tv Inside Story Al Jazeera July 31, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm AST
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and yes, obviously, this is a huge operation with, with possible consequences beyond anybody's control. and a few factors that are really important here will be how will is rarely officials positioned themselves because of the, the strike. and what will the inquiries and examinations actually produce as results as to how this attack was carried out? all of this will define and determine the level of, excuse me, the ation you wrong had to endure. and in my view also impact the potential future response. here we've already had a strong woods from around the or i mean president is valid to make israel regret his killing. i mean, how strong will be a response be to this obviously, and this the, when you qualify, something is strong. it's a matter of, of narratives. so we may think that something like that,
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like the april 14th missile and drone attack by iran is a strong response for the iranians themselves, for the leaders of the axis of resistance. so other sorts and forms of operation may be a show of force and strings that make israel be regretting it's it's actions. so it's, it's really something we need to monitor in the how the rhetoric evolves over the next hours and few days. you know, israel has in the past carried out a number of high profile assassinations in around, in recent years. this prompted a major security out of a whole year. this still happens how and how embarrassing is that for around? well, it is, it is obviously embarrassing if you, if you have 4 and dignitaries in your capital that just attended the inauguration ceremony of, of your newly elected president and, and something like this happens in fact shows the operational superior already of
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your adversaries. and then you have to think your of for yourself as you runs leaders, what does that do to my power clustering and in the region, but also globally. so of course, this is again what i meant if we, if we now see a lot of public pestering by israeli officials about about this event. and if they claim this attack in the same way that they claim to damascus strike. and then of course, this will trigger a more direct response by iran, or it would rather be carried out by who runs allies in the region. we've just heard from the us secretary of state antony blinking, who basically said that this is not something that, you know, with insights we're, we're off or involved and what do you make of that? and how does that potentially play out in intensive runs? response as the difficulty here is whenever any state or non state act or carries out any operation in the world and has ties to iran. iran is viewed as
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being behind it and as being responsible for it in the same way. of course, even if the u. s. says we were not involved in this deal operation. the run, the inside could say, but throughout the past months it was the americans that has enabled to carry out the war. israel has been conducting online and therefore the americans are responsible. so i think this is, again i'm, i'm trying to make clear here and my contribution that it's really about the wording about the framing and, and we are yet to see what will actually be, let's say, the final and elliptical viewpoint in iran and into wrong that will define a response by you wrong itself or through its allies. okay, well, hopefully with david we really do appreciate your inside that is and then the type of heavy for us there. thank you. sure thing. well, i breaking news story this. how is the political leader of a mazda is mal honey? a has been assassinated in a ron, who was interested to attend the integration of prisons. masoud to fisher k on,
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on tuesday. around has dictated 3 dies of national morning supreme leda atalla. they come in, he says, because the criminal interior design is the entity carried out. the operation on writing and soil. it is around the juicy to avenge honey a. the palestinian authority prism, not mood, abbas has condemned the assassination as a cowardly act and a dangerous development. he also called on palestinians to you nice or the meanwhile in guns is ready for us as a bowman, residential areas and civilian building. so for the 42 parties have been recovered from con eunice of the troops withdrew on tuesday, civil defense teams st. more than 300 bodies have been found in the southern city. but thousands of people are still missing. as wells, the ground operation killed at least $255.00 palestinians. and if widespread
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destruction, at least $59000.00 palestinians have been killed since the will began in october. erica bu assume is at the same in con eunice, or i'm here today in the eastern side of the city or con units, we might need some funds to access the slice. also the is where the military withdrew them of the proration that has lost that knowing that he says it can see that the operation has done and it changed the entire landmarks of the eastern areas. o'connor this, we can see houses, roads, and even keys. civil infrastructure had been completely called it's, it's families recently after the withdrawal of the army returning back to check on the houses. some of them have built the chip tens over the remnants of these destroyed buildings. dod, trying to change it to their homeland, but in fact, the ration has made the entire east to an areas of kwan units on suitable for human
