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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 29, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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the exclusive stories explosive results out to 0 investigations the, [000:00:00;00] the color that i missed all the attain, this is in use our license coming up in the next 60 minutes. each, venezuelans use pots and pans to show their anger of the present montero is declared. the winner of an election feel position says was a 4 displaced. dozens of times, palestinians are forced to flee bombing again. as another 22 people are killed in his regular attack causes health industry to cause a polio outbreak and blames israel's relentless military campaign. plus delegates
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and jamaica galvan to discuss the controversial issues of safety mining will explain what's being decided and what's at stake. and in support. roughly, dallas, i'm certain, known as future after a straight that's defeat to novak johnson, rich harris games. it's out is still in the doubles but junk of a single that goes in search of a 1st the only begin this news out in venezuela, where prison nicholas madura has now been officially declared. the winner of sunday's election came to the opposition is trying to stage a crew frustrates versus had been battling pots and pans to protest against him. the doors declared victory. each of these sorts of protests all being had across the capital, caracas, anyone,
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the accused of public instigation could face up to 6 years in prison. so i was just using not to take to the streets. critics, meanwhile, according the results fraudulent panama has already announced its several different magic ties until a full review of the boat is conducted. despite all the push back within the last hour window was officially declared president of venezuela by the state, from an actual commission been set on fussy mall to defeat fashions, and they won't to defeat the devils with the strength of god of boulevard. and of chavez is a historical achievement and our people have achieved then, once again, our people have the chief this right table. i accept this constitutional and legal document from the outlines the power to carry out the look toral policies of venezuela. the sovereign power of venezuela has issued an order which i receive with humility because i am a humble worker without
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a soviet of the opposition says it will dispute the results of the election, which it has described as a sham. littlefield will add it to that they only what happens during today's polling day was the violation of all the rules to the points that the majority of electro registers have still not been handed out of the message of reconciliation as peaceful change still stands. we're convinced most venezuelans also want this all struggle continues and we weren't rest until the will of the people venezuela is respected all towards the powers monitoring we action for us from argentina as capital one, as areas to as a, as we were saying, the results have now, been made official, now, given the challenges you were telling us about, including the actual commission website, even pretty much crashing this whole sounds like that happens very quickly. the whole sunday, and we saw a precedent. nicola, why we were walking into the electrodes council to be proclaim venezuela's
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precedent for 6 months more years there he spoke about applied and applied to a cool, revolutionary, cool against his administration. he also denounced that members of the opposition where involved in hacking the electro system. he spoke about a plan, but he named why you know, 2.0, referring to one guy, why the political leader of the opposition political leader who named himself of and as well as president that there was a parallel presidency in venezuela at the time in order to challenge the presidency only for the i'm, this is happening and the opposition continues to demand. a recounts, continues to demand access to the registry. the electra registries that have not been shown. this is something that has never happened. they've been as well before . up until now you try to get into the website of the electoral council and there's no access to any type of data about what happened on sunday evening. of course this has generated lots of anger, lots of frustration among the opposition,
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but also among the population. millions of them who went to the polling stations on sunday, who held the vigils in the polling centers to protect their volts, many hoping for change in our country that's been struggling with that. can you hold on a crisis worth? millions of people have flood generating a crisis in latin america as well. well, that did not happen. what we do know is that president nickel, i'm a little, was proclaim precedent once again. the government says they want their say, they're under attack by millions of people in the country. i'm not convinced of many or say that fraud was committed on sunday evening. you were saying people unconvinced you were telling a story about the disappointment that this really does fly in the face of all the pre election polling that we saw. will there be any likely blowback, obviously there are a consequences for people who if they decide to take to the streets as well, there's
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a sharp contrast between the results that were published between the government and the access. the exit form that we saw that happened on sunday with the thousands of people lying and waiting for hours to be able to hold them. this has not happened. justin got vegas, but across the country we saw thousands of videos posted online. and this is something that has changed in venezuela as well. we're hearing that those protest with thoughts some password that was just listening to some demo solutions and a major highway ink that goes with people set thing up from tires on fire. but at the same time, that's not forget what happened earlier this morning. the attorney general in the country warned that those will take to the street. those who question the election we saw could face between suite for 6 years in prison. those will generate or disperse a discourse on his face to face between 10 to 20 years in prison. and that's one of the reasons why. up to this point, the opposition has been very cautious about what they're going to tell their
