tv Inside Story Al Jazeera August 9, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm AST
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the the . ringback the thousands of people joined demonstrations in the okay and support of my brands and against places and it follows days of riots in stubs by fall by to us on misinformation online. what's the public news and how's the vast bin contains. this is inside story, the hello welcome to the program. i am harsh him a bottle days of violence in parts of the case to by based on the far right elements that to some of the most widespread rest. seeing that any is with police,
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has stretched to the limit their work goals for british troops to be called in. but it was an oddity of different kind that's helped stop the bytes for now. thousands of people opposed to racism and has support refugees on migrants. came out to enforce a wednesday night when more than a 100 fog lights, why us would expected, but did not materialize. the major police track down has seen hundreds of a rust, some fast tracked through pools and j already, but an, an easy comp remains what led to violence assess speed and scale. good public reactions of the far right into permanent retreat. and just how much of a factor it's hospitality, i guess migraines of racism in but just politics and media. we've been discussing all this with all gas in a few moments. first, this report from image in combat. the of the days appointments and times and cities of just the u. k. the domestic response,
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the thousands of people coming together to demonstrate against relinquishing royces and racism. pride's protected buildings with mike and some of the keys have been living. they were going to attack this center based on the fact that it's an integration. and so the community came out today to help her to protect the the refugees and, and let them know that there was one annoyed when really when groups it urge support has to come back onto the streets. many of faith, the worst 6 sizes and specialized police officers were deployed to maintain who to we the government to throw some leadership on deal with this issue of race as of one some who we are a multi cultural, multi colored, multi faceted society. when i see women saying, i am not going out today. when i see kids not wanting to go out to play. is this
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the future britain? no, wait, no my watch. the buttons began in england and spreads and moving on. and after stopping at adults close inside port to the attack, a killed 3 children, an injured at another age, almost immediately false claims, spread online that he was an asylum seekers that he had a real. i've done a smooth bug that he was a muslim. none of which was true. split the police publicly correcting fox unrest interrupted groups using online platforms to mobilize support is the because we linked to the english defense leak and the former leader convicted criminal to me. reuben sir u. k. prime minister condemned erases. roy. it's not protests, i'm going those involved with feel the full force of the little. i was very keen that we're able to demonstrate that if your involvement disorder within stages,
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you'll be in the criminal justice system and some people starting long times in prison. and that needs to continue. hundreds of arrests who already been made with many more expected police are using ample video evidence to search for suspects. social media companies are in the spotlight with costs a strict laws governing hate speech and racism, o $911.00 mosque owner of the platform x has spoken. i echo and criticism by right wing groups, a policing tactics and even kissed on some c. this is thomas post test and other c. it is a test of moving multicultural. britain imaging came out to 0 inside story the. so let's bring it all gas from london with joined by jeremy called in an independent member of parliament, and formerly to of the kind of a body it less ties. it will spawn electra of the university of less time why she
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specializes in migration and is from a phobia. and also in london is the bill of for much use of pay attendant in the metropolitan police. thank you. or for joining the program, jeremy, who should we blame for these riots? i think the one hand you blamed the far right for the mobilization and the heavy use of social media, the spread lies and misinformation and then say that they want to attack the immigration lawyers and legal aid centers. places where refugees and migrant communities are assisted. but the other side of it, you have to look at several years of language, which has been about blaming refugees for the social problems that britain faces, which is actually nonsense. that is not the fault of refugees that we have a housing crisis. and then the way in which the far right so able to mobilize some degree of support. but i think what's been impressive and effective in the
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last few days has been the huge town narrative, decent painfully. just say we're not tolerating this racism all this violence in our society, but it's not over yet. there are still many issues around the country on this, which we have to price up to in the next few days. a deal that sentiment a guest muslims, a gas emigrants is increasing in, in, in europe and in the u. k. but is it fair to say it's just the file vide, or should we include the toby's would make? so with the most powerful media for honda, heinrich, of the same message time and again about the spots or the supposedly existence of threat of muslims and immigrants in the west. yeah, you're absolutely right. hashim. thank you. i'm festival for, for having me. what we have is a combination of 10 to 15 years of demonizing muslims,
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demonizing migrant using them as a punching bag for all of the ills that plagues of this country. whether it is the lack of funding and public services, the lack of funding for housing for these and accommodation education, you name it the last 1015 years of the tory government has been an abysmal record. and they've been using migrant and most lens to divert the public's attention away from that abysmal red quote. and i think when you normalize this number for b, a, when you know relies negative hatred language, it becomes an open door essentially for anyone who wants to attack muslims and who wants to blame others for the you know, the programs that they have it themselves and i want to also note that this is happening in the context of palestine and so there's a modem, empty palestinian sentiments that are also coming out when, when all of these criminal activities are happening on our streets. a don is the