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habitation. the operation in fact, had to more than 250 pounds of study and for the move them sweep 100 others of wounded. then we are talking about complex disruptions that will p t is in order to be removed. but despite all of this, how the study of this, the 1st moment of study is what a military was a drug. well, they have returned back to check who was a host of the art throwing to send the message that despite all sorts of destruction, rush to cling to our homeland as we don't have any other place that could be designated to be safe. sorry, so as a was just the ro caught you in a house fine. but i said bike joins us now from the southern living on. and as we know, attentions along the border between living on end as well. i have been at the highest and recent guys now the killing of some of his political liter. how is this going to take from the crisis there? while the crisis has been purchased, the best is over the conflict this last 10 months or so. this morning has been
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relatively quiet, although we've had a to reset the end of the tough of kayla which isn't far from here. i the shop i bet leaf which is also a hit by a drone strike yesterday can be more member of his beloved. but today this morning, it's been relatively quiet and but every day there is a touch with touch that does take phase across the board to strikes that is read, it has said that they detected an object from from lebanon. and they said that the defense isn't deceptive. it, it didn't mind as you cross over into his right, the territory they said, and the signs were not signed it. now we do know that both israel and it has been the have use recognizance drones in the past and continue to, to use them. but both sides continue to strike each other and the tensions here. many people have left tens of thousands of people have been with the have been displaced. and those the do remain and i thinking about what's going to happen next . is this going to be the next stage of this conflict, and is it going to be in the escalation that i'm very much when you speak to people
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here? now they very much think that there will be an escalation, and it's a so far this conflict has been contained to this to, to live in on southern board. that has this striking very route. but there's a real fear. now that could be, could be expanded to the rest of the country, or in fact, the entire region. okay, yes, and thank you so much of that as it beg for us, the, in southern living on. so let's get some more global reaction to the assassination of a mazda. as politically that is male honey, a turkish presidents reach of tape ad one has condemned what he calls the treacherous, assess the nation of his male hon. yet and to run. he says it is a despicable act. i am that disrupting the palestinian cause, the glorious resistance of gauze, and the just struggle about palestinian brothers by demoralizing and intimidating them. so sooner because they are doing so. so now lie from the stand bowl and testament strong woods there. what's the reaction being the on that statement from edible to care has been very vocal about as far
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as genocide and gaza. and about to attitudes could sizing is filed, that they are trying to drive the region into regional war and ad on his part stairs. in the cabinets have always been warning nothing since the morning since the news were account. we have seen very harsh condemnations from the turkish cabinet members and as a from prison visit the fire. john is my head. yeah. is seen as a person who really worked hard to work or a ceasefire from the turkish politicians perspective. and as he has been going back and forth between doha and a stumble and took care, a he's seen like he's seen as a brother by many of the turkish politicians that are close to the ruling golf party. and. and the reactions are high to kids. so trying to understand why it's happened, how it's happened, especially into wrong given the situation. he was there for an integration,
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but what we're hearing is that it's my opinion was officially in line to advise the turkish government of jennifer. a speech in the, in the turkish parliament. and a after turn around. he was actually going to arrive in 2 kids to give a speech for the turkish parliament members and to explain them the situation and gaza. and i don't was very harsh about what happened in the us congress. why a while do as congress people applauded. i'm assuming nothing you all his speech and on sunday we heard present started on saying that he actually invited a police thing in the present moment of funds, but he hasn't heard from him yet. then. then we heard from the tele sign and bassett, or that they are trying to finalize the calendar for the possible was it, but we know the 10. yeah. was supposed to be in, took it in, in the capital on, cut off a grass, the turkish parliament, members about the situation in gauze, in about the ongoing seas fire songs. but this
