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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  August 1, 2024 3:30am-4:00am AST

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to the hutus that exactly the same thing about living for the 1990 israel is committed numerous of all crimes. since that i'm also friends on the type of stuff . i'm fairly sure that'd be fine. the toward itself is not a wall time head to head on out to 0. what's the follow? it's from the killing of a smaller in high media into ron. from us as a political leader was assassinated as tension in the middle east is running high. how much of a blow is this to her boss on to iran on could any is this escalates into a full regional conflicts? this is inside story, the hello and welcome to the program. i'm debbie you navigate down. it's seen as a devastating blow against how masses leadership,
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the assassination of its political leader is 9 honey. and to ron, raises the prospect of an all out war in the middle east. honey, it was in that uranian capital to attend the non duration of presidents must food products, can come us planes, israel for the attack. israel has neither confirmed nor denied its involvement. and it came hours after and is really strikes on the lebanese capital ebay routes that israel says killed senior, has been the commander for i'd ship. good. how well, how much has been no response. and what does all this mean for the war on garza and the risk of a broader regional conflict? we'll explore all these issues with our guests in a moment's but 1st this report by victoria gate and be the assess the nation as her masters. politically, to is, ma, had the, the run is likely to market dangerous development in the world gone so many fear that can include sparkle in the middle east. how must have blamed israel for the attack in a statement on its website, the lebanese on groups said, bravo, leda,
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amada, is not near the head of the movement has been killed in a treacherous scientist. rage on his residence in tie ran after participating in the new immigration ceremony of the new arabian precedent. time to run supreme leader said, because the attack took place on a rainy and soil is the country's duty to avenge the death of him. the hold on the assassination has been condemned by countries including lab and on to kill china and russia, which called as an absolutely unacceptable political motive, which will lead to a further escalation of tensions. us defense secretary lloyd austin, said he believed for the war in the middle east was not inevitable, but referred to us support for israel. if israel is attacked, we certainly will help defend israel. if you saw us do that april. you can expect to see us do that again, but we, we don't want to see any of that happen. we're going to work hard to make sure that, that, you know,
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we're doing things to help take the temperature down. so many palestinians, india was a symbol of resistance in the face of his radio occupation and adversity. he served briefly as prime minister of the palestinian authority in gauze a palestinian set. his death would help strengthen their resistance, said the ma to them of them, which i heed. hon. yeah, is a great loss for the arab and muslim nation in general. and the palestinian people in particular with all of the smell honey, i was an excellent patriotic man. he performed his duty, delivered the message of the resistance, and was up to his responsibilities. how about us to shut the? it's very painful to hear the news of his mother and he is marked with him. the last is great and his market and broke our hearts. it was a big shot to palestine, and use this destination came out is that the end is really strongly come. the southern suburbs of the lebanese capital bay we israel says senior has the commend us, who at shook ro, we've kills those, the tax risk escalating an already fragile situation in the region. the focus now
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turns to whether it ran on has the law will retaliate against is row, and whether that could lead to a wide conflict, victoria gates and b l g 0. so inside story the. all right, let's go deeper into the significance of these assassinations for people in the region and beyond. joining us from a stumble today, although usually based on to ron, we haven't miramonte who's a professor at the university of to ron. and joining us from new york in england to so tom bought a car, a professor of public policy at the time i'd been for the for university in doha, i'm from babe. ruth mariah as the director of the malcolm h cur. currently the middle east center. welcome to inside story. thanks for your time, dr. miranda you and assemble the uranium supreme leader has set on acts. but since the operation took place on uranium store, we see it as our duty to avenge his blood his blood, meaning it's night, honey, is blood. what are your rounds options going forward?
