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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 26, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the the, [000:00:00;00] the thanks for your company, i'm way the her office as a he is our life from the are coming up in the next 60 minutes. the games kick off in paris. so let me pick teams parade along the river, send in an on traditional opening ceremony. and frances high speed rail network saw
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patasha hours before the ceremony causing travel tales for many fans. israel's prime ministers as time will tell if we're closer to a gauze of ceasefire deal as he meets with donald trump at his home in florida. and we report from southern ethiopia, where search teams are digging with their bare hands to retrieve bodies buried by this week's last slides and piece of things with the latest school to use. the powerful impact says already seen its 1st positive 3rd thing, taste your documents to the subject to him as tested, positive for to anabolic steroids and is out of the games. the id is 18 g m t a pm in paris, where the opening ceremony of the summer olympics is now under way. more than 10000 athletes are cruising down the river sun passing by his story, paris,
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landmarks. it is the 1st time in the history of the olympics, summer games that an opening ceremony is the can place outside a stadium. up to 3000000000 people are expected to tune in for a 3 and a half hour show. let us get you more. um we can join and natasha butler in paris. natasha. it's finally here. the ceremony is under way. how is it all looking? yeah, the ceremony is on the way and it began with a flourish. we sold the trick on us like red red. why some blue in terms of smoke, i have one of piracy is historic bridges and now we're seeing thousands of athletes on both country by country making their way down to spend the 1st of both of our leads is gree sizes tradition because of the history and the origins of the big games, but then followed by a boat of refugee acetate. so i'm moving by meant for many of the athletes that
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have taken part for them is they make their way through the city and on the sides you can see 1000 suspect types of some 300000 people all watching on the banks of the sudden many of them parisians, who are given these tickets and an opportunity to take part in this traditional, unusual and daring open sermon. and then we just saw the american superstar sing and lady ga. gov as well as singing a little early performing on a piano with note for them in the background say so far, it is spectacular as the artistic director of the evening. so many said it will be full of surprises and look is gonna last more than 3 hours. so i think we're gonna see a lot of exciting things to come. all right, fantastic. and we started off with lady yaga, so it only can get better and tell me give me an update on the weather. well look, i mean the days we've had bright sunshine, blue skies, and clearly the organizes were hoping it would stay that way, but sadly can pull the seat behind me. it is pretty gloomy, pretty grey,
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but that has no dump and spirits people still come out there makes so many. there's still looks amazing as you watch these after these going down the river, or through the center of the city to 6 columbia to route the 1st time and opening ceremonies that were being held outside of the stage. and people are delighted that taken thoughts in something really different and you can feel that a lot of good energy and yes, a lot of good energy in the air because the thing didn't really start to very well . it started off on a, on a bad note. so there was an attack on francis railway system. what type of impact has it have on the opening of ceremony if any well, so far, hopefully not. and although of course earlier today, i mean people were feeling well at the anxious because it was just a few hours before this evening. so many that we have that a multi august and attack on the phone. so is a railway system where cables were caught on fire as late as 3 key locations. now
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that caused a major disruption more than a 100000 people were impacted some people traveling. so there's some holidays. others moving around for the and then picks not french. authorities have said that an investigation has been a long they are going to look for the perpetrators. they're trying to pay down any links with even pick games. but clearly coming just before the evening started reading it field, a lot of anxiety below the ceremony is on the way things so far going smoothly. we know that security is of the whole time high and the see 45000 police officers on petrol and everyone is just hoping that it continues to be safe and people enjoy what is supposed to be a festive moment. all right, and the pressure of butler enjoy a catch up with you later. thank you. the donald trump has met with is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu at his mar
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alonzo home in florida. the former us president called for a swift and to the war and gauze on the immediate return of captives. netanyahu said israel would be sending a negotiating team to cease fire talks in room. at the beginning of the week, the 2 leaders forged a close alliance during trump tiers in the white house. but they fell out when y'all congratulated by on his victory in the 2020 election. now trump has falsely claimed the election was stolen from him by voter fraud. or let's say go to a phil laval for details. he is in charlotte, north carolina. that's where our donald trump has been speaking. so what, what do we know about this meeting? any career agenda going into this? yeah, just so you actually have moved a few miles south. i'm actually in west palm beach in florida. this is where my logo is and this says donald trump. so that's why it's not too far away. it's not too far away, but this was an ext uh,
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an invitation that was extended by donald trump to nothing you want him to come here because this is a meeting, but he needs to all intents and purposes right now donald trump is effectively a civilian right. he's a nominee, but he's not in office and he has seen nothing. yahoo! meet the current president. he's seen that yahoo meet carmella harris who strive stands a strong chance of being the nominate, maybe even the president in january and she met netanyahu yesterday. she said that she had cold. uh, she would not be silence on the issue of gaza. were told that the conversation was very frank, which usually means testy. so donald trump had to have this phase of opportunity to project the fact that he could also be the man in the white house, dealing with probably a prime minister netanyahu it just a few months time. and he described those comments by couple of harris has probably you would expect as disrespectful. and he said, what we've heard him, i'd say it is rallies that we're on, the precipice of wells will free the only he can save us because he says, and i quote, we have incompetent people running our country. now why prime minister netanyahu
