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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 2, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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0 now the the funeral for home offices political leader takes place and guitar 2 days after he was assassinated in iran, the, on the rock, this is l to 0. life from the also coming out a hit man. 3 and to sleep or agents, we learn more about the russian prisoners involved in one of the biggest exchanges since the cold war. added to another big moments for commer harris. she's officially got enough votes to become the democrats, us presidential nominees, and victims of venezuela's post vote violence busters
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a call to keep protesting against the car smugglers victory. the dignitaries from across the mid east have given their final salute to one of the regions. most significant political figures. i'm oscillator is know how to y'all has been buried in guitar following a prayer service. and he was assassinated in iran on wednesday. for so sir, dar reports from the, the um, the hundreds came from across got the s wedding division to pay their respects. patrice might honey, the political either or from us. funeral prayers were housed at the main mosque in the capital. 110, no, not one. uh, cuz uh the security was tight, the image as well as for them dignitaries and
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a high level delegation for them for the what you know time this, that i followed any as by the arrival thursday of the funeral service into wrong. the cause with the m f. c is her own good by offering the hospitals pretty from beside. he's coughing the you are my support in this life and the next you are my love, my love. say hello to all the martyrs of gaza. say hello to all the leaders to all of causes marchers, all the muslims, my love, me, god, make it easier for you. a lot of the heading and how you leave it. how much? if you go to the site to the prayer for the that the cost in the past through the mosque, which was packed with warners outside people express the sorrow as well as concern for negotiations between israel and how much we tenea was sensors to keep the system pulled off, he was the essence,
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the negotiations. he was the main site of the negotiations. speaking on behalf of the resistance is this us the nation has to show assassinated the negotiations. any, as buddy was taken familial cemetery in lucy, north have to have for burial. where the founder of the state of got that is buried . it's my penny. it was the most prominent points it configured in how most ranks leaving pull someone up with that shall cease by an agreement with israel. now the question is, who will replace him? and perhaps more significantly, does this estimation mean and to negotiations towards adding cause war on gaza versus out of that, i'll just be around the really are my color good during the night i spoke to him to hold the balance or reaction in gaza. there's no honey as assassination. the people are very frustrated and depressed from the plot, the only and the most common and negotiates. it's my n e a has been killed. they do not know what's gonna happen next. they do not know
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who's going to take over. they do not know if that's if negotiations will continue because the people here in gospel are saying, if they as nathan same honey yeah, the most common sense negotiate through this means that they are also estimating that these apply your deals and all the agreements at well beautiful are very a chop from the fact that the negotiator has been killed. they have been more than 300 days of ongoing air strikes. are tele, really southern people are separated. we're talking about thousands of policies to missing. thousands are still trapped under the rebels. we're talking about no one being able to leave or to get into the gaza strip after the rough incursion, palestinians are very tired and they continue is displacement being separated from between the north and the south. and there's a lot of suffering going on. even finding has to be walter and food is
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a stronger for policy. news of that. what cares? what put people in goss are caring about now is this is why you're deal. and the only hope we had was 9 honey and he's killed. so now people don't even have a glimpse of hope after his killing and hands in terms of what's happening on the ground. our by our talk to us about the latest is where the air strikes and the impact that they've had. we've just received a of a palestinian woman that is pregnant cubes after that is where any forces targeted at their house. in a good days. she had applied months. you're a 5 months baby in her mom and the doctors were unable as to rescue the baby. and there were also children in the ambulances that were injured from this airstrikes. there was also in us and eunice,
