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tv   The El Masri Case  Al Jazeera  July 29, 2024 4:00am-5:00am AST

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on out to 0, the to do what you all just bear with me. so robin in dough hard, why the top news stories, polls of officially closed, the venezuelan presidential election were tied. diplomats had been the gonzalez's looking to unceasing come, but nicholas, but through the venezuelan president to so you can use the 6 year to but polling before the vote had the opposition gaining grounds the 1st time in years a defeat. so, but do it would lead to a seismic shift and is that this way than politics? ads that have been skipped holes outside the polling station to the capital, caracas protest as demanded to the station to witness the vote. counts while tons of liberty and slogans against the government. tennyson dropped yet t as both of buckets off in neighboring columbia holes of clothes that cross most
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of venezuela had a very long day of voting. clothing stations have been open up for 12 hours and that overall this has been a peaceful day without any major incidents, which was one of the worries, especially on part of the opposition. uh, there has been a number of small incidents uh, some of been bouncing accusations of us loading that slowing down the voting and some uh, pulling station. but overall, we understand that the benefit ends were able to both and in mass and what are seen as the most consequential elections and generation here in neighboring above with us. hundreds, i've been, sweat on migrants came out, some of them to cast their votes. others justified physic, bates not being able to register for the vote to come out and participate being
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what us turned out into a major a party, a street party. and now they're here waiting for these uh results as well as like, or the tablet has authorized the country's private as the defense of a distance. it's a tablet, the respondents to san today's attack, and they don't keep up going heights me, that's the one who met the cabinet on sunday, after the heading from the us. israel blades anybody's all group has belong folder, walk into tank, which kill 12 has block, has denied any involved, but now the 2 sides, the beat exchanging fire on sunday be blocked inside. garza is right. the strikes and killed at least 66 people in the south today and called you this, that is really a town called home killed 10 pallets sitting in the bossing, which these really been that we declared a site. so at least 5 people were killed after it is really a tackled a ted sheltering, displaced palace to the it's well,
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there's well has all the palace cities to evacuate, how the rise compet data, bella, the head of a draw off philly. polezza really has wold. but 86 percent of the gaza strip was on the evacuation old has promised that he is on the ground. say they've been forced to play several times that that's the way i left to go home. and i swear, i don't know where to go in 1948. that would display swans, but this is the 10th time for us. i swear to god, i don't know where to go to the find a solution for us. now. where do we go? they destroyed all homes. they've killed all children on the display. so women, no matter where do we go enough of this? where do we go? us $200.00 rebels and those bodies say that they've killed and aged dozens of soldiers and russian messengers finds he is believed to have taken place on the outskirts of the town to attend. so often they the boda with, oh jerry, a video is on social media, showed intense fighting. molly's military had to to,
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to versus box, and break both security systems. southwick spelling french full size in 2022 of our team. the philippines all waiting for the weather to improve before attempting to clean up. one of the hot mini leaves is a fuel from a tank. they've been in a bay the vessel sudden, catherine. catherine installed the weather on thursday. the oil has reached the shore line, racing concerns offered environmental disaster. reco banking, rightful in china, is who doesn't problems as close to the flood. they get less styles as without attic tricity consultations being disrupted, as types of gave be swept through the countries of south east. those were the headlines i'll be back with bold use in hoff on here on out. is there a but next it's allergies that are wild to stay with us. the
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the on the 30th of july, 2005, the highly compton was flying over a month to range between uganda and sue, done in terrible weather. what would happen next is still shrouded in mystery. but the helicopters crush, killing everyone on board, including sudanese 1st vice president, joan got on the 8th 2005 cartoon was the capital of the whole. let's do don. but the country was
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deeply divided by a long running civil war in which southern so done wanted to break away from the north. at the center of this split was the politician and revolutionary leader joan got on dom up. yo. when he died and a helicopter crash heap just being appointed as both suited these 1st vice president. and also president of the autonomous region of southern so down the that how big the you just doesn't now i'm so what do you now numbers will get but i know what i'm doing and get them john, go run, control the saddam people's liberation army. the s p l. a military units that foss sudanese government forces since 1983 go wrong, was a big man with a beard. and this made him a highly recognizable figure instead. um,
