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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 2, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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that has been done before trying to be done, even as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the the funeral of the most politically to is mouth. honey, is it to take place in the house amount of the most in the coming hours? he was killed in an explosion into ron on wednesday. a mouse and a ron has both said they will be consequences for the assassination. the content mccrae, this is ellen. just here in line from how we begin with the funeral for him, us political leda is miles honey, a in comp time just to dies off to his assassination of final service. and prayer
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is due to get underway in the coming hours and motors have sounded to arrive at the amount of the while have most skins. uh huh. representatives from across the middle east and the white origin expected to attend. i mean, it was assessing nice it into ron on wednesday. i'll just say it was russell. so to joins us now from the funeral at the most, which is being held here in the midst. so can you just talk us through exactly what is going to happen over the next few hours there? well the funeral pay year off the how am i supposed to go? the chief was this estimate that this might have here is going to take place shortly in mohammed been up and we'll have mosque right behind me. this is the central mosque in, in the high and is one of the most historic one source is the more it looks like we're just having some technical difficulties hearing it from russell
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sort of there. but we will come back to him later in the program. and we're going to get some oh, it seems like we have got rental so the bank will get back to you. right. so can you just uh, pick up where you left off the steel people are keeping them arriving here. the temperatures are sorting. so particularly when you are getting close to the pay of time, now actually the pay record is on more and more people out of common. so there are heavy security does high security measures the most have media is not allowed to get in. the people are being searched, the phones are not allowed to be in because that are going to be thousands and thousands of the state dignitary use their why surprises as the pro prime ministers did, the for the ministers that had over the port a potties across the world, but particularly from these on the core of them, it's not only just that that are going to be thousands of the representatives off the the and g o s as well. so once the funeral does, the funeral said, i'm going to take place here in the funeral, pray or take place here that his body is going to be the school that's going to be
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taken to the cemetery in lieu sale. and that is an official cemetery where the founder off got out also is buried, that he's going to be buried there. but most of the guests are still going to stay in the house for the next couple of days. and thank you so much, russell russell. so to, for us the, uh, at the funeral service. uh and the, uh, we will talk to you throughout the day. okay, well, let's get some reaction from on the ground and garza honey. most mood isn't to all paula for us and cisco per day of raging cancer. today in response to the assassination. can you just give us an idea of the moods there is the funeral is about to begin. of the time people are already in rage for the past 10 months with no signs of of slowing down these that relentless attacks in the, across the gulf coast or just within the past half an hour. and really the more air attacks in eastern part of time you and it's 4 people have been already killed.
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this is the added outrage that has been happening on every single day for the past 10 months. and 300 these, the continued killing of devastation has caused, not only the outrage across the gods 3, but the mass displays bins. they dislike a logical a trauma. these really military with its intense bombing campaign and the very aggressive evacuation order, math displacement of entire cities, entire residential areas in the northern part in gaza. city unimed, hon units and more reason in the, in the eastern part of finance because of the recurrent incursions of these area has inflected the psychological damage. that is a quite a repairable right. now we have cases of individuals who lost their entire families, the 3 generations and one family just gone live entire, whole families have been wiped off the civil registry. it is the gaza. it's not going to be the same when the dust settles down. there's so many damage that is
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caused at all levels from the cycle, logical level, the social and economic level, and that is likely to affect golf and in the coming generation going on. how the progress is, how the progress, the socially economically let alone, intellectually, it's not only we, we have entire health care system really critical, completely with no health, not no functioning health facilities, but we also have education institutions. the 1000 over students are not going to be able back to go back to schools and that those who are interested and, and like to see their children educated deal, we have this opportunities to send their kids back to uh, the schools. and imagine the a context would vary with where there's no education for children to go back into their school, do it to be with their classmates and to, to learn on the rest of the part of the, the, the, uh, the vehicle of moving at the society at forward all of this has been causing the
