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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 28, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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0 now, the hello until mccrae. this has been use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes. when i went to a rock, it hits children, playing football in the occupied golden heights. at least 11 people are killed and many more injured from the truths community. is round close at the worst incidents since the world council began and has blamed his beloved the liberties group denies . all responsibility is rarely strikes to the school of sheltering, injured, and despised palestinians in central kanza, at least 36 people accounts. and also on this use a fluid onto
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a plane and arrested. we'll have more details on the dramatic operation. caption lead is the mix. the controlled content and piece of standard with the latest spots . new spain's dream team lights up the pattern. so lympics tend to superstars refound them and call us l correct. begin the quest for doubles gold and impressive fashion echoed in carol smith. the we begin this use um with breaking news from the occupied golden heights where i live and people have been killed up to a rocket from an unidentified source, hit the town as much. those shops will then 20 others from the drew's eric community have been injured. come to salute has more the children were playing football here and then a rocket hit. several people from the syrian drew's community of michigan shelves were killed. well,
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dozens of others were injured. israel was quick to attribute blame and said it was working on a response. the idea if you score in the holding a situation of the assessment and we will prepare for a response again, please by law we will finish our assessments and we will act in the united states. prime minister benjamin netanyahu said he would return to israel as quickly as possible and convene the country security cabinet immediately upon arrival. has been long distance itself from the attack, the lebanese group putting out a statement, saying it categorically denies any involvement. but these really are me, says his bullet is responsible and claims the rocket fire came from lebanon based on its own intelligence gives you a response much more quickly when the jews are the casualties when drew's are casualties. this would have to be very dramatic for results. the response is of
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course, but i don't think this will be enough to take us into all the military says it's also conducting an investigation as to why it's ariel defense system failed to intercept the rocket that hit the football field. cross border fire between israel and his phone lot has intensified in recent months. but this is the deadliest incident in the occupied golden heights and could yet test the on spoken rules of engagement between israel and his butler. i'm doesn't who and jesse to live in on this government's condemned to sensitize attacks on civilians and quote, for an in the hospital is he's on old friends. so in a hold of has moved from mount living on as well as promising to act and to carry out what it calls the appropriate response for the rocket attack. and most of the, some us that's in the syrian occupied golan heights, israel is blaming,
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has the law dismissing, has well as denials that it was involved in this rocket strike. hezbollah did say that is carried out to operations in the golan heights, but it's targeted military directs and not the civilians has well as denial. it is really a message from the lebanese arms group that is not interested in changing the unreturned rules of engagement. those rules, i mean or have been and that both sides focus their attacks on military targets. yes, the billions have been killed on both sides, but this is a serious incident and so many casualties, mass casualty incidence. so the question is, what kind of a response will as well carry that out? it has so far been targeting hezbollah infrastructure, it's fighters, it's even killed, it's, it's a 3 of it's a top commanders on the field. it's, it's, it's targeted, arms deposed. now it's response could trigger hezbollah retaliation,
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and that's why this is, this conflict is now so dangerous and the point and nearly 10 months of fighting, it's still been large the contained to the border area. so will this all change now? many are concerned, this is, rose, will use this as a pretext to launch what it has been threatening for some time now, a full on war, not just against because below, but lebanon, as well as a hit lebanon's infrastructure. but, you know, it has beloved, has dismissed this threat, saying that as well is unable to fight on more than one front as well. of course, being part of the around hand. let's hope all the excess of resistance. and they have opened up several fronts to help relief pressure on garza. so it's, it's dangerous times. it's, it's unclear of the trajectory of this conflict so far, which we've been witnesses, a sporadic escalation throughout 10 months of fighting. now will that all change
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center for there was a 0 non club and on for more on this is bring in moon for bonnie, a non resident fellow and the sense of the conflict instrumented terry and studies he's with us live from montreal. thank you for joining us once again here on al jazeera, as we've mentioned his last night, any involvement in this rocket attack. but this is the most serious cross for the incident since the ball began. just how likely is it that it could actually be the tipping point in this conflict? do you think and it's, it's entirely plausible. um, i have to say i'm been quite touched by the sudden now for a lot of grief for that era children. i mean this has been a daily event and the gaza strip for almost a year. and it has over whelming, the been met by a deafening silence. now all of a sudden we hear, for example, the us denouncing this is a horrific incident and so on. israel has clearly place the blame on has the bottom
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left for this attack has about the has denied responsibility. i would just say that even by the standards of government propaganda in war time, israel has a record of systematic mendacity. when it comes to reporting these things, whereas hezbollah has as a rule, consistently taken responsibility for it to tax it for its actions. it may be the case that in this case they found it in opportunity to do so. so we would need a proper investigation. i think before clearly assigning responsibility to a particular party, but we know as, as your correspondent was the saying that israel has now for months and threatening a major, offensive against loving on. these rarely is also feel strongly that they should deal with the threat of has about not before the news really, school year begins on september 1st. so could this be the turning point?