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the civil defense schemes are continuing to rescue if palestinians, after that is where you withdrew from the eastern parts of newness. there is an air strict the targeted the police to policy news, and they were killed and transferred to a mazda of hospital also in the gaza strip. the artillery and air strips continue. and let me remind you that's a good day's, has the hot was having a back to wasting orders. it is during this week and most of the people evacuated, but some of the people, except that they do not have anywhere to go or anywhere to evacuate. so they chose to say in their houses, the middle area is cost is overwhelmed with people and it's not only air strikes. that's dealing policy means this, the sewage just destroyed. infrastructure is the parts of garbage. it's the rush kids on on the palestinian children. it's hepatitis a hepatitis
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b is the lack of medicine and a lot of suffering and, and, and the fact that there are thousands of policy news, no trap waiting to receive their medical treatment is why the, the, there is a rise of the dust or between the policy news across the gods and his early forces have a rest of the preacher of a lock, so mosque after he paid tribute to his mail honey during friday. prayers. and the footage shows is really soldiers taking shape. i could almost aubrey from his home in occupied east jerusalem. israel argues this, every sermon constitutes incitement. of far right is really a minister of national security. it's m r. vandevere posted on x above a photo of what appears to be shared. a saw rear with his face blurred. he wrote the sabri huge eyes, the is melania, and a few hours later he was taken from his home for questioning by the israeli police
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. and now he's being interrogated on the flags that he so loves. my policy towards instigators is clear 0 tolerance and i welcome its implementation and israel is bracing for a retaliatory strike from iran for as bull off on the salute. it has more on that's from jordan's capital, because israel has found l g 0 from reporting there is really official say they're prepared for a wide variety of scenarios in the wake of a potential retaliatory attack by the audience, who's bella, and perhaps other members of the access of resistance at this time, they're saying that there's been no changes in the guidelines of homefront command, but that they are prepared for any sort of situation. earlier on friday, these really are me. i had tested some sort of precision missile by these really navy, they say that this with the tests conducted as a type of interceptor these really army. it has an air defense system that is 3
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fold and is usually iron climbed, but has been overwhelmed in the last 10 months by the war on guns and also from rockets that have been fired from southern lebanon by his butler. no benjamin netanyahu had previously spoken with you as president joe bided on thursday. and reports of the thing is really media had said that he was looking to coordinate some sort of international coalition of allies within the region in order to help combat some sort of large scale attack that would be directed at israel. but in the space of all of this, these really are saying that at this time there has been no change in any sort of security measures, but that they are prepared for a wide variety of scenarios as their bracing for what's next time to send food. i just eat off on a and a reminder hyundai is reporting from jordan because israel's government has banned ultra 0 from broadcasting there. now the us says it will be adjusting it's troops in the mid east to support, as well as kind of gone spokesperson says the move may include deploying additional
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forces to the region. and they've kind of gone rob reynolds has more, a pentagon spokesperson, sabrina sing, told reporters that defense secretary lloyd austin, had a telephone conversation earlier with his is really counterpart defense minister you of good luck and that austin will be ordering changes in the us defense posture . in the middle east region, both in an effort to safeguard american forces that are in the region as well as to bolster israel's defenses against any possible retaliatory strike from iran has bowl or other forces in the region. i asked, seeing if this rearrangement of forces and bolstering of israel's defences by the us was not, in fact, a sort of reward for israel's behavior in the stabilizing the process of negotiating a ceasefire and gaza, which the us by the administration says it very much. still wants to see happen.