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outrage. and on top of that, this is deliberate assassination of political leader, the man, honey, of the head of the political bureau of homage. just shattered any remaining holds here that there is going to be a see is fire deed or an agreement or a swap deal. indeed in the horizon, he's a leading figure in the negotiations and buy it with the israel, killing the leading noble shooter in this whole process. just put many ops that goes to or put any, uh, remove any, hold the from that is going to happen any time soon. so its not only the outdated but also with this sense of depression and despair. there's been a growing ever since this genocide award started. and through that in your, in just be the, this all continues to rises is ro, continues. it strikes on the kansas trip. i understand 15 people have been killed. the strike on a school and one of the most recent attacks you have more information about that
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for us. well, these really military with it's eric capability is that'd be arsenal. that has been used, your keep keeps due to cause further civilian casualties. and right now what we're seeing is more of the define. i'll knock out punch here across the got. so people are killed inside they vanquish instance are the d. we're evacuated to honor one public schools here and other facility they've been divorced for the 1000 of, of display families to shoulder. and it's because it's not safe out. industries is not saving the designated and they've done that. there's really military keeps the rankings just about the, the are safe. we've seen people dying inside these evacuation as zones, but a school that was targeted yesterday and not the 1st time we're seeing education facilities turn into evacuation centers being deliberately targeted just last week here and there, velocity, half, and half of kilometer from where we're reporting it from a school was destroyed completely and the desk stalled. was it close to 31 people
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killed in in the multiple air strikes the targeted the entire facility. then here was the 15 people so far as pronounced killed inside this facility. paramedics civil defense, the crew operate in the most difficult conditions right now in jobs i got is a, has turned into a waste land. it's hard to move around on, on the road just it's a turn into more of a really amazing russel's. and by the time you get to the bottom side, not only it's dangerous because there are drones, the targeting, moving objects, but also takes time with the lack of what's been done, machinery and tools, a civil defense, cru, paramedics, find it difficult and expect the default to rise because it's hard to remove these bodies and rushed them to the hospital. thank you so much as it was for bringing us up to date with exactly what it is like the conditions on the ground to inside guns a this honey mike meant for us and i'll follow. well no, i joins us now from,
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from iowa and the occupied with bank and to know you weren't going to win honey. it was there. can you give us some idea of exactly what he re presented to him, us and to some of the highlights of his political career or honey in many ways represents the dynamic nature of how mouse, which is a, an organic social movement and political movement. not just a movement that has a military when he was active in the us move months. he was active in the sports club of shop that refuge account, or he grew up and, and continued to live until he left the besieged enclave. and so he had direct relations with the people his clothes, most of the founder of him, us a shift some of the a c and also gave him prominence. and he, he basically rose front and center when he left him us to the landslide victory and logistics of if elections and became the prime minister of the palestinian
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government to successive governments in fact. and so despite the palestinians, but despite those differences, as might have, he has his place, not just in the have mouse movement, but in the palestinian political system at large. and know, we understand that a high level of delegation from fall to is going to be taking part in his funeral here. and how can you just explain the significance of that? absolutely. uh, the 2 senior of the house, the shows will be attending the funeral procession, including number 2 in the movement. the more that i knew it, and this is an indication of the kind of positions the old factions have adopted in response to this political assess the assassination. not a single palestinian party or faction has been spared from israel's long standing policy of political assassinations including fuck the hand. so setting aside those political differences is the only acceptable position palestinians will tolerate
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from their leaders. and this is why you see further investigation and delegation from all other factions attending the funeral. having said that, the optics of palestinian anger over the assassination is not as a visible in the west bank. and that, that has to do with the movement restrictions in the occupied westbank over 500 is really check points, fragment thing, the territory and making movement very difficult, but also the fact that is roles policy, especially since the beginning of this war on gaza has been to pursue palestinians to detain them in large numbers, and to punish them for expressing any sentiments of empathy with fellow palestinians online. so we've seen jermel as an ordinary palestinians, detained without charge or trial, just for expressing sympathy or empathy with fellow palestinians during this war. and that's probably what explain what would explain why you don't see large scale
