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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 30, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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said political searches, here are just some of the issues facing the organizers of the 2024 olympic games of paris. as millions turned their attention to friends with the whole nation. be ready to welcome the world on july. the $26.00 stay without a 0 for the latest updates. the . the hello on the bulk of this is the news life and so coming up in the next 60 minutes, palestinians return to the ruins of the homes in southern gaza. up to is where the forces withdrawal from eastern con unice guns is most vulnerable, facing the scholarship diseases of to israel's assault forces. most of the population to live in crammed tents. and under pulling conditions we made palestinian prisoners re counting their experience of torture and abuse. and is
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there any jails, heavy rain triggers land slides in southern india? can i get these 93 people? hundreds of the of trumped on the model, exemplary as for the past and improve trust loan has been postponed due to dangerous levels of pollution. organizes us the whole thing is the river saying a will be safe to swim in by wednesday. the thanks for joining us is 13 gmc and we begin this news hour in gauze. i will often 9 days of israel's assault on eastern con. eunice is forces have finally withdrawn from the area and they've left behind would only be described as a wasteland. palestinians, a slightly returning to what little remains about homes. so the defense team say 255 people were killed. one is ready for the doing the offensive. dozens and missing an estimated a 190000 people were displaced from central and eastern,
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con eunice during this way. the offensive, as god bless us as we can do all the suffering and we love, we do not have any transportation and we went back home because we had no refuge. your shelter, no way to go, isn't that i'm not know what to. i don't know. i'm not even 20 minutes that i'm at what this is, what encouraged us to return to our homes. and by the grace of god, i hope things will be okay. the problem with him or families and con eunice a morning though, so a killed over night, and the latest is really strikes. you area had previously been declared a so called safe. so israel and who drury is live for us and dan rob, i live in central kaiser in hinge. what are you hearing about the state is really so just have left eastern con units to end keeping in mind. of course, the, to the area would have been destroyed before this, at least the latest defensive a definitely more massive destruction and not only must have destruction in the infrastructure,
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but those palestinians who returned after the 1st bound invasion that took months income eunice were able to prepare some of their houses, they were able to get some watch her walk through pipes and they came by today and they found that israel is where the army destroyed everything and not only bought the palace to me and see what the sun seemed said that they recovered, 42 bodies in different areas across con eunice. now most of those are disfigured. they will aren't even able to identify those palestinians know, palestinians who had the, the time to evacuate, who spent those, uh, 6 days or 7 days on the streets, went back to their houses because there's literally no place for them to go despite the fact that they came back, found their houses completely destroyed, more destroyed everything they fix is destroyed. i got no infrastructure and also no water, but they do not have anywhere to go. and that's why those kind of thing. you set
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that even if they do not have any shelter their houses in the rubble of their houses, the only place they can go to. and then most of those people who to, to leave those refugee time. so central dogs are coming precisely where you are now and they to darrow, but uh, what are you hearing? what are you seeing and it's becoming more talk. it's becoming more over ones where you're in a locks a hospital where this hospital is not only a hospital, but it's, it's a sub refuge for thousands of families. and as you see behind me, this is a tense for policy news display for more than 9 months now they have been living here. and as you see, the entrance of the hospital is full with people because the hallways are hot. it's very hot inside. people could not even take their breath, they're receiving their treatments outside. we are also seeing upside me do that is waiting to participate in their funeral for their beloved member where the is there
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any forces targeted the middle area where palestinians have been killed. they're waiting to pray and to bury this at their, their, their a family member. but there has been also a couple of extensions of have facilities because the hospital is very packed inside. now the hospital has been very low on fuel and that's why they're, they're trying to re other create the resources they're turning off of uh the, the, the departments that don't really need electricity and that's why most of the people are waiting outside to get some air because it's very hot inside, we're always associated people living their daily lives where barbara shops are, are cutting here for those policy news. the are in the space in the hospital. and there we also see another extension of a medical facility in the court to act of the hospital. but the hospital has been
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receiving a lot of injuries. there have been receiving a lot of also people with diseases. we're talking about breast skate and happy talk . this a happy talk to speak a now there is a sample of, of a cold though. so those kind of seem use to have been not having access to bathrooms. they're trying to use the facilities of the hospital, but the hospital is very overwhelmed and more people are coming to that. and. but now, despite the fact that the of the bedded by the has very small people are not, are not being able to get any resources or any facilities to use. and there's also no space for those kind of thing use. and despite the fact that it has been called as a safe humanitarian area, there is but left and images are. yeah, it's also been targeted over the past couple of weeks and even over the past couple of like months. right. with the very latest uh from kaiser. and could you read many
