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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 4, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm AST

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the, the at least 30 palestinians are killed. a miss riley attacks on 2 schools in garza city. first respond to say 80 percent of the dead and injured are chosen. people are trying to pull survivors out from under the russell rescue crews on the scene sites. people screaming, so how the color so robin, you want to, i'll just save it life, but headquarters here in the hall also coming up the see death to rise is to 91 in bangladesh was empty,
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government pretenses meets violence. police crackdowns plus this is not prototype. it is organized file in the k prime. it is the issues of warning to the far right protest as the country faces its worst writing. in 13 years, the of it, $1600.00 gmc, we begin with breaking news from dallas, the city where at least the, the policy ends up being killed and is really a tax on 2 schools. this was the scene shortly after those attacks as 1st respond just rushed to save the injured the
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news. with sheltering hundreds of displaced people goes, a civilian defense says 80 percent of the dead and wounded of children and many of her life. but for the trouble, these, right, even if he claims it targeted a most fighters i knew with mood. how's the latest the dollar in central garza were still receiving, horrific reports of from inside the only remaining health facilities being at the center of gauzy. that's the loudly baptist hospital, that's a real ovary crowd. as many of the injured from the past with texas to the particular attack just cause further civilian casualties. a great deal of destruction the arrivals do the husband right now. they're arriving with severe burns. and so if you're bleeding that the hospital doesn't have sufficient enough medical staff or at the medical supplies needed for medical treatment or medical care, these have talked to place within the past couple hours on to
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a school. these schools are backed by a privately owned hill, educational facility and a public school. they are at the vicinity of each other in educational complex were targeted. these 2 schools were housing thousands of people. these are the hundreds of displaced families inside the school. they're coming from different parts of the northern part of gaza strip and gaza city and more recently from the, the neighborhoods of days to in part that's a shy on at the neighborhood. due to the re, current incursions of these area that push people into further internal and force displacements. what's really concerning right now is the fact that the rescue mission is, will come to an end as the nighttime accruals. and we're approaching the end of the day. it will be very difficult to do this because the skies of the, of thousands and thousands of in the northern part will be clouded with the attack of drones and sky predators and surveillance to draw on. those are chasing,
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and attacking and shooting at all. any moving objects, let alone people trying to save their lives from under the rubber there. many people are still under that level so far. what we have confirmed a number of the desk dollars. 30 people and almost doubled the number of the critically injured for risk getting their life inside the hospital because of the severe bleeding and the severe burns. without the sufficient medical staff or the sufficient medical supplies or the enough medical supplies to help them. honey, my mode, i was just data from the central area of gaza strip palestine. these are in the government has done dollars that are for reporting from israel. so honda civic joins us now from jordan's capital about most of these really se honda about these targeting of a school in gaza city. or will quite a lengthy statement from these early armies saying that they were targeting him ass operatives and northern gauze at both of the schools that were hit. they say that
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based on their own intelligence, this was a strike that was carried out with precision munitions in a joint effort with vision bet. that's the internal security services for israel. however, they did not provide any of that proof or intelligence that they have cited. this has been a pattern by these really military to say that they are targeting a mouse when in fact they are targeting palestinian civilians who have been forcibly displaced time and time again. this is the 3rd school and just under 24 hours that has been attacked by relentless, is really bombardments. there was no prior warning whatsoever before this attack took place. and the military ended their statement by saying that a mass that has violated the international law repeatedly by quote, using civilians as human shields. but we have to know that the number of war crimes that israel has committed and violations of international law. and israel's works on gaza can no longer be counted as nearly 40000 palestinians have been killed in
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the last 10 months when he was given. if anything because nobody such a thing as a know is given, isn't it? when the building is going to be attacked on the right. so these really military says when they are going to attack some sort of civilian infrastructure, there is a not to not to munition that's drop that does not detonate on the roof as a warning, essentially to those inside to get out. meaning they have just a few minutes to get back to it as quickly as possible before the building comes crashing down to by is really bombs that are continuously falling from the sky. but in this particular instance, that didn't happen because these really armies saying that this was something that was precise, carried out with intelligence. so there was no warning. this is something that has happened repeatedly from the really military and has been used as a justification time and time again for the targeting and killing of palestinian