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a from now one will not be happening and to care is it claims that all rolling up parts of members claim that at natania who is trying to save himself. and this is an effort for creating a regional war and is riley is not aside in what piece and i'm actually cooling the parties spokesperson just spoke like half an hour ago. and he said that the piece in the middle east is the key for a piece in the world. this is what turkish authorities play for now back to you. okay, thanks so much. send him some. consider the a for us and this temple mood of the why he joins us now from bag dads in the can you tell us how the success nation is actually being viewed? they are in a rock of the what is been reflecting remarkably and a rock, especially with the fact that the popular mobilization force is the, the,
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along the lines on the group. it is considered another front acting get in the same way of you on acting, get in the name will be around attacking your on the enemy and the region. but here officially, the foreign ministry in a rock has issued a statement condemning in the strongest terms, the estimation of its ma, any a and to consider the didn't get to a flat grant, a violation of international law, and the threat to stability and security in the region, on the other hand, did popular mobilization forces. that's a part of minutes. a group aligned with on has issued another statement combining both incidence destination of us value and the light is right and to hold on today . and the attack on its force is by you, us forces it last night, which kills them in just a number of the troops. they say they look at israel and the united states and tell
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them as of their attacks in the region as one time, despite the fact that the united states has denied its involvement. and the destination of a somebody and honey. yeah, and tom, but again, the popular and mobilization forces seem to want to achieve 2 major goals and manipulating these latest to incidents for the student to rate the demand, the request to all of us and for an folks to leave iraq immediately. second, to x to escalate attacks against them and event in the region. ok, thanks so much for that. this mark made up though i had for us in baghdad, but we're getting reaction from many other countries as well. china as foreign ministry uses and strongly opposes and condemns the assassination is highly concerned. it's called for a c spot as soon as possible to avoid further escalation of conflict and confrontation. so the russian foreign ministry has also issued a stipend, saying the killing of a mouse is chief political leader. is it court?
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absolutely unacceptable. political murder, it goes on to say it will lead to a 5th escalation of tensions. your leadership of oliver has more from laska it's a big news today in russia and older media outlets have been broadcasting it's uh, since the very early morning. russia has said that the middle east is actually balancing on the edge of a wide, a conflict most coast toilet condemned the motor over at the head of the politic bureau of the police. cnn, how much movement. and obviously, they said was a result of a must have a tug on his residence into ron, and the highlighters that that sancho was carried out during his stay in iran, where he was as an official invitation to participate in the know he ration of the elected uranian president. so the russian foreign ministry called the death
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of the head of the how mox probably be wrote an absolutely unacceptable, please come to the department, believes that the killing of him, well, have a very negative impacts on the go stations on the guns. this trip and will lead to the escalation of the tensions in the region. the foreign ministry has also searched over policies involved, see refrain from steps that could lead to the deterioration of the security situation in the region and provoke, a larger scale and confrontation that. and this is what we know so far about the assassination of his male. how many a mazda, as political later was killed alongside his body, got into ron, ronnie, and media. so he was staying at a special headquarters for war veterans. media also reporting he was hit by an ample guided project i launched from outside the country. honey, i was in to around to attend the integration of prison masood scan on choose day
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and state media, se his funeral will be held in tara. okay, well let's bring in defense to this. now alex, good talk list. once again, the timing of this is extremely interesting, isn't it? because the assassination was happening in line with, you know, gratian there with a new president. it can just took us through the some of the possible scenarios of actually how this played out so so some of the scenarios are full and the way the information we've been given, the russian for a ministry's cooling that somebody saw strike. you're running media saying it's an aerial projectile, the end of the tons of as well as calling it a missile strike as well. so it looks like this looks like a stand of attack from far away. now there are only 2 platforms that can actually lowest this. you have drones which have been used extensively by israel in the south nation attempts, but then noisy and they slow and they only work in a contested aspects. the prime candidate for this will be these really f 35 still.
