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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 29, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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the safe them even come in as an international insight, corruption, excellence, award, denominator hero. now the counting of votes is on the way in venezuela as a physician supports as the weight results, which could end the customer through this presidency. the periods, austin, this is all just from also coming up as well. security cabinets authorizes a response to the attacks that kills 12 people in the occupied going on sites. the government claims has been up up in east to not as involved as well. strikes in
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garza to more than 60 percent of students as thousands more force to 3 beach and regional security concerns. call the agenda as a quad meeting of pharmacist isn't. thank the for begin in venezuela with vote counting is on the way off the post clothes and the countries the presidential election. well, these are last pictures now from the national electoral council headquarters, incorrect us. we're expecting an announcement from election officials shortly incumbent nicholas maderos seeking a said 60 a time. what's the opinion polls before the who had the opposition to gaining ground for the 1st time in his baton diplomats had wounded gonzalez's leading contender on seat went through. and if he does say to the, to a seismic shift independence, weight in politics, i live in scuffles outside of hunting station in the capitol, correct, has
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a position support system on to, to enter the station to witness both counts, charging liberty and slogans against the government. let us onto it, right? p a t has multiple control in neighboring club. both of close the cross been a sweat at the end of a very long day of voting. the both stations have been open for over 12 hours and there has been a massive turn out of both are saying what is promising to be one of the most if not the most consequential action and a a generation there haven't been any major incidents. however, some opposition figures have been bounced up as a minor incidents and a number of holding stations where they say outside is a drive to slow down the boat. but other all, i've been a calm day, a peaceful day of voting across much of the country. and also outside of venezuela, here in the capital of columbia,
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both bath hundreds of venezuela migraines have k might have come out to vote on they have small number of been able to actually cast their votes because most of them have not been allowed to register. but they have turned this day into a celebration name to an early street bar that has been going out through out the day. and people here value that they're hoping that the police a call that an eventful political trends formation in the country they hope will allow them to return soon home. enamel is the same that we have these hype in our hearts to meet again with our loved ones to we unite. and to be again what we once was, or not what we was, but a much better country than we will. but promise us to be the most critical moments of the state accounting of the votes is now on their way rather than equalize them . i do not have the app venezuelans to respect whatever results the decision. uh
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that will be presented by the national electoral counsel at the off position and in particular my the equity in, um, i tried the driving force behind the candidates the at the moment doug on silas said that they have an army of electoral width and they says in practically all pulling stations across the country to observe the vote that as ask them to get a copy of the original tally sheets that will come from that the both. and that they say that their rights do have. so now we're going to have to wait for that, the accounting to continue and for the 1st bullet thing that will come out from the national move extra channels to allow ever it's on clear how late that will be. alice done that, i'm did, i'll just see it. i will go fast as well as i anchor in venezuela or over dot
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economic crisis such as low to high for installation. about 8000000 people left the country, katia lopez, hota young, has more fits described as the most consequential election indicates, a vote that could in 25 years of socialist rule in venezuela. the stakes are high. many voters, wine, the streets of the capital gusts, waiting for hours to cast their vote. we'll get better here. you are such a thing. i just hope that everything remains calm and peaceful. and of course, i hope that whenever the results may be that they are accepted with tensions running hi, there was anger and frustration that a one pulling station with people said they were not allowed to go when the job do they won't let us in what we want to invite, we want to see a free event as a well, a nation, not one imposed by late president chavez,
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or president my doodle. despite series of electoral fraud, president nicholas moto says he will respect the election results. right? so let's say i recognize and will recognize the electoral media i to the official bulletins and i will ensure they are respected. i call on the 10 presidential candidates on the 38 political policies to respect and declare publicly that they will respect the official results. but doubts, link, or institutions loyal to the president have not allowed a 1000000 so then as well as a broad to register and vote, it's also board the opposition primary winner. money equity, now much total from running a whole show for replacement. former diplomat, edmondo gonzales has an advantage of at least $25.00 points. the opposition some
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state has the best chance it's had in here. in next year. we have denounced for a long time, but these electrons are not transparent noncompetitive, but we also believe that the boat we reaffirm the overwhelming will of the people. the election is testing model is appropriate on power or something like that movie . and the last, what we've seen signals from some sports people that are different from what we had heard previously saying the results will be recognized and that they will respect the result as and that is precisely what the entire country wants to hear. but last week, my brutal war and that if you were not re elected the country could face upload path, leading both venezuelans at home and abroad on edge capielo, pennsylvania. how does it petro berella is a, that's an american political at this time, the former executive board member on the state oil company. he says there's a real consent do it, went to accept the election results. in my sense it, we have
