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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 27, 2024 12:00am-1:00am AST

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the inside corruption, excellence award, denominator hero. now the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm somebody, the middle of the season use our line from dela, coming up in the next 60 minutes. the show must go on and the paris olympic games around the way, despite what officials are pointing to alternate to sabotage on francis high speed train lines. israel's prime minister says time will tell if we're closer to a gauze a ceasefire. deal as he meets donald trump's. that his home in florida, mexico's president, close full transparency from the us on the capture of, of hopeful leaders of this in
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a low upfront cartel. and wild fires raging from wisdom, canada to california in the us. thousands of people are displaced and on peters spends with the latest thoughts. these, the parents and impacts has already seen the 1st positive doping, taste, the rocky men's to go to the subject, say him as test the positive to anabolic steroids. and just out of the game, it's $21.00, d m t 11 pm in paris. swear the olympic games of officially being decayed, opened by president emmanuel mccomb, move in 10 to 1000 baskets, cruised on the rivers in passing by historic landmarks. it was the 1st time in the history of the olympics on the games that an opening ceremonies taking place outside a stadium. it's estimated that more than a 1000000000 people a tuning and but the event was plunged into k o solved the country's high speed
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trade network was sabotaged at several important sites. at about 4 am on friday, the network systems detective problems in the north and the east of the country, as well as south west of paris. there were attempts to damage infrastructure, south east of the capital, but roadway stuff intervened. co couple of cables used for signaling will cuts and fires started right from on those. this cost to natasha buckler in paris. natasha it's, it's been quite a spectacular opening ceremony. hasn't that despite the blue me with the but just before we get to that, to what extent, if any, has the ceremony it has the proceedings being affected by what printer officials, according sabotage. oh yeah, cool. well, the admin survey hasn't actually been impacted by what happened earlier today when
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a number of locations across frauds. you sold the right french. now what? and what we're network, excuse me, sabotaged in the number of locations across for on site. and that's a major disruption and cable from 800000 passages across the country have fed travel, disrupted people who were getting on to some holiday or who moving around. so the, the big games, the french government said that they would want you to fully investigation. they would just try and find, read the perpetrators what. but of course, if you will, defensive anxiety. aaron powers coming just a few hours before the big games opening ceremony. and natasha, the games officially opened by president my called a fresh presence if i knew my goal has officially opened the gains off to this really low, low opening ceremony last of nearly 4 hours. and it was quite spectacular. quite a g, perhaps known to everybody's tastes, but it was so nice, something unique and not traditional because normally a mix,
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everybody's all held in stadiums outside of cities here. in fact, powers became in a way a stage full performers for dogs is for musicians. we sold performances from the american singer, lady gall, go just in front of the note to them on the piano. and also i had like a more at the fridge. malia and the senior who remotes through a golden fi works. it's been pretty spectacular. see, a test of director has promised a lot of surprises, and it was suddenly unique because it took place on the river since thousands of athletes travels along the river by boat spect paces lining both sides as well. some spec, tate is disappointed though it seems because they couldn't really see some of what was happening very well. it was so the made more for television for fun for those who are actually that. but never the less, of course, a magical moment for many natasha boxes. thank you very much. that's the national butler in paris.
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the donald trump has made is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is mar, logo home in florida. the former us president called for a swift in to the wall in gaza and they needed what sort of captives a to know is it. israel within a negotiated team to cease 5 talks in rome at the beginning of the week. the 2 leaders forged a close alliance to and from ceo's in the white house. but they fell out when this and now who congratulated joe biden on his victory in the 2020 election. no pressure that is done what i've done for you. and we've always had a very good relationship. and if i didn't have a secret weapon, you know what it is, sarah sarah is. all right, let's go to full. lavelle was
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a lie for us and morrow logo. so what's the latest following those tools? well then not what about 5 minutes and then yahoo is left. donald trump is about to head off to another event here. and both men control this down to a bit of a p all when because they both got to project themselves as the strong man who gets things done, of course. but donald trump can't say that he's gonna get anything done unless he becomes president. but that's a story for another month because right now this was all about optics. it was about the 1st big able to spc together. and it was about the fact that prime minister netanyahu was already met joe biden, the president. and he has met tamela harris, the vice president, to by the looks of things will almost certainly be running against donald trump for the presidency in november. so donald trump had to be seen doing this despite the fact that we were told that this would be a closed door event. they had to get those pictures out. they had to get that video out to show that donald trump can also told, see prime minister netanyahu. and bear in mind that when 5 minutes them that yahoo
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mcculla harris yesterday on thursday, she said that she would not be silence on the issue of cause she pushed him for a deal. i'm donald trump. describe that as this respectful. he also said that he is the only person who can bring those hostages high on who can secure peace in the middle east. so for 2 men, they 1st got the chance to talk to each other. they both got a chance to be seen to be talking to each other, and both of them will probably be feeling pretty pleased with what they managed to achieve today. a full with come courting for a swift end to the war. what is the relationship like at this point between prime minister netanyahu and donald trump? there was a time that a very public pulling out have things changed. yeah, i mean, you saw the images of them greasing each other very warmly on the steps of my logo . donald trump actually said we never had a bad relationship. well that's you have to take that with the proverbial pinch of salt because obviously
