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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 3, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the suicide diploma and gun and attack of beach and the somali capital killing at least $32.00 people. l shabani claims responsibility the until mccrae this is alex, is here live from doha. so coming up, is there any forces keller? local come on to the complicates and then is strongly called a car in the occupied west, back to the us ends more 5 digits and warships to defend as well against the possible retaliation from a ron and its allies to the assassination of the mosley. that is male honey,
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and the us defense secretary revokes the play deals to the alleged mazda mind, the $911.00 attacks and 2 of the defendants. the . we begin with breaking news from somalia. we're at least 32 people had been killed in an attack on a crowd of beach by a suicide bomber. and several gunmen beyond crew balanced you bob has claimed responsibility for the attack that was carried out in the capital markets issue on friday. security forces, say they killed 5 gunman and cab should another attack a well then 60 people were wounded and the death toll is expected to rise. the smell of the federal government has condemned the attack. for more on this, we're joined now by mcbride and who is a strategic advisor with the hon. research a political thing tank covering the horn of africa. he joins us live from my boss. so now thank you very much for being with us here on out to 0. as we mentioned there at least 30 to did more than 60 injured. i mean,
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the timing and location of this attack book obviously chosen to try and do as much damage as possible. i a thank you tom. yes, this is a, it's a really terrible. i don't know how to reset the attack that has killed once again, principally civilians, young people who are enjoying a night out on leto beach and we'll do sure. um and um, it's the worst such attack we've seen for, for many months. so we'd really suggest that alistair bab is now trying to signal that it is re establishing its operations in the symbolic capital. and that it is prepared to continue with indiscriminate attacks, as you said, to do as much damage as possible. not just against the small, the federal government but against the civilian population. as you mentioned, this is the 1st time. and in a while that we're seeing a, an attack of this scale. i mean, how big a security failure is this for the government as well. its
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a massive security failure. there was an attack on a hotel in march this year. a coffee shop was bombed uh, just last month and there was a prison break involved in your house about militants last month as well. but a mass casualty attack on this scale, but we haven't seen that in the past year or so, and it's suggest a couple of things. one is the, obviously the somali intelligence and security forces are not capable of securing the capital, which is no surprise, but they have claimed to be in control for some time now. and then i think it's also an indicator that the african union mission in somalia that has been protecting federal government institutions and has been heavily deployed around the capital is drawing down. and then as those forces start to leave somalia on hand over to a smaller international force logged issues,
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securities in the hands of some of the security forces and they're just not up to the task of providing the level of security needed. right. i mean, just staying on their points in june of some of the government. cool for the slowing down of the withdrawal of those african peacekeeping mission trips, which is expected that they will be fully pulled out by the end of the year. do you think that that is now at risk? i don't think it's a risk. uh, the slowing down was just the, but they call the technical pause the 3 months and it's the 2nd such a pause. but it's 3 months, delay and redeployment really won't make a difference. the issue is that there will be slightly more than $10000.00. communion troops come january next year under a different name with a slightly different mandate, essentially in the same posture. i'm not just not enough to conduct the sorts of operations they've done in the past, and it leaves the somali federal government essentially alone,
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to confront all sure about. and i think what else about is doing is, is saying that either we're in a position to ramp up or attacks on the capital, possibly even in the mid term. um take over much of the issue again. or it's time for the federal government to negotiate with us and give us a place for the leadership of the country when it comes to these anticipated negotiations with the government. will this tactic work? do you think that will show bob as well? it's a very fine line that also bob has to walk on. on the one hand, negotiations have been floated now for many years. but um, they are indications that the federal government is closer than it has been for a long time in terms of talking to well should bab and may have already begun to eliminate contact in, in recent months. now, on the other hand, else about does he want to de,
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legitimize itself by portraying itself as an indiscriminate terrorist organization just as it's seeking political power in the symbolic capital of it. i think it has just done that, as it's done in the past, very effectively of this is the type of government that somebody's can expect a voucher by the comes to power by just genuine concern that the federal government is not in a position of strength and that negotiations with us about probably wouldn't mean a defacto else about all sorts in multi sure. okay. thoughts begin, we'll have to leave it there, but thank you so much for your time and insight into the status that i met broadening for us there. thank you. the and this riley is truck, has killed a commander of the armed wing it from austin to car him in the occupied westbank for others were killed in the strong on account they were traveling in. and the
