbly, kind of cheerful demeanor and can seem kind of silly out of context. but clearly today she showed that you can show her a serious side, and that automatically kind of cuts down what the trump team clearly thought with their strongest line of attack against her. they're really flailing. they seem to be at see, the republican party seems to be in disarray, whereas the democrats are united as they have not been in some good time. you can't emphasize too much how much the tendencies of donald trump are authoritarian. you know, he gave a speech last thursday of this convention. he submitted, you know,
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a text to reporters. but the things that he spoke off the text were full of, you know, quite blatant why. so, you know, saying things like, you know, uh crime is up when crime is down, you know, really up is down kinds of stuff. and that's the way he governs a protest of supporting palestinians in gauze. i've given me the white house for the 2nd day of benjamin netanyahu. has us visit. they've been calling for the rest of these ready, 5 minutes stuff on an end to the blood shed in the gaza strip. vice president come to how has condemned doctors to burn to us flag on the appearance of graffiti on landmarks supporting how much she, how much time she centrist is update from protest in washington authorities and pays a much larger exclusion zone outside the white house for another young who's visit, but the housing stops. i do. but for testers, from gathering outside where they can master disappear, they have a john, f, a g. a benjamin doesn't go unimportant gallons. and gallons of blogs in the streets,
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the blood is on that. and you all the time. but also about of us administration protests is particularly incense by a statement from pamela harris, the presumptive democratic nominee, not condemning the purchase outside the capital, capital hill on wednesday as obviously domestic violence, i think is insane. everyone who is there kind of symbols of man and how about the same demand for the past 9 months. and if you call this is actually listen to the well, the people and they would have listened months ago. it's been 9 months of people wishing and really hoping for us these fires. all of this comes interesting time with even progressive members of the democratic party, a cooling on garza for testers, to get on board behind combat hire a support to guys donald trump. but really, a lot of the goal is to progress as a model is disgusted by your policy. i'm a lot of convincing. still to do she ever time see out, is there a washington family is that american is really captives held in gauze. i since
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october 7th, i've met the u. s. president and israel's prime minister in washington. they said benjamin netanyahu assured them. israel will submit an updated cx 5 proposal to have us in 2 days to us. we came in and really emphasizing to the leaders of the united states and of israel, a desire to get this deal done. this 3 phase deal with the president announced a few weeks ago and has been on the indigo shooting table in order to return all now 115 of these really hostages. and to end the suffering of the people of god that because the moment they come home is a 115. the chilling and the madness ends. we feel probably more optimistic than we have since the 1st round of releases. in late november, early december, we're a little over a 100 of israel's hostages. it were released and we got absolute commitment from
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the, by the ministration and from prime minister. and it's in the out that they understand the urgency of this moment now to waste no time and to complete this deal as it currently stands with as little changes humanly possible within it. meanwhile, on the ground in gaza, there's really mid a tree killed at least $28.00 palestinians in hon. eunice on thursday. the on the lowest attacks on the southern city for a full consecutive day, thousands of displaced people had been forced to feed to all my wasi. but the palace on red crescent says there is no space for even a single tent that this is wendy ami released 11 palestinians present as many showing signs of torture. they were taken to the alex the hospital and did a ballot for the treatment is ready, forces had been holding them in or for prisons early on flight westbank for since the beginning of the war multiple reports. some testimonies have detailed, the abuse of huntington in prison is inside is ready,
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jails talked about assume has moved from data by law in central johnson, the thousands of palestinian prisoners and his very detention camps. now most of the hills without any charge with every time they are released by these, but it may be continued to see if that rico rustic testimony is about the physical and psychological treat shop they have been experiencing. it is fairly the underscore. we raced by the israeli soldiers who forces to the ground and kept us mastering us. we would torches the foods he consecutive days, all hands and legs tied throughout. we was throwing pieces of stale bread as food we were denied meet us in 2. we were electric shots verbally and physically abused day and night. i was even electric shocked in my mouth. it's us of torture. these are some of the testimonies that we managed to get from palestinian prisoners were released today. the fight to up prison is to now is a still unknown time because when he paused and the new official confirmation about