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a lot of the time donald trump says things which when you look back, can be perhaps disputed to be polite. donald trump was very pro israel, truly his presidency. we know that, remember, he brought the us embassy from televi to jerusalem. he recognized as royal, suffered, and see over the golden heights. he was hauled lying on a run. these were all things that prime minister netanyahu was very happy with, but that not crucial moment came after the november 2020 election prime minister. netanyahu cold joe biden to say, congratulations on your when donald trump was furious about this because it's fast, full meant that he was no longer being recognized as the president by parameters. so netanyahu at donald trump has always made sites, but he won that election. he is always contested. that result, of course. and now for years on donald trump is hoping to be out of this place. mara logo back in the white house, come january. so if he is going to bring about peace in the world and specifically the middle east, like he says, he's going to,
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it has to be seen to be talking to these people. i'm the prime minister netanyahu, he doesn't know, frankly, who's going to be dealing with the company with donald trump, but equally, he could be talking to kimberly harris. so he's way to go ahead. she's bet. so yeah, right. full of elevate in florida. thanks very much for that update. i'm now joined by peggy grand is she served as an executive assistant, a former president ronald reagan and was a political appointee to president trump. she joins us from washington, d. c, thanks very much for joining us, and i'll just 0, peggy. how would you view mr. trump's meeting with is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu considering that the prime minister is talking to everybody he needs to, i suppose, as well. thank you so much for having me on the program. and i think this is and it's very important meeting because nothing yahoo is looking ahead realizing that he may very well be dealing with donald trump, back in the white house. he's not the only one we have seen in the last few months
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whether it's phone. * whether it's meetings in new york or mar logo and several heads of state have a meeting with donald trump. donald trump represents a change of policy. he is stands for peace through strength, which is very random. that like my former boss, we have seen the chaos and awards that have come under the bite and here's administration. and i think a lot of world leaders are looking to donald trump again, realizing that a strong america makes for a stronger and safer world. well, you mentioned peace through screens in terms of achieving piece, but i suppose that could be interpreted in many different ways. when you look at other people of cause other people of palestine. do you think perhaps more consideration should be given to how things off of them and, and how they have to live with baldwin. so from israel and the us as intervention and, and all mr. trump would want to handle that, as well as they find administered at yahoo in his,
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during the session of congress. when he spoke this week, he made it very clear all the extraordinary measures that israel has gone too um to prevent as much child to use as they can to the civilian population. you know, the, the republican party as well. why not only donald trump, but they stand with israel? they want to put maximum support toward israel and maximum pressure on a ron. and we see great just unity on by contrast and the democratic party, we saw the error. so basically sna prime minister netanyahu by not presiding over the joint session of congress, which with the store, it is the only head of state to ever from the to come speak to a joint session of congress 4 times. although she met with him later, she's showing that there's great this unity in the democratic party on how to deal with the conflict in israel. but again, weaknesses created this, whether it's afghanistan, whether it's what's happening in ukraine or in the israel. a weak america has in
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danger the world. i think the world is booking to a return of donald trump, to the white house, to bring peace to the world. not just to the united states, a pick a given how to magic these things have changed since we last spoke. i don't know if you remember. there was a, during the republican national convention and comment of harrison's been uh, becoming the presumptive democratic nominee. how the republicans view that all their tools shaken off? well, they're ready to face dog. donald trump is ready to face pamela harris, just like he was joe biden, because you can change the person at the top of the chicken, but it doesn't change the policy. the american people know that these policies have made life less, less safe, has made it more expensive. and so they're ready. the american people are ready to change leadership at the top, just like the world is. so whether it's pamela harris, whether it's joe biden, donald trump is ready to go toe to toe with carla here on the debate states,
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just like he did joe biden. but i find it ironic that this party who consistently says that donald trump is a threat to democracy, has taken the democratic process out of their own process of selecting comma la harris is over 14000000 people who voted for joe biden. and those votes i've just been disregarded. there has not been any sort of primary process and the democrat party, which is very, i'm democratic as just basically coordinated or anointed. pamela harris is there not many. it'll be interesting to watch what happens next month at the democratic convention in chicago, whether any of that is call to account. hi to pick your grandees, thanks very much for joining us this evening. thank you. grand d, us of there's an executive system to former president ronald reagan. well, daniel levy is the president of the us middle aged project 2 joins we live now from london. thanks again for joining us. if we look at what a prime minister and it's
