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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 9, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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and shall come sight of come. a harrison of the test was some european nation still buying washington oil both take a look. plus nigerians angry, but other presidents reforms to blame for that hardship. counting the cost on i was a 0 the the low on the pocket business with use our lives and go home coming up in the next 60 minutes is really long. she was like so defensive on con, eunice strikes, targets, southern gaza, thousands of palestinians of the area. russia declare as a federal emergency and his wisdom could squeeze into pulling more troops to repel ukrainian. his tongue and u. k. government promises a further crank down on the far right violence,
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the corpse handle move. prison sentences to rise is 200 the hanging guy, raquel joining fighting between rebels and beyond. most military, we speak to people who witness domestic. i'm trying to just go with the latest from the olympics. 100 me to champion. no elias will play. know so the parts in the games of the testing positive because the 19 the full, his 3rd place, finishing the 200 meters final. it ends as hopes of leading powers for metal. the thanks for joining us. we begin this new zone and southern gaza with these way the ministry has got again being bombing areas designated. so cool. humanitarian save sounds strikes in the um was the area i have killed at least 5 people, 2 of them children, and that are a strip of land is densely populated with the space families living in tenser on thursday is well announced a new offensive in con eunice saying would be full simply operating against
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piloting and sizes in the city. people that are being forced to flee once again any days after being allowed to return to what remains of the homes. meanwhile, the mayor of castle and the presidents of egypt and the u. s. are quoting on israel and have mass to finalize the deal for a ceasefire and the release of captives. they've issued a joint statement saying there's no time to waste. victoria gates and b begins. are coverage. the latest victims of his radioman strikes on garza, many have been displaced numerous times and now the fleeing. yes. again, without wanting to is really war planes, types of carpet bombing. our area, coupled with also like showing dozens, were killed, torn to pieces with body parts all over the place. we'll run for our lives and we still are without shelter, food or water. these really alleged a safe zones, but there is no safe inch in the inside of gaza strip. these radios did
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palestinians to leave the eastern part of han, eunice, and move to what's left of the western suburbs. it stepping off a tax on this densely populated residential area in southern gaza. same troops are operating forcefully against palestinian flights of oppression. again, they said this is a safe area. there is no safe area. i'm telling you we cannot find a place to stay. we are thrown into the streets. i'm calling on them to see us because we are tired. like go to, we are tired of just days earlier, people were allowed to return to this neighborhood to what remains of the homes, but soon found themselves on the bump apartment, the swan off. we were wanting to leave immediately to a humanitarian zone. however, it is really worth plans in droves, open fire on us. there were killed and injured. we left the dead bodies and pieces all over the road. we will panic down. i've been able to sleep there and living in a misery, not hello. this is the human coast of his rouse will wrong garza pain,
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suffering dispatch. we thought of dislike like gold we have set up depth as best of them in this country. cl situation and find a solution we tired. we saw a dog dog. we've died 100 times. israel's latest evacuation old is a causing panic among palestinians because they say there's no guarantee that will be safe wherever they go next. victoria gay to be out there that speak to hand who do a, who's in con eunice and southern guns have been hidden. so it's ready for us is they've been pushing back into con, you this? what more do we know about that as well? is there any forces just targeted a house in the eastern parts of newness? it's a boom. i'm with family and the policy mean journalist. i mean, i'm much, it was one of those who were killed among 7 members of his family. there was
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also a target in milwaukee and eunice were also 6 palestinians because now the same exact area where that is where the forces as policies evacuate yesterday is the same exact area. those are the forces took 8 days as a ground invasion, destroying infrastructure, houses, facilities, medical facilities. we're talking about schools of newness. also this is not the 2nd time they invade this area. this is the 3rd time that is ready for us to invade this area. now those policy news, your call to evacuate yesterday, and the past time were scattered on the streets. they did not have any shelters. they did not have any homes and based funds 8 days on the streets. no. is there any forces? are it, but it's exceeding, and they're escalating there. there are tell every selling on the air strikes and the parts of con eunice and all sort of fun. but let me also remind you that
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there's only only one medical facility working in newness, which is a mazda of the hospital. and we know that hospitals in the gaza strip are collapsing, as there is no medical supplies entering sense that is where your forces took over the side of that. the corridor so now published in use in eastern parts of con, eunice are also still evacuating. and, but the thing is they're not finding any place to go to and, and, and, and it can unit small. so can you and this is a, save the significance area by the is really forces, but it's still being targeted. and the proof is that the 6 policies that were killed earlier today that is but is naturally overruns and talked with policy news . so policy news do not have anywhere to go and they do not have any options or, or choices. and we're every, the go there. so being targeted, we're right, hinges and many things for the update and who to read and con eunice and southern
