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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 1, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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of the you're watching the news are live from headquarters in delphi. i'm turning it off. okay, so here's what's coming up. in the next 60 minutes. the funeral begins for a talk, says the commander for odd sugar. he was killed and 11 on capital bind is really air strike on tuesday. the is really, army says it's killed another him, us leader, 3 weeks ago. but the group didn't confirm the military wing commander's death. a law iran supreme leader holds funeral powers for us has political
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chief who was assassinated in to wrong. the defiance from demonstrators police use tear gas to disperse crowds. at the start of the 10 days of protests in nigeria, german ashley's forsyth olympic bosses defend the inclusion of the female book. so it was previously found from competing because she filed a gen to test the welcome to the news our, the funeral of has butler's top commander for chick code is taking place and 11 on right. now, these are live pictures from da here. that's us southern a suburb of a roots are still good, was killed in an is really air strike on tuesday. and israel accuses him of planning an attack and the occupied go on. heights was killed 12 people on saturday,
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but hezbollah denies the so once again, these are the live pictures from da here that's in the south of the roots where the funeral a full out she could is now under way and loving on secret, of course, is one of the members was one of the members, most veteran officials and he was in fact, one of the founders of the groups bill of treat winks, killed fine is really or strike earlier this week. and there was another funeral service that was held, and that was for how masters political leaders, $900.00 a year that took place in iran capital. how many years assassination has really united fears of a wider regional conflict in the event that to ron retaliates. thorsten tovaris and to her on for us a final farewell. i. a total of the harmony leads prayers for israel hernia and his body guards killed in the rain and capital on wednesday. thousands poured onto the streets and to show solidarity with the political leader of some us and use body was taken from tyrone
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university to freedom square and eventually to met her about airports where it was flown to doha for his burial. on friday, the 62 year old was a guest at the an operation ceremony of then you will be elected president must who possess sky on it was and he goes forth trip to, to, around since october the 7th. and his assassination is being viewed here as a work of israel with the help of the united states. washington says they play no part in it and had no prior knowledge of the attack. israel has not common to show the time for the occupation to attack without response. he's over, they've done something and they must pay the price. they must be held responsible. america is responsible for this. no crime is committed by the occupation without the criminal america. senior already and officials see the strike on arabian soil as a declaration of war. and they have promised revenge. a successful will see evading the impossible of,
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of this time around the response will be different. in the last one isn't phone regional countries in advance about the timing of the retaliation. it's prevents a disaster. but i think this time it's responsible be a surprise and it will come much sooner. on april 13th, iran launched more than $300.00 drones and missiles towards israel in response to an air stripe on its consulate in damascus. 2 weeks before israel responded by attacking your own air defense systems. you are doing a times nuclear facility as well. he has a house the nation has once again force raining officials to make a difficult decision. one that's ultimately up to the supreme leader. if we're on attacks israel again, it's unlikely to act alone. the so called resistance friends, which includes that who sees in yemen, has of a lot and loving all the popular and mobilization forces in your off would be expected to take parts, making this critical moments for the middle east door such
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a bar a l d 0 v is really army says it can now confirm it's killed, the commander of him, us as military wing. it says mohammed they have died 3 weeks ago in an attack in the fine eunice area in southern gaza. thomas says, if counts confirmed the reports as it's a matter for the office brigades leadership on the ground and, and for that he is live for us and dated by the hon. central guys, a hint. any confirmation from. and cassandra gates regarding the is really claims on some of these well, not yes, but we got a statement from as it's addressed to a member of the political group of mass movements. he said that confirming or denying the martyrdom of any of us commanders is the business of a son brigade, commander ship and the movements neither ship unless either of them and now it's no news published in the media or by any other parties can be confirmed. so we are
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waiting for any confirmation or a from any time as a leader or the show. but so far, let's remember that there's a top was in milwaukee where it does is a palace news, right cube, and other to were insured. and, and this was one of the deputies attacks that happened in the past couple of months now since the 1st day that is really horses that they estimated of this. but then 2 weeks later now they, we circulated this and said that they animated the snow. so far, we did not have any conformation, and even the people here in casa, say, that as long as there's nothing from us, or, of course, um, they do not believe what is there any forces are talking about. okay, and i mean, you'll keep us across any developments when it comes to the story, but since we're with us, let me ask you about what's happening on the ground right now. what about the
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latest is really or strikes under after most well, there has been an air strike in brooklyn where at least 3 pilots in use were killed and also into flavors in the middle area. there were policy news work just but city and it's $300.00 days of war. there is a state of tonic frustration this, their depression among those policy news right now, people does not think that this war is going to hit 300 days people last. everything's or hose, we're talking about more than $40000.00 palestinians being killed in 10 months, we're talking about thousands of children being killed. women and others that are still missing and trapped under the rubber people hearing costs are very frustrated . they're depressed and every single day is worse and, and, and especially the fact that the human is terry and the health situation is to collapsing. and there is no, any glimpse of hope specially the after is read at kills. and this is to me,