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a right here just before lunch time with his wife, they were greeted warmly on the steps of mar logo. donald trump actually referred to, sorry, his wife, mister netanyahu, his wife as his secret weapon, and then they go straight down to business. and we have been told that this would be a close meeting, but obviously because it's such a big pay off which pay all opportunity for donald trump. i'm from mister netanyahu . those images, those videos have been coming through where we saw them at the table talking. remember, donald trump is trying to project himself as the man who will bring about, well, peace and peace in the middle east. he revealed the other day on his platform, treat social, but he received a letter from the palestinian president, mack, me the boss in which mister abbas had said that he was very sorry that he was horrified. somebody had tried to kill don't, will trump donald trump put that on line, he put his signature on it and he wrote everything will be okay. and obviously for nothing yahoo, this is a very strong relationship that he needs to bring back online. because if donald
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trump does come back to the white house, he is going to be a israel may protect made of supply. and while the democrats are in this position right now, without having to struggle, lot line between the they flights of the people on gauze and being aware of it. and so those words from kind of a high risk, but also being seen, to support israel, to support israel is right to defend itself. donald trump is got a the other way. he is progressing himself as a friend of israel, as you said, joining his time and office. he was a strong is really i like, remember he moved the us embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. he recognized is writing software and see over the golden heights. he was hard line on a run, but of course they did full allowance because nothing yahoo recognized that set bite and had won the election. donald trump was not happy about that. but if he is back in office, if he's going to bring about peace in the middle east, as he said he's going to do, it's very difficult unless the 2 men are on friendly terms. and that is why most of
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them need this meeting as much as they all that right. they seem to have hit the reset button to fill lavelle a reporting from palm beach, florida. thank you. like to welcome now, richard. the good thing. no, he's the democratic strategist and served as an advisor to former president bill clinton and he comes to his life from washington dc. a very good day, sir. welcome to alger 0. mr. newton yeah, was visit tomorrow logo. what do you think his objective is? was pretty clear in his own country. uh, maybe not yahoo. i was not very popular. you see these rally is i'm calling for new elections and frankly for him to step down the people do, i think in israel, remember the years that donald trump was president as ones where trump basically let yahoo do whatever he wants to be on the settlements. that's fine,
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with the embassy. sure. you called for a muslim band. right. and so far he is. you have to call for a 2 state solution which we know a lot of this really is one, but netanyahu does not want. so netanyahu's, obviously trying to get in the good graces of trump, who as you just heard, might be back in the white house. and if so, israel is obviously quite relying on the us, but the fact is joe biden to catch himself as i is. i don't think donald trump knows what that means, but israel does have a good friend in the white house now, but obviously trouble is looking for way to a distance himself a little bit from the current administration. mm hm. uh and i wonder, uh sir, can uh, trump seal uh the ceasefire agreement that's on the table right now. we're now give him that when that break through, that he has denied bite and it's possible. i think if i was
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netanyahu, i would think twice about that it would be such a laugh at the current administration on who he is quite reliance for military and non military assistance set for netanyahu to put trump in that position, i think would be our belief bad judgment, and i think that yahoo displaced that judgement often. i don't think even his judgement would be that bad. and what's not kid ourselves with trump says he's a man of peace. i don't really know who assigns weight to what donald trump has to say about pretty much anything. and the look he said israel should finish the job in god's that that sounds like he means level god entirely. so and he says, israel has a public relations problem, isn't like everything is going fine, it's just the public relations that are bad. so again i, i would kind of think twice before i would put too much weight in anything the
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donald trump has to say about the peace process. now as you know, trump has been described by many people as transactional. what possibly could newton yahoo give him in return for his support as well? again, supporters or why i, you know, i don't know that from frankly at this stage. and he's already given netanyahu everything he wants. rhetorically. again, supplements as much as you want, moving the embassy um, a total green light to quote finish the job because i don't really know what more trump clinic give netanyahu at this point. you're right. if there's anything that trump is, it's transactional, but i think netanyahu is trying to kind of combine his way back. he obviously alienated trunk by god forbid saying good job. i'm had won the election and trying to return that favor by saying he thought that that the i wouldn't some response in respects was responsible for what happened on october 7. so i think you're trying
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to both to keel, that's kind of bad blood. but i don't really know that there is much the trunk again, netanyahu at this stage of the game. yes, surely netanyahu could say you, mr. come to be the one to announce. i'll sign this piece deal. i'm skeptical about that. and now, you know, we're 9 months in to this war which is turning into we're one of the most are consequential, you know, to monetary and catastrophe of the country. you find yourself in a quagmire. doug in the trump administration, as you so eloquently pointed out, was aligned and a tune to israel's wants. and it's also the major architect of abraham of courts, something that the current white house also has followed suit and tried to will it into existence. and i'm talking about the saudi israel normalization that they want to get off the ground. where do you see that the standing right now?