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here's how she responded. no, i've respectfully pushed back on that. what we are doing to bolster our capabilities is in the defensive israel and, and by nature is defensive. so no, i wouldn't say that it escalates tension. in fact, some of the decisions that the secretary has made since october 7th. you might remember we move the forward, the us us forward curious, straight group to the eastern, met on october 8th. we moved the, i assume thereafter to the st. come a or these were all to project a message of deterrence. we certainly do not want to see this spread out to a wider regional conflict. despite intense of questioning by reporters here at the pentagon, the spokesperson would not give any details as to whether additional forces are being sent from the u. s. or elsewhere to the region. what those forces might consist of, uh, and whether or not the orders have already been given for this. what the pentagon terms of forced past year re alignment,
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there will be most likely more details forthcoming. but at the moment, this is the latest word from here at the pentagon, rob reynolds l, g 0. at the pentagon. the russia has revealed the identities of some of its prisoners exchanged and a multi nation swap. redeemer across the golf is a hit man for russia security service. he was sentenced to life in prison for killing a chechen revel in berlin. back in 2019 pablo reps off, also known as pablo gonzalez. a journalist working for spanish media was arrested for espionage in eastern poland near the ukrainian border. rome on so elizabeth is the son of a russian politician. he was sentenced to 27 years of prison in the u. s. for hacking more than $500.00 businesses and stealing millions of credit card
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numbers, which he sold online. and then husband and wife are tim and on the old civil are under cover intelligence officers who were arrested in slovenia in 2022 for spying and incentives to 19 months prison. and let us love the question. the was the sentence to 9 years in a us prison on charges including wire and securities fraud, and a scheme worth nearly $100000000.00. and 3 russian political prisoners released by moscow saved their release, has saved them from death. they were flown to germany from on? correct? yeah, you had a smart people who got up. yeah. i consider this operation and a legal enforce exile from russia carried out against my will. what i want most is to go back home. my 1st so when i landed in ankara,
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and again later when i got to germany, was to go to the apple and take the 1st flight back to russia. they ask the agent, cisco took me understood my intention of what i wanted to do. his loss was to me, well, you can go back to russia, but like nevada name when you will be arrested. unlike nevada, only you will end up dead is. but this was not the most dreadful thing. he said. the scariest thing where his hens and warnings that if i did return to russia, would be excluded from an old political prisoner swaps in the future as zip file. so hes moore, from berlin, as we just heard from the ellia ya showing, that the political position, the politician who was released and of course, the moods was always thankful and very happy about this release. at this only less than the 24 hours that the they actually found out that they were going to be swapped and the going to be free in germany. and of course, the war worth of spanks to all of shows the german chancellor. but also the u. s
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president joe biden, for making this all possible and sliding me a car i most are. who was sentenced to 25 years in prison in russia said he would never have believed that he would come out a life that were also several voice and attempts against him. but then there was this a mixed feeling from l. ya sion who was saying, telling to on the list that he was actually expelled without his consent. that was a legal. he said he wanted to go back. he said, i'm a russian politician and i want to fight for the freedom in russia. and if i get a chance, then i would go back and basically that's exactly what i like say enough valley has, is on the a precision data who died in prison in february. and he also, of course, said that that was also what the officers told him would happen to him. this is definitely not something that the german government likes to hear. it was already a very bitter sweet moments yesterday when these so press and those came back from
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russia also 5 g. 2 comments, but they have to let go of convicted. an assessment wasn't jail in germany for a necessity. nation of a judge in the fields commander in 2019 and there was a lot of debate in germany about the release of this murderer convicted, murderous. so it was also very hesitant decisions by the german government. that's a long time for the, for them to agree. and basically it was joe biden who convinced them uh, 2, lots a caustic golf. so if i didn't cost you cause to go back c o 2, moscow, but then now in return, these political prisoners, of course, got their freedom as a most assets at the lives of 16 political prisoners has been saved. as still head here on al jazeera, the security forces fire
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a live rooms to break up protests against the rising cost of living in nigeria, plus jessica washington an intimation with trials for free meals scheme, which aims to feed more than 18000000 children are underway. the they spend where the last day and to the next day a. so in west australia now the main drain band is moving east with, but we generating charles following that. now literally not many people live here. but i hope i think the right at least will be welcome said, what was that before us moved on, but the shares of a phase of the way and left melbourne in adelaide most likely in the sunshine. by such a day, as the breeze picks up, more likely if it has made you look at new south wales though, and queens and is moved up considerably here just for the breeze. you're in the