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some people described him as complex and cameras magic others as intolerant and ruthless. you don't get to see a faulty, including my deputy because i know you're going to my doctor because he's my house . so jim a. yeah. and they don't get a liam take away because you all have what does that include the need? i mean, and then you want me good and i just have a cell so you have to get the id to her. yeah. had the and also i that she i see and yeah. and then it, what does i tell you? i won't be. i'm back in the i just had to get help lead don't grain was a leader of the more it's also done. people love ration movement operation off and for that reason either came very popular became popular because people like him
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at the time. but as the pollution for grace, he made a lot of his mistakes got on by the fidelity with i'm looking how many. oh yeah. yeah, i can see that road later. like i say, we're not going to have a lot of seems to then way to me that the associated vision was john, go wrong, did not come from a military family. his parents were christian from sedans, upper nile region. they died young unless then was a teenage orphan. go wrong, did well, let's school on one a scholarship to study economics in the united states. his 1st job was as a career officer in the suit and he's army. he moved quickly up the ladder and by 1983 had to reach the rank of colonel. although he was educated in
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america garage and had a mixed relationship with the us government. some us officials didn't trust him and suspected he had what they called communist leanings the in america as a young. like jetta. i p a d and the late substitute on basketball. i'm a new adult or were the ones that don't go around to america to be accepted by the amount of time because he was considered as a communist. i said he cannot like why he did not want him. so we went to the congress and we went to the state department, one of the white house. we told them, give the guy is chance to come better for them to have all these accompanies on. if you think that is a combination, you do not give him anything. so you where the right to go and where in the was to seek friendship. the
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law of the medina never associated to the idea. what is the kind of trouble for you? i'm going to move, can you do any of these over? well, i mean i'm going to add the jani bohannon as i think i'm think i've taught somebody to hook me up in the doing cobra, dot money. and what else? uh, a little sniffing. yeah, cool. i'll talk soon, what they'll do is i'll move in who's a lot, what i would i that you can see on them because you have the time for that. and he spoke about to mean that a said, i'm done down here in the i'm not you have the most the most did with the thought this was done that belongs to all of us toilet citizens. it was brought to raise the respective of religion to a news, good news, global knowledge, to which we all ident joan, good things,
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political relationship with the united states government develops during the 19 ninety's they had a common enemy. they both oppose the leadership of sudanese president all bushy in 1996, the us cots of diplomatic relations with 2 done. and a year later, president clinton ordered sanctions against suit and these assets. but at the same time, the clinton administration gave millions of dollars of assistance to gods sit down people's liberation army age of the president. all this year believed was funding the s p a is military activity, has cost of 20 city is misspelled. yeah, maybe you can kind of to go the day and i'm going to be, you know, i know feel in his office. so then he able to dump my whole way. i know that i'm really a comp on the whole i go. so you guys have to look up every 5 and you see a lot, lot floor. i've been here to the wow. going get on with this for
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a lab. you must. and i will tell us how to minnesota. that'd be on the hunt. i mean, we go, medic, mahatma and all the game to show that kind of the, i guess i see him, i get dining kind of a lobby and a suit reality. i'll be back unless he i looking in kind of big for all through the yeah, definitely getting back to about a little bit because of getting out of them properly for the some interest is like the these readings, especially the american jews were interested to find a southern leader that would be pro israel, and that neither they can be able to provide him for columbus are way to those who then went to those who then a 100, the whole time you told me the last 2 months he had been put on
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this idea of ones who done was at the heart of guns, political ideology. he argued against both tribalism and the sectarian divisions that has historically dominated suited these politics. in july 2005 got things signed a peace agreement with the government of sudan. that ain't. and the 21 years civil war, the deal involved a permanent ceasefire autonomy for the subs, power sharing, and the commitment to a referendum on full independence for substitute on 6 years later. got on that was one of the agreements chief architects but did not live to see it implemented the, the agreement and the depth came set and a with side by side after the piece was sign made
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a chain by saying no, we cannot devise who done any more because africa has already been divided into different states. so if we divide through that, we can african interest, african unity and will also we can the question of to die. and i think that's where mr. gun became in danger. is peaches because of that chain because no width and the wanted him to talk about conservation with the knob and keeping food. i know the united country the new piece agreement gave joan got on to formal titles. he became president of the toner, most region of southern sudan, as well as 1st vice president of sue don in the new transitional governor of national unity. the those who knew him said that