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it's interesting, i think much is trump townsley abraham accords. one could make the case that it was the cost of the abraham accords. um a mazda and the palestinian generally felt like nobody was paying attention to them . and indeed, if you listen to trump and his son in law who helped negotiate this deal, they almost said that, oh, we don't have to concern ourselves with the palestinians anymore. it all these countries in the region, respect, israel of commerce with israel, that really will solve many of the problems. and here we are, as you say, 9 months into this horrible loss of life on both sides. and i just think it speaks to an injury. transactional aspect of trumps. he states he thought as a business person, oh yes, they can do business with each other. whatever has happened to me for palestinians won't matter. guess what it did and does. and i think in contrast, um by didn't sees that the stories really do have an opportunity to weigh in
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perhaps to the brain, things with the mouse and maybe with the pelting authority to a different point than they are. now. obviously it's predicated on the defensive b is israel, but us would provide that studies and a recognition of the studies of israel as israel accepting a 2 state solution, which i think is really going to be very hard so long as donald trump might be present today. it's a queen to us. i think netanyahu is going to hold out because it does not want that . you've made that perfectly clear. richard a good stay. thank you for joining us. my pleasure. thank you. meanwhile, on the ground in gaza is really fighter jets have carried out a new wave of air strikes, targeting various areas across the strip, at least $21.00 people were killed and one person was killed in an attack on the residential building. and the say that refugee camp and central garza, while
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a raid on a house and gaza city killed at least 2 people and in hon. eunice in the south, at least 18 palestinians have been killed. i'm off says it's fighters. have been targeting is really tanks using rocket propelled grenades. meanwhile, thousands of displays, people have been forced to flee to estimate where see in the south west. but the palestine red crescent says there's no space there is real initially declared and my where c 8 so called save so but has attacked it repeatedly with nowhere else to go. many families have been forced to move into cemeteries and holiday reports from there's been a of the living now lives alongside the dead display several times . but is there any talks and evacuation orders? these palestinians are forced to pitch tense in the symmetry,
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sometimes sleeping next to the grave of a person very thought they will live in john berman law shut off. i swear that i have seen a lot of dead people. i live here in the cemetery and i see dozens of bodies every day. i suffer too much on life is non stop suffering. but even the grim accommodation may be temporary, with israel's worth showing, no sign of ending, they could be forced to move again at any moment. the gods we move every day from one place to another displacement has almost killed us. we don't have money moving is expensive. we urge fire of countries and muslim nations to help us to stand with us. we need a solution. con unice has been completely destroyed. we ended up living with the dead in the cemetery all day and i'm kept. god only knows how we survived. shells were coming towards us from everywhere. we live in a graveyard. we shared the space with good people. the living conditions here are
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only fits for the dead. there is no running water, no toilets, nothing that can being a little comfort cemetery is supposed to be a final resting place. perhaps the lucky ones will be forced to move once again and survive. the lucky ones will be buried with their tents, ones too. and just for the odyssey to the cause of palestine, us and the united kingdom will no longer try to stop the international criminal court from issuing arrest warrants for is rarely leaders. the deadline for it to submit a challenge has passed. the previous conservative governments had been considering its legal options. you might remember in may or i c. c prosecutor or karen kerry. my con said he was applying for arrest forms for is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and defense minister you'll have to lots for alleged war crimes committed and got
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some con, also sort warrants for 3. i'm us leaders. the former us president brock obama and michelle obama. have endorsed cala harris's bit to be the next president obama's phone, the presumptive democratic or party nominate while she was out campaigning to offer their support to take lessons. i am proud of you. this is going to be historic. we called to say, michelle and i couldn't be prouder to endorse here and to do everything we can to get you through the selection of and into the oval office. oh, my goodness, michelle practice mean so much to me. i am looking forward to doing this with the 2 of you. all right, so we can talk to alan fisher now, who's alive from the white house. alan, how much does the endorsement of the obama is help? and what kind of roles could they potentially play while they came inevitable? the question was, why didn't they do on sunday?
