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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 8, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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and make a difference the color on the pocket. this is the do use our life window coming up for the next 60 minutes is ready strikes them to school sheltering displays. palestinians in gulf coming at least 16 thousands of palestinians are forced to flee, calling eunice for a 2nd time in a month under his riley bump bump, and the it's s, as in kenya. defy t again, us and arrest this police. try to quell angry anti government protest demanding the president, resigns the political era in bangladesh as nobel
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laureate. but how many units this warning this head of a new entry and come as full? no, i lyles has a mean to win his 2nd gold medal at the power, so lympics louse is about to run and the 2 on to meet his final and to become the 1st man. since you send both to info sprint titles. the thanks for joining us, we'll begin this news out in the gaza strip. was ready as strikes of kills at least 13000000 people. some of the targets with school sheltering, posting and civilians. at least 16 people have been killed. and the latest attacks on 2 schools, east of garza, city, and other people have been injured. and many more on accounted for. posting the official sayings ready forces have hit more than a 170 shelters for despite people. most of them schools for some will began
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processing in journalist abraham l. kelly, the reports of miles on our school. we are here standing inside of the house school officers has been targeted by 2 missiles falling down on this, excludes directly resembling and killing many children are injured or other civil defense forces. unfortunately, have nothing to work with. i'm the, i'll not be able to risk you all the civilians probably under this is close. rather the situation is very catastrophe. activities are trying to rescue and they are using the don't because just to move on trust for transportation. as you can see, the situation is very catastrophe as civilians are the authorized here for savannah . as you can see, the bonuses are trying to get out of the tutors to you, but unfortunately, um we are you like, oh, many equipment to save the people as to billions crabs under this
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trouble. a and in central guys are always ready as strikes of code 16 palestinians of help are range refugee camp women and children among that at least 14 others have been injured and taking the whole and further south and the strip thousands of palestinians have been forced to evacuate pumps of calling you this once again, these ready ami ordered people to leave 9 towns and neighborhoods to the eastern area. so con eunice, they've been told to move to a so called we met a terry and so nearby but as repeatedly targeted and killed pump seniors in those areas. most of it was forced to flee, has been displaced them multiple times. and seeing the sun discovery and we are fleeing from ibis on after the is really occupation forces dropped warning leaflets on the area. we took our children and ran for our lives. we covered that distance on foot up to here and we are making our way to an officer hospital. it's a long tiring journey. we are no longer able to walk or even stand. we are rushing
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before these really war planes and tags open their fire on us. we will take shelter within the nasir hospitals, yard, or at least in the nearby area. we have no other option, but to stay within the hospitals compound. there is no where to go. there's no safe area in the entire gaza strip. even the u. n. run schools are doing the post some con you this the 1st 2 schools. right. target said the big foot that have moved the end of the school and both of these schools are in the to the district in the gaza city. a piece 15 policy news were killed for 2 were injured. and according to several different teams in the power emetics, there are a lot of policy needs still missing and trapped under the rebels. there's to try to rescue and pull as much bodies as possible. but we just made a quick research about the number of schools that had been targeted in the past 2
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weeks across the causal strip. and we found that that is ready for says targets is at least 8 schools. those schools, all of them had policy needs that were says during in there and were seeking refuge in there. and they have been targeting those schools without any prior notice without any warning. and that's why dozens of how the sinews were killed in those extracts. this is not the 1st time this really forces targets a school. it has been multiple and continuous. over the past couple of weeks, we're talking about hundreds of families. we're talking about thousands of families . and this area in particular, has been evacuated the past couple of weeks, the same exact. so the same exact locks, the same exact families are in the same exact site, cool of displacement. another time in less than a month, those blocks if recently evacuated,
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then they went back $200.00 units after that is where the forces withdrew from those parts. but the at that time policy news was cultured industry. they did not have a place to go to. they used to sleep on the street for more than a week of israel says it will no longer credits 8 norwegian diplomats based in tel aviv, who do with the policy and you know 40 it comes off a noise decision to recognize the palestinian state is ready foreign minister said there is a price for anti israel behavior when he made the announcement. always fall in minnesota has released a statement. it says this is an extreme action. the 1st and foremost affects our ability to help the palestinian population. it shows once again that the nothing yahoo government is actively working against a 2 state solution. today's decision will have consequences for our relationship with the nothing yahoo government. where they joins us now from rom and the
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occupied westbank can, nor ever help us understand what this means, of course, for no way. and indeed the palestinians, the noise being actively involved in helping a will for norway. it's going to really complicates ability to stay in the occupied westbank to continue a normal diplomatic discourse and relation as it has been used to. but why did it come to this? norway has been very consistent over the years. and especially since the beginning of the war, but rejecting is really behavior and policies that violate international law. like, for example, the ball right behind me, which 20 years ago the is really the international court of justice said it must come down, norway, protesting the is really treatments of palestinians. we've been here for over 2 hours and we continuously here is really soldiers shouting profanities, palestinians passing through the check point right behind the that in addition to