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things because you just said to them and mentioning that children and goals that are covered in full was of to most of living in crowded tents without access to clean running water, rubbish, and war, sewage of festering in the streets. when many protestants are forced to sleep, in cases of other infectious diseases, also searching for you and says up to 85000 advertises cases being reported on a weekly basis, mac level as well. and this little body is covered, the solar system also has marks all over the we are struggling with hygiene. we don't have cleaning products like shampoo, soap or sponges. we are living in tents and sand with the insect overcrowded. 10 camps and temporary shelters with no running water, toilets, or sanitation, or a breeding ground for the rapids spread of disease, sewage systems, dissemination,
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ponds, and water supply networks that will been destroyed by his radio tax ro has no fuel to function. salmon has been decayed throughout cause the children are particularly vulnerable. they compromised immune systems, con flight, the garage of jones. they're up against, they've got the bottle spots are appearing on my other son. it's an infection. we're sleeping in the dirt with know where to go. it's very tough. please help us please supplies with shampoo, even a bar of soap to wash your children's hands. hygiene is the lecture. there isn't enough water to drink. they to learn wash, talk to us middle florida. kids up the pediatric department of not sore hospital in con eunice square. the waiting room is packed people desperate to see the should have been and the reason behind the spread of these bacterial diseases is the
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complete destruction of this in a taishan system. you have ground water and mixing with the sewage, this the severe over population that the extreme heat and the lack of insulation. the gaza is facing the public health emergency for the 1st time and a quarter of a century, a polio epidemic has been declared. the virus was detected in samples of sewage and wasteful to flying between tents. he's ready a tax of killed mold in $16250.00 children in nearly 10 months of those who survive these riley bullets in bonds. the combination of feminine disease and displacement compounds and misery like level. how does there look as a company that i was the emergencies don't to for the world health organization as well as a medical doctor? is that a professor emeritus of global health and human saving affairs at the university of much 7 joins us live from today, verifiable and welcome to you. so what does the fact of these, some,
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what preventable skin conditions have occurring? so what does that say to you about how does the conditions are and goes and the way i think because we shouldn't be surprised at the getting outbreaks of uh, communicable diseases uh for your daughters has been detected. we now have, i have the doctor recently reported, and that has been the net present mitchell, for example, respiratory infections and skinny infections. and these are a combination of what to correspond as was saying, a lack of hygiene voltage signed the diction and breakdown of public health services. now it's a goal by the, by the experience of other loans and conflicts like syria or felony, son or human. a for every person who, who dies so or is injured by of the above. you can say that about 2 or 3 times that number, we'll, uh, we'll get sick or indeed died from a,
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a preventable communicable diseases. and all this back to the coming to bed now as a, as a lovely coat legacy of the past several months of the content that has been going on without any, any uh, supplies without them replacement, without any attention to the minimum requirements like we went, survival that thought essentially in those circumstances, especially saying that you saw a highly communicable illness. that doesn't mean presumably these disease is cut also spread across the borders to israeli troops. nadine, is there any citizen indeed we know and actually you know this from uh uh, global experience or coldly to control the borders as much as you like. but your business doesn't to stop this fact of the of disease. i know that the goes up already. so if i click control, but honestly, i mean start this new virus strain is connected to the point of a virus,
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but it's been detected the very end. it's connected to strains in egypt. and uh, i think the whole of the region of the middle east is that the risk i'm beyond. and it's extremely important that we take a regional approach to these public co. the price is as we know from other situations. but do you know the to look at the practice of the a conditions that every much the number one to become deliver thing of ones. and of course the book many, many months of damage. so i think the product is always me of walter and uh, you know, um the human being needs a minimum of 3 lead to the clean water to drink each day and maybe another uh, 6 or something lead to the water for normal uh, hygiene purposes. so i'll be getting the candidate to the water person for the 2 or 1000000 people in garza. i very much doubt it, especially when the old water supplies and sundays didn't so so disrupting. so that
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i think is a major thing that can be done was like a, like medicine really, in cases like this. and then of course, we have the immunizations or the to it has been open, i think, trying to learn to be talking specifically about immunizations. of course disease appears to be something, at least the israeli army, as prepared for. we know that there are reports of them vaccinating that troops, but the level of care clearly is not available to publish students who need it most . indeed, i think uh the, uh, the population is, uh, it has been displaced so many times. so they've been moving from place to place to place to place so distinctly for i don't want to do any, but a far organized back session campaign, keeping bread, quotes and so on. it's a, it's a highly problematic. and i think the what these really so just put themselves through is difficult to find thing under everyone could join kindly banks and actually organization like the mutual underwrite. and so to try and make sure that every