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at the time got on his focus was on how he could build a strong and united suit on. the one estimate puts the number of northern and southern sudanese who welcomed to go on to call to at over 1000000. the other say it was a much higher figures the, the most on your own. good. on the thoughtful side of the was it on the status of the kind of that i get my healy, his actual how are you that i mean is all the members on the still but what i'm also going you, i'm good and i didn't the others mine on the read, why not the most of it and mostly on was of in law for kind of it has to definitely going to be g wireless and so i have the money on the modem. and generally, i think i know that how little of the one kind of the, you know,
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get ahold of somebody younger and also i'm going out with that a young girl with much of admission. uh no good, nothing was done but didn't be the most invisalign. i don't think i course with that, but other than you know mean? yeah, i mean it the story. uh the so then neighbor owen devices to dining room. whatever . but she it up with a sick the media on us just uh so what kind of low me at 5 who are the high level in new yeah, he's been with the way in who are yeah, cool. i saw that but a fairly well. i mean, he not, i had that like that. i would, i live heading to be, i live here that i'm with the domino just doing
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a dominant and my do with him. i know we uh he, uh, the earlier the in the so then getting into so then we got on had always wanted to united, so done. but in the end, he agreed to a form of separation with the toner in the sense 3 weeks after becoming 1st vice president, he planned a trip to your guns and insisted on taking personal control of the trip. once more, he hit his travel plans from suit the needs president on all the sheet that mean little of them lives your under. i don't the front. i know the general i was all the say little is. i know i'm out of it for your systems. you might have to leave the housing thing the most you, you will most of the site unless you're in the way you love it and you how you doing that?
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i'm going with it. i know i was on and i was hard for them and because of the for the audit. well, no, no, no, no, no, i see news i was you have them and then it does to me, i'm going out i the how long is the issue? i didn't want to get off of the line. what are the show me again it's so yeah. then model get the most i deal with the and then obsession. how you should see, you see the vendor window surface the most significant somewhat fee camry level. but i was on that on the i started looking outside the lay of the, from the list to the enough did the,
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the, the, the younger got into self a. how so you know, over the head of how your house, most of the nation that was really mean regardless of the munition not know of some sort of days. if the stuff about the cost of it was the 12 bought john good. i'm chose to travel without the official protection. he was entitled to west 1st the vice president as a founder of this down people's liberation, move on to the s b a. then he'd always traveled without the military man walk on by as you, but so far to the night a when there is a gift for you. it came kind of minds you with. so for to raise i will have a good shot of you sound good. ok, i'm with having modeling model, doubtless that then the numbers over in the context of a one church i knew we're on a wish. i might have had that time in the can. can be sure we knew as
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a civil elliot kind of struggling to kindly so my but as well as alex mama and couldn't walk more than the arrow data conquered. i'm sitting in a moment, continuing some highly way. she mean, i mean that the assa, how do you think you're more the m shamal? you're going to knock on? i have a look. uh, definitely it's in, uh, uh, a little faulty normally as, uh, let me compare this to how does i'm in with the home for them. yeah. yeah. because they want me to find the i see a glass of look at it as a ticket and and, and the protocol going on when is that it was south. oh, uh, hold on way more than that. uh lisa, could i use the lease like when i, when i said, what do you, i know a vision. haas ocean has the ocean, has the
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gun on you flew by helicopter to do a walk or to to the personal country home of the ugandan president, your wedding was of any on the 29th of july, 2005 you spent 2 days there was most of any, and also held meetings with several western ambassadors. according to one american journalist and blogger, the diplomatic meeting was about subsidence valuable, oil and minimal resources. the . the problem is that he was invited to attend a meeting in uganda at the ranch of the ugandan president, you're where he most of any and was 70 most of any uh was a uh uh, also a us ally. so we arranged a meeting with the us british induction basset,
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hers, and the various induction bastards are key here because royal dutch shell loyal company is a british dodge firm. the meeting did not go well. i haven't gotten the ticket, so it'd be come with a fee and a lot hobbin. i knew that i'm ready. i knew going good. i'm part of good in the stuff but be nice but it'll qualify to be so then. well, i know i had to send over her boom. the, you know, i'm a new and i see the most of the issue came up of okay. when south sudan becomes president and becomes independent, you become president. the, the chinese oil companies have oil concessions that were granted by the sudanese government button areas on the border between your new country and sudan. we would like to have all those re negotiated in our favor. in other words, in favor of the western oil companies. greg started to say, wait a minute, the oil,
