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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 29, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the the counting of votes is on the way in venezuela. as a physician supports us a weight results which could that the customer who is presents the carried on. so this is all just arrow from. also on the front is ro, secure the cabinet authorizes a response to the attack that kills 12 people occupied going on, fights,
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governments blames has put out of an east to noise. and bolt is rarely strikes and gaza, killing more than 60 protestant is thousands more forced to sleep and finds and russian president vladimir putin ones the west against it, destroying us with miss janet the beginning in venezuela with both counting is on the way the presidential election incumbents, nicholas, my daughter was seeking a 3rd 6 year term of opinion opposing the folder that has had the old position, gaining ground for the 1st time in his retard diplomat, had window gonzalez is the leading contender to unseat with her. and if he does, it will need to a seismic shift and then his weight and politics. a live in scuffles outside a polling station in the capital, caracas for testers,
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demanded to enter the station to witness that those accounts accounting, liberty, and slogans against the government. i saw in demand pnc has more from bogota, neighboring columbia, both of close across venice, when at the end of a very long day of voting, the bold stations have been open for over 12 hours. and there has been a massive turn out of both theirs and what is promising to be one of the most, if not the most consequential action and a a generation there haven't been any major incidents. however, some opposition figures have been bounced up as a minor incidents in a number of bullying stations where they say outside is a drive to slow down the about. but other all, i have been a calm day, a peaceful day of voting across much of the country and also outside of venezuela. here in the capital of columbia,
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both bath hundreds of venezuela migraines have k might have come out to, to vote on their small number. i've been able to actually cast their votes because most of them have not been allowed to register. but they have turned this day into a celebration name to an early street bar that has been going out through out the day. and people here value that they're hoping that the police, they call that an eventful political trends formation in the country they hope will allow them to return soon home. enamel is the same as the all of us. colombians were totally excited. we will also happy. this was great for everything, even the economy and, and encourage people to come together. and it was great. this is how things turned out in the end, sadly. but promise us to be the most critical moments of the state accounting of the votes as now on their way. rather than equalize them i do,
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or has asked venezuelans to respect whatever results the decision. uh that will be presented by the national electoral counsel at the off position and in particular my the equity in um i tried the driving force behind the candidacy of at the moment. gonzales said that they have an army of electro width and they says in practically all pulling stations across the country to observe the vote, they're not as ask them to get a copy of the original tally sheets that will come from that the both and that they say that their rights do have. so now we're going to have to wait for that, the accounting to continue. and for the 1st bullet thing that will come out from the national move extra channels to allow ever it's on clear how late that will be . alice done that, i'm did this, i'll just see it. i forgot that what design the independence way and it was
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a dot economic crisis that says net to hyperinflation. about 8000000 people have left the country. katya lopez hold on has more it's described as the most consequential election indicates, a boat that could in 25 years of socialist rule in venezuela. the stakes are high. many voters line the streets of the capital gusts, waiting for hours to cast their vote. we'll get better here, your secretary, i just hope that everything remains calm and peaceful. and of course, i hope that whenever the results may be that they are accepted with tensions running hi, there was anger and frustration that a one pulling station with people said they were not allowed to go when the good they won't let us in want we want to invite, we want to see a free event as a well, a nation,
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not one imposed by late president chavez or president. my brutal despite series of electoral fraud, president nicholas moto says he will respect the election results, correct? one of the cities i recognize and will recognize the electoral media i to the official bulletins and i will ensure they are respected. i call on the 10 presidential candidates on the 38 political policies to respect and declare publicly that they will respect the official results but doubts, link or institutions loyal to the president have not allowed a 1000000. so then as well. and so brought to register and vote it's also board the opposition, primary winter, money equity, no much total from running yet, poll show for replacement. former diplomat, edmondo gonzales has an advantage of at least $25.00 points. the opposition,
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some state has the best chance it's had in here in next year. we have denounced for a long time, but these electrons are not trans savings. it's non competitive. but we also believe that the vote we reaffirm the overwhelming will of the people the election as testing model is appropriate on power or something like that movie. and the less what we've seen the signals from some sports people that are different from what we had heard previously saying the results will be recognized and that they will respect the result as and that is precisely what the entire country wants to hear. but last week, my brutal war and that if you were not re elected, the country could face upload path, leading both venezuelans at home and abroad on edge katia, little bits of the young challenges here. but the coy is a professor of political science and the former director of the cost of census america's program to joins us live now from atlanta, georgia. welcome to the program. so how consequential do you think these results