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demonstrations in the occupied westbank top. and we'll just briefly what, what this is assess nice and actually made for him us as an organization where it does its future go from here. a well, tom, how much as he used to the assassination of many of his leaders, most of its founder, funding members have been assassinated. but this particular killing comes at a very delicate time. there were ongoing negotiations for a ceasefire to stop this genocide of war. now the choice of how must makes of who will leave this movement next, who will assume the position of deputy because fall the hell out already smile, honey is deputy was assassinated early on in the war in an air strike on bays which these are tough choices and they will have a, a very important effect, not just don't cease fire talks, but also on the dynamics here in the west bank, where israel has used the fall of the war to take over land at the largest land drops since the beginning of the also of course happened during the past 10 months
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and large scale detentions, and, and large care, home demolition. so those choices will affect every palestinian no matter where they are. okay, thank you so much and was putting all of that into perspective for us as nora day in from all that and the pod westbank got with this go now to to us and your power who isn't around where his mouth honey. it was assessed and i said earlier in the way he can the dose of what is the alexis on the investigation into his coming there a well, there has been a special committee that's been form to that includes members from the country's intelligence forces as well as the revolutionary guard and the police force as we understand that they are just beginning the investigation into the assassination of his mail here. that was carried out in the capital on wednesday morning. now there are many questions that this committee will have to answer for now. we haven't had any specific updates about their investigation. all we know from officials, sir,
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is that the committee has been farmed and they have begun the process of carrying out their work. what is clear is that they're going to have to answer many top questions about what are the because intelligence and security failures in the countries recent history as well. any of course, was a guest of a rating and officials who attended the. now gratian ceremony also was asked to possess skill on, on tuesday, here in the countries parliament. so we're going to have very uh, very tough task ahead of them. and certainly very many questions about the slaps in security in the country. and to do so, the entire region is now on edge is concerns grow about her on how a run might actually respond. do we have any idea of how retaliation might look as well? the one thing we know, and it's what we've heard from a number of high ranking officials across the different bodies within their own is that is going to be very harsh response. now what that's going to look like is
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unclear. but the other point that has been made by the revolution regard specifically on other officials is that it is not going to be just the response by iran. of course, we expect around to respond to as well directly. but it's becoming more and more parents that they're going to have the so called resistance fronts, also assisting them in whatever type of attack they're going to carry out against israel. and the weight is, are going to look towards the flu season. you have been, as well as the popular mobilization forces in iraq and also hezbollah 11 on and forces as well in syria to a system in a unified joint response. i gaze as well. and we've also been hearing from the radiant action for minister volleyball for a who's been speaking to at least half a dozen of his counterparts in the region. he's been on the phone speaking to foreign ministers of saudi arabia, oman, egypt, russia, as well as cuts are reiterated around position and it runs right to respond to
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israel. so it's clear that we do expect a response in the coming days and what that is going to look like, according to officials here, is going to be a very harsh one. okay, thank you so much dos the dosage battery for us there and to run is always doing now by all just areas and run con, who is in the studio because normally we will talk to you when you are in the trial . but as we know else is there has been banned from uprising there. what does i think of it? what does this rel strategy here? we've seen a lot of action over the last 3 or 4 days. what are they actually trying to achieve? well, there's a 2 problem strategy here from the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he's always been very clear. this is about the destruction of a mass politically and militarily, that's hurley. that's what they doing. and garza politically with these assassinations that are taking place of senior. i'm as late as now. this has made him very popular. just a few days ago. he was languishing,