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your mom will definitely will be strike on the 3 of us. if you recall, the show you a call when the is there any receive bomb, the iranian concert, a building in syria? iran took it. it's contained to the un security council and to the shots of the international community being, i'd say it's certainly science and the u. k. they oppose the kinds condemnation of those random shape and other words, they supported it's bombing up a diplomatic building. so it was fair to the writing is that the only way to, to make sure that the vision does not continued signing out such outrageous attacks is to try at this time around. i think it's going to be more severe because of the is my opinions, very heroes, to speeders and,
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and insightful people, people and that includes the full establishment is the household bank is the binding sippy 0 and the resistance is leading the fights he's hoping leading lead the fight against the regime is turning out 10 aside. the soldiers are raping prisoners and to be and 9 processing the death so of children. so i think both because of patient sovereignty and also betsy is seen as a barter and a big hero. they, ronnie, is, was trying to design the machine very fun. but mr. merante, is there a risk then this drags a ron into a wider regional conflicts, something that iran has always said in the past that it does not want. i mean, nothing, yahoo, some people will say, well that's what has a, that's his agenda all along. and if iran does retaliate, then that's when you all who will succeed. no one wants escalation except for one. it is rarely cheap. that's the,
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that's true for hezbollah. that's too far from us. it's palm beach on, i'm sorry, law, it's close eases. they say it's true for the resistance. it's a new rockets here and it's true for your hon. bye to so the machine is turning out genocide as well. not pass to draw away forces from casa to prevent them from estimating the population because the west will enable them to do so. you've seen it for 10 months now. i'm sort of cost to block the red sea. they've set themselves up. they are implementing the genocide convention. the americans are trying to help is ready. these carry out, spend aside and the finding again, samsung. but what are the options? what are, what is option for you ron? bye, to defend the people of god. so. so did city wrong, does not strike this vending machine, it's going to only get worse. so methane, yahoo become will become more aggressive. but i think the, the, the reality is that this thing is all this really wishing has already lost the they've lost on the board or what's happening on the boss and gaza. oh,
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they're tearing out genocide. but even that is hurting this way, the regime more than anyone else in the world that's the regime is despise across the global south, even in the west, despite the western media and despite governments of despite the diplomats are trying to do right. people are turning against the reaching and so the, the longer the world war last and the more the escalade it's, it's worse for us where they may be beneficial for an yahoo. but it doesn't beneficial, but no one wants escalation. but at the same time, the regime has to stop and even on the agenda. so um i yeah, yeah. and babe ruth, um, what, what do you make of what happened on the timing of this assassination and also where it took place into ron? a good afternoon. i think the timing, most of the timing and the location are a significant escalation and the context that's already aflame. the fact that my
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n e l was skilled and thought on and now we're understanding it was have the presidential palace. um the story we're hearing is that he. 2 was killed with the ms time that directly talking to him. so they knew exactly which room he was in. so that tells you the number of things. one is they stuff in the p a breach in the security, a significant breach in the security. the messaging to uh, to have run into a allies, the different airlines around the world is we can get you anywhere. but it's also a says, you know, there's no ceasefire at the end of the day. so my n e a was the key person who was negotiating uh the zip code and all of those the cx, 5 with israel, and ga, so and by taking him out. so they effectively said no to the deed in a way. so now what do you think this actually is for the cease fire?