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attack followed another round of organizes ready. right. so on the can, the you in says as well as watching vote at cold, silent for on the area by limiting water supplies and electricity to the palestinians living there will need abraham is lot for us and to car them into the the can just bring us up to date with the latest that you are seeing and hearing from there. well, the latest is that we're seeing the is really jeep these really minute city vehicles raving the police, get them at a few g, come off, sir. the airstrikes took place around 6 am local time. we have seen the bodies and the remains of for the palestinians. and one bought the, making the tools and of those who have been feel to 5, taken to the hospital. then we saw these really ground troops entering, that's what we've had them refugee camp area wherever heating that they are now damaging and bold, losing the streets and carrying out
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a rust operations amongst the people there. now we've been here for just a short of an hour, and only we only heard sporadic gunshots of the palestinian fighters go to our station. inside the cab needed the united nation said israel is why do you want to go to silent war on the area? can you just give us a little bit of an idea of how these daily ongoing rides that are affecting the lives of everyone there and what it actually means for them on a daily basis? as yeah, imagine you are living inside that would come to feed, you can do you want to go to a school to the hospital to your work. you'll be surprised to see these really forces coming in on a now shooting towards productivity in just a few minutes ago. as you can see here that our journalists were trying to cover. this is randy reed, but these really forces came to this 3. it's over here and through the, through here a gas bombs on them. so even those who are just, you know,
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bystanders or just trying to report on what's happening here that are also being a targeted as well as the medical teams. yes. today we received the news that one medic has to come to his wounds after he's been shots during one of the is ready rates. so what do we talk about the daily life? it's interrupted when we talk about bystanders. what getting shots or rusted, or killed for just being outside of the homes. really, we're talking about disability, but they're averaging for c. reeves for days here in the occupied to us like a mazda of increase since the war started making palestinians speed. fundable feels that they have been left alone by the world's bustling one of the strongest arms. okay, thanks so much for all of that need to need to abraham for us until car and then gallon. so is there any forces have killed palestinians, an overnight attacks? 5 digits hit a home and l for each refugee camp for a pregnant woman was killed along with
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a husband and 2 of his children. india tillery showing also struck eastern areas of the old file. well, the pentagon has announced the us as to pulling additional military forces, including voy, ships and 5 digits of the middle east, in support of his ro. washington says it wants to mitigate any possible retaliation from iran and its allies, to is riley strikes and living on that killed a senior, his black, amanda, and the assassination of mosley. that is mohammed in a wrong. this is what is it clear when the us military assets will be deployed though, as philip l reports from washington, the pentagon, sending the u. s. s. abraham lincoln, that is currently in the pacific near hawaii. it's on its way to the middle east, although it could take 2 weeks to arrive for the navy. also sending a number of cruises and destroyers, i'm will learning that there will be a number of ministry personnel being sent. and the pentagon is not saying how many it's about to be any specific numbers,
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but obviously considering the potential situation without talking one or 2 people here. and this is something that is really developing as we speak. you know, we are in this situation where they all to almost conflicting a scenario is contradict contradictory scenarios that are playing out together because on one side, because all of this talk about the escalation at the same side at the same time for us is moving these pieces into place and that is because although certainly israel knows this attack is coming to us, knows this attack is coming, it run and its proxy is hospitalized in this case. and notice attack is coming. the question is, nobody or the issue is nobody knows exactly when or what form it will take. and the watching hypothesis here in washington is that we should expect to see something similar to april 13th when iran launched those $300.00 missiles and rockets towards is ralph. because this is a very different scenario. fax, then that was in response to and his rate of attack, which had left a number of