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now they've version as had the it's range extended. so we can launch attack a deep within iran itself. it is always the standoff missiles. now there are 2 candidates for this, both really ideally developing for assassination attempts. so they have a long raise, the delilah and the wind storm, which was revealed at fund and see if you, they have a range and that in excess of about 200 kilometers, they have an accuracy down to less than one meter. so they could choose which window door room they will hit, but they have a very small forehead between 20 and 30 kilograms. so this is exactly this type of weapon that would be used to be able to kill someone if they needed to without killing fost amounts, people causing what they call collections damage. so these are kind of the weapons now in play and it looks very much like that. seeing that though, we haven't seen any pictures yet of the off them off of the building itself. and that's going to reveal more and we can conduct timble forensic examination. what
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actually happens? there's one thing to carry out this from the military perspective, but obviously there's the planning in the intelligence that goes into selecting a target in the 1st place. can you just focus through just how an operation like this would have been planned? well, it's actually something intelligence is key, it is key to any weapon. no, every weapon is uses without the intelligence guiding it to its source. and the old sea had timely intelligence on where exactly he was that it wouldn't have been advertised. so there's the technical and intelligence aspect, which if true lends itself to possible american direct support involvement. well, the secretary of state's blinking has turned around and said we didn't know anything about it and we certainly weren't involved as well. you'll also have teams on the ground of being very good at keeping track of the last thing. the trees in any potential talk is the israel has had the through most side,
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obviously extremely experienced and working the around in capital and or incorporation with iranian dissidents. but absolutely, intelligence is key and no weapon is useful without it. okay, thanks for breaking all of it down for us. that's alex, good topless for us al defense. it is so thank you god, we're going to some other news now and sources of toto. just say are the commander of saddam's army survived and assassination attempt at the military graduation. the suicide drawing reportedly targeted attempt, they'll fall behind at a certain many and you get an eastern so down the army says behind escaped uninsured and was evacuated to pulled. so down at least 5 people were killed. so thought no one is claimed responsibility for beth attack. any of the sydney's ami agreed to participate and us slide paste talks in geneva aimed at ending the conflict this devastating the country since april last year. but the ones, the paramilitary rapids support forces, the 1st implemented meshes agreed on saudi arabia last year. that deal stipulated
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the group must withdrawal from civilian homes and other public facilities. the leader of the rapid support forces is also agreed to take pos and the negotiations . the most are these in southern ethiopia, urging thousands of people to move to safe a ground more than a week after land slides killed at least 257 people. but those living in the area so they have no way of to go environmental experts so so, so the government must take action to prevent similar tragedies. bahama bomb has more from saddam origin and southern ethiopia, thousands of meters, a policy that way mountaintops to meet the clouds in the remote sea dom at each end of southern ciocca. atl gosh, why tim's? the soil seemingly oblivious to the hazards, but he says he's not my fault. i didn't do it. i know the dangers, but i've lived in all my life. this is my farm and my home. i have nowhere else to
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go, anywhere like the peak of the season, the heat of sites all drenched. if the theme is best to cox, imagining the mud keeps so that the new hopes beneath you, nearby village, this man lost 5 members of his family unit. that's like the 13 a week, so it's a major one. the youth, hundreds of people that gives you go for area for us off a lot like as an if the amount of grief i'm feeling is unbearable. my brothers and sisters are gone as well as my home who what they want the authorities to pay attention to a situation and help us rebuild the lines a lot turned on the scale of the go for disaster. and that it cut themselves and slides within days, of course allow them to both local and federal levels of government. landslide is a downslope movement of as i'm, i think that'll do through gravity. as a matter of fact, that for this movement is meaningful stiffness. oh,
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for the slope and the slope of martinez, and also the human factors. atlanta is practice. that means under cutting and overloading gulf smoke smart data, man made factors abound, especially deforestation. if you look up the hills behind me, you'll notice how much the surface has been laid back by people, all those that had patches of the results of the cutting of threes to allow. finally, before the keys have issue with evacuation old us for villages, media that is off the sites. but environmental safe more needs to be done. avoiding using as a half or say to the month is one option, and that's a to is used for on as up for vegetation. identifying creek area is more susceptible for the salon flight and visit one degree of susceptibility. we can classify the land into different categories of the ski area and low risk area.