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could be extremely consequential. this is the 1st time for quite a while that the opposition has united and is strongly mobilized and organized to challenge nicholas's mother to for the presidency. the opinion polls as your niece program was showing um, you know, predicted uh, an opposition victory. but we'll see. and it's, it's a chance for change of people clearly want change because it is a extremely bad situation for many years now in terms of the economy shortages and, and just dire situations for many people in venezuela. we're seeing large pictures now of the electoral commission as we wait the results. i mean, the opposition might say it's been
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a large the on fact election. what do they say that points to that as well. the main candidate, one now position primary was barred for renting maria, according to the child. she's been trying to name a replacement, who is also bar. and the current candidate is the 3rd attempt, but they've had to run a candidate. there been many other kinds of restriction people had been picked up in jail. people who worked for the campaign or support the campaign had been put in jail. and there are sort of tricks the ballot contains, for example, not due to on there multiple times. his picture, other candidates were similar names of similar names to the opposition political party. so that it's, it may be confusing to people. and there has been also a lot of changes of voting places. so people have to stay in line for hours and then they get up there and they find out their voting places actually change
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nicholas madera, they would point to years of american sanctions on it say economy. and that's why the country has suffered so much in recent years. well, it's certainly one of the reasons. yes, the sanctions do hurt, but the company was failing, even before the sanctions with a lot of mismanagement by the government as they attempted to nationalize many companies. and this, they use that their main source of revenue for petroleum company, of course spending rather than re investing in it and keeping it up. so it now does newton have the capacity to produce the oil that it wants to. so it was failing before the sanctions and the sanctions made it worse. it should be said that either way they would be
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a 6 month transitional period is needed to explain why that is. and i'm not. so if you actually heard that, so the connection we have, let me ask you again just in case, but that would be a 6 month transition period. no matter what kind of cutting tell us a bit about that yes, the government moved up the election so its earlier than normal and but the non duration doesn't occur until january, according to the constitution. so that leaves 6 months. so if the opposition candidate were to win and be recognized by the government as a winner, that would, which is a big question that would still give the government 6 months to make a lot of changes in the they control the, the legislature as well as all of the institution, so there is
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a lot of things they could do over those 6 months to try to control the situation before handing power to a president. even if they do hand over power. the, the, the current government governing party still controls the courts of the military, the bureaucracy, the legislature. so, you know, it will be one person coming in as president for the change. so it will require negotiation for this change to happen. so it's, i'm ok thanks very much indeed for joining us here on out to 0. well, these are live pictures of the electoral commission as we wait for the results of the election there in venezuela. and of course, we will bring you that as soon as we get it.
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the israel security cabinets has authorized the country's prime minister and defense minister to the 10 minute response to some of these attack and occupied go down heights. benjamin netanyahu met the cabinet on sunday, after returning from the us as well. blaine, the lebanese group has but off for the rockets attack, which kill 12 people is with all has denied any involvement the 2 sides have been exchanging for. for months. i said, bake is in by roots with more reaction on the latest is where these trucks is. it has car that server, the stripes on southern the run, but also a drone strike on eastern limit on routes tend to building was hit, but they are no casualties. no reported casualties are now here's what they have said that they've talked it is where the positions i to is right. the settlement. now the situation here is somewhat tense. now the liberties, foreign minister,
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do the fun. heavy has said that the liberty of government has spoken to the united states urging restraints from israel. but he's also said that the united states has passed the message to the liberty of government urging them to tell his results, also show restraint. and he has said that the significance attacked by israel would be to reasonable. will that people here do think that this is a tipping point because of what's taking today's, our own eyes on israel, about where they will attack, who they will attack and what and if that would need to an escalation that both sides have said that they don't want to put up prepared for it to attention. ah hi, in the middle east, a line say one of the main carriers here in lebanon has said that they have the light delayed some of the flights, so that they don't learn to late at night during the hours of the morning. knowledge of their have spoken to the chairman, but how much of that is i'm and he says that's because of the situation. and that's a so here, a living on at the moment. so right now,
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own eyes on israel and what they will do next. i said vague, i just data base route that mean while inside garza is really stripes of tube, at least 66 people since san today. in con unit son is really attack on a home killed 10 percent of students in the out. my will see which these very minute tree declared safe, then at least 5 people were killed off the ice very, a track on the 10th sheltering displaced palestinians who do he has the latest from the in central government. and it's still escalating the god to strip in special in newness where the is where the forces target to attend in milwaukee to fund the also target is a residential house in the western parts of sun, eunice, those areas where the signal a safe light is really forces for more than a week now policy news who did not manage to evacuate after they've already