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to the own any, go see here, which is the main honey. yes. use the only home for policy and used to come with the fire deal and now he's killed and there's no future signs of who's going to take over the negotiation and move forward with the ceasefire. the width at the is really side. okay, and thank you so much for that reporting from dated by now. in central's. also, i will bring in our correspondence and run tom joining us here in the studio because that is where the government has bound delta 0 from before. and there to tell us around what you're hearing from your end about this claim that is really is a kills them how much they've 3 weeks ago because they've come out with this claim a report, but they haven't really provided any new information or evidence to support what they're saying, have they? absolutely. there is a video that they've released, but that video is completely inconclusive. it's just an aerial show of the actual striking base i killed my haven't that, but this is
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a political calculation for the is riley since they announced this, it doesn't matter whether you are opposition or whether you look government. this is being seen as a very good thing. in fact, to the defense minister. yeah. long atlanta actually cold. but how many days? the been lot of how much space is that? how much they are pushing the idea that this was the most a month. this was a very key play when he gets the he is very key player within the archive, some brigades, thoughts where we all right now is like you said, there's no actual evidence for this. 300 days will prime minister benjamin netanyahu was incredibly unpopular today on 300 days. well, with the announcement of the hezbollah come on the i'm his male honey, i'm now, but how many days he is surging in popularity, polls. so this is a real calculation for, it means it doesn't have to talk about ceasefire anymore. he doesn't have to talk about what's going on and goes, he's hoping that these announcements from this announcement in particular,
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will qual, those criticisms, but he's had. so this is all about the political reaction to this. it will my stuff and mass. so when he was killed, it will, it is confirmed, a body can cause harm brigades will match as is the timing of the announcement. so often the 3 a 2 people getting killed as mount honey out. and as the look of on the, on the day 300, this was him saying we are in control of this will. okay, run, thank you so much. well, we'll talk about all the best with uses and a bought adult who is a retired circus colonel. he's also a security analyst, he's joining us from anchor a welcome to the alger 0 news our there's lots to talk about. but 1st on this point of, i'm a day from this announcement to by the is really, is, is the timing of this announcement significant? do you think if indeed, well, how about this has been killed? yeah, just a minute the yahoo of getting gets strategic of the feet on the gaza is continues
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to trying to snape all the cheat to yours, which is showing get resistance. not only inside goes out, but also the outside of the goal. is that for that reason such stipulations timing is very crucial. um, the timing is very important for the to me to do the site if you thought any, uh, stopping it, trying to chill the leaders up. there is no spot as far as, uh, all these issues are taking this icon. say that what the site is doing, actually creating the rest of those not the existing drying crating. each one is tried is leading forgets reasons, such kind of assess nations. mean not how just trying to get the peas. you know, the get the piece, but the things that should be done is very clear. the 2 state solution is that most, but they never one of the, some about such kind of advice as because it's them,
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nathaniel, who got the green light from the united states congress. ultimately. what is your assessments as to how the next few days are going to play out? because it just this week alone, we've seen a 2 assassinations. assign honey yet. and to hold on. and on. 5 chicken invaded with a now iran is vowing to avenge the death of him a year. so what sort of response are we likely to see from iran and what does the calculation that iran is making? in his response? from my point until perspective, the only golf nathaniel got little move to pull the wrong to do conflict about as far as i can say, i can see what's going on inside the wrong. you're on the not a target you site directly instead of it, it will use it as the basis the groups especially you know, side level and i'm insight. busy yeah, man for this reason, i do love to think that he saw you be able to take your arms info the complex song,
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but just for no one can make comments. a 100 percent. sure. so i have no idea of what's going on happen clearly, but from my point of perspective, in those uh days we just call me days, let's say in 5 or 6 days we'd be very crucial. especially to, to operate inside thought wrong. we'd be very important this friday, but from my point, the perspective, as i said e wrong be an answer to all those conflict and did all those efforts, nations not directly from, from about, from the resistance groups. i can't say. yeah. and as you speak to us, we're playing the live picture from a roots. we're currently the funeral for our code is a, is underway. and we do expect the secretary general uh office has been left us on the sort. i'm not to be speaking in the next hour or so. i will wait to hear what it, what he may say about any potential retaliation. but, but as
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a security analysts are, when you look attorney is killing into her on how much is it as being seen as a security failure by iran, security, unintelligence services and, and, and embarrassment for iran that this happened on their soil under watch. i dont know that this is a very few charleston and for the year on scrat did it too because that is a clear message that the wrong cannot protect even the resistance, legal review side, back from net at all. be able to let that on. should you even, he's been kept at the law of protecting the risk of new doors inside the home. that is a huge deficit. inside that you are entitled jewels on a of the found system. a couple of you are single, the meanest at all intelligence. i mean, you know, see of you wrong, government clearly stated that you're honest in kind of just group has
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a gauge which lots of leakage which is coming from most up and see i have for that reason model. the ronnie leaders are fav bounce, that you that has been said by the president of entitled general. so i'm used to dropping data. just use the 3 of your single and foot far be have witnessed that including cost, some should a money including some engineers resorting for the nuclear power plant. you're prospect to live on model to that. iraq was not able to protect you was the most important critical treat people so palm us inside the problem for that's what isn't . that is a huge incorruptibility for here on your arm, you tried to reason for heat, not direct assault. how does it restore by using the game? yeah. okay, we'll have to leave it there. thank you very much for joining us from cra. so,
