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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 26, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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keep pushing because no one else can see the vision as clear as you do. the a limb pig tails, the french high speed trading network is sabotage, just hours before the opening ceremony. the games house was ready and washed with secure st. we look at the steps that was taking to ensure people safety, the, sorry, this is all just there a nice from the also coming up. we cannot look away in the face of these tragedies . we cannot allow ourselves to become num to the suffering. and i will not be
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simon's addressing applies at the palestinian people with us. vice president includes for an urgency on and off the interior of the wells most wanted fugitive slides need is of mexico send a low, a drunk hotel, a respite in texas from says high speed trading network has been plunged into tales just hours before the olympic games opening ceremony, critical row way infrastructure has been sabotaged at several important sites. $800000.00 travelers are expected to be effective. people are being told to avoid train stations in a statement b, s n c f. that's the main railway company and friends reports a mass of attack on its facilities intended to paralyze the network,
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then goes on to say high speed trains have been disrupted. well, there is some have been diverted. many services will also be canceled. i don't know if it's, he's the 6 is easy executive, these criminal acts comprised of cutting and burning couple of cables. that's right in the underground. that's the author use of the chain system. so in theory, if each cable as a filament and if 10 filaments and 50 cables cut, that's $500.00 filaments that we need to reconnect these cables, credit information for those 5 for for security, red lights and changing checks. we'll have to test that. everything is reconnected and only then control surface will tend to normally be able to connect sources live with these if it was all the resources, if you all the tvs on these lines must use the old around lines which will result into lines and cancellations. off of old trains on these lines will be cancelled except for the border region. we're only a quarter of trying to run the impact as massive spirits. both of all of the
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families who was supposed to go on holiday and who will have been impacted by these criminal scandals, acts which i family condemned. that's got the license with funding smithies and powers for us spun and so bring us up to date with the latest. what are we hearing about what happened? the while is impossible is everyone here is a saying notice or a link between the sabotage nationwide sabotage of the high speed rail network. and the opening ceremony, all the olympics were transport minister, as also said that this looks like a deliberate time to sabotage the network. you said that the pay is coordinated from they say the vitamins that were found on the people who sled no further information on who those people who fled. but we know that lines to the north east and north west of friends have been in. busy old that was also a tech, and it's not on lines of the se, but bob, bob failed. what seems to have happened visit the biased with such a place,
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is why the lines brand shall with a lines full count, to calls maximum damage. the s n c access, it's going to take until monday to fix that roach and people not to travel unless they absolutely have to this weekend. but this is the weekend when many, many french people will be going on the annual summer holidays when people will be traveling to paris to join, to enjoy the olympics. so it's having the maximum disruptive effect you could imagine on the transport that work in front. and then that they were there was already a big security operation in place was not, i mean, it took us through uh, what was involved in that. a lot of the size of a lympics happens in a very turbulence. tobate's having global drop not least, of goals with the goal in gaza level in ukraine. there is the manual mike on a cold for a us and have them fix the spot. well, a hasn't been warm, there's no spot in gauze or in the war in ukraine. continues and thought
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accusations of double spandex particulars on the. busy oval south the while russian and the russian athletes have been bombed from taking part in the back countries. flags. israel is still allowed to take part in sending a great. yeah, they are on the unprecedented security. but there are 320000 around spect site is expected to watch these extraordinary opening sacraments is not the 1st time these have been held in the open a long 6 kilometers at the river. send out a long without opening ceremony comes and unprecedented security operation. i called like natasha buckler, sent you a powers in the lockdown, been still with tens of thousands of police officers on patrol. i supposed to prepare the games. on the same french sold, visiting, deployed a hated using ceremony. it will be held on the river for all of us and in the stadium for the 1st time and business history. nearly $7000.00,