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child is covered. uh, so that at least it's highly preventable, a potential epidemic can be stopped in distress. so same thing applies to other conditions. well, i've been told her could also break cause we have a decent trace already reported, and we might get back to it. this intrigues as well. so those kinds of conditions are part, i think, public co approved, which we'll then affect a number to meet with disease. so sort of by addressing one can see, you know, the time you start pull you yesterday and have to start it's a 2 day and some, something else tomorrow is trying to take a public health approach to create the conditions to address all these risk factors which i know very prevalent in augusta as well speaking as the for emergencies director of the world health organization. let me ask you this. what rules govern what and i'll get pine forest or force involved in the conflict needs to do what
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you to of cash that they provide to a civilian population. and are we seeing that on the ground and guys? well, i think the international law is so very clear that the occupant ha, how the responsibility to look up to the health and welfare also needs people under it's to control. and that obviously means providing basic health care services and basic survival needs like food and bolton, the end. so any additions that much, i think is everybody is well established. unfortunately, the vicious nature of the war that has been the whole thing goes out with no hard spot on the transgression, the monitoring little company, the content, the past many months. i mean that the actually, this is obviously not been happening. and to add to that the restrictions and obstructions of to mention, they mean the agencies cannot mitigate the consequences of the conflict. so there
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are 2 things that need to happen to them. i think we need to don't know what they need to take care about the civilians to minimize the damage to them. and the 2nd thing is obviously they can help to mitigate the consequences of more of a, you know, has to be pointed. and neither of those conditions of provision does that mean plus months, right? look up, you know, it's been extremely helpful to hear your thoughts and expert views and all of the best. many thanks for joining us. thank you. so high ranking has bullet sources told out just a room they will respond to any. is there any aggression and 11 on including a ground invasion is the 1st time the group is commented on his recent threats of retaliation. his robe, names hezbollah for a rocket attack on saturday, that killed 12 people in the occupied golden heights. the group has denied any involvement as in a 100 reports and bally to us. so for being a low scale war of attrition could be about to change or firefighters
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work under difficult conditions. and villages along lebanon's border with israel, for killer has been repeatedly targeted during 10 months of hostilities between has beloved and as well. but this low scale war of attrition could be about to change, as well as threatening what it calls a harsh response to the killing of civilians and most of jumps on stop today has the law the night carrying out that strike the the whole from and then now delivers fear from the is really in the me to react that people are living their life. normally. life goes on in a country used to instability and whores. but many are concerned about jani, regarding war, people are afraid, and people are monitoring the situation. i am one of them. we are monitoring day by day if the situation escalates or not. flights have been disrupted that they would only international airport with some international airlines suspending them
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completely. some people have decided to leave earlier than planned, but there is no sense of panic nor mass evacuations, while many embassies are advising their citizens to leave, we recommend us citizens develop a crisis plan of action and leave before a crisis begins the lebanese state. there's not directly involved in this conflict, but has been involved in backdoor diplomacy to de escalate tensions. we don't want this connection. the most important thing is that uh if, if the setup portion for them to do something, it shouldn't be big. because we know we cannot control hezbollah till the issue is what many people believe israel may target. they root southern suburbs, known as has well as heartland or the nearby airport, which as well says the group uses the store weapons as well as sources have said
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for an invoice are trying to contain the conflict convincing as well to avoid targeting civilians, the lebanese capital and key infrastructure for the 1st time has by law has commented on as well as the recent threats. high ranking sources have told l associated that they're taking them seriously. and that the arms group will consider any strike and aggression whether it is limited or not. the source is also set that for an invoice suggests that the house belongs to refrain from retaliating, so as not to expand the conflicts they were told. that won't happen. this video clip a pass in this role as well as chief threatening to respond in kind to any is really attack is flooding, social media sites. these are long time enemies who know each other's red lines, and they will make their choices accordingly. so i know who they're osha zeta. they is now on monday, demonstrators including members of the history of the parliament storm,
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the military base and the negative deserts and supports of soldiers accused of torturing posting and detainees. the 9 is rarely reserve as were arrested on monday on suspicion of sexual abuse. posting a detainee held at the base was taken to hospital with severe injuries and left them unable to work uncomfortable. it's it should have been an internal military method. instead, it's turned into a flash point between these really oh me, right wing politicians and white wing protested on monday. these really armies send a team of internal military police to a prison just outside of goza. to investigate soldiers accused of abusing a palestinian detaining. almost immediately protest broke out of the facility as right wing politicians encouraged, protest as to storm the building a cool. they hated country all touch your little bill this you have the people against the government,