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if it's on our territory is our oil. we'll decide who exploits it. we'll decide who we sell it to. well, that was just a little bit too much for the british dodge and american and bass singers. the meeting grew costs and gung said his goodbyes to president most of any. they'd known each other since the college days. first, vice president got on boarded the official, your guns and presidential helicopter a russian made m. i won 7 to the, took off at 6 30 pm on saturday, the 30th of july, 20056 people, the company to guy plus the 7 helicopter crew. they flew from the uganda and presidential residents to and tabby, where they refilled the things that course for new course in southern. so to close to the canyon border, an hour later,
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the helicopter disappeared from radar. it crashed into zullie, a mountains 15 kilometers from the guns and board. speculation as to the cause of the crash began with a de addicted, a going. you're heidi, what, as i said in the how well you're going to start the serial. uh, i know what a movie husband was defeated the moment mean. yep. he's, i can go to the piano will that will 5. during the video of that, it, remember the president was a go to the weekend, but to the media step by then or before mission was the doctor jim. so some of the toner after the media center in the compiler, you should this statement to the person in that she didn't go there because she was terrified you can nor to, to minutes being with the someone with the one to the is then you a quote that someone has bused on me, i mean that yeah, i mean,
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i know if it was on, on the market, how difficult the on the hold on this was on the level to do if you had them for the my, the itself i was doing, i would have to buy it. uh well, i mean, you and uh what we do. yeah, i'm calling to say you can read on this, isn't the money means that it means that it is tied up out of the email that does not seem id them in with them at the kind of video, the 24 hours of to the helicopter crash the news brooks, that sedans newly appointed 1st vice president was dead. thousands of cities from north ends of took to the streets of costume and on the some were angry, others frustrated. but most was simply grieving the loss of a lead or killed. so soon after reaching high office, there were wives and 45 people died and what became known and sit down as black monday. and i forget what the when dish and movie let me open, who natalie got
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a feeling about how to chevy and that is a car pump on how problems or how to operate? definitely or that can help them to solve. and i really live. i live you that and i said, who will i be our agency on the bottom. oh wow, that's cool. cool. i did of hanukkah. chevy in australia is different. how i said a certificate of recent to good as a g issues with the some of the button countries, but they've been put traits. i kind of do that because i'm for days the time you've done that we were rich and yesterday's, they had issues with brenda. you're going to was having issues with the democratic republic of congo. we had issues with the kenya, and we have not already had a lot with this done, but because this up and then that people know tried to make sure because they've been older. is it pretty much great? we'll 100 and it was, and this is a month that's where it was sitting you whenever it was,
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the new gun was the feeling that troy aviation expos from sedan, uganda, kenya, britain, russia, and the us examined the wreckage. they would cover the carpet voice recorder. but the flight data recorder was badly damaged. their report was published 9 months after the crash and concluded that bad weather and pilot added with a likely causes. but not everyone agreed. coming up and talked to questions about the official investigation into the helicopter crash. i would like to revisit father the investigation on the desktop electron grand a good off church solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions. not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person, person yourself, and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us,
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my life. in my life, those stages we want, we want the education reward because the women and my country deadlock suite to come up to one. we are not denies all of who we are human beings and this has to be treated equally. we are working in their thoughts, that's our ancestors. whatever has been done before can be done as long as the human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is clear. listings in the gaza strip as easily as long continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media and it needs to be question, sustains coverage that actively humanize as his readings and actively humanizes
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palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing past, the mold and untold stories from asia and the pacific. on would you say era the, the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the challenges there, let me say, oh robin and the other by the top stories, polls of officially closed in the venezuela. the presidential election retard diplomats at linda gonzalez, is looking to seek the income. but nicholas, but through the venezuelan president to see can get the 6 year to but polling before the vote had the opposition gave the ground the 1st time in years now defeats some of the right would lead to a seismic shift. and that is way in politics. that are being scuffles outside the building station and the capital caracas. protest is demanded to enter the station to witness the vote count while transient liberty and slow goods a gigs because in other days as well,
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security cabinet has authorized countries probably been in started defense, mid us to, to tablet of respondents does not today's attack. and they don't coupon galen hearts, but even that to be all who met the cabinets on sunday. after attending from the us, the israel blame the liberties. all group has the law for the rock is attack which kill 12 has the law has denied getting involved. but the 2 sides a beat exchanging fire for weeks. meanwhile is gauze, or is rarely as strikes have killed at least 66 people themselves. today. they've called you to so there's really a ton cold of home till 10 pallets studies it out velocity which is very military type of sites. so at least 5 people were killed after it is rarely a town called a 10 sheltering displaced palestinians. us, as well as all to tell us citizens to evacuate how the rise compet, dated bella, the head of a garage. philip plaza really has wold the 86 percent of the gaza strip is of the evacuation orders, palestinians on the ground,