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supporters to do. we haven't heard from that yet. we're expecting later today that to may of the opposition leader, money equity, no machado and, and to keep a press conference to basically said what the opposition plans will be next. it's not clear yet, but certainly there's lots of this in chatham friend, especially those who are hoping for something to change in the country to raise that part of the following older reaction for us from one of the areas. thank you to raise that will literally asthma. dora was speaking at the electoral commission that's show you what's happening on the streets and the spanish capital and the grid right now. then as well. and as i was on the streets that protesting the results of this venezuela election as to raise, it was just saying the potential consequences for people who take to the streets in venezuela. but we do know that nearly 8000000 venezuelans have fled the country during the doors, 11 years impala. there were nearly 200000 venezuelans living in spain. and it was saying,
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some of them out then now chanting and singing against the lack of transparency when it comes to the election results that we've seen so far. well, i'm a do or is me law still speaking at the electoral commission that in caracas, let's have a listen to little more of what he has been saying. random video when the people carry the air conditioner unit. and he was trying to pretend that it was evident that my door oh he says, so of selling the evidence. elan mosque is doing that and you will end up in failure just like all us, all the dishes have failed because whoever messes with me and so for leave i'm see that's what it will have a game. illinois most could better be ready. he better be ready. i'm not scared of you. i do not fear you'll learn most wherever you might be. if you want,
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i can to just say when we can face all you must respect amid, as well as we don't accept anyone's interference. now all of a sudden, he's the godfather of the law to the american right. and because he has millions and billions, he's going to decide what happens in our countries and that he's going to decide, what are the official numbers that is ridiculous. so ridiculous to the if you show a map to feel a mask, a you're asking where is been is while i to avoid somewhere in asia because he doesn't know where she's standing. she's just filled with money
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or he has his money. and she is just the face of a technology going company, and so them hire is fed by technology. so gerberg, you learn mazda, they are the ones who control the reality here. the national assembly mazda debate, these harmful effects of social media. oh, how it affects the education of children of how it promotes harmful values. and why did you ended up doing that to the present? the customer or the venezuelan president, speaking at the electro commission shortly after his victory was made official by the state run commission. he's been railing that against the tech building at the loan mosque, who did, at one point called him a dictates
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a and endorse the opposition in the selection. we had some strong words from the jurors saying, whoever messes with him ends up poorly, and he's threatening 8 on mosque. it's interesting times in venezuela, sir, that's spring and christopher sabatini, he's a senior fellow at chatham house. he joins us now from london. christopher ahead of the selection as we were talking about without corresponding to raise a polling, has the opposition candidate gonzalez ahead of me to read by something between 20 to 30 points, annual writing new ones of a domestic and international stand off. if there wasn't transparency, what the result is that what we're seeing now. so it's exactly what we're saying. first of all, you're seeing a domestic level of the, the, the rise in frustration. luckily protests that we do the, the, the, the pots and pans banging that your correspondent mention is going to only be the start of this. if you looked at poles in the lead,
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up to the selection between 60 to 80 percent of that as well. and registered voters wanted to see the selection produced. yeah. hello. i think we're having some connection issues there. but let me just follow up on something that you said you, you say that you do expect protests to grow. obviously, the wasn't highest that could see quite serious consequences for people who choose to take to the streets. how long do you think that that movement might be in venezuela, and is there likely it'd be violent? well, 1st of all, it is a tipping point when it comes to, to demonstrations. yes, those are the we sure see the threats and here are the threats over for consequences. but if people turn out on mass, then it will be very difficult to sanction those people. but then when we turn to the issue of oppression in their return to a matter that i think is of concern,
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which is will the armed forces and the police and the national guard respond to nicholas by those. so calls to fire on their own people and i think you're really know the answer to that. there are groups of private militias that the government funds that are basically criminal games that we saw in the pulling places just on sunday. they will certainly show up. i'm not sure always the armed forces will respond to the way the mother to mother was who believes they will. and so that will be the true case or, well there, they'll be refreshing international song, and we're waiting to see if there is funny that moto, a sort of a sign the declaration of his re election. but we still have not seen results. and we still certainly haven't seen that level of results that are being demanded even by the brazilian government and the colombian government, the you that it's called that are calling for a recount of the balance. well,
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we know that venezuela is already on the sanctions. once the action is realistic and will it achieve anything, especially given the mentors that tracked on promises and the possible even about how he was going to run the selection of yeah, the truth is i think, i think many of us hope to. ready but it would be a little more receptive or responsive to sanctions relief, and the threat of international condemnation. clearly he doesn't care. he wants to stay in power. the truth is, the motor is only 61 years old. at some point he will have to leave power wherever we go. and so now we're seeing the threat of sanctions arising from the you, the us, canada u. k. many of these are personal factions, which means freezing your bank accounts yakking. your visa is the threats of, of indictment and trials and being spending time in prison. will that be sufficient for my little clearly not the question is, will that be sufficient for his inner circle?