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civilians who been forcibly displaced in schools in hospitals in other areas throughout. * this is a pattern repeatedly by these really military and be specific attacks on the schools. there was no prior warning and the military says that they use these precise munitions to in order to mitigate the level of civilian harm. but at least 30 palestinians were killed here a civil defense cruise are still trying to rescue those who are trapped under the rubble of the flu. to thank you very much can cause how nice reporting from jordan, because as well as government has been down to 0 from reporting from within its borders. cars as well as a visiting professor with the princeton school of public and international sides of the form executive director of human rights. what she says, israel's attacks on the schools are a war crime and he's realized the blueprint ability call. i mean, just a few days ago when israel children's too old is there a journalist,
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they were supposedly, from a separate, has no proof whatsoever that most people remember when israel the 1st time invaded all she hospital, you know, the name hospital and you also city because there supposedly was a from us command center there. you know, there they put forward some proof and the proof was pathetic. it showed you know, a couple of rifles. 11 tunnel that a tattered our histories only built. there was nothing to suggest that there was a command center, but none the less in the midst of a war when there's a desperate need for medical care, the hospital will shut down. so, you know, there's a big credibility problem on the part of these really know what. now let's to take them at their word. let's say that they were in this case and identified a couple from us buyers. one of the requirements that are nationally management law is that even if the attacker is targeting a military target, so you know, let's take israel after work, let's say that there were some homeless operatives there. there still was a duty not to attack if the harm disabilities will be disproportionate whether or
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not the mouse is using human sheets. and so these initial counts that we're getting from the jobs and civil defense people is that, you know, if 80 percent of the victims were children, that is not a proportion of attack. so it just doesn't matter if there were a couple hoss fighters or whatever is real claims. when you show back many civilians, the result is disproportionate. betsy work, the springs of the days, others use the police and protest as they've been killed and a mounting death toll in bangladesh. at least 91 people have been killed, including 313 pardon me. police officers, as demonstrates as cold and private associate casino to step down the 10s of thousands of people, a valley in several cities that demanding accountability. after the bold and
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$200.00 people died last month during protest against government job quotas. i see that has that a strong response calling the demonstrators criminals, the government to shut down internet services and impose a nationwide curfew. the old, the ministers are in hiding. wait to see how the people will go into the wrong department house check. i've seen it doesn't resign voluntarily to take our next step. we want the government to resign. we would old and go back to the golden times we had in the past. this is why i came down to the street from thousands of protest as of going to that in shaw bogs square a busy intersection in the capital. it's known as the place of protested, demonstration, and is often often nicknamed bangladesh has taught readers. squire, son of a child, a pause this update from the capital dot com a very chaotic. it's very intense, it's volatile, it's dangerous. and one way to describe we are in a safe zone right now because it's an access point to the diplomatic area. it's
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much calmer in this, but there's hardly any private causes. public vehicles, mostly motorcycle. as you can see, people are extremely worried. what is going to happen? we write and shy black squared, the main center of the pro destiny of the dr university campus. tens of thousands of students i've gathered, there it is. there. i have spread that this is where we gonna call for the resignation and stepping down of the government. and the, as we came from that area of more and more thousands of students are gathering data in other areas of classes with the ruling party supporter backed by the police. the step pressure is going on in different parts of the walls and the casualties is going to mount. most likely, tens of thousands of people are still gathering in other parts of the city, as well as speak to europe now where it will fall, right? price has to take place in major cities and has across the united kingdom as the country faces. this was drawing thing in 13 years. protest is fault with police and
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middlesbrough on sunday. now the government of the keys follow right. groups of august writing, writing days up to 3 young girls on that as a dense class in south port. please say this information about the suspect is fueling. the current address demonstrates is enrolled sort of in northern england, vandalized the hotel housing migrants. witnesses say, fall right groups also through objects of police officers lined up to protect the property. but earlier the u. k. probably be just the case number address the process if you target people because of the color of the skin. will that face for the bodies fall right on for pet decisive, but it doesn't matter what the current motivation doris. this is violence, it is not protest. it doesn't matter what the motivation is. the motivation for the vast majority of people in this country is to see that street safe. and that's what