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what i'll do is there a stance of helps all the dirty realities to condemn israel's assassination of his . now, you know who, i mean every feed they were killed in a targeted is really drones strike in northern gauze on wednesday i'll to 0 has condemned the assassination saying it's part of a systematic is really campaign against the networks. journalists and their families, journalist and gaza. also stood in tribute and the journey, assuming i'll stop, i am standing with my fellow journalists in solidarity ends. tribute to its male. i'll go and romeo re fi. they insist on continuing the coverage despite the difficulty. and the continuous targeting of journalists who smile would always talk to us about his family, and how much he misses his wife and his daughter, whom he hadn't seen since the start of the can i have a good, well 15 palestinian prisoners have been released after being held by the is really is they arrive, this is ok. so hospital in the central gaza strip. they were freed at
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a military check points, east of date. and by now, last week the is really are me released 11 palestinian prisoners, many spoke of abuse and torture, wild detains. i don't have one on my list come up. so they took us from korean. she long crossing with the blindfolded and transferred us to a building for 12 days and its beating cumulation and severe torture with the tricity. they put this in the puddles of water. they made us sit in a certain way for long hours without the bombing as to change the position. we were not allowed to talk. if someone spoke, they would bring dogs to terrorize him by his hands and feet and beat him. i've done everything, but i do, i'm not to find out what was it listed as a colored one hospital? i said 8 months can visit any prison 1st. they put me in the of a prison. then that was taken to the gift prison, where i spent 51 days on the worst, 51 days of my entire life. they forced me to stay on my meals for 51 days. i was only allowed to sleep for 4 hours every day from midnight until 4 in the morning of
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the police, a fire tear gas to break up for testers on the 1st day of nationwide demonstrations . and nigeria that happens in the capital, a boucher, as thousands of people rallied against a range of economic, judicial and political reform. 10 days of protests or, and security has been based off around the country. and there are fear is a repeat of the violence that happened during protest against police brutality, 4 years ago. fidelis in bonds joining us right now from a booster. tell us what's happening, where you are. the problem. fidelis, can you hear me? fidelis, are you with us? can you hear me? is all right,
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apologies. there are some audio issues with fidelis who's meant to be joining us from a boost out to tell us what's going on there. but we have our other correspondence from a degrees who's joining us now from link us to tell us what you're seeing as much and legal so, and how big the protests there are hundreds of support us to fill the space of lagos, just by police objection to them having street riley's implants, they were confined to pretty spaces, which they of course refused to abide by. they walked the streets of legal so we walked with them. 70 kilometers for me to adjust to this particular place. and so this is why they would gather on my right is a plot why they want designated? oh it was no, it was big, isn't it? disconnected for them to be in, but they prefer to be on the road. this is a highway and they've looked into highway, the police are keeping that just as watching very closely. so while the process. yeah, i've been very, very peaceful. but officials now organizing some of these approaches to i may, goes, was saying that they were surprised by the number of people who turned up the uh,
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the uh, the practice. however, this is nowhere near what we sold the advance of the process about 4 years ago. to about 2021 southeast or tens of thousands of negatives trip to the states of the financial capital port, trusting onto police purchasing, i just was trying to make the most pression and that in the tragedy with many people are reportedly killed and homes and businesses looted across the make goals and the response of the country what, what are we hearing also in other parts of the country, informal statement northeastern not get away in the day. uh 16 people like to buy a boat suicide problem and one is broke up on demonstration using check guys that just 1st purchased us in the city of my degree and tunnel. we also are hearing about new thing of shops in the city and uh, some of the, some of the, some, some of the places like zone for us, the y riley is why goes for the numbers. uh, not quite as i'm not as big as what we're saying in our,
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the pots of i didn't like big goals. and so as far as what is the government is saying about this and, and particularly about the, the reforms that the protests are in demanding. what basically the most important point, or the most important demand of the protest, this is the uh, reading production of the or a subsidy. and i didn't. government says it's too expensive. it's raining or so has been for development. i mean, it's on sustainable by the protest. as the monday, but it has to be reinstated because the basis of the practice is the withdrawn of subsidy. they said when the government now so withdrawn of subsidies on petroleum products last year. the, you know, duration of president, when i'm, it's suitable. everything went up, the price of everything, went up from fuel, from uh, to, to food items, even electricity to tatters while i raised. they want that also to be the 1st that are serious of the minds about 17 or 19 of them. but they are looking for them to
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be off the streets. they want the government to address the critical ones. and the most important, of course, is the reinstatement of the to a subsidy that wasn't in the last year. they said, if dr is restored, then suddenly as well as the result, some of the problems that are being faced and i get it. okay, that's my, thank you for that report. if somebody goes, we'll bring in our other correspondence to nigeria, fidelis and bob, who's joining us from a boost fidelis. we understand that where you are, there has been tear gas fired at the protest or is what have you seen? yeah, previously um like about an hour ago i was up to the the ground where you have the government offices where you guys were, you know, fired it did that twice within 2 hours. but now i'm standing at a place called yeah, yeah. just on the outskirts of the buddha where police, how big clashing police and so that's how big one, somebody protested. and this thing is they've been trying to push them back to the
