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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 5, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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the, the safe them even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator hero. now the, the is very poses target to more schools in guys are sitting most of the data in judge are young children. the don't know about this in the business. obviously are lots in doha most and coming up nearly a 100 people are killed in protests in bangladesh as calls grow louder for pregnant associates. i've seen that's
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a step done. this is not to protest. it is organized by live u. k prime minister issues a warning to fall light protesters as a country faces it's worse twice in 13 years. wanted to talk to butler in power square famously from people is in all embrace and still in pittsburgh the we're going to be getting guys over at least 30 palestinians have been killed and is where the air strikes and schools in guys and the city shortly off to the attacks rescue is rushed in to save the injures, the
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other 2 schools were sheltering. hundreds of people have been forced out of their homes because of civil defense force. it says 80 percent of the dead and wounded are children. is really mother. so you had said it was talking almost fighters. in the meantime, we were just sitting down with a band. so another hit. the school next to the 2 schools were housing, the display civilians and children that were being retrieving the remains of children for the past hour. this is so on for how long we remain like this. we are tired enough, is it because residents of guys are city said the strikes came almost a symbol tenuously. i'll just do this on our source relief has this report. a lot of the is really were planes targeted her son. so lama school in l. a. u in the street, in western god's a city, a number of people were killed and others were injured inside the school. after an error strike had several classrooms. hosting a large number of displaced people. i'm sure that'd be a demo. we can see
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a lot on the floor, the inside the school. the fire is still raging. well, there are a number of bodies under the rubbing tab. i'm sorry, this is the palestinian people. we all set fox. we are all mountains. we are on mountains. the huffman that killed children and old people killed women on the good will save us. what did the children do? the this was on these very these lists of targets. this is a shelter 5. the piece is children and women on bodies everywhere. by the few months and then after the her son, so on the school was targeted. the nearby on after school was targeted. it filters thousands of internally displaced. persons depends. it was targeted without warning . there were a number of people killed and injured because of the are struck you over the last
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few days. is really war plans hit schools and gaza city leaving people killed or injured. most of them are women and children. people are still searching for the missing. we're talking about to sign well, 10 is air strategy. the 2 schools came under heavy air strikes and the you can see rescue efforts to pull a girl from the rubble. she is still alive. she is being pulled out now. she was saved. i'm because a lot is really air strikes, have been concentrated recently on id p centers with shelter thousands of id p and the last centers to be hit were another school and her son so long a school. a large number of people were killed and dozens were injured. out of the city of i love, you know, the united nations is warning of what it calls up. frightening increase and hepatitis a infections among palestinian children in gaza is reported 40000 cases since the
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start of the war as compared to 85 and the 10 months before the conflict began. as in holiday reports from alexa hospital and general butler health facilities struggling to call the older one, but still hanging on and still working the reception is causing and it's hot, it's the heat of some of the medical stuff try to keep some organ. okay. currently we have for us to break the 1st 1000 papers out, the vehicles about licensed in there is a lot of homes. the case, the case is the best i can see. we can present it to the board and its resources to be in such a large number of cases. we're currently in the emergency department in a locks a hospital. and as you see,
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it's the complete chaos. children are laying on the floor. they do not have even beds to sleep on according to their mother. they have been waiting for treatment for hours of doctors are over well with the amount of injuries, the amount of diseases were not only talking about with injuries from that is where the air sites. we're also talking about diseases like hepatitis a, b, b, o and other skin diseases. human would know who s my yes, sits on her doctor how this 5 in the quarry door and told them it's in there. and i was shocked when i found out that my daughter has hepatitis a. she was suffering from stomach crumbs and high temperature for about 3 weeks. she's very sick now and doctor say her situation is dangerous. i think our illness is because of the lack of cleaning materials and sanitation hearing cause of the
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hard on the on the other outbreak, doctors here tell us is of and potato, skin infection. charles, after child are showing up here suffering symptoms. the results for css will also brief, can be pointed, the sim, overcrowded, liquid there. so now the higher level was lost a resume, lots of lice, loc, safety loc, as dignity and 10 months into this. we're assuming glass of will on behalf of the international community to put far more pressure on israel to stop. and the address either the la garza has as well as size is kind of the another area of attack on northern israel. this very minute to confirm that several rockets have been launch from 11 on the on monday morning, an officer and the soldier were injured in the attack and they've been taken to hospital. the white it says is national security team will meet in the coming hours