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say they false to flee several times the best the left to go all forward. he's the philippines all way to cold weather to improve before attempting to clean up one of the hall 1000000000 leaks as a fuel from a tank in middle of a vessel suddenly after encountering stormy weather on the 1st day, one of the crew members was killed formulas reach the show live, raise a good subs over the environmental catastrophe. reco, breaking grateful in china is who don providence as close to the flooding. unless thousands bull without that look transits a transportation to be disrupted, and some people have trump in the houses. those types of gave me swept through the country, se, so let me keep telecommunications without it. 12 cities, those are the headlines, would be about people use and offline. we return here on opposite to, i'll just that are well to stay with us. the john, good. i, leader of the sedan people's liberation movement, signed
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a historic peace agreement in july 2005. this made him both president of the economists region of southern saddam and 1st vice president of su, done, and a new transitional government of national unity. 3 weeks later got on. when can you gund 40 met presidency? all. what do you most advantage on his way back? the helicopter county crushed killing everyone on both air, crush investigators. blaine's bad weather and pilot ad. but as well as the official report that with a number of other different fees, versions of events, the, the united states had a lot of friends in africa. people we had propped up. we had present it my buddha website year, which democratic republic of congo. we had un jonas of m b, the grill, a leader and,
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and goal that was fighting against that countries marks us government course. we had go rang when these people started to show a little bit of independence. it's funny, they were, they're asked in a cool or they were, they were, they were killed outright. so the question is, whatever investigation was done, was it a legitimate one? most people i spoke to in various intelligence services including in africa, said it was not a legitimate investigation. well, uh, how does the wi fi what silverado produce? have that delete defense? who am i usually like lot 50, gonna be on the highway. the deputy. i'll talk about fee handles. the mama was actually, uh, should be fee $50.00 mean how, why this elliott, the loud our custom flag had, has hello, lets see. i see you bob, the ship done. highlight them
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a color. that's what uh huh. those are actually allows you to see me doing a new one. the i will not say that it was, for instance, it was a deliberate and wilful strategic plan. assess the nation. i'm fully convinced about that. why? because done going to step down from is philosophy of stuff, but i think it's also done from scratch. that's all on a lot of different lot, right. that was the, is that, that they had a month l, land a as us mostly i had yet to support an argument. the moment this them to check the dog lives. and we can look now that i can reduce yet 5 more john getting
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a little low. so we'll testing it by and i know it shows in the line to be hot or low. you on getting kind who and why don't we to kind of walk on while i'm doing this for you guys. so what, but for a new win win? boy yeah. yeah, marcia, it's a little bit of a feller. not a sudden my daddy knew it to the i don't know if it was either way sharpening or so . that was she was younger. another theory is that good on his last journey to meet the guns and president was somehow linked to his desk. there's little, oh no evidence to support this idea. but many people, some and influential positions, still questioned the official international investigation. it's important to try to establish what exactly happened during guns last hours, and you can see it as
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a team. how many devices the arrival to the local investigation committee into joan got on his desk. he's a former student, he's on bus it or to india. and before that was, i'm boss it to you can kind of a lot of the auto who didn't go to a shopping to do it unless you put them in the dunwoody side of the house, have you is that it's a real a i don't get and i need to have these yacht, i'd be on the field is z yada. let's see if i'm back. i'm going to mean you on the you know, this was on new sites kind of more good than a lease. was there any other boss will hold on him a sooner so hold on, run with him a key well, bit of fun. yeah. well, and was when ray cadillac w a. well, that's a lot of houses. yeah, i don't know. so thought it was almost as good they me comes out of the problem. i
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jump in here, you've got this future president of this independent nation arguing with and bass or is over oil rights that the helicopter crashes. he's dead and he's replaced by his vice and his vice president of the thrill of movement the that'd be the leader. and since this time to the south sudan has been racked by civil war. it's a failed state because without the rang uh, the competing forces could never get on the same page. so hold on by then a photo on the most of any. so i go, what are they supposed to be any given here? the younger some of the sudden the gosh malcolm, do i haven't i would i forgot the difference. i think i yeah. and it had the small island filled out the what the, how does that now?
