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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  July 28, 2024 3:30am-4:00am AST

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i came up with some sense that me into interpretation of powerful documentary tells the story of how the geo politics of the post 911 while we were in the life of an innocent feel my suitcase phone, which is here. contrasting welcomes for as ralph prime minister in the us divisions over the war and gaza on show with protests outside of cheering congress in the week of dramatic politics in washington. how is spending mean that to be on his visit being viewed that i'm finding this route, this is inside story, the hello and welcome to the show. i am assigned may say that us politicians gave as
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well as prime minister bend to be nothing. yeah. while companies not likely to get anywhere else particularly back home, see this find a boy called by some democrats, congress ruled and did a speech. us media of fine check as though well then i said, wasn't entirely all accurate, shall we say when it came to things like the number of civilians killed and injured the delivery of aid and so on. well, during his trip, nothing you know, met the current and previous us presidents as well as the woman who hopes to be the next one. american weapons and funding has been central to as rouse war on golf so which has killed almost $40000.00 palestinians visit signal any meaningful shifting us bipartisan political support for israel did. and that's and yeah, he'll get well, he wants it from the trip. and how's it going down and as well, we'll discuss all of that without guess shortly. but 1st, this report from will consume shareef. define speech met with applause, but also board costs and protests is rarely from mister benjamin netanyahu address
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to john sitting of the us congress on wednesday, promising total victory a get some oss and gaza the day after we defeat from us. and you guys are going to merge my vision for that day. is of a do militarized, and do radicalized garza, he went on to emphasize the longstanding and close relations between the us and as well. my friends, if you remember one thing. one thing from the speech, remember this, our enemies are your enemies, our flight is your fight, and our victory will be your victory. but a speech expos shop divisions with thousands of democratic senators, keeping it and upholding republicans. packing one side of the chamber where she the tally, the only pell of scene in american southern income was headed up to signs. one thing will criminal and the other guilty of genocide during the nearly all the
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address. thousands gathered outside to condemn is runs well on garza and the result in humanitarian crisis. later nothing yahoo met us preston, joe biden who press but a girl so seized by a do that includes the release of kept his head by her mouse, vice president and presumptive democratic presidential candidate come a law. harris struck a tough a note signaling a possible shift in us policy. what has happened in gaza over the past 9 months is devastating. the images of dead children and desperate hungry people fling for safety, sometimes displaced for the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th time that we cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. we cannot allow ourselves to become num to the suffering, and i will not be silent. nothing,
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yeah. who ended his visit by meeting republican presidential candidate donald trump, whose repeatedly oats is well to finish the job and destroy him us. the former us president also criticize habits for host owns on cause a, i think are remarks were disrespectful. they weren't returning to israel. i actually don't know how a person who is yours or nothing. yeah. who's us trip was the 1st abroad since the bill began to die. these wiley booming has cause nearly 40000 palestinians. prompted protests from university campuses to capitals hidden and the consumption of the of to see the inside story the well that spring on gas into the show. now we have joining us from washington, d. c. phyllis, venice, a fellow at the institute for policy studies. and an international advisor to the advocacy organization,
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jewish voice for peace in tel aviv gideon levy. i call them hist for the is writing the daily hotspots and overall the punishment of garza. and also in washington d. c. nile, stanish. it political analyst and the white house column list for the political newspaper, the hill. thanks to all of you for joining us. if i could start with 9. so has nothing. yeah. who's visit demonstrated? now, do you think the support for is route is no longer a solidly by a process and a 5? 0 yes, it is certainly demonstrated zack's, i mean, the boy caught by democratic members of his speech to congress, was pretty significant, didn't compost. a lot of democrats not only people on the so called hard left of the party in addition to that, you had to prove chest in the streets which underlined. i think the degree of public discontent with israel's assault on ga. so i mean, this is an issue where the, the voter base of the democratic party, knowing by
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a significant margin sympathizes more. what's the broad palestinian side in this conflict done with the israeli side? that is clearly a shift. we don't want to exaggerate this, the american public overall is still split. republican voters are still overwhelmingly pro israel, but the idea that there was by parts and you're not age in the idea of standing with israel, that's not at all. interesting, phyllis, what does this tell us about the degree of influence that organizations like a pac have in today's america and today's american political scene, then? well, i think what we've been seeing for quite some time sending me is the 8 pack which continues to be a very wealthy organization, a very key part of the pro israel lobby. it's not the only part there is christians
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united for israel is a host of other organizations, but it happens a leading force and it remains. so it has the money to, for example, put $20000000.00 into the campaign of one of the members of congress, jamal bowman in new york to make sure that he was defeated. and that, that massive investment succeeded. but it took that kind of an investment, the highest by far of any congressional race in this country's history. so the influence of a pack is certainly diminishing and particularly what we just heard about the, the demise of the bi partisan nature of this consensus is certainly on the way. but i think it's very important to put that in the context of the divide between the electives of the democratic party and the base of the democratic party, the base of the democratic party and the base. in fact, of the people of this country as a whole, as nato just said,
