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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 5, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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of the us wants to keep the war and ukraine going back to russia's will is broken. but is that strategy working? what to do if there is no date after in israel's war on causes the quizzical look good us politics, the bottom line, the, the tide and shape which is the end to the fact that here through the scenes of jubilation in the south, towards the longest serving probably minute step resigns and please to india. they'll be chief calls and then to the process of to be seen political leaders, but denouncing the formation of an interim government. the phillips around the duty officer lives. but headquarters here in the also coming up
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at least 80 bodies of palestinians have been detained by these right in the military. it's a $102.00 for hospital in garza people uh scott or a beret or a desperate for the international community to hear that christ leo and painted on a picture of suffering in sit on those the top. i see, see prosecutor promises that those responsible will be held accountable. welcome to the go button, but that's just probably that associate can see that has quit. of select the country to india. thousands of protest installed to the residence of the parliament building and the capital cost. the head of the all being has announced the formation of an interim government as protest as to stop the interest tall, strong foot begins on coverage. a protest is still in the residence of bundles that
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she's prime minister. she has a female weeks of violent demonstrations across the south. asian country have killed at least 300 people in an address to the nation. beyond the chief confirmed scene, had resigned and slipped the country huge people to trust in the military to restore . com, uninsured. those responsible for the killings are punished. one multi, all the country is witnessing a period of revolution right now. i had invited all the leaders of political parties that came. yeah, and we had a good discussion. we have decided to form an interim government through the interim government, the functioning of the country will take place and i'm giving you my word that we will bring justice for all the killings and the injustice that has happened. have faith in the army. unity armed forces the purchase started last month with the demands to end quote, u, as in government, jobs reserved for relatives of people in force in the world of independence. more than 50 years ago. there was
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a pause in the demonstrations of to the supreme court. scratch most closes, but students came back to the streets, demanding justice for the families that those killed and the resignation of the prime minister. well, the 90 people were killed on sunday alone. including searching police officers would demonstrate his type to police station of the army has promised to form an interim government. there were concerns about the lack of trust in the ministry among the protest as this is really a population that has been looking for accountability and justice for some years. now under a, you know, an increasingly authoritarian and allow me lead regime assume that will be crucial . i think the, the big food now i think should be that they may be reprisals and violence against the fathers as willing kaji. i think this is something that everyone's really worried about and we will be hoping that the army is able to keep the piece. and as well as introduce some kind of
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a into in system that can deliver us back to democracy in bangladesh. off, if you don't let me choose, spoke a group which is spearhead, the empty government protest released the statement, saying the ministry is not the solution. students in the public and decide who will be a point you to the, into the government. it said, it was not a street of protest on was a movement against we'll talk proceed. that's why we're role here. 76. you over to see them want to full straight to me. in january of this year, the election was boy calling to find a main opposition policy. the policy be a while me lee, is being accused of rights abuses and corruption. he is seen as resignation and fleeing. the country is being widely celebrated. accost bangladesh, the restoring. com assuring accountability and trust in the military. that is itself accused of widespread abuse poses a huge challenge in the days and weeks ahead, catastrophic which is 0. 10,
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which i would reason donica. he says process of the calm down, but active a still have depends. it is an unprecedented event environment that shows history, nothing like that happened, you know, in the sense of independence. and it's, it was about to say, so, revolution by the student designs the generation. and it was with the support of the general public trust station after years of you know, a lot of bad economy and no space for democracy knows freespace people's restorations. right. going there was extrajudicial killing and forced to disappear and lot of people are missing. so a lot of people actually came out the finally we have a voice to speak, the cards to speak because student gave them that kind of, they came out in the street and showed look, you can stand up even on the face of bullets and the students are very adamant that they're coming up within 24 hours of blueprint for who. what should be the in term government be like, how should,
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but the new formation of government should be when should be the election, be afraid, democratic election, all this group. and they said well, and the doctor, the in term for farming and in time government. and we. busy have a say so if not, we'll be back on the street. that's a very strong statement from the students come in today. and on the other hand, there's been been a lot of vandalism. unfortunately, many houses of pro government houses were set ablaze. people are looking for the bank, all the politician from the opposition party, the students and other, you know, personalities came out and said, look, this has to stop. you cannot go for revenge. and benjamin, even the chairman of the main opposition party acting chairman guy that started for a month, came out and said that this ask to stop, you kind of go for the time you have, we need a consolation not send them. so that is important because the mob mentality is, is to take revenge. they've been lot of vandalism, destruction, and that needs to stop. people are concerned about that. but bryan lives that much the majority of the men peaceful. and we'll see how they react and learning the streets again.