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gaza. la out saw soc, is one of the 1000000 palestinians in gaza to lose their livelihoods in the war. and 15 year old shelters in a tent and they're all bother and wash as close to make some money. she tells out to 0 of his struggles as the family sold bread winner in her. i'm woods and the other then i want it had a good and she had z. i knew i think you've got the time to go look for the applause. i wouldn't have done. he was heavy. i'm the guy, the guy the same the yeah. i know how do you know with dish the dish with on a lot of like is you're gonna be said any more about it. so i'm just thinking about this was a need to be for. so let's see, i need a set of mean mobile out of and i mean when you can of sit off, shut it off. now do that again,
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this stuff at least probably going to stop in, but i think that's what i didn't know because i know it's not well. yeah, i love to have them and send in almost flush in the hand on the, on the feed is if we to go home, unless you're in the home, what a fabulous is, what do i have to do to make sure they look saw to the session oh, and the other thing, how does this this i should i blah, blah, blah, doesn't a lot of law lives not 100. and this what other for the gun, the season, the high sees it up 2nd. and if you watching this, well i the image and the condition of the mind i had the kid is not in the i'm a gun, 100 i know can push to defend the boon it contained. it comes over like that with me and younger students. i'm going to have it should be
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shaken as obviously, but i know that it was to me. i loved one of the city, have it from the vault into kind of give a fearful they weren't going to do. we have decided in the future. she had a lot of, i'm from the voltage to the to the other hand. and the issue was just in how to print or not, but i couldn't be the mother of the another. so the had a have another what is it mentioned earlier? the leaders of castle egypt to the united states, according for it goes a ceasefire agreement to be finalized on the solid, who has this update from the jordanian capital amman because he usually the government has by that which is 0 from reporting inside israel. it is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose office released the statement after the united states. egypt and club, had released the joint statement, calling for the resumption of urgent negotiations pertaining to a cease fire and prisoners swap. and it's in yahoo. his office said that these
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relays would, in fact, be sending a delegation to either cairo or doha on august. 15th is really official speaking anonymously. have said there is no link. these will will not go to, in order to bring about the release of the remaining $110.00 is really captives is still held in gaza. but there are a lot of moving parts here. it comes as israel is still anticipating some sort of retaliatory attack by the iranians, by his bela, or even perhaps by their, with these in yemen. and there's also a lot of other moving parts within the negotiations themselves. this is going to be the 1st time mediators are discussing with yes, yes and was who was now the defacto leader of him as not just in gaza, but also the political unit as a whole. benjamin netanyahu was seen as a hard liner, himself was released this list of non negotiable going into mediation. so it's you have to be seen exactly what is going to come of these discussions, but there is certainly
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a lot of tension throughout the wider region. the countries like the united states are trying to quell, saying that perhaps a ceasefire deal in gaza. good. com, regional stability to essentially just eat off a man. okay, let's bring in my one shot. i'll just hear a senior political and let's see joins us by skype from paris, a. m o. and as the owner of the region is very much on edge, anticipating some kind of retaliation from iran, as below and others for the killing of the political. i'm asked, chief is mail, honey. i mean, how could conducive is this fever all environment to these renew cease 5 talks and how about a safe spot impact to on it? has bloss plans retaliation? yes, i think this is the mystery today. the fact that the, the docs where i put for august 16, i saw that 56 days, it's another sign that the united states wants to put as pressure as much pressure
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as possible in the radians and to delay as much as possible or best try on his red, but you could say that we are really living going to federal universes. one is a destination toward the protection for war. uh, okay. one has, well, as i mentioned that they're gonna have to take revenge. and there is this right that continues to categorize the palestinians. torture then tormenting dozens of kids every day in the interviews with the lots of time magazine and the old folks about how the worst stack is part of a is road and so on, so forth. so you could, you could imagine that on the one hand things don't seem conducive toward the ceasefire. on the other hand, there's some real pressure that it's done to wind down the water. and america does not wonder why the war during the election year. and certainly by doing is getting tired of this whole thing and you would like a keys to pause, right. and last but not least,
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i don't mean to be facetious. but the fact that lincoln doesn't seems to be directly involved. you know, perhaps might towards this time because every time he's involved in anything, nothing seems to work. a mo ones so far, no response from us on whether or not they will join negotiations. the israel says it will send, negotiates as to either counselor or kyra, with the destination is not yet being finalized. but what are the chances of mentioned, y'all actually agreeing to an august cx 5. as you know, the chances have always been named nathaniel who does not cease fire. not only because he is the the logically, unfortunately invested in war. it's because his government might as well include if there is a ceasefire agreement because they've already slept in that way. and there's a good chance that 14 to 20 members of the quarter shouldn't likely sometimes he has the very best interest to continue with the war and to continue to put the cops