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sunshine for the most part. here's the rain. now we're heading back into was adelaide so you could have with them they at least on sunday. looks fair enough in new zealand. quiet little when sun for the most part, that breezy in oakland. we have still golf in the wrong place, significant shelves and into these. yeah. so it and you got in the north monday to island, but where they should be sumatra. and born here, they seemed like to regenerate possibly even have it your call to 3 wet weather is where it should be. still. northern vietnam for example, have cost was me and not i'm buying the dash and for all parts of southeast asia. and of course, you've got the seasonal rains or jump to long way and also what they use in store for you in beijing. whereas it looks quite dry. they're quite halting. shanghai of the a 150 is a gyptian history, seen through an extraordinary photographic archives,
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a journey through the golden age of music and cinema. when legendary, our voices and famous actors stole the hearts of millions, captured by photographers who lived and felt the emotions of the country's biggest star, egypt through the lens, stage in street on algebra. the the, the welcome back. you're watching elda 0. minder of our top stories as our funeral for home us political leader is now honey. all has been held into tarts and the year was assassinated entire on. on wednesday,
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both tomas and iran have accused israel of carrying out the utah. 3 russian political prisoners released by moscow. say it saved them from the desk. they were flown to jeremy from on colorado, as part of a major prisoner's swap on thursday. speaking at a press conference, they said they will continue their political activity from abroad. the commer harris is just days away from being formally confirmed. as donald trump's rival for the us presidency, all my voting by a democratic party delegates ends on monday, but she's already secured enough ballots more than 2300 to secure the nomination. i am honored to be the presumptive democratic nominee for president of the united states. and i will tell you the tireless work of our delicate it's our state
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leaders and staff has been pivotal in making this moment possible. all right, let's get you more now with john henry and he's in washington dc with all the details john of she's secure at the top spot, the vice president. it still has to be rubber stamped at the convention. but, you know, looking ahead, what's the most important calculation that she will be waiting right now as she decides who will be her running mate? well, this is the biggest 1st decision she's going to make it. our campaign is one that's going to be closely watch. she's gonna want a number of things one. can this vice presidential candidate help her when one of these key battleground states to they're going to want regional balance at john john kennedy in 1960 famously picked an older text and he was. but kennedy was from the northeast for some regional balance. they are coming to a harris, of course, is from california. as also,
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she's going to watch someone who does no harm and naturalism, that donald trump has learned the hard way since he named j. d vance. and ohio sen, vance, in previous interviews, or has said a number of things of a that have gotten bad press things criticizing people who don't have children is not having a stake in the country at calling women like connell, a harris, childless cat women. although she does have 2 step children, so the people that she is looking at the people we know that are among those she is vetting on saturday and sunday. now that are teams are, are done providing their own, you know, paper vending of those candidates. are people like ag prince for the governor of illinois. jim waltz, the governor of minnesota, and these are largely white guys that, that she's looking at. now that's another kind of balance she's considering. but those 2 gentlemen both come from solidly democratic states,
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you really would like someone who can help when at least one of those key battleground states. and there are 2 people that can do that. mark kelley of arizona, and then uh, josh shapiro of pennsylvania. and the reason why a lot of people are reading that it might be josh shapiro, is that she is plans to announce her news vice presidential candidate, or at least to make her 1st appearance with him on tuesday in philadelphia, which happens to be in pennsylvania. that's josh up here real estate. so there's a lot of bedding on him. but there are pro palestinian americans who are concerned about his support for israel. he's an observant jews. it's possible that could be an issue in the consideration. so couple of harris that's a complicated decision making in the and she could throw out the roof. that's with bill clinton did in 1992 when he picked another southern white guy anyhow, gore and they went on to win the presidency. all right, so there's always that while the car to keep us on our toes, john hen during the reporting from washington dc. thank you so much, john,
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greatly appreciate it. as nicholas lavano is the re election as been as well as president is storing more divisions among latin american leaders. argentina has joined the united states and recognizing opposition candidates, edmondo gonzales as a legitimate winner for mexico. is criticizing the move against my daughter, and there is also unrest in venezuela after the result had fatal consequences. theresa bo has more you say yes, when the module was 15 years old. when he was shocked by venice, we left national guard doing protests against the presidential election. we sold jesus to says he was executed lady, but i don't know, but they showed him a close range. the bullet was directed to him. it was not a stray bullets. i don't know why they shut my brother. you didn't do anything. he was just passing by. he stopped to see what the process was about, but he wasn't participating in the step of the protesters had been killed and more