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the, the, the legend he says has completed his investigation into 19 staff members of the human agency, full palestinian refugees, who israel accused of being involved in the october the 7th the tag. thanks. i'm no o insufficient evidence to support the allegations against the 10 of its stuff. they found the evidence that 9 may have been involved of tub in a to that employment under what employees around 13000 people. gabrielle is on to his line for us at the united nations. clarity is what the united of the international community wanted. gabriel, will these findings close the chapter on this episode as well? we'll have to wait and see, quite frankly, but i think that it probably will in some ways and probably not in some other ways crate, quite frankly. and let me briefly explain. it will probably close the chapter for
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the more than 12 countries that suspended funding to under uh in january after these allegations came to light. since then. oh, but one country have resumed funding again to unwrap the one that hasn't has been the united states. now this report will probably close the chapter because i do not see any of these countries that have resumed funding to unwrap. now saying, oh, i don't know, maybe we're going to revoke funding again. i just don't see that happening. i think that this issue has been put behind them for most of the countries that are past funding and then have a sense resumed it. however, there is still some ambiguity to this, and it comes to some language that will probably still be discussed, and that is the un spokesperson saying 9 staff members may have been involved in october 7th, the un admitting that they do not have ultimate conclusive evidence. but they
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say that they have enough to indicate that 9 might have been involved in october 7th, but enough, the un says to fire these 9 employees, the spokesperson for the secretary general was asked repeatedly about this. and the noun briefing that just concluded and basically saying, basically they're saying we have enough evidence, but this is important. the evidence that israel says it has was never handed over to you and investigators. and so ultimately, we might never know. so that's why there still is a door open here, but clearly this investigation has been going on for more than 7 months now. is concluded, it's an investigation that happens behind closed doors. it's private and the final report will not be released to the public. well, it is not very question is that you have occupations made by israel, but the end of the 100 over the evidence shooting is rather now going to, well, potentially going to bottle the cyber
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a little bit more on this particular issue. a probably because that's what his real does, that's what we've seen them do in the past months and years. quite frankly, israel is going to use this as evidence. see, they're gonna hold this report up and say, see, even the united nations confirmed that 9 of their staff members were involved in october 7th, what is real? might not tell you publicly or at least not volunteer? is it 10 staff members that were accused, had been exonerated and, and no evidence was found. again, it goes back to this. the 9 staff members may have been involved in october 7th. i gotta go back to that. it's a little co pay care on how the u. n is framing it, but that's probably how is real, wants it quite frankly. because again, israel did not provide what they say is the evidence that they claim confirms that these staff members were part to part in october 7th,
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the tax. and so the essentially left it up to the u. n's own investigators to try to find the evidence on their own. and they basically concluded with 10 of the staff members, there was no evidence with 9. mm. there might be enough evidence. so they decided to fire the 9th. so there's, there's, there's still a lot of opaque parts of this. and again, the o i o s investigations, internal investigations by the un are not released to the public, their private, and they're held behind closed doors. gabriel, the for is that you will hate to keep thank you. as well as late as the tax on the ground and goals. i have killed at least 40 palestinian since sunday. 2 people were killed and 4 injured when several missiles struck some old in the streets, a separate drive, an attack on a group of people collecting wood has left 2 children wounded. early on monday is vainly dry ins talked to the police car in the area. can i get at least 8 p police offices of the bodies of at least atl identified palestinians have been handed to
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the necessary medical complex in calling you this by the international red cross. these really ami has not disclose the circumstances of that death. little the reason that remains within that possession the bodies were impossible to identify a defeat buried in the mass craven calling us the cause of government media offices, as well as taking the title of 2000 bodies of from grays in the strip. since the bull i showed the feeling is tragic. one feels a deep sorrow and questions. how could this happen to us? it's devastating and a bubble this to lose a son not be able to find his body. one becomes exhausted and emotionally drained, when seen everyone else retrieving and burying that dead. well, i cannot find out where my son or my father is. the situation is wherever me out. i'm very distressed. every day i follow up with everyone work in a civil defense and whether it's bodies. i tried to search. something about mood has been at the burial site in calling us and something cause it and said this update. this day has been clouded with many heart breaking stories,
