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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 10, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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had a chance to pass the bolts critical the bank. russia has decided to the war crane as a defensive war inside story. how will it change the security relationship between both countries on out jersey around the more than a 100 palestinians have been killed and that is really attack on a school during morning. pres, is ro, is saying it was targeting how my flight is in the school in out the raj neighborhood, which had been sheltering, hundreds of displaced people, the hello, i my m i z. this is alger 0 life from doha. also coming off on the program. now is the time to get a ceasefire. jail,
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the couple of hours is pulling on gauze or is protest as interrupt the latest, riley and her campaigns to the us presidency. a plane plummets into a residential area in brazil, killing old 61. people on board witness to say no one on the ground has been hot, the hello its over 600 gmc and we begin and gaza city of a 100 people have been killed. and on as rainy as strike that target had a school housing displays, palestinians. the attack on the to be in school in the old, the raj neighborhood happened doing it during the morning. pro palestinian civilians are trapped in the rubble and binding flames was seen binding into the sky as the rescue team struggled to reach them is rainy. minute tree says the school is being used as a as headquarters over the last week. at least 4 schools in northern garza has been
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targeted by is riley forces. honey, my mood is an hon. eunice, and joins us now. honey, what can you tell us about who would have been sheltering inside the school at the time? how many give us an idea of the number of women and children who may have been that as well, this is a school that was only designed to accommodate up to a 1000 students. so it's a learning setting that lacked the proper equipment that of preparation in terms of per person. and this is just the learning setting. and the fact that we're seeing at the turn into an evacuation center simply because there are no proper evacuation shelters across the gaza. strip never happened, never been there and never been allowed to be built to start with these schools. learning setting turn into evacuation show shoulders or centers,
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whereas accommodating a close to 7000 displays a individuals, insights, so really overcrowded to really struggle on daily basis. and so not a, in the context here that these are 3 bonds that were dropped with without a prior warning whatsoever on, on, on civilian largely civilian population inside this, this facility fee that goes to 250 work performing don't have prayers either. we're either is still is sleeping inside the, the classrooms, the turn into bedrooms, basically for uh, for families that needs room would accommodate up to $5.00 to $6.00 families just to make space for everyone. and others were busy a trying to get water right to make food available as early hour as possible before it gets to crowded before we say it's the resources available. the run out because it just, there is a high demand. but the, the resource available are very, very limited in that context, on
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a predictable bonds fail on people killing at least a 100 people, including those who, where in the fray are room and close to 100 people. but the fear now the number will increase as more as more a body has been found inside a classroom and those where a hits while the sleeping by the flying and scrap those by those sharp nails and flying into everywhere. we're talking about lethal weapons that use the drug talks with nails, talk with pieces of the sharp metals that the when they, when they fly, when it, when the bomb exploded, these pieces a flight of very high speed, the cut through the flash, the costs of your leadings, and from the time of the bombing to the time the islands were dispatched to the bonds side and bear in mind the difficulties on the road. the infrastructure, the uh, the, the roads are old damaged. it takes a distance that takes 10 minutes would, in this situation, would likely take half an hour. so there's a really delay in the time and the level of response giving the difficult is
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a crating on the ground. so anyone with severe bleeding, it's hard to imagine that this survive the, these attacks do the, the cases or the bodies transfer the injuries were transferred to allow the baptist hospital where literally, according to one paramedic on the floor of the hospital at the entrance of the emergence, department, the court doors of the, the hospital e. c, a scene of k us to see you know, for risk images at inside, inside the hospital. right now with insufficient medical stuff in the fax for the past the 3 months. and only limited amount is equivalent to none of medical supplies been allowed into the gaza strip. and it just making it very difficult of how these will be treated. and even if there are a treatable injuries, it's hard to provide any medical care proper. one with the short is it a lack of medical supplies and maybe an pain medication to intervene?