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will suddenly people begin to think, you know, maybe it's time we, we, we do not sure loyalty to this government and we try to break. that's what the us and the u. e. u and others are gambling on is there could be fractures within my those inner circle. i'm not sure that i want to try to understand what this potentially means for the people of venezuela because some of the polling was also suggesting that a sub of people in venezuela said that if this happened, if this outcome happened with the selection, they would leave the country and me as there was a nearly 8000000 have already left. do you expect to further exit us now as well? yes, of course. the truth is mother, it is basically governed over really the worst economic collapse and the non war torn country in the world. historically economy subtracted by 75 percent. inflation at times has raged to 130000 percent. poverty is increased by 80 percent. and as you mentioned, 8000000 people are flood more will certainly play. and in fact,
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because of a almost certain return of sanctions, we will not see the levels of economic growth are going to be necessary for venice really big itself out of the economic pool due to his dog, his country into. so this is why, for example, colombia and brazil are really engaged in the selection colombia is receive well over a 1000000 venezuelan refugees, brazil over 800000 refugees. they actually have some skin in the game here. they may just see some sort of pacific change in venezuela that can help resolve a situation because they are not prepared to sort of deal with the consequences. christopher sabatini, the senior fellow at tasm house working on the region. thank you so much for your insights. and for joining us, announces erica. thank you. the palestinians and central garza has been forced to flee once again. thousands had
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been ordered to evacuate by v as rated men at chain that through the scene from the elbow res refugee camp. in the last 24 hours, people are fleeing with what ever they can carry off the move. in 9 months of one of the you and says 86 percent of the besieged because the strip is now on the is riley of actuation. what is this? it will comes as really forces and carried out more attacks across the strip killing at least $27.00 the palestinians. stuff at the nasa hospital and con eunice said that they receive the bodies of 15 palestinians following it is rarely striking the southern city. tar couple of the reports, not from darrell bala on those of occupation. what is as this, what else the patient forces have passed and is shooting you controversial military evaluation orders for the residents open res? i'm just a rush procedure tab. as you can see that some of these right now are going to sleep from these areas heading through directed by um to as the wise up trying to find some sort of safety. if you have been told by these very all me to no longer
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remain in such areas because it's going to be an act. so what was the news cause on a 12 to knows that with mattresses, people who are trying to get some thoughts of safety. they are hidden from these areas after receiving these orders, despite the police that there was no need place in gauze. i saw you started the i received a call from the guy in the army. this will leave the, the, my house is generally where you live in the bad circumstances and my children the about and give them both on the line like me. i am in the line is so, uh, we, uh, we live in the pricing, get the circumstances. we left the home today and we both know we where we got on the go and know. and then as a minister man in the we've been displaced from the law, they told us,
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i don't believe to central garza been too rough and we went to rough. i then went back up to new site and we got stuck. then we received instructions to move further north towards almost all locked is in pieces. we have nothing, no one, but god to us, the new skill all. now we can see that people are even moving on foot to trying to go to these areas, trying to find any place that could be suitable to be shown to f with them. as we completely understand that the entire central areas of the strip are the last remaining results for palestinians also being told to seek refuge. and so it was, but apparently it had tons right now to be a new active was own, which means that as well as a still own govern with its escalation on the ground targets in areas that supposed to be monetary and safe zones. recognize them. which is 0 there that i had a some. meanwhile, garza's health ministry has now they've had
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a polio epidemic across the strip. the world health organization announced on friday it would be sending a 1000000 polio vaccines to gaza. after the highly infectious disease was discovered and sewage samples, humanitarian agencies had expressed that concern sort of an outbreak due to the deteriorating sensory conditions and the ongoing loss of access to health care. well, that's when your market harris, she is the spokes person for the world health organization and she joins me now from geneva. margaret, for more than 25 years. i believe the gaza strip was pony or free. then just last week, polio is detected and in 6 hours of 7 routine. so examples, i mean, we know and was scenarios and creates the environment for polio to spread. but where does it come from? is it basically it comes from somebody's got a that's what the sewer itself was. tell us that at least quite a few people because the samples were from han, eunice, and from darrow by law. and it was 6 of 7 as you've correctly reported. so that
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means that probably more than one person now does, has the virus in the got. and that also tells us that we need to urgently be able to get in the end, vaccinate over children, and perform the level of service to the level of care. and that was a no gossip before these based contradict longer. it says there are different strains of polio. i understand this particular strain that's been found as a vaccine derived polio. can you explain that for us? what and what that might potentially mean for spreads to or is so it's actually a variance that's developed a originally a long time ago. was that seem to rise, but it's managed to get into populations and tony who are very tough this we so we've coded, there are many variants and we have track this variant in different parts of the well. and again, wherever we see it pop up, we do