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to goes towards any ceasefire. this leaves the idea that by then, according to why that's a quote, i think the one is ready for it, but the door to her nose might have given him assurances that he could resume the war after the 1st phase. meaning after many of the captives are released. so if you could actually just prisons your business as usual tournament thing, thought arising and torturing the people and gosh, all right, whether this is true or not, clearly this is something that's how much is going to be paying attention to this. then we're going to go back to the table and say, wait a minute, we want 3 of guarantees that this war is not going to continue. we want 3 and guarantee use of our reconstruction in gaza and we want some brand guarantees that these varieties were pretty deployed out or withdrawal from guys without those. i think for how much the accept start to the even if it does and it will give people
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that because of some but it's fine. but eventually this will really pull people and the guidance might end up being even hotter. and that of course is the last thing policy ends in guys and beyond one to my why many things about my one shot of the it's these early minutes. he says it's carried out as strikes on his bullet targets a southern 11 on the cross border. attacks have taken place daily since the war on guns began but intensified in the past week with israel killing a senior ministry leader of the group. as i bake has the support from 711 on well, homes have been destroyed. the village of those 30 on the surrounding areas have been hit the number of times by is ready forces. now this time of year would have seen the population of this village increase to around $3000.00 people as people leave the cities and come here to spend the some us. but right now there's only 150 people here. most jobs have closed. there's only one baker remaining summary home in the home and the a loud meal i live here in my livelihood is here and always to hear this land and
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houses are ours. we don't want to leave any other place. people in the village help lost their homes, and schools are closed because of the conflict. there's less work, but we are still standing. because they didn't drones by care on the 3rd of august killed 2 people, young member of his beloved and a 63 year old man. the damage from the track roles from that strike is still visible on the wall here. that strikes the increased fears amongst the people that remain here, that the frequency of attacks on this village may increase. the more people left that this time of year would have seen these students packed with families and children. that's not the case. and many basic services. yeah, i know the surrounding areas have closed and that's the when let's go, a lot of noise just isn't in what's going on. i'm wearing braces to fix my teeth. but i have to travel a long distance to visit the dentist and they don't. there are no children to play
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within the village here. most people have been displaced. people, so my homes vacant the streets empty, the routine sound of his ready war paint and drones overhead. with this village being approximately 5 kilometers from the border, the constant signed of bombing taking place around it. now before the killing a flood, she'll cause hope that this conflict may come to an end. but now many people believe it was only escalate side big data. the study on southern the bottom, a lindsey moore, head on the news out, including the police, huntington barcelona, for caroline separatists called us bootable and continues. even though his lawyer says he has returned to exile in belgium. we speak to an entrepreneur in nigeria who has joined recent protest, demonic economic and political before the russia has declared an emergency and is western could screech enough to ukrainian
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troops cross the border earlier this week. additional troops have been deployed to counter the attacks. fighting is naming the city of coach hawthorne where a nuclear power plant is located. i'm a junction reports in russia's western cursed region bordering ukraine, the fighting as incense and people are worried. the men resealed the dragon was hovering above us. we break the car in time. there was an explosion right in front of us. am i 0? there's work just so much you're so it all started a to a. yeah, we didn't speak to the morning and then the show started flying. it was terrible. this footage from the russian defense ministry shows russian soldiers battling ukrainian troops were earlier this week, cross the border and launched and attack the kremlin, his branded a large scale provocation that some people are stocking up on emergency supplies, and many are volunteering to donate blood video as posted on social media show people packing their belongings,
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as well as long lines of cars as they try to flee the fighting. russian officials say hundreds of ukrainian troops across the border on tuesday using tanks, armored vehicles and drones, and the u. s. has largely prevented ukraine from using american weapons to attack targets in russia. at the pentagon journalist asked whether the latest fighting meant that's changed. it is consistent with our policy. and we have supported ukraine from the very beginning to defend themselves against attacks that are coming across the border and for the need for cross fires. so they are taking actions to protect themselves from attacks that are coming from a region that are within the us policy of where they can operate, you know, our weapons, our systems, our capabilities to be acting governor of the course region brief, president vladimir putin on the evacuation plans via video link with my the sort of the we have reached an agreement with the russian railways. 3 trains have arrived in which we can accommodate 2400 people. another 8th trains can provide
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humanitarian, 8 and evacuated. people immediately go to the patrick region, which is near, cursed, and even deeper into russian territory also came under attack. the cross border result is one of the cranes largest since russia launched its full scale invasion in february 2022. the question now is, how long will it persist? how much enjoy julietta? let's look at this a bit more d. so usually a shop of all of us in moscow with the russian perspective. and what are you hearing about the way the fighting is going on and they could ask region as well. uh, not so far away. uh, not so long ago, rather the russian defense ministry. it has released a visa that shows the transfer of reserves to the course grades from from the heart of give direction to repel the you korean offensive. the video shows trucks with personnel like those that the korean forces destroyed the day before with an