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and clearly, in the interim, no feasible candidate, i managed in many, many democrats, swung the weight by and come with how to see immediately i 900 endorsement by joe biden. and also by the clintons, that was imported by the obama still hold a bit of sweep, but no one was waiting to find out if are know, if they would endorse or not everyone else jump 10 and decided that camera was their, their candidate. and also we saw it had no real impact on a fundraising. she still managed to break barriers with the why was lot just didn't call on wednesday with people pledging support with many black voters. the nice thing that they to we're going to buy tamela house. so it's important from the democratic point of view because of course, obama was the last democratic president before joe by the so that's significant. the still are reasonably powerful figures in the democrats, but it's not going to make any difference. no one is now going to say, well, if the obama is a but i think i will,
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that it was the direction of travel for the democrats. no, allen, the democrats are riding high. they're all fired up. but i wonder how does all of this translate into, you know, convincing those voters we're still in the friends who are completely apathetic. when it comes to the election in november, a lot of the voters have decided what they're going to do. ready. and that look on both sides isn't going to move. you're either going to vote for donald trump or you're not going to vote for donald trump. and certainly donald trump got a bump after the convention, but it lasted a very short period because it disappeared very quickly on sunday, with joe biden and noticing he was out of the race and couple of how to essentially securing the democratic nomination. the 40 hours passed towards so that bodies which you normally get just simply disappeared. instead, tamela has go to bugs. she's going to bodies from a 9 saying a getting all these endorsements as well. now she's got to convince the undecided
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voters, and that's where the selection will be decided that she is a better choice. and if you go back to the beginning of this year, many poll said people didn't want either donald trump or joe biden to run. so now they're looking at common law. this is this, the difference that we were looking for is the, someone you, someone who perhaps aligns with my views. she's got a big job over between now and the election. she has got to convince those undecided voters that she is, the better choice, but she's go off to a good start. she's cutting momentum, and she's got to keep that going between now and november if she wants to win the white heads. alan fisher reporting. thank you. so much for your continued coverage and return our attention now to ethiopia, which has declared 3 days of morning after 2 alliance slides swept through a remote region in the south and heavy machinery. your cannot reach the area. so risk your teams and volunteers. i've been using their bare hands and shovels to dig
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through the month. well, the united nation says at least $257.00 bodies have been recovered. and the death toll could rise because many people are still unaccounted for. out you 0 is i'm a homage vol sent as this update from the sites of the land slide where a local villagers are still recovering bodies. i'm of the size of that on slide that killed hundreds of people here in southern ethiopia. behind me, you can see the mountain top from which a huge chunk team down doing a heavy duty in a don't on sunday, killing many people i'm betting homes under people here tell us about the initial on slide was limited and it killed only a few people but when a huge crowd came for us to another big one took place and that's the one the task . and so many at the bottom of the hill, 6 days so flocked to these last that took place. people out of them setting in the month for their loved ones feel for the keys. tell us not to move on to doesn't
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people are still missing. here. you see a new body has just been back up from, from the mother a few minutes later. they also told us that they have signs, but they might be able to do go and not have all the from here. so the families and the rescue workers are not getting up. many here might be too busy to express degrees, but that's a place not far. that's the decay to death to for that. not only the families of the deceased, but also hundreds of villages continue to come here to attend the funeral home and find out the live village. so i'm going to need to us and in the u. k. are police a police officer router is now under criminal investigation for assault. after he was filmed, checking and stamping on a man at manchester airport. the man's lawyer says he has assist on the brain, and his condition is getting worse. why not wrestling over it should have more
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friday prizes just finished at this most in rochdale. it's the most that the family of the center of this incident usually attends, but they have not been here today. we understand they've been a while and by the events of the last few days, but we have spoken to the members of the community and to be reassured by the fact that there is now an independent investigation into what has happened. good. how much is the police have said that they're gonna cut out the investigation, so we'll wait and see what the investigation finds out. we don't need to be alarmed . we trust in the system. we have to just trust in the system. i'm sure g and people do a sort of job and whatever action is appropriate and necessary, they will take those appropriate actions. i'm not really sure to feel a little bit. so i'm going to say, i'm thinking of going lot of the way because you get scared about going out at night time going out and i work on the id because you're unsure of what there is a head. now the representatives from the independent police watch,
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those have actually met with the family to reassure them that their inquiry will be truly independent and also just explain the escape of the investigation. now, it is important also to know that you may take some time until those conclusions are reached. mean out of a scenario out 0 barksdale and so had here on alger 0 to the world's most wanted fugitive. a legislator is in mexico's, it's in a lower drug cartel, are arrested in texas and the philippine coast guard to force floating barriers in an effort to contain an oil spill from a cap size tanker. and in sports, a warm welcome for asia is vegas sports star, as he returns to the continents, details later in the show, the