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a big vaccination response to and that usually shots it down. so that's again why the wasteful to surveillance is so, so important. but in this circumstance, and again, we've got the clear way to respond to get the vaccination in that. so we have to have the, the, in the all, we have to have the security. we have to have the means of getting the vaccine into gaza and to the children of that seems no good if it's sitting in a bile or sitting in a truck. so there is an answer. but the answer is we need to cease by a. well, let me ask you, in the event that, that isn't to cease fine. you're saying that you are going to try to roll out 1000000 vaccines. what is your plan for access? and if this is, this vaccines arrive polio strain? are the implications for what type of vaccine can be used? oh yes, sweet. we know what type of fact, same of where the oral portfolio vaccine works very well because essentially this is
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a virus that gets sent to the got those in comes out the other end. that's why waste porter is a very important way to detect it. so putting a, an oral vaccine in does the job. but as you say, the critical thing is being able to reach all the children. now we're going to make every effort to do that because we continue to provide that service, sir, as the partners to all the health with his team got stuff so happened, stop working. as you know, they've done their very best, but just guessing around the script does getting to all the children. just bring the children safely to where that can be faxed and makes it is almost impossible. and that's way given at least a pause and notify thing to do what needs to be done. longer i understand that has been some vaccination taking place during the course of this war, and that has been some collaboration with b is riley, will start to use to ensure that that happens. i was looking at some of the numbers before the war, po, box,
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nation coverage. in gauze it was well over 95 percent last year. it was 89 percent in those sound like fairly high numbers. yet we all seeing this now. how bad could this get given the, the pre war immunity? and so indeed, you're right. in fact, because it was a model, it was one of the best in the region. which i think example of what could be a t b cost that was such good primary health care because they've been a lot of work to be the bill that of a network, a good primary health care services. but you know, it's b as often spoken with the, the nurses and doctors who run this primary care health centers like the rest of the population. they've had to pick up that the ins and run so many times. so they're there and they have continued to back tonight whenever possible. but again, we have, remember, went out into the 10th month of this conflict. so that's a whole generation of babies that have been born have pregnancy is 10 months, 9 months,
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10 months. and they have many of them have not had the opportunity to be vaccinations, so it's not just full here. it's all the other things that protect our children from the real diseases, the other diseases that in the past kills children. we need to be able to provide that protection of costs. margaret sort of thought it seems that the cases had been miles in a symptomatic. we haven't been hearing about paralysis, for instance, in the cases of polio. how quickly could that change? i said, most claudio, 75 percent of probably may well be asymptomatic. it's, it's like many viruses. the problem is if you are one of those who get this to be a form, you can be paralyzed for life or you can die. so that's why it's such an important disease and we were at the, on the point of eliminating it. the other thing about polio is, it's a disease, it's just stays in the human population. so we've bucks nice and we could have been demonizing that from the well. but with the complex breaking out around 12 full,
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that's what old as millions of dollars, all the millions and billions of man and woman hours have been wasted because we've just gone backwards. so indeed, you're right, and at the moment, you know, the outbreak we're looking at is an outbreak we understand from the wastewater surveillance, which tells us that the virus is that. but we, at least at present we have not had a case of acute paralysis reported to the world health organization. margaret has data spots past and full about health organizations being to us from geneva. thank you so much for your time, margaret, and we wish you all the best of the vaccine. well, thank you so much for his to me. sounds really dry and strike has killed 2 hezbollah fighters and 11 on it. hit the town of shock route, which is a few kilometers from the border between the countries. a child is among 3 people also injured. now this comes off to israel is security cabinet authorized benjamin
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us from yahoo and us defense, minnesota. to decide how to respond to a strike on the occupied colon heights. israel blames has but us as, as today's rocket attack, which killed 12 people lebanese on group the denies involvement. us and bag has been following developments for us from march. are you in, in southern lebanon, of this being a series of is really strikes drawn, strikes on activity strikes across southern leper, not now you understand to has, with our members were killed in the southern liberties. the town of chapter of we also understand from the lebanese civil defense that 3 people, the injured, including the child, and that history law say that they have responded to what they called the assassination of 2 of the members by targeting is ready positions with guided missile as they also say that they targeted and is really espionage technical system at the mother keeps sites. now, as i said, the terms are tons of trusts and really does it trust the southern board to have been hit at the time of or above just hit chapter of this hit message about confront him. i'm going to spend an individual,
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the motorcycle who has talked to him for a month and a few because he was hit by a drone inclination and not long ago. we also saw the town of couple decatur being hit by what we believe was a drone strike. now, the foreign minister of the level heavy has been meeting with the dedication from his bizarre. now that hasn't been an official statement from that meeting, but sources from his without telling us that that meeting has been good and positive and yes, the all consent of an escalation and they haven't been contempt for the escalation . foreign ministers from various countries have contacted the lebanese government, but ultimately it will be his will. who will decide what they, what, what retaliation would happen if and when israel striking no one is bracing themselves full, that is radio responsive. but his was, i have always responded them, said that is an escalation that they will respond, that they don't want to become prepared for it. so they are real concerns half of