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a real problem here. but people has obviously a lot to lose. his people have even more to lose. many of them are having diamonds. many of them are being investigated by the international criminal court. and they've seen maintaining power as the way to maintain impunity . and my sense is, in the sense we're all afraid because we believe that for them the marginal cost of doing anything, just a borrower is smaller than the risk of losing power. but i think what we're seeing in the streets and we've actually been seeing, i think that as well as have been voting for weeks on the streets. and now finally they have the opportunity to go. and actually the positive votes is a real real landslide and my sense and i'm somewhat concerned, i think we all should be sure that the, the margin of victory is too big. most people can not do anything,
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but not only that, but i think you're talking about a situation where even he's ability to govern in a very long on usually long procession because of the shoring in, of wherever wins would happen in january. so we've got a very long period of time. i actually believe that we could be facing tonight. a result that is so, so lopsided on the side of the opposition that we actually faced, the crisis of govern ability, almost immediately. tied to and now live to the national electoral council headquarters in caracas, venezuela, an election officials and making an announcement just hours off the post clothes in the presidential election. that's kind of this now or at 80 percent of the transmission of the data or the results. and now we will issue the 1st electron bullet and that shows an, an error reversible trend over the c with the 80 percent of the
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of the total installation report. is and with their participation has 59 percent. so the results are as found that firstly, lots nicholas a little more my to them about the optical of polo until they seem to be paid. 5, mary, and i mean a 150009 youtube? no way that you know to have a 1.2 percent. the company that moved over the size mondo going sizes of the unity co asked me to obtain 4000000 people. put in like 440 with see, and so that was on joel, 900178444 point 2 percent. photos from other candidates room. obtain what the see. and also for
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the c 2007. and what little 4 to as 4.6 percent removing for the amount of thumb you we also okay most sort of like to the point of the leave, the leave that the attorney general of the to so this open an investigation into the terrorist acts that have been persecuted perpetrated against our because of a county in june and building system if we should not yours. and it begins electoral official us as a multiple your model. we have also issued a call to which what i don't and henry by the way and, and it's else has been shown back to the constitution and the laws of above level and the mandate of the people as express at the sequel holding issues as well as people throughout our journey or sheet bottle to douglas who part of the
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article in this election is the recognition of the authorities of the national electoral council brought to my support over the next few hours. so the lease is up by we will make this available on the web page of the national. i'd like to cancel the following session by presidents issue insurance will be available as has been done historically thanks to the automated voting system us for that we will also provide to the people at the political party. the results in this seats young as provided for by law. i see that we congratulate the new president of the various president event as well as the candidate nicholas mother of mortar. we've heard the 1st recorded, issued by the national director of council. would you call in just
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a couple of see into which of those they know that says that 80 percent of the returns have been the se commtrans correct, but that means a little more than 5000000 votes. cast it in favor of the of scientists. nicholas by doing really good at window control, this will return, it only sent us receive almost 4000000 in the class. and so he decided by the by jake on member dora and our names, nobody mondays expedited the electoral council member accounts. so one moment they are now, but it also counts on members. second, 2nd max, eric sang council member deputies on rattled every single
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council member. i would die rosa numbers, a member of the electron townsville until the end of the step. i know also member of the council on the holy at between you and a member of the council. busy these guy and a member of the accounts of probably you'll see the as i've said, but from member the counsel and also taking part the phone. kind of those a member of the council. and then for the secretary general of the national electoral council doctor. and you have access caracas, which 1 july 28th, 2024. congratulations the entire well,
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this was just part of the 1st or 2. it's been delivered by the national and electoral town. so engine sure. in that 69 percent of those eligible. that's the, that's the part and that there was a nation that a cyber attack, which is what joseph a, i've been looking at the new address location and as soon as 40 to this 1st report as well. there we have it the national electoral council giving a speech there in venezuela. they said that south to 80 percent of posting stations had returned results. that the incumbent nicholas, i'm a dear, who had 51.2 percent with the unity coalition, and the gonzalez on 44.2 percent. he said it was an irreversible trend. and of course the voters in venezuela had been taking
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part in this scene is one of the most consequential elections in the countries modern history. and the election itself took place on the 28th of july, the 1st day of the lights, and his wedding presents hugo chavez. and after the 7 years in power, nicholas madura had been facing steep boats as the success this time against opposition. candidates admin to gonzalez, but to the national. electra council, the saying that nicholas missouri was 51.2 percent. and you into coalition. 44.2 percent. the israel secuity cabinet says, authorize the country's prime minister and defense minister,