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a rainy and military personnel dead in damascus. it was very well telegraphic gave both sides effectively what they want you to go and run the chance to show that it could retaliate. i'm not seen to lose face the targets would not, they didn't tend to be a civilian areas. they were military sites. so the x rays also got to defend themselves, but here this is very much is not being telegraphed. nobody knows when nobody knows what the targets will be to. let's talk about the implications of this move by israel's elias cools, the growing pretensions to de escalate. as we've had time to time again, thanks for joining us again here of to allow our end associate professor of history at georgetown university in kata. i mean, what do you make of the fact uh, they don't want him. the united states is urging de escalation. but on the other, it's sending another aircraft carrier into the region. well, i mean, i think the escalation has already occurred, right? that, that what we saw this past week in terms of the dual assassinations and bear root into, drawn by israel's, you know,
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the of the violations obviously of the sovereignty but also of killing the leader of the leading negotiator in a potential cease fire that, that escalation has already taken place and we haven't seen any kind of condemnation or any kind of real serious concern on the part of a us administration. that of course has been backing israel from the very beginning of the genocide aware that it's launched over 300 days ago. and so in that sense, i think it's, it's certainly not surprising to see that the us has continued to exercise its, its full fledged support and, and not kind of offering any significant critique. so the escalation, i think has, as unfortunately already there, do you think that this is going to, to, to, around, from how would actually with kelly? i mean, this part remains to be seen. we're still waiting to see, you know what, what the fall out from the assassinations will be, i think again as the corresponding just mention what we saw earlier this, this past spring in terms of the iranian retaliation for yet another assault. this, this one was on
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a iranian console within the mask. us was one that was telegraphed was meant to kind of more symbolically demonstrate its capability as opposed to actually a leasing any significant damage. i don't think we're likely to see something of that nature. this, this is obviously a much more serious breach in terms of, of what we saw take place this past week. and i think the, the retaliation will likely also be, you know, far stronger than, than me the what we seen earlier. if there's also been a lot of talk about a couple of nights, it's a response between around his blog, her mouse and the who sees. what do you make of that? and do you think that that is something that they will be trying to finish it show how they, those separate groups can, will come together when it comes to attacking as well? well, that certainly seems to be the, the perception that was, that there's going to be a higher level of coordination that perhaps what we see again, these are all independent or individual actors that are coming from specific
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context in which they've had to respond to is really aggression going back over the previous months. and that's certainly been the case in terms of what we've seen by way of israel's continued assaults in loving on and southern love it on and particularly more recently now of course into a root itself. and so hezbollah has already announced that it intends to respond to those most recent incursions. and the same has been true of, of, you know, on sort of line. yeah, i'm, and as well, i mean there's, there's obviously been, you know, confrontations that have happened there. israel has launched attacks against gammon, but whether we're going to see something that's far more coordinated, i think is, is what remains to be see. yeah, i guess everyone uh no, just in the region, but by around the world waiting uh and anticipating what around might do next. thank you so much. uh, as it was, we always appreciate abdullah, how are you? thank you. good. we'll still head here on the al jazeera, on an international time support for palestinian prisoners. we have more harrowing accounts for min,
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tortured both health and it's rarely detention the the many thunderstorms across the philippines across malaysia and this part of southeast asia that is seasonally correct. it has been a bit to western engine easier on and off throughout the summer. it's not really now, and there are few shelves, east sort of way thing. and then blue collins, but really we took you by to borneo lazy in borneo and back through to the peninsula semaphore of the science and java. now she had dr. picture was it should be there's a dodge pool of clad that's come out of west australia through south australia. now the think of the size that comes in, it's huge. this is a vast area class that breaks of rain. moving down towards adelaide, miserable looking day. there on sunday and then slowly east was a new south wales in queens and the cookies and heartbreaks of heavy right. and he mostly, i think,
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is going to be fairly exciting. and disappointing. new zealand was a bit of a contrast here. but last 2, recent days is quite looking sunnyside coats down dimensionally 9 by day. there is a change there where the type on monday in the safe this and rain or snow depending your height, but even that full cost wise to, to come around the better. in the last couple of days now the tuesday, the picture remains pretty static will not 3 degrees for you in christ church and is nice in oakland the unique perspectives. not that i really not that because the i left and nothing is something you that we on heard voices, but we are committed to guessing a best i can know all about you. be so much connected with our community and talking to conversations, you will find elsewhere. lot of these vision because it was all of the medical