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alleged time. most type in the real, scary on says they're nice uh the information about the says that talk a page and they are wrong today. at least a whole scene wrecked trucks. a scene in the video with the bodies of those dead soldiers. so presumably they weren't killed with high moss and munitions so, so we were here that's uh, that's the house. the house ministry released information that 55 civilian victims of the you, korea talks in the course creation, including a children are being treated in hospital to injured children. what taken to mosca? meanwhile, the kremlin reported that regiment, patients, how amazing was members of the security council to discuss issues, to quote, combat change terrorism. that while the council of commodities of involved in a private media treat company has stated that the bargaining group is ready to come and fights where the ukrainian forces in the course region. or usually how many
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thanks that you shop of all of a and must go. they speak now to pizza is on my ass. he's the executive director with the your agent, democracy initiative. he joins us live from key if, if i will welcome to al jazeera, so correct me if i'm wrong. but this incursion, thousands of kilometers into russia, was the 1st time since the 2nd world war to the phone. power has crossed russia's border and active. come about, what do you understand to be the military russian now behind ukraine's incursions into russian territory as well if 1st uh, 1st of all, yes, it is indeed unprecedented indicted as a 1st us such and vision by what appears to be a southern states. mind you will be worried, a similar incursions through the bel good area by those the troops calling themselves uh, you know, russian ethnic, russian, uh, guerrilla fighters. this would be the 1st such thing uh, bias, silver state such as ukraine, on the also keep in mind we had a so there's something very similar that expose the weakness of what i'm putting
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this regina. and that was mr. precautions. march on moscow. exactly. last year, last july. and so what we're seeing now is the continuation of that thing, ukraine apart from the fact that, uh its, uh, you know, the very this, this uh, you know, uh, operation we're seeing a may be designed to pull russian troops away from the don't boss theater of action where russia is having inexorable successes. it seems like rolling over rushes, ukrainian positions apart from that, i think this also is meant to instill fear and uncertainty in the hearts and minds of russian troops fighting in the area. but also, once they get to expose the original, very important as a colossus on clay feet, so to speak. uh, to show do it, is it no us, it leads that platinum important is not as strong as the seems to beaks once they get it exposes rush as border is completely undefended. and once again shows us
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that reporting as the district said, his obsession with ukraine has been essentially left rocks as borders elsewhere, unprotected. so the strategy might be multifaceted. let me ask you this because russia's energy, giant gas problem says the town or source, the incurs not far from the ukrainian border. also, how is this a pumping station supplies gas for europe? now, since the closure of the north stream pipeline, the only route for rushing gas to get into your rep, i mean, is there any suggest and this incursion, which is about the so called pipeline politics, a way of singletary, leslie pressuring most go, but also, you cranes west and on. nice. not only bad. yes. what you mentioned is very uh, i think of a very important point that is an important, strategically located down from where all the pipelines, the major pipelines and start to leading to, to you are. but also keep in mind, elsewhere in that region,
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there's an atomic station on the sort of what, so it's similar to the one in ukraine does up are these, yet i'm extension that russia has essentially occupied. and so this would be a very elegant kind of tit for tat, presumably. and if you great and is able to get entrenched in that area, and as a big question, advantage could say, well, you will leave our territory, we leave your 0 is a perfect kind of symmetry here. but once again, we don't know the plans and the design behind this. we have not been informed. whatever has been prepared. my thinking is that this may be a short lived kind of incursion. i do not believe you quite and has the requisite forces or the desire to state and continually up to by that territory. but once again, what's glaring and all of this is how long it's taking the russians to send regular troops there. because, you know, in the last 2 days you guys been able to get by 350 kilometers of rush to stay rhetoric more then it was able to liberate during it's
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a failed condra offensive. it's very, very curious and dated by interesting to talk to you, peters and i have executive director with the you raise it. democracy initiative. thanks for your time. it's now to the u. k. that several more people are being given prison sentences of one or 2 years for their role and fall right riots. the government has promised to crank down to the unrest which triggered nationwide counter protests on wednesday. well, the false claims made about black age and a muslim groups is a contribution to the u. k. economy. so let's take a look at the facts. since this types of shows the most migrants to the u. k. are people paying for visas to work? we'll study even in 2022 and a record number of people across the english channel. they accounted for 3.5 percent of the 1300000 who enter the country. last year, asylum seekers accounted for only one in 12 immigrants to britain from outside the u. supporters of immigration. so it helps to grow the economy. and academic studies
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suggested has a little or no effect on shops and wages. but it's not the relief for the immigration places, extra pressure on the national health service. recent studies are found new arrivals contribute more to the health care and they actually consume origins. sigo is an economist and research analyst. he says the brakes a referendum on whether to leave the you ignited much of the discontent around immigration particularly. and then also having that this is a very regional issues and it goes back many decades and it relates to the industrialization u. k. many other countries have experienced over especially the past 3040 years. the most of the time when the northern part of damon was plug it in, joshua power has gone back since the industrial revolution until the 1980s are 19 ninety's. and because there was a shorter to blame or u. k, attractive workers all over the world that particularly from becoming a lot temperatures at that time they were very good jobs. very one where the