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i'm determined that we will deliver. well, let's get more of this from atlanta. some of the best selling events, putnam elaina, your live a pool, of course, the focal point to where some of the and got was. what's the situation like where you are and it's a calm but tens here, please have extra power. was to stop in such anyone that they might believe is up to no good. they also have the right to despise crowds that they find suspicion as it is here just behind me that a riot took place yesterday. why? and 2 races protest as much down to confront the far right. who holding that riley, we were that we experienced a very volatile situation with the police at times really struggling to keep these to put the protests apart and getting hit as well. at one point by breaks and pieces of wood and that disorder then continued over night in parts of
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a residential parts of the city where groups of up to 300 very young people start to basically trashing their own community setting side to a local library looting and smashing up local shops, also firing sidewalks into the police that disorder, stopping in about 2 o'clock in the morning. and today we all seeing mol, on rest, up and down the country. a saw all right, proud really surrounding a hotel and a rather um, another safety in the north of england, a hotel would houses, migraines. now the police really struggling to beat them by they also being hit by flags of wood and chaz and things that the far right protest is the throwing at the moment. now he back keypad, the home secretary was the minister of interior, a here in the u. k has tweeted about this situation and the other invest across the country and she said that the criminal violent attack on a hotel housing asylum seekers and brother,
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i'm is actually pulling deliberately setting side to a building with people know to be inside. she also said that the local police to south yorkshire police has the full government support for the strongest action. it's possible against those 2 are held responsible for this. and we've also hugs from the u. k. prime minister care stopped at the 2nd time he has addressed the publics in the wake of these unrest and protest across the country, saying that those who take part will regret it. i think it's also important to mention that at the time of the london rise in 2011, he was a director of public pressure persecution. and he was pretty much responsible for very swift prosecutions. of many of those who accused of violating, they were handed very long sentences and i think that that might be a strategy that he might try to post you this time round of these provides at the moment i know on the scale of the 2011 london riots, however,
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the disorder is very wide spread across the country and there really isn't any sign at the moment of a dump and inc, related, we'll leave it after that. of course, there's most situations that keeps developed and will come back to you as and when it changes. thank you. still head here. all the officers don't running away from a fight to find some demonstrations in nigeria despite pressure to end that protest . plus on the touch of paula in paris where famously come people radians all in 4016 to fix the i haven't seen any significant warnings of the amount of rain falling from these thunderstorms. and for example, in the philippines on the past, the southeast asia because of seasonally has more or less as it should be. now,
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attempt is, are high particularly by nights. and that's been an assistant c particular place like thailand, or mean by that covers all. it's still season late on night, we seasonally mostly dried into an easier not by and drop the mostly dry and equally tempt. she's a high in china in japan. the korea influenced attempted by as a result of the extra energy, based on the stove, that costs flooding institue and running out through the northeast of indian of china that are the same to getting the whole line. so we can study surf. but these area here is demonstrating the risk of 1st day and night, high temperatures. china highs the a record heat by day and it doesn't cool down a lot by night. this is true of this general part, a child in fact, anywhere in the world that is the main risk. if he doesn't cool down at night during the heat, twice. big showers and still the potential for flash flooding in the coming plants . a bit of time. think of the heat over japan, but not much. again we'll nights are a bit of a problem. the biggest writing risk at the moment in india,
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crosses throughout his time into southern pakistan. that's cool. starting sofa, and we'll do again. the was a journey through every story. every step isn't a separation of what we can achieve to reach the welcome to simmons and exclude does that affect the redesigns luxury losing, trusting of future? today we create of the, [000:00:00;00]
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the book about to what you of as a reminder of all the top story, there's really a tax on 2 schools in garza city have killed at least 30 palestinians 1st respond to say 80 percent of the dad and into the children many women and to so that way to live under the rubble at least $91.00 people, including 13 police officers, have been killed in bunger, that during protest pulling on private, associate casino to step down. tens of thousands demonstrates is founded in several cities. massena has not a strong response cooling, but protest as criminals. the hospital has released a video of its latest attack saying that it hit 5 is ready the targets, the 11 on the southern boulder. the lebanese on break says it talk to the legal settlement, said to let the other been out in little that israel video pays to show rockets.