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a now has said in the last few hours when asked about a ceasefire, he said we will see, is that good enough? it is good enough for nothing. yahoo, nothing. yahoo! i think it's very clear this stage has done everything to i'm to mind piece to assets these all peaceful capital goals, these a ceasefire hostage release posting and prisoner release, so many of the hostage families. so acknowledge that dr. young was the main old school much besides security leadership, acknowledges that he is an obstacle. the us administration tends not to acknowledge that, but on this, this is beverly and a bit more into that acknowledgement nothing yahoo does not want to end the war, the killing, the destruction. that's very simple and obvious how to things that would be dealt with potentially and received. especially given the remarks we heard from vice
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president comment of harris in the last day and also interesting enough. she presented herself in quite a presidential manner. she also paid attention to the humanitarian flights of palestinians. she spoke about nuances in the middle east. how do you imagine she would respond to a prime minister who doesn't want to end the will? of course, she has been vice president in the bible administration. it's, this is an administration that has enabled it as a did in the back it what is plausibly according to the international court of justice, a genocide of measures. that'd be cool. so to prevent that would be rejected a bias realm. steve, the scenes of destruction every day, the mass civilian killing events. and we see that the bite and administration has all that now vice president, paris has lost. you've been excluded from that. what's interesting, this is the,
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this moment of movement building in the us has put political power on the agenda because it seems to be harris. candy just acknowledges that he has to do something to win those voters back. any form continues to move a bill then that could impact the policies of a potential powers administration was about to come about. but i think be the, the a binding memory image that's good to stay with us. all of this, nothing you all can visit overall is not lies the, the see the blog trust, the rest of it, of these ready prime minister. but it is the fact that the united states congress stood on a pool all the time off the time. so many, especially on the republican side, they treated him as something of a messiah, a man who is being issued. if the judges agree with the chief prosecutor with an international criminal court arrest warrant for war crimes,
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the crimes against humanity to the use of starvation is a weapon of. ready and it seems to show that the united states congress gets leadership, have no interest in the rest of the world thinks on her contempt for the rule of little, for peaceful justice on for rights. and they kind of that will be a friend or lead to in making peace and asserting international listening to what then happens when a prime minister netanyahu returns to israel considering the amount of pressure he's facing. and i just want to add to that and a to some extent, unconfirmed reports, but indications that the united kingdom may not oppose the warrant of a risk. that they may be some changes in terms of how this is approached. but still let's and y'all were facing a pressure as so let's, let's treat those separately. if i make the united kingdom, new labor government has confirmed that it is withdrawing the appeal to the
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international criminal court. to the extent to which that is part of the floor to move, which is late typically generates pressure changes the incentive stop just full views, right? leadership, ultimately that will need the united states as well, better late than never. it's absolute need in terms of how will prime is enough and you all hope you receive when he returns to his rel, off sabbath, you know, is read as opposed to rise, placed around the question of nothing. yeah. so truly nothing yahoo support comp. this is a guy who can go give the best speech can be received like that in the united states, just the leader as well, need for those what pose? nothing. yahoo? well, he's seems to have played pod is on politics in the way that he spoke about the phone, the trump administration. he might have a problem with the future demick administration. he's not getting the hostages out . those will be points of criticism where there is units in the design is comp, at least in this route, is that has, it continues to be
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a rule. so for the kind of rules that is being conducted, the legalities in the contract of that for what we feel very strongly in a vote in these rated connect that just some days ago. is that not one single hand . all these honest men, both connected, was raised against so much against a piece of legislation which said that that cannot be a policy mistake. so we have seen a clear consensus around the continuation of occupation of pops. i did the denial of rights something he's gonna have to shake that dynamic. if it's not happening internally, is going to have to happen from the outside, from the region from ms rose allies. i'm from the palestinians coming together and posing a challenge strategically, diplomatically of perhaps implementing what was agreed in beijing and those reconciliation folks just some days ago or the new levy president of the us middle
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east project. thanks very much for your analysis. we appreciated to on the ground in gaza is really fights widgets have carried out a new wave of air strikes, targeting various areas across the strip of these 21 people were killed. one person was killed in an attack on a residential building and on the se, about refugee camp in central gaza. while a raid and a house in gauze city killed at least 2 people. i've been calling you noticed in the south, at least 18 palestinians have been killed. i'm us says it's fighters. have been targeting is where the tanks using rocket propelled grenades. thousands of displays . people have been forced to flee to own the wasi in the south west. but the palestine and send you in read kristin says there's no space. it is really initially declared on the y c a so called safe stone. but as a tactic repeatedly was nobody else to go. many families of been forced to move
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into symmetries and could have read reports of the living now lives alongside the dead display several times. but is there any talks and evacuation orders? these palestinians are forced to pitch tents in the symmetry, sometimes sleeping next to the graves of a person, very thought they will live in general and rely, shut up. i swear that i have seen a lot of dead people. i live here in the cemetery and i see dozens of bodies every day. i suffer too much on life is non stop suffering again. but even the grim accommodation may be temporary with israel's, we're showing no sign of ending. they could be forced to move again, and he moment, the gods we move every day from one place to another displacement has almost killed us. we don't have money moving is expensive. we urge air of countries and muslim nations to help us to stand with us. we need a solution. con unice has been completely destroyed. we ended up living with the