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facilities in golf as it would be preventable that the horror of what's the stream on our, just the or the the, you're watching, you'll just hear a reminder about top stories, the salad, at least 52 people on the beach in the somali capital mortgage issue had been killed by a suicide bomber and several gunman. the attack happened on friday. 5 of the government were killed by security forces. at least 5 people had been killed in n as ready as truck in the occupied west bank. the attack target a car in this need to car him, caring, a mouse commanded. according to is ready officials. and the u. s. has announced that we'll send a new aircraft carrier group to the middle east,
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as well as deploying the south defense pistols and a 5 this quarter in washington says it wants to limit any military escalation by iran said today is international di, of solidarity with palestinian prisoners as well as the times nearly 10000 palestinians since the beginning of its war on gone. so i'll just say we're a spoke to abraham off of solemn who with the time for $52.00 days, he told us about the daily torture he enjoyed at the hands of his riley gods. this process, this not thought of little fluffy festival, putting that on the says that on the 2nd the kind of the vehicle when it's in and when it's because it would be the same way. daniel has to just have a stream on us as a flash out of model when you have a flash of model depending upon the signal instead of by somebody that most of the
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over the course of the body of the when it's been law. when any one and then said what level of incentives and stuff on that instead the eyes and seeing how about off of it. but i'm going to have you seen as we as a i spelled out of this griffin look. if it gets it had it. oh and then i had up it name instead of simple, i'm a special and learn all these. it will not cover who is there, but don't have this class that he will not cover who i'm going to complete them. my move them, who's them? but i schedule the what a zone that that'd be, that'd be kenneth, push the push. i know, i know from the i get the feedback on the agenda of no evidence with uh the from day if not in the the case i know as well has just what has my little. busy and i'm going to order the shuttle to just move assessment now the push to have what, what, at least,
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what it was in the bottom of that to you to say to them when we say the nevada one more thing about it, one lack of books. owens it to the products uh, as soon as the blazing stuff for us defense secretary lloyd austin has really liked the plea deal agreed earlier this week with the leach mouse, a mind of the 911 attacks and 2 of his suspect, his accomplices, the 3 of the 5911 defendants at guantanamo had agreed to plead guilty to all the charges, including the middle of nearly 3000 people. this was reportedly in exchange for the prosecution, agreeing to not seek the death penalty. how did your castro sent this report from washington? just when it was thought that this dark chapter of us history was nearing a resolution, it is not in a tersely worded memo to the military judge, overseeing the guantanamo court, us defense secretary lloyd austin,
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said he had determined that in light of the significance of the decision to enter into the plea deals. that responsibility for such a decision should rest with him alone. austin then withdraws the us from the fleet deals effectively putting the death penalty back on the table. the steel had been offered to and accepted by the 3 a choose masterminds of the 911 attack police, sheik mohammed, while we've been attached, and most of the all how us saw we the 3 ok. the operatives would have been sentenced for up to life in prison and exchange for guilty police all charges, including to the murders of 2976 people. many of the $911.00 victims families had said they were outraged that the deal would have spared the men from the death penalty. but others had supported the deal for practical reasons. it had been seen as the only solution to an otherwise unsolvable legal problem of putting
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the men on trial because the evidence had been attempted by us government torture and impeded by it's classified nature. the deal had also been politically toxic. president joe biden quickly said he had nothing to do with it. and now just 2 days after the plea deal was made, public biden's defense, secretary canceling it altogether. this means that despite years of promises to close one hotmail, it will remain open indefinitely because there's nowhere else, the house of the detainees, that costs american tax payers $440000000.00 a year. and it prolongs the wait for justice for the $911.00 attacks. how did you, all, castro, alger 0 washington? the report is the police are shooting and protest is taking part of nationwide, really is against bangladesh. as government demonstrated is that demanding justice for more than 200 people killed during demonstrations that tuned violent and recent weeks. at least 2 people were killed in thousands injured on friday,
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mastered in protests against the government job corps escaped, began 3 weeks ago. but for more on this we are joined now by attempted chandry. who isn't that good for us? and he's just tell us more about these allegations that police have been shooting and protest isn't exactly what is happening behind you there right now where and the language matters. and then mario, this is right next to the doctor university. now the students have organized this since last evening, and this already tens of thousands students, mostly from universities, have gathered here. this is happening in many parts of the capital city as well. does the area where a lot of the private university students are gathering violence going on just outside of the capital city and does it both in the middle of dislike. but people not just students, the people retired people, housewives of families coming out and they've done monday residential area of
