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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 6, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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hope your husband ever experienced a landslide on this day of with this so many people killed from around the world between those wide coast guard ships and the blue vessel. that's where a 2nd tankers think last week is so close to the store. we can see it clearly with the naked die. the protest to celebrates on the streets of buttons. this dish of the appointment is to shake the scene of please the country for weeks of demonstrations and the deadly police, correct the commentary. johnson, this is all just that are not from the whole set coming up towards that hung on to me, the ocean. and you reports on fails, the systemic abuse of palestinian prisoners and is rarely giles since october. the
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2nd, the far right groups class with police again in the united kingdom. find this to case tom of one's rights has faced the full force of the law at a drenching from a debbie. what's making the tropical storm between the us so dangerous the banquet? this is prime minister shape. i've seen it has resigned and sled to neighboring india. the head of the army has declared the formation of an interim government and called for an end to the protest. un secretary general antonio terrace is quoting for com. unrestrained from the challenge, he has more from the capital dot com, a protest us from the residence of bangladesh as prime ministers accessing a weeks of violent demonstration across the salvation country, have killed at least 300 people in an address to the nation. the army chief confirm
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testing i had resigned and select the country. he arched people to trust in the military to restore, come and ensure those responsible for the killings are punished. whitfield the country is witnessing a period of revolution right now. i had invited all the leaders of political parties that came. yeah, and we had a good discussion. we have decided to form an interim government through the interim government, the functioning of the country will take place and i'm giving you my word that we will bring justice for all the killings and the injustice that has happened. have faith in the army. unity armed forces. the protest started last month with a demand to end quote, as a government jobs reserved for relatives of people for the in the world of independence. more than 50 years ago. there was a pause in the demonstration after the supreme codes prep most code as but students came back to district demanding justice for the families of those killed and the
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resignation of the prime minister. more than 90 people were killed on sunday, including 13 police officers. when demonstrators attacked the police station, the army has promised to form an interim government, but they are concerned about the lack of trust in the military among the protest. this is really a population that has been looking for accountability and justice for some years. now under a, you know, an increasingly authoritarian, allow me lead regime. assume that would be crucial. i think the, the big food now i think should be that they may be a reprisals and violence against a father's is willing, katya. i think this is something that everyone's really worried about. and we would be hoping that the army is able to keep the peace and as well as introduce some kind of into him system that can deliver us back to democracy in bangladesh. after the army chief spoke, a group which has spearheaded the anti government protest relays the statement,
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saying the military is not the solution. the students on the public will decide who it will be at pointed to the interim government. it's like the it was not a street of protest on was a movement against we'll talk proceed. that's why we're role here. the main concern would be those who are still behind the bars. not just since the recent stood in front of the thousands of political prisoners hoping behind the bar during event before the election, 76 year old have seen a warning vote straight term in january this year, the election was by crowded by the main opposition party. our party, the army league, has been accused of rights abuses and corruption for years, sooner as resignation and clean. the country is being widely celebrated across spring the best. but restore income, assuring accountability and trust in the military. that is itself the q that of wide spread abuse poses a huge challenge and the days and weeks ahead. temperatures rate. i'll just see the
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doctor. i'm going to treat chief work it was i'm on, has taken charge of the country during one of its west political crises in decades . the 58 year old was a point to the head of the army on june 23rd for 3 year period. he previously served as a chief of general stuff that was seen but a true, a probations, unintelligence, as well as the country's role in un peacekeeping operations. he completed 2 tools as a piece of paper himself and go down and i've been drawing a career spending more than 30 years. and i haven't worked closely with former prime minister shaped the senior staff officer, an armed forces division. i saw him audi is policy and advocacy manager at the about city school with international affairs. he says the army should have acted soon to prevent finance. as i see this as a lack of quite a side business menu, what are you seeing so much of public outrage uprising happening be the army should have taken preparation well in advance to be able to come into the position not
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taking over the country, but to ensure the security of the people until the inherent government and the members of the internal government are set in place, which would take some time, of course, because they needs to be consultations with the intelligence here as well as the students with the meeting to protest. so that has all happened that as a result, we're seeing this based on the risk and, and offering of tension on the, on the ground. and it's not very normal. it will take some time to do sort of a ring and normalcy in the, in the situation. and i told that the army would immediately come to the front, left east intro, the security of the people and the structure. and that's just one part of it. there's a lot of work that it has to be use of the government and the, and i'm glad that the army chief has mentioned that that'd be and certain government would be form and it will include the members of the intelligence here in the country. but when i say this, this member of the intellect and share this needs to come to public participation