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have that let's get the weather for the middle east, levant, and it's a luxury hot, dry and settled picture. many areas we're seeing some rain, however, push across the very know from take you into the cold because we could see heavy rain, some of that dripping down into northwest in pots of iran on saturday. some of your showers as well will touch into western pots. if you have me with a few splits and spots for the southwest of saudi arabia, but it is largely dry with shamal, expect it to pick up across the gulf temperature. however, it's sitting around the mid forties photo hot and cold. tom temperatures have been sitting very high across the north west of africa in morocco for particular in particular, we will see some rain edging into most central areas on saturday. the rain is heaviest across that central band of after got a big bus of rain will continue to roll west from nigeria of the south of this. it is a laundry dry picture with lots of heat to be found for winter in places like zambia
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as well. as in baldwin, we will see some of that rain, however, kick up from southern parts of south africa, new thing round into southern parts of mozambique. it is the story of heat here, but it is looking cooler for cape town on sunday. the front cover, a hot truce filibuster for me, from china's expansion and visions. it's not up to the people in taiwan to the side, about the one china policy, the israel, aggressive doctrine, genocidal rhetoric and genocide, intensely with genocide and intense light is really government with nothing. 30000 or 200001000. that would be hundreds of thousands of thousands that left the house and the stucco, some of the toughest issues of our time had to hit coming soon on
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a jersey to the news . the welcome back. you're watching alger 0 reminder of our top story is this our, the opening ceremony of the summer olympics is underway in france. the
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unprecedented event is taking place on the river sun, where more than $10000.00 athletes are parading on board boats. and how does that ceremonies or countries, high speed trains happen sabotage. authorities reported damage to singling and fires as several sites. maintenance teams are working to repair the affected areas, but the government is warning. it could take days to return to normal. the main real operator, since the f says 800000 travelers could be effected. burnett snoops reports from paris. it's impossible to fully secure thousands of kilometers of french railway lines. a weakness exposed by these attacks on crucial signaling equipment. this is quasi in northern france when a full locations targeted with fires was set and cables caught some time on thursday night. it's a friday morning, april the high speed rail network to a halt across most of the country multiple get the civil there. today,
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all the information we have clearly shows that it was deliberate. the simultaneous nature vans were found from which people it fled, particularly in the southeast as incendiary agents were found on site previous. everything now points to the fact that these were awesome attacks, particularly the timing, which is more than a suspicious inquiry because the travel plans of more than 800000 royal passengers had been sabotaged. lines connecting powers to cities in the north east west. i'm the united kingdom have been affected. all travelers have been advised to postpone that journeys. what's the declared value? yeah, yeah. we definitely, we have prepared ourselves. there are a lot of people in colt and they became but honestly, we thought that was multi to being on the lines effected by the maybe games and normal breakdowns. we didn't think we would have to mobilize, but obviously we're going to repair already on the way. but the royal network is expected to be severely disrupted, at least until the end of the weekend. hey, the crippling of the railways is being said as a clear attempt to overshadow,
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install to be able to change. there is unprecedented security. would you rather talk to the trains pound of ability, unexplored, booted smith out of the philippine coast guard says it will deployed chemical or disperse since and the floating barriers after a tank are carrying one point. $5000000.00 leaders of industrial fuel cap sized near manila bay, but is about to be low reports despite the government assurances people in coastal communities are worried. oil will spread. a fisherman in this coastal community of manila are still reeling from type when gaming their boats swept away by strong waves and rising water levels, allan port the found his in pieces. it's been hard, but i'm not making any money because i'm not able to fish. and that means i'm not able to feed my family proper metal. and that's on top of the woodland catches they say, says the building of man made islands. and manila bay began
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a few years ago. and now a tanker carrying 1500000 leadership. industrial fuel is underwater and leaking oil . not far from where the fish caught the oil will stick to the fish. no one will want to binding, but i know it took 3 months to clean up the oil. spill off the central philippines last year. they fear a crisis worse than that. while the tanker capsized off the province of with the on, which is less than 150 kilometers from manila, the waters are part of many of the bank. and so this vision community in the philippine capital could be in the trajectory of the oil spill shouldn't spread. but the coast guard says it appears to be, for now is from the tankers engine. it is contained within the vicinity of the accident, siphoning off the industrial fuel assess to made it to take a week, but it needs to start. so we're preparing for the worst case scenario, which is that the industrial fuel leak. so we have low spill bones. this person and
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barry time environmental protection personnel on site. but fishermen here hope it doesn't come to that. because the worst case scenario isn't something they can prepare for. foreign to below al jazeera, many of the time when you use authorities are also assessing the damage caused by ty from gave me clean up. operations are underway and the coast guard is rescuing boat, stranded by the tropical storm. the official desk toll has no reason to h with more than 800 people injured. your new skin reports from taiwan and turn on rather in south western taiwan. a strong waves paralyzed an indonesian cargo ship, one of 8 vessels, grounded along tie one's west coast. after the island took a direct hit my tie soon for the 1st time in 8 years, ships for mongolia camera room, and portugal intend zenia are waiting. rescue is too far and those will go to