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police come down having an impact here? do you think it will be able to contains or violates anytime soon? i think it's expanding mind that this country is separate from each level of those tennessee where the level of placing has been cut down quite significantly. so we've lost 20000 police officers and 18 a off 1000 police tall. the big the government in the process of replacing them. so we have a very inexperienced police force of the moment. almost a quarter of the police force across the country is basically under 5 years experience. so they have left, so they have limited experience. i think that the thing on the side is 2 factors that i section the response to the far right. now, one is the sentences which are very severe. so full vonage disorder. within the space of 7 days, people are going from committing the offense to being arrested, charge placed before the quotes and send to prison for 13 months. so there's a,
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it's a very, very fast system. so i think the far right demonstrates you the re, the idea that this consequences to, that'd be, i guess the other aspect is that the place has mobilized and has 6000, especially slight drained offices, will up to play strategically across the country and respond to any kind of disorder that made sense. so i think those factors on having a response, but i don't think we can match the levels we. we need to see what happens over the next few days before we can pretty that aside relates, but i think there's been a low and i hope that continues, but i don't think we have the woods yet. jeremy, always thoughts on july 3rd, to the 1st when the vice spread across england and possible northern ireland and you would us to you or you, you would think of peaceful our view. is that in western democracy, politically, those would step in and try to the com, the street. explain to people and bought some of the prevailing minutes by example,
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about islam on the immigrants being that existence will spread to the u. k. but when you look at the totally the far and wide on the positive that you let in the past, the labor that the, all these policies have one thing in common. they've been pandering to the fund wide photos for quite some time on the world. another responsible for this your right own across europe. there's been a growth of the far right the far right to the come very strong in many, many european countries. and in britain reform, for example, got full 1000000 votes and the race in general electric at up the, a, tory and reform vote that's bigger than the labor vote in the general election light. but it wasn't very impressive until it was in fact, low as it was achieved in 2019 where the fall right to grow in any country in europe. the conservative policies or equivalent tory policies all across europe
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have themselves moved to the right. the socialist and social democratic policies have often then moved to the sense uh, an oil used rhetoric, which is in effect, blaming migrants. so you've had this ludicrous debate for the past 2 years in britain at least about stopping the boats coming and blaming the people. traffic cuz people only get into those boats out of desperation, that human beings trying to get to a place of safety. those people coming from cali, i'm not the cause of britain's housing shortage education on the funding, or any of the other social problems that are letting this test to people and that behavior. and so labor leaders as well have played into this by saying they will control immigration as the immigration is the problem. they also know when they think about it and all across europe is actually folding population them, folding, bus, writes, and the only people that are going to provide the workforce the future are actually
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my good communities that have been very important in keeping health and social services running and so part of the sections of intended rig. so the fall right for several years. this past 10 days, they've been in the absolute panic because they've seen with that pandora needs to last. they've started starting actually we've got a stand up for a multicultural, multi ethnic, multi lingual society. i'd be proud of it and work with it. and so the effect has been important. the other point i just make about the leasing, very interesting and very important point doesn't have a number of meetings where it's very saying the place of is i was the last few days . i'm also talking to the police and my own community. the police actually can see that on wednesday, the really powerful thing wasn't necessarily the police, and it was a numbers of painful food in country towns and big cities all over. the country
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came out and said, we are standing with the migrant communities. we were standing with the refugees, a not going to allow these attacks to take place. and most that newspapers who spent the last years complaining about the anti races campaigns complaining about those to all of us be marching and support palestine and against the bombing of gaza. suddenly they found that actually the popular reaction of many things around the country has made an enormous difference and was just all over. and there's many demonstrations prime this way you can. i think there's been a very significant political turning point. no, thanks to the political leaders of the past 5 years. we've been blaming refugees every, every science to those people that just came out and said, all right, and all named it did when, when you see a country where you have the full, the home secretaries. so a lot forever, man, warning of a huge with kind of migrants coming to the okay. or when the labor policy itself,
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it's lead to the comma talking about the need to smash the criminal boat guns. at the same time, you look at some of the most powerful use papers that way. they just got to rise the presence of immigrants. so was the way the misconduct arise. immigration the way the demonized immigrants are we talking about a shifting dynamic itself? some sort of a tony bought in, in the political landscape of that sort of passion. if people need to realize that language has impact. and one thing that we haven't been doing enough in this country. and i say this as a media academic is when not scrutinizing our media enough. we haven't normalize the demonizing of muslim communities. we have normalized the demonizing of, of migrants and escape coaching them for every program that exists in this country . and the media had an active role to play in that when you're giving front page