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dead in the cemeteries all day and i'm kept. god only knows how we survived the child's were coming towards us from every why we live in a graveyard. we share the space with good people. the living conditions here are only fits for the dead. there's no running water, no toilets, nothing that can being a little comfort cemetery is supposed to be a final resting place. perhaps the lucky ones will be forced to move. once again and survive, the lucky ones will be buried with their tents. one stood in the office either the cause of palestine. the wednesday is continuing a tax on age convoys and is really evacuation orders in southern cause a, a destabilizing humanitarian operations. on friday the security council will discuss the worst and impact the boys having on civilians. 0 to 0 is kristin salumi or has more on the on security council on friday heard the latest tours of life in
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gaza. thousands of these children have sustained public injuries, such as the degree burns amputated lens and profound men said from the children who died off and do so slowly and painfully my. i'll jerry's ambassador. describe the situation as an absolute catastrophe and to become of the way, we cannot remain silent. and we must not fail to oct of the united states acknowledged ongoing attacks on aid workers. 3 months convoys have come under fire this week alone. nearly 200 un workers have died in the conflict. we have called on israel to investigate incidents where humanitarian workers have been killed or injured. to hold anyone found responsible for misconduct accountable, and to take steps to prevent such incidents from occurring. the meeting was called by algeria,
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russia and china after is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu addressed the united states congress down playing the impact of the war on civilians. we are very concerned about the manhattan. c sized swimming garza. and we do believe that it's time to stop the killing, and we us the us to put more pressure on it to you. but as far as compared to parts of the palestinian ambassador noted the increasing opposition to the war in the united states, we noticed 112 members of the house from the democratic party boycotted the meeting 28 members of the senate. while the cause of the meeting, including vice president to come to the house. in addition to that, they were thousands of americans demonstrating outside. one thing council members seem to agree on is the need for a cease fire. something they called for in resolution 2728. back in march, kristen salumi,
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l g 0. the united nations in the united kingdom will no longer try to stop the international criminal court from issuing arrest warrants for is ready. lead is the deadline for to submit the challenges, paused the previous conservative government had been considering its legal options in may i. c. c, prosecute to cream con city was applying for arrest warrants for benjamin netanyahu, and israel's defense minister for alleged war crimes committed in gaza. con, also sort warrants for 3 homeless leaders. the former us president of barack obama and michelle obama have endorsed carmella terraces, bid to be the next president obama's phone, the presumptive democratic party. norma knew while she was all campaigning to offer their support. i am proud of you. this is going to be historic. we call to say,
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michelle and i couldn't be prouder to endorse here and to do everything we can to get you through the selection of and into the oval office. oh my goodness, michelle practice mean so much to me. i am looking forward to doing this with the 2 of you buttons. they sure has moved from washington dc. and there was something said that the obama has been a big deal. the box tamela hired us when they put out a statement on sunday. they were perhaps waiting to see if another candidate with a marriage. but that simply has not happened. counselor how this is a perspective, democratic know many inches side of the game endorsement. some to abide with himself to the a bomb is in other big names in the democratic party. and so the obama is probably so the direction of travel. and that is why they've no i did, they are. busy always in support. what council of how this will be able to do is tap into their stop power be, are still a big draw and democratic circles on between now and the election in november, taking time on both of them,
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appearing at raleigh's that she tries to win the votes of the undecided and that's heightened by the fact that if you remember just about a month or so ago, the majority of americans didn't want to see either donald trump or joe biden on the presidential ballot. and so now there is a new name to conjure. but she's got to try and convince the undecided voters a new small swing states that she really is something different. she go to them from what happened on sunday and she'll get a bump when she and i says our vice presidential candidate. and she'll get another bump when it comes to the democratic national convention. she is writing a wave of a mental. she's got to try and do that all the way until november and was much easier to see that. then to do it. probably for sure. i'll just leave it at the white house of us. food legions, have arrested one of the wells most one to drug lords in texas is miles. lombardo, also known as m. i o is the co founder of under torres mexican. and then they'll walk auto. he was detained along with what came guzman lopez,
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the son of l. chapel goodman, another drug kingston who is currently imprisoned in the us. mexico security minister says she was surprised by the detentions would say that mexican authorities had been informed by the us. juliano has moved from mexico city. there remains some confusion, not so much about the circumstances themselves. we know that these 2 men arrived in an airplane or private small cessna airplane to an air field right outside of paso, texas, where they were met by us. the federal authorities who are very clearly expecting them, whether or not the men inside were expecting to be met by officials, is still up in the air. however, the mexican security minister said here this morning that the fly that they left in which left the mexican northern city of and we'll see you as far as mexican authorities were concerned. they left by just 11 pilot was piloting was flying