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fact where we're funding. we'd like to know where they set up on fire. so if you check in the background, you can see the smoke coming out from some of the fire as the said, and then the vehicles that have been driving past, you have some of them i put up with our leads fonda. we're screen as a sign of best support to the professor. so we can go beyond this point because it's a catch. he has advised that he should be on this point because it's the getting heated down there. and the classes are still going on for they're going be good to people are saying that the things will be brought under control in a few hours. and that's a nothing to worry. and the distance i beginning to walk around vehicles are beginning to move out slowly. what if you i was it before now? it was really times with the when she filed by so yes, we are deployed to maintain peace and order these bassinet. okay, thank you very much for 1000 bucks. thank you for that update to the sudanese army . so is that the commander has survived an assassination attempt at
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a military base in the east of the $4000.00 foot of hon was reportedly targeted by drone. the army blames its rivals the rapids support forces, but the parent military group has denied responsibility. alex gets off the list has more. these are the moments a witness. they wouldn't come because the drones attacked a crowd of dignitaries at a military base in eastern sit on both the o me says was an attempt to assess the needs of 2 foot to oklahoma. the general escaped on the home, but 7 people were killed and injured the graduation ceremony and she paid off the goods. he was defiant and cheered on by his offices. he believed the rep, it's a hope for us is for the attack to come. and we have to put an end to those rebels who terrorized the student needs everywhere. we salute you and through you we send our message to our people everywhere that we will not retreat. we will not surrender. and we will not negotiate with any party, no matter who it is on the statement back track. so many a commitment made to join,
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seize, find a solution to switzerland late to this month. the rapids support forces had also agreed to participate in the discussions hosted by the us, the saudi arabia, the group, the noise responsibility for the drone strike. now these piece talks appear in doubt to see uncompromising message comes at a time when the fighting has intensified. we've got move, forces losing control of several important cities and the capital of noise and the full of fashion on the seeds by the power medical group. on the hold i'd be doing up the country is going through a major situation and you're seeing it's repercussions now. the, it's a situation which requires all of us to unite people to be strong and to carry are done because there was no solution for this country. except with a gun, people and 2 sides have been battling for control for nearly 16 months. in a conflict is killed thousands and created what the un says is the world's worst
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displacement crisis. unexcused helpless, ultra 0. donald trump has questioned the racial identity if us presidential hopeful carmella harris. he was speaking at an event hosted by black journalists and chicago were moderators, fact checked him. philip l reports. he normally loves the cameras, but this was an uncomfortable set thing for donald trump. well, 1st of all, i don't think i've ever been asked that question. so in such a horrible manner, not a rally, not a debates. this was a grilling by black journalists in chicago. it invited him to that annual event. i loved the black population of this country. i've done so much for the black population of this country. the fuel raising protest, as you felt he shouldn't be here for giving the full. but i'm maybe future president, a chance to address an audience whose votes he needs immediately. he was on the
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attack against is likely opponent, questioning, have race. i didn't know she was black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black. and now she wants to be known as black. so i don't know, is she indian or she black? camel of hers wasn't the events. she said she couldn't make it work with his schedule since becoming the presumptive democratic presidential nominee. but she did give a response of thoughts while campaigning in texas, and it was the same old show the divisiveness and the disrespect. leaving her allies like a potential running mates, arizona, sent as a mark kelley to go on the attack instead. well, i think those are the comments of a desperate, scared old man who is uh, over the last week, especially as been you know, have it is but kicked in by a experience prosecutor. and i think it's worth speaking of running mates trumps number 2, j. d. vance was also income pay most all week he's be don't buy scandals over the
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past comments, but he too was on the attack. scala harris is a phony to caterers to whatever audience is in front of her. and a lot of us, his boss back in chicago was aust events was ready to run the country from day one . a trump cons. you're voting for the president and you can have a vice president is outstanding in every way. and i think j d is i think that all of them would have been but, but you're not voting that way. you're voting for the present. you're voting for me by guy. you sense donald trump was back. hey, this conference i've been speaking to a during crowds and laying out his vision of a 2nd time a rally in pennsylvania. the attacks are getting shot, but by the day, against the know many who isn't even officially a know many yet fill of l algebra. washington well, after a few shumate days in the gulf, there is some relief on the way. here's jeff with a check of the weather. hello there. the winds are starting to turn around,
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so that means that humidity is going down. up and down the golf. good to see you. so here's a forecast on friday, but as a result of these wins, we've seen that sound and that spin up. so let's go in for a closer look. we're talking coates. buffering and cats are wind gusts in the zone range anywhere from about 50 to 60 kilometers per hour. but again, that's going to stop at the humidity so they'll add $45.00 degrees. central laser. ok, so touch cooler here are some showers working across. so that's dropped down temperatures and curtis fonts. capital bish kicked to 37 degrees on friday and some big monsoon downpours really up and down, buckets done on friday. mostly in the clear for turkey. i just some showers draped over the ne black sea coast here. and to africa, pico, quite the quite sure of storms really working their way across. central and southern areas of new share on friday and then some rounds of rain here around the ivory coast and liberia, for example, to central africa. it's our usual showers and storms working across this area.