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to discuss the situation in the middle east of israel's primers. and benjamin netanyahu warned iran and its allies, that his government would exact what he called a heavy price if it was attacked, as well as violated to avenge the killing of a top commander by israel earlier this week, undermines blaming israel for the assassination of how much politically, there is no i now into hun on waving streams on the saw food has more from jordan's capital i'm on is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu completing a meeting with top level security and defense officials on sunday. and it comes after the country's defense minister jo. of delano convened a different meeting in order to present ideas to these really prime minister on what they could possibly expect in a retaliatory attack by the it audience. his vala and perhaps even the food these in yemen. now these really armies spokesperson daniel, her glory and a press conference on sunday. so that is real still doesn't know from where the
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attack is going to come from, but that they are prepared on all fronts and that they are prepared to act both offensively and defensively. several images on social media that have been circulating, showed iron dome missile defense system batteries that were being deployed and replenished all over the country, as israel seems to be bolstering its air defenses in preparation for whatever might come. now there are also reports within his really media that to be shouldn't bet that's the internal security service, has opened up a bunker for his really officials underground and even distributed satellite phones to his really officials. should the coms be wiped out in any sort of attack, but his really officials say they are at their maximum level of preparedness. and they are doing what they can to prepare for these attacks that could spill the region over into a wide spread conflict from the central jersey to a man. it's worth reminding you that honda is reporting from jordan because israel's government has bind,
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i'll just get it from broadcasting inside the country. of united nations is calling for violence in bangladesh. to stop i boost 90. 1 people have died including police officers. demonstrators are calling on private associates, i've seen a to step down. they say security forces should be held accountable, often more than $200.00 people were killed last month during protests which began against the government jump courses to have a child has moved from dock. com. a protest as in bung with that of one demand. the government must step down immediately and they said they will stay in the straits until the 2 students in opposition. supporters when just is often estimated, 200 people were killed and thousands injured last month, one protesting against a government job code, a scheme. the scheme has been dropped, but that's not enough for the protest. there's the suspicion been brothers,
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and the problem is happening because of the government and the failure to have done all this collect, kendall preston. nothing would happen if they would have met the demand. the quarterly form in the students have gathered across the city, including a shutout square by the doc or university campus, with getting reports of classes with police and grueling parties. member from different parts of the frontier. the whole time, dangerous violence. as a result of this pleasures between the students police supporter from the opposition groups and supporters of the ruling party. the overwhelmingly alternatives have pro schools and universities across the country, blocked internet access and impose the chute on site courtesy. she thought they could stop us by closing educational institutions, but you cannot stop us. still,
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there is the math. let's things on the road. protest is one to bring the whole country to a stand stable. calling on the public, stopped working and paying bills. a group i talked to major public hospital and the community center homes have been vandalized and some threatening more under the will. the ministers are in hiding. wait to see how the people will go into the wrong department house check. i've seen it doesn't resign voluntarily to take on next. spend zillow and she taught bnb. delmark check has said that brings the main opposition to bangladesh and national his party and then the right thing. jim updates let me party for instigating violence and has pledged to investigate the depth and said with protesters, but they said they only wanted resignation tunbridge all the way. i'll just say that back to you guys. first of all, i think is 13 years of swept across the country with more far right. demonstrations . expect it to continue,
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major towns and cities. it follows the faithful stopping of 3 young girls who were killed in the knife, which i could have done class. and so forth. police, i missed information about the suspect is fueling the unrest. u. k, probably most are chess. thomas said that what he describes as far white sugs will . regrets taking positive violence is mostly targeted refugees and other minority communities. and then the rest of the individual, i said, is this report from level another day, another battle between via to and the police. the front line, this time a hotel housing migrants in rolls around in the north of england. the far right protest advertised as peaceful, quickly descending into violence, police taking the brunt of it, trying to protect those draft inside. but there is no sign of letting off here who in other parts of england middlesborough in the northeast police struggling
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to hold back riotous as the sort of spreads. stalled by full stream is online that a soft spect in the matter of 3 young gulls in southport a week ago wasn't most an immigrant. the british prime minister voting instigators, they will be punished. a, i guarantee you will regret taking paul to this disorder with directly, all those with the not this option online, and then running away themselves. this is not protest. it is organized violent soccer, right? it has no place on all streets or on line. the nights, the city of level pool, so some of the west violence youth tilting 0 neighborhoods. the damage clear in the light of day with a smell of smoke. here is a, the welding. the space was refurbished only 18 months ago. it's called children's
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clauses. the community hub and in library it host adult i. t clauses which people here say the community desperately needs their welfare offices here as well that come and help people with the phones orals that go on and one night advisements beyond. so as to why this happened is in simple it's like it was, it makes a sudden, obviously there's a large amount of file, right manipulation on social media. there was also an element of disaffection from the people getting involved. but there's no excuse for the type of criminality and seeking to try and damage and ultimately destroy community facilities. we're not going to lance, that small minority divide. those we're not gonna let not small minority when that's why we're going to bring this associate back into use. and equally as well, we're going to look at how we support the why the community to build back from yesterday's on acceptable events. this romanian shop was a target of looting,