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being 5 of houses that follow the biologist molded 50 will get signed from something like that on into those of israel. exposures, also seen over up a gallery. as israel deployed, it's been solved defense system to intercept the rock. as i said, the cost more money on june and southern level. well let's start with the over nearly 50 rockets, some of the ones from here and southern level. no, no, we heard. and so those taking off in the, the, i was of the morning that we saw the rising up into the sky heading right over our heads here. and southern lived on and heading towards the, getting the but we also had been being intercepted by israel's defences. and the sound of the shock waves of those would be felt in southern lebanon. let us do a considerable tension and as people named, you know, get ready for watch. uh, the drum, his was the pass on us for the last, the next stage of this conflict. what we're seeing and hearing now,
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the rockets that we've seen and heard take off, and the vigilance being released isn't the retaliation by his bizarre has a promise for the assassination of this senior. come on to it. that's yet to come on. we still don't know what. busy that will take a whether it will be coordinated with the allies and becca iran. the people are concerned that this is the next stage. this is the next phase of the conflict. and our correspondent tell you, is that side page airport and said that doesn't seem to be a rush, but that is definitely let me consent from foreign governments. the u. k. fronts, bridge enough told best experience to meet immediately. i think to that today has been sag. you're right, just saying the same thing. it's the same. the same thinks reasons, foreign minister thing to the embassy stuff in beverage, to leave the country to relocate to cyprus where they will be temporarily relocating the embassy. so there is a, this concern, as people embrace themselves full for this has been retaliation for the assassination of this senior commander fletcher. good. the protest, as all rejecting calls by the generous president to suspend,
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nationwide demonstrations. thousands of people over again on the streets on sunday, depending feel subsidies and before this to tackle the soaring cost of living. and the scenes national since at least 13 protest is being killed and a police practice after 4 days have planned 10 day protests. president bill at the new book says he's introduced new policies, but it will take time to improve conditions. out of that started the pain and the frustration that drive this projects. and i want to assure you that our golf rate is coming to, to listening on address and the concerns of us citizens. while we're more smoking, let valid lives and destruction to our nation that popped, let nobody me same for i'm is educating you about your country. oh, tell you that your government does not care about you. oh,
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do that. i've been many dashed, oops. and the pups were a new era of renewed hope that this has moved from lagos. that's what the protest as well asking for funds to mentally is the reversal of fuels subsidy that was removed by the table government in may. and last year when he took power, now they said that just with genesis of not just need to know me and college cause problems. uh now they also one place to end. apart from that, the ones that reversal of charters imposed by the very bustle of a subsidy is removed. a new types enforcing the set top electricity and other aspects. that's what's not addressing the president's address. now to join me now to talk about the president's address is requiring me paula, re okay. me talk to me. what do you make of the preston street costs of old? uh are you happy with that? does he need your demands? you been on the streets? nancy, this is
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a 50 now. the best for me. yeah. um are us by today by the president is reached. i think miami, me day 2 dash one is out on the army on the way me to say the least of code that the best way to so all of citizens just wondering was that the okay, the domain um but then snowboard would speak to nature as we speak to a citizen. when did you mind? yeah, i mean uh staple before you. but he said he's willing to for dialogue. he's willing to listen to you guys what it was waiting for, download it on me. so professional, i'll just make make it to announcements. okay, and if it to be will be forwarded to the nationalist, that'd be a plus, you know, about the topic for us talking about the families of protest is missing after product categories, demonstrations and can you develop against as to what's happened to the fight script? seybold and 50 people have been killed. dozens will in general, have been abducted. what disappears? bulk of where a positive story from directly susan,