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there has been some flooding in sudan and you've gone to still some more. what weather for kampala on friday and to the south. we go. it's a warm breeze for my put to 28 degrees for you on friday. so yeah, here's this coming up on the algebra news hour. i'm feeling very charles the, i'll bring you the latest on certain prototypes and political on draft environment that and coming up and support. we'll look at how free on shoot technology could help athletes go foster at the paris olympics. the pod hits him in to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that the new thing you have on his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking. odd cents that you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way that's our facing. we allergies. you're running
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mates. what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential, could we do it or something we can uptake the effective use of the present as not any important effective? he had the story on talk to houses in a 150. is it gyptian history? seen through an extraordinary photographic archives, a jeremy through the golden age of music and cinema. when legendary, our voices and famous actors stole the hearts of millions captured by photographers who lived himself, the emotions of the country's biggest star, egypt through the land stage and street on al jazeera. so the, [000:00:00;00]
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the here with the new solver on al jazeera. here's a reminder up the top stories this hour. the funeral of crisp on this top commander for actual code is being held in loving on. sure code was killed and, and is really are striking. the capital of a roots is real. accuse him of planning and attacking the occupied goal on heights which kill 12 people on saturday. has the nice this is where the army says it can now confirm it's killed. the commander of homos as military wing it sizeable. some of these died in an attack in the fun eunice area of southern gauze out 3 weeks ago . how my says if tom's confirmed the reports as this is a matter for the assembly gave leadership on the ground in gaza. on the funeral, a pharmacist political leader assign honey, yet has been taking place in check. ron iran, supreme leader? i a tell on if i'm in a less the prayers and speaking a speaker after speaker say,
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honey is death will not be in vain. the your secretary of state and to me blinking has called for the escalation in the region to have a enter the conflict and in gaza to produce com and the north between israel and loving on to and then to work on broader monitoring peace and security. but, you know, starts with a ceasefire and to get there. and also 1st requires ad parties to talk to stop taking any escalade to reactions. it also requires them to find reasons to come to me not to look for reasons to delay or say no to the room. okay. she have returned to joining us now from washington dc. so earlier in the week she had the, the white house that said the fear is a final lot, we're in the middle east were exaggerated, but that was on monday. and since then there been 2 assassinations in the region.