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coverage to someone like boris johnson who's referring to muslim women as the communities and that's the boxes that is absolutely um, either unacceptable and it's, it's that kind of language and media coverage of negativity, that has become so mobilized for the last 1015 years now. it is completely acceptable to attack muslims basis to attack migrant. and i also want to point to the fact of, you know, the challenge of best information when this attack this, this unfortunate killing of these 3 little goes, took place immediately. we had this information that was spread about the my, you know, the attacker be an illegal migrant that came last year on a thing the and who was of was the most slim face. and they all came out in droves . literally the police came out to step the record straight to say no. in fact, the gentleman in question was born and cause if he's of her around defend. and he's a christian that did not stop p from continuing to riot because the bias is that
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they already have confirmed and that hes chimes in with the, this information. so we need to pay attention to the role of the media, particularly the role of this information that could be spread on social media at hold. these digital media designs accountable as well as our main street. you can media, doctor years in the police have been trying to build bridges between the community and the police force of the same time you've been vocal on the need for more diversity within the metropolitan police. when you look at the situation of forwarding, those wise, what, what do you think is the root code for this? is it, is it racism the biggest challenge facing the budget society? yeah, i mean, if you're calling the discount racism, britton doesn't always sales. i'm comfortable talking about racism. it feels much more comfortable talking about other types of discrimination. but when it comes to racism, it's a, it's a topic that is, is very,
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very difficult for the business people to, to discuss and accept that. there are significant challenges around race in terms of police force we, we don't still have a chief face of the 2 comfortable who he's on the black awake. and despite over 60 percent of the population being from murno's, he has to be back then. so we, we have, we have somebody wants to play service project. i think one of the biggest challenges that the police sending data all the, all the administration's governments have is the social media. we have a, you know, must talking about the civil war. we have just as the fall, right, using the social media to organize events and spread lies. oh we we, we go into the habit of talking about this information as to like way of sending lice. it's courtney and so it was. and what happened when the tragically uh, the reporting knows that those suite goes wherever that imagine immediately the
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fall right, started spreading lawyers on the internet and the internet did not. x did not stop the platform, did not stop it. and basically what they said was that this was a most thing and so that, that then consequently led to attack. so most most good the most of the time, similarly damage bent. and then we have the situation where hotels was on seats, which day we're waiting for. a decision, those were attacked and the san right white folks basically start then trying to bend the buildings down to kill the people inside. so you know, we mustn't lose sight of the house here. that's the situation. and thankfully, we've had a couple of nights where the do to the, the much saves plays presence and the communities come at the end, the sentences that i think those 3 factors all contribute with now, how do you situation where things are ok, then we have to wait to see what the impact will be as a weekend jeremy,
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who wrote to let to along with all of them and piece of the secretary of state for the home office on the need for the tough measures against these let the phobia and hatred speech when you look at the history of legislation in the u. k. a, particularly when it comes to targeting of a phobia, hate in particular and crimes against immigrants. if you could have some of the, the, you had loved the continent of the sixty's or the seventy's when it comes to those legislations. why is it now lagging behind? what does the problem do? you think? i think britain may suffice up to the fact that there is a serious rises problem in the country that there are systemic levels still of discrimination. and the point made by the lack of senior police officers from black minority ethnic background. so lack of any chief constable from those backgrounds and even in london where i'm not charged for force and the rest of the country come from black minority ethnic backgrounds and uh,
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we want to see some changes there. but the results. so this question of systemic is donald phobia, much of which is not reported to the police because the victims already often mostly and women suffer abuse on the streets on the buses, on the trains don't report it. so it goes on reported. therefore, the issue is not taken seriously as it should be by the police as a whole. and the way in which there's a constant denigration of people of mazda in price and as well, there is a big concentration on opposing anti semitism in society. and that's right and is how much is, is it totally evo cold and exactly the same way that is level phobia is an evil cold. and so we do have to be much stronger in supporting the diversity of our communities, diversity of all face, but also recognize that the feeding ground of the flashes through the fall,
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right. as in germany before the 2nd. ready was, was always saying to people who were off against it and pull, needing better jobs, leaving better services needing, but a higher thing that they hear the language of blame against migrant saying we can't cope is typically migrants rather than looking at the issues of a quality within a society and so it is about opposing racism in every form. it is about supporting the communities under attack and threat today, muslim community. but it's also about dealing with the economic and social and equality in our society. and saturday, the economic proposals put forward sofa by suitcase, thomas government have not sought to address any of that. it deal. when you look at the high profile and to muslim octave, it's like telling me, robinson, the way it's been cut off to rising base as