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professionals. we had the journal if you any, and which had it protest fairly and showed their solidarity with the students. so every where in the country people are coming out on the street, it's sense it's no longer just about pulled up. it's no longer just about resignation. a few minutes, that's pretty much i found by dave. now the government should step down. it hasn't been any response from the government. and regardless of these ongoing protests, we heard anything from shaken center in the pressure that she is coming out there. the yes or the prime minister actually said, my daughter is open. uh, she is willing to meet with the student leaders that are official residents. she all set pride to 3 government senior political leader to sit with the student and negotiate things. but that certainly does already rejected the option of meeting with the 3 senior leaders that and reacted yet to the prime minister's offer,
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which was actually few hours ago. the government is also coming under severe criticism from your end that european union and the us at least 20 to send it as i've written to finish. i blinked and showing real concerned about the rights violation and the balance that's been happening here regardless of international pressure and not the domestic thing that's going on is really surprising. notice nobody expected that the student movement would turn into a public movement now, and everybody of the heirs of a space for democracy is bruce. they've suddenly found their way to boy, instead of opinion, and show their color data with the students as possible. even go on for days, even with songs they've been for months, is likely until the government reacts or steps them. okay, thanks so much tim victim did geoffrey for us that and deca with us presidents joe biden says he is not giving up on an american citizen lift out of
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a prisoner's swamp with russia lock photo with jail for 14 years. and brochure on drug smuggling charges. the former teacher had worked for the u. s embassy and was arrested off to being found with 17 grams of marijuana at the most go airport 3 years ago. i don't think he's doing well. i think he's absolutely crushed. because he knows that he was left behind of a historic trade, a pressure swap. it is must be an incredible blow to him. of all i know is that he has told us that he does not plan to call for a month for a while, but he needs to recover. the 14 year sentence that he was given is not to measure it with a right what a russian would have been given for the same product. it's completely disproportionate and by the united states not designate him, designating him there implicit with russia in the here with the republican candidate for the presidency. donald trump has agreed to debate,
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vice president campbell harris on fox news in september, and that comes off to harris, one enough delegate votes to become, to become the democratic presidential nominee. and while the online voting process continues until monday, she has already secured more than 2300 votes she needed in a phone message. harris said she felt on to be the presumptive nominee. i am honored to be the presumptive democratic nominee for president of the united states . and i will tell you the tireless work of our delicate it's our state leaders and staff has been pivotal in making this moment possible of it. and as president has formerly been named as its most senior later, they call me in this policy like to thailand, the general secretary on saturday, lamb had been filling the post temporarily following the death of his previous visit. in july. the position is considered the most powerful political role in the country,
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and he is expected to remain in the job until at least 2026. and his 1st remark says that he pledge to speed up a sweeping campaign corruption that sent a number of senior officials to jalen full as the others to resign a lot. so the u. k. we. busy police have broken up violent confrontations between style, ride purchases and demonstrates is gathering to protect a mosque and livable from being attacked. and so licensed escalation is rising interest rising by 5, right? when groups has continued following the killings of 3 young girls and they're nice to tag officials, headphones, misinformation about the british bones, so speak x over to combine a is fuel beyond risk. a website posing as a news organization falsely claimed, he was an asylum seeking who arrived by boat last year. this is say 5 right influence. this have used the attack to promote an empty immigration agenda. venezuela opposition leaders calling from a protest on saturday to challenge the government of president nicholas madura.
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they insist the official result from a presidential election last week was fraudulent. the jurors is di trying to stage could, could i support has more loan lines of people waiting for news of their loved ones who have been detained for protesting against venice wait as election. cecilia bias, grandson is one of them. you over at the, in the mr. president, it's not my fault to be here waiting for my grandson. i did not send him to do anything wrong. you can bear me alive if you want to reduce my grandson willing to live because he's the only one. i have at least 1200 people have been detained positioning since the government of nicola, my, the wheel committed fraud. last sunday. it says it has the original tally sheets


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