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this escalation. and that this could turn into something much larger aside. baker data larger unit 711 of all these really probably minnesota benjamin asked me all who has visited lot of stuff. sounds in the occupied coat on heights where that well for to talk to place on saturday. he's bound to that his country is response would be severe to hold. we are in bracing the families. we're going through this indescribable suffering that didn't fit on these children, the children. they are the children of us, old, the state of israel cannot and will not let connelly hold on the responsible comes to them and it will be severe within still the residents in most all sounds demonstrated against his visits. somebody says we're solving, you're not welcome here and they are nothing young to leave the area out as they were senior political analyst, well on bizarre, says he is riley prime minister and his government ultimately responsible for that
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attack. the slides up some 5 decade, 6 decades of occupation. the majority of the residence of most of the shops refused to accept his writing citizenship. despite so many attempts of appeasing the wording them for being part of the possibilities that city had actually gone. i, since i was 1981, was there really by his range of mind by degree they i mixed up on highs and they've been trying since 14 years later. it's just not helping these people read it to you. i think sir, yes. yeah. have also a very close attachments to see that even if it's a lot of it is, i guess aside, but the bottom part of the world, even though does that do sex mostly, but that's a part of the possible. hopefully i'm going to, as well as the 1st time. so the idea that nothing, you know,
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what's called the children who died there were children, is this is the uncle. dishes is beyond, is beyond. i don't know what to say because ultimately is he just got all that. busy was responsible for the death of these kids, so got shot when. busy how is he on the accepted the ceasefire and god, we wouldn't have had the northern front voiding the way these were the southern by . he continues to a site and violate and put more conditions to shock. the ceasefire eventually have more, more and more children. meanwhile, demonstrate as an israel have broken into a military base and the negatives desolate in support of soldiers who are accused of torturing palestinian detainees. the 9 is where the soldiers were arrested earlier on monday on the suspicion of sexual abuse and published and indeed handheld. and then
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a gift as it was taken to hospital with severe injuries. often that army base was stormed demonstrations and also broke into military courts. and northern israel, the 9 soldiers have then been transported the following, their arrest. national security minister isn't a bit and gives, as he's gone to the court building himself in support of the soldiers. the still ahead here on houses here with ours. he's in the philippines are racing to avoid an environmental catastrophe. following the sinking of 2 oil tank, it's an 11 pic destination times paradise upside down for some of its residents details coming up soon. the had a lot of the historic heat continues to dominate across a southern africa with records broken in places like mozambique. we'll get that in
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a moment. first to the middle east and live vans and temperatures are still sitting very high across the event, pushing across into a rock to wait. and northern parts of a run is exceptionally hot across eastern areas of a run and we have been feeding that heat across the gulf. but temperature is offset to come down in places like go how could talk. but as attempt to zip down the humidity is expected to pick up with ease and showers for coastal areas of i'm on a shower to in most central areas. what whether as well across the caucuses. but it allows you to draw my picture across much of the region and remains exceptionally hot and dry. it was the very north of africa, patricky the north west for morocco was seen temperatures come up here in the days ahead. it's very wet, however, out west with bus of heavy rain pushing off to more coastal areas on wednesday. and the rain rushes out for the east for the south of this. so it is a very dry picture for southern africa. the heat to cause the hot to stay in july
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on record in mozambique on sunday. the heat still that and choose date wednesday, but it is a lot cooler across southern ponds. south africa the, the, the, the was a journey through every story. every step is to a separation of what we cannot choose when to reach the
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welcome to simmons and exclude does under the redesigns luxury leasing, trusting of future. today we create the the matcher watching out a 0. let's remind you about top stories. the sound in venezuela nicholas madura has been officially declared president 5 of state from electro permission. his critics though of disputing the results of sunday's votes and the oppositional lines of calling the election to shop pulse demands in central gauze. i haven't ordered it to leave once again off the israel issued new evacuation notice of the 9 months of
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war. the un says some 86 percent of the besieged because the strip is on the evaluation orders. meanwhile, is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu has visited the occupied going on heights for a real cause attack on saturday kills of 12 people. button resident said demonstration against his visit and called on to him to meet the salons. army is accusing the permanent fuel rapids support forces of targeting civilian infrastructure and al sasha, the capital of north dot full state. the r assess, has intensified. it's a tax for the consecutive day. now. several facilities have been damaged, including a dialysis sunset and bolter stations. the army and the power military group had been fighting for control of the city for months. both sides are accused of killing civilians. on a new report from human rights watch also found that both of students, warring parties, have committed widespread sexual violence. the reports of found women between the