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he was even being criticized problem with in his own coalition. now he's seen as being a tough guy, the guy that isn't going to compromise, and that's his natural position. that's where he likes to position himself. so he's bought some time. but how much time we don't know because there's no one to negotiate. a c spy with get those captives back out. and that is the priority for a large chunk of is ready society. every single week we see about 120000 people out on the straits of tel aviv protesting against his rule. it used to be just about letting you know who now it's about bringing all of those captives, busy, huge voice here that is going to mobilize because it simply realizes that this is part of the talks. i'm just going to wait right now because there's no one to talk to you because you've killed them. as we heard from dosage of our that into ron,
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she was talking of a coordinated response to that, his assassination. obviously his block could be involved and that's the reason, given a mouse as well as around what is the feeling like inside as well when they, there is the real steroids, retaliation right now. what is what it is gearing up for a response? this is a nice lies. i know the know also the leave has been cancelled for soldiers. recruitment is, is being pushed for people in different sectors of society as well is ready. it doesn't know what this response is going to be, but the is a wild card here. now the wrong and response and hezbollah and the coordinators response that everybody seems to be talking about. that is one thing, but there is an active will on garza and the have mass fight is if they can get to the low range rockets and get them in. yeah. and get them landing intel of even in
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places like that. that is something that the israelis are really afraid or because as we've seen, that rocket defense systems can be overwhelmed. those rockets can make a lot of damage and is ready suburbs and is ready towels. and that's a well calm because yukon coordinate that you call and see where, where that is given come from. so i'm not, may, will come quicker. it's all about whether those have mass voices. so i'm going to have whatever get to those rockets. yeah. and obviously the consequences of repercussions of that would be ongoing. thank you so much. i'm on my account for us here. but ahead of his blog has promised to respond with and get and richard version of the end is really strong and living on k, one of its senior commanders, us on those for all i made the comments at the funeral of fun. shaka is where i ll accuse chunk of planning an attack and they want to buy golden hans, which kills 12 people on saturday. here's the noise that klein was then all the
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reports from favorites of the full ad soccer was hospitalized. most senior military official is ro killed him in a rear strike and they did southern suburbs in what was seen as a serious security breach. hezbollah, called tuesday nights, assassination. an aggressive, that's part of the sacrifice. as the group has been paying for its support of garza, but the leader has on us from the 2nd. the conflict has moved beyond that. hello, hello. hello. can you find elan? it happens a lot for looked at because you wouldn't cry along to me. i was to do, you don't know what the red lines you have crossed. you don't know what's kind of an aggression. you cut it out. and when you took this conflict, that is why you should know all the fonts have entered and you phase different from the past. a testable assess the assassination of sugar violated the unwritten rules of engagement between the group and the is really army. because it was an attack in
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baby route on a residential building and it killed civilians as well as promising what he's calling a real, not a symbolic response to having us uh say, a test on the sort of somebody when husband alida has done this, that talks about a rear response. what this means is that hezbollah could target military or political personalities, for example, or a group of soldiers, o commanders, or strategic facilities on israel claimed responsibility for shockers killing, but has remained silent on the assassination a day later in a run of how much political leader is my you, honey. almost 10 months since as relevant. god as hor on garza iran and his regional allies have been trying to strike a balance between putting military pressure on israel and avoiding an all out regional for the 2 assassinations in baby booth. and to run in just a matter of hours, have again brought the region to the brink as well says it doesn't want the full on
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war, but that it's ready for any scenario is really media reporting is really in american officials have been in discussions to prepare for a potential retaliation from iran and its allies. so all these going to code you may or each one when the seek revenge on its own. that is a question today is wrong, has expanded the power meters of the conflict. prime minister benjamin. nothing a who says he will not submit to calls for an end to the war on garza, but it has the law, which is part of the iranian lead. regional network says how much will not surrender in gaza, nor will the other support front. the trend appears to be towards escalation, so that they're elses the to be able to sign a holiday is long for us now in diverse interests. we who they are in your story necessarily as promising what he's calling a real and not a symbolic response. what exactly could that look like?