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determine the response to start today's attack and occupied. go then heights. benjamin netanyahu mets. the cabinet on sunday, off to returning from the us is well blame the lebanese on the group has been off for the rocket attack, which kill 12 people, has been all, has denied any involvement the 2 sides have been exchanging for for months. i said, bake is in by roots with more reaction on the latest is really strikes. that is where it has tied that server, the stripes on southern the run, but also a drone strike on eastern levered on wounds done to building was hit, but they are no casualties. no reported casualties. now here's what they have said that they've talked. it is where the positions i to is, right, the system right now. the situation here is somewhat tense. now the liberties foreign minister of do the but heavy has said that the liberty of government has spoken to the united states urging restraints from israel is also said that the united states has passed the message to the liberties government urging them to
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tell his results. also show restraint and he has said that the significance attacked by israel would be to reasonable. will that people here do think that this is a tipping point because of what's taking today's, our own eyes on israel, about where they will attack, who they will attack and what and if that would need to an escalation that both sides have said that they don't want to put up prepared for it. so tensions high in the middle east airlines, and one of the main carriers here in lebanon has said that they have to like to date some of the flights so that they don't learn to late at night during the early hours of the morning. knowledge of the spoken to the chairman, but how much of that is on and he says that's because of the situation and the tension here in living on at the moment. so right now, own eyes on israel and what they will do next. i said vague. i just data base route that meanwhile, us vice president,
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calling iris has been briefed on the attack. a spokesman says she's reiterated america's iron clad support for israel pasco. he's in washington with more. so far, the only senior us official we've actually heard from on camera is secretary of state entity blinking. he's travelling in asia. he was asked the question, he went on to condemn the attack. he said the us believes that it was in fact a rocket fired by has the law even though the group denies it. and he said this is one of the reasons why they're working so hard to get a ceasefire in gauze. they said that it could extend to piece along the blue line a lot. and in a statement from the national security council, they said that they are working towards that goal so that people on both sides of the border can return home safely. now this is all happening is we believe the director bill burns is in room with officials from cutter, egypt, and israel. they believe that they are close to a cease for the white house has been signaling that for days they said the
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framework had been agreed to. they were just trying to work out some of the sticking points. they said they thought that was doable. so far, no word from the talks, whether or not they've been successful or exactly which counterparts in the us are reaching out to the officials in loving on or israel. but they say those conversations are taking place. they want to make sure they say that this does not escalate into a broader conflict, particularly elda 0 washington. meanwhile, in gaza, is rarely as strikes of kills at least 66 people since done today. and con eunice on as many attack on the home killed 10 postings in o. my wasi, which these very minute tree declared a safe thing. at least 5 people were killed often. and is there any attack on the 10th sheltering displaced palestinians, but israel has ordered, punish thing is to evacuate. the operation camp in the office on the head of when you are to the paid as a really has one that to 86 percent of the goals. this trip was on the evacuation
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audits, palestinians on the ground say they've been forced to flee several times. and that there was no way left to go. and the other one, i swear, i don't know where to go in 1940 i to the displaced ones. but this is the 10th time for us. i swear to god, i don't know where to go to the find a solution for us. now, where do we go? they destroyed the homes. they've killed the children, the displaced the women, no matter where do we go enough of this? where do we go? and hold her, he has the latest from there all blind central garza, it's still escalating in the gaza strip in special in newness where the is where the forces target to attend in milwaukee. it also has to be also targeted a residential house in the western parts of community. those areas where the significance a safe light is where the forces for more than a week. now policy means who did not manage to evacuate after days where the
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evacuation or just the eastern some units are still trapped without food walkthrough medicine. and no one could reach them. even the civil defense environment, except that they are having a lot of challenges to receive, to go to those area and to recover the bodies. they're also saying that there are dozens of policy new still trapped under the rubber. now they're not only evacuation or just in newness, but earlier today, people in the middle area also received its actuation order, especially in a good age and in most laid off those palestinian spots of this are, you are safe and that's why they evacuated from different parts of bras, the gaza strip, to the middle area. people do not know where to go. they're all squeezed into the middle area and community. they can go through the they can go to the another in parts of the gulf of strip. but according to most of the hospital, they receive at least 18 policy means killed or near today, most of the hospital is the only hospital facilitating and drop off and can you and is this. so the situation continues to escalate and policy news did not have
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anywhere to go in the code the data didn't, but i've got the best return to our top story. now. nicholas would euro has been declared the window in venezuela is presidential election. well, these are life pictures now from his campaign headquarters for the gunston is the international crisis group senior. i'm list independence, but he joins us live, not from correct a. so let me ask you, what do you make of these results? the service, if you want a straight answer of everything that we see so far in the case the so the results of the government is just a produce. i should say they like to refer to this control. the government don't correspond to the buyers that were actually cost in sundays election. the result of the position of flags is the correct one which corresponds very closely