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the athletes will travel by boat during the event and a vicious and daring project and a huge security challenge. i don't want, i know when i put the security desk, we have a multi environment security approach, which means considering all sorts of threat, most of them. and so the underwater threat we have to provide. so in the bottom of this, and we have those are barriers on the river and positions on the land. we're coordinating closely with the french air force and welcome to the drains quotes. helicopters in flight suggests will secure the skies. they'll be in those slides. they know for the city during the opening ceremony and providing additional backup, nearly 2000 police officers from other countries. the organizes the powers games wanted to do something different. so instead of hosting the lympics of a news outside the city, they've made the c itself into the main venue with its famous monuments as
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backdrops. but that is why the security operation is so vast. french authorities suspend is planning defense and say they already know don't, can just show it to us. it could be of us. we are very well prepared. and french people will be very proud of the police offices are still wanting to confident but vigilant. multiple attacks against, from the pulse decade side, but the right some was and ukraine and goals that have raised the stakes. israel's team arrived with extra security. and the games work up florida. uh, dodge, it festival least. of course, when you a warm like between russian and korean like to, i mean does a you have to increase citrate team is there is no 0 risk bought the homepage. everything's in place for the olympics to run smoothly and safely as exciting the bills ahead of what's promising to be an inspiring few weeks of sport in one of the wells most spectacular cities. natasha butler,
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which is 0 paris as well. the french government has promised an unprecedented security operation deployed, deploying as many as 45000 pass. no. they include 15000 french military members, 215 for dish offices. 50 specially trained dogs and 17000 police from countries like spain, germany, south korea. on top. they are opening ceremony along a 6 kilometer stretch of the same river. i will showcase 10500 assets representing over 200 national and then pick committees for the 320000. the funds are expected to watch from the river banks, but access to central power will be restricted. if i guess is a risk management, a security specialist who's what's on the power is 2024. and i think that he says these attacks all sophisticated this is
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a very carefully cold nighted awesome attack. this is not some lone wolf behavior. and i think as the investigation on phones, we will find that there is a strike active behind this. expect my presumption at the moment we have 45000 employees on duty to die for this germany service that has the military. and somewhere between 9 and 11000 contracted security, that's an extraordinary number. but if it works, as is planned, we will hope it does. it will be the most spectacular happenings. germany you mind you were going to the street. you'll be nothing locker room 6 times down the river in boxes. $11000.00 athletes and officials, i think will be simply amazing. but what's happened, the cost is the in the city is have to be transformed. in recent dies with bright perimeters like primrose, red perimeters in terms of access control,
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incredibly complex, but the french authorities, the federal government committee have done it remarkably well. there is disruption, but then minimize that to the extent that it's possible. there are obviously sort of puts full of people with the credit attention. there are 3 points for pick with the q i card lives and work there. and there are 3 books for the international, protected persons who built things. and we're down to say something like, 100 heads of strength and heads of government attending this sort of thing, sir. me again, an excellent record in terms of other guy thing, ceremonies both sides of political present, tyson. so, um we have everything. well, i have done everything that i can to protect it. so then, and hopefully it will be more than sufficient. hundreds of thousands of people had been expected to line the river send for the opening ceremony for res looks at what
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we can expect from the wells. but guess sports extravagant paris has been transformed by the olympic games. the sporting events was sent into the fabric of the city beach volleyball of the, the only full tower scape holding the plus to account code and a bit further away. so thing in the, he think it's a once in a lifetime, chance for french athletes. exactly. a century up to the games with last held in paris. what that means also please. yeah, we are elliptic tompkins and we plant homes. so that puts a double target on our back without public giving of support. it would be an incredible moment on them on the island picks, there's an event like no other $32.00 sports more than $10000.00 competitors from $206.00 national olympic committees with a power olympics to full, a straight top that palestinians will compete under their own flag at paris 2024. while the refugee team has gotten from 10 of fleets in 2016 to 37. the previous