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the eclip lights or whatever, but it didn't go to not the people who died defending just the national security administer at the moment. think of it has been accused of stopping the military police from investigating the allegations of abuse. the defense minister says the prime minister benjamin netanyahu must open an investigation into being there. that's only deepening the already public tensions between the 3. and 9 soldiers a will face a military court hearing, but those quotes on notorious lenient charges already brought. and the military can sit. is it an internal matter, not a civil legal rights groups have long criticized, stating that in prison, the association for civil rights and as well as a q so does that of serious abuse of detainees. the one lawyer says about $200.00 pounds of stadiums are being held in that facilitates and many of them have
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recounted their own stories of silence until i'm wrong kind of just there will be based in ron mentioned in his report that includes these things. he mitigation and the lack of food was have detainees who being released from processing in prisons. have we counted hiring testimonies about that time and his rating channels? i was just, it was nowhere to report a warning to some of the images and have a portion of the semi shaking and visibly in shock, eyes betraying, suffering. the mind cannot solve the repeated probably to know most and private thoughts electrocuted us. such harrowing scenes repeat in hospital every time israel released this palestinians taken from gaza during this brutal war documented cases of torture and sexual abuse of palestinian detainees have reached unprecedented levels and human rights organizations say israel is carrying out in force disappearances of thousands in gaza men, women, the children,
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an elderly people from all walks of life, like eod, who worked in a supermarket in bay town in northern garza, before the war. shift to the soldiers took shift base, you know, with us for water dodge shove sand and the amounts was tight and blindfolded the whole time. i didn't know who was next to me, yet disappeared for 75 days. taken from one on disclosed comp to another was at one point they told us to kiss these riley flag in a beach house before we could. during that time, his wife's pay, you didn't know he was dead or alive, had done. you came out a different man, physically and emotionally, shocked a. shortly after her husband returned. so p a 17 year old son, she had disappeared and i hope he's detained. i know what goes on there,
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but at least he'd be life. you can recover. we ask the red cross, but they tell us they have no information. is real, has refused the red cross access to palestinian detainees. are you so i was released in may after 22 years and, and is really prison. the last 7 months were worse than all those years combined. he tells me enough of some of them. it wasn't in their starved and beaten, stripped of everything, but i lost nearly half my weight in those months. my father didn't recognize me. i was shocked when i finally saw myself in the mirror at home, and there were some captives from gaza in the prison where a so was held. he heard their cries, he says he also heard the last words of a blossom who was beaten to death by his really guards, woodrand ta, who called out for his mom, the listen, helplessly and free. now, i almost feel guilty. i survive with sheltering in gaza. see of tens of thousands
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of families permanently changed by los greece and the torment of not knowing my son to head and it comes to me in my dreams faith in them. we cried together after losing every thing. so pay and thousands of mothers and guards. i have nothing but hope to hold on to foreclosure in the form of a reunion, or even a marked grave, not all the elevator palestine to kind of talk about this further with modern bizarre i was just, it was senior political analyst. he's in london for us and my want, i mean, let's focus on what's been happening. it is real estate team in prison. must ministry installation, if he said in the negative deserts, in southern israel, whether it be all of these allegations of severe abuse long detaining allegedly raped with an inbox? i mean, how difficult is it to shine a light to what's going on inside the specifically military facilities? certainly getting more, more difficult. and even when it wasn't difficult,
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it didn't sleep too much, as you know from the, you know, research and not so recent history. whatever investigations or permissions. awesome, that's it. i think much sounds are. is there any torches? is right to choose beside has to torture studies for over 6 seconds to start high speed. so today, gone off the rails now approaches in mass and it don't shes in a more sophistic. and in a more, as she wait, no more rational reasons for the torches is not just now towards big tortures, because the 4 chairs are so set this sick. so time for so bashful, so out of order the fish basically can do whatever they want that i can see from
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the images. they can just get away with a well, even the words all have investigation is there, i was once upon a time. i got to the tip top, the appeal, this is leaving the country of institutions, especially the military. it was fortunately, i meant the state. but even today, the by so many a restful, so not fixing stream is including along this high renting job that is very difficult with for nothing government. that's nothing but it's hard to see a justice search for the message. no, talking about you suggesting degree of impunity. the for the for the is there any ministry? i mean, is right, the ministry police, we know of detained at least 9 military reserve is from that specific can they do that on monday as a result of these obligations to me? what does that say to you? my, why about israel is ability to police itself. at the moment,
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says or cannot. what is the sofa one? what do you say it says not coordinate. i have a site that's a government, not one. do you have a significant minister that's already been accused of stairs? that's already been accused of a so my 6th street is that the what do you want to say? well yeah, that's kind of a minister when you have solver ministers, same discount or something like that. so the whole part of a billions in can pick and they suggested they will justify the song, the top of the, to show the most, i believe, forms against those. but this is, this is one to be shocking. is hardly surprising because we have a space that's been in the 1900 we have. is there any leaders who are pursued or would be pursued by the international criminal?