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a hardworking families fight against the political establishment we're seeing here . and you have pattern in british politics, which is basically far wide shaped thing of the narrative. i think it's the spread of populism across europe that you know, is affecting the politics in the u. k as well. an unfortunate what we tend to see. and if we take a sort of pool, the historical view in terms of west and politics is whenever there is a, a high level of a inequality associated quality, economic inequality, pull, housing, pool, and resources available for, as for, for social services. whenever there's a big crisis that affects the economy, we've had breasts it here. we've had coven, we've had the ukraine russian crisis, that conflict has been going on for for years. now. all of that tends to create an environment that looks for an easy escape goes by the political lead is because
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they don't have the competence all the capability or the, well sometimes to deal with these massive big problems that the german quoting just highlights it. instead, they look for easy ways to divert the public's attention from all of these big companies. and unfortunately, claiming most slim planning to migrate community has become the go to not just here in the u. k by people like not to for raj and 20 bucks. incense, but we're seeing that across or at least i think it's not issue that really needs to be tackled. we need to okay, face that hot. say don't divert our attention. we know what the problems off face with it and lead with integrity down. what would be the main challenges facing the police force in the upcoming days if the bias continue? oh, just like if i just make one point because yes, we don't have it. we do not have a definition of is on the phone. yeah. and i think there's been an attempt several attempts to try and get a definite the very fact that we don't even have a definition of his i'm a thought. yeah. is, is
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a huge gap in how we do without told him which or you'll guess talked about. and i think that the thing i would say that we need to consider is the place of working incredibly hard. i think we need to give credit where credit is due at the end of the place of what is local communities and with me, with the quotes and the government to ensure that we have a good credit on on this problem. i think they just need to be continued so, so the next few days, but remember i said i've been writing signed off so it's tough. you know, you're going to look at yourself in the morning. you don't come out until 2 o'clock in the morning and then you start again. i hope the next morning. and you do that so we'd have to wait while the disorder is happening. so, you know, at, you know, a moment just assign the plays for. ready yeah, incredible. what shall do to find the the beat, the race is precious to bring them to justice. jeremy, despite all the surveys this tonya is the, have been saying that immigration, the diversity of good for the economy of good for the job market. they have never
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been serious about western democracies or to your in particular. yet that sentiment that immigrants are a sweat resonates more stronger than ever among people in the west. do you think it's about time for politicians themselves to reinvent themselves to be able to convince people that there is a difference between assumptions and reality? which does not seem to be the case that politicians should stop conceding ground to the right stop conceding grams the racist and stop the blade and culture against my goods and refugees, migrants and refugees did not cause the housing crisis. they didn't cause low wages employ as cause low wages, governments lack of investment, cause a housing crisis. they also need to look at the way the media are constantly demonize particular communities, often the muslim community and keep on building up this sense of resentment against
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them. so there's a role here for the media, for journalist of an old places to think about what the reporting of the way that they're reporting it and calling out which is i'm a 5 year and you're quite right. there isn't a definition of is number 5 either or to be one. and so we just need to understand that if we keep on politicians, that is conceding political ground to the file, right, which drags the center ground further to the right. you then end up was it kind of hard to show that we've had, over the past week or 2 in britain. and this happened in many other parts of europe . we, if we want to live in a decent fast society menu include everybody, a new respect, everybody at the same time. i did just think that there's some things that could lead the minorities them for the isolation in europe. the okay. in particular, if you speak to most of the communities today, here in, you know,
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in the u. k. majority of them will tell you that they all get to go outside. they are scared to go about the daily business to do the grocery shopping, to take the kids out and it's, it's summer holidays here. so the kids are at home. that's got to take their kids out to play on, you know, in, in the, in the local talks and go out and enjoy themselves. people are fearful because they seeing the attacks that has been so targeted against them. and so we have this climate of fear. now that people are affected by what we need to do is to really come out, install the darzy and support the spring with muslim communities as well as the migrant communities. and i want to commend all of the face leaders, the, the police, the counselors, the local civil society, organizations, activities. but i'm ready to come out in droves last night. and the, you know, the night before and i heard that continues to really show solidarity and say,
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we are thank if he's safe pay. we'll have to unfortunately leave it that jeremy call been at the last month. the bu, i really appreciate your time and your insight. thank you. and thank you to for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website. i'll just email dot com for further discussion. go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash ha inside slowly you can also join the conversation on x. our 100 is at a j insights voted from the house of mine and the entire team here in they'll have bye for now the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the flow on the bulk of this is the news our lives. and so coming up in the next 60 minutes, a passenger plane with 62 people on board has crashed, and brazil, sao paulo states is there. a launch is a 3rd offensive on con eunice strikes targets, southern gaza, thousands of palestinians of cleaning the area of mass sufficient is killed and it
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