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the supplements and the land grab and the, the war on java and the, the noise a honda, fortunately, uh, we have to interrupt to take all of us to a live event happening at mar logo, where we, donald trump. leadership is speaking as listening how to handle them or how to handle any other situation. we have a we have a lot of bad things coming up. you could end up in the depression of the 1929 variety which would be a devastating thing. took many years, took decades to recover from it. and we're very close to that. we're very close to a world war, in my opinion, we're very close to a world where we have people that don't know how to handle it. they're not respected all over the world. they laughed at their we can have the most dangerous period of time i've ever seen for a country with that being said, uh we have somebody that hasn't received one vote for president and
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she's running and that's fine with me. but we were given joe biden, and now we're given somebody else. and i think frankly, i'd rather be running against the somebody else. but that was their choice. they decided to do that because the counselors record is horrible. she's a radical left person at a level that nobody seen. she picked a radical left a man. that is, he's got things done that he's. he has positions that are just not. it's not even possible to believe that they exist. he is going for things that nobody's ever even heard of heavy and do the transgender world heavy into lots of different worlds having to do with safety. he doesn't want to have borders. he doesn't want to have walls. he doesn't want to have any form of safety for a country. he doesn't mind people coming in from prisons and neither does she,
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i guess because she's not a, she couldn't care less. she's the boat is x by the way. she was, the boat is, are a 100 percent and all of a sudden for the last few weeks, she's not the boat is our anymore. like nobody ever said it. and i just hope that the, the media becomes more diligent moratti's, frankly, because if they're not going to be honest, it's going to be much tougher to bring our country back. we have a very, very sick country right now. you saw the other day with the stock market crash and that was just the beginning. that was just to begin. it's going to get worse. it's going to get a lot worse in my opinion. and fortunately, we've had some very good falls over the last fairly short period of time rest abuse and came out today were substantially leading and others came out today that were leading. and in some cases, substantially, i guess m s, nbc came out or cnbc came out also i was appalled. that was his, us leading and leading fairly big in swing states. and some polls i'm leading very
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big in swing states because they want safety. people want safety, they want security, they want to respect all around the world for a country. they don't want, this is horrible. a culture that is developing a culture of no common sense. it's really a culture of no common sense and it's not what anyone wants. we want to have a safe country. we want to have a strong military, we want low interest rates, or we want to be able to have the american dream. we want to be able to have. i used to be able to buy homes, housing, get good jobs, and we're really just at the opposite right now. and so it's so sad to see the but as a borders are, she has been the worst part is, are in history in the world history. i think the numbers 20000000, but whether it's 15 or 20, it's numbers that nobody's ever heard before. 20000000 people came over the water in the last, during the biden paris administration, 20000000 people. and it could be very much higher than that. nobody really knows what the number is. nobody knows nobody has a clue. and so the got
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a ways they call them the got a ways to go to ways or numbers. somebody was quizzing me under the other day. no, no, i don't think so sir. i don't think so. they have no idea what those numbers are, but they're much higher. then you would think, just like far more people were killed in the ukraine, russia war than you ever report? it just like the october 7th would have never happened. russia would have never hit ukraine, had the election results been called differently. uh, it was a very bad call, but russia would not have attacked ukraine october 7th. and as you would have never happened, you wouldn't have inflation. a lot of great things would have happened. but now you have millions and millions of dead people and you have people dying financially because they can't buy bank and they can't buy food, they can't buy groceries, they can't do anything. and they're living horribly in our country right now. with
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all of that being said, i think it's very important to have debates and we've agreed with fox on the date of september. 4th, we've agreed with nbc fairly full agreements, subject to them on september 10th. and we've agreed with a b. c on september 25th. so we have those 3 dates and those networks. they're very anxiously awaiting that date and those dates. uh, so we have several of september, 4th, september 10th, and september the 25th. we have spoken to the heads of the network and it's all been confirmed. other than some fairly minor details. audience, some location which, which city would we put it into, but all the things that will be settled very easily very. i think it would be very easy. the other side has to agree to the terms. they may or may not agree. i don't
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know if they're gonna agree that she hasn't done an interview. she can't do an interview. she's barely confident. and you can't do an interview, but i look forward to the debates because i think we have to set the record straight. why is it that millions of people are allowed to come into our country from prisons, from jails for mental institutions, insane asylums, even in state. and it said that's a, a, it's a mental institution on steroids. that's what it is. it, when you see the people that are coming into our these are the institutions that are being update out, not in south america all over the world, including south america, all over the world. prisons are being emptied out into our country because we have a president that's the worst president in the history of our country. we have a vice president who is the least admired least respected and the worst vice president, the history of our country, the most unpopular vice president. and because of political reasons or because
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of uh, being politically correct. even though she never received a valid, don't forget she was the 1st one defeated. as i remember it because i watch it very closely. but she was the 1st one. she never made it to i or where the 1st day she never made it to iowa. she was the 1st one that was defeated. she was the nasty is to have, she was nasty with the calling. i'm a racist and the school bus and all of the different things. she's very nasty to bide. and shockingly, he appointed her. i asked her to serve as vice president. well, i don't know if he's happy about that decision right now. this was taken away, the presidency was taken away from joe biden, and i'm no binding fan, but i tell you what, from a constitutional standpoint, from any standpoint you look at, they took the presidency a way. and people was saying he lost after the debate. he couldn't win. well, i don't know that that's true necessarily. but whether he could winter, he couldn't when he had the right to run. and they took it away, they said they're going to use the 25th amendment. they're going to hit the hard