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the question is, will then now will this now be use to us, particularly when you combine the assassination of n, e a and, and put it on with the clinical fraud, sugar and 11 on, and the root. when this now be used as an all from to try and de escalate things and push even further for a cease fire. i'm going i said course, i mean pressure is really into a ceasefire today because that is the key to de escalate thing across the region. or is this going to be used to inflamed things further? nathaniel, what is basically dragging us into original confrontation with the wrong? i think if things continue the way they are, he's definitely dragging to us until conflicted with the wrong man at the us today . we have a demonstration that is more or less a name book administration at this point. do you have a president who has had to withdraw from the presidential race a, a,
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a presidential can know me who's not yet the candidates, but would probably be around the date to was funding for election. and the last thing they need is a lot on their hands. okay, hang on a 2nd. my husband, let me just ship these comments to you. i was speaking of the us. uh, the secretary state anthony blinking said that the by the administration was not warrant of the attack against the, from us political leader aside, honey ahead of time. nor did it have any part in it. so they were, lincoln was quite quick to make the statement. why do you think he did so? and do you think that the americans would have given the is really the green light to conduct this assassination? i doubted honestly, i think this assassination is similar to what happens and when, when the is ready to get to the wrong, an embassy in damascus, it was done without the us green lights and it's absolutely and few rated the administration. i suspect it's the same scenario here. they were notified of that,
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of the attempt. and they will all see that they were going to target for chicken and beta would most likely they gave the go ahead for about particularly because far chicka is wanted by the sort of ministration in connection with the marine barks bombing of 1983. so but um, you know, i doubt that they would have given a green light of for a target for the target. think of somebody let me up and thought on in particular. okay, the on the, if you share that assessment, dr. miranda, because the timing of this seems interesting. it's comes shortly after and that's when yeah. who returned from the u. s. i mean, what is real had been assured in the us through any of the meetings that netanyahu held, that there would be no repercussions for any action that israel takes going forward . well 1st, i must point out that to be attacked. it does take place in the presidential outlets. it was a guest house. uh but uh,
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i don't think that the united states wants an escalation. i think that that's quite clear. i think that's true both for from and for biden and for iris. but so i think this in yahoo probably does a lot that escalation the and the sensing yahoo is going to get us support support. uh, no matter what it does. uh, the united states may not kind of been alarmed about that. back on the consulate on the tax on that guest house with uh, just fine, tiny it in it, but the base definitely provided allergic. so there's raves. i get their intelligence from western governments. they get them from westbury, obviously, using the wrong to get them from embassies in country western embassies and countries around the room. and of course, uh they to say the agencies that belong to the united states. and it's the outlines
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that all use their intelligence as use by, by these are these even in as they turn out that genocide and causal, they're using that information. but just kind of, you know, on the americans. definitely don't want the inspiration because because an escalation would mean the destruction of the global economy. american base is under pressure, both region and iraq. they would all be destroyed. and those countries that post those bases, derek in infrastructure would be destroyed. that that would mean that the global, the gas and oil would no longer be exported from the region. that would, that would create a collapse everywhere. no one wants that. but nothing. yahoo is the only person along with maybe 2 people in, in israel who do need an escalation because they need to push this for a, for because of their own, their own interest. but it's not in the interest of israel. israel has been the main issue. it's economy has been devastated, known, and teachers pointing back to me as well. and people as they see this genocide
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continue that they are a trip for his ro becomes more in french, not just an army, just that if possible. so the, this war continues, whether it expands or not, it's going to be worse for as well. if it expands is what? again, lose, but nothing yahoo wins for them. so the interest, so there's really, really on not necessarily the interest of the current people sitting around the cabinet table in kind of eve or in the quotes. so, so thought, i mean, what strategic purpose do you think this assassination serves israel? you term, it may look to some as this as around go to its way and has killed yet 10 other how much data. but history tells us that this, this doesn't actually and home us. and if you go to it 2 years ago, they killed the how many do you have seen 20 as me? they had 7 the off to work. so it's not going to resolve there. there are a problem, a tool. in terms of the negotiations. it's,
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it has really announced an end to any possibilities of negotiated settlement over this issue, particularly as i think it sort of looked at the huge risk, the return of the captain's lot have by him us effectively you nothing. yeah. who has killed his counterpart and the negotiations and somebody and he, uh, as the head of the political office, he would have acted in any corporate in the capacity to that then you know, in taking decisions. and he is known as someone who's very pragmatic. and on the moderate side of the equation, all the time within how much politics. so taking you to having also killed the is that the 2 sided headed already back in january doesn't to the help as well. have a nice political counterpart to negotiate with. what does this mean this whole time, but it costs for the military leaders?