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a police station. as crew members of the fusion contain a ship. after comparing with his crew list, it was confirmed that they were the 1st officer and the cook team immediately. all his colleagues, districts in coastal patrols high on east coast guard officials say they are dealing with an unprecedented mission, rescuing dozens of workers on these cargo ship stranded by type food gabby. now these weather conditions are complicating their efforts, but they say they are committed to bringing each of the crew members to safety. all hands are on deck for the operation on land. soldiers who earlier in the week had been carrying out military drills, annual war game, simulating a chinese invasion, are now assisting recovery efforts. the defense ministry says china cab, it's fighter jets and warships away from the island, or a 24 hour period and to friday,
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a rare break from regular incursions. people living in the worst it areas are picking up the pieces. after kimmie devastated their homes and neighborhoods with months delta go in this year's type in season unit skim. alda zara. kind on taiwan. the u. s. federal agents have arrested one of the world's most wanted drug lords in texas, as well as in bottom, also known as m. i o, is the co founder of the notorious mexican send in lieu of cartel. he was detained along with joaquin guzman lopez, the son of el cheapo guzman, another drug kingpin who is now currently in prison in the us. mexico is a security minister, says she was surprised by the detention but said mexican authorities had been informed by the us. and we can take an hour to mexico city a julia go yano or joyce was there alive, and she'll have more details for us. julia,
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tell us more about the circumstances of the arrest a while there remains some confusion, not so much about the circumstances themselves. we know that these 2 men arrived in an airplane, a private small sesna airplane to an air field right outside of paso, texas, where they were met by us. the federal authorities who are very clearly expecting them, whether or not the men inside were expecting to be met by officials, is still up in the air. however, the mexican security minister said here this morning that the fly that they left in which left the mexican northern city of and we'll see you as far as mexican authorities were concerned. they left by just one at one pilot was piloting was flying the plane and he was in mexico as a tourist. and the plane manifesto, we're only that was only the pilot and you know, so one man left mexico, 3 men arrived in the us. the circumstances of how these 2 most sought after men by
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the d. a and other us agencies ended up in an airplane together. i think we'll have more information on in the coming days of rumors are pointing towards a, you know, there having been some sort of set up. in the case of maya, somebody that his lawyer in the u. s. has said that she did not go to the us willingly, that he was basically set up and that he did not know that he was of you know, he who was not planning to hand himself it and put this into context for us. so julia, what does this mean for the cartel and the wider campaign against drug traffic? and i'm thinking specifically about fentanyl we're heading north as well. you know, always been speaking to journalists in the state of c, l o, where these men are from and where the, you know, i've got to tell was born and that operates me. it operates and all of mexico and obviously the us, but like people their journal this, they're specifically who follow the story closely. are they're, they're very, you know,
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they're concerned for the immediate aftermath of this arrest history in mexico. shows that when some of these big drug lords are captured, even though it is to some extent, expected in these organizations, that the leaders would be, you know, captured or killed. and they know how to adjust to this. but there's usually an immediate time immediately after it happens, where the power, you know, the power vacuum creates violence. so in seen, a lot of people are kind of, you know, everyone's working from home today. there's, you know, the, the mexican government has sent a special troops over there in case there is any kind of flare up of violence and the immediate aftermath. but i think it would be nice to think in the long term that these, these arrests are going to really, you know, make any difference in the amount of fentanyl, for instance, that reaches the us or in the amount of violence that these organizations caused in mexico. as i mentioned before, you know, the, these groups are, they're very um, horizontal organizations. they're,
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they don't depend entirely on one leader and they're very much used to their top leaders being taken out. uh so they, they know how to adjust. so i don't think anyone certainly in mexico is expecting for there to be any radical change in, in, in the amount of fentanyl entering the us. and you know, we start when a top of this month, the former leader of the scenario effect that was arrested in 2017 uh, ever since. and even though he was trying to us court and sentenced to life in prison, the numbers of violence in this country have not gone down. and the number of the, the amount of fentanyl going into the u. s. has not decreased. so i think history speaks for itself in that sense. julia are going on where reporting from mexico city, julia, thank you. i to turn our attention out to south africa where police have arrested 95 libya. nationals on suspicion of receiving training at a secret and military camp. police re to the camp in white river area in the
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eastern blue molanda province on friday morning. the libyans are believed to have entered south africa on study. visa is to train a security guards by police investigations indicate they received the military training. it's unclear if the individuals are linked to any group of security authorities and park a star and have bound nationwide protests opposition. political parties to plan to hold demonstrations on friday for testers. the want of the government to take action against rising inflation and electricity costs and the come of hire. so this update from islam abide a 1000 is the borders of the jump out. this law may have ridge the outskirts of its lama, but despite their dams by their daughter days to stop them. the headboards and their door along the route. but the protested that also getting things with them that a moving the is off that goes towards the end of them. and now it says name to
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forward. this brought the draw points needing to islam or box. they are flush, we're planning to come here to wait protests against the door, but the right side, as far as electricity prices are concerned, people are not able to pay. there's some people that even committing suicide. and according to the needs of the jamal, just allow me, it was done to my own constructing the people's blog and done to my own, to extortion. now that's all because of the fact that it focused on the previous governments by a bug or something which limited and it was in the buckets on people's party, decided to sign agreements with the independent follow up producers. and who of course, are now charging exorbitant prices for that electricity almost 3 times that of india focused on right now are the most expensive electric power available through the can you my show, the leadership of the month is not me, will be hoping to put pressure on the government, the 1st serious protest against the government, since it's the follow up back in february. and that goes to