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either. we could do it the nice i heard, i know exactly cuz i know a lot of people on the other side, believe it or not. and they said we'll do it the nice way. we'll do it the hard way . and he said, all right, so that means they've really taken what they've done is pretty incredible. uh, and now i'm running against somebody else and we're leading, we're leading so i'm not complaining. i'm saying it's a, for a country with the constitution that we cherish. we cherish this constitution to have done it this way is pretty severe, pretty horrible. you would have thought they would have gone out to a vote. they would have had a primary system. they would have done something but to just take it away from them, like he was a child and he's a very angry man right now. i can tell you that he's not happy with obama, and he's not happy with nancy pelosi crazy. nancy, she is crazy too. she's not happy with any of the people that told him that you've
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got to leave and he's very unhappy, very angry. and i think he also blames her trying to put up a good face. but it's a very bad thing in terms of a country when you do that, i'm not a fan of his as you probably have noticed that he had a rough debate. but that doesn't mean that you just take it away like that you or you go out to a vote, you do something. he had 14000000 votes, she had no votes, she got no verbs, and i think she's graduating. i think when people find out and i think people are starting to find out what a bad job she did, what a bad job she did on the board or she's trying to say she had nothing to do with the border. she had everything she was appointed to head the border and then they said borders are all she loved the name, she loved that day, but she never went there. she went to a location once along the border, but that was the location that you would love to go and have dinner with your husband or whoever. and that was a, a location that was not part of the problem that was not really going to the border . so essentially she never went to the border. and if you listen to tom home,
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and if you listen to the great border people, brandon judd from the border patrol. if you listen to paul, i mean so many different people, i speak to them all the time and i did when i was present it with the best border in the history of our country. now we have the worst border in the history of the world. millions of people coming in at our country cannot sustain it. our country is going down because of this because of incompetent people. so i just look forward to these debates. i think it's very important that we have of my hope. she agrees on september 4th, september 10th, september 25th. and i think they'll be very revealing. i think they'll be very revealing. do you have any questions please? i haven't read calibrated strategy at all. it's the same policies, the open borders, weaker and crime. she's,
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i think she's worse than by and because she got forced into the position. she was a long before she destroyed san francisco. she destroyed california as the ag, but as the da she destroyed says she, san francisco friend of mine, bob tish, a huge, you know, all know the chris tish family. he was in many cities with companies. he said the greatest city in the country is san francisco. that was about 20 years ago, and he passed away a while ago and he would be looking down said what happened. he thought it was the best city in the country. yeah. divisions there, lowe's. and he would be looking down in the hall right now when he says she destroyed no cash bell, weaker and crime. uh she, she, terrible. and yet they weaponized the system against me. they have me. i got so many lawyers now they want to delay cases. i won the big case in florida. i won the big chase. nobody even wrote about the big case. the judge was a brilliant judge,
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and all they do is they play the ref with the judges. this judge was a fair but pretty a judge. and as you probably heard the big documents case, i want to know bite and lost it because he didn't have present presidential immunity. he didn't have the presidential records act, he lost it. but the special i called the prosecutor special counsel, special prosecutor to me. he appointed by him and appointed by garland, he said, demands incompetent. he can't stand trail, but he can run for pressure, but we no longer have to worry about that because we have somebody that in my opinion is more incompetent. she couldn't pass her bar exam. and lots of other things and she should not be in the position because if she becomes president, our country is going to be a giant fail is going to fail. it's going to be a failure of the likes of which this world is never said. yeah,
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please. now how about you you have to speak louder. yeah well it changes around a little bit. i'm getting other voters. and perhaps, you know, i was doing very well with black voters and i still am. i seem to be doing very well with the black males. this is, according to paul's, are you is, you know, it's possible that it won't do as well with black women. but i do seem to be in very well with other segments, extremely well with hispanic jewish voters, way up white males way up. white males have gone through the roof, white bells,
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way up. i don't, i don't know what all we're doing is giving you the, the stature you have. it could be that i'll be effective somewhat with a black females what we're doing pretty well. and i think ultimately they'll like me better because i'm going to give them security safety and job. so i'm going to give them a good academy. we have a very bad economy right now. we could, we could literally be on the throes of a depression, not recession, the depression, and they can have that they can have that. so i think i'm going to do well with everybody, especially when to fax, right? yep. please in the back as well, i don't know. i know josh shapiro, he's a terrible guy and he's not very popular with anybody. i think that this uh, this selection may be is better than joshua bureau would have been, but i think other than josh appear, i think she had some good choices. but josh bureau is not one of them. he's uh,
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cause a lot of damage with a lot of people and i don't think you would have been better. i think you would have been may be equivalent to maybe not as good, but they add some people that they were looking at that were good, far superior to her. they actually had a story with that. everybody including they had like 10 people that she was looking at and her. and they said she was the worst of all. another way she was the worst of the 10 people enter. i don't know how that's gonna work out what you'd like to do 3 debates. we think we should do 3 the best we think fox and abc, and we also have cbs, who's going to do the vice presidential debate. so cbs will do vice presidential and, and i have to tell you, j. d vance is really stepped up. he's doing a fantastic job.