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what does this mean then for the military leaders on the grounds and guys like yes, yes, and water, for example, and the kind of decisions that he and others might be taking. now that's a slight honey, a was assassinated or i think by default now they need to see if we go back to guys of the, to the center in guys done. so why would it be the person to kinda decide without any come to wait. today's post on any of the issues and until the new editor is elected by the how much is it? you know, this is unlikely to happen very quickly. given the circumstances are very difficult communication channels between some ass factions and individuals and so on. a given the war on the ground, so s and y will probably be needing the scene from now on words and such as priorities are going to be dictated by the fact that 2 faces in gaz day and out. uh
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huh. yeah, of course we mentioned this earlier on, but there was another attack that took place hours before the assassination of snide honey and that was in the da here and beta. what's the target of that attack was of course has been the member uh for sure. good, um, do you expect a forceful, forceful, has been our response to that attack? i mean, what choices do, does the, does, has been the face right now. it has well nice quotes between a rock and a hard place to so it's an expense on the one hand, they declare that they will not stop bombing until you know, the fight will continue. and the pressure on israel is moving from 7 o 7 front will continue until there's a cease fire and gaza, which means there are no head postage to that, to cease fire to a certain extent of some. so there is no code, treat it between a rock and a hard place because they say they do not want to. busy or,
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and they've signal then i believe the wrong does not want to or either they signal this repeatedly since october 8 when the conflict started. so that uh, at the same time they have to respond in some way for the origin of their um, so i think they are looking at options of which they could to, which they can respond, but respond in a more measured way. one that would not lead to an all out escalation and 11 on at the same time. and i think this would have been a bit easier before the coming of my honey, the now with the clinical side heavy. yeah. and the hard on that kind of strategic calculus has become a lot more difficult. they be coordinating very closely what the head on to see what kind of appropriate response to the spots of the one that would set send the signal, but was not, would not trigger a kind different allow conflict between lever long and israel. and since you speak
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to us from a root, just give us a sense of what it's like and by roots now after the assassination of children. and of course, it's 9 honey. what are people thinking? just everyone's very anxious. they are very worried. there's a lot of cynicism around as rails responds, the idea that they are using the tragic uh, bombing of my specialist uh and occupied, golan okay, by and terry trees predominantly, or it's an age where it's inhabitants of reviews is really citizenship. so they've been using the project cutting of 12 children and heard sick way in order to score a goal is if you like and achieve things that they've been wanting to do for quite some time. so there's, there's a lot of physics in the system around us, the visuals. so a lot of anxiety, don't forget, clipping on,
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has already had dealt with as really invasions. 19781982199319962006. right. so this is not the 1st round between the 2 countries. there's a lot of fear, a lot of people that come to spend the summer with their families are leaving now. and the caesar calling on their citizens to leave for their foreign nationals. so there's a lot of anxiety in a lot this year i will holding our breath and waiting to see what's next. a dr. moran, the, the cut of hezbollah group of iraq has the said the to the is really killing of thomas leader of honey. and to ron quote broke all rules of engagement that was on a statement on an official telegram channel. so do you think that going forward? i mean, the groups that uranium allies in the region in iraq and yemen 11 on will they be coordinating a response altogether to both killings of both man. but one thing that we should
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remember is that immediately after the bombing of a root of a residential building, the americans bomb the, the popular mobilization floor. so it has a garage showing up a number of people including the seizures. amanda, and then it's my and i need to was martyred any run. so all of these are things together and american actions and he's rambling actions are coordinated. maybe them again, the americans did not know that it's my insight, the monitor, which is fine. if i knew what was going to be killed, but in general, they give intelligence that they do work together against this access of resistance . but i think that, yes, there will be an escalation on the top of the collective access, whether it's yvonne or rock or yeah, man, or maybe not because there's really appreciate my internet's and gamble is escalate . and there is no other way to deal with that same, you know, and the machine is,
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you fact down there going to escalate and they're going to take advantage. they'll see that as a sign if we and so the regime has to be pushed back. what is important is the united states has to come to the recognition that an escalation would not be trips, benefits not only as the united states and europe inc seen as can possibly become physically this genocide. not only are they very much, every single diplomat, every single mainstream western journals, every, all politicians under what's not only going to be all complicit in this board as a genocide, but they are losing their credibility across the blog never. and for the next few decades, will they be able to criticize bradshaw or china, or anyone else, or human rights or for anything? right as to what they've just visit. the 1st televised genocide in human history, so that the costs for the united states and europe is jeannette, especially at a time when they are but and gotten in the ukraine better on the bat for it,