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it's entirely plausible. what exactly israel's calculations are going to be, whether discussions about such an offensive were held in washington by nathan yahoo! on the one hand, we know the united states has been consistently opposed to for the regional escalation. at the same time, it has done nothing effective to, to prevent it. so nathaniel who may well either have gotten a green light or gotten a red light and pretend that he can see if we ignore. i will find out in the, in the coming days, if not hours. and this could be the alleged incident that uh, could spunk, that it can be just like a little bit more of a step back. so, uh for a moment. and then can you just tell us a little bit more about the drawers community and the history of the occupation they are in the occupied goldman hots? well, israel has referred to this as the killing of this rarely citizens. it was no such thing. um, uh, the people who populate the go online heights are syrians,
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they, they view themselves the syrian syria views on the syrians and they do not have is rarely citizenship. israel occupied the golan heights in 1967 along with the west bank. and because of stripping the sunlight peninsula and in the early 19 eighties it attempted to impose is really identity papers on this community, most of it was the populated in 1967, i should at some 90 percent. and the syrian population of the gaza strip launched a very long and very intensive campaign of civil disobedience that was systematically ignored by everyone wanting to see the europe, guntee and, and india. and uh, they were compelled to accept the identity documents but have not accepted. is rarely citizenship. so the victims of today's attacks were not as rarely as they were syrians. okay, if we can move on to what could potentially happen next if is room would to respond
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and retaliate as they have said, what exactly do you think we could expect? how far will they want to or will they be able to push this as well? is, is real launches a comprehensive defense against loving on and against has been that may well end up to be a severe miscalculation as that by germany to invade the soviet union in 1941. because on the one hand has the bubble as orders of magnitude better armed, more organized, more powerful. then the last movement in the gaza strip, which israel has been unable to defeat for almost a year. and more importantly, a direct conflict between is real and loving on could bring in other powers it could bring in, syria could bring in even the wrong. and then you're really talking about the potential for a general armed can flag ration engulfing the middle east. that will lead us who knows where you test on this a little bit earlier and we've had
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a couple of lines out of as well. the foreign minister as rel, kansas, it is with who they will be. and his rarely response because in his voice as well as cross oh, the red lines. he was that we all just had that they will be american and european backing here. that is a big climb. we've seen that us especially not want what is happening in gaza to exacerbates the tension in the wider region. how do you see the united states responding to this? and do you think that they will be putting any pressure on this in yahoo end as well? to try and de escalate this tension right now as well. the problem for the united states has it, as you said, it absolutely does not want further regional escalation, particularly in the context of an election year. and i suspect that it is given private messages to this effect to these really government on. but when it comes to
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taking meaningful measures to ensure that there is no um for the regional escalation, we see that in the united states, either it does nothing to counter israel, or as in the case of the red sea sons, a naval task force and to ensure that as real can continue its war, rather than pressuring israel to accept the association of hostilities and the gaza strip. and remember, there is a faction both in israel and the united states that would like to see the us directly involved in a conflict defending is really against as well as necessary as necessary. but ultimately, believe that a direct american, a wrong in class would be in their interest. and that's the real danger here. so to what extent will the bite and administration now take measures to enforce that message of this for a no further? or will it once again refused to take any actions?
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once as real pushes back, i'm not particularly optimistic. i have to say, okay, we will have to leave it there. but as a way to really do, appreciate your your insight into all of this moving rabbani, their numbers and the fellow at the same different conflict and humanitarian studies. thank you so much. you too. okay, well, earlier on says i as well a carried out multiple strikes on 2 schools in central gals, killing at least 36 palestinians. the schools were being used to shelters, housing, injured and displaced people there who was in reports from dell by law. the children used to study here, this exclusive goes in theory, each shift few hospital and the suits are due in the work is very minute to be fit quest fund, twice clean, dozens of pieces not released to
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destruction is every way be my fault on my daughter's outside for treatment, but we had just been right. yeah. in this room. oh my god, god bestowed, he's mostly on us. thank god, my family is okay. others we know as not very beneficial. the most densely populated areas in terms of, crammed, with displace hosting. i'm sure this is the wanted to the cities of august. the hospital is where it says it's 10 to the to how most command the control center look to say you most of the victims. oh, so the output, in fact, most of the users are children and women who are in very serious and critical condition. many of these injured women and the children came with amputated limits is valid. troops have destroyed more than $300.00 schools and universities since october. the 7th, even to so used as filters by families is know what else to go. everyone with
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the injuries are receiving good treatment. there's a very, please just a slight solution. area is the most least. he said that i'm going to be your military and things of that with about him. i was just the are all there is that i how to sign as a place to be joined now by doctor for us who is a trauma surgeon who joins us live in french camp in california. it's been 2 weeks at the european hospital in con eunice and gowns were in march and talked to mike promoter is an orthopedic surgeon, who volunteered at the european hospital and con eunice. thank you very much for joining us here on al jazeera at dr. for is if i can begin with you, you to give the you've got more than 57 years of experience as humanitarians agents you've worked on hold on for the surgical missions. you clearly have a very unique and intimate knowledge of offer. i think invoice signs but did