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is shifting very much towards the question of palestinian rights. and towards criticizing israel and a call to stop sending military support. and in that context, this consistency of policy has not changed. we saw it again with cumberland parasites and we'll get to that later. but with president biden as well shifts in language are responding to the pressure of our movements. we are not yet seeing a shift in the actual policy, right? have we have such a fall or weapons they want, and we definitely want to get into that. but that was a very important distinction you made between the, the, the electives and the base. so see if we can take into that too. but before we go down there, the let, let me also do the and in tel aviv this question. whatever can be said about the divisions that this trip unveiled did nothing. yeah, he'll get ultimately what he wants it out of this trip. rubbing shoulders with key
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politicians, a red compet in chase in congress. 50 over 50 standing ovations. i think i is it going to ask for more and it was somebody you might say, but if you let me say so the mos shame for a moment of the american congress. i mean, except to those who were not there, sharing so many died standing ovation, full loss, no mention venture and email, once the carrier, those guys did. sure. the guy said that the big thing so does nothing. and, you know, he use a very, very polish beaker, especially in english, but not one of the sentences that he said was connect the toilet. you know, one word, he said, you know what i mean, manage. wordpress is really the fault guys. uh, what is this talking about,
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is that both texting them and i did stage. and the most amazing thing was to watch those boxes sorted from the arch language. those buffets in the corners in the center, standing up again to get and sharing without them even having the slightest idea was all the sharing all say to some of the boys one. so we'd be very sure the ones that by the national, a quote of the criminal code, someone who is at least suspects that the major tribes of war. but coming back to question yes he achieved. do you want to get into that help him out? so we know that the polls don't show he has a very good standing right now. think the majority of his right. he's wanting out of power. does any of the, you know, the, the reception that he got in the us change any of that?
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i think so, finally, it's a really your to use brand. so there's more energy because to see it private is so who use the full time? the only spencer would been so many times in the course and spoke to the callers. and again, he's already english and spanish. in the spanish shows, i mean, nobody remains in the brand. the wisdom is right. and he went the domestics williams, and he had shared some domestic trying points. right, by go say defense. he's got some domestic points in his rabbit. phil is how to jewish americans view. nothing. yeah. who's trip and his positioning of israel and himself is kind of the representative and defender of jewish people. there has been an enormous shift in jewish public opinion in this country for the last 10 years or so. but the last month, the month of the, the assault that has become genocide and gaza has led to
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a drastic escalation in this shift. we were seeing 3 or less than 3 years ago, a whole of american jews that indicated 25 percent of american jews. this is in 2021, believe that israel is an apartheid state, 38 percent of young jews and that generational shift is a key component. what we saw this week during that in yahoo's visits, 400 jewish acted us mainly from jewish boys for case within about 2 or 3 dozen rabbis in the center and surrounded by jews wearing bright red t shirts that set on one side. jews say no arms to israel and the other side said not at our name being arrested in congress and the congressional one of the congressional buildings being taken out one by one. they didn't get out till 4 o'clock in the morning the next day to say that to say that jews are standing against, against enough to know and against what is real stands for. because nothing else
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who has not some isolated. uh, you know, he is not popular for short personally, but he is hardly an outlier within the is really political reality. the next day in the protest outside there, i was an a contingent of labor people and jewish people. and it was a norm is with it in the a multiple thousands of protesters outside. so the change there is an extraordinary level. we're seeing it in terms of how young jews are growing up with choices about what jewish identity means. the what we might call the be the justice generations who came of age politically in the summer of 2020, in the protest, over the killing of george floyd. and the whole question of how fundamental racism is in the united states are now seeing their relationship to israel's and their relationship to palestinians in the context of a social justice and racial justice issue and not as part of the necessary jewish
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identity. the way it was when i grew up as a kid, it's very different bit of a refinement going on. i want to come back to absolutely which, which phyllis mentioned about the divisions within democratic kemp. and it might be useful to shed some light, let's listening to some of the things, some of the different things being said by different members of the democratic party. i don't think that it is um, productive right now, whatsoever for netanyahu to be addressing congress. i see, not only is there very little purpose to it, but i think it is patently unproductive. i think it's counter productive right now . tomorrow will be unique in bridge, in 5 minutes to notes and yahoo to address a joint meeting of a congress. it will be the 1st time in american history that a war criminal has been given that on frankly,
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this invitation to nothing, yahoo is a disgrace. and something that we will look back on with regret. so counter productive, a war criminal. that's the sentiment on, on one side, shall we say, of the democratic count. on the other hand, who has some statements from other members of congress, been who also from the democratic party and what they had to say that different pizza, i agree, love from san bernardino, saying, i feel when will lead is come to the people's chamber. it's important that we hear that perspective. israel is our closest ally, also statement by us representative french um and a democrat from california saying, addressing the question of why the people should be boy coughing. nothing. yeah. who's speech. he said, well i think it's a mistake. i mean we haven't had