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evacuation or just the eastern new. this are still profit without food walk through medicine and no one could reach them. even the civil defense environment except that they are having a lot of challenges to receive, to go to those area and to recover the bodies are also saying that there are dozens of policy new still trapped under the rubber. now they're not only evacuation or just in eunice, but earlier today, people in the middle area also received dr. wasting order, especially in a good age and in most laid off those palestinians. thoughts of this are, you are safe and that's why they evacuated from different parts across the causes. trip to the middle area. people do not know where to go. they're all squeezed into the middle area and community. we can go through the they can go to the another and parts of the gaza strip. but according to most of the hospital, they receive at least 18 policy news, killed or near today. and most of the hospital is the only hospital facilitating and drop off and can you and is this. so the situation continues to escalate and
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policy news did not have anywhere to go in the committee of the to the product. so the head on, i'll just air regional security concerns, talk the agenda or a to quote, to meet singles, foreign ministers, and take care i'm tired, rebels and molly say they've chosen injured thousands of soldiers and the russian, most of the with americans more divided than ever are we watching the end of the met? it's an error for us once to keep the war in ukraine, going hill. russia's will is broken. but is that strategy working? what to do if there is no date after in israel's war on causes the quizzical look good us politics, the bottom line holding the powerful to account. as we examined the us
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as role in the on l g 0 on the south korea police receive up to 200 reports. while it's every day when a is to investigate career lead from one out to 0. the welcome back or mind to other top stories. now post is officially closed in venezuela. as presidential election president nicholas missouri was seeking another 60 a time. but post show the opposition is gaining ground. baton diplomats had moved to consolidate since leaving contents on the seat. israel security cabinets as authorize,
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the prime minister and defense minister to the tenant of response to subsidize at the time of the pipe going on fight switched to 12 people. the government has blamed lebanese on the group has denied any info and is really strikes. and the goal is this trip is killed $66.00 palestinians and lost the $24.00 homes. these 10 people were killed in a striking to residential house and couldn't use a meeting of the foreign ministers of india us. japan and australia is underway and touch it with threats to visual security topping the agenda. the ministers all set to build on last is called summit switching community to condemnation of north korea's ballistic missile launches. they're also expected to discuss issues around china's metric presence in the south east china seas. cyber security and artificial intelligence. australia is
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a foreign minister penny wong outlined the goals of the full countries. are we? oh, nice. all right, and then i'll load up being way shape that we all understand. we face the most confronting circumstances in our region in decades. and the work through these groups are the called reflects, our collective determination to work more closely than ever with each other and with cape partners to shape these periods of change together to shape the sort of region we want to live in. and we have listened and we've heard what all region once a region that is peaceful that is predictable, that is governed by accepted rules and owns with all of us can cooperate, can trade and strive region with sovereignties, respected, and competition is managed responsibly with size impact do not determine that countries site and when the country dominates in the country is dominated by the sound of may, has more now from the summit or the security in the end of us have collision is the
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main focus of the ministers here. they refer to the situation in south end is china . see the companies are very, what about the set of policy is military policies of china and this presence. and this was the confrontations that happened between china. the china is the coast guards and could have been bit num postcards during the last few months. also a very uh, huge concern for these companies. this is why they're going to announce the financial aid to many companies in this area to build their capabilities. the military of innovation can come up and it isn't this walters and also their law enforcement capabilities such as giving them money to buy new speed because got the votes. and also another concern is the north korea's me side on nuclear developments doing good. the last few months, also, north korea has gained the new capabilities and the ministers, the how big organize that to to that you,
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we could hear also and you can the mission. so thoughts or programs. the company is also going to announce a new, a financial aid to find out, to, and comments and your communication system to help you uh, doing good national disasters that so many uh, right, potential issues the 80 bucks the main focus is the, as we mentioned, it's the situation in the end of us because you and they tie the title is that the decision should be always open and free. and so getting that they need to, uh, to face the increasing influence of china here, the bus impressive that in that boots and has repeated his warning against the sand deployments of us nuclear missiles in germany. he made the comment out the annual navy day parade in saint petersburg, who to choose the west of clinging to a coach woman, tennessee. that in says most coast stations, nuclear capable weapons that can target german cities. and it's coming in grad exclaim, yeah, it sounds
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a lot of it has more from us. again. european capitals could become a target for russian missiles present. slide human patients response to the united states, analysing it will begin deploying long range missiles in germany for the 1st time since the cold whole of a zoo. and you will receive the image, the important, the russian states, and military objects. our administrative industrial centers, our defensive structure will fall within themselves, range the flight types of targets on our territory. for such, we styles which may potentially be equipped with nuclear warheads, will be about 10 minutes in the us declared as a nation assignments in washington. and this month that it will begin deploying the missiles in 2026. a significant escalation intentions. following the ending of the intermediate range, nuclear forces treat feel on this between the united states and russia 5 years ago . okay. so thoughts, and they put me like the situation recalls the events of the cold war era associated with the deployment of american pershing medium. rage be silenced in europe. if the west implement such plans,