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anything at all that you've seen in your career? prepare you for garza, you know, does zillow does? it was unique compared to everything else. i've seen. there were few reasons. one was the director of the tax on, on the health care system they're, they're completely devastated. everything's uh, it's impossible for the health care system to function in this environment. the hospitals, the destroying the price to be the view of the clean water at this point is simply impossible to, to accomplish anything better with the situation. and the signer must be a direct attack on health care workers themselves on the health care workers and goals are extremely dispirited. they know they're being targeted by these realize a lot of express sentiments like we're just waiting to die. we're going to show all of us what's the point it's, it's very, very. so it's a very, it's a very hard thing to see. your own colleagues and people who were sipes and the
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other in the last time, i guess they were to there's, there's a lot of things actually, but the sort of thing i would say was the way violence was very clearly being directed as, uh, not only cecilia is but actually specifically in shorter and mark, and i wrote about this we, we regularly saw and by regularly reading on a daily basis we saw disorder and shot in the head ingest, offering more than one at the same time. and not only that, the mark and i wrote letters of the us, the ministration recently that signed by $45.00 total authorizations and nurses where we wrote that everyone's all the same thing. it didn't matter when they weren't gonna. it didn't matter which hospital they were, everybody saw sean and sean in the almost every single day. and us, it's hard to believe that that's just a consequence of more is that to see that? i can't imagine how that's not the so those are the main differences, are all the places that person talk to, mike, if i can come to you now guys are as often defined as one of the most dangerous
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places in the world to be. and i work because of that targeting is, uh those for us was pointing out the and knowing that what made you actually decide to go in the 1st place. oh, well, and we've gone overseas are many times. so i don't quite emissions myself to the sub saharan africa, to the caribbean, to central america. and i call the disasters of one of the places i go to regularly is town on doris. this prior to the ukraine war was known as the murder capital of the world. and so the doctor says, well, and i have been attracted to helping people who need her help the most when the population in palestine was uh, less yeah, 50 percent. and i for younger,
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there was no doubt, but one of my government was illicitly selling 2000 pounds of curve busting bombs and dropped the name on civilian populations. that there was going to be a huge amount of children that were heard that i started getting x rays from television advice and realizing that the surgeries that will be performed and said to me for advice. so how well they were done for not being done by trained orthopedic surgeons, as in my but rather by students. and when i started street occasion with one of the students, i realized that, you know, when they told me that the older attendees train senior doctors had died in the following, that they needed help of some skills people. and so i can definitely go in obviously, and, and creatively drive courageous decision to make it don't diverse, you touched on this a little while ago. i understand that you would the if
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a for around 2 weeks. but as you mentioned, pellets in the medical work has had been there since the beginning and they will be there until the end. wait. and if and what is it that looks like? how they coping and you've touched on this before. it sounds like the noise of the everybody's different. obviously there are people who are coping wow. which is absolutely unbelievable because i was losing my mind. 30th of 2 weeks. there are people who are coping well but most are not. and that is understood. that's not because they are bad people or they, they lack strength or any such thing. this is just too much for any human being to do what they are. they don't know what they're going to be targeted for murder. they don't know. they're going to be taking and tortured. they don't know if their families are going to be killed. they also have to see and try to care for all these people, like mark and i mentioned what will happen, at least the children were re severely injured and made really shredded by these by
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these levels. and on top of that, they haven't been paid since october 7th because the sellers come from the. ringback is allison in the forties and there's room, well that the money in, during a tax. and then on top of that they've had their own homes destroyed just had their, their own family members killed. so many of their colleagues have been told gauze health care about $500.00 health care workers i've been told and gaza. i believe that was. ready true at the end of june, that 2 and a half percent of every the health care was one of the for the health care workers in dozens does astronomical and there, there's nothing else like that honors that that's happened in the past. so it's not, not 6 world war 2 and probably not included. so it is just reasonable to expect them to be. ringback to, to come to a company situations, they're fine, they come to work, they do their job. but you guys see that toys taken off on that. it's instead of an existing binding. the problem is the lack of item medical supplies that of getting
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through mock you into through egypt in the roof of crossing. did you see a little divide stuck there at the border and do you think people read on and uh you had so sorry. do you, do you think the people are dying and gods are, is a direct result of the, i'm not getting through the absolute later drawing and because of the elect to be on our way. and we saw lines and lines of trucks coming in and we're going to get this great look at all the supplies that are coming in. there's hundreds and hundreds of tractor trailers lined up. and they're gonna follow the same across the open. rob crossing it, when in reality, when we came out, those trucks were still there and indeed, instead of being 10 miles long deadline was now 30 miles long, instead across the top bumper to bumper 2 by 2, they're now a truck slider for trucks flying in calling lanes and going lanes. what a 4 lane highway there right across the gate lane still with 18 wheeler trucks