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so if you're just hold on the i was looking at, i mean the man a honey. well, so as that, and i know you did buy the lot off my hood. i sort of put it on a heater. well, same thing, and uh now i still hold on a block, the ultimate a 150, but i'm, i go good. and then that kind of, that had this and 83 out. why it kind of to few to the, to the a couple months healey on the, uh, that event on the if i have the model, does that mean upon the mountain? what are the white blue dollars? i'm elizabeth the origin 0. wanted to find out more about the diplomatic contacts made by joan got on . on the days you don't put any of the diplomats present on that day. reveal the actual substance of their discussions. joke of brand was invested in the
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netherlands to uganda from 2004 to 2007. i'll just see the votes to one basset of brand requesting an interview. her office replied, declining the interview request, adding that she had cooperated with the authorities at the time and that you had nothing further to at the highest uh um see of the yet. i mean hi soon. uh, i was given a mobility invoice in that you won't get to me when shed he can leave me the time to give us the uh you on that on kind of in the last, just the, the kind of to send it to you. and so coffee and as to why and me sign it. how about that the, how do you know, how about the uh, the within the or without a let me open the got the cutting and the chevy thing we have in common.
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your little got social c o we oh, i know where to the c r we mark on a and then the you will take them to i'm and we already gone to below if i, because i was ok in these situations, qui bono who benefits the death of greg, i took out a stumbling block for these western oil companies to have control over of the oil reserves and south sudan. and unfortunately, the people that were pushing for south sydney's secession did not realize that without the rang the founder of this country. this country was going to be plunged into civil war, which it was, and hm. its still faces. civil war is a failed state. i did my i did do here to buy swear to buy one of my to good.
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go. yeah. bye bye. what am i the von as of this isn't on the government on southern so done that as the president of the government of solving some john john, good things we do is rebecca young dang dum. i'll be on. and she's currently a vice president of sucks. who done, she initially had no comments on the investigations into her husband's death. but in this 2014 interview, she said quote, i do not believe it was a mere accident level. is that the forget that the vision with mission with the loss? it a sound cadet. yeah. we get the i'm is i sound good to hear from that that was about the man advice had room that want to know when the light into the dentist she has so into to courtney that the my that on the nation to call me to coordinate in deep and a good way into the study might
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a sofa will decide to do feet by the now that the new for me just and i know we're hoping the entry into it couldn't is over yet that a cetera. i said, i had interview, she had got with cool model for the day. how does 0 also contact a jun, good things, eldest son might be outgoing. dom up, you asking for an interview, but he declined the helicopter crash site was in a remote mountain area. not easily accessible to the emergency services. some of the many different theories as to what exactly happened that july night go well beyond the official explanation. one unconfirmed account suggests that a group of americans allegedly removed evidence from the wreckage. what are some of the men the cause and the number of companies that is out on the block, the sort of lean at the us, me in rockville. certainly not that he's
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a little funny. so then you get to see the police. why any important on how the officials need a? hi, mia looked at on me. a hustling you must look at on the auto body of this cost. it hasn't had them. okay. now, how do i get this mazda f, as in kind of with the, has a sheet, hasn't moved and that's what that would be. i would do that in the front, traditional, so car from my side of shock. it's all done by the football, middle by internet. so then i will see a few. i will show them, since there's kind of when the new, when the other students are and how discovery was old leading especially has the last year kind of make that missed your call. hello. hi, this is can, how this was for. i'm with
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a. well it was is let me it and i know put it on and then we got it cuz you had the design up on sunday. i knew this as a vehicle. it's for kind of like little yeah. how can i have a lawyer while the life i have to sit on while i was also the company? let me know. as you, jenny, as you is a former student, he's interior minister who has a further phoebe. he was part of the joint investigative team that looked into the cause of across the team. visits at the crash site, examined the wreckage, conducted interviews and over so a technical examination of the helicopters flanked recorders. this led them to their conclusion that poor weather and pilot at are with a main cause, as if the cross after these findings were released, mister,