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the of the yes, a real, a strong, a well studied response. he did not give further details except that he said israel violated the rules of engagement on more than one level. which means that there could be more than one response to set that to the target, as well as the commander he is, their top military commander. in one way or another did not violate the rules of engagement because they have been focusing their attacks on military targets. but they killed him in a residential neighborhood in a building where civilian lives and civilians were killed. and they targeted babies because the ongoing conflict, the 10 months of conflict have been large. so you can find to the border area, you speak to those who are close to the group. and they say that the response could be an assassination. they could assassinate the military commander, a political personality. they took the could target a group of soldiers,
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they could target a strategic facility. so there are quite a lot of bank of target square has the law, but when has, well, it says well studied, that means they may be, you know, waiting for this high value target. so this may not happen really in the coming hours or even in the coming day. so the timing to is not clear, but what is clear is that no stronger did not declare all out or he did not declare war on his route. he said that there will be a response, it will be a strong response and it's up to is well, how they response to this retaliation to decide where this conflict is heading. hezbollah from the stars has been saying that this is the supports front, and they're not interested in the full on board. but at the same time, they say they are ready. so as well as still, you know, not declaring war but promising a very harsh and strong response is that, that you mentioned briefly the, the ongoing tensions across the border in the strong sense. and there's been more in the last 12 or 14 now as well. so what can you tell us about the lexis took the
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test a along that for the yes. how's the carrying out its 1st operation in 48 hours last night by firing dozens of rockets, northern israel. and it said that that was in response to the killing of civilians . and in this way, the air strikes late yesterday, up to 5 civilians, women and children among them killed. they were syrians, the syrians who were working in the fields. it's not clear what israel was targeting in the southern village of some ok, but that has well responded. it has been quiet in the past. 48 hours since the killing of the hezbollah commander must run to mention this. and he did say that nobody should misunderstand the quiet along the border as well as the time to prepare for the funeral that needed some time to study the new reality that they're faced with. and it's needed some time to rearrange it's ranks at the level of command which means that they needed to find a replacement for,
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for us to care. he was their chief of staff. this was the man running the military campaign again, is ro other on the border? so that's it for top exchange or prior expected to continue. but this is in no way the response that is a, that's hezbollah is promising israel for the killing of its top military commander . ok, thanks so much as i n s a token, just throw all of that that sign a hold of for us in bainbridge. for more on this, we joined now by send me united who is the during to of the leveled institute for strategic affairs. he joins us from by rude. thanks again for joining us here on to 0. i'm not too sure if you heard a few moments ago from that correspondence in to ron, that everyone there was preparing for a coordinated and as well as a swift response to his assassination. what do you think that could look like and what are the implications of this? i think this is a very delicate, the enrollment. indeed for mandy, for you wrong and has with law because they need to,
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to respond. this is what has will not have bullied. this is what the wrong consider as a dining room for a southern and t and in a city. and that the like the media to the it. however, in mind, if you will, that the response should to not to serve is that i am interest because that they want to be very cautious not to sly in, to get back to that that is chosen today by to visit a in, in terms of stuffs and in terms of timing, so this is a betty a delicate, the moment for them when they have that he took anybody that is spawns in the way that to, to, to, to, to achieve a balance of power to try to really cover the dirt. and so the
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question that was put in place was all taking the risk of sliding into, in, or out to war. but definitely in the last the last 2 months. or is it a in the minus 2? but again, that the 3rd element in the last, the, in october 7. and especially after having completed what's considered to be the phase one of its military operation in ga us out. and now it can mobilize more body sources more capability to den north and strong. a cross we can notice uh, a, a going uh that was good boy or next on yahoo! interested in trying to frame that conflict from a, a as a contact with utah. so he's trying to present to the word that the problem is not
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a problem between ease that i and up better sting in, but it's a problem with the rest of the wood and the, you know, and this was the, just the give me the message. she uh, deliver to the comedy. yeah. just on that point where does all of this leave the united states started because they have the official after official and we've heard from vitamin. they want to try to deescalate this entire situation. i mean, do they have any power or control over this anymore, especially when it comes to is right. it's a very important question actually. but we both know that the president boynton, at the end of the mandate, and since he's not to, he withdrew from the president surveys his school. but i mean, he's not what the american, a gold lame doc in the american a vocabulary. that means he does not have enough power to, to the pressure is right. and the whole actually has chosen his
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timing to buy when he conducted this operation was against trust by law for the against the any one to a everyone knowing that there isn't. and it's not claimed as the direct response to the problem, but what happened inside the desktop is so he has chosen his stein me getting advantage of the competition between the 2. kennedy based, not wanting to, i'm going eyes is that i add and those are pro is that i had among the american center see in terms of election, i'm guessing advantage of the american administration that is on the way off exit. okay, thank you so much. we'll have to leave things there for the moment, but we will be talking to you of the next few hours as well there to send the night of director of the vault institute for strategic affairs. thanks so much but these are.


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