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to opinion follows the same for the last several months. um is a lot different. um, the official result is that my daughter got 51 also besides that his main concern there was a little gonzalez, wheel positional lines about 44 percent. whereas uh, all the pasha results that we've been able to see so far in the case of the opposition to something like um, freight tests is about. uh so, um, obviously this phrase, so very delicate situation. the organization is challenging this just before we see any other tools or 2, but it's on that, the opposition code or the governments of the just including the boundary, not to do what they called to, not to take a, a whole step. this is the coordination of their salons. truly the governance going to hasn't done this the, the, the position so as of it probably has in his hands because of what the actual 30 as
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the not to, he's already been able to get hold of so far about 70 percent of the written families would love to allow them to concern the quote, see any research and they're waiting for the rest to come in. but the guy said that they can show the value and find why it wasn't the little given what you say is, and how is the opposition lottie? to react to this, is this a dangerous moments? could that'd be scope for some form, a serious social upheaval. what was the delivery um and uh being process outside the loading centers. as far as these are things that is as close to saving because um, 1st of all the government was keeping the open the all the time they, they should have been closed. um, which was a rough housing suspicion and then were irregularities in the um, the verification process and insurance. so the electronic account correspondence with the written uh tally the proof that the machine is produced. essentially what
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we got from a controller, which was all she was doing was preventing opposition with us, is getting hold of the, the, the written evidence that was allowed to show that see any of it was, was to see the result was not correct. historically that and it was led to the some of these, it just bizarre economy the historical shift. what is the cause? the chevy is to move and some of the previous, the under his mentor, the founders movement, who were chavez. they've been moving his steadily moves our entire address to the last 25 years, dismantling the institutions, including a cold electrical parts which is the powers of the constitution to be an autonomous . well thought i think um, as my daughter oh, well my, my daughter took over off the chavez, died. things go lot was full, the government because the whole price, the last job was and spends a lot of money. my daughter was alexis chavez. my. the cigarette goes and he is had
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to be the same power set to be a little more impressive. so essentially what we're seeing is a continuation of that. unfortunately, this looks like a step into our right dictation. nicholas missouri would point to yes. solve uh, american sanctions on its economy and that's why the country is suffering as well as the oil price. what do you have a point to the size of certainly contributed to the economic process, the process, the guy on the well, the 4 sections where impose was a few minutes every emergency in that as well as far as like as 2015, which is before the significant economic sanctions were oppose the sanctions. absolutely. and how we get the sanctions are really because of this. so for see this, this, this increasing increasing your 3rd period government. the sanctions are intended to get my daughter to take a more democratic to me when given the opportunity to do so. it was fine either way
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. there's been huge migration from venezuela that hasn't been in the, in the 1000000. so in other countries like columbia on the us, how are we going to say about migration within the board as from but it's way worried um, something like jo boat or of course or the dental and vision as last because the economy is inside of that shape searching for millions of ice, rink colombia, a good many more in the united states. and really this guy said throughout the region is a big problem for the whole region. so major is one of the biggest migration problems in the whole world. so, so the us have to take that into account when it's considering what to do about sanctions. because the sanctions, because that might be economic situation, was obviously that they do tend to fuel languish unless you say the opposition is painted. this is a lot on fair election, and gonzalez wasn't to even the opposition's best choice of lead to for the
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competition. we'll see, as well as the opposition back in october of last year held the primary election in which finally colleen and my child was chosen by a vast majority. you mean she got about 93 percent of the but as the candidate for the position that was and the government from standing. and they also refused to register. can to do that. she chose a substitute and one of those hours was, was the 1st choice. uh, key to anybody of including the much so campaign very effectively across the country. um, because the length of conditions, even the size of the binding of the candidate electro conditions were, were strongly on fire. billions of people were disenfranchised because of the way in which the see any, in particular, the don't with the issue registering people overseas. the government uses the whole state results as to what to do about this campaign. it denies the opposition media access has made it almost impossible for them to travel within the country. so yeah,
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the very, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, election and together. despite that the, the will to change the differences are projecting too, but as far as sort. right. i think the opposition of the site has it was incredible case that is actually wow. um and the proclamation of a daughter was uh, is a full subscription for the consent. thank you very much. indeed for your insights . joining us here on august the meeting of the for an administrative into the us, japan and australia is on the wayne took. it restricts to reach a security topic. the agenda administer is all set to build on. last is called summit, which included condemnation of north korea's ballistic missile launches. are also expect to discuss the issues around china's, but actually presence in the south and east china seas, cyber security,
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and also for.


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