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we have a country gover that is in the nation. going to handle according to the international court of justice for its violations every day of the patient. or i'm actually glad to see that she didn't want to talk. i'm sure it's probably the worst of it because when i started, most of it's like i sort of the most, i don't know. i just like to know the you know the diary for because you know that all of these things are happening. but i don't know who you spoke about you know, 10000. is there any capt isn't hostages in gaza for maybe one of those structures of hostages. now there is really prisoners being tortured or being forced to do so for been for disappears. what's the progressive student? nothing more. yes. students,
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young people won't. people's spouses. yeah. basically any kind of product. it's just being taken to prison without getting their loved ones where they are, why they're there and it goes down. sorry, i'm many. do i get it for sure. and few dozens do. so this is a situation where you have thousands of thousands of proceeding kids that sausages have. it is really versus enforcers of, you know, what in the world and you know how that doesn't, is radius in how must have to be. i mean, don't stop me. well, this is the can just as this is the solution it's, i don't know that there are 10 doctors. is there a specialist? there's no doubt about that. but tens of thousands of studios certainly saw that. certainly. you know, the set, this is all well, 1020. so it'd be for 2 years. is there any present matter?
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there was i said to turn a lot of and not even be on trial, not even facing paper charges. this is not a secure, this is not a complete loss. this is all right. my, one of many things, so it's good to hear your thoughts mine, but shortly i'll just have a senior political analyst. the land slides triggered by heavy monsoon rains of killed at least 93 people in india . hundreds if he had trapped on to modern debris and a heavy district in the southern state of carol and local centuries reports one speak to this region. now in multiple landslide schools, by heavy months and brains have swept to pave villages in one district,
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it happened to the earliest on tuesday dropping people in bay homes while they slept. search and rescue teams have been trying to reach the hundreds believe to be trapped under the month and deeply. we fear that the gravity of this property is much smaller than this numbers. let's go, patients being got it open of off with the police in the out of fire force and various agencies so actively involved into school patients. the army has deployed more than 200 soldiers to help teams from the state emergency service, with the unstable terrain. this for drugs and a collapse of bridge into an effort separately in just people have been taken to the boys who were about 5 to 8 people with me. it will switch to when i saw them being swift. i don't know what's happened to the live or if they've been
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rescued. i carried my mother on my shoulders would give it a to, to look through. and then they would say, in the social media post problem in this to move range of movie has pledged full support from the federal government opposition leader and former mc from fly nod draw. we've gone the has called for an action plan to map labs, flood prone areas, heavy rains, flooding, and much slide. so coleman and catalog getting the monsoon season from june to september. and 20188500 people were killed in the state in one of the worst floods on the consumption eve. i'll just see the right time for a while to check his jeff. hello, leftovers of type room gave me have injected. not only a lot of moisture but also humility in this part of the world. so north korea had, it's hot, it's night on record. they've been down to about 30 degrees during the early hours
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on tuesday. temperature story. let's start precipitation. here's the leftovers of gave me again, spreading significant brain to the northeast of china. far east of russia, all of that kicks back into beijing as well. so some soaking rains to be expected. we contract monthly rates for in southern china rate, across northern areas of indo china. but away from the rain it is hot and sticky. shanghai feeling close to 50 degrees on thursday and could see some showers on friday temperatures while above where they should be at this point. and you're also quite hot. so across the radiant peninsula, once again, temperatures wobbling around 50 degrees for parts of iraq and kuwait. but we're going to see these winds turn around, so we'll see that he measured the pick up for us here. and so ha, go $42.00 degrees on wednesday. also looking quite hot for iran and that western size of afghanistan onto range picking up for same province and below. just non profits and buckets on highest level alerts issued for india's current ethic of state for the month 2 rates here on wednesday. the still ahead on i'll just see
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what i've come to in china for americans. something different about and so the philippines, as a student sees with badging intensify over the south china sea, spoke to this high flying celebration, proved to be the most iconic image of the power. so let me fix something, see it with us. the hearing the they don't want it is there's definitely being displays and makes it comes and not being able to get access to food out to see regions across the world . bring you closer to the house of the story. the
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safe them even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator hero. now a news the other people watching out just is reminded on top stories. this. our science
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triggered by heavy mon, seen range of killed at least 93 people in india. hundreds of fed, trapped and above and debris into the districts. in the southern states, civil defense teams in garza say they would cover the number of bodies from the streets of con you this of, to swing the sources. withdrew these 37, how the students were killed across the strip of the past 24 hours. a high ranking has put a sole says, told i would just say where the group will respond to any is randy aggression in 11 on including a ground invasion. for the tensions of escalated some subsidies, rocket attack, and the occupied colon heights enriched about 2 of the you case points. actually david allow me says to review, into support for israel will take some time. you face questions about the case that it comes to israel and close to recognize, recognize palestine as a state. that may also reiterated his pools for an immediate cease fire land of atlanta,