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loaded with 2 from the world. federal kitchen from sam, from care from to k. uh, uh, uh, from you a uh, from the u. n. h e r. there's tons in many thousands of tons of 8 supplies and pot of water on the border and all denied access. and this is before the border cross was close by. and so using famine and denying medically, it has become a weapon. war must be incredibly frustrating to know. that is just sitting there. we could do so much good if it was allowed to get in a rose. yes for us. you you said that after 2 weeks you were going mad. can you just explain what it was like for you to actually leave off to being there? and actually that's what drove us in the us. you, you know, you're there and you're feel, you know, i'm an american and i saw like my presence there was some way of
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protecting the palestinians, especially my healthcare folder, especially the other doctors and nurses. but really everybody's because these realize just don't want that. that process going, american citizen is but it can avoid it. so when i last, you know, even though i was being replaced by other people, i knew that. but you really is a very the something that's find me the most is that i, i less i didn't, you know, i know it's not necessarily a reasonable expectation, but i could stay. uh, and is that something that i, i've had a very hard time. uh, regular somebody in my, in my soul i guess it is. yeah, no, not continuing on uh from, from that point. did you feel like you made a difference having seen in going through all of that? you know, we, it's, we centralized fixing one solar the time and when i came back i felt like
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i just fixed it, dropped in the ocean of torture that's going on in palestine since then. so the doctor says what i have written hundreds of letters for all of the legacy, western medical media, all of which got published until democracy now was a good enough to start the ball rolling. but now, one of the things we realize is that the journalists themselves were, were being targeted. and then we became the journalist. it was our, ours, didn't are telling the world what really happened because they targeted and killed many journalists, the confiscated do equipment down to 0, for example, as you know, as not allow them is real itself. so in the, when you, when you create a dark shadow of knowledge over what you're doing, what israel's doing in the country, you can cover uh many of the atrocities that are being committed. and so the only
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eyes that were there, the only people who could bear witness were the people who could come in and leave the certainly the doctors are there can be a witness as well, but they're going to be interpreted as bias because they're all the other side, but we're not, we don't have a dog in the game. i'm of jewish heritage. i have no access to grind against israel until i see them deliberately sniper, the children know, can't get shot and had a chest twice by accident. and so that, that needs to be broadcasted americans in the west need to know that finding uh yeah. or siding with israel. the governor of israel is not the same as citing. so with choose design to sick, the government of israel,
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that's converting this atrocity which is just the land graph that the expensive palestinians is not protecting today. or in fact design is numbers killing judaism, and americans need to know that. well, thank you so much for sharing. uh, both of us stories rate, we really do appreciate your time and your insides, your unique insight into exactly what it was like uh, operating inside guys a to for us and were in talk to mike pool. most of thank you so much. i, its cable is ready, forces have issued a mass evacuation. what if a palace and the ends in the southern city of con eunice, forcing thousands of people already displaced to move once again down from industry . since at least 16 palestinians have been killed in the city since dawn on saturday, the bodies were taken to announce the medical complex, as well as ami says it needs to both fully oper, right in con eunice. this order and tell us the means to move to on the last in the south west. the rid crisen says there's no space there as well initially declared m
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a y c. a circled sipes owned by it has attacked it repeatedly since the model of this uh, this is my 9th. so 8th displacement every time they tell us to go to an area and is on the safe. this time we don't know where to go. well, i'm here, we are dismantling out tens. they gave us a warning to leave this place with them, but i swear we don't know where to go. when they occupied westbank and is rarely trying to tack on the plaza, refugee camp is killed at least one person, palestine breed crisen societies has thousands of people injured, including a paramedic who is in a serious condition. tell us any insight is ready for us as well. so right it hundreds near the symmetry annapolis day has more from, from a is really occupation forces rated the block that a few g company had novelist. and there were confrontations with palestinian fighters and the palestinian residents then at the wrong strike was reported. palestinian medical sources confirm 117 year old was killed in about 2 dozen
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injured some critically and they include a paramedic. the confrontations ensued after that drone attack and they continue medical sources report difficulties accessing the injured and the tensions are continuing to arrive in the novelist area. of course, we know that is really military sources and there's really security sources said they would defend more on drone attacks. we've seen about 30 of them in the past 10 months. that kills nearly 80 people. and those drone strikes are now escalating as are the raids into palestinian villages, towns and refuge account across the occupied west bank with all the address data around the palestine. to now this plan is the solar heat here on ellen's is there, including a greek island beds on the bucket list of millions of people. the locals are now cooling for calf on terrace. and pleasure and support canada pay the price for