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including the 84 bodies that were delivered to gaza in a cargo container on a truck. and earlier hours to the through the coordination with the red cross. the 4 bodies believe to the bodies of policy means were detained and killed in israel, or inside this detention. can the military detention come to this is very consistent with what we a good hearing from people who will release the copies were released from is really detention since there's the whole talk to us about the physical abuse, the torture, the, the sexual abuse in the, the old kind of culture and a view that the have to go to when the many death and the many stories of people died inside these detention centers for the past months. and fortunately, the scene was quite a tragic and heart breaking people were emotionally exhausted and drained the
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gather at not their hospital is searching for any possible mark or sign leading through the these bodies, at least one of these body belong to one of the families or their children, their relatives, the ones have been missing for the past month, but unfortunately, they are fully decomposed with no signs whatsoever to recognize the. the bodies were buried in a mass. the grave of final resting place for these bodies fully identified. and this has been the stories from the past experiences as well. this is the 4th time is really military. after it for a long period of time release bodies, the palestinian prisoners societies as another prisoner from garza, has died in his way the custody. it's a by today died as a result of torture at the hands of his riley capt as his death brings the number of palestinians killed that because right and even sedate payment prism to 375 is
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where the soldiers remaining custody of allegations are coming up rape and physical abuse of prisoners, the facility fun, but it cons one that has the law fight to have been killed by and as many as strong can southern level the liberties minister of how confirmed the dance and the towns of mason javala and dave slick, black smooth could be seen rising into the after the attack. at least 5 has belong . scientists have been killed during the past 24 hours earlier, it has blown set it carried out to the tentacle. nobody's royal. these really military confed. several rockets were lowered from 11 on anything on monday, an officer and a soldier were injured in the attack and taken to hospital. the latest attacks come with the entire region on the edge. both has blown underground, avowed to retaliate. you'd have to, as well as the sedation of a husband documented and they root of the tank which killed him. mostly, that is about how the entire on as a bag has moved from the southern level. this all is being discussions taking place
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. trying to get has belong there onto kind of limits the recreation we've had did. it gets uh from around the world arrive here in lebanon and baby to talk to the lebanese government to pass on messages to his blood, trying to get them to kind of limits their response to his radius estimation of the senior. come on to flood sugar in the suburbs of baby roots now his with i have promised to retaliation. so i'm not sure if that retaliation will be limited. as for iran right there on of also require a promise to retaliation. in fact, the foreign minister has invited foreign investigative as well as the heads of missions to a meeting in, in, in there, on a note back again to discuss this retaliation. we also understand that the russian national security adviser, as well as the height of a delegation aren't there on a ring. and me just say is to discuss the by that's what the cooperation deal. but again, the pressing issue is this conflict is this retaliation that we're expecting,
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possibly from a at the same time it wrong. and his beloved act at the same time. and the real fear is, will this not escalate? and the united states believes that it, according to reports that this attack from iran and his block would be imminent. but they will. so trying to deescalate that they want to run in his block to limit the retaliation of any turn, put pressure on israel to limit their response to iran. and his beloved, whether that will happen or not is it is a separate question altogether. and right now, it's old speculation. we don't know when his blood and iran will strike old. we do know is that they have promised a response. we don't know where they will strike and we don't know how expensive will, how wide spread it will be. this is where the falls, the calorie up bull rates. milk pod westbank though that focus on the city of geneva. but it's really um with vehicles of being fields running into palestinian cause. at least one person has interest medics on the sea and have transported the man showed him to a hospital still had held elder 0. all right,
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so the u. k. why the prime minister can't stop. the problem is it's swift criminal sanctions for those involved and some of the was run to get both of the decade. the in depth analysis of the days headlines is ready, black is raised, accusing that i was looking upon them, sense informed opinions. this is person's 1st visit to north korea in 24 years. why is he making it now critical debate? i believe the selections will empower him in any way, as well as voters in america inside story, massachusetts. the group was fine to send on out jersey around the