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of representation of the students who have let the movement, the credit today for this victory, for the fall of uh, she casino and her government goes entirely to the students and the people the wider population who joined us with a subsequent gait and made it so big that, that the government doesn't have to not stay in power any longer. so they deserve a charles to speak or who they want in the power. the united nations has completed its investigation. it's a 19 staff members of you, an agency for palestinian refugees. israel accused of being involved in october 7 for tuck. they found no insufficient evidence just to fault the allegations against 10 of its stuff. they say that 9 may have been involved and have terminated their appointments, but it is real. hasn't provided evidence to support static ations against them when
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the employees around 13000 people in gauze that of you and stressed that as well. never handed the evidence to support the sound of patients organization to verify. one thing i'd like to point out is that since information used by as early as storage officials to support the allegations have remained and is really custody. why waste was not able to independently authenticate most of the information provided to it gabriel at his own that has more now from the un headquarters in new york. the u. n saying 9 henri staff members may have been involved in the october 7th attacks on israel. but the key word may, the un admitting that it does not have conclusive 100 percent evidence. and that the un office of internal oversight services was never given full access to israel's evidence that it claims it has against the un personnel. secretary general,
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antonio gutierrez ordered this internal review shortly after e's real leveled its claims against the and rep personnel. in late january, now because of legal and confidentiality reasons, this o i o s report will not be made public. meanwhile, since october 7th, more than 200 and for a personnel had been killed due to israel's continued bombardment of the guys a strip gabriel's on don't out just here at the united nations in new york. for at least 40 palestinians have been killed in the latest is ready, a taxing garza since sunday. 2 people were killed and full injured when several mississauga struck elton street. he turned down but not a separate drone attack on a group of people collecting wood. is that the 2 children wounded area on monday is fairly drones targeted? a police car getting at least 8 offices the bodies of $8.00 to $9.00. 0 no.
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identifying had a student in this had been handed to stop. i mean, that's a medical complex. in con eunice, by the international red cross, the palestinians had been held in detention by the is ready ministry. it hasn't disclose the circumstances of that. that's no the reason for them being detained. the bodies have been buried. a mess, great and on eunice, causes me to office as accusing is rather of taking more than 2040 some symmetries since the war began. and he's reading human rights group has released it. i mean reports on the mistreatment of palestinians held in is a prison since october. the 7th, therefore, found systematic abuse in is really prisons, quin de facto torch attempts. some of the foundations include severe physical and sexual violence. communication, sleep deprivation, deliberate, stone station number published is in the is ready, jails has doubled on 1623 system will began at least 60,
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have died in custody. for non so schuman, i was detained and, and is very prison. because on the, in 2009, he describes the torture inflicted taken of a 2 months spies, really gods. and says, palestinians, coffee held lightly, suffering even was treatment. but the detainees that had been kept from causes a lot of them have come back. but the bucks to their families and they've come back, decomposed and i've been detained in 2009 uh at that time um, things were a little bit less, i think when it comes to the severity of the circumstances of the prisoners at the time i was sticking into administrative custody. i was in, uh, interrogated in big sticks. uh and uh, the change in and in prison in atlanta. and also suffered solitary confinement.
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there you understand that these people have no rights. we have no rights. i wasn't able to see a lawyer until many months that had i wasn't able to see my comedy. i was told that i have a secret case and a file that has full sort of information about all the misdeeds i have done and that they cannot disclose to me any of it. and that they would continually interviewed us until we let them know everything that they need to know about what is happening. we suffered from seeds of sleep deprivation. we would, for example, sleep in a room with lights above us. and we would, they would continue to come to overall and ensure that we stay a weeks. mostly the quality of the food is extremely bad, very low and quantity. sometimes the fluid is not enough for everyone. there is no access to sunlight. we continuously get searched. unfortunately, it can also, sometimes it has to be split up to daughter being able to become naked in front of the prison. this
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the u. s. defense officials say american military personnel had been injured and a suspected real quick attack on an air based housing. us troops, west and iraq, to project tom's head. i mean aside base and i'm bob proteins, a fuel supply station inside the base as quote fine and the still burning. please say the rockets were launched from a truck lockwood, otherwise it has more from the capital that, that and once again i in an admitted sea bass enlisted in a rock is attacked by a rock. it's the pentagon says that a number of us ministry individuals would injure them, the attack, and they were transferred to the field hospital to to receive medical treatment inside the base. meanwhile, iraqi security forces had been deployed in the area and search for the suspects. they say they found a pickup truck with a rocket launcher mounted on top of it. they also found
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a number of unexploded rockets in the pick up a truck. this is the 2nd time i said admitted to the bays is attacked by rockets within 10 days. and this comes as tension, it is rising in the region, it between it you want and as well for the installation of us main honey a into that on on wednesdays, made any of the political lead over him, us into it on, on when his day and as the united states is deploying a more troops or ships and cat is in the region within the context of this conflict. now, you really know for sure this had been threatening to attack, is right in the, the ation of this as a nation of, as my antonia and any attack by era is expected to be coordinated with their, with its allies in the region. especially the hoses and human has bella and living