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than a 1000 detained president. before that, my daughter says fuel position planned the demonstrations to force him out of office to get ready and that the us help to plan a clue me inside the united states with its false diplomacy moved around the world to set up the scenario in venezuela. we negotiated with the us in good faith and it did not comply. they elias on phone ease. they do not keep, they would even when they signed an agreement, they were taking advantage of the negotiations to distract us. both my the us government and the opposition have came victorian sundays vote. the opposition says it has prove fraud was committed. most governments in the region are demanding the immediate release of detail. volter and electro data product or sale is playing across the road left when president, who let us see the has agreed to take over the administration of the ruby and an
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argentine in embassies after venezuela expelled diplomats from 7 latin american countries. for questioning the election, we thoughts on thursday that was alien flag was lying of the identity, an embassy and got i guess the far right precedents have yet to be posted on social media saying he was confident, the embassy would reopen soon in democratic and free venezuela. inside the embassy, 6 asylum seekers. close to a position leader and by the equity now much oh, they have been living there for 4 months after a prosecutor issued an arrest warrant accusing them of conspiracy. it's very complicated. they have been very difficult. they've very difficult, but it is part of the process to enforce the truth about july the 28th. venezuela needs change. many sweet ends or ensure what will happen next most don't
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believe change will happen any time soon. very simple as se, the security forces of fire live rounds and tear gas to disperse demonstrators in nature use capital. it's the 2nd of 10 days of protests against the cost of living and other governments of policies. all several people were killed in violent confrontations with police on thursday. for testers, the demands include lower salaries for government employees and the reinstatement of fuel subsidies. and our correspondence i'm address is in lagos with more on the purchase on the part of the business cover to make us is continuing for the 2nd day. although the largest rates or the numbers we're seeing here is far less than what we so yesterday. i mean, frank, this is the only designate this quote such as i mean, a way of protest as i gathering to make the boys as good as this morning since i've
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been fired. but then gradually, they got heated when they wanted access to go into the town itself. this is part of lagos anyway, but the quotes on the, on the warranty, some restrictive samples went to a park on my right over here. but they do declined to go into the park. they prefer to stay on the streets while the police are trying to convince them to go into the space was enough to start traffic eventually very fuse. and if you see on my right hand side, this particular street is completely lost, but in other parts of the countries, things are quiet and statewide contracts have been imposed. we hear that in the condo, in particular, the company has been relaxed, so as to allow people to go into the regional phrase on friday. what do you know other states? things are in place and then eventually you apply it in terms of the street demonstrations in the company. don't things got heated up again and there was
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acquiring by the other agents when purchased as try to access the new system itself . they have been respected through such invitations, but they wanted to continue their demonstrations today. its purchasers and the best capital doc, all have chance at the down with the autocrat, as they called for the resignation of prime ministers shaken, seen up their demanding justice for 200 people killed and violent demonstrations and recent weeks. mass student protests initially began 3 weeks ago against a government job. quote, a speak escape. they've now grown into wives for demonstrations with people also frustrated over high inflation and the government's crime down on defense. children and pregnant women will get daily meals under a plan by indonesia is new government, but some exports believe it's a promise that's to m vicious, too expensive. jessica washington reports from jakarta on the small scale trials
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that are underway in zulu central java. these children are among the 1st to take part in trials as a free meal scheme. this free lunches the dishes. today's menu includes chicken enter pi a. school principal mooning had a meaning says the meals appear to be more nutritious than most the children often eat. sometimes parents give them instance noodles of which is which is not actually good for the children's growth and development. in february indonesians elected proposed to be into as the next president and keep it under a couple of things. reca as these deputies, the pay will take offers enough to the, the pledge to provide free daily meals for children under 5 school children and pregnant women were supposed to send a piece of their election campaign. they promote at the idea as a way to reduce childhood male nutrition and something for boosting the agriculture sector and creating jobs.


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