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ages of $9.60 have been sexually abused by in the sudanese cities of called to bach rate and undermine. since the conflict began and mid april 2023. the sudanese army and the rapids support forces had been implicated and raped charles marriage 1st, marriage and sexual assault. women and girls have been experiencing severe psychological and physical trauma. and at least 4 cases the victims died from the injuries. people are often baffled to access medical assistance to choose a deliberate attacks on health care facilities and restrictions on humanitarian aid . conflict related sexual violence is a violation of international humanitarian law and is classified as a war crime. latisha beta is the deputy advocate director at human rights watch. she says arrival sides are blocking victims from guessing help with respect to service providers for, for 2 reasons. first of all, because of the incredibly difficult context at the moment to do this research remotely,
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ethically. but also because we wanted to tell the other parts of the story, which is the incredible trying to increase which survivors of facing in order to access the care. now that is because of the conduct to both will ring policies. on the one hand, you have the student needs on all states who have been creating a de facto brocade on assistance, including medical medical supplies from going into our a set controlled areas of the town. and this came up again and again in the interviews with service providers with that concerns with that inability, quite often to ensure that reg, to its, are available in spanish, especially certain types of drugs, are available and made available full survive on the ground. here we are speaking to the service providers who have directly themselves provided assistance to over 200 survivors. now, i think it's on the importance one of the school,
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the numbers does matter. yeah. one case of sexual violence isn't of use, but note is very clear from our research. it is that many survivors are not able to come forward. they are not able to come forward physically because of the ongoing fighting in the town because of per month intimidation attacks that check points. notes will be set up by the rapid support for safe across the town. also local respondents, i'm not able to access the volume is quite often. so here we really talking about context where the survivors of doubly victimized because of the, comes up to the warring parties, is least 2 children have died. a 9 others have been injured and a stabbing attack in northwest england. it happened at a children's don'ts class north of level. please say they've arrested a man and seized a knife. they say, there's no why the threat to the public? the attack as much as the remains unclear, prime minister kissed on that has described the incident as horrendous and the
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police joking. a passenger train has crushed and russia leaving at least a 140 people the engine. it was traveling from the south west and since you have cause them to the coastal town of avalanche, the rails and the valve of rad region witnesses a. the train collided with a trunk, which was at a railway crossing media revolts, say 7 or 8 carriages of a ton yourself. a lot of a has more for us from oscar, and the number of people hospitalized due to the d raymond, or the passenger train has increased to at least 55, including children. and this number may grow the accident took place in the vulgar garad region in the southeast of the european part of russia. the russian imagines has ministry confirmed. that's more than 140 people were injured. 9 trained costs the road 7 of them of a ton, according to russian railways, the close of the accident was a collision with a come lost track. the tracks cabin was completely destroyed,
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but the driver survived. he turns out to be a 43 year old man. it has been hospitalized in a serious condition. russian re waste cases that he violated his traffic rules and for the to the costing well the along was on the train trying to apply state imagines to break, trying to avoid the collision, but it was unable to do so. the rest corporation continues. in the meantime, temporary accommodation incentives have been organized for the rest of the trained passengers. the investigative committee opened a criminal case into the traffic safety rules, violations, comments need. there were no reports about a possible sabotage or any criminal intent. you nash, above all of the older 0 most cars, whose ours use in the philippines are racing to prevent an environmental catastrophe. that of to, to oil tank is sank when tougher and gave me head last week has been some progress . but rather than say that the fish in the affected areas are already contaminated . barnaby lo has more formality. that is,
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which is in the presence of the tom. or it had been days since a tanker carrying 5 and a half 1000 leaders of diesel fuel had capsized before karl of re torso. in his fishing crew found it just 500 meters off. the coastal town of funny valis within many of the young under yeah. at 1st we could only see the tip of the boat. so we thought it might be a small one. let me go near. we found that it was a big vessel, and there was already an oil seen on the surface. and so that's why we caught fish . a fish in band was put in place, but some fishermen are defining the order because they say they have to make a living. i believe there has been an oil spill because the fish we bought from the market smells from the diesel. i mean, the ship sank as type of gave me was barely across the philippine seat. it's crow survived, but are being investigated for not reporting the incident. the coast guard has
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deployed to vessels and says the leaks have been stopped. between those white coast guard ships and the blue vessel. that's where a 2nd tankers think last week. it's so close to the store. we can see it clearly with the naked dye. that was the documents so it's tanks were empty. coast guard divers say it appears it's terry and cargo fuel authorities. hope the fuel that sleep from the smaller vessel will eventually dissipate in the heat as their focus remains on containing 1500000 leaders of cargo fuel from another tank right nearby . we have a good progress along the wayne and then yeah, yadda. and that she did not then you'll uh, my boss and that is very important from $2.00 per minute. uh, on the 1st uh, uh, di, uh, david sardino by the side were not in a blue one. the 3rd for our. but the concern is that the spill may have started to drift away towards towns closer to the capital, many life threatening their shore lines,