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and, and what a so called this lemma resistance in iraq. and that includes includes a, you're on a line. i'm a groups in iraq without the head of just either by that to discuss now to hardy, to a customer who's in washington dc for us. hi, the just how concerned is the us about tension in the middle east right now? very concerned particularly now with this strike on the left side of bass in iraq. in fact, president biden has been briefed by his national security team on that attack. and which according to the white house, is press office. the present discuss steps of the us is taking to defend its forces and respond in a manner of its choosing in place. now this comes over just as a pinch of on also released information that over the last 24 hours us troops detected and destroyed what appears to be a several pran who's the strike toward us and coalition forces and merchant vessels
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that includes the us destroying it. said 5 drones over the gulf of a den and the red sea as well as a drone ship, an anti ship ballistic missile in the red sea. all of this, the u. s. attributing to the who sees all of us has to say that while the us is very concerned about the escalating the situation, it appears the opposite is happening. even so there are still diplomatic efforts ongoing. what secretary state antony blinking speaking with his g 7 counter parts on sunday, trying to put some last minute diplomatic pressure to minimize any sort of retaliation that may come from iran and from its proxies. i'll give you a test or thanks indeed for that update. so it's a come here and i'll just hear a huge crowd of protests as demands the release of pocket stones, former prime minister. yeah, of who's jammed the
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same depth analysis of the day. sidelines he's right. is like his res, accusing that i was looking for them since informed opinions. this a person's 1st visit to north korea in 24 years. why is he making it now critical debate? i believe the selections will empower him in many way as well as voters in america inside story massachusetts. the group was fine to send on out jersey around maybe his son goes head to head with his really historians that he morris. the jews were on the 5th of annihilation by the arabs, and that's my view legitimize justified cleansing arabs from all of the hutus that exactly the same thing about maybe food in 1990 israel as primitive numerous war crimes. since the hospital found some type of stuff, i'm fairly sure that'd be the rough time. the toward itself is not
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a wall time head to head on tuesday, around the colleges here with the the you without. is there a mind of the headlines? jake has seen that has resolved in those funds, additions 5 minutes, 10 sets, india crowds have instead of rates in the streets of the capital dot com or the 300 people have been killed in weeks of anti government protests. not to nations has
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completed its investigation into stockmen for some you an agency for protest in refugees. israel accused of being in holes in the october 7th of tax un found no insufficient evidence to support the allegations against the candidate stop. you have a 9, they said they have an appointment, terminate smart view and not being given the evidence to independently terrifying several american ministry personnel had been injured and suspected realtor and base housing, us troops, western iraq throughout the security officials. so. so confirm that those with this kind of responsibility for its u. k. probably minutes took his dom are, is wanting, ron, it says targeting muslim communities, they'll face the full force of the know that he tries to end the days of unrest in the past few hours. rival groups of question smith, police described the sustained violence. nationwide demonstration started last week
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of the 3 goes with step to deck in southport police sites. social media post mostly blamed elizabeth immigrant for the attack. the government is urging its social media platforms to stop the spread of visual haines. they know that's the end of its reports from south, but what's the way the community isn't morning of the week on a town moons a week since the king of 3 young goes the stabbing to death of alice b. b and elsie shook the nation. that's what those in that hometown degree is personal. it's just little goes to me today. and then the way it's been distorted to just been discussed. and so then memory. i still can't really close that. but the suspect and you know that we faced are true to these
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beautiful angels that we're just trying to have phone. just do every kid officials paying the respect, including the come, mid divisions, minutes a i'll just say are here, what are your reflections on one week since this tragedy? well, 1st of all, i'm here on a private visit as a minister for community, $66.00 best mice sorted out to and support to the community. i'll be in spite of how people have come together in the aftermath of such a tragedy in a heartache, then to send all the community to come together in a, in a pretty. it might have to show the very inside of south for, for the community sense for the u. k. as in 2 days, the fall right? and rest viewed initially by misinformation online. the suspect was a miserable immigrant and persisting even after authority. said he was born in person valleys, moving into an immigration riots,
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the case ethnic minorities targeted. 6 the keels of the last few days, speeding distant from the death of 3 young goes with his box for the interest, the police line quoting off the crime scene is still of people still coming to pay their respect. the show of what happens here and the pain is deeply wounding. this community says, charity wants to help heated selecting the nations for families and fast responders . traumatized by the tragedy to the instance of last week took place right on our doorstep. we are a community organization. we are here so we can support them in the days the weeks and the months to come. is people gathered to remember the 3 little girls that was just sadness left young, you know, seeking and giving comfort. and it deep pain that overwhelmed this town near the