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industry's close down. and that's when things began to be a bit tougher. unemployment rather than across the board. but really i would say can things off was the referendum in 2016 and told that really not that many people raised. and one way or i have since 2016 when the arguments have been very emotional. about the size, that's how things really started to get past as well as president nicholas madura sent to appear before the supreme court in the next hour. as the top judicial body considers whether to certify his re election to quarters us. the national level councils will provide detail voting records and has 15 days to study the data, but it can ask for an extension. opposition. politicians say they have proof for the last last moments disputed election to find this where this government says is going off to those involved in what it calls a coup against present ventura human rights groups. say they all concerned about
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the ongoing detentions, which in most cases, occur without arrest warrants to raise the boat has more in the past week. you know, come out of us has been going from one police station to one other desperately trying to find her daughter at the lopez who was detained at the airport in the election day. when she was getting ready to board a flight to argentina. i'll do whatever is necessary to try to get her released. what i wouldn't do to see her, even if this means them taking me instead. my daughter did not do anything wrong. president equal on my the little says secuity forces are going after those involved in the protest following the elections on july 28th. your position is convinced fraud was committed by the law says over 2000 people have been detained, accused of floating against the government, and it calls the operation knock, knock on tuesday, all professional leader my the equity. now,
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my titles campaign coordinator video, pisa managed to film one security agents detained her hours earlier, she had posted a video about the government's campaign to crush, defend as the symbol, the so called operation not cannot likes any kind of legal argument we're facing. which on to by regina last, the presidential elections on july 28th, against all the people who raise the voices 3 that the for the security services use for video to one political opponents on line about the consequences of challenging the election results on the side of the meal has been helping the relatives of those detained. he says, what is happening in the country is unprecedented. affect our personal on us. it is affecting people in some of the pores, areas in the country and affects people that are very young. are between 21 and 23 years old. many of them were taken without even participating in the protests. on
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thursday, relatives of those detained health, a vigilant cadillac, us. many were afraid and did not show up. the government insists it is fighting terrible risk for trying to force nicola model out of office. these people say they want to know where they are. relatives are, and one them released the so i will just see the still ahead on. i'll just the rest, of course in the philippines restores the license of a new, the new site right? plus the routing is held as a victory for media for you to find. so your largest lucy of mine is spock a mass movement against the exploration in serbia. had a slip up from this japanese athlete comes to climbing gold medals of great britain . you'll have the latest option for me personally picks of school, which the
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the latest news as it breaks. israel is caring out torture and enforce disappearance of thousands of palestinians and the occupied with font and gusts with detailed coverage. people with disabilities are the most vulnerable and groove in israel, relentless war across this trip, from the heart of the story, as well as a still own government with its escalation on the ground. so a good thing, areas that supports to be a few minutes. our insights of the a fancy has, of course, has to have this chinese academic victor dialed 12 percent of the people of taiwan, say they want to reunify, which it's not up to the people in taiwan to decide about the one to and the policy . exploring china is the front of admissions. is he no president for like a true dictate? how can you explain for finding the transform ation of china? if you have to take this, you had to head on that just to get out the
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the you watching out? is there a his reminder, our top story is this out. these way the military is launched a new ground defensive in thousands southern city of con eunice. it's weston to forcefully operate against palestinian fights. is that tens of thousands of people have been forced to flee? yes, it gets processed because i had an emergency in this western coast region of ukrainian troops across the board earlier this week. pricing is nearing the town. could software nuclear power plant is located at the u. k. government promises a further crank down on fall right in violence course of 100 more riots is prison sentences, countries on high level of possible disruption. this over the weekend. thousands of
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nigerians, of taken to the streets and davy protests against a cost of living crisis. they tend a campaign that we're also demanding economic and political reforms. we spoke to a young entrepreneur who joined the rallies in the capital, a boot you. my name is sad at times and i key. i have a 25 years old. i'm from kind of state northwest nigeria from i went out to protest, i knew people are going to talk. so there are 2 categories of people, the people that talk because they are waged for my safety. and that is something i really know about. always appreciate those people and then there are people that will talk because oh, how can she go out? why would in a muslim woman? oh, northern was the woman from a conservative home. go out to protest in the, in the northwest nigeria, on the north east where you,
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your parents get killed. web people are hungry. there's this grass, i'll call it like a weed cold, tougher. so this is what these people eat if. if it was your family member, that's that. will you tell me to actually, why would you, why did you out if it's your family, if you look at your daughter, look at your sister. look at your mother is the ones that are constantly being killed. will you ask me why i had stepped out? i asked myself is like, i know a lot of people care, but not many people come out to talk. this is constantly being killed. be raped. i'm ask myself why, why is this to it's been going on for the longest time? is it because we have pool? is that why no one is that the reason why no one seems to care usually got the app