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a made accurate nations of massive rigging. so it will add to the momentum that they've been doing because of the political parties are also a, using the government of mismanaging the economy. commodity that i'll just say at all. it's not my by police and bangladesh have detained 3 student leaders. authorities accused them of organizing the recent protests against quotas on government jobs, which is there is a ton very short re sent this update from dot com. security has been size and not they for the pride and joy, my prayer. because you have a 9 hour pause to day was briefing the press, the home minister said the car for you will remain at listened for district including dock. uh and the capitals with a 9 hour pause. all over in the states. the local authorities can decide based on the situation, and he said the track down on those involved in the arson and destruction will
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continue across the country. let us go to the there are sticking through the portions about they're also on the wrong. they're unable to hold press conference, but they're speaking with the 9 finds demand. learning goes, economy is taking the tool as it is. it was struggling with high inflation and starting to try for, for last 2 years. government industry is losing orders because of the internet shut down. business has not been closed. april with fixed income and daily lab or the, the one who's suffering the most. if that continues like this, there will be a serious consequence on the economy, according to analysts. however, the government is continuing to say that things are normal, yet everything seems to be very pen. and paper also want to know why it happened, how it happened. why so many people got killed? sunbridge, audrey, i'll just say the dock uh the actual line cuz the election, the commission says the presidential election will be held on september 21st
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opposition. parties accused the members of the current and ministration of trying to postpone the polt laws for longer is recovering from a major financial challenges which left a mass protests and a political crisis. 2 years ago. and thousands of people have attended the state funeral for one vietnam's most dominant political figures. 80 year old, new info, or chung, or who was the communist party leader. for 13 years died last week. we saw a rapid economic growth in vietnam and instigated a major anti corruption campaign. jessica washington reports illinois, thousands of people lined up for hours outside the national funeral house. a tribute to the man who led vietnam for more than a decade municipality general secretary knew in full tomb, died last week at the age of 18. and you're welcome to kind of weird ma and respect
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to him for his talent morals and dedication to the country. he dedicated his whole life to the event and these people die for many v as in these one of tombs because contributions was initiating an anti corruption campaign known as the blazing sun, his hundreds, his officials from all levels of government as well as business executives, were prosecuted or forced to step down our new laptop. i admire his empty corruption efforts. he said of defensive. so other officials don't dare to be corrupt. corruption is what makes people poor and miserable from joined the communist party during the vietnam and worked his way up the ranks until the secure to the top position in 2011. we do when the general secretary with his profound intellect, makes the potty and the people with a valuable system of thought on vietnam's revolutionary pos and the new era. during his leadership, the economy boomed and vietnam became an to national manufacturing hub. it also began to play a bigger diplomatic role globally,
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using what he calls them through diplomacy. assume but flexible approach to its relations with other countries. privately, they didn't really know how to, you know, navigate different and complex relationships between uh, you know, different powers rush out of china. all right. and, and us, and on though, when put you on is a staunch mouse, is he is they'll know how to really navigate the, the hidden shape. we think that's a china and us trauma had been in full health in recent years after stroke in 2019 . the president is now acting as the general secretary along with bureau may choose to elect. and now the interim head of the party in the coming weeks or months. jessica washington just event. so i had here on al jazeera is sports,
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this olympic legends has, is i sense on making history details coming up the, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, welcome back. let's get you to lead us now from the olympics with peter. hi, peter. hi, lana. the openings, any of the lengthy games in paris is currently going on thousands of luck to the central the french capital to try and get close to the banks of the same river. with the ceremony is happening well away from the festivities. the main thing about any olympics is the actual sport full rece has more on what to expect on
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the surface, the decision of the olympic games is taking place in paris is just a bit of what you need to know. the model. no one picks the gun in $1896.00, and it's the biggest multiple events in the world around 10 in the whole 1000 awfully to complete the entire us from $206.00 national olympic and these types of lakes will compete under the palestinian plot. there are 30 two's fulton title, including athletics. i'm swimming alongside you. i'm returning school design to appeal to younger audiences. both like surfing, state building on, full climbing will be featured for the 2nd time. and the 1st time in front of a full olympic crowd. stop shop for these types. your games were heavily restricted like cubic 19 power says also i did write something to the mix, making it to the intake stadium plus the welcome hold on always pregnancy, coal ratings. there were 35 of the news with i couldn't quite patients was the only