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playing spike games at the olympics. details coming up with patients the had a lot of a europe is a sweltering on this very summary whether this we can, we got lots of high temperatures with sunshine and settled conditions apart from an area. 8 of low pressure, that's raining on some of those parade across more northern and central area. so isn't very heavy rain to come for poland. searching down into the check for public and austria. we have got from the store warnings out some of those trickling into switzerland and move and it's me but the west of the rain you can see it pushing across the baltic states with the heavy rains a lot. feel this way here. sonya as well was to that moving across into belarus and western russia. that's what of what and when the weather could cause some problems
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that on monday. but behind that clear sky is lots of sunshine and settled whether to be found. if you split some spots of rain coming into portugal and spain some rain as well, moving into northern parts of person and the island dividing, but lots of sunshine rushing across central areas and mediterranean as well, and into the southeast, with temperatures continuing to rise. now we might see 40 degrees in madrid and room on sunday. those temperatures coming down slightly through to monday, but the heat will be building across the north. west will have sunshine in edinburgh to monday that you with the balance. it was an airbag name is how i was abducted by the c. i a, in 2004, a german citizen was kidnapped and tortured by the chain of the republicans in gave me into interpretation of powerful documentary jokes the story of how the geo
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politics of the post 911 when we were in the life of an innocent, feel my suitcase phone, which is here investigative journalism. this is quite chilly. moving through here, sensing that the last horrible mine, but it's a journey voices from different corners of survival. it's survivable. survival runs for reparations. and justice stories from other angles. life is actually music of the way people talk, the way we walk programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on now to sierra news, [000:00:00;00]
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the you're watching, you'll just hear a reminder about top story is the salad. the real good from an identified source has had a football pitch into town this motional shelves and the occupied goldman hives. israel says at least the living people from the truth. eric community kills, including children as well. cool, that's the worst incident since the world gone to begin and blamed his prolong. but the living nice group says it has nothing to do with the incidence. but one of the leaders of mexico sooner lower drug content has pleaded not guilty to drug challenges in the u. s. federal agents arrest. it's as well as i'm bought it also known as a lawyer in texas. on friday, he was detained a long list, walking guzman lopez, the son of el chapel goodman, another drug kingpin. julia gadgianno has moved from mexico city of
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the this was the moment 2 of the world's most wanted drug lords were detained on us . soil. is my 8 miles on by the 76 year old co founder and leader of the scenario of cartel and hooking guzman lopez, son of convicted drug lord of chapel, whose mind are now in us custody. the circumstances that led to this remarkable moment remain unclear, but a lawyer representing a miles said his client did not arrive in the us willingly, and had not planned to turn himself in. suggesting he had been setup by an ally to walk straight into the hands of us authorities. it fell to the security minister to break the uncomfortable news of telling the country and mexico had no prior knowledge of the detention of the 2 of its most wanted drug lords. c 4 were investigation. if this was an arrest or if these men had that themselves over, this is part of the information we are waiting to get from the us government. the
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mexican government did not take part in this detention or hand over less than 24 hours after his arrest. somebody to enter a not guilty plea before us judge. both men are facing multiple charges and united states for leading the cartels criminal operations, including its deadly drug manufacturing and trafficking networks. and see how low the mexican government sense, special forces and anticipation of violence. breaking out in a possible power vacuum in the cartel. physical freedom electro, the can we use and by that phone together, if it is confirmed that is made some by that was be great. or set up by a rival section of this e mail. i've got them together. we could be looking at the new media use of excessive rates of violence. here you see not often this in a lower, somebody that is the last major drug, lord of his generation having avoided capture for over 4 decades despite leading one of the world's most important drug empires. while us authorities have described these detentions as an enormous blow to the scene, a little cartel, the reality is that such rests in the past has failed to make much of
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a difference to the organizations operational capabilities. and few here believe that violence levels will go down, or the amount of fentanyl being trafficked into the us will diminish as a result of these arrests. 3 ago yano, alta 0, mexico city. of more on this, we joined now by mike the who, who is the fuller chief of international operations that the drug enforcement administration joins us from albuquerque, new mexico, in the united states. thank you very much for being with us. first of all, can you just tell us a little bit more about i was about a what kind of power did he actually hold because he was quite a mythical person was and a when it come come to the, the, the, the leaders of these gangs and mexico might have some above a was the lens. it wasn't very upfront traffic or in mexico. he was in games and getting less at drug trafficking for about half
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a century. and he never stepped inside a prison cell. however, he maintained a presence in the golden triangle, which is, which consists of the states sort of seen on the one she was in also bilingual. so he basically constructed from mendez criminal organizations that currently operates in 6 of the 7 continents around the world. and basically generates profits of over a 100000000000 dollars miles some by the it was one of the most respect in cobb homes in the drug trade in mexico, even by rivals. okay. so you can then just to cast through how he was actually a wrist. and i mean, how did one of the most important drug catalina's end up getting caught off to