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how's the thing going changed since then and, and how is the us viewing? of these developments the administration says that or opinion hasn't changed, but you can tell there is a great deal of concern. we know there's an intense diplomacy on the way we so tiny blinking, making various phone calls breton a. got some at least gold major for the white house within the region anyway in saudi arabia. we understand he's in egypt, we know that b, u and other european countries have been interested in trying to plead with around knots to retire that we know how this works. israel escalates then runs behind us for us, then pleads with around through it's, i'm just lock, it has not to rich have a to be the adult in the room. if you look at on what that this is what nathan yahoo ones. but i think there's a little bit more concerned this time because there are other allies of iran, involves potentially so that even if there is some carefully choreographed, responsible, around as i was last time in april,
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they may be all the variables of us isn't, isn't really aware of what we know there is consent as a lot of effort now going in to try and convince around not to to do what you know if, if it says it has the right to do, given the also flowers think of international buyers rep. ok. thank you so much. you have uh for that update from washington dc. we can now speak to a non klein who is a professor of political science at the bar line university. joining us live from western, russo and thanks for your time up. so the is really government spokesperson said earlier today, the israel will exact a very high price for aggression from any quarter thoughts for public consumption. but behind the scenes, what's going on right now, and is israel and the united states states of speaking to allies in the region, trying to lower the tension. it seems that the international community
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puts pressure on the wrong to contain the conflict and not the leading towards the breakout of a total rate at region war. but that is why it is not interested in a ceasefire. is right of is interest to own in ongoing conflict to the gaza. and this implies also to is routers conflict with his bottom to the kids to come down the region. and this is ruby, his butler, a fraud. he's by children ceasefire in god's a, not a a good, good, good, broad ceasefire. but it permanence is for you. it may be agreed to achieve the permanence as fire in stages. but this is a gasp, is really, which is where the government is directed by an i'm achievable,
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goal to, to destroy, totally come us. this is impossible, i'm achievable, period. but please really the, the shape confused as to what to accept. so what would have been the is really calculus and what's, what sort of the strategic objective behind assassinating is $900.00 a year into her run out of all places. and also of course, we saw the a task that took place and beta was coming up as the leader there in, in da here earlier this week. what's israel's calculus here? is really sold. first of all, it is all peroration, i think, and no strategic thinking that that's a very typical is riley approach. for many years. second is room has no leave to go. have strategy, no policies rollers operational policy. second is one dreams,
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that by assessing a thing, senior home us, the commanders and different political leaders, then the movement where they break into pieces. this isn't illusion. it did not work in the past. it was, it does not work though it was not the work in the future. it also does not work with the yellow is right. so i see later that i'll put you out such as we all remember and it did not work. so the way i had to count down the region is by political agreement with the representatives of the senior people when they choose to send to sit in the negotiation type of money people that's we have spoken to at least one i'll just say or say that's it's not a matter of if, but it's a, it's not a, it's a that radians, pardon me,
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will respond to the is really assassination office $900.00 a year in toronto. so what store is real? must be on, on high alert in anticipation of that. what is the mood like right now where you are and what sort of preparations are being made? i yeah, you're good to read your right is right. these list, you know, after the assess, the nation's been held here is one fears. this one is a freight is right because these are the concepts half of the country, the nose are both of these one is no flying. so the manufacturers in these are the north that the low use, a gas. let's say ammonia is to produce food where all the gross down it's the country is very, the more days. okay we,
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we are afraid to get a severe retaliation from 0. that, that's the mood. this is the context of statements that is really coming up ministers, prime minister, minister of defense. they write statements and moving to the peer. iran has been 900 miles from retaliation, but it shows that these are, these are afraid of course, that is what it is, much less secure after the finish and then l e r. all right, thank you so much man. awesome, cool. and thanks for joining us. from western rest of them. thank you for bringing us some breaking news out of anchor on turkish officials are saying that the largest swap of prisoners since the 2nd world war is underway right now. so russia is releasing american journalists, human rights activists, a former marine,
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as well as political figures on the plane has landed in ankara. there it is. that's reported lee with several of those expect it to be released on their own boards that plan in ankara. that's just lenses last spring and sort of cost of, of glue. she's an assemble. so system, where do i have your sources been telling you about maybe who's on that plane and what's going on right now? a welder in this is one of the most expensive prisoners swaps ever. and today, as the prisoner swap is underway in the turkish capital, on cut out, i learned that there are $24.00 adults and 2 children among the prisoners from both sides in total. there are 26 prisoners being exchanged right now in the turkish capital on colorado. this is what we learned from our security sources in on colorado. uh and uh, as far as we know, this is the most. this is the largest prisoner swap since the world war 2 between
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the united states and russia. and to kish intelligence was able to maybe 8 between both sides upon the request a turkish intel chip. a brought him coming after the request from both sides. so you have to coordinate with the uh, with his counterparts and uh, delegate those as to kit has recently proven itself as a strong mediator in prisoners swabs. and before a true kid, when the how confidant current for administer was the chief of the intelligence to care, maybe a to between the russia and ukraine for the prisoners swap. and then before a to k, again, media to between the united states and russia and how talks about nuclear programs . again, it's had the mitigation rule, that's why probably it seems both sides have the trust on the turkish intelligence to be able to maybe 8 a, negotiate the still and write down. as i said, in total,