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we will consider ourselves free from the previous we impose the one sided moratorium on the deployment of our medium in short range strike systems. russia has promised it would not restore the production of such missiles as low as the united states. the don't deploy missiles, a bold, a position that's now changed police and made his comments during an annual navy day parade in saint petersburg involving about 2 and the hall cells and service men . and the bulk said she bustles. also taking part will ships from china, india until jerry douglas tracing the ministry partnership a show for a month off to russia and north korea finding you defend, sparked on the same day the united states military announced a strengthening of its mid tree coordination. was to upon, to counter will, that's called the strategic challenge from china,
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boxed by moscow. you leadership of all of ultra 0 most go fluoride rebels in northern monte say they've killed and injured dozens of soldiers and russian most is fighting is the police have taken place on the outskirts of the town of attends of lawton, near the border with algeria. videos on social media showed intense fighting. molly's minutes each into 10 to the rushes, wagner grew for secure with the assistance of expelling french forces in 2022 or one to tennessee is the principle of jane's defense intelligence company. he says the attack is a major set, backs evolving those forces enough for them. and it's significant in that it's a major is the biggest defeats apparently that sudden there are a separating molly and it happens all the time where the 13 of the test when you share it, we try to other member states, something new sales data lines are us turning to russia to provide the case of root canal, so mercenaries as well,
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contractors to support their efforts in the security field sites. it's not exactly a, a great signal for wagner to face these kind of a fluffy is just now this particular defeat on each stone. he's unlikely to rock the entire, uh, uh, make it even more power email. he but that it's, it's an important set back, particularly because uh now in the 1000000 governments as well as a lot of the social media you. few answers are be not pushing these narrative that the russians were doing the job that the french could not do. and well, whether it's differential european forces, they never suffered the kind of defeats that we see here. we've captures last number of dead and, and significant loss of equipment as well. so it's, it's a signal that the, the mic at least around 5 in there. and it goes to a really to reprocess,
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does it as being increased partially squash for testers, of take them to the streets of lima as proved boxes independence day. that demanding justice for those killed and injured during unrest. in late 2022. following the ousting of former president federal castillo, i mean a sanchez has more from the. the rest of the day begins videos independence days by blaming former precedence the castillo for the country's problems you. i received the paralyzed country due to the last government that costs the worst crisis of confidence in 50 years, a divided country and most in a deep political crisis. but a lot of the said she plans to spend millions of dollars on my new health and many other infrastructure projects before leaving office in 2 years
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offered no message to the families of 49 peruvians killed by the army and police in protest. soon she took office 18 months ago to make the c panel. no one has been detained. no one is guilty, nothing. there is no justice bridgewater, they spend 5 hours reciting her government's accomplishments. but she's the most unpopular leader in the americas with an approval rating below 5 percent. congress is equally unpopular, the better, but she doesn't represent us. she has a pacts with congress. many of them delinquents, she's publicly lied during the corruption investigations. this is a dictatorship 84 percent of peruvians want general elections now. the 1st is pretty system against the ones that came from babies. most important religious authority. the archbishop of lima told the herd ministers and other politicians. this is not a democratic society. in his sermon,
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archbishop tablets castillo directly took on it, whose political clause the most. i go to those who use and corrode the state by giving priority to their own interests, live in institutional disloyalty. despite nationwide discontent, the streets remain mostly quiet except for a few protesters who say they are not afraid of a police correct down to club descent. again, ascentis, i just see that email sprinkled breaking rainfall in china as we know, and the province has cost severe flooding and a thousands without as it tricity transportation has been disrupted and some people were trapped in their houses. this pipeline gave me swept across the country se kind of communications with down and 12 cities. no casualties have been reported so far. north korea has also been hit by the ty, fitness, specially in the areas bordering china. state need to released these photos of the
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that came john and inspecting the worst affected areas. media report say 5000 people have been rescued and it's in youtube by the border with china. with thousands of 5 fonts as a working to contain wildfires in western canada and the us west coast. strong winds on a summer heat wave of the threatening to spread the flames. even further phoenix, i want reports, ashes and charged remains. are all that's left across much of the result. town of jasper a fuse wildfire swept through here. just one of many learning across western canada. about 1160 active fires across canada. 580. um. have the full response. 280 are currently out of control. $101.00 are being held $199.00 and are also out of control. and it's already been mentioned within alberta, $175.00. well,
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fires. a 2300000 actors that have been bird. $17000.00 of activities for the


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