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which is life for us. and in westminster has been following developments that were the case like what, what did we learn about the u. k. stamps on selling weapons to as well. of the david law made the floor. and secretary has been under pressure by his a badge and these 2 fine or even just reduce the exports of to israel. he was asked about this today impala midwest. he really gave no play on so as to when know that might happen no. to what degree, what we do know is that officials having us to review evidence of any potential will crimes and goals us. because what ministers want to do is to find specific weapons licenses that could be linked to those will crimes. and that is investigation that will take some time to complete and the problem is about to go into the summer recess. the summer break when they don't sit. so nothing will happen during that time and they will be back in september. but take
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a listen to the exchange that david lobby had on this subject earlier today in parliament, i heard the phone secretary to avoid any suggestion of some sorts of international legal moral equivalence between the terrorist motor and the elected head of a democratic states. and then any questions of homes inbox to remember that just a few weeks ago, pretty psalms and military personnel were defending a allied israel from the style is launched by iran. these are very, very serious issues that the test on the criteria to see is whether there is a clever vouchers based on very capital assessments. i'm cash on assessments of the little he would expect. so to see that with a little surprising detect, let's see. and that is what i intended to do now it was
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pointing out that the u. k. does so a relatively small amount of items to israel last year. the that was last about 18000000 pounds. but if that is to reduce, it could be a potential flash point in relations between the u. k. and israel. this new labor government has already shown that they all willing to take a more critical, a tough of stones and its relationships with israel. for example, they draw all the plans by the previous government to challenge the decision by the international criminal code to seek and arrest warrant against the is ready to be 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu. and they also restored funding to honora, the u. n. agency that works to help palestinians funding that was taught by the previous government off to israel accuse some of the unrest offers all taking college and the type of 7 attacks. so there's a whole actions that are showing that the government is willing to talk pools and
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all departures from the styles of the previous government as well. i can't relate how many thanks to that blend of as language live in london for us us. okay, let's take a closer look at a new case of support for israel. the british government issued more than a 100 licenses for the export of weapons to israel between october and may $37.00, the classified as military, and they include aircraft missiles, tanks, and now munition. well, 63. 0 no military, such as communications equipment. so in total, 345 licenses to sell this thing as well. coming the exist including those issued before october, the 7th. since 2008, the u. k has sent alms with more than $740000000.00 to israel. and in 2023, u. k. hobbs weapons exports the israel to $23000000.00 compared with the previous year. samuel paula friedman is a research coordinator at the campaign against the trade u. k. and a fellow as a well peace foundation,
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who joins us from under the bible. welcome to you. so if you could explain to me what's fine driving this potential change of alms policy regarding its sales to israel under the new labor government as well, it's very clear this under the government's own rules as well as on the on straight tracy. but the u. k. should have stopped on sales to as rail a long time ago as it's been abundantly clear into the boats by the u. n. by any number of and she owes on the ground and internationally that israel is committing the most atrocious war crimes. the prime minister has been indicted. so for the crime of or, or it of it. indictments has been requested by the i c. c. for the crime of extermination. they have been dropping to 1000 pound booms on highly populated areas where displaced civilians. a crowded,
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we've all seen the images as we've been what geologist they are up and, and under the case rules that should not be export licenses issued if there is a clear risk. but the equipment might to, will, might be used to commit serious violations of international humanitarian law. i'm on the criteria and it is blatantly obvious that these on sales should install. now of course, the previous government is very strongly supportive of israel and body and have found ways around this. those governments often do um, the new government is also very private as rail in many ways. but they are under a lot of pressure from voters who inseparable constituencies, elected pro gauze, the independence of looking out labor and peace with huge majorities green wins.
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and a lot of lighting bunches who are extremely unhappy if it's absolutely opposed to the continuing sales of items to is vile. so they get to kind of down the road again, which is disappointing. but i think that what they're trying to do is the siding away um of us a swaying son of buck, public and bench. and uh, uh, making some steps towards stopping some sales to israel. well, not stopping the most important buttons and the ones that somebody significant to the u. k. arm's industry, right? namely the components for the assets f 35. the argument was also made by the now cheyenne's o 4 and the secretary from a conservative governments of course, of course. so that's something that is well, needs, british weapons that needs british weapons to defend itself against missiles,
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rockets being 5 by mice, but also potentially to protect itself against a, a potential attack from around as well as these justifiable concerns to underline. uh, gonna continue sell of weapons to taser they and also, i mean of course these besides would not be happening in the 1st place of his royal wilson and illegal occupation of a palestinian tyrant tray, which the i c j has just made absolutely clear. and it is, is illegal, but even if what argues that his royal needs weapons that does not give an obligation on states to supply them. indeed, there is an obligation not to if they are using those weapons to commit crimes. the fact that you may argue that you are defending yourself does not give you license to commit war crimes. when was you defending yourself?