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end of a city to reach out to 0 south thoughts protest as a vowing to keep fighting until the pocket stones, former prime ministers freed from jail. it's a year since the rest of the imprisonment of emerald calm and thousands of poor to into the swampy district to demand his release. come a honda has more in terms of thousands of papers get ready to get all my dies long . these are people who are heading to to renew it. so i'll be a major power show by the progress on that it can solve one. the author of them are on gone, where they're tested by the government, several of their leaders out in j. but does of god has not diminished the into the demo of this? the board does open warning from across the country from the southern programs of thing from the fund job. i'd rather i'd rather just on drawing, but the larger show for that going to be a period. and so i'll be
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a clear message to the government that they're there, the number, according to these people, the ability of mom, just on the stand with him, wrong calm as he is, the only truth will lead to in this concern who is being put in jail for one year by the corrupt government struggle will continue until he is released that i've got the gutters by the events and buckler days, where i've seen a larger there's already less items involved because and seen there, the only purpose of a a gathering here in swaby is to protest for the release of our leader iran. calm look at what happened to his senior wishing in bangladesh. she to suppress people's voices and just the same and practiced on i think that chavez, she re flu, run like the method paper. let's say it's loud and clear that once the paper the size, they're ready ready for the data. the lobby stokes in asia are recovering in early she's day training and the k begun the session up
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to 8 percent is recovering often nose dive on monday. when stokes fall at 12.4 percent, that's was the worst decline japan stocks have seen since 1987, monday sol setups around the world link to fitness of us for session of the us federal call. it says found that the search engine google has been illegally exploding its dominance to cost competition and stifle innovation. the judgement comes almost a year after the start of the case. but what about the us justice department? the judge said the company has violated anti trust little by requiring smotts to make has to install it's as a default search engine. the company says it will appeal heavy rain from a tropical storm. debbie is drenching florida and all that southern states in the us of thoughts is say, the storm contributed to at least 4. that's a hurricane strength winds up new trees and brought down power lines,
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rentals reports. a debbie came ashore on the big ben coast of northern florida is a category one hurricane with heavy rain and top wind speeds of close to 130 kilometers per hour. it was quickly downgraded to a tropical storm. but what makes debbie dangerous is not wind but soaking rain. some areas were forecast to get up to $76.00 centimeters of rain in a 24 hour period we have seen inundation, we have seen and will continue to see flooding and very parts of the state of florida. the storm is expected to move throughout north central florida and likely go into georgia and in the carolinas media role. i'll just say record high ocean temperatures, resulting from human cause. global warming make tropical storms, gain strength faster, and carry a heavier load of water than they did decades ago. power was knocked out for 235000
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customers in florida, according to power outage dot com. in sarasota, residents were coping as best they can. the biggest problem is there's so many cars that are on your wires, oil all over the place. so trying to get back there is a little bit tricky. part of the east officials in charleston, south carolina is largest city. we're preparing for a potential disaster tropical storm. debbie is now forecasted to bring historic levels of rain to our area with predictions ranging between $10.00 to $20.00 inches over the course of the next few days with the potential to reach up to 30 inches in specific areas. this unprecedented amount of rainfall poses a real risk of a life threatening flash flooding across charleston. the us weather service has forecast an unusually intense hurricane season for this year,
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with up to 13 hurricanes, predicted rob reynolds alger 0. so if i have more information on a website, i'll just say what the com, the weather is next and inside story will examine the deteriorating amount of tearing crisis incident on the the i had low that let's look to south asia. and the monsoon range are pounding their way in to pockets done if one of the heaviest across the north west. that rain has caused rivers to bus the banks and washed bridges away in dramatic scenes. now we are expecting more heavy rain here in the days ahead. a deepening, no overwrought just on is floating apart, but it will take that heavy rain across most central and southern areas where that rain splashing in to the south. east of iran and eastern areas of,
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of gone it's done by wouldn't say the heaviest of the rain moving pushing into northern parts of india, stretching down to the show and flooding into bundle dish and north eastern areas of india as well. it's not as wet for the south of this, but we are things waves of wet weather, putting across the mold, these and into sherman land. come and is looking very wet to across the north of china and the korean peninsula. and you can see the. a rain being carried out east by the may you front that rainbow driven its way across most central areas, but it is still a story of heat and humidity across the central in east through pots of china, the korean peninsula as well. and japan. and we've had some very well night, lots of humidity and it just set to be why the uncomfortable here to friday. the hard huge, i mean to be is israel and obstacles piece. i think that to move in the f one,
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his government with these 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking. odd since the e you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential? could we go to some we cannot take the fact that he was suddenly present as not that important effective. he had the story on talk to how does era find any declared and one pause of multiple suits on what age as being blocked by the war and so aids warnings that will spread throughout the country. as a conflict takes a devastating told on civilians what can be done to help them and this piece possible. this is inside story the .


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