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as you alleged that the highly comforter involved was not in fact the guns and presidential aircraft. and that someone had bribed the investigators, the guns and government dismissed is claims. so as to you, as you are done, because i'm a product and photographers of your help at the heart of a sub you hand corner and many of them hate them, must be a good idea of the target. smooth will help the progress of the way and kind of find them sort of the, the target that them be, hesitate to how much what's on them. and they've had some of the better luck in the edge, all that heavy speeds. and if at all that, that the actual um typically they're like now i know who uh was either a, definitely a general re any you, again uh as the one of the most of what god human visual. cool. how list i gave them things well in the foot. uh you had google ma
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i had to but i do, but i don't want the i live what i was either. does that sound good? well, i had to go how well, who had the government, what the sheli shahita in new york so that because the got yes, i know who i thought we had but decides to do these information minister dismissal argues claims the now's good. that was the food while the light on the new into going end up for going on. why enough? you're also going to get to know mama bob marshall my to studies minutes. so holla to act and then allow the habitat and $99.00, relating to why solid machado will give it
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a terminal under the definitely of with another factor. the muddies the waters is the uncertainty about the number of people who died in the crash. there were 6 and good on group plus 7 crew members a but a c. i a report quest at this number did more people for the helicopter, doing a refueling stuff in, in tempe. the been like, this isn't the kind of a female papa helpful. uh, kinda filled out a wall, the com and, and come on with my thought. you know when that if we had this on our massage or the usa who 90 to janice had this on the positive you spell? well, if you could leave it on the have this on the soft positive so, so can feel a lot of wants to do this and i've come
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a little come to pull something out of my thought. you know, a lot of buffy, a comment just to say because i know that you know, the i know 90. com a saw the fire. i don't, i know i'm kind of where the oh you okay. do you the, i'm or on how it's a bit hard to see my, some office either the theater, homeless that has lots of shots. that's what up about few mean other than that one, it's about closer to one of them about positive sort of will be that will select the 10 and will continue with the earlier in the and i the good hasn't before that the showed but as of the benefits to my mortgage and my thought on tv who left the shop. i'm thought a bunch of shots would be my presenting a bottle on the side of the player on this. but you know, when will the fight? well, automatic. now. what kind of has it either give you the for the because i not the little of you have
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a so today and you love you and all the play the then there was a question of the flight to the quarter, special known as the black boxes. the russian made helicopter at 2 of these 1st a data record that recorded the fight instrumentation. and then a 2nd blackbox that recorded the sounds and conversations inside the aircraft. the 1st flight data recorder was damaged and the crash, but the 2nd voice recorder survived the satellites on the phone book. and that's what the come model when the other message going to be in the system quite on the phone or why not phone? yeah, i mean, i don't know what the us, what,
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why don't some of us will kind of while the show you did this model swapped with us . my little of us with us, my alex, than us because i was on the colorado smell full of color me cuz i was shy at this mo, done a lot of difficult for the soviet communism. i am not he very much about the investigation of the black box and was not done right. he was not done well by expert. i think i would like to revisit father investigation in the blog, but i would like to revisit father investigation on the desk of late john grant. it was not done right. so that must be some group somewhere where this ones were for the gun gun and they need to be investigated. felt on site that we can get the evidence. how if you die, dave additions called for a new investigation is unlikely to be accepted. the governments of sedan and you've
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gone to acknowledge the findings of the international air crash investigation. but there are still dissenting voices. people who simply don't accept the john gung, managed to survive on brutal civil war, but then lost his life in an air accident. they talk about a number of conspiracies and of political bible res, between got on demand who succeeded in subs. i'll keep that, but keep kind of easily it happens to get them out. i don't how does that kind of feel? a little bit of a feel out of box. yeah. now you look at the advisor work on it, what, what we'll see by doing good and 15 with see if he'd be there, the 1st you know, but what, what kind of to them do you mind? i saw that i that but you know, my new type, it didn't come out to him. i called him out to vicki this morning, but when i said, look, you look it up, what can i do in a don't going to take on? it does not have a kid. well,