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games in tokyo, heavily restricted by cubic 19. so piracy is also a chance for new olympic sports to truly arrive. 3 schools chosen for the use of pale climbing escape holding, and sir, i think we'll have that 1st chance to be showcased in front of a full olympic crowd. while one brand new sport has made its way from the streets to the stadium breakdown says will compete in a pop up venue at the plus to a concord. although the sports is called breaking rather than breakdown, spring break is what are the form and elements of hip hop? and so to be able to represent that on the olympic platform for me, i think it could change the world oh, problems it presents to polish holly jump who was suspended for doping on the eve of the games. while this resentment of 11 chinese swim is being allowed to compete despite failed typing tests, contaminated substances was cited. i want to satisfy and it has no 5 and 6 enjoyment out for me. so it's uh, i just do what i do as will walk and control the games type play, submit
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a huge security operation with friends on high alert funds will hope the games begin and end with only spoilt and focus pull. race out is era, paris. okay, i want to bring you some of breaking news that's coming in to us right now. barbara and michelle obama have just issued a statement in the last few seconds endorsing the presumptive us democratic nominate for the presidency. come a law harris. so uh that coming in to us in the last few seconds, and of course this comes as the us vice president has reiterated the need for an urgency spot in garza during talks with is riley probably minister benjamin netanyahu. harris said any deal needs to include the release of captives. she was a cold for a 2 state solution and emphasize the plight of the palestinian people. had to go hand has moved from washington. walk, you know,
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to give an scheduled remarks. vice president campbell harris made clear she had one message for the is really prime minister. i'm the proposed ceasefire. as soon as i just told prime minister netanyahu, it is time to get this deal done. so to everyone who has been calling for a cease fire and to everyone who yearns for peace, i see you and i hear you a new and clear message to the pro palestinian protesters who have mostly been dismissed by the bind administration. and while she pledged iron clad support for israel, she spoke at length about the horrors, the palestinian people have been suffering for so long. what has happened in gaza over the past 9 months is devastating. the images of dead children and desperate hungry people fling for safety, sometimes displaced for the 2nd,
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3rd, or 4th time that we cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. we cannot allow ourselves to become num to the suffering, and i will not be silent. this is not how american officials usually speak about palestinians. they very rarely talk this way about the human toll, the dead, the starving. and in both meetings, when the press was allowed in sending a clear message to these really prime minister by what they didn't say. very few words of welcome and no praise for their visitor, which almost never happens to the binding ministers and says they are close to finalizing the ceasefire proposal. and some analysts see renewed reason to hope thinking as it goes into recess, july 28th. and during a recess, which will last until late october, shortly before our elections here. it's impossible to bring down any and there's
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really government. so mr. nat geo wants to do a deal. you will have the political space and the absence of pressure from his right way to do it. you if prime minister netanyahu came to washington to prove he still has us support, he leaves knowing the images painted a much different picture around the house of the democrats in the house. and the senate boycotted his speech to congress. and the bind administration is clearly losing patience with him. and his continued war on gasser. patty calling l g 0, washington. a 10000 nowadays riley military is killed at least 28 palestinians in con eunice on thursday. the armies been towering out on relenting attacks on the southern says he targeting residential districts thousands of displays, people of enforced a fleet of milwaukee. the palestinian red crescent says there's no space for a single tent. is all initially declared on the was the so called save so and has
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attacked it repeatedly. meanwhile, law says it's targeted is riley times any time eunice, the group says it's fine, says use explosives line as a rocket propelled grenades to carry out via tags on his writing ministry vehicles in southern gaza. let's go to tarik up. assume you joins us from deer all by in central gaza. so target, let's start with the latest strikes across garza. what is the very latest? yes. in fact, these valley is, is still a stepping on the military. it's meant a trust tax on the entire trip. and in the past, oh exactly, we have been recording as twice on the know that part of and there's a rock, a refuge account. one house has been cancelled for an attack and an attack on the residential flats. the attack has really caused a great deal of destruction in the residential tower that was targeted. i'm, if there is a very growing cost and traction by the use. wait a minute,