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$26.00 people, 2 of them are, children are being swapped. in on cut off. okay, thank you so much. and i'm thanks for that update from turkey year last spring, and julia, shep of all of us joining us now from las go on the story so you'll hear. what more can you tell us? so basically we do understand that a russia is hunting of journalist evan gosh, coverage an ex marine poll whelan to the us as part of that prison the exchange. so basically it wants to spend the both americans without having to destinations outside of russia. that's official, actually we come to verify that they are on the plane. 5 which just landed in on corrupt but signs of a major prison exchange between russia and bella roost on one side and the united states, germany slovenia. uh no way. and the person on the other actually began to paring a couple of days ago as a number of russian disciplines and acts of as stuff disappearing from the prism
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cells. so if this exchange does indeed take place, it's going to be the largest since the end of the cold war as us and them just mentioned in russia's modern history as well. and it's launch and excited that russia makes strange about 20 to 30 people. well, best list is probably it's, it's been published by the inside a so russia is a hunting, but it's releasing 16 people and age people are being exchanged from the western side. so many believe actually the people who was facing and chose hain, russia, that criminal cases here have been fabricated. so i've been, gosh, coverage correspondence for the wall street journal and pull even a former us marine, or convicted in russian espionage chargers. each of them received 6 yes. in prison gosh, cover to receive his present time. just recently, about 2 weeks ago while women was convicted back in 2220 a la bella. ruth, a been the russian present look of shun co pod and
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a german national who had been sentenced to death for treason in belarus. and as i said earlier this week, several russian opposition activists and to one human rights activist have very, very famous and popular here. a people associated with alex in the volume. these organizations were removed from the is and taken time, disclosed positions at a later on to the end, at least half a dozen of russian western government affiliated plate, plains were single tenuously taken to the, at traveling to turkey and other places. and 2 of those at croft flute on korea and us apples playing from nature has run shine and base and trim. many was also having that right now. so russia, it seems keen to smoke some of those prisoners with a f as b o for so that didn't cross the co pays and present in germany for the assassination of a chechen filled come on to in the lane and several other russian nationals held in the us and other countries. ok, we'll close the follow this developing story and,
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and come back through the later you'll, you'll thank you for the time being a student protests or is a return to the streets of bangladesh. thousands were injured as police fire tearing gas to disperse the crowds. unlimited curfew is still in place and nighttime crackdowns continue. time your child's re reports from doctor on wednesday, most student protest interrupted across bangladesh. just as access to social media was restored. after being shut down for nearly a week, scores of video clips and photos on the surface thing documenting what students and others have experience. in the past 2 weeks, at least 16 children were killed and many of those injured during the violence. on july 19 certificates, i mean an 11 year old boy was killed by
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a stray bullet in his home. in maple my son used to study here at this table. my younger brother smo to gas and heard a loud noise from outside. he came to shut the window. i'm right behind him, said my son, who was trying to look outside. then all of a sudden a bullet came through the window, passed through my brother's shoulder and hit my son in the right guy. on july 16, a university student, i would say it was shot at close range, but at least he has since become a symbol of a student. protests and students are far from over be that say, do you want justice and accountability for those who involved in recent killings. those who have instigated despite them including the prime minister and the ministers involved in ordering. these killings, we want all of them to resign. the capital city and advanced um, but very tense and as a ongoing credit done by the law enforcement agencies. the sooner not sticking to that point site until i left the key demands. i'm mad. no frontier need that
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project. the united nations and the european union said there is credible evidence of the human rights violations and the use of excessive force by the security forces. we have asked for the government both in dhaka and in new york to look into this and to investigate because it's obviously very concerning. atara independent and partial and transparent investigation of everything that has happened over the last days as x rays to by the high commissioner band with a band with dishes, home ministers, a security forces. i've shown restrain, but we're forced to open fire to defend government buildings. wide spreads, protest may appear to be over for now, but the anger behind them remains and people are demanding accountability for all that has happened. tons with children. oh, just data doc. so here's what's coming up on the news, our 2 more goals,
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metals for the home health favorite at the parents of intake stuff coming up with you on this for
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the the, the, the okay, let's get the latest when dealing picks now which i'm a thank you 3, and then people says have defended the decision to allow a female book. so to compete in paris despite to failing a gen the eligibility test last year out there is a man can be fun hastening beth against autonomy and opponents. angela carina, he quits off to 46 seconds into the suspects of breaking news. reading says it was not a political statement and have new problem fights increase was brought in competing
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of the world championships in 2023 due to a legit elevated levels of the test of 3 i'll do is to have condemned when it cools lies on the on ethical targeting of is that please? well bring you the latest comments from the i c and also the gmc yes that's events have to got in paris on his equitable set of pricing. that 1st metal of the games brand and taught a pulled away in the final chromosomes take gold in the mens of 20 k race will get to the foot of the ice and tower is his 1st major victory after taking silver on the wall championships last year. china is young's, i you one the one is right to know that of no doubts about the stars. these games i saw at last last shaw says he enjoyed every movement, another historic noise. we saw him back up to more gold medals in front of the home crowd of 150200 plus 1200 meters specify the seeing the world record holder and defending champion interest of you then jumped back in 2 hours late so as to what needs you wanted me to frustrate. no one is previously one face to face races.