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almost half a century like you say as well. this was a more he was actually lowered into the united states by basically another individual and that was the son of chapel guzman. and lucky was my lopez under the pretense of going to a ranch, looking at i invested in the air strips. and as drew miles on by the out of the mountains where he had its height out and they flew gym by the taxes, but in to southern new mexico in a low buildings called a st. theresa, where there is a small little airport. it's right on the mexican warner. so he was as surprised as anybody. and this was done by watkins mon lopez to turn himself in gen great consideration and then also rate and get consideration
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for his older brother. obedient guzman, that was expedited to the united states about a year ago. as you say, um, he was surprised, clearly by his arrears, but also the mexican authorities were as well because they didn't have any information about this. how significant does that, do you think? well again, yes, a significant gym, but the problem is that i'm sure that there were considerations that have to be made because many times, if there's time for me, yeah. but this type of information is provided to the max. they cannot for an exam . unfortunately, there is a lot of corruption in the, in the past that could be disclosed to the criminal elements, thereby, and jeopardizing the opperation jeopardize the need informants and then even potentially just revise the by us agents. do you think it's actually going to make any difference to,
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to the war on drugs still suffering drugs getting into the united states? especially? no, it's not because the capture of one individual or 2 individuals whose bind gonna knock on the impact on a highly structured criminal network like to see in a lower court pill that came into existence in 1989 and the see my little car go on like most current, you're all set have a vertical structure. this one, it has the more as arnold structure allowing decision making authority to cross many lines. so no, it's not going to have an impact because, you know, we all know that if you don't destroy the infrastructure of a criminal organization is gonna continue operating and see that a lot will continue to send more and more drives came to the united states. okay, we will have to leave it there,
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but thank you so much for your insight. we really do appreciate your time here. this mike for health for us. thank you. thank you as hello advisors in venezuela preparing to hit to the polls tomorrow as prison nicholas madura and his party faced the biggest challenge in decades. posts to say of position, lay to him under gonzales or to you, is predicted to win by launch margin. but there are widespread phases of a link tool for the mid reports of a wrist and harassment of the opposition search teams in southern a few of the a still taking for both of these at the side of 2 land slides that killed at least 262 people, the 1st wave of mud and rocks destroyed some houses, but the 2nd wave was larger and buried. hundreds of volunteers and risky workers gathered at the same well thirties awards. the unstable crown could caused through the land slides and have issued evacuation. oldest of the villages in the region,
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mom and mom has the story from the village of delight and southern ethiopia for a week often on slice slipped through the city mode. the region of southern ethiopia rescue workers and family members are still thinking of bodies and then taking another out the best of grief. that way i can with barely any tools most are using them about hands. but they'll get to the results. minutes after the 1st body was pulled from the mud, the saw signs of another one. the bodies are taken up to him to funeral assistance, which are packed with mona's from nearby villages. a special burial ground has been prepared. as more people lead to this freshman stories of loss, you met the soap. low family is devastated. then only door to 22 year old on the most is missing. the suspect she's dead but can't find public.
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they keep coming back here hoping for information, but mostly if somebody didn't, if it was early morning during the rain, when we heard a loud sound, it goes to help my daughter rushed to the scene to help with the rescue. but she did not return. the 2nd last i buried in the mud and took her life away. this man says he lost 21 pallets. we found the bodies in the mud except for one who still missing. prime minister, arrived by helicopter, to offer his condolences and pledge support. there was no hope anymore of finding somebody because hundreds of bodies pop deputies, but dozens of people ask to missing feeling 1st alon slides, the government says nearby villages need to be evacuated. agencies are bringing food and also supplies to those off. last everything. if you hope your husband ever experienced a non slight on the scale of, with the phone,
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many people to kill and to a small community in the most south of the country, it, it's a catastrophe of untold precautions. how much fun of the 0. the late southern ethiopian monsoon, ryans have left straits, flooded in the central indian city. of both ha, traffic was brought to a standstill by the down poles of homes and businesses have been destroyed. rescue workers have moved over 2000 people to release camps, enclosure on the side of the site we. the office has issued warnings for the next 2 days. the tie ones coast guard has elected the crews of 2 stranded french ships to safety. the 2 vessels were bassett, by type and gave me which tore through the island earlier this week. because scott, continuing the search for another, tends in the flags chicago ship, the tank off the southern coast. prime minister of bangladesh. shank has seen it has visited some of the people injured in a violent crack down on antique government protest at a hospital and backup. she says the purchase were
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a conspiracy and accused demonstrations of trying to reduce the country to a nation of biggest. on friday authority, so the 3 student leaders into custody. they helped coordinate once for demonstrations against government. jones closes earlier this month. seeing that the sunset from the greek islands of center really is a bucket list experience for many people. but as the summer holiday season takes the pendant residents of sand to really say they can't cope with the holds of travelers anymore. the cooling for a cap on the number of tourists. sonya geico has more. the sun do blue seas and breathtaking views. center really has drawn travelers for decades. this island with a population of 20000 regularly tops lists of must visit tourist destinations. i always wanted to come here. actually this has been my dream since high school.