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full power on the side. there's even sort of thing that he thinks there's $339.00 gold medals. the drops of annoying change i use of competition with the power olympics, the polite we've already had the 1st positive doping, taste of the powers, games, iraq, humans to go to a subject, say him, fits a positive. so to antibiotics, the release, the international testing agency has confirmed it means to him in the blue for here is out of the olympics. the 28 year old was due to compete next tuesday in the 81 kilogram class. the coach of canada is, womens football team is being suspended for the remainder of the games in the wake of the drone. spying control the sea. they've pre spin, voluntarily said south canada's 1st measure for 10 minutes to one of the feats when rather over revealing 2 members of his stuff was sent home for an engine lea using a drain to spy on easy loose training sessions facing denied involvement, but has now been suspended of the new information came to lights,
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which may also quote into question candidates gold medal in tokyo. 3 years ago. it makes me feel it makes me sick to my stomach to think that there could be something that calls into question what i'm sure. but so many of you have heard me say over the course of the last 3 years, one of my favorite olympic moments in history, that women's team winning that gold medal to time. and then pick matters and champion and you had control gay is aiming for a heck trick at paris 2024. the 39 year old is set to become the 1st and only canyon to compete with 5 games. and the use hoping to do so with another gold medal around these make money, but specified for metals. that's why we spend thing that i'm to fight for my boss and repeat by huge inbox for people to support boston. i live in dakota, it's my country and i'm kind of in the world. i mean 191 year old former rifleman
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from senegal can read the olympic torch on the eve of the opening. sir, me, whom of them is one of thousands of african soldiers who fall from steering? it's colonial was nicholas hawked reports from deco in marching into paris, a 91 year old former senegalese soldier, the victory for war veterans who marked him from a small village and sent a goal to fighting abroad for france. this was a privilege he did not expect the day is they told me we want to send the galleys rifleman to carry the and then pick flame and it's you that we've chosen. what do you think? i post for a few minutes and then i said, okay, this is an honor for me. jim spent decades fighting the french government to receive his pension because until recently, france largely ignored the contribution of the regiment known as the synagogue leads to yeah, a quarter of a 1000000 africans fault for france. this is one of the rare monuments that pays tribute to those that were involved in spring europe during world war 21 represents
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dupel, the french soldier, the other denver, all of those from former colonies, whether france or the u. k. that were involved according to the historians today in liberating paris, except at the time, those that had my skin complex, you know, even darker were not allowed to march into paris. the olympics has long been used as a platform to make a statement, to call for change. this legacy is passed on from old to young, the belief that anything is possible through sports. the last time sent a goal one. a metal was in 1964 in the 400 metre hurdles. marianne believes she will be next day of going and the good thing life and then i'm age, but this is not going to stop. i will represent senegal, i will bring back the gold medal, you will see i can do it a burning desire to win,
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to be seen in a foreign land, representing more than a country embodying the olympic spirits. nicholas hawk, algebra. the car. a quick bit of for me to one useful, you know, and mcclellan's hot street seems to show no sign of ending on friday. i know nora sand oscar p. s. p finished fastest in practice for the belgian. com please. this is the last race before a full week break. norris will hope to take advantage of next the stuff in the same place. good sanction the best when was the fastest in practice but cannot start from higher than 11000. so football fans in japan would treat it to a glimpse of ages biggest football. so sonya and in the south 3 and 4 with late training for his team. so from hospice, as they prepared to face this, all kobe in a pre season friendly top, unfinished 5th in the premium the last season, and begin a new campaign against the less the on august 19th. that's what was most of the
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time being. i'll have another update a little bit later later. thanks a lot. con international is underway in san diego, california. thousands of fans have turned up and cost you for the 2 of the pop culture extravaganza. well, this year is, exhibits is back to full strength after 2 years of global pandemic. and a year of hollywood strikes, a star studded cast of filmmakers, actors comic book authors are due to attend and discuss future projects with franz hollywood actors. ryan reynolds sent you a huge jacqueline are scheduled to appear to promote their latest film, the pool, and will free. we've got a lot of conventions in a lot of cities around, and there are all lovely places. there's nothing like what san diego does and the way the city embraces it. i really happy because now it's back in the 60 vision so far back so it's going to be great year and i hope that i'm going to see somebody like i know there are so many people here. it's so exciting. there's
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a lot more people with like families and stuff too. so yeah, we're really glad to be back. and it doesn't for me and willow her off for this news. our miller is off next and i hope to see you again tomorrow the the bold and i'm told stories from age and the pacific on out just sierra my wife and my dad between the admin of financial and 2010. today it took me a little fun digital has between of us won't qualified. the young i've got the contract, but now we have this was one. then you had the last to do the other bit advisors who have bought on the kids about 400000. those are 1st advocate,
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we believe not only financially a bar, and these don't have the guns with alternate training them and then providing mentors for them. today. on the 2nd largest employ of labor in the private space of soap with a states of nigeria on russian sci space is a follower use uh, creates technology oriented opportunity to use words like with driving. so what's the average of insurance looked at the lighting job creation
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a we also assuring to sleep economic empowerment because the ribbon newfound m powering african entrepreneur is the safe them even come in as an international insight, corruption, excellence award, denominator here on now the of the games as kicked off in paris olympic teams parade along the river sin and an unconditional opening ceremony. frances, a high speed rail network is sabotaged always before the ceremony was in travel
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cases. for many phones i'm somebody the miller, this is all just a real life from dolo also coming up


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