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is called broadcast. when i planned to go out and it was great, what was going to happen. i knew one thing or the other, i mean, you know, school perfectly. so i knew what's going to happen and i still went ahead and i did it. the, i want to believe that the government has the people's best interest. that is what i want to be. so in that case, that means the government has to do one of the people want. we're not here telling you to read with us. that's where basically asking for necessities. i believe the government know my to how much a, how things should at the very least be able to protect its people and feed them based on the wish of bangladesh. as a new injury, lead to assess his top priority is restoring law and order. if all is weeks of wise,
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but unrest that left hundreds dead long time prime it is to shake, has seen it, has since resigned, and fled to india, a nobel laureates. mohammed eunice as being sworn in to take a place. it'd be 400 people died in bangladesh, vine and crank, 1000 student protest is tons of chandry has been across. the latest developments have filed this report from dr. a historic day in bangladesh as a new and term government starts functioning from today preference i'm, i'm of you and i was visiting the liberation one memorial today to pays tribute to the 1971 lot of independence monitors. now there is a lot of expectation from the government, particularly high inflation, starting for prices and restoring law and order. we spoke to many of the people in the states to see how they reacted to this new government. since we brought this change throughout initiative, an effort,
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we won't miss interim government to stay until they fulfill all the promises and bring about the reforms. this is from governments should immediately address inflation and high prices. they should also bring down prices of essential food items to the general public get released from the sale of managing traffic in the capital city. while some police station are set to open within the next few days. and the protection of the military one hope is that peaceful retained in the country, and people will have the right to freely speak their minds and express their opinion. and then another land market started gotta move to student. protests leader have been selected as advisor to this new in time government. there will be a lot of high expectation. their demands and vision they fulfill. talking to many people in the state. most people are saying the intern governments should stay for a while until the institution i live from has been done to enrich audrey. i'll just
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say the dock uh, intensified fighting between a powerful rebel group from the on laws military is code at least 200 s think we're hanging. the border with bangladesh. tony chang has spoken to several people who witnessed the attack and said this report, which contains disturbing images, the names of those who spoke to have been changed for fear of reprisals. a boat is strewn at the mouth, so the nav for the, the boulder between me and my and bangladesh. as nick were hanging men, women and children, hundreds killed, drowned as they trying to escape the fighting between mazda military and a powerful rebel group. the era can only when people gathered around the fence and beach at about 5 pm on monday, the drone flew over the crowd, which came from choice of village. after that more drones arrived from stories and from the crowd. thousands that fled from the town of monk though, on the boat with bangladesh. but the around choice of village to the north west was
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under the full control of the eric and ami at the time. 12 members of y'all attends time when they were killed. one academy drop bones, some people run through the water and also academy is dro google. it is full full of them and drop them. these are also so the people drowned in the will to trying to escape the bones. yes. yeah, exactly. as that, the, the rebels have been fighting the military for control over kind states, despite public denials, they appear to have instigated several attacks on ethnic. we're having good communities in recent months. but the us state department is also accused the military stoking ethnic tensions. recent reports indicate marketing has taken deliberate steps in rocking state to use internally displaced persons meaningful or
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a hindrance. as human shields, i mean the conflict or erica naomi says those were who can go, who remain among door will have safe passage to the no few believe them now. not really because you're moving on between the economy and the other 2, you phone charges for basketball. got it on the bottom of this is the peoplesoft and but it is really hard to to see. i believe the, the also don't, don't be monday actually. i'm just not technically that's like, uh, it is really hard to believe. come, well, it isn't the bad thing. go below the difficulties, the wrangler facing those who remain in me and my facing will. persecution is military role collapses. others making the decision. now is the time to flee. tony chang out as 0 and other news for my castle and separate this liter costs boost of all is back in belgium. following a brief appearance in buffalo,
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new on the 1st day that's according to an official form. his policy personal made a surprise address to hundreds of support which is near the regional parliament as an arrest warrant out for him and police set up roadblocks and boss loan and hoping to intercept him. he's facing challenges related to his role in the field bid for catalonia to secede from spain in 2017. but as with us, the latest from barcelona, a judge from spain supreme court has demanded an explanation from a capital. i'm regional police, the muscles as the house call us booge a month was able to evade arrest. they deny any collusion, and they say that they were gonna arrest the 61 year old politician at a time when they were gonna, it was less likely to generate public disorder for the food you mom took advantage of a number of people around him and select the seat and the vehicle and the muscles tried to stop say, oh, it's old for the lead, potentially, politically difficult to prime minister petro sanchez, of spain. he pushed through the law in may. that gave,