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you're attacking residential towers that are older viewing. the needs of re inquiry told what were, are considered to be household, hundreds of house. i mean families, but apparently there is own guardian who strikes as well could. we can clearly over here from our location right now to the eastern areas of the range for refugee come, in fact, civil defense crews that they are facing a remarkable challenge in terms of actually receive already. alternator. yeah, because of the is really military existence, their tags at that time. so alongside with the troops on the ground, i've been hitting the residential towers and even residential homes, while the situation is incredibly grim in the south, and the situ economy was more than $100.00. 60 palestinians have been killed since the beginning of the military operation. and the city the, the people are reporting on context and talk to the re shooting could be in the eastern area as well. how much flights is up by clicking that is ready. and they dig, a troops in that city were so different views for the fighting,
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raging. the people are still looking for some sort of safety in a milwaukee area, which is, which has been pretty sleep abutment about it. and also some of them have to come to the central areas which is right now, covered by use very surveillance. the drums that continues to get the more intelligence is it makes sure about potential targets to be later hit by the strows or by fight to jump on this guy of these in some areas by the we need to remind all of you is that the military operation are rough, i just don't going this re heights intensities where the, the set to elect images have showed a very much destruction being inflicted to areas that are adjacent to philadelphia before we do. um, it also is what is trying to create a profit. so that's why that's the r demolishing i'm blowing up to residential supplies, to have some sorts of minutes re clearance and to make some sort of security a budget. and even the board is aware of egypt sin site in order to guarantee that
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there are new rules where it's going to be released from the entire strict about the grim reality is that the buffer zone is going to swell more lines um its move, ongoing pressure is still exhausted by the used by the army on palestinian civilians who are absolutely no do not know what to go to now a lot of this ongoing military campaign. okay, thank you for that. sorry about resume that for us in their own. paula and central dasa. a have miles lead and the ok pod westbank has died in. is there any cost to be a palestinian prisoners? clubs says most of all of our died in his ready hospital had been transferred from raymond prison because of deteriorating health. the 63 year old was being held under administrative detention. israel has detained moving 4700 palestinians in the occupied west pine since october, the 7th. so many as how many most of the, of the way out of the full responsibility lies on those have arrested him. and you
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as medical history and health history. he is a sick prisoner who suffers for many health problems with blood platelets, and enzymes. it's considered an execution in mind of the sick prisoner with the risk without providing him with the necessary medical services and without providing him with food that suits his health conditions. may still ahead on the al jazeera, the philippine coast gone to ploy is placing barriers in an effort to contain an oil spill from the cap, signed tanka, young people from senegal. in 99 to swim office involving a dangerous st. crossing the the hello. there was not in south east asia and tai, for gaming, maybe well out of the picture for the philippines, but its legacy lives on bringing very heavy rain to northern parts of the
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philippines. some strong winds is while a much of the energy from this region is being pulled up. norfolk, but red warnings out for flooding still across the north, west of the philippines and the development of some west windy weather out east. and that's going to continue to pull the rain in on sunday. and the rain continues to pour into the other side of the map here for indo. china with heavy falls to come for vietnam and can bodya on sunday. and we can see some heavy rain sweeping to the southeast of australia. we're going to ship it through the weekend here. thanks to a pretty intense cold front. the antarctic air blowing up and looking temperatures down, bringing in some powerful wins some rain and also some snow to the low ground and faces like victoria, tasmania, and new south wales. we'll see some shows in sidney on saturday, 21 degrees celsius. one comes back into pub, it's dryer on saturday, but the rain returns on sunday. and for new zealand there's heavy rain across
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southern parts of the south side and it is looking very settled with sunshine for christ church on saturday. the on the
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welcome back. you're watching out there. on monday, the top story is this hour, just hours before the opening ceremony of the powers olympics from says high speed rail network has been hit by what the source, the conic malicious acts, including austin, rail official say the situation is expected to last 3 the weekend israel has killed at least 28 palestinians, x on eunice on the say, it is the 4th consecutive day. the army has talked to the southern costs of city thousands of displays. people have been forced to fleet our wants us federal agents have arrested one of the world's most wanting drunk little woods in texas, smiled some data, also known as l. my. a co founded the notorious mexican senate, lower contel with l. chapo goodman, who is currently imprisoned. in the us l. chapo son joaquin goodman lopez is also