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the plane and he was in mexico as a tourist. so one man left mexico, 3 men arrived in the us, the circumstances of how these 2 most sought after men by the d. a and other us agencies ended up in an airplane together. i think we'll have more information on in the coming days of rumors are pointing towards a, you know, there having been some sort of set up in the case of, of miles somebody that his lawyer in the us has said that she did not go to the us willingly that he was basically set up and that he did not know that he was of, you know, he was not planning to hand himself at a wildfire as a raging from wisdom, canada to california in the us. thousands of people have been displaced. the ship retents, the reports climate change is worse than the scale of devastation. a fine told a to caused by intense heat and high winds captured in time lapse video. it's a right changing column, a fire and,
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and it phones near chico in northern california is what's been named. the punk file continues to spread. satellite images show the file has passed since thursday. it's already consumed more than a $120000.00 acres. and there's the largest california wildfire this. yeah. amount has been jail to starting the 5 windsor se he pushed his flaming call into a gully on wednesday, climate change and showed the flames quickly spread over. 1000 personnel are assigned to this fire over a 124. 20 fire engines are on the line, 10 helicopters, and 12 air tankers, including very large air tankers. despite these results, as the fire is barely contained, such as the speed of the in front of according to us as national interagency 5 center. so i'm $112.00 large active walls as a currently building in the west and us in canada, the mountain resort. type of jasper in the rocky mountains has been devastated after a fast moving wealth driven by high winds. road in socrates of the 5 been growing
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rapidly, 5 kilometers outside of town helped by lightning, wind and droughts. and then a sudden strong wind gusts to push the finer into dress, but the 100 meter high flames taking just half an hour to reach town. and to those in alberta and around the world who have experienced the magic, adjust this, the magic is not lost and that never will be $25000.00 people has already heated the warnings to flee before the fire engulfed sections of dress by some 20000 tourists. and 5000 residents, if i break down no, i will. what will i do? i was just seats and crying and nothing is going to change, right. the province of alberta has been experiencing stream the high temperatures the summer. so 176 wildfires are burning, and schools remain out of control. she, everytime see elders are still heading out to 00 for from a southerly c o appeal, we searched teams of digging with their hands to retrieve parties buried by this
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week's land slides. type food gave me forces nearly 50000 people to evacuate the eastern china also and we didn't during the summer of extreme with us in sport would welcome the ages because ford saw as a result of the confidence details lights and to show the had a lower the, the heat continues to dominate the weather picture across europe over the weekend with heat wave conditions for much of the mediterranean is feeling coolant. however, across the north we've got some slices, wet weather, pushing their way from west to east. so one of those is going to continue to bubble storms around the black sea, some of that heavier rain pulling into northern parts of to kia. so showers moving
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from the baltic states on woods to western parts of russian. behind that we are seeing a lot of rooms, bills across the se, but heavier rain pointing across germany across scandinavia as well. we'll keep things rather cool and cloudy. know all the scattering of rain pulling across the person on the island divided into on saturdays and sundays spells in the south looking like a very sunny day that on sunday. however, and there's some improvement to come across from western areas as that band of heavy rain skirts its way further east. bringing more heavy rain to the ne, not temperature is all set to pick off across the north west as we go in to sunday . but the heat continues were lent this heat across the south with 40 degrees in madrid and wrote a sculpture of a sunday on the phone and counting the cost this week, buckle up for
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a wild ride. transport is changing rapidly. so what does the future hold full view technologies change the way we move goods to? and how can i help aviation to make the transition to green energy? capturing the cost on al jazeera, heavy rains, have caused that if a gosh to burst, it sparks. small villages and that that's where the fastest off that these women have decided to take studies. they need to go to town and look for help for their families. they need dense and just about everything and some of the families that half managed to escape. now, living here in these little shelters of, to construct their property, the farming land as well as their homes house or being some, most local authorities believe about between 5 and 6000 people. how being affected and they are afraid. this might only be the beginning
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the, [000:00:00;00] the to what you know to 0 reminder about top stories, the cell, the power. so let me pick games of officially basically it opened by president and manuel my home. the opening ceremony took place on the river send way more than 10000 lastley's pro rated a board boats ahead of us. there are many of the country's high speed trains have been sabotaged. sargje use reports as damaged to signaling on fire as a simple site. israel's foreign ministers told donald trump only time will tell if a ceasefire deal takes place. the 2 l talks at trumps home in florida,
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benjamin at to know you said you would dispatch with integration to take wanting ceasefire folks in rome for so long cause election commission says the presidential election will be held on september 21st opposition parties accused members of the current administration of trying to postpone the poll for long codes recovering from major financial challenges which led to mass protests and a political crisis 2 years ago. when l fernandez has moved from the capital colombo, the announcement by the election commission behind me stuff. so an 8 week process, that's what caused me need in the presidential elections on the 21st of september. and obviously this comes after loans, heated political and economic upheaval. shalanda had seen the president elected by a massive a sort of majority in the last presidential elections, leaving office under