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said oh, give me a break. listen, i had a 107000 people in new jersey. you didn't report it. i'm so glad you as what did you have yesterday to 1000 people? if i ever had 2000 people, you'd say my campaign is finished. it's so dishonest, the press and, and here's a great example that i had in michigan recently. 25000 people and 25000 people were just we just couldn't get them. and we had in harrisburg 202-5000 people and 20000 people couldn't get in. we had so many. nobody ever mentions that where she gets 1500 people and i saw it yesterday on a b, c, which they said all the crowd was so big. i have 10 times 20 times 30 times the crowd size. i know they never say the crowd is big. that's why i'm always saying, turn around the cameras. i'm so glad you asked that. i think it's so terrible when
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you say, well, she has 1500 people, a 1000 people, and they talk about all the enthusiasm. let me tell you, we have the interest as of the republican party and me is a candidate, but the republican party has the enthusiasm because people want to see crime stopped. they want to see a country that respect to think of it. if i were president, you wouldn't have russia and ukraine were never happened. 0 chance. you wouldn't have had october 7th, a visual, you wouldn't have the horrible uh, withdrawal. and i don't mean to withdraw because the withdrawal was fine. that was ready to withdraw from afghanistan, and we were going to do it with dignity and strength. and we will get it, we would keeping our equipment. we weren't leaving $85000000000.00 worth of equipment. b, i the we wouldn't have had 13 great soldiers. i know the families of those soldiers . well, we wouldn't had your soldiers killed and we wouldn't have had 45 to 45 soldiers obliterated. no legs, no arms, the face, none of that. what happened?
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and you wouldn't have had inflation, you wouldn't have had any inflation because inflation was caused by the bad energy, the problems. now they've gone back to the trump thing because they need the votes . they, you know, they don't know if you know they're drilling now because they had to go back because a gasoline was going up to $79.00 a barrel. so they said, we better do what trump, but the day after the election of a one, you're going to have fuel prices go through the roof. everybody's going to be forced to buy electric car, which is not going to do because they don't want that. it's got a great market, it's got a market, julius up market. people want gasoline propelled cars. they want hybrids. they want to have everything and they want electric. but they want everybody to have an electric car. we don't have enough electricity, we couldn't make enough electricity for that. and you know what else of the weight of a car, the weight of a truck, they want to have trucks to be electric little things. a lot of people and talked about the weight of a truck is 2 and a half times 2 and
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a half times heavier. you would have to rebuild every bridge in this country. if you're going to do this ridiculous policy. so, uh, but don't proud size. in history for any country, nobody's had crowds like i have and you know that. and when she gets a 1000 people and everybody starts jumping, you know that if i had a 1000 people would say people say that's the end of his campaign. i have hundreds of thousands of people in south carolina at 88000 people in alabama. i had 68000 people. nobody says about crowd size with me, but she is a 1000 people are 1500 people and they say, oh the those you as an inspect? no, no. the enthusiasm is with me and the republican party because they want to stop crime . they want to stop people from pouring into our country from places unknown and from countries a note from countries that nobody ever heard of. that's where the enthusiasm
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yeah, i don't know. i don't know if i can or not. i got them elected without me. he wouldn't be governor, i got them elected. he was doing terribly, i got them elected with that being said, i hope we can repair it. but if we don't, the people are still the people and they're going to vote were leading and georgia by lot were leading in pennsylvania by a lot. so, but i don't know now in pennsylvania i have great relationships. and george, i do too. but unfortunately, not with a governor, i've never understood it when you get somebody elected as opposed to like you, he's not exactly, uh for some reason and you'll have to ask him about that. yeah, i'd love to see it get repaired. i think that if we don't win georgia, georgia is a big is a big win. is a big state. so i want to alabama by a record. nobody's ever gotten that many votes. i one south carolina by
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a record. you don't want alabama and south carolina buy records and lose georgia. it doesn't happen. and the people of georgia understand that there was tremendous anxiety and problems in georgia. a lot of people say what happened, and we have to, it's all we want is honest selections. have we have honest selections in georgia, and we have honest selections in pennsylvania. we're going to winner by a lot. well, he actually said it 2 ways. first he said it incorrectly, then he corrected himself. do you agree with that? right? you know, if you watch him, he said it too was no, no, no. i mean he said it 2 words because he doesn't really know what he said. why didn't he bring it up at the debate? you know, he had a chance for 90 minutes to bring it up at the debate. he could have talked about that at the debate and he didn't do it. everyone said, oh, he said this and he said that he's just, you know,
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they give them something to read off. you read it very badly because he actually said that the opposite. then he had to go back and correct himself. he said the opposite. he should have brought this up at the debate. if he had a problem. of course they'll be a peaceful transfer and it was last time. and that will be a peaceful transfer. i just hope we're going to have honest selections that so okay, what a stupid question this the because i'm leading by a lot and because i'm letting their convention go through and i am companion a lot, i'm doing tremendous amounts of taping here. we have commercials that are at a level, i don't think that anybody's ever done before. plus, in certain cases, i see many of you in the room where i'm speaking to you on phones. i'm speaking to radio. i'm speaking to television televisions coming over here. excuse me,