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was left to pick up the pieces off the days of violence. communities can only hope it. oh, and soon, you know, that was to me to reach out to 0, livable the still ahead and i'll just say that we're going to have more on the topic and that's making his way to the us state of florida. the the, i had a lot of that, let's have a look at the weather for the middle east and live on to it is looking largely on settled across the southern parts of the region. you can see the cloud showing where the heavy rain has been floating across the south west as saudi arabia, that's called flash flooding and washed away some roads and bridges. then now the threat remains. we have what warnings out. well that southwest corner stretching
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western areas of the red sea, we're also seeing some heavy falls across the western pots of yemen. we could see the rain pick up as well in mind. we have those warnings out here if you spit some spots of rain as well, expected across some of the gulf states. now, temperatures have come down here though. how is things such a 9 degrees celsius? we are expecting the humidity to pick up with that in katasha temperatures, however, it will recover by the mid week. we all seen them sit around the average for the north of this across much of the event that we have had some relief to the exceptional. he took off the move west of africa, but temperature is offset to pick up in places like morocco in the days ahead. it is largely dry, however its way across most southern parts of molly schreiber as well. and we'll see some very heavy rain start to work into tons and yeah, and tenure as we go monday into tuesday, march stria across the south. as
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china ramps up to full patients of north korean, defective human rights group, say they faced imprisonment, torture and even death in the country. in desperation, some involve dangerous journey 101 east reveals and north korea's claim to factors on al jazeera award winning documentary is from around the one l g 0 the the, the, the your to go to 0. reminder of our top so is this is really a tax on 2 schools we got the city of killed. that is 1st we promised any of the
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rest of us say 80 percent of the dad and injured of children. israel said it was targeting how most pointers, at least 91 people, including 13 police officers, have been killed in bangladesh during protest. they're demanding the pregnant associates. i've seen that steps down. situations come to the united nations to call for an end to define families of protesters who went missing officer a cracked out against demonstrations. and can you say they want to know what's happened to them? right, scripts, a more than 50 people have been killed. dozens more have been abducted or disappeared. malcolm lab reports from nairobi. susan wind guard has been searching for her son emanuel for more than a month. she says you went to work in central my re be on the 25th of june. today, tens of thousands of mostly young people protested in about 50 towns and cities.
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a 9 year old sister told us he joined. this is have they haven't seen him since. no, i've lost that, haven't body to vs on it as best as those who haven't bodied me. i have no bided. i am always in being a demonstration started against the finance bill that would have raised the taxes spread across the country. i mean, rubbing close to and corruption for president william router to resign. davidson manual disappeared or testers and to call them and please cute thousands of them. since then, hundreds of people are interested in thousands of others have disappeared. so being abducted by men in playing sides, many of them say they were beaten, interrogated and then released. but several people are still missing. i know those like frankie and on dory has been found dead. his body was found in
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a public toilet. an autopsy revealed. he was strangled the president brutalize before me. the government reforms and justice with those codes, even that he's in the can. who has this up yet? i wonder people at ford and see can so and so has disappeared. i would be very happy to deal with the campaign is say his action does match his what almost every day families come here to the city more to a to look for a loved one rights group, say please bring parties and submit reports that don't add up these 10 comments on the abductions, 50, no extra judicial killings what the police are doing through the orders of the executive is violating those constitutional rights. and we cannot accept to leave in these kinds of environment. where may i be exercising rights leads to someone
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being killed. any justice will be too late to university student ends in the monday . is buddy was found floating in a dis, used quarry, days off the he attended a protest with that, my son, this others, like susan, just want on says the malcolm web elders era, nairobi protests of the projected calls from nigeria and president obama, to nubile for an end to nationwide demonstrations on sunday, thousands of people, but again on the streets, demanding fuels subsidies and reforms to talk of the sewing cost of living. i'm gonna stay international. it says at least 13 protests are being killed in a police crack done after 4 days of protests. some people remain unconvinced by the president speech. from the speech that the president has made so far, it doesn't address the needs of the nature of peoples by reducing the few
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fries back to 200 thinking back subsidies. reducing the cost of education within the board. that's then. yeah, it's possible someone like it to a seriously, honestly, i don't as expect any too much from him because he's more like a dictator. he's someone that smokes, whatever, he se drives it's uh for his own benefits. so if he hasn't been defeated from the nation, the yes he, i'm used to call about this nothing much he can see about on meet molly's military voters here. they're cutting diplomatic relations with you claim dev accused keith of supporting product fighters inside molly. and i was when it comes off to dozens of mario's soldiers and mercenaries from russia as wagner group were killed by product fighters in the north. last week, while he is on time, has used wagner massive ways to boast of its ministry. since taking power and 2020,