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there's a deliver it mission of house to me in western and it needs to be question. this is not the time to, to mr. kind of weight is happening. the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere here at the listing past, the, [000:00:00;00] the book about to all,
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deservedly so on the reminder of all the top stories. and that's just 5 minutes to share because he now has resigned and slept when the crowds are being celebrated on the streets of the capital. at least 300 people have been killed during the weeks on antique government protests. the head of the move of god was the bond, has announced the summation of an interim government after meeting political leaders in the capital duyka. these judge protest as to stop the rest. in other days, the united nations has completed its investigation into 19 staff members of the un agency, full palestinian refugees to israel accused of being involved in the october 7th attack. they found no will in sufficient evidence to support the allegations against 10 of that staff. they found the evidence that 9 may have been involved of terminated that employment human rights groups of denounced widespread acts of sexual violence against women and girls during the conflict can sit on. international criminal court, prosecute a cream con, told
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a human security council. the cold would soon take steps to prosecute those guilty of committing will crimes in sit down. i will be in a position, i believe we are. why. i hope by my next report, i will be able to announce applications for warren. so the rest regarding those or some of those individuals that have the most responsible for what we're seeing at the moment. people uh scott, or a beret or a desperate for the international community to hear that cries, have been, morgan has moved from costs a considering the fact that both were in size have failed to listen to any previous you and resolution and calls by regional countries. for a cease fire and to allow for investigation, it doesn't look like these where it's at least for the time being will resonate. so i think continues here in the capital costume. this is denise army announced on
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monday that they were able to regain more control over more territories in the city of from the mind. and there has been repeated artillery strikes by the rapid support forces in the city over the past year to that's in north and are for and that's the last, are me strong, cold in the inside our for region. now, there has been reports of death of civilians as a result of the arthur, there were strikes, health facilities, hospitals in impression have been targeted repeatedly by the artillery strikes 5, the rapids support forces and then those are to lose track and the air strikes 5 of the new army which has led to civilian death. so uh for the time being it looks like both sides are focused on trying to win the conflict. i'm trying to get some upper hand over the other rather than listening to what's the international criminal court prosecutor and the united nations security council is calling for both sides to do, which is for accountability from the international criminal court and for a ceasefire from the united nations security council, us soldiers of withdrawal from the last american military base and is uh, the pentagon, as it is, that comes most of the year off to the transmitter trees reflect
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a deal at old as us forces to exit the country. now the us military had to use the country as a strategic station for stuff, it's dakota bomb to groups in the region. so let's move to the u. k. now where the new light, the government is facing a national crisis as the west writing in 13 years sweeps the country by then seals by follow right groups of the beginning. it's not going through your goals and stuff. the death of the dense class in southport last week. the authorities say the right so initially linked to misinformation about the suspect in the southport to tack both of the 140 people have not been arrested since saturday nights relate to facilitate has moved from south poles. are we calling from the mass, subbing in south for the next 3 young girls lost their lives, the food in the crime scene? still, people still leaving tribute there and the residence of south who won't be attend,
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seem to be that tragedy has really been a catalyst disorder. up and down the country, prompted by false information, right, on line initially about the identity of the suspect. now moving into general anti immigrant sentiment today on monday, the u. k. prime minister keeps telling a check a cobra meeting. it's an imagine in his cabinet ministers, these teeth intelligence teeth trying to put a handle on the situation off to what he announced. especially a standing army of police officers who would be ready to deploy to the different communities to tackle the rise as they happened to you. so to break the date will be prosecuted and he also said this online instigating test. we also feel of the news now that are actually extra prosecutors drafted in and for to being allowed to