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what are we doing right now? she's not doing any news conference. you know why she's not doing because she can't do a news conference. she doesn't know how to do a news conference. she's not smart enough to do a news conference. and i'm sorry, we need smart people to leave this country because our country has never been in this danger before, both economically and from an outside. from an outside perspective, russia doesn't respect us any more shy that doesn't respect us any more. north korea, kim junglin liked me a lot. does it like this group we, we are in great danger with great change of being in world war 3. that could happen . now after the convention. yeah. and i'm going out, actually, i'm going out to certain places to help certain senators get elected. not even for me, i'm trying to help when i go out to wyoming or what i go out to my dad, or i'm going to different places to help people. and i don't have to go there because i'm leading those states as you know, by 354050 points. i'm leading by record numbers. i'm going because i want to help
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senators and congressmen get elected. congressmen and women get elected. yes, please. yeah, go ahead. the upcoming way. oh yeah. the yeah. the land was so yeah, sure. so a land called me, as you know, he endorse me full throated great endorsement. i respect a lot, a lot. he respects me. i'm not easy for him to endorse, to be honest with you, it takes courage to endorse the people. many people have courage and many people don't. he does have courage. and a lot of doors mainly asked me whether or not i do a show and monday, and i think it's got to be monday nights. and i believe he's the host of the show. so it'll be very interesting. a lot of people are talking about, i look forward to it that will be done on monday night.
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well, you have a lot of misinformation spread about china and you have a lot of this information spread about a lot of different places. i think i'm going to get along great with china, a president and she of china and i were very good friends. we met right here, right them that except we had a beautiful sofa there as opposed to what we have right now. right now we have you, but president, she and i had a very good relationship until covered and i helped him responsible for kind of a broke up our relationship. but i think we're gonna have a great relationship. and i think it's going to be mutually beneficial. but we cannot have it with china is taking advantage of the united states, and that's what they were doing as you very well know? yes, please. what,
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what your question. you know, i think you the people that you looked at january 6th, which lot of people aren't talking about very much. i think those people are treated very harshly when you compare them to other things that took place in this country where a lot of people were killed. nobody was killed on january 6th. but i think that the people of january 6 were treated very unfairly. and they were, they were, they had to complain, not through me. they were there to complain about an election. and you know, it's very interesting and the biggest crowd i've ever spoken to. and i said peacefully and patriotically, which nobody wants to say. but i said, peacefully and patriotic like the biggest crowd i've ever spoken to. and you've seen maggie, i was in at the mall. i was at the washington monument. i was at the whole thing. i've had crowds, i don't know who's ever had a bigger crowd than i have, but i had it many times. the biggest grad i've ever spoken before was that day. and
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i'll tell you. it's very hard to find a picture that gra, you see the picture of a small number of people relatively going to the capital, but you never see the picture of the crowd, the biggest crowd i've ever spoken. i've spoken to the biggest grabs. nobody's spoken to crash bigger than me. if you look at martin luther king, when he did his speech, his great speech, and you look at ours, same real estate, same everything. same number of people. if not, we had more. and they said he had a 1000000 people, but i had 25000 people. but when you look at the exact same picture and everything's the same because it was the fountains, the whole thing, all the way back to uh, from lincoln to washington. and you look at it and you look at the picture of his grab, my brother. we actually had more people. they said i had 25000 and he had a 1000000 people and i'm ok with it because i liked dr. martin luther king. yeah. please. as
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yeah, sure. we have a constitution that's a very important document and we live by it. she has no votes and i'm very happy to run against you. i'm not complaining from that standpoint. and i hate to be defending him, but he did not want to leave. he wanted to see if he could, when they said you're not going to win after the debate, they said you're not going to win. you can, when you're out at 1st they said nicely and he was leaving and then you, you know that you know it better than anybody, but it was so uh, when you think about it, they should at 1st they were going to go out to another vote they were going to go through a primary system, a quick primary system which would have to be and then it all disappeared and they just picked the person. that was the 1st out, she was the 1st loser. okay,
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so we called her the 1st lives or she was the 1st loser. when during the primary system, during the democratic primary system, she was the 1st one to quit and she quit. she had no votes, no support, and she was a bad debate or by the way, a very bad debate or then if that's not the thing i'm looking forward to, but she was a bad debate or she did it obviously a bad job. she never made it to iowa. then for some reason, and i know he regrets if you do to. he picked her and she turned on him to she was working with the people that water them out. but the fact that you can be get no votes lose in the primary system. in other words, you had 14 or 15 people. she was the 1st one out at that you can then be picked to run for president. it seems, seems to me actually unconstitutional. perhaps it's not please, that's what you'd be listening to donald trump, to former us president. now the republican party presidential candidates after