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so every year it's not it with holiday makers, including the thousands who visit a board crew ships to the point where the island is unable to cope the street on results. this is only one of the issues that have on good residents. we, i don't know small island because uh, i, some, during the casa, it has a surface for face 7, just quite a few meters. what kinds of prospects to unique reinforce on visa is more likely, more difficult. we find increase of 50 times a number. i mean, without the, without creating a monster tourism is essential to set to read these economy. but the sector is also transforming the island in ways that a harming the population. pricing many out of the homes flooding communities with expensive abbey, a b properties that are forcing people to up route and leave center really is not
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alone across the mediterranean and tourism hotspots. many residents are growing weary of the effect tourism is having on that communities in the spanish island to be ok. some have moved to the growing and complements of temper bands because of rising rental costs a mazda 2 this month. this young despair was too much tourism their own is that super high rental prices because they knows every week, every full night they have different people. all local protest movements are gaining ground and major holiday destinations. they haven't put of visitors so far . but preserving these unique locations will be crucial to achieving a balance between tourists and residents if they're able to withstand the effects of mass towards them. so nathaniel, i'll just say around most of the head here, ronelle just here in sports, we hear from team usaa is by look to win another basketball and then pick up
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the african story from african perspective. i like convince i dentist, authorities using different media to show documentary why african filmmakers from kenya and kansas if it goes to assigned to them. but i could meet with you for that for me to observe them on the last side. the bile bob wished for o for sign, a new applicant diving on. i'll just sierra years from i'll just say around on the go and meet tonight. i'll just there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we, the effect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorite top to just set for it and tapped on a new app from out is 0 new at
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using. is it the of the, [000:00:00;00] the but it's not just for now his patients that we're dream do for tennessee fans and they've, let's up the power. so let me fix with a fine performance ref alvarado and carlos alvarez all into the 2nd round of the men's doubles the spaniards basil friends that run and girls too. down knowledge and sydney and 6 feeds under the smoke penny and much remote gonzalez. they took
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the 1st, it's 76 on a time break and came back and 3 live down to win. the 2nd 6 o 2 seem to match. both phase are also in the singles events, authorize the is already into the 2nd round. while it though begins east chris for 2nd singles gold on sunday. depends ma'am, you know, soccer has crushed out of the women singles in a match lacking look and saw a pallet again, 3 time grand slam when an engine the curb to a socket using and straight fits to the gentleman who will retire off to the olympics. swimming is always a big draw at any olympic sandy bins go down the way on saturday. i will just areas pull. reese was in the french capital to witness one of the most highly anticipated show downs of the games. while this was being built as potentially the race of the century, 3 absolutely electric swim is in the women's 400 meters freestyle k to a techie of the usa. one of the greatest swimmers in history up against defending champion are on tip most of australia on the 17 year old phenomena. at summit
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macintosh of canada, all of them will direct code hold is on between them with the 28th, fastest times in history. in this event, well, the 3 of them ended up on the podium, but it was already on tape most, who looked pretty comfortable right from the start. she ended up finishing just under a 2nd ahead of macintosh with let becky taking bronze no 8th olympic gold for the deck, a know 1st olympic gold, full macintosh, but a 2nd in a row. in this event, full tip must perhaps the most surprising thing with these 3 pushing each other. no new world record. full rece, i'll use era paris. the rugby sevens has a new limpid champion and it was supposed to boy antoine the palm to help phones to the gold metal. the range face to fiji and the final. the fijians came into this one as the double defending champions. frogs ran riots up to type 1st off in which
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the schools were level at 7 each. it was little phones in the 2nd house. they ran in 3 and on. so tries to win 287 to fall in school in 2 of those as the host nation, secure the gold, the middle and africa has its 1st middle of the better. so lympics said, i forget the featured australia in the rugby savings. bronze middle match is a great turn around for the south african, the last 2 of the pool games and only just squeezed into the codes of finance, where they put in some share and over reading. so he, it was a good day for philippe till later. the brazilian to time world champion is safely through to the food qualifying heat. when is all of the heat's avoid having to surfing the sick and heat and current will safely expanding. theda john john, florence is also one of those who will get some rice before round 3. on sunday team usa will begin the quest for foot straight and limpid gold. midland basketball when they serbia, the united states are filled with in the i see the stalls like the bone, james and steph curry. and while they all the favorites,