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a cloud literally being handed out. we have the cutting president who in fact is contesting the election. he's representative was the 1st person to come and pay up the boned at the election commission and after the announcement and also the country going through a huge economic sort of a crisis that so it's unable to afford basic essentials like food medicine and flip fuel. so here with this election is a chance for the people to speak to, to indicate you know, where the sam regarding, you know, web that thoughts like regarding the country and the direction forward. the cut and president has said, he's a safe bet him hands. he guided the country to sort of stability during this economic crisis, but all the policies say that he and those he represents of the very reason the country fell into that situation. in the 1st place that fernandez, which is 0, colombo of thousands of people have attended the state funeral for one of your id
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numbers. most dominance political figures, a to old new one. full trauma was the communist party leader for 13 years, died last week. the over so rapid economic growth in vietnam and instigated a major anti corruption campaign. jessica washington reports for you to know a thousands of people lined up for hours outside the national funeral house to pay tribute to the man who led vietnam for more than a decade. municipality general secretary knew in 4 tomb died last week at the age of 18. and you're welcome to kind of weird ma and respect him for his talent morals and dedication to the country. he dedicated his whole life to the vet and these people die for many via to me is one of the rooms because contributions was initiating an anti corruption campaign known as the blazing sun, is hundreds of officials from all levels of government as well as business executives. were prosecuted or forced to step down our new laptop i admire. he's
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empty corruption efforts. he said of defensive. so other officials don't dare to be corrupt. corruption is what makes people poor and miserable drum, joined the communist party during the vietnam and worked his way up the ranks until we secure the top position in 2011. we do when to show the general secretary with his profound intellect based upon the end, the people with a valuable system of thought on vietnam's revolutionary pos and the new era. during his leadership, the economy and vietnam became an international manufacturing help. it also began to play a bigger diplomatic role globally, using what he calls them through diplomacy at them, but flexible approach to its relations with other countries. previously, they didn't really know how to, you know, navigate different and complex relationships between uh, you know, different powers rush out of china right and us. and although when put you on is a staunch mouse,
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is he is they'll know how to really navigate the hidden shape. we think that's a china and us trauma had been in full health in recent years after stroke in 2019 . the president is now acting as the general secretary along with bureau may choose to elect. and now the interim had a party in the coming weeks or months. jessica washington, to see you then, to police as alive for the rest of 95 libya, nationals on suspicion of receiving training at a secret military camp. please wait at the camp in white grava in the east and for more longer provence on friday morning. the libyans believe to of interest of africa on study visas to train as security guards. but police investigations indicate they receive the military training. it's unclear if the individuals are linked to any group. it is declared 3 days of morning off to to lance slide slips through a remote region in the self heavy machinery conte reach the area. so risk to teams
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and volunteers of been using their bare hands and shovels to dig through the mud. the wind says at least 257 bodies have been recovered and the desk told could rise ultra zeros mom would vol, sent this update from the sides of the land slide. were local villages, a still recovering bodies? i'm at the side of the slide that killed hundreds of people here in southern ethiopia. behind me, you can see the mountain top from which a huge chunk team down doing heavy duty in a don't on sunday, killing many people i'm betting homes under people here tell us about the initial on slide was limited and it killed only a few people, but when a huge crowd came for that us to another big one took place and that's the one the task. and so many at the bottom of the hill, 6 days since lots of these lots to, to place people out of film sets in, in the month for their loved ones feel for the keys. tell us not to move on to doesn't people are still missing. here you see
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a new body has just been back up from, from them on a few minutes later. they also told us that they have size, but they might be able to dig up and i'll couple of you from here. so the families and the rescue workers are not getting up. many here might be too busy to express the grief of the play, some of the farm. that's the decatur dust for that. not only the families of the deceased, but also hundreds of villages continue to come here to attend the funeral home. as far as you know, the live village each opium tanks, one game, these made land full in southeast and china, prompting warnings of flash floods and water logging. with ortiz, we're located more than 290000 people. no depths have been reported so far. laurel westbrook proposed from uncle is often barreling through the philippines and tie one ties when gamey struck. china is south eastern coast of foods in bringing with
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the winds of about a 120 kilometers in our authorities were on high alert as rain submerged streets. and people in the small town when moved to safety. only a moment. if the rain continues like this, the flooded area will become larger and larger, so we have to evacuate the people in foods in schools with closed and slights and trains cancelled and neighboring judge, young waterways were flooded. the storm is weakening as it has inland, but full cost is worn. heavy rain could effect at least 10 provinces. the next challenge is the amount of rain that gainey is set to unleashed on areas already hit towards by to wrench, lorraine, land slides and flooding authorities. of puts out warnings that water levels and rivers and lakes could rise to dangerous levels, raising the risk of more flooding. it's such a concern that president, she didn't pain chad. a special needs thing on plans to control floods and food un,