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a brief i see speaking of heights has of course has been filled with couple of harris announcing tim was running mates as the vice presidential democrats. the candidates also talk about the republicans having to re evaluate the strategy, the mode of attack, and that was very much on the show in abundance lighting policy, perhaps heavy in mudslinging, costing uh, costing couple of harris. and tim was as part of the radical left, lots of spirits claims about where trump features in polling at the moment. but some interesting lines about whether or not trump will appear in a series of tele buys. debates in the september robots was also listening in to all of that. he's in washington dc. i rob, i mean, does that look like combine who has a fully fledged water types strategy to take on couple of harris and symbols as
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well? um, i'm not sure about that. i mean, there was certainly a lot of, uh, uh, familiar sort of rancorous remarks in this press conference about the crowd size of the, the republican candidate, donald trump seem to get very, very upset when there was some suggestion that the campbell harris was drawing a large crowd, so he went on an extended rif, about that he's claimed that the president joe biden was somehow forced out in an unconstitutional manner. that, of course, is not true. there is nothing in the constitution that would have prevented the president from deciding to step down and for the democratic party to choose campbell harris, a lot of insults on campbell harris as well. think she's dumb. she's not smart enough to string a sentence together. she, she's, it's not possible for her to press to hold a press conference up,
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the insulting her intelligence. i guess the news out of this, if there is any, is that he said for the former president, trump said that there will be debates being held on various us networks on september, 4th, september 10th, and similar to september 25th. that's at least what he and his campaign have agreed to. we haven't heard anything about the format of these debates or whether the, the vice president, whether complet harris will agree to such debates. also, trump said that there would be a debate on the vice presidential level between is running major, the dance and the new like chosen the democratic vice presidential candidate till wells. but as you, regarding debates, as you recall, on june 27th, there were very special sort of conditions set for that debate between joe biden. and donald trump, that uh, there was no audience. the,
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mike's would be turned off when the person's time to speak at a lapse and, and so forth. those were negotiated between both camps. and while the debate was a disastrous mode for it, for donald, for, excuse me, for a joe biden, it was unclear whether these debates would have similar sorts of conditions placed on the other other other items in there. a lot of focus on the immigration, with unsubstantiated claims that the people who are coming to the united states are criminals and drug dealers and inhabitants of mental asylums. he mentioned a figure of 20000000 a undocumented aliens who have taken up residence in the united states during the, by the administration, which is a wildly inflated by all the other by,
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by those who have studied it in either by republicans who speak recently about the border issue and okay, the trump also going after harris saying she was the boards are size in charge of border security. actually she was in charge of going down to central america to try to address the root causes of migration though, right? rob silva and somebody, some people. yeah. it's a big questions of course about, so whether or not there is anything that so we've just said that the republicans can valley behind as well. for now they wrote many things that were bundles in washington dc. a is there a finance minister bessolo smoke tradeshows? describe letting palestine using gaza die of hunger as justified model. he said we're bringing in a because there is no choice. we call it in the cold and global reality manage a war. nobody will let us cause 2000000000 civilians to die of hunger even though it might be justified moral until hostages are returned in the
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shop um is uh with us. my one. i mean these are extraordinary comments and from the best. well, i've smoked ridge, but it appears to be part of a, something of a putting all right public debates that have been going on in this rather the moment discussion about the use of rate the to the, to deter. busy palestinians, now this, of course, the finance, most of the country suggesting that starvation be used potentially as a weapon to for yeah, you know, and if it makes you miss the american debates, it makes you, mr. trump. i mean, can you imagine me saying that live on add missing from when you hear these really speak? i will show the discussion and is there a, the rest of them, of these are about crowd sizes and hand sizes and, and you know,
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this and that's about ridiculous predictions and saw him in is, are the actual debates, are about the metrics, the merits or braces and the debate thought about the merits of torture, the merits of rate, the notice of ethnic cleansing. and yes, as we just heard about the merits of starvation, how it was justified. and it's, it's just beyond belief that this has been going on for 10 months. and today is the minister of finance lead, administered a coalition part that's basically expressing a government policy, not a personal opinion. a government calls would best extract a reaction from deluxe or washington and london, saying that they are horrified by the statements but, but just, you know, take
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a moment and think about that. there are horrified by what's mortgage said, but not. but the reality that has been unfolding for the past 10 months, what every single new institution and even is really is really n g host has been researching and dicing. there's really a government for torture for ethnic cleansing. and yes for genocide, but the rest of officials seems to be more horrified by a safe but then by the reality that continues to unfold uh ball while she was about something else as well. because benjamin netanyahu has made the cover of time magazine in the interview, inside the magazine, he talks of wanting to, quote, recruit our countries to help in store a civilian posting in governing entity that would impose a threat to israel. he said, i'd like to see a civilian administration run by gods and perhaps with the support of regional partners. but what does a comment like that say to you?