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which is why 40 said the racing to drain the fuel by next week for an below al jazeera. but the on the philippines, while the united nations body overseeing deep sea mining is currently amazing and jamaica to finalize regulations for the controversial practice. the 5 day conference is discussing whether to ban, approve or further delays such mining, mining companies inside the essential for green technology. but critics say the practice damages, ocean ecosystems. louisa cason is the global project leader, a green piece international stop deep sea mining campaign. she says the person is one of the few remaining pristine places on a, a vague idea of sending tank size mining machines to them. it says below the surface of the waves, really risk a reversible and unavoidable home to these ecosystems. it would be preaching the frontier and out of movement way over to me in
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a nature in climate crisis. it is taking us in totally the wrong direction. that would be risk of pollution at the, at the mind sites. but also the throughout the that was to call him, but also all of noise that could travel and effect species like whales. and because we still have so much to discover about the ocean, there's also the risk all the extinction of species and couldn't species we haven't even discovered yet. and just as a sign of how much we still have to discover about these incredible effect system, this phenomenon of dark oxygen at the very no tools that are being targeted by mining companies, could in fact be producing oxygen in the total absence of sunlight. so really revolutionizing our understanding of how oxygen is produced on this planet. a paper came out about that just last week and showing you know, just how ground breaking at the discoveries are about with the patient. and that's why it's totally the wrong time to be pressing ahead with destroying an ecosystem that, that frankly in we know more about the steps of the moon. then we do about the depths
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of all actions hostile ahead here on al jazeera. well, number one progressive in paris, so she looks for how fast and then pick metal that's coming up next. the the or
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the, the, the, the welcome back. it's time for sport and fire has all the, let me take action for you. yes, i do. thank you so much society i. we start with a gold medal for 17 year old canadians, summer macintosh. she has just won the 400 meters individual natalie and dominant style macintosh was just 14, which is
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a part in this julio and vegas. she now already has 2 elected metals for her name. i'm taking a silver and the 400 meter free. so on saturday, she's a world record holder in the event. and although she didn't break at this time, is she beat her nearest competitor by almost 8 seconds. roughly a dial says he'll make a decision on his future after the olympics. the 38 year old made the comment following a straight sense to feed to old a fellow novak jock of edge at the paris games. the pair have won a combined total. 17 french opens at this very court. they've now played together on 60. okay. sions, junk of age, beating spaniards for the 31st times to reach the 3rd round, but he's never one that will impact title. it all is already a 2 time gold medalist and he still has a shot at winning the doubles alongside carlos alvarez. paul reese has more from the french capital but what a treat this was by anyone with tickets to the 2nd round of the olympic tennis tournaments. so. right. so rough on with all i'm know about brokovich to meet so
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early in the tournament. 2 of the greatest plays in history, one of the big rivalries they 1st met in paris all the way back in 2006 when brokovich was just 19. and the dog was twins. a rough on with all of spain was in his heyday the king of quite rowland doris. was his kingdom, 1400 means a grand slam with out the french open. but he's been largely injured for the past 2 years, while joker, which is still a world number 2. and he really started thought to in the 1st set this up, winning 61 not us by rabbit. and it's all with doesn't show his characteristic fights. he did that in the 2nd set, but dr. rich one in the end, so much 616, full joke, rich still in calls for his for his gold. but most importantly, maybe this is the last time we see these 2 mates on the big stage. pull race, i'll just era paris. the 1000 doubles partner carlos alvarez is currently on court is he looks for
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a place in the 3rd round. french open champion is set up against the hellen greeks for the netherlands, russian roman. it's nothing un await center next rounds. a women's role. number one, he gives me, i'm typing the street at the start of the ground in paris. she dropped his 2 games on her way to a st. sites for 3 of a french player diane terry. the 23 year old is on track for her 1st olympics huddled well, tom pitcock raleigh from punctured tire 22nd street gold in mountain biking. i'm sure left him was 40 seconds behind french liter, victor. correct sky, but the tight moved around a tree prove the difference to finish had a whole favorites depends you to hurry, go, may has successfully defended his olympic gold and amend street state for 40 years on his final trip to take the time. well that gold medal has helped lift to pan
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into 1st and the latest middle standings with 6 schools. overall. china and south korea have 5 a piece while france have impressed in their home olympics with 14 metals in total . the parents, city officials say they're confident until one big events will be able to take place and the river sun as scheduled. high pollution levels saw practice sessions and the river being canceled for a 2nd straight day. immense ras, one is due to start there on tuesday, and it's also the venue for marathon swimming. more than one and a half $1000000000.00 has been invested in infrastructure to con sewage levels. we know why i've heard the name is actually after the mess. right. and you have done the operating, certainly everybody, so that's for sure. but now the trend is going down. so we, i come to them to be able to organize the competition. i normally tomorrow. so we're going to see the last results sides of the trend is really doing better of americans, sprinter,
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know eliles says he's mentally stronger than he's ever been as he targets an historic, a for olympic gold metals louse has been open about his mental health, struggles in the past and he's now seeing 3 different therapist to help him prepare . he spoke of his difficulties when battling to bronze and the 200 meters at the tokyo olympics. he's looking to become the 1st male track athletes when 4 goals and the same day. chapter 2 of that is, well, i just remember being so this is not it, this is not fun, this is not cool. this is not what i want. it is not what i thought it was going to be like. and that's of literally the last few thoughts i had going into my mind as i got into the blocks and it sucked. and i was like, yes on this guy change. so as i've go into this championship, this biggest stays in the world. i'm now saying, hey, i've been through the hardest parts i've, i've, you know, been at the bottom of,