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no clear report said $85.00 hacked is of crops were damaged. as gave me took a toll in people's livelihoods. as the storm moves north, it's set to impact provinces such as had none already lashed by weeks of rain that's destroyed, crops, and livestock. they will be in pet about where the people can consume, they will be a disruption to us production. i think that will be the most direct economy consequences for if we use last year case. as an example, then a china may actually induce around a $40000000000.00 us dollar, which is around 0.2 percent of his gdp. if this extreme where the continue in summer, which is pretty much july and august scientists, everyone's climate change is watson and tropical storms, making them less frequent, but more intense analysts say more investments is needed in critical infrastructure to protect people's livelihoods and reduce the impact of extreme weather passions
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like this. laura westbrook algebra, hong kong security of sorry, it isn't focused on a band nationwide. protests or positions political parties of plants, old demonstrations on friday. they want to the government to take action against rising inflation on electricity costs. come on high to send this update from it's not about the thousands of supporters of the jump out. this law may have ridge the outskirts of its lama, but despite their dams by their daughter days to stop them. the headboards and their door along the route. but the protested that also getting things with them that a moving day is all that goes towards the end of them on now it says named to forward this process that drove point needing to his mom about the flush we're planning to come here to raise protests against the corporate things dry side as far as electricity prices are concerned, people are not able to pay bears some people that even committing suicide and according to the needs of the my just allow me,
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it was done to my own to start getting the people blog and done to my own, to extortion. now that or because of the fact that focused on the previous governments by a bug or something which limited know was into focused on people's bar, they decided to sign agreements with the independent power producers. and who of course, are now charging exorbitant prices for that electricity almost 3 times that of india focused on right now are the most expensive electric power available through the can you my show, the leadership of the drum. i just saw me really be hoping to put pressure on the government. this is the 1st serious protest against the government since it still follow back in february. and that goes to a major conditions of massive rigging. so it will add to the momentum that did branding, because of the political parties are also a, using the government of mismanaging the economy. commodity that i'll just say at
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all. it's not my by police and bundle dish of detained to 3 student leaders. thirty's accuse them of organizing the reason protests against quotas on government jobs? or is there a standard child recent, this update from deco a sick air day has been sizing up they for the pride and joy, my prayer because you have a 9 hour pause to day was briefing the press, the home minister said the car for you will remain at listened for district including dock uh and the capital with a 9 hour pause. all over in all the states. the local authorities can decide based on the situation. and he said the track down on those involved in the arson and destruction will continue across the country. let us go. the leaders are sticking through that point, but they're also on the wrong. they're unable to hold press conference, but they're sticking with the 9 points. demand. starting goes economy. if taking
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the tool as it is, it was struggling with high inflation and starting to try for, for last 2 years. government industry is losing orders because of the internet shut down. business has that been close? paypal with fixed income and daily lab or the one who's suffering the most. if that continues like this, there would be a serious consequence on the economy according to analysts. however, the government is continuing to say that things on normal. everything seems to be very tense. and people also want to know why it happened, how it happened. why so many people got killed sand ridge audrey, i'll just say the dock up to the u. k. now with a police officer is under criminal investigation for sold off the he was filmed, kicking and stone thing on a man at manchester airport and then visited a novit. she has moved from rochdale in grades and manchester on friday. prizes just finished at this most in rochdale. it's the most that the family of the center
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of this instance usually attends but they have not been here today when it's time to be able well by the events of the last few days. but we have 2nd to the members of the community and you to be reassured by the fact that there is now an independent investigation into what has happened. go too much, is the police have said that they're gonna cut out a thorough investigation. so we'll wait and see what the investigation finds out. we don't need to be alarmed. we trust in the system. we have taught us trust in the system. i'm sure, gee, and people do a sort of job. and whatever action is appropriate and necessary, they will take those appropriate action. i'm not reassure to feel a little bit. so i'm going to say, i'm thinking, no, i'm going lot of the way because you get scared about going out at nighttime gwinnett. and i were them the already because you and tool of what there is a head. now the representatives from the independent police watch, those have actually met with the family to reassure them that their inquiry will be
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truly independent and also just explain the escape of the investigation. now, it is important also to know that you may take some time until those conclusions are reached. mean either of us to reach out to 0, but still still ahead on 00 is for the west indies stripe facts, cricket action coming up in a few moments the these business uptake these voltage by the city bank growth partner of bung the
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dashboard forward to use the this business uptake these me to try to talk know bundle dash before to use the alright, let's get the latest of from the olympics with pizza. so me thank you very much. the link that golden has been let's to officially open the paras summer games. the opening ceremony which took place along the center of the completed with the