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emotional one them face in a limited reco time is the 1st semester when 2 individual goals in 19 to the games . this is 1976. marshall now has 3 goals, a roof put on his victory, and the 400 individual medley, just finished those races. maybe you know, the women. i never knew that. so that's why it was swimming today. i was trying to get that surprise for me. and i also have had 2 hours between them, way, way more difficult, i think in gainesville with a season. so i was really happy to do that and i enjoyed like every moment of it. so it was cool. american k t does acu retained to 1500 mesa free solid ground with a live tape record. she now has 8 gold medals and as the 1st female semester, when sizes at 4 different games with more races to come, she could end up leaving paris of the most successful female. and then as the,
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i don't feel like i'm close to being finished and the sport. yeah. i'd love to continue on and just seeing the kind of support that the french athletes are getting here. i think all the us athletes are um, you know, thinking about how cool that could be in, in los angeles, having the home crowd to add the so the fest wells record in the pull at these games. the china is a 19 year old. depends on the lease, as it has that is fine. and the $100.00 me to free self is assessed assuming go full china. his team is being heavily scrutinized into the much $23.00 of that. so this, we're allowed to compete to take care of them fix despite testing positive for a bad the substance time. it was not one of them to senior i'm with years or just last year i was tested 29 times and never had a positive one. you've been 21 test since may this year and never had the positive . i had my 2nd test haven paris and i look forward to the results. while those i need be in that one that well, the record in the swimming electric fans will hate to foster times in the athletics
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. and as for waste reports from fire, as a new spray on shoes, technology could help speed things up. spray on the shoes, the latest advance in running technology companies are now using robots to create a mold within those places. in just 3 minutes. the lightweight friction was designed to make a big difference over a 40 to columbus american. it's aaron and then click straight. it's a shell, it's like a, you know, a car there's, there's nothing that will get into the wind full. and if you think about, if you're running a marathon in 2 hours and 2 minutes and how fast your foot moves through the air, the devil will become a factor of the super she race has been big business since the arrival of nike vapor flies in 2016, the model that propelled elliot keep charging to an unofficial sub, to our american. and the last 4 years when is wearing the carbon fiber plate, technology are broken, all right,
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and out to attract the world records and distances from 5000 meters to the merits in 2 hours when the olympic models and run this take to the streets of powers a handful of them will be wearing the new spray on trainers. the tools that companies spiked version for track athletes. a far cry from all competitors were a 100 years ago when the games will last held in the city. another thing to have changed since 1924 is the truck itself. 100 years ago in the cycled chariots of fire games, the likes of how old april holmes and direct little enjoyed success on a surface made from send. the truck for these games is made from 2 layers of rubber with manufacturers, claiming its even faster than the surface they might. for the last olympics we think we have been able to reduce the energy loss in the athletic movement.
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and so i, i think that the athletes, we'd find that these could, i could be more reactive. so it's been just one world record in the swimming events in paris. many belief that stands the pool being show it where the normal creating more waves and resistance puts super shoes at the spring. a truck should deliver at most speed in the athletics. pull race out, is there a virus? a roughly on his out waving a file out to the crowd and what might possibly being his last ever appearance. on a quote why he's one full team franchise and titles, the island call us. i'm across on the down carouse since i have to come night at the southern pix lost it, as i was supposed to find out to the american pat austin project. and reggie ran straight set it out, says he will now take some time to decide whether he will play the us open. we stopped to the end of the month. that was a freak accidents. a kind of this felix don't see in the mens all around gymnastics final. one of his gods snap some cell from the homes on football. it's got another guy. i splitting its malfunction. fine. ok down to the why i was depends shingles,
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k o to putting it a solid performance on the last rotation to clean on see the lease or the try. this is done by hand. could stop him being crowned champion. he thought he'd done enough, but he came up joshua and have to settle the silva. i wouldn't go and cause this to be mazda, is to find the last name for zillow, said, because he's old time leading, go score, and he's retiring from international foot velocity game. with central in this final group match against spain present loss to nail the citizens is one of the best place teams. lots of could spend appear again, it's for sale, reach the 7 that is what you'll support for me, but pizza will be back with more from the olympics. so that's a bit late. so all right, very much. thank you so much, and thanks for watching the news. our on officer will take a short break and we'll be back in just a moment with much more of the days. news on all the say the sped lines out of casa a roots and tank wrong. thanks. for watching
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the a good showcase of the best documentary film, straight across the network on algae 0. the states can even come in as an international inside corruption excellence award.
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nominator hero now was a journey through every story. every step is a separation of what we can choose when to reach the welcome to simmons and exclude does that a little redesigns luxury losing trusting l. a future. today we create once the capital of the combat empire, the serene, ancient city of encore and present a cambodia is it protected unesco world heritage site. but as its temples, the lakes and irrigation canals are being preserved, many of its inhabitants are being relocated. people in power investigates the alleged forest evictions of thousands of families. the bottom for the soul of anchored box part 2 on a jersey,
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the flight carrying prisoners for what's called the largest swap in decades is just landed in turkey. the, you're watching all to 0 life or my headquarters in delphi and jerry, you navigate also ahead of the funeral is underway for the top of the commander for odd shocker. he was killed in lebanon's capital. buying is really or strike on


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