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arrested. julia gadgianno has moved from mexico city. as we know this arrest was a joint effort between the d. a and the fbi. i both organizations, i've already released statement saying that the rest of that these 2 most wanted men will deal blows, devastating blows to the organization to the scene. i look at then. now the rest itself played out as follows. these 2 men flew into an airport, a small uh airport, in a private aircraft in the city of the paso texas. and they were met by authorities on the aircraft. so it's clear from the information that we have at this point that they were being expected. now how it played out, but these 2 men, obviously, you know, fugitives for decades in the case of one of them that they would fly directly into the us obviously speaks to a bigger story of which we don't yet have all the details. next have been media has
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reported that as my jo was actually set up by another high ranking member of the scene, i look at the into flying. unbeknownst to him to the us. whether or not that is actually the case. i think we'll find out in the coming hours now. what is that will these um, arrests have on the scene. i look at that as a whole. i think history in mexico proves that these big drug lords, being arrested doesn't usually reduce violence. you know, and we saw it with a chapel, who's mine, a few years ago. he was a rest that he was the head of the organization at the time. and then the truth is that these organizations are built in structure in a way that accounts for the possibility. and frankly, the likelihood that their leaders will at some point be killed or arrested. so they basically know how to restructure themselves. so really the likelihood that much will change despite the claims by the f b i and the da saying that it will, you know, the devastating blow that this restful deal i think of in, in reality,
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mexicans aren't really expecting for violence here. cost by this organization. will diminish in the coming days or in the coming weeks. and certainly i would say that i don't think you authorities in the us expect the trafficking of fentanyl to dramatically drop either do we ago. yeah, i know i'll just 0 mexico city of hundreds of people are still missing in if you're, if you have 5 days of to, to down slides hit a remote southern region. heavy machinery comp reach the areas the rescue. teams and volunteers have been using the bat, hands and shovels to dig through the month. and we're on the condo pulse. price of mourners echoed throughout the ethiopian southern top is a heavy rains at the area on monday, causing land slice a 2nd land site in gulf locals that rushed onto the scene to help with rescue efforts. 1 the mountainous region has made it close to impossible to bring in heavy
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equipment for use in rescue attempts. so people have resorted to using their hands to the cup mails of red month, hoping to find the missing. my job is to waive my elder brother and elder sister are dead. my sister's husband and sisters, children are all dead. all my relatives are gone. i have buried 13 family members of the height is i recently gave birth to twins. my husband is dead. my sister is dead, her body has not been found. the day is dark for me. united nations fears to death to could climb exponentially in the coming days. do you and also says the area remains on see, and thousands need to be evacuated. for now, scramble to find bodies continues for these villagers, grief is being dug up all around them and run a loss on how to 0. the philippines coast guards says it will deployed chemical,
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disperse themselves, the scene of an oil spell name, and then the bay tank, a caring one and a half 1000000 meters. if industrial fuel cap sized and signed during typhoon gave me on thursday, barnaby light reports for municipal the yes, the industrial fuel leaks from the tanker. and if there is a massive westfield, at least uh, according to the philippine coast guard, this is going to be a massive catastrophe. one because of the proximity of where the tank or cap size is just 7 kilometers off the coast of the on, which is just north of manila and to it's because of the vastness of the coast line of manila bay. it's called many of the base. but it doesn't just cover manila, it's also and compasses. the coastlines of several problem is north of manila and one province, south of manila. so several, a coastal villages will be effected if there is a massive westfield. and we spoke to fishermen here and they said that this is going to be a problem on top of the many problems that they already have. one,
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they're still reeling from type with gaming type. we do me having brought severe flooding here and destroyed some of their boats. more than 5000 people have died in the 1st 5 months of this year trying to reach spain by sea. only on end of 10, a reef traumatized young people. now learning how to swim off to surviving one of the most dangerous crossings in the world. if to some 10 feet as close to the spanish shore, young men from spend a gallon molly are taking the punch for them. the ocean has held the danger of grim desk. they made the perilous journey here crossing the atlantic in overcrowded boots. in some of this song, we would 215 people on board. we left from sent a go. the journey took 6 days. we got to the canaries at night. we had to spend the
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night at sea normally around 5 or 6 in the morning. we got to the big thousands diet sea every year trying to reach.


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