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under level of interest research followed with expect them to at least a tube tvs, a specialist on this a hell and north africa. and he thinks the possible presence of ukrainian intelligence was one explanation for the devastating losses. encouraged by the wagner groups, it was that the the i'll give ition that outside support immersed 1st from pro wagner sources, particularly on telegram and other social media. there are allegations, as you're creating systems to also french and other systems, which again would fit with the propaganda that bothers us to push about outside of position outside opposition to their efforts and tamale's efforts. but then it also fits with the overall attempt to explain why this attack are so devastating, particularly when wagner forces in molly had not encountered a sort of resistance like this before. now there are multiple reasons why that might be a force. outside training is the one possible explanation that doesn't really
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explain what happened. and i think we'd have to look at the facts with this. this expedition that was largely wagner personnel with some malia, independent before st. alongside that uh that it took place very far away from any support and very typical conditions and in an area that has for decades and has it been a stronghold of various battle groups in democratic republic of congo, the inventories read on groups taking control of a key town in the border with uganda, the majority ethic took the movement, sees in shuts out on sunday without facing any resistance. it happened as a cx 5 deal came into force between the congress government under mulanda. i don't know what kind of reports from the regional capital goma. i thought that was the only one. but the remaining would you gone to, in terms of customs in this area or from tools we have to remind view of the them to, to defy ticket or most like it. so they do for it $3020.00 lights. now you must see,
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see where the, the, it's also helping them to stuck the town of go my yeah, well yeah, because they're almost on, on, on the mid golf go my here controlling the mileage through the socket. then you going the other side off a little bit on the open, another for july in the last last to last month. and now the, the template. it's almost the top and the gaming area in this, in the take it off auto table. and this is making some more people forget to done would severely on. this is why i was old with many people. as we said previously, it was amazing less well because they've done was wondering, was wondering how the government would make a decent walk. and this is exactly, and then to coordinate of this call is shown in which them to the 2 levels of why to know them all. it's called if c said or would during the day that they were coming there with caught in the day of march. and this is exactly what the, the, they've done the right to now, and we don't know tomorrow, what will happen again. but the old where the in the minutes, 12 digit board,
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the of a, it shows a way to know, okay, that we distribute it on the, on a tropical storm. debbie strengthened into a category one hurricane as it approaches the us state of florida forecast to say the storms go to wind speed of around a 120 kilometers per hour. people are being told to expect an unprecedented rainfall. i just, real castro is the following developments from washington dc. the storm is predicted to continue to pick up strings as it nears the gulf coast of florida. and it's expected to be a category one hurricane. by the time it makes landfall that's expected to happen. early monday morning, near the city of tallahassee, windsor expected to top, a 140 kilometers an hour and coastal communities have been worn to brace for, potentially life threatening storm surge. that'd be as likely to bring a historic amount of rain and it's slow moving. nature means per long periods of the delusion. 3rd, as governor has told residents to expect,
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flooding into heat evacuation orders. president biden has issued a federal disaster declaration for florida. and 3000 florida national guards, members are on stand by authority. say that it's all hands on deck as debbie nears . and then after she gets florida, she's expected to continue to move north over georgia and south carolina. this will be the 1st hurricane to make land bolt in the united states this hurricane season. one that's predicted to be packed full of these powerful storms fueled by the warming ocean waters. hydro castro alj, a 0 washington cambodia is prime ministers on the field. a $1700000000.00 plan to build a canal to link a river to the c. the 180 kilometer project was announced on the banks of the mic homes of a home that has both to finish it at all costs. the project aims to reduce the country's dependence in vietnam for transport is expected to be partially funded by
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china. a really big spirit seems to be spreading among the people of powers before the games began. there were fears of traffic, good luck and inflated prices and tourist chaos. but as natasha butler explains, locals do seem to be embracing the events. a few months ago was paris was preparing to host the olympic games. there seemed little enthusiasm in the fridge. capital, a city wave residents have a reputation for being grumpy. i think it's going to be a bit of a disaster because there's nothing going right. have you seen the color of the river? it looks like the suit. i think it's going to be a mess. thanks to that excited. no, certainly not. i'm not excited at all about the olympics, even if it's undoubtedly a big event for paris. but since the games began, something's happened there's,
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you know, remote couple transformation people, the whole team and cheering, even phones is outgoing. prime minister joining the fun finds things like these all crowded. so gene and her children have been coming here regularly. she said she was cynical about the lympics. now she can't get enough of them don't even though we were really worried as curzy and because it's been so much construction, noise and traffic in so many parisians of left. but i would have to say very, pleasantly surprised. we stay much and we making the most of it and when the activities of it was watching, some of the will still pass. the leads before me is also encouraging some people to get moving the front the process doing so well in the games, particularly in sports like fencing really adds to the point mood these do they just say that proud of the games are happening in the city by this gives us collaborative, all goes well, it's unique because it's been a 100 years since the games will last here. prisons.


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