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and it is very blatantly clear that the israel is committing more crimes constantly including with i'm especially with the attract across coming back to across f 35. so that's sixteen's which contain u. k. components. and i think it's very important when talking about the sales, the fit goes that you've been quoting very small and it goes like $23000000.00 does not include the 15 percent of every us. 35 actual that is produced in the u. k. a which is royal, has 39, which they've been using to bottom goes up because those go on the standing open. general license, which is limited, allows unlimited deliveries in desktop. so companies don't need to apply for those individual licenses that are in those type of tools, right?
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but there's a big that we've heard being quoted, right. and these sales associate, 5 components. you can companies have nearly a $1000000000.00 of open sub contracts for f $35.00, and i'm just as violent as soon countries understood. samuel many thanks for joining us. samuel polo friedman that thank you very much. i us w, essentially the state and defense secretary has met the philippines for and then defense ministers of the ministry headquarters in manila, increasing maritime tension with china, dominated the discussions. and today blinking says the us chest for the peace concerns about china is actions in the south china sea. he's and i was half a $1000000000.00 and ministry funding to help modernize the philippines armed forces and coast guard. we are doing manila and beijing a locked in several territory of disputes. having jed robina is a professional electra at the university, the philippines, the asian center,
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and he joins us from type pay f. i one welcome to loungers here. as soon as the us tries to show up its presence in the asia pacific, how does this trip to manila feet you in your eyes? well, so basically, um, what the washington is trying to do is the within to demonstrate that they, they're into a pacific strategy is alive and they're making their presence felt by boasting support for allies and partners in the region which includes the philippines helping efforts. of course, between different things in china, but a few months ago to avoid the kind of confrontations that we saw previously with coast guard vessels ramming fishing vessels. i mean, what role though, does the philippines play? do you think encountering chinese influence in the region and it's not really the philippines job here to do americas work for it as well. so for the philippines, it thinks that it has come on in shared interests with the united states,
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and it welcomes all the help that people can get from the us and even other countries. but then as far as the us in concert is concerned, and in this particular base in the us game, the philippines and addiction that is $500000000.00 for assistance for the modernization of the philippines and forces. so this is, i would say the software aspect of the alliance, you know, where the u. s. is really pushing for the capacity building updates. i like the feel to be in the face of the challenges that it is facing. and actually there's also a hardware component to it. um, one of the highlights also of the visit is that of both countries follow through on the recent media or the general security. all that information that'd be made, which would intensify. investigative information publication between the 2
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countries and in addition, there's also the effort to intensify. meaning that the uh for the nation. and that means the philippines us would build out on their cooperation with other like minded countries like australia in japan because all these countries are members of the so called quite a squad stories quite mean that i could arrange that. so know from the us by that thread, it's expanding into me, they lied to read in the, the squad for the noun clause, as, as many say it is. or i to continue with thoughts. aaron, jed ravenna electra at the university of the philippines agent center. thanks for joining us. thank you or the okay, it's time to support now his son. ok. thank you very much to enable the olympic twice alone. know could end up being a ducats to us alone due to dangerous levels of pollution in the river,
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saying the mens twice along that was meant to happen to today but has been postponed. most event that has now be moved to wednesday, and we'll take face off to the women's competition. a for to quality improve $1500000000.00 have been invested to try and make the rivers safe for us sheets. but at times in june, the level of hom full best to was still 10 times the level in post by sports federation. while the choice of the one is a race made up of 1500 meter open water swim of 40 kilometers by cried and 10 kilometers run. if the water is still bad on wednesday, the final backup day for both races is friday. but the forecast is not good with storms expected. the next 48 hours, which could see pollution was again. and if they still count race on friday, the swim leg will be scrapped and sheets will compete in and do us one. instead.