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they know nothing can be taken for granted. the americans have taken 1st place in 16 of the 2011 pick basketball tournaments over the years. i don't know they're supposed to be towed on for a job to the right place the mall. be ready for the hit that match up. continue to get better and better. so the challenge, of course, to canada is olympic women. this football team has been hit with a heavy punishment by seaford that had 6 points deducted for the train, spying scandal, which the team has been embroiled in bay head coach bade pre spin, has also been sanctioned, having already been suspended over the incidents by the national federation, she's now being signed from old football for one year, along with 2 of her stuff to assistant coaches. little really same time of the getting quotes, using dr spine on these evenings practices. that's all i forget to the on the
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african side to make an impact on the rugby seven's getting the problems made as i mentioned. but the presidents of african rugby has told l g 0 that with the rights investments, the consummate can produce more will cost teams. they've of stakes reports. issues rugby africa cup is currently taking place and you can 8 countries excluding the world champion south africa, competing in the tournament, which next year will also act as a qualifier for the will come. the president of african rugby hub mensa, believes the continent has on tests potential, genetically. we have the best 1400000000 warriors who uh lets it can run, can jump, have got a center of gravity that can move left to right. so you don't have to be taught in the unnatural critical issue is fund them for context rugby as well as the governing body piece around $5000000.00
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a year to each european nation. but just to 1000000 to the entire continent of africa. that works out that roughly $55000.00. nation mensa is quoting on governments to help bridge the gap without money, you have 2500 also class of african descent playing in front. we have 4 or 5 pleasant english team of african descent. many countries do not even have a rugby view. so as we put pressure, we see many countries not building refills right here and you get to what an incredible drug refills my own country by presidents build a rugby pock, extraordinary. so we need to get more and more than building, then we need a competition base. africans playing with africans. south africa f one, a record seeing world cups. but there are no other african sides in the world's top 20 best despite there being huge jump. it starts among the other nations to join the spring books at the highest levels of the game. but it's a good this,
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like the red blood can split between 7. so you know what that means. why don't you have to smile. we have to compete with what you split. the frontier has been represented by the same 2 teams at the last 7 world cups. south africa and maybe a ivory coast competed in 1995 is in pub. i left a page in 91. if we can give them the game time, if they can play more test test matches, then we're going to see in africa that is literally the spring book that we have 2 or 3 teams that can beat anybody in the world. that are encouraging science at this tournament. as for the 1st time and 12 is it will be one button, the media or kenya instead. it's now jerry in zimbabwe, who will contest sundays, final savings, folks. oh, just there are always show the class will start from pole position in sundays. belgian growing pre demand for monica was actually sick and fastest and qualified because of a 10 facebook penalty on extra stuff. and he was upgraded to 1st place for stuff
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and it has to stuff in 11. the document is raining 3 time champion ripples said. your parents will start i definitely did not expect that this weekend, obviously we treated conditions we cold. uh, uh, do something uh above uh, our expectations. so its, uh, yeah, it's a good day for the team though we need to see a focus on terminal and see what will happen when of of the rain is going and the west indies are infallible against england. in building and then the 3rd test destined been states together with 3 others, including james smith each at whole centuries as the home side posted $376.00 louts smith touch screen with $95.00. i think them took a 9 to 6 wrong. first things lead at stumps when these with 32 and 61 runs behind, they all still 3 days remaining. okay, that's what was supposed to be useful to the item, but didn't thank you so much faded but so for me to create to this new job. but i
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will be back in just a moment with much more of the dies and use to stay with us. the security concerns and political uncertainty, or just some of the issues facing the organizers of the 2024 olympic games in paris . as millions turned their attention to friends with the whole nation, be ready to welcome to world on july the 26 stay without a 0 for the latest updates with americans more divided than ever. are we watching the end of the american era? the us wants to keep the war in ukraine going to russia's will, is broken. but is that strategy working? what to do if there is no date after in israel's more on causes the quizzical look good us politics, the bottom line, the whole movie, but please the model started
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a new monthly news to kind of put myself in new way. if i'm living with my left bank of no value computers, i mean they got madness. thinking together that you know, you're going to be able to avoid. i get my papa, your director, us. and we can look at the phone with those 2 on those tests. going into a motor of america, jeff, the book i would go back home with me right. quick name williams. 5th. so now was go off gabby, which is around the problem was new, had me go fit the waterford joy and i then it'd be just me what the name is that they give me up. it won't give up on the can't go made up cana of it. mean thing is what i'm hoping i can go ahead i'm no, i'm good but i knew that wasn't the example. anybody got a hey, give me the comments name, is it all on? did you get the what did you the account? the little was?
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no, i got the the hello until mccrae. this is then use our life from coming out for the next 60 minutes. the rocket hits young people playing football in the occupied golden heights. at least 12 people are killed and many more injured from the truce community as well cause of the west incident since the war on casa began implants, hezbollah, to live in these group denies their own responsibility. at least $36.00,


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