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things are getting worse. and of course, the tensions with time out of our own device to okay, let me bring in some time. but if i do x to expect a coordinated response on behalf of the, of the axis of resistance groups as they're known and the regions going forward. and i think the idea of that determines that israel will be stopped from attacking your on your warehouse because of feeder for tiny ation, has really disappeared back in april. the way around the retaliated to the assassination of its if its own combined in the boss. cuz has really given is the green light just by to what other, the main type of did like to say. this was a new company to just to give us ignited tone. it has a strength and is there any time? it's also the visit by and within the out to united states. and his conduct in the congress has practically involving him to go further. he has,
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he sees himself very much as the king maker in the united states election is now between now and november. and both parties was another object to him and taking any decision that interprets as a decision for the security of his own. and you can see this by the fact that he has taken the, the, he has it, he has approved and operation in trunk. i mean, if you are feeling you're on the last place, you want to send somebody, anyone. nevermind. any. yeah, that's right there on any right. you saw him, but he has the got this of all of these threats. he went ahead with this. he knows that the united states would come to is a rescue. he knows that everyone does not want the escalation in the area and located where they wouldn't be work for us as of how to try and calm down from this . because it should be kind of working twice as hard the final word to mariah and barry diplomatically, what do you think is going on right now behind the scenes and world capitals? because presumably leaders one to refuse the situation. so i think there's
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lots of a fact channels that are working both at the time now to try and contain the situation to convince problem the wrong to come to either not respond or to mute its response. i similar to what happens in april and also to try and work with his fellow in terms of what can be done to decrease the tension and the prospect to open all out conflict with level one, the 11 on can in the 4th quite honestly. so that i think i've seen the region kind of look forward, not just 7 on um, so i think that there is a lot of pressure right now on the front to try and to rock, bring things down, bring that he's down and the to the all right, so we'll leave it there. thank you so much for joining us. i'm on the run. this
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will talk about accounts and how you all set. we thank you for your time. thank you for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website out to 0 dot com. and for further discussion goes, we're facebook page dots, facebook dot com, forward slash adrian side story to in the conversation on x or handle is a j inside story for myself. and the whole team here in del how, thanks for watching and so by for now the, it was the capital of the combat empire, the serene, ancient city of encore and presents a cambodia. is it protected unesco world heritage site? but as its temples, the lakes and irrigation canals be preserved, many of its inhabitants are being relocated. people in power investigates, the alleged forced evictions of thousands of families,
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the bottom for the soul of anchored box part 2 on a jersey. as china ramps up to full patients of north korean, defective human rights group, say they faced imprisonment, torture and even death in the country. in desperation, some involve dangerous journey. 101 east reveals the north korea's leading defectors on al jazeera. being a journalist is that privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those who have been drowned out by the noises of war is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks. we're just going to try to pick up as a safe it because there's rigging the trying to find the words the truth. it's that challenge and the huge responsibility we keep on a tissues and decision makers in check. so the devastating you and saw stuff,
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their decisions. the reason the soldiers base themselves in this house is because it's as the edges of the janine refugee cab. and from here they have, it's the view of working at the 0 enables me to make the other voices relevant to so that this mode that unites us, that divides us. we are a few phenomena, choose from the border with as well. and one of the oldest markets in the middle east, this corner in southern lebanon hasn't been directly targeted for the sound of as rarely war planes as well as rockets launches by hezbollah has become parts of daily life. the instability is effecting livelihoods. my home has been destroyed, i live to my village, we lost every 2 weeks ago. we were here shopping and the exchange of bias started. people ran away. there's little optimism in a conflict that's linked to an end to as well as more on cost or possibly not even
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that the carrier spends a lot of the top stores now and alex is here. you and it security council as health emergency meeting following the assessment ation of a message. political lead smell, how the entire on around some best of the told the council that the assassination of honey was a grave breach of iran sovereignty around says this, investigating. and he is kidding, and that it will be event mass has declared this explanation, will not go announced that both of named israel for the attack upon his time is representative of the un.


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