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you know, felt my way back up. i fix the weaknesses. now, here i am stronger than before a, you know, if i lose this time, it's not going to be because i'd be myself. it's just going to be that they had to be that much better. but to be honest with know, allows to be a know allows. so how is nobody now the surfing is happening, 16000 kilometers away in the french pacific territory. so he the decision to stage the events and one of the islands, most remote villages was controversial as alexandra virus reports. surfers around the world? no. okay, hold on. a famous wave crashes on a brief just offshore. but the olympic games are turning this paradise upside down . not everyone sees the benefits of hosting the competition. we have the, it serves its publicity for them. it's an illusion. a minimum part of the
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population, profit from the games, not a maximum. i'm sorry, of that. i was disappointed. people here are also worried about long term damage to the environment. a controversial new judging tower built on the coral reef. or do you want to control center filling what used to be fields of crops with rocks and temporary tents, not to we're used to common nature. the now we're seeing cars and trucks every way, money oriented building new facilities and infrastructure. villagers renting out their homes. milton parkers spent $360000.00 building a new guest house. national reserve where we scale to. it's definitely changed economic investment. it's good for us that brings people lodging. we do, but exclusions and jet skis, kind of a spent a year preparing. she's grateful,
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but ready for it to be over top bar. we hope it passes quickly, so it's all done. less stress, less work too. it doesn't matter if you're on a boat, a surfboard or you live in the village. most people aren't getting close to the action. residents need accreditation. spectators, one passes through a lottery and there's been complaints. some people saying their home no longer feels like their home is adding to the question of whether this will all be worth it when the olympics have packed up. unless alexandra buyers out 00 who the heating and that is all you support from mountain just as a back to you funds for a little bit of support list because 77 athletes make up the refugee team and the parcel and picks up a record number and reflection of the 120000000 people forced to be displaced by conflict and violence. punishment has more from parents. bush trials, lube escaped from southern syria with her mother and 7 siblings in 2012. not long after the stats of the war. 12 years later,
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she's transformed her life on support. she says was key. all the men in my life told me that i was not made to big sports, but then that's a point. my life changed and i had that. and then i, so you, somebody needs a, the lympics 4 years ago the, this one that the students who, when you talk you, and this was the thing that this 5 me the most 1st because she was a woman. second, because she sit in 3rd because she lives kind of my experience of crossing borders within the and the way that a more affordable. 37 refugees, a competing in the powers olympics to from south to down and afghanistan. join the un high commissioner for refugees. filippo grundy, to share their experiences with others like them in paris. my application, my ambition, i'm still young now in a few years i still want to be running. and i want to show how the refugee team can transform lives is a huge responsibility to repair than 120000000 people
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a lot on the board. and i, and it's such a on our to be here. i represent them a record, a 120000000 people have been forced from the homes by conflict, violence, or violations of the human rights. according to the un at it says mulberry. is it being pulled up around the world, particularly in the us and europe, to stop people finding a better life? but i know it's not easy to sports, but i think this is the only way that we can get up. but for women, it's obviously they, they hard, but it comes with sacrifice has really pics happen as well. faces an unprecedented displacement crises from saddam to crane to gauze. united nations hopes that the focus on the refugee team will help people understand the stigmatize ation. marginalization and violence suffer by refugee. so let's move out just air in paris . and that's it for me in astrology and pay for this new zone. but my colleague tell mccrae will be here in a moment with much more of today's news to stay with us on
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the smitty. hassan goes head to head with his really historians that he morris. the jews were on the 5th of the night. elation by the arabs, and that's my view legitimize justified cleansing arabs from palestine. the hutus that exactly the same thing about maybe food in 1990 israel as primitive numerous war crimes. since the hospital fans on top of the stuff, i'm fairly sure that'd be rough time. the toward itself is not a well time head to head on out to 0. widespread flooding continues to inundate rural areas. i'm not disciplined, bangladesh, tens of thousands are still stranded and in desperate need of fresh food and water . the select range enough enough is bangladesh is now facing new flooding from heavy monsoon. rain, an upstream water from india. bad weather is also impacted burn the dishes
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southeast region. many drawing a refugee is leaving the foothills of a can send word or back. i'm lost a 21 year old son in the land, slight my to turn to and i try to rescue him in the darkness. it was too late for many kept busy up to come the safe them even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award,
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nominator hero. now the, the, the fitness islands you pulled from pens to show the rank the present. the throw is declared. the winner of an election, the old position says was a fraud. the hotel mccrae, this has held to 0 life and i also coming up displaced dozens of times. i will send you the fulls to sleep on me again. as another 22 people are killed and is rarely a tex. guns us health ministry declares a polio outbreak and blameless, as well as relentless military campaign,


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