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lighting, the ritual splits icons including xfinity and the band refound the dell. and serena williams were involved in the process away from the festivities. the main thing about any olympics is the actual sport full rece has more on what to expect. the 1st to 3rd division of the olympic games is taking place in paris is just a bit of what you need to know. the model, no one picks the gun in $1896.00, and it's the biggest multiple events in the world. around 10 and a half 1000 awfully, to compete in paris from 206 national olympic and these take operates, will compete under the palestinian plaque. there are 30 two's fulton title, including athletics i'm swimming along. so i knew i'm returning school. designed to appeal to younger audiences, both like surfing, skateboarding and school climbing will be featured for the 2nd time. and the 1st time in front of
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a full olympic crowd. stop shop for these types. your games were heavily restricted like cubic 19 power says also added right. something to the mix, making it so intake stadium plus 2 i can hold, although it's technically cold. right? there are 35 of the news with iconic locations. was the only full power on the side. there's even sort of thing that he thinks there's $339.00 gold medals. the drops of annoying team days of competition with the power olympics of all i we've already had the 1st positive doping face to the power of games. iraq, he means to do cuz such, i'd say him just a positive for 2 anabolic steroids. the international testing agency has consumed it means the hand is out of the olympics. the 28 year old was due to compete next tuesday. in the 81 kilogram plus to the coach of canada's womens football team is being suspended for the remainder of the games in the wake of the trojan. spying
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control to see they've policeman voluntarily set house candidates, 1st match of the tournament. a to one way. know the new zealand to members of his stuff was same time for allegedly using a drone to spy on use. humans training sessions placement denied involvement, but it's now being suspended. often new information came to light, which may also coolants question, candace gold, middling, tokyo, 3 years ago. a 91 year old former rifleman from senegal academy, the olympic torch on the eve of the opening ceremony. whom at the m is one of thousands of african soldiers who fought for from steering it's colonial, was making the fact reports from deco marching into paris a 91 year old former senegalese soldier, victory for war veterans who are jim from a small village and sent a goal to fighting abroad for france. this was a privilege he did not expect. good day is they told me we wants to send these rifleman to carry the and then pick flame. and it's you that we've chosen. what do
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you think? i post for a few minutes and then i said, okay, this is an honor for me. jim spent decades fighting the french government to receive his pension because until recently, france largely ignored the contribution of their regiment, known as the synagogue leads to yeah, a quarter of a 1000000 africans fought for france. this is one of the rare monuments that pays tribute to those that were involved in spring europe during world war 21 represents dupel, the french soldier, the other denver, all of those from former colonies, whether france or the u. k. that were involved according to the historians today in liberating paris, except at the time, those that had my skin complex, you know, even darker, we're not allowed to march into paris. the olympics has long been used as a platform to make his statement to call for change. and this legacy is passed on from old to young,
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the belief that anything is possible through sports. the last time sent a goal one. a metal was in 1964 in the 400 metre hurdles. marianne believes she will be next day of going in a way, but the good thing that i am h, but this is not going to stop. i will represent senegal. i will bring back the gold medal. you will see i can do it a burning desire to win, to be seen in a foreign land, representing more than a country embodying the olympic spirit. nicholas hawk algebra the car quick but a for me to one useful you know, and mcclellan's hot street seems to show no sign of anything on friday land a. norris and oscar p. s. 3 finished foster in practice for the belgian grown pri. this is the last race before a 4 week break. a notice we'll hope to take advantage of max for stuff and attain place, good sanction. but that's one of a food foss, this in practice,
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but cannot start from higher than 11. the west indies finished strongly on day one of the 3rd test against england of the being bold down for 282 and booming and they both took 3 engine wickets before the close home side ended on $58.00 for 3 at stumps. england have already won the 3 match series thousands of fans in japan were treated to a glimpse of asians biggest football stalls. sonya means the south korean fluid made training. police team talk them hotspot as they prepaid, so the face of the. so kobe in a pre season friendly top and faced in the premium the last season and begin a new campaign against less the, on august 19th. all right, that's all the supposed to be useful tonight. so me, that's fine. thanks very much peter. well, that's it from me for me to middle school. this is our but i'll be back in
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a moment with more of the days use the a meeting of minds discussing the defining issues of our time in one year. we source that change, it became clear at that point that we really were in that kind of a new era of a nobel peace. slower if maria, rest and professor michael wooldridge and explore the pedals and possibilities of artificial intelligence. it changes the way we think, and then the way we all can protect ourselves. studio b, b, a. i series on a jersey though. this is the 1st genocide this we see in real time. it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame at 2 sides of them,
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but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered is called the church solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person, person yourself, and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, and at least in my life, those stages we want. we want the education reward because the women in my country democracy because we are not denies all of who we are human beings, and this has to be treated equally. we are in their thoughts, that's our ancestors. whatever has been done before can be done
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as long as the human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords, you of the the hello, i'm somebody them. hello. this is the news. our life from bill coming up in the next 60 minutes. the 2024 paras olympic games runs away despite what officials are pointing coordinated sabotage on process high speed train lines. as well as prime


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