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we know this is a fixed expectation, could be a possibilities as to why we preview some con contingency day. so tomorrow you will have uh, 2 competition in the morning. if the quality water is good in us and the trend is actually put on the positive way. so we're still confident for tomorrow, waiving the 2 competitions. the athletes are actually really excited to be showcase in, in a venue like the river. sending a right across the most iconic venue in, in the city of paris. this is potentially going to have up to $250000.00 fans, inspect titus, to the men's and women's travelling because it's a free event. and uh, and the city is looking forward to the wells, looking forward to it in the athletes. really looking forward to having that stage in that platform to perform on as well as on his little number to cocoa golf, melted down in the paris heat as she existed, the women singles the
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gulf was unhappy with the long cold that was made during how much it was to aisha's don't advocate the american went on to lose in straight sets with vicki to moving onto the quote of finals on favorites. leona shaw has been back in action in the swimming pool. he reached the 70s in both the 200 the meet with both a flight and the 200 the restroom. on sunday, my phone broke the limpid kreckle to wind gold and the 400 me to individual. and that me or jamaica is not off in the country associated with swimming id olympics, but the one of the flat bows and paris. jessica lo will be competing in the pools and aiming to increase the profile of the sports in the caribbean. police reports excellence and track and field runs deep on the island of jamaica. and it's translated to elliptic dominance in athletics. who st votes, celebrity has been the holly point in the history of gold. going back to the 1948
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to lympics. well they haven't had much of this. this just currently is one of the just to jamaican swim is a power as 2024. there's a shift towards the sport after he was picked as a flight by right for the opening ceremony. but suddenly putting things swimming in the spotlight. i know there's tons of on top potential in the car being the car being especially jamaica has like so much so much. potential with ceremonial duties, i totally will make is the limpid, they do in the 100 meters both to fly on friday. he's hoping to inspire young jamaicans. just as american legend michael phelps wants inspired him. when kelly was 9 years old, i've been dreaming of winning the metal for as long as i can remember, like, i remember was it what else parts of what you meant, the beijing and then pick sort of like seeing felts does not dominate the competition like it has nothing to i remember like saying so my mother lives like i want to be just like him, but only i'll send for jamaica. i don't know. but like seeing this little light in the rising the like, she loves the idea of me doing that. don't ever since i've been striving to was
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that it's been a long journey from his local pool in london to fulfilling his dream of representing the country where his mother was born. but experience may be the most valuable lights on jamaica swim team. it takes home from these olympics, jamaica can continue the olympic gold rush here in paris. maybe not in the pool like a whole what? 87, olympic metals, i'm the one that hasn't been in athletics, a cycling, bruns back in 1918. they have come close in the pool before. oh yeah, i can send was both in the 100 mates of breast drug catlins in 2012 going on to win world championship, silver and bronze, as well as gold at the short coast. well, miss atkinson is, is for simmers what volt is for, for the track and field team. they both paved the way for future generations to pick up where they left off. so then that way, the one in the future will hopefully have just a successful same team as we do with the track and field team. kelly and his fellow swim at sabrina lynn on now the one setting the standards, but others to follow and hopefully put at least some aspiring olympians on
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a different track. dot com. pull, reese out is era congress space. on tuesday, we could see simone biles when her 1st gold medals since the rio and, and fixed in 2016. she need the united states and the women seem final, despite having a cough injury. their favorite to, to, and gold off the finishing of runners up to russia in tokyo, 3 years ago. and i had looks set to take the men's team gold, but some characteristic of mistakes from the chinese allowed depend to take advantage. a grab hold of the title for the 8th time with china having to settle fulfilled the united states, one, the bronze medal or china. i have just moved back to the top of the metals table with gold in the mixed doubles table. tennis fonts have impressed in their home and infants with 16 metals and total australia and south squared joined them on 5 goals . take a look at one of the most iconic images of the games. so far it happened in the
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surfing event, which is taking place in tallahassee. and they were tough conditions and the heats and some enormous waves results. gabrielle and xena is a 3 time world champion and was awarded the olympic record school. he held up 10 fingers to the judges, but came up just show them back to with 9.9. medina now has into the quote of finals later on tuesday. while this is one of the incredible fil images that was kept to do was taken by photographers the home of we even if he doesn't win gold medina will be remembered for the pots he played in creating this picture to investigate support from any of incredible photograph isn't it okay, well that seems to me need bucket for this news out. don't forget the website, just do it, don't come much more. all of our top stories including what's happening at the
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lympics is one of course developments in concert as well. i'll be back into my with much for the days, dues likes watching the unique perspectives. i love that i really loved them because definitely i love and nothing is something you value on heard voices, but we are committed to guessing best i can. all of you be so much connect with our community and talking to conversations, you will find elsewhere. lot of these positions, if it was part of the medical facilities in golf as it would be preventable. that hor, what's the stream on al jazeera once a journey through every story. every step is a narrative. a separation of what we can choose when we to reach the welcome to simmons and exclude does
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the redesigns fluctuate losing crafting austin chip. today we create a african stories from african perspectives sampler model or heavy to me this month for us. a mouthful of sam is in you to me kind of to show documentary by african filmmakers from donna and fox one. 0, it was the will. and those are fine. i will finish zillow from a little of i found a ceremony and the interpreter, a new series of africa direct on. i'll just sierra, the latest news as it breaks. is there any minute? 3 is up skating the minutes or strikes the horse, the entire trip. the main focus is on the central area with detailed coverage, the rolling of the international court of justice and the legal status of the as
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rarely occupation comes. after 5 months of deliberation from the heart of the story, water stations are switched up for days or weeks of the time. so there is never, you know, flush her to go around the 1st and use return to the ruins of the homes in southern guns that after this rarely forces withdrawal from eastern con you, this, the, on the bulk of this is all just a life though i also coming up gauze this most vulnerable, facing the scholarship diseases up, the israel's assault forces most of the population to live in crammed tent and under upholding conditions. we made palestinian prisoners recounting that experience of torture and abuse. and this.


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