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but until the government policies take effect, it's unlikely people here will change the way of leaving, and site se, climate change will only with natural disasters. how much fun? i'm just gonna see. dom region, southern ethiopia, police and central. you can have own stan investigation naturally. 17 human skulls were found at the side of a full a shrine. belongs to a traditional healer, who's been missing since february dosage already has more. this is colanda village, about 50 kilometers west of you, kansas capital, kampala. it's where police have discovered these cases full of human skulls. wonder why you cut your unable about case. it was on sunday when children came looking for firewood that they came across this piece of wood double stuck into the ground. and when they were pulling it out, the soil collapsed in the suitcases. as soon as you called me my soul, the cases and so i called the officials and when the officials opened the cases or
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4 of them and they were full of human, scrolling through the united pretending that this shrine was built by local medicine man who used it as his home, he is a key suspect in the murder of the former head of the decline in book on the kingdom in february. police have been looking for him ever since. the book on the tripe is the largest single ethnic group in uganda, making up over 27 percent of the country's population. local officials say they've launched an investigation, was doing suspect more. that's why we are digging lots. i hit settings for men, the risk of it does the federal claim, but we're trying to another one. people here are burning what's left of the strong saying they won't leave anything behind. thores digit bars algebra 0 us poll suggests coming to harris has a rice, donald trump,
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leading the rice for the white house. on tuesday, she attended a campaign really in georgia and important battleground states. full of al has moved from atlanta, the donald j. trump, can i prove this name on one side of her on the other cumberland harris and i approve this message. i'm right in the middle. you've got georgia that has a harris thousands of suppose as lined up in the space capital atlanta on choose like to hear the democrats almost such and presidential nominee. yeah, yeah. i know that she's going to fight for us for our women's rights and for our democracy. i'm very happy that somebody is running against donald trump, that i think is gonna win horace's 6 visit this year. so the momentum in this race is shifting and there are signs that donald trump is feeling it well, the 1st since he lost type presidential campaign, i'm not is for good reason. see georgia is really, really important. traditionally, despite hesitated towards the republicans, but in 2020 joseph i wanted opiates,
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with a very small, if it could be just $11000.00 votes, which is tiny. and it's like a many 11000000 people on the democrats all the time and to do whatever they can to make sure it stays blue. georgia is a tough sight to when you think she can do it, really, you know, it's hard, but um, you know, what, if a man, by the name of the rock, i'm saying obama can get it done, then she can get it back. how much does compas targeting dissolution republicans have, including those frustrated by former president, trump tends to overturn the 2020 election when he asked georgia secretary of state to find enough votes to cancel out findings with for their also getting bullied by a search of excitement following months of advocacy for vices, he saw a choice between 2 old men. the highest complaint is leading in so that wrap up megan, be styled, enjoining how his hair endorsements from pump stalls,
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helping target young devices. a great job i did was struggling with the i'm providing fuel for social media directly to the feats of those who may vote for the 1st time and swing this. but democrats white, this is not going to be easy. this is hard work, but we like hard work. hard work is good work. said george, it today i asked you, are you ready to get to work almost 30 years after i've alonza hosted the olympics . the question here, who will be the big winner of this rice come november? fill of out. i'll just say era atlanta, georgia. so for me, tell me cry for the moments we of course will continue to monitor all the reaction and the full amount from the assess the nation. if it is male honey, a political leader from austin to ron miles has blamed as well. so the attack pump, these rallies, have not yet come in such as mount honey at one of the most prominent figures of
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palestinian resistance was 62 years old. the the latest news as it breaks the united nations hoax. but the focus on the refugee team will help people understand the stigmatize ation. marginalization and violence suffer 5 refugees with detailed coverage. the appropriate has never experienced a landslide on this k of with this. so many people killed from around the world between those white coast guard ships and the blue vessel. that's where a 2nd tankers think last week is so close to the store. we can see it clearly with the naked dye, a diverse range of stories from across the globe, from the perspective of on networks, journalists on our investigative journalism voices from different
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trusting of future. today we create the the color on the pocket of this is the use of from to also coming up the politically to of my spouse honey is assessed h, as in iran must blames israel. it's close to highlight us as it wasn't a way around, supreme need assessments, revenge against each round the assassination and tara, the shock and, and get across the kind of stuff.
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