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is that a vision for how know who sees this? oh, cool day off to briefly mon to you know, he's dreaming price. i don't even know that it's gonna last, once the water is over anywhere. and certainly new know, out of partners, is going to step in without the better staying or thought of being charged. and garza, and having said all of that, we have no clue what's going to be happening and cause a come next. because clearly, how much is not about to give up any tension garza, i said that not that bad news is all for guys. what if anything is, or that is, that is finding guess a lot more difficult to, to, to defeat the, how much the resistance, right, continuing to compose things. oh, i my, when money. thanks a lot. mom, rochelle rogers are a senior political analyst joining us there from paris. the
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protest as a forward policing can use capital chewing demonstrations. quoting on president william russo to resign the place. so i guess, and the rest of the several demonstrators protests have continued despite concessions by rough to demonstrate is also demanding justice wimbledon 60 people killed during a violent police crank down the web. household from nairobi to demonstrate that i've been trying, i was to have a couple of questions about the place. so want me to take place to the processes. i agree following earlier in the day, present really in research swearing in the cabinet because it includes the following things. several of the ministers in the cabinet that he just weeks ago in
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response to the demonstration not mean knowing the positive isn't in that price based on this malcom web. oh yeah, no no, but lori, how many units is being sworn in as leader of a new can take a government and bangladesh. he's taken the reigns of 2 weeks of violent crackdowns or student demonstrations. the 4th prime minister, shaken, seen this will be design and for you, the country as leader of an interim government, eunice will now have to ensure free and fair elections and established law in order for the nation as deadliest unrest. in recent years, the police in spain have launched an operation to find an arrest form a cath lab separate is lead a constitutional who returned to spain off to 7 years of self imposed ex. though it
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were turned on the same day, parliament confirmed an ally of spain's prime minister his head of the catalog government. it ended over a decade of step this rule in the region. please, the mon addressed a large crowd of supporters in bos, loaner on thursday morning. he then disappeared because one faces several charges including organizing and the legal independence referendum in 2017 son, the bottomless niga. it's. they persecuted us for listening to the voice of the people of catalonia years where there was a hush for prussian from prison to exile 10 that effective the lives of thousands of people for being pro independence. sometimes for the may effective speaking capital on this making being capital on something suspicious all over the bus. a loaner button dismissed, but it might be a difficult question to ask is extraordinary disappearing act isn't it by one of this about this one time step. this lead, i mean, do we know where he is and how he even avoided arrest of
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the well, the crowd agreed to them later on today. here in boston, on the seem to know to expected, i'm going to get paid on stage there and very enthusiastic. so a pause and support and sharing a spoke to them for about 10 minutes. you had a little bit of what i have to say. then he turned back, but no backups stage and disappeared. now the police then for a few hours around barcelona, put in ro block. so essentially searching some vehicles in laurie's to see if i could find him. but he seemed to have slipped the net, whether they how much they knew what that who knew he was coming or waltz is very unclear. the modem is the 1st time has been seen on the spanish soil for 7 years. and so went to live by an exile and ended up in brussels. and that's why he'd been based during this time though, have been, and i'm gonna stay a little past in may giving, i'm gonna say to the many of those involved in this a failed attempt. to succeed from spain back in 2017. but that side of spain,
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supreme court said about, didn't apply to push them on and say, well those. and so they were rest. warren still stood. the police say that's still looking for him, but it hasn't been seen since this morning. you know, sort of a mystery isn't it? but um, i mean, using tube suggests that wasn't over to you instead of waiting for him. i mean, what happens to this separate his spirit there in calculating you the 1st put prism on on a collision course with the government in madrid. once we come back now as well today was the swearing in of the regional pilot man's new lead. they have elections back in may and the interesting thing about those elections is for the 1st time in 40 years, cancel a nationalist. last this paula mentioned majority. they'd have and the regional leader who was sworn in today was for the 1st time since 2010, not somebody from a pro independence party. who is your mom seems to have up pay at. it says he wants
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to revive that. he wants to revive the independence, come pain in this region, but he certainly lost lots of it's and foods he has them, the independence parties would box it. but political domestic reasons, a failure to control a drought particularly well was one of them. and so he wants to try and revive that . that was in a lot of enthusiasm for it until he had paid the worry now for the spanish government is will put germans reappearance. rejuvenating this independence campaign, it was the biggest, but political cries of spain since the end of the 2nd, well, well, when it happened, i mean i did, or the, the family stayed in may was to try and puts bots to bed and bought separate his parts. he put it on a separate parts. he's actually supporting the car on prime minister petro sanchez's administration. he relies on them for support and columns are better, but he thinks a lot better, especially if his and bustle or okay,