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a worldly the come here. i didn't have some disagreements with so. busy keeping all of that in mind nile has the visit also highlighted some deep divisions, not only between the base and the likes it officials as, as for this, i lies beautifully for us, but also within the like to the officials themselves. now. well, it has an phillips made a great point or really true. great point is that i want to expound on a level. but what is this gap between the elected officials on the base of the democratic party of the governor, which is a really vital distinction, is the a georgia and a racial issue that is one of the b s. not the single biggest schism and the american public right now when it comes to the broader view of israel and the palestinians, general it know you only elected officials point. i think it is worth emphasizing that you played there, send her sanders technically, and then dependent on the phone before on,
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no cost of your quartet because you will cortez are both very much seeing us on the left of the democratic part of the interesting thing of it this debate is it is those voices from the left the are actually more insurance with the body of the democratic voters, arch side of congress on the days that was more true. israel borders you used to have them for the credit card from sherman for you are actually order of step with their own party voters. as i said, there's a different argument to be the last nile that's, that's a very good connection that you've made that. what does that tell us? so what does that mean? so the future of the democratic camps, i think what it means is that hi would assume over decades or that's certainly years the democratic party will move in a more sympathetic true palestine direction. i think that that is where the future is leading and it's not just me say not, or people who will diffuse a fellow sort of saying that there was a recording a infamously, out about,
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about maybe a year or so ago, where i believe it was the director of a pack or someone in the, in a pod was expressing concern, but they don't have a political problem. they have an age problem because young people are so much more likely to be critical of is really policies and show much more likely to take seriously the palestinian, the aspiration for self determination. interesting, since we're talking about what do they think they yeah, go ahead. phyllis and i think so i, i agree with what now has just said, but i think it's really important to recognize that none of this happens accidentally or inevitably, it will only happen if the extraordinary movement for palestinian rights that has been so much on the rise in recent years and is now so much more powerful, so much closer to power than it ever has been before, maintains its power and its strength in the streets,
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in the lobbying in the uncommitted movement again the, the protests from people working inside the administration. all those factors have to continue because what we've seen is that so far we've been able to change the, the, the language of president by the vice president harris who's now of course the, the leading candidate. but we have not seen a change in policy when president by that said on the day that the 17 by the ariens from the world central kitchens, who happened to be for the 1st time only only one of the 7 was palestinian. the other 6 were international, which was not accidental in his singling them out. when he says, my heart is breaking. i have no doubt that's probably true. but it's profoundly irrelevant whether he is heart broken or not. because 4 hours later, he authorized a new shipment of bombs to be used on the children of casa, and as long as the,
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the change stays at the level of the language. that's not good enough. so it has to be very clear that the kind of change that i was talking about will only happen if this movement stays strong and mobilized. all right, talk about divisions and change that's taking the tel aviv get in the wrong divisions in israel over policy, over a pub accepting a permanent seas 5 deal. right. how might they be impacted by what just happened with the nothing yeah. who visit to, to washington with the the seas, supposed that he got from powerful figures from congress. you know, the, the raw reports on the one hand, that there is something of a security consensus within israel right now to go for a deal. but we heard it from nuts in yahoo, in washington we heard it repeated several times on is from,
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from june the 1st the day off to buy than the us president unveiled his latest piece proposal saying, hey, the what was going to. busy until we destroy from us, we're not going to stop a stormy. don't be rolling. the reason or position is the video. there is a big protest in favor of releasing the hostages. but the reason no positioning is, or i don't know meaning for the position of his way to continue on the war. there is no meaning for a position to continue the reputation. there is no meaning for the 3rd of the. so the current, the update for the see, and this must be and remember because many people watch those demonstrations which are very impressive. we got the week they are they, and they are sure is or is going to change. take my road here really. so that then yeah, we build claims we're going to face, but it's the same board as the policy. and from this point of view it does,
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the mentor is face pay that then, you know, really made another year or no. there are many other aspects in wage, but then you must go many, many now that aspect of your version of that include june, the war and the amount of those things to be changed by days. and then we'd like just to air right over in fair one. more sentence about book really said, just say i was watching yesterday, the big games. the sermon here, i guess, all will be the people that are in the games. and then one stage only one stage, which is actually emissions. russia, and why the russia is excluded. because the agent, david's ukraine, and don't know, rigs was to book fractions on russia and deal we are watch watching now the most, the old of sport events in the world, in russia. it's not there. why do you see this way there?