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i'm the state to those involved in the 2017 page full council on the session and return nationalist council on policies. we're going to support sanchez, empowerment dr. inconclusive elections once j. but the supreme court decided that 3 of those separatist politicians put them on amongst them would not to benefit from the i'm this the law. and this is why this warrant that his arrest still stands. he though now is back in belgium. he was a school teacher to the border by allies from his policy on thursday night, and he said, you can speak to support as in coming out to 0. also at least 11000 people have been affected by heavy rain and flooding and c dams. eastern casala states us according to the u. an agency for refugees flood conditions as well as the ongoing conflict between the ami rapids. the full force is on a hampering release relief efforts. many of those displaced by the flooding had
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already been forced from their homes by the fighting times. prime minister has cancelled an overseas trip due to a mega quake advisory from government science villages is the 1st warning of it's coming to japan and follows a magnet. you 7 point one, a quake. the struck b southwestern and of course you warning didn't indicate a quake would definitely happen, but prime is simply meal because she has stayed in japan and people in the southern coast, we encouraged to be ready to evacuate if necessary. so it okay, no non guide the food in the name chi trust its quite extra information protocol is not a request to evacuate and advance and its way to know is this an advisory? this is quake will take place within a specific timeframe. but as this is the 1st time, i understand that the public may be very anxious. people are in a small village and so it'd be a fighting to block an e u back lift the mine in the valley. last month the government restored mining company. we are 10 times license to extract the mineral,
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which is used and electric vehicles, environmental as an active, as of planned, a major rally in the capital bel, great subsidy. so 100 reports these fields in western via could soon disappear if alicia mining project gets to go ahead and when greenery disappears, so do the insects to lodge any codes of it. she's worried not just for his bees, but also for his health and even his community play out. i'm defending the property of the existence of my family and my children. here we patch with all the lives of such things. in yes, all valley blue pellet smoke and exploration sites on land. so rich and the few european union is keen to benefits mining joints. re, i'd tend to discover the mineral hey, a couple of decades ago. lead time is using rechargeable batteries for electric vehicles, among other items. bought mass protest in 2022 loc,
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the global corporation from opening it, supposed to be in line all that change last month. so when said, be reinstated, it's license prompt thing. nationwide demonstrations. c environmental groups to concerned about their repairable pollution. a mine would quotes and the impacts on sources of food and water companion can supply the smith into explaining the mining valleys to be reversed, which often slots seals and could carry any toxic material downstream. so this is a huge risk to the entire read to not only for the either but the, for everything down stream on the 3, not salary there's and for about great. beside being government, which names misinformation for the protest is trying to forge close to ties with the you on the block wants to reduce dependency on chinese lease. you we are,
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we are not talking about deciding, are we going to do something at the expense of the environment and people's health or not? the answer is we will not do anything even that has such a negative impact that it will be detrimental. so in this case, the projects will not be developed, so this was what it means. this will be mobilized. does not co cochran, of it, just not convince the him on the farm. it says it's village isn't interested in profits. he says they were raised on this land and they will die on it to sort of hide us out is there a course in the philippines is reinstated the license a wrapped up. the news organization founded by nobel laureate maria ressa in 2018. he was accused of violating phone ownership restrictions. the court of appeals has now throwed out. that decision. wrestler has hailed the ruling as a victory for media freedom and democracy below has more for manila for more than
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6 years. this news room has been operating under the threat of closure. 2018. the philippines business regulator found the traveler. the online media company founded by the veteran journalist maria rissa, violated foreign ownership groups. but on friday, the court of appeals ruled the rattler is an entirely philippine own business and reinstated its license. this court decision, the latest and a spring of court victories for rattler is a much needed reminder that the mission of journalism can thrive. even in the line of fire, to speak truth to power, to hold the line, to build a better world. and it's another legal trying for rest and rattler after acquittals on 5 tax evasion cases last year. and then the bill piece prize winner says it's a vindication for the immediate community. after years of what she describes as a political harassment by former president would be good authority. journalists
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here and the rep, the news from reported extensively on alleged abuses. during the 3rd, the administration's crackdown and drugs rest assessed and made them a target. the legal work there and the appeals court concurred when it ruled that the government's actions have no place in a democratic society. but while the rest of says media freedom and will afloat are slowly being restored. she's appealed to president, britain, and marcus junior to do more, give us greater access to information. journalists are not, the enemy, has this very idealistic document points out. we have a role in society. we are your allies, rest size facing another 2 legal battles. one of them a cyber libel conviction, that's a waiting, a supreme court decision, which could send her to prison for up to 7 years. what would one court victory after another wrestler says she trust the justice system?