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let's pretend. so one of our top stories is so many weeks of unrest in kenya, but testers have been fighting with police and the capital nairobi during demonstrations of cause cooling for president william wrote to, to resign. book amolla is a political and social activist, a national vice chair, person of the communist party of kenya. he joins us from nairobi. thanks for speaking to us on that. just so you mean i understand a police station trying to free arrested people of being seized by the police that focus to what you have personally experience or the protest sofa. and it's important to not that they are just a matter of the as being generally useful, even though they're being called on it's like government or unpaid woods of ministration. by the process of being on the type people policy that people have been assisting. i am a 5 by 10, you know, a fine, i'll stay with that is very unpopular that one to install such and instead of
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dimensions, i'm to make the life of the majority to buchanan people, me server. so indeed, the process, even the previous slide, has been biggest found in terms of the minds. unfortunately, the police are only be able to react biologically. and the these 2 nights i've been in the police station and so i went to say to her comrades, why rested in the street 70 this the this morning. and even some roads lives. some cannot trace where they are did and one bus and shop days. this is the what if fascist, it looks like. so we, we are rejecting at the moment the government of national unity, right is including the position. are you you're, you're sorry you are of course coming from a political position yourself. you remember the communist body of can you as well
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as a political activist? i mean more constructive steps. would you expect william growth to take now to com . tensions on the streets of nairobi. this is very, it is possible for president william, but also to carlos patients in the streets by a blessing, the genuine concerns of the majority of that kind of people. one of the very basic things that people don't have jobs, there is an explosion of the social explosion and descriptive, but people don't have jobs. people don't, people have lost their lives awards. so if they come roll out programs to help, you know, absolve the majority of the young people, some 55 percent of the young kingdoms jump place. be a big goodness. one is the special ed by read them some way to to we. we have only asking that the students that type of program to develop that national economy. right. you know how to be talking specifically about the play show. booker,
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i'm other talking specifically a bit about a potential program that any future govern government of can. you might need to take what talking about needing to fill a huge financial hole in the countries coffers. the plan had been to raise taxes. what do you suggest as an alternative? the basic is the option that is in government there, wednesday that to be a seeing and government come on to allow the president relating to some way to roll out the social programs. what's your thing that this government does the most is run by, you know, some of the dns, but the people that live on spending, you know, a lot of my money in the tech space of money not to stop the people, but to pay them huge. somebody's in fact in terms of the location of the money, that's the big the result is, but just collecting from the can people. it is unfortunate, the majority of the money actually now 74 percent of that money is used in terms of
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making that kind of that sense of the government when another 30 percent rise in use do you know to, on the loan? so i and one thing i think it's going to means that there won't be what it means. it's massey right. uh, book, i'm only, it's been a pleasure to have you on the program book. i'm on a political, the social activist and national vice chairperson of the communist party of kenya. thanks a lot. have a i'll stream police say a 19 year old man has confessed to planning a suicide attack of the titus with concert this week. the pope's council 3 shows being held in vienna, which were expected to be attended by tens of thousands of funds. 17 year old was also arrested in connection with the parts. c like most of the leading pocket for this is our possible use coming up shortly. stay with us here on the
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a heavy rains of clothes that if a gosh to burst its box small villages into that, with a fast assault that these women have decided to take studies. they need to go to town and look for help for the families. they need tense and just about everything . and so the families that have managed to escape, i'm now living here in these little shelters of stick on store their property, the fireman land as well as their homes house or being something most local authorities believe between 5 and 6000 people have been affected. afraid this might be the beginning the,
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[000:00:00;00] the safe them even come in as an international insight, corruption, excellence, award,
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denominator hero. now, the to wire is really strikes on to screws, sheltering, displaced, palestinians in gaza, killing at least 16 people. the rock. this is audra 0 live from the also coming up thousands of palestinians forced


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