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all right. i want to bring the question to the point which phyllis opened earlier about policy? did we see nile did receive nothing? yeah. who's visit weighed into some policy and some very real political divisions with in america that is not well is not always standard when a found the to comes to visit the us. right. so i'm talking about things like the image of him sitting next to donald trump. while donald trump was criticizing campbell, a harris, the fact that he attacked some american pro testers in his speech to congress, while at the same time endorsing the fraternity brothers to the statement by one of these ministers supporting donald trump's candidacy for the white house. just before prime minister been named ben, you mean nothing? yeah. when tough to meet president bite and then campbell harris. yes,
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i mean all these things are unusual for a for them lead or if we use that term generically. but the complexity is they aren't at all unusual for a minister. netanyahu of course, came here more than a decade ago. and then president obama was in the midst of trying to negotiate a nuclear deal with around uh, nothing. yeah. they came here to basically long based that effort on providing much align himself with the republic. i'm side. i don't think if we're just speaking frankly, that there's really any question that that nothing yahoo would for fair mr. trump to be elected in november. there are some people here who certainly think that nothing yahoo is on the spoken strategy is to keep the war going in the hope that trump will be elected. and he will have that even greater improving, i'll say, or even wider him to say that he has to, i'm under president biden. so it is in congress for foreign leaders.
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generally, it is very consistent with mister netanyahu, rob her a ruthless and austin rather, and might have you cynical, a way of exercising political power and influence. so that's what real signals came out of this trip, buying this in yahoo to the us about what the real actual policies might be of each of the presidential candidates, should they make it to the white house? i mean, on the one hand we have donald trump, both of his support for as well, but he's also been talking about how israel has to get the job done quickly when it comes to gaza and finish this couple of harris on the other hand. well, she's spoken about ending the war. but as vice president, she's part of an administration, as you pointed out as continue to support anomaly as well, even as the world's top quotes have, have issued warrants or full warrants, i should say, oh,
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rulings against is relevant status as well. i think we have to start by the assumption that us policy has not changed. the very extreme is positions that when president trump took, when he went to israel in 2018 and announced that he was moving the embassy to jerusalem. recognizing jerusalem as the, the so called capital of, of israel, recognizing the, the israeli occupation of the goal on heights as somehow a legal annexation saying that annexation of the west bank would be fine. all of these very extreme is positions that were announced and criticized. and rejected by then candidate joe biden. when bartonville came into office, he said, i don't agree with these policies, these are not what, what i agree with, which again, i think is probably true, but profoundly irrelevant again because he did nothing to change those policies. so that mean it won't change going forward depending on who makes the white house. i
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think that what has changed is the political pressure since the time. the only thing that by didn't changed on his since reverse. that was, he didn't start funding on or against, but then stopped it again. the question was pamela harris. after, you know, we have still 5 more months with bite and as president. so this isn't just about the election. this is about what people in power the president and the vice president do as president and vice president. it's not just about whatever they do on the electoral arena. as president and vice president, they have not changed the policy of providing israel with massive amounts of money . it's not just now the usual $3800000000.00 every year that they send directly to the israeli military every year. which amounts to about 20 percent of the entire budget of the i d. s. but it now has gone up to 17000000000 dollars this year with another $10000000000.00 that's already been authorized for these massive escalations in china and bonds in tank ammunition and drones in claims and all of
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the equipment that is enabling general. i got the question of whether it's going to change in reality to match the change in tone is going to be very much up to what kind of a harris thing she has to do as a candidate to respond to the needs and demands of people in the democratic party and more urgently for the next 5 months. what is president by going to do in response to the uncommitted movement, the protests that have been going on the demands of his own party that are saying, 119 percent of people want to stop the problem. pressure specific right to stop sending are all right. what side we have to also stop the show at this point, let's find con, guess though, fairly spanish, gideon levy, and niles damage. and thank you for watching. you can see the show again, any time by visiting our website. i'll just say right,
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don't com for further discussion and head over to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash i j inside story. you can also join the conversation on x l. a handle is a j inside story from me. so that means i dine on the whole team here for now is good by the way. this is the 1st one they saw that we see in real time it's the victims themselves. one, because there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream media. it is always an attempt to frame a true side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise the listening post covers how the news is covered. the
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colleges here with the hello, i'm sort of heightened doha. these are the top stories on al jazeera. israel is coming out, strikes on several towns and villages in southern lebanon, and that'll be a big it follows an attack on the occupied golden heights. so 12 people killed israel has blamed, has been long, the liberties group has denied involvement. homeless of fluids has this report children were playing football here and then.


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