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the exact number of prisoners last talk behind that is very possible for sorry, so by so how would you say rough there is that i kind of find meanwhile, a lead of how much and the occupied westbank has died in his really custody the palestinian prisoners. cobb said mustafah either died in his really hospital. he'd been transferred to from raymond, present because of deteriorating health. the 63 year old was being held on the administrative detention as well as detain more than $4700.00 stands this year. or are people with disabilities in gaza? are struggling under terribly difficult conditions. many don't have access to food, medical care or safe shelter. under zeros honey, my mood has moved from the ballot and central gaza. sabrina was saying helped her son abdulla kerry. they are in a tent where they were forced to find shelter after this. really army destroyed their home in the northern gaza strip. 18 year old of the 3 and was born with
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server policy. she is tired than a traumatized. he often suffers seizures which are made worse by the summer heat. but there is little medication available to treat them. hot auto heat is the west problem and because he was diapers his body, he gets him rushes and even appointments to treat him on the available at the un agency. we have to use the water in buckets to will show laundry. imagine what that c will to does. combined with this heat, he, sabrina's phase of this greens condition has worse than since the war began. moving from place to place to try and scape the bombing. she is easily agitated and needs even more care. let me know. i would appreciate that. i think there's virtually nothing for him here. just take him out and let him sit at the door to get some fresh air of mountains. he plays with his siblings, his mood has changed that crime,
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he has his own toys to entertain him. now he and the children are always on edge and the feet, so i brought them in the kitchens play with empty diffuses, the stress of up people with disabilities in gaza are the most vulnerable, grew in israel, relentless for across this trend. they have many of the challenges that they are facing, including the inability to access medical care, mobility, and economic opportunities. so being pushes up to 3 am in a wheel chair to a palestinian a charge which for years has held the children with a special needs in the gaza strip the palestine. my better societies building was bombed at the beginning of the war. 3 caregivers and the 3 patients were killed in the attack. the charity relies heavily on a private donations. it was forced to relocate the central garza but there is nowhere safe in this trip. but it's still a couple of how kind of some on the foldable we could say patients we provided with
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95 percent of the needs in terms of comfort safety or residential homes we. they could be accommodated treatment, medical tools and hygiene supplies. now we try to cater as much as we possibly can . sabrin describes the fear and exhaustion g and up to 30 and endured as they were forced to flee. the odd sort in you fellow, we had to go to iraq. so hospital you could say that for 2 months he was fighting for as long as you would have up to 12 pages a day. c given to children with the special needs like up degree and healthy, unhappy was hard enough in gaza before door. now it's a challenge nearly impossible to meet honey mcmullin. alicia zeta there. but i city, palestine for a short break here, and i'll just here when we come back, we'll get the latest on that. we'll slip that, spreading rapidly near the filipino company, more in that state the
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the, it had low that the heat continues to sweep northern and southern parts of africa. but before we get there, let's have a look at the middle east and live with temperatures are sitting very high over the next few days. we'll continue to see those numbers push up. we have got the high temperature. a soft spots of the event, but even in the gulf, we are going to see those figures attached up into the high forties for places like caetano. it is a large, wide picture. the caucuses will see some very wet weather on saturday. we could see the chance of some showers, thanks to breezy conditions, along coastal areas of a month, on western parts of u. m, and pushing into southern south west and saudi arabia as well. now we can see some showers come into the north west of africa, that'll drop temperatures in morocco,
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but from now on friday, the heat pacific, across much of the region, we have had some mornings out of high temperatures for the canary islands pots of algeria as well but the show is coming in on saturday and the heavy rain continues across that central band of africa. the democratic republic of congo seems very heavy, rain and pulse move in areas, but temperatures are sitting high here for the time being very high as well across the baldwin and zambia. we've seen them around 35 degrees celsius in winter. the how much is happening? there's no question why have limits like this len denise. this call
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on it's area relief foundation the the the welcome back. you're watching out just here, a quick reminder about the top stories here. there's a us vice president coming on how it says she had a friend come constructive meeting with israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu in washington. she reiterated the need for an urgency spots you forgot that as well as a waiver and commitment to as well as long term security as well as killed at least 28 thomas demands in han units. as the full consecutive days of the southern gospel suit has been targeted by these really ami thousands of despite speed 11 forced to flee on the loss. now, strong winds,