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find below l g 0 minute to handle that, which is there, a breaking news, we get off of slim status for making it to and then pick day be in power. so that's coming up with just the business. latest a sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by the
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business late it has to be sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the time for the olympic auction. his jo, me thank you very much. the mens $100.00 me to champion, no eliles will play no further parts in the games off to testing posted for kogan 19 ending hopes of leaving paris with full metals. wild looks full of energy as he entered the truck for the 2. and you, me to sign off on thursday was able to become the 1st time since same votes to
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complete. the sprint doubles, but it couldn't keep up with what's one is, let's see. like to go home with 21 year old winning his country's 1st ever. gold medal ahead of tennis, but not it was miles claiming from the pay to be struggling northwards. sign it later much he tested positive occurring virus on tuesday. yes, it expects us to run in the full by 100 meter. i'm 4 by 400 me to relates, but his games on how i know rest for the winter to go who, who was up early on friday to run the 1st leg in the men's a full by 400. me to rely on the output swan of finishing the 1st place in the 1st from the head of great britain, the united states of america repeats for that miles, all 3 of those countries, a 3 societies, final destination fronts will join the month to winning the 2nd heat list rounds replaced by cliff is 4 by $400.00 piece of relay. the united states around the foss this time. and the 1st from he usa finishing had of great britain heis from to
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memorize us, looking good shape as they looked when this events for the 8 straight from them takes full races in paris covering the game. and can tell us what else we can look forward to on friday. the 8th podiums to info and track and field here in paris on friday, essentially epic concepts to come in. the men's 400 meter hurdles, cost involved whole of no way up against roy benjamin the are our sites with nights time in that career is in tokyo. 3 years ago. vol. hold pete's his own world record in taking gold. benjamin also bates, not previous world record locked in, winning silver and alison defense us in bronze, with the full, fastest time in history, evolve home, come defend his title. probably the 1st time since 1950, 61960, that has been achieved. we've also got full by 100 meter races in both the men's and women's, the us teams in both qualifying fastest. the women's full by $100.00 mates attains
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to the us. has little history on this side. there was silver med list and type joe gold medalist 4 years earlier at rio for the men. they haven't won a metal in 20 years and haven't won a gold medal since sidney 2000. they are potentially have a strong by the very likely absence of no eliles after he tested positive for corona virus will also have a tough on champion by the end of the day. great britain is kathrina johnson thompson, up against belgium's not feet t m. double wells champion against double olympic champion. patrice elgin's era powers. great britain have one that 1st metal in sports, climbing off to dramatic finish to the competition. 19 year old to be real bits nicknames the term and i said because of his determination with the also the 1st cost of the event contest is a cost for you folders. then produced a brand lead time to go into a past position,
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which is fine because i need to punch. so to unlock who to come? the world sofa, my list of favorites, lips on his to send top. those 15 me to rule tammy, easiest. when the gold medal is super well tempt his fame and i've left the lympics empty handed. they lost the bronze medal, much to germany, focus on capturing virgo with p 0, saving a penalty and injury time ensuring a one know when the final between us. i am so happens today the books are at the center of global gender discussion. algeria is, am on kelly full flight. so the gold medal lisa in paris, the sasha butler has been speaking to members of the old jerry and community in the french capital. when alone, highly steps into the ring for the women's wealth way, final is the lympics. she will be of course, bye to full goals, but her achievements and powers of being overshadowed by continuing can to control the see. there's some people to tyrese's lodge,
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i'll during community say simply on fact, similar to what is happening is unfortunate to mental julian. she's of julia up to you and everyone knows she's a woman. so what is the use of this debate? flipping some coals online to find a lisa and to tie when these folks are from the women's competition. because the international folks and association says the to have in the past failed to suppose to ryan or tend to eligibility tests. now, the international olympic committee says the vit tests are flawed, they defend the boxes, and there's been a growing number of people who say the whole issue simply being mishandled. well, i'm, i will, head judge is a feminist activist who is flew from l. j, as in order to support a monica leaf. and they'll tell us why he decided to come fits on sancho as a feminist. and as a now jerry and women, i've seen the parlance directed at him on it's not a debate, it's violence against a woman who was fort replaced and support a sport that's long been a man's domain. like many women from the global. so him on is told she has no
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rightful place. so it's important to support to literally faces trying these folks a young do in the final, whatever the outcome. kelly will be up with her 1st and then pick a metal and there was no doubt that as a boat is here in paris, will be tearing her own latasha, butler. i'll just sarah harris. i am finally some breaking news from us for making its debut at these games get ready for de jason sitting foot. what would break down st especially known as. ringback getting underway, reckless sleep self is getting right behind the p goals. teams who are buckling out in round robin cortez. and somebody's before deciding the metals, the investment that committed has been adding sports that cater to the younger audience. like breaking well does this quote is scheduled to be included in that same in l. a. successful? all right, that is are useful now, hopefully later. well we can see sleep dog doing his bit, jo, many things so that, that's it for me. any bulk of this news out, but i'll be back in just
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a moment's time and much more days. thanks for watching the a documentary series, exploring how traditional knowledge from indigenous communities is helping tackle today's environmental catastrophe. in columbia, the arrow, lots of people, scientists to understand why species of toes wants to take things is still thriving in the coastal mountains of the sierra nevada nations front line. the starry night towed on alger 0, the
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safe, the mean, big summit as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator hero. now, have feelings have caused that if a gosh to burst, it sparks small villages in that bed with a fast assault that these women have decided to take studies. they need to go to town and look for help for the families. they need tense and just about everything . and some of the families that have managed to escape are now living here in these little shelters of to construct their property, the farm in land as well as their homes house or being some most local authorities
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. believe that between 5 and 6000 people have been affected. afraid this might only be the beginning. the so is there a loan soon as like the defensive on con eunice strikes targets. southern gauze of thousands of palestinians are fleeing the area. the bulk of this is all just a life doe who also coming up at least one person just kills. and, and this really striking the lebanese port, city of side to cross or the kind as a federal emergency and is western coast region deployed.


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