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sit loan good to try to process the more than full 100 people who have say, saw being arrested and down the country and authorities, the warnings that they are looking through the ctv surveillance images that they people could be expecting around even weeks a month from now really putting anyone on the line trying to prevent any the, the disorder. but there is tension up and down the country and full says, bracing potentially for more riots and more protest and more. all right, valid to happen. and we've seen some of those rallies to send him to violence. but here in south for the residents really today, a week on from this tragedy, thinking about the 3 young lives lost. the letter was sending to reach out to 0, southport the one year of to be arrested in prison. been to the full, the pockets of the prime minister, inbound con, thousands of protest as have taken to the streets to demand for his release. was there a roof upstairs commode,
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hired to report some swampy tens of thousands of papers that rather get along my day long. the paper i knew i had danger to run new york. so i'll be a major flower shop by the project on that. it can solve one the often i am ron vaughan registered by the government. several of their leaders out in j. but does of god does not diminish the into it is i'm of the supporters open bordering from across the country from the southern programs of things from the fun job i'd rather i'd rather just on drawing but the larger show for that going to be a head and so i'll be a clear message or the government that they're there, the number, according to these people are in your mom, just on the stand with them wrong calm as he is. the only truth will lead to in this concern, who is the puts in jail for one year by the corrupt government struggle will
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continue until he is released. and i've got that and gutters by the events and burglar, there's rad. see, in our water, there's already less items involved. because in female, the only purpose of a gathering here in swaby is to protest for the release of leader iran. calm look at what happened to his senior wishing in bangladesh, she to suppress people's voices and just the same and practiced on, i think that chavez sharif move on like the method paper. let's say it's loud and clear. that was the paper, the size. they're ready ready for the data, go up sorts of old streets of plummets enough to at least sell offs in asia and you repeat equity markets. the downturn is linked to rising phase of recession in the united states. now the dow jones industrial index type in to an opposite low alley and trends. nick, a close 12.4 percent level logging. it's was to day decline in several years. well,
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london's fits c $100.00 close to present level. the market products is market product, in fact is being driven by weak us economic data, which has been stakes by phase also, recession that wasn't easily so problem about quick low interest in the house last time in the out of their news our, the weather is next and then it's inside story to stay with us the the, the, the heat has continued to build across the north east of africa and a lot of that will have flooded across into the live. and we've got temperature warnings out. the places like israel temperatures. however, for the south of this, across the gulf are expected to come down as a simone wind is, is, and instead we are expecting the humidity to pick up in places like it could talk.
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we could see a split or spot of shower for the u. a and a month, but the heaviest of the rain by the mid week still pouring into western parts of human, affecting western areas of saudi arabia as well. we could see small flash flooding from those torrential downpours. and we are expecting spun the storms in mecca to choose day, and that'll bring the temperature down. now, temperature, as haven't been sitting as high as it were a few weeks ago in morocco for the north west of africa, they'll sit very high. however, for the most east, for egypt, for the south of us as a story of wet weather, some of that dipping into southern parts of egypt, stretching across the western parts of africa and picking up for the east. we are likely to see some heavy falls in the days ahead for kenya as well as tons in the that thanks to a weather front, putting in of the sea. but as long as you find dry down in the south, it is however, going to get cooler in cape town by the end of the week. the unique perspectives i should be,
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i really not them because the i left and nothing is something you that we on heard voices, but we are committed guessing best i can. all of you so much connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. lot of these positions, if there was problems or medical facilities in golf as it would be preventable that the heart of what's the stream on our, just the, or as simon declared and one paws of water own suits on what age has been blocked by the war. insides, warnings that will spread throughout the country as the conflict takes a devastating told on civilians what can be done to help them. and this piece possible. this is inside story,
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the hello there and welcome to the program. i'm laura kyle. there's a humanitarian crisis ensued on one that could have been prevented from it and has


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