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large waves and months soon reigns on feeding efforts to contain an oil slick of the west coast of the philippines, a fuel tank, a cap sized name in the bay on thursday morning, when typhoon gave me strep to the region coming at least 22 people, bonneville, that reports from an off, the thousands of filipinos are picking up the pieces after torrential rains and floods swept through most of the capital on wednesdays. they're grateful to have survived, but don't know how they're going to rebuild their lives. helen was made up to say, it's more difficult to recover at this time compared to in who a flooded before. because the 2nd full of a home caved in. we'll need to get that repaired to respond. them says she doesn't know where to get the money for the repairs, but president, brandon and marcus junior promised government assistance. now the floods have subsided. we are beginning to see the extent of the damage type with jamie left in its wake. your entire measurement in the region is under a state of calamity and
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a personal move that speeds the release of emergency funds to the president has also ordered authorities to speed up the delivery of food and other 8 isolated rug villages. in the early hours of thursday, a tanker carrying nearly $1500000.00 leaders of industrial fuel cap sized off the west coast coast guard personnel rescued most of the crew members and later found the body of one that had been missing. but they were struggling to contain the oil spill because abrupt 630. so what are they? the void speed there. and uh right now we can let, uh, we can, the, uh, the spots uh were uh, resources because of withdrawal wins and highways authorities, spears, drug currents could spread the oil towards manila in nearby fishing communities. something the coast guard described as a big danger barn to below al jazeera mendota barnaby joins us live now from money
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. love bay barnaby, such as bring us up to date. and with the latest efforts to contain this oil spill of the world there. and there is some progress in terms of trying to contain the oil spill. the philippine coast guards already has 3 vessels in the area of where the tanker capsized and these 3 vessels are equipped with oil spill booms. and they also have this presence of this precedence are chemicals that if applied to oil would break down the oil into tiny particles. and so theoretically they shouldn't be able to prevent the oil from spreading. but these are just initial measures. the coast guards aim is to be able to siphon off all 1400000 meters of industrial fuel from the tanker within 7 days. and they are working with a private contractor to be able to do this as well as to be able to pull out the tanker from underwater. and again, the aims to be able to do all this within 7 days. now the good news is,
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at least according to the philippine coast guard from what they can see, the oil that, that a spill that s b is engine from the tanker and not the industrial fuel. and the oil spill, they say, is contained within the vicinity of where the tank are sink. now the other good news is that the tanker sank is sallow shallow waters just 34 meters deep. and this is important because compared to when a 10 per cent immune, doro, south of manila last year, it sang in very deep waters. and according to the coast guards because of the pressure, the huge pressure under water is force, the valves to open. and that costs a massive oil spill and so they're hoping that this is not going to happen at, at this time. and they're hoping to be able to provide that within 7 days. yeah, i bought a be a how, what were the coastal communities around the bay where you all the about this oil
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spill. right. so at the moment it is an if, if the industrial fuel beaks from the tanker and if there is a massive westfield at least uh, according to the philippine coast guard, this is going to be a massive catastrophe. one because of the proximity of where the tanker cap size is just 7 kilometers off the coast of the on which is just north of manila and to it's because of the vastness of the coast line of manila bay. it's called meant in the bay. but it doesn't just cover manila, it, it also and compasses, the coastlines of several problem is this north of manila and one province, south of many of that. so several, a coastal villages will be affected if there is a mass of voice bill. and we spoke to fishermen here and they said that this is going to be a problem on top of the many problems that they already have. one, they're still reeling from type of gaming happened to me having brought severe
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flooding here and destroyed some of their boats. and they said that they're also dealing with the reclamation projects that are being built on manila bay, which they say has dwindled fish box on many other day and has really affected their source of livelihood. darren, bobby, thank you to the us now where one of the world's biggest drug lords has been arrested by federal agents in texas. it smells on, but i also known as male, founded in a torres mexican sinaloa cartel with l. chapo guzman was counting prisons in the us, chapo son, your team guzman lopez, was also arrested by federal agents. american prosecute to say the similar content is the biggest supply of drugs to the us, including fentanyl, which has been blamed for the us opioid epidemic to the yano has more now from mexico city. we know this arrest was a joint effort between the d. a and the f b i both organizations, i've already released statements saying that the rest of that these 2 most wanted
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men will deal blows, devastating blows to the organization to the scene. i look at then. now the rest itself played out as follows. these 2 men flew into an airport, a small uh airport, in a private aircraft in the city of the paso texas. and they were met by authorities on the aircraft. so it's clear from the information that we have at this point that they were being expected. now how it played out, but these 2 men, obviously, you know, fugitives for decades in the case of one of them that they would fly directly into the us obviously speaks to a bigger story of which we don't yet have all the details. next have been media has reported that as my jo was actually set up by another high ranking member of the scene, i look at the into flying. unbeknownst to him to the us. whether or not that is actually the case. i think we'll find out in the coming hours now. what if that will these um arrests have on the scene a little. i've got that as