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what kind of tests that had been the that to what was the kid? i'm not going to be that said what could we really do? i'm going to tell him contradiction loss with in the central to the lives of i left him at the top of that comprehensive piece. okay, goodbye to balance the default by chance. okay man. oh god, no feeling very well helen i'm was can bill file i know most people margin so i should on could the race of ok that i had done. got a little kind of kilometer mode. you'd kinda like john, good and kind of the island to them. they've, you know, and they all a, who is of a all for the philadelphia, has a household so filed and probably fall is alika now some to how we definitely do that or i judgment allowed them to stick to it. and that's been lying around with was of a sofa and them and i had you on getting no money for my con, my roofing. okay. and after that it had that time to be in the in order us any
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magical machine gun. i said, okay, the name of the they know they don't want to let the people know how missed the grand guy, but we know the root causes of his death, the money, and that you've done that man. and it's taking up your loss of your notice up. it's also down. okay. from saddam so all these on many other factors that don't go down had committed. that's where the one responsible for you to investigation did not
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say that because that was a cover up. ok. if it was done right, they would have insights. i don't know that you didn't mean to get it a little sort of like not with any lisa sofa, yvonne, i know the problem clearly not with any so then you might definitely leave the dody to send that to you that nobody can had this will on the pilot, it'll pop up the cooling of your plan and still all of us, the other room. good medical doing the have that i'm the mother that are going to give our lizzie, you know, i need some of them as i thought this was a really got to have the thought about not that. and i say you the from a gift john. good. i did have many wide goals, but an international group of crushing investigators found no evidence of a conspiracy. their official report set the probable cause was quote,
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the captain's failure to maintain horizontal and vertical situational awareness of the head of the joan. good, i'm dum. i'll be on is remembered as a carrier, as magic bottle hard and lead to whose ideal was the unified democratic and 2nd. so the peaceful and ultimately bringing independence to self sit down isn't questionable, but he's premature. dash denied the opportunity to shape the world's newest nation, [000:00:00;00] the . the latest news as it breaks several investigations are on the way and for them. the meantime trickles testimony is only added to the 5 pauses on calls for her to go with detailed coverage. people have said that they feel the manual macro is
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doing everything that a time in order not to a point and measuring prime minister from around the world to this particular account that i'm more than 200 and $26000.00, making the total to more than $1200000.00 suiting this refugee is in charge. i know the had low that let's have a look at the weather across north america with devastating wild fires on being baffled across the western canada and west. and us is good news to come in the days ahead. we're going to see cool conditions and some humidity coming in. now one of those fires in california, it's the largest one in the state this year doubled overnight thanks to high wind as well as low humidity to the north of that in. 1 oregon, the us is baffling, its largest fire at the moment, and that's also being helped by lightning strikes. now the threat of critical fire threat remains across the northern plains on monday,
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thanks to those dry thunder storms. behind that we've got a weather system moving into western parts of canada. so cool of feel and some went to weather for british columbia and alberta remains long as age why however, for california, but the temperatures won't be as high. instead we'll see the heat build the cool central parts of the us. that's as the thunderstorms roll off towards the southeast . we see some of those in kansas city to start the week that will dry up however, and instead we'll see some very hot conditions coming in, not to the course eastern parts of canada, but most central areas of the us with $39.00 degrees in kansas to wednesday, the widespread flooding continues to inundate rural areas of not distant bung with dash . tens of thousands are still stranded and in desperate need of fresh food and water. the select region of or not,
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this bangladesh is now facing new flooding from heavy monsoon, rain and upstream water from india. bad weather is also impacted burned the dishes, southeast region, many rowing a refugee is leaving the foothills of what can 2nd world back. i'm lost a 21 year old son in the land slide my to turn to and i try to rescue him in the darkness that it was the 2 sites for many. how busy up to come
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the safe them even from it as an international insight, corruption, excellence, award, denominator hero. now the the kind of thing is under way in that is way up as government and opposition. support is equally wait for the results, which would shift venezuelan politics, the drugs, the whole rahman you want to go to 0 life. but headquarters here in the also coming up israel security cabinets, authorize the response to the attack,


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