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and this is what we're expecting the number to increase it within the coming at hours with an attack like this. this one is probably the largest in terms of intensity in terms of a scale. the, the past 4 schools that we're targeting within the past 1010 days we're talking about within the span of 10 days, we have 5 of schools that send an average of one to school every 2 days. these are schools turned into evacuation centers because people were order the exact way the residential homes, their, their, their areas to move to these areas. they are part of the humanitarian is on. in in northern garza and garza city, they are concentrated in the, the smaller space seeking protection. so you can shoulders and safety. but these bonds just make made sure that there is no safety for these people. it deepen their sense of shatter safety. it also eh, channels down and feeds into a permanent sense of displacement as an eye witness. an eye witness describe that
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many of the people who have their belongings, their paperwork, anything that proved. their existence had been either burned because of the bombs or so with the bloods. and many of the food that they kept for the past few days to try to survive was also thrown in the courtyard of the school and know exploded as well. and they're belonging to their matches, the dis slipped on old become part of this for the big seeing as paramedics and civil dive and sick will try to remove bodies of from the bomb side people and gaza . or at this point to psychologically and physically exhausted. if they've managed to survive the horror and the violence of the past 10 months, they've had to move, they've been displaced multiple times. and now 60 to 70000 people where you are being forced to move on. eunice to was on the wasi. how is a coping with this honey?
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it's hard to talk about coping in these difficult conditions. i don't know what if there are words available in the english language to describe the level of before that people have to have to deal with then the have to endure on every single day of their life. we on our way through where we reported from we we, we've seen some of the, uh, some of the events and some of the scenes to our heart break. and we're finding it . it's hard to imagine that people are actually coping. there's no coping mechanism here. what's going to here are people are, are forced to accept into acquiesce with this, with these conditions, to accept them as part of their life. this site is form of a collateral form of a, a cause a punishment, the a of, of people because of, of what happened. it, it just more of a, something that they have to pay the price for what we did for what happened. and that's what these really monetary keeps talking about. punishing the entire
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population of, of gaza for deal. tolbert is 7 civilians are dying at the record number more women, more children. when we look at the figures, we would just say it's a modest reading of, of a and conservative reading of the figure that we look at when we seek $17000.00 people have been missing there for close to 40000 that have been killed them. but the vast majority of them, women and children, or close to 80 percent of the entire goss trib either severely damaged or completely destroyed. this is a conservative reading of what we're seeing, but on the ground the me, the an investigation would review more shocking realities of what happened within the span of these 1010 months. that is, doesn't seem to be an ending any time soon. here the deal is struggle. the daily norm mostly is still the same, is getting worse by the hour. more people are pushed into an areas with limited resources in terms of water, in terms of food supplies, terms of necessity. the recurring to incursions of parts of tonya and as part of
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the northern part of gaza is creating more difficult conditions at all levels. right now it's, it's, it's not only about survival right now. it's more of like are you, are you going to make it within the coming hour? are you going to stay alive then? one thing that, that i'm, i feel like have to share here is still people are following the same exact technique, the follow, the initial weeks of the, or the mark their children with, with, with signs that family, other family members must be aware of. so in case they are dying in a bond, they would know they would be able to identify them, either right, sending on the rest or a put a mark on their back just to make sure that they will be identify and buried properly. thank you for now. honey mom with reporting to us. i'm calling eunice in southern gaza in terms of the reaction to this. now he is right. the ministry has responded to the attack in a statement on x, it says that it's a force attacks terrorist operating in
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a military headquarters and the all to be in school complex. they are a mosque and garza city. is there any all me went on to say the complex has been used by how much to hide in and why the group was planning. what it cool terrorist operations against israel. i'm to sell who joins us now from jordan's capital amman because he is writing government has bind algebra from reporting inside israel. and terms of these right, it only appears to have been quite swift in its response to this attack. so these really military statement came just moments after the 3 airstrikes hit, the school housing displaced, palestinians in northern gone. so we do want to know that this is the 4th school in just around a week that was targeted by these really army who is accusing him us of using the infrastructure for military purposes. going so far as to say that this was a military command headquarters and command center as well. but it is also worth
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mentioning, we have never seen the evidence or prove to backup these claims that are made by these really military when they do attack civilian infrastructure. as we understand from sources on the ground that these were palestinians who works, seeking refuge there, as there is no safe place in gaza. and many of them were actually standing in the dawn, or fidget and prayers, as they are known when this attack took place. it just goes to show you about the severity of the situation. 10 months in these really army has no sort of idea about winding down their attacks all over guns that we've seen this repeatedly. and the justification used by the army is that how masses using the infrastructure? how much is using schools? mosque hospitals for military command centers for militarized purposes? but we have not seen the proof all intelligence, the army when they carry out this type of strike. if they do comments on it,
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they say that they use precise munitions, that this was an intelligence based stride carried out in accordance with b, sion bet that's the internal security agency. and they say this because in the rest of their statement, they say they are trying to minimize civilian harm on the ground, but the images and the reality on the ground in gaza tells them much different story. matthew, thank you very much. i'm to so who are joining us there from amman and jordan here with us now is are the bills of 5 director of the farm policy and security program, at least council on global affairs. so in terms of the, the broader context of all of us have the tack on the school. but really at these really a time by lined air and sea has continued with relentless bombardment in gaza. also ground incursions and heavy fighting has been reported as well. what do you make of the way in which violence this sort of evolves and cause are over the past 10 months as well?
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i think right now is there is really becoming a rogue states operating outside of international law and humanitarian norms for 2000 dead, most of them children and women, destruction of civilian infrastructure. the use of starvation as a, as a tool of war. the killing and targeting of journalists, many of them your own colleagues, the use of sexual violence against prisoners or this really indicates that this fell through the awards. unfortunately, right now it's more of a genocide that is happening on their own ice. and perhaps just as chilling, if not most said in the crimes itself, is the impunity with which they are being carried out. that's exactly. uh right. you know, uh, 10 months into this war now that the national community has been unable to, to stop this war because the cases that the i c c case is that the i, c j as well as international pressure has not been able. and actually what has happened is uh 5 minutes to nothing you know, uh, went to uh, washington and basically got the categories to continue with this for, you know,
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in any type of, if this was the restaurant uh, international condemnation. uh, the word would stop the, the road in coverage of the children being put in an in the plastic bags and collecting the, the parts. but because it's all this time and has that, we don't have this. and because in the is there it is undertaking this genocide, there is a cover international for that's provided by the us. and the us along with egypt and counts are trying to spearhead a new round of negotiations. but what do significant attacks like this one means the prospect's, any sort of ceasefire when we really have to look at this within the context of domestic. is there any politics and nothing else? missions to stay on and power and avoid pressure persecution for other issues that he faces actually pulls. now highlight for the 1st time since october 7th that nothing now is ahead of the again says preferred prime minister and the code is a bit ahead as well. so this gives them a bit more breathing room. so actually this uh that some nations of his beloved and
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uh, how many leaders as what does this uh, risk attacks really play into and nothing else. the vision of the showing himself to be a strong man. and continue with this work, perhaps he wants to continue this for a bit more and of a becomes a us election issue with both sides of the democrats and republicans really tip toeing around this genocide and according to what it is, the effective ethnic cleansing of other things and i suppose we all think whenever these, these fine go stations come up, we always end up in the same sped place, which is a master's rejection of the ceasefire. a short time sees 5 that doesn't lead to, you know, a permanent end to, to hostilities that is always the, that the alarm or the hearts of these talks. yes, that is true. one thing a longer term type of he's far but the order for multiple issues that are still have not been results. for example, right after there's a ceasefire. who's going to look after the security of the as a may need? there's been some reports of morality,
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egyptian force operating that has not yet been confirmed for a few long term, who is going to look after the governance of those? what do we have, the palestinian authority coming in? what do we have a local people that as that we still don't know. we also don't know about the philadelphia card or that is there. it has a reality by it, which is part of should be under addiction. control is what they don't want to give it up. and also the final part is who when kind of has them to turn to their homes . yeah, so they're supposed to be part of the ceasefire dealer because it is going to return to northern. it has, but this is actually not happening. what's happening is actually the 2000000 population is being shrunk. bit by bit, it's already a very overcrowded strip of land is becoming extremely overcome. and that's what i think really the objective here is not really a war objective. this is the collective punishment of the palestinian people. don't the same is that washington has an influence of his writing policy at the moment, but it's also not clear whether so that is something they would be prepared to use
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anyway. when now approving 3 and a half $1000000000.00 worth of military aid and support israel on top of the billions of dollars, israel is already guessing. that's exactly it. and i think of looking at that from the us perspective, it's an election year. there's lots of folks now and the vision of the come with a hers and her ticket and so on. so i think the democratic side does not want this to become a huge sort of issue because trump is already attacking, coming to hers as not being pro isn't enough. so, and you see from the, by that administration, of course, that they want to see as far as the pushing for these 5. if you're taking that and you know, at the same time they've sent us forces across the region. and they've also provided further munitions further funding for or for is ready. so i think us, despite the rest of that's coming out of the life house is really enabling this ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of the person who does america wants to avoid a war with iran. that's a great question. i think from the thing else perspective, he really wants to go in the us and to conflict with
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a long if you look at the thing, you know, speech a congress, the 1st 10 words came out were around or on, or on and on. so i think that's the target to assess the nation's a text or the region. nothing you know, wants to draw in the us and do a potential conflict with that on. i think so far the by the decision has existed such issues because they don't want that. why the configuration. but in the long term, the difference is objective is radio objective that they how they see that iran is the real danger of the long term danger. and they want to join the us into a conflict against iran. i think that's why that radiant response has been a bit calculate of payments so far because they understand if they go with a huge, massive response, the rest, the effects and so on. they may joins us, which already has a big military presence with all of the aircraft carriers and other forces that have come since attacks. thank you very much for now. for your analysis and the nor a day joins is from ramallah in the occupied westbank. she's been following this to area over the past couple of hours as well. and know we were saying that over the
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past couple of weeks there has been quite a horrifying escalation in strikes on schools specifically in schools and northern and southern cause of the sheltering hundreds of display civilians. absolutely, and let's let me bring our viewers up to date with some or reactions we heard in the past few minutes from him us condemning what it described as a massacre saying that as well as making up excuses to target civilians in schools, in hospitals. and in displacement tons, it, it considered this a very big escalation. and it called on arab countries in his climate countries and the international community to rise to the level of that responsibility and intervene funds that for it's part the 1st the movement which is which rules here
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in the occupied westbank also condemned to what it called a bloody massacre its lot mix, it had also echoing the same sentiments and as you said, somebody i'm, we've seen an escalation in the attacks against schools over the past week or so. people are being squeezed into those areas. the majority of buildings in gauze i have been decimated the you on recently issued a really shocking infographic of the 365 square kilometers. the gaza is the only area that israel has designated safe amounts to about 48 square kilometers . that's where nearly 2000000 people are expected to squeeze in an even then that area has been attacked repeatedly over the past few days. i'm talking about my last the, in the con you in this area, stretching all the way to the in central garza so the, the, the statements of no place is safe. and garza is really the tip of the iceberg.
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people feel like they are being chased. and that they are next in line at any moment. the people that you speak to civilians including women and children, the families. oh, what is how, how do they feel at the moment you were mentioning that to be a sense of despair and hopelessness? are absolutely they, many people simply don't listen to the so called evacuation folders anymore. they've been displaced time and again some 56 up to 10 times going from one place to another many have if they can find the remnants of their homes in the eastern parts of southern gaza or in the neighborhoods in gauze a city, if they can find any standing structures, they stay there, they huddle their assemblies, and they know that wherever they go, there was no guarantee of safety there too tired there, frankly too hungry. one friend told me,
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i simply don't have the energy in me to run. i can't do it anymore. so i'm staying foot and i'm hoping for the best and that gives you an idea of the state of mind of the kind of trauma. the palestinians have been enduring for 10 months, a place, but units of calls the most dangerous place on earth for children, where in addition to the bombing in addition to the killing, you will have the outbreak of polio for the 1st time since 9 since the late 19 eighties, when it was eradicated from gaza, you have almost endemic levels of polio, a sorry, of hepatitis, a breaking out in gaza as well. you have infections and rashes that are breaking out because israel has destroyed the civilian infrastructure. it has systematically targeted hospitals and medical staff. hundreds of doctors and nurses have been killed or detained, or killed under torture. it has really detention comp,
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some of them known to the public. others remain secrets. and we've seen many, many reports issued about the treatments or the torture of palestinians taken and forcibly disappeared from gauze. and we've, as you know, many and reported extensively on that to your social 0. or what does it mean for the people that you have spoken to? they've been ordered to evacuate, squeeze in fees, tiny overcrowded conditions. how could that affect the spread of communicable diseases, diseases, particularly if the medical infrastructure has been destination, there's no way of responding to people's needs. it's the perfect formula, right? it's the elements of the perfect storm and, and, and we've seen that these overcrowded areas where even if you want to go to this one of those shelters, you simply can't, there's just not enough room in those areas are full of diseases of skin rashes,
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of all sorts of infections, especially affecting the children and the elderly. and the, and the hospital simply cannot cope. they have been for since the beginning of the war to make very, very difficult decisions for health workers to see who they can save and who they can. not. the to prioritize who to give to care, to simply because the influx of the injuries of the dead of the, of the sick is the far, far exceeding the capacity of those hospital. so the sick remains sick and get sick or 10 those shelters in those times. and those displaced displacements areas until they can no longer cope with the pain or with the gravity of the illness. and then they try to seek medical attention, knowing that if they're gravely ill enough, they might be able to get in line and receive some assistance. that's how desperate the situation right now is on the ground. thank you very much for now. no day
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reporting to us from ramallah in the occupied westbank. well, and all the developments us vice president come with the hours has had her latest presidential campaign, riley interrupted by protest is demanding a sci fi and gaza. the democratic candidate was addressing support is in the hotly contested state of arizona, but she stopped her speech to speak directly to protest as it were pulling for an end to the will. let me just save it on topic of what i think i'm hearing over there. let me just speak to that for a moment and then i'm going to get back to the business and the so let me say i have been clear new is the time to get a ceasefire deal. the exclusive l. c joins me life in washington,
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dc. why is it important for kimberly harris to to talk about cause a campaign, roddy, how much of an issue is this for her in the campaign? uh uh well, i mean she doesn't really have much choice because this was forced upon it by the fact that she was heckled by these protests that they wouldn't have been on the actual speech, excuse me, that have been written for have. but this is the 2nd time and as many days that she is being heckled by protest is calling for c spy. and cause of the 1st time when she was in michigan, she was a little more blunt. she got, she shut them down quite quickly, said, you know, i'm talking the 2nd time this happened, obviously she was aware of some of the blowback should go on social media, some of the upset, some of the anger among those who support palestinians. so she was a little more respectful and as you would just tired, she said, you know, i'll get back to the issue in a minute. but i support the ceasefire and she's pretty much on the same page as the president joe biden. i'm you, are you talking to a guest a few moments ago you were asking about how much influence the us has over is ready
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policy. i would say that probably nowhere near as much as they would like to because it's clear the president by then i'm kimberly harris are both very frustrated with prime minister netanyahu president biden. the other day was aust at the top mark of the space where he was welcoming those hostages back from russia about the issue and goes up and he said, hey, referring to prime minister netanyahu has the basis for c spy. he must accept any separate killing of his mouth. he had not helped. and we know that when prime minister netanyahu was here in washington, recently he met president biden. he met donald trump as well, but he also had a separate meeting with kimberly harris. the reason being that normally you have to be paid in with the president, but because she is now a presidential candidate, it has to be seen that she was having a really amazing with prime minister netanyahu. because there's a very real chance that she could be in the oval office, come january, and she's aware of the public mood here, particularly in swing states like michigan. yes. the issue of gauze that is not getting as much at time domestically as it is. it's a nationally,
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but she knows that in states like michigan which have huge our american populations, there was a real frustration of real annoyance with the lack of progress. i should be very keen to address that. it's what is in our cars, ed, about where it stands on the prospect of a, a broad, a regional conflicts because our fee is that we could be on the brink of a wall in the middle east. well, america is struggling a line here because it is having to show it steadfast support the what that is used as iron clad at the same time that it is moving its ability positions or smell it with pieces into the middle east. the u. s. s. abraham lincoln on its way will ships destroys that fight to jets military personnel all the on the way because they are aware. ringback this could escalate and they need to be there to help protect israel. there was a conversation earlier today early yesterday between the secretary of state council,
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the blinking on the is where the defense minister you'll have cologne's, which we all told the secretary we have funds, the united states and cloud commitments as well. security. i discussed how escalation is a no policies interest. the secretary reiterate to the