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when gary's been searching for her son emanuel for more than a month. she says he went to walk in central nairobi on the 25th of june to day tens of thousands of mostly young people protested in about 50 towns and cities. or 9 year old sister told us he joined. this is him. they haven't seen him since. no, i let's not have him body to vs on it as best as those who i bodied me, i have no bided. i am although as a being. 3 the demonstration started against the finance bill that would have raised the taxes spread across the country. i mean, rubbing cools and corruption for president william router to resign data to manual disappeared or testers and to call them and please cube thousands of them. since then,
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hundreds of people are interested in thousands of others have disappeared. so being abducted by men in playing sides, many of them say they repeated interrogated and then released. but several people are still missing. i know those like frankie and on dory has been found dead. his body was found in a public toilet. an autopsy revealed he was strangled dot president bruce as before, missed the government reforms and justice with those code. yeah, he's in the can. who has this up yet? i wonder people at ford and see can so and so has disappeared. and i will be very happy to deal with the campaign as say his action does match his what almost every day. families come here in the city more cheery to look for a loved one rights group. say please bring parties and submit reports that don't
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add up these 10 comments on the abductions 50. no extra judicial killings what the police are doing through the orders of the executive is violating those constitutional rights. and we cannot accept to leave in these kinds of environment . where may i be exercising ad rights leads to someone being killed? any justice will be too late to university student ends. in the monday, his buddy was found floating in this used quarry, days off the he attended a protest with that, my son, this. others, like susan, just want on says malcolm web elders, era, nairobi, ukraine says it's received, it says batch of us made at $165.00 digits. the speaking to the media display is the case, the new cray, because of the insulated skill set that helps. yeah. craft would be fine,
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russian forces and cold allies to continue to support the countries will respite you guys to build a tree, says that it's destroyed a russian submarine. and that attack on the black sea boat is investable. the vessel was damaged twice. and you crating of the tanks during the last year. he says the latest attack also damaged a russian ad defend system. but most k has not confirmed the claims to ukraine, how slowly speak with to touch the gaze, western targets and the black sea. since the beginning of the whole world of its most successful operations was the sinking of the flagship of russia's black sea fleet. today for 2022, keith says it hit the most claw with 2 empty ship. besides, 2 months later you craved was able to regain control of the strategic b located stake highland russia withdrew from the island following you crazy of the tax. and it gets 126 day occupation. don't tell you, but 2022 ukraine type responsibility for bubba tack on the bridge connecting russia to occupied crimea. all defense,
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such as the topless explains the significance of the sinking of the supper read. it's one of the big continued success stories for ukraine is our, it's operation is around the black sea. the submarine, it'd be hidden so mentioned earlier before by a storm sort of missile. it took a huge hole out the side of the submarine. it was being repaired, but known as being hit and sunk. now to give you an idea, since, since the boy started russia's last a 3rd of its black sea fleet, so literally more than 15 ships to be put out of action by various means. so much so the vs are actually thank you, pulling the fleet back away from the festival. the traditional headquarters for the black sea fleet is selling to disperse it in ports and bases slightly further afield. to give you an idea of another attack, the ukraine to sleep mode,
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and so to forcing your offices in the tac last year in september. so it is the last, the most of us come on structure. on the 3rd of it, shift in the well, it said proceedings are renowned, full, that cheerful outlook on life and pre olympic full costs. but typically glue b they were fee is of traffic gridlock, insights and prizes and taurus tails. but also games go on, but boot is changing. as natasha butler explains. a few months ago his powers was preparing to host the big games that seemed little enthusiasm in the fridge. capital a city way, residents have a reputation for being grumpy. this i think, is going to be a bit of a dissolved step because there's nothing going right. have you seen the color of the river? it looks like the suit. i think it's going to be


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