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a whole. i think history in mexico proves that these big drug lords, being arrested doesn't usually reduce violence. you know, and we saw it with a chapel, was mine a few years ago. he was a rest that he was the head of the organization at the time. and then the truth is that these organizations are built in structure in a way that accounts for the possibility. and frankly, the likelihood that their leaders will at some point be killed or arrested. so they basically know how to restructure themselves. so really the likelihood that much will change despite the claims by the f b i and the da saying that it will, you know, the devastating blow that this restful deal. i think in reality, mexicans aren't really expecting for violence here. cost by this organization will . and it's in the coming days or in the coming weeks. and certainly i would say that i don't think you authorities in the us expect the trafficking of fentanyl to dramatically drop either do we ago. yeah,
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i know i'll just hear of mexico city presidential candidates and venezuela of hell that final campaign. ronnie is out of the election on sunday opposition. leaders are asking both to is to ask the president my do of was thinking of the time, but he's will in the country. risks of blood box at the opposition wins or something or a picture ripples funding will appeal for a new era and venezuela presidential candidate. the former diplomat at the moon bill gonzales together with the driving force behind this can be the see my the equity. now my child called for a massive boat on sunday to on seats. presidents me call out to my daughter that's why we need everyone to get active very early in the morning. i ask you a question. who defends your vote? you their last event in the capital cust came at the end of up to middle to his campaign. that's rally the most significant, both are mobilisation since the late president to go chavez. yup. position any
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international server, say the government has tried to do real to complain using a regular tactics. my buddhist government barred my child from running the night. 4.5000000 venezuela's living abroad from registering to vote and excluded opposition. candidates from appearing on television. left. these governments like columbia and brazil withdrew their delegations, meant to observe the elections, saying my buddhist government was not respecting the democratic process. the us government insisted on the need for competitive in inclusive elections. we support a peaceful elections that we expect and hope will come on sunday. the elections that would reflect the will and the aspirations of the venezuelan people for a more democratic, stable and prosperous future. any political rep rep for oppression and violence is unacceptable due to supporters also took to the streets of downtown cut out guest
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for a final rally brought there in large numbers on governments. higher buses. the president who has been in power since 2013, appealed for a 3rd term. we will not allow them to continue causing damage. the time is up. if they make this mistake, they will regret it for 200 years. that will be the last mistake they might, can be a political life. they will be an iron hand injustice against the fascists and rises. the sage business with that has the world's most transparent electoral system that has worn the country risk the blood bass. if the opposition wins recently the government test curb, the country sky high inflation or in doing sanctions has slashed its oil income, and the economy remains in crisis. more than 7000000 venezuelans have fled the countries economic collapse in past years. and many more or considering doing the
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same depending on sundays results. less than that, i'm get the address either for living has declared a state of emergency in santa cruz due to wall 5 and extreme weather 5. i've been through more than 300000 active and that preventing delivery of fuel supplies, making it difficult for responders to reach effected areas of hard to say some of the fires were treated by agriculture burning. while phones in the canadian province of alberta, a closing widespread destruction, dozens of homes and the city of jasper had been destroyed by minister just intruder says more than 400 to find fighters are due to arrive to local rescue teams. so far, 25000 people have been evacuated from affected areas. did those and know bird us and around the world who have experienced the magic of just the magic is not lost and that never will be. alberta is government will provide the support needed to families and communities to recover and to rebuild stronger
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than ever. so the future generations can continue to experience this wonderful kind community and to feel the magic of being able to come home more than 5000 migrants have died in the 1st 5 months of this year trying to reach spain by c on the on of 10 or reef traumatized. young people are learning how to swim off to surviving one of the deadliest crossings in the world. it doesn't benefit reports close to the spanish shore. young men from spend a gallon molly are taking the punch for them. the ocean has held the danger of grim death. they made the perilous journey here crossing the atlantic in overcrowded boots. in some of this song, we would 215 people on board. we left from sent a go. the journey took 6 days. we got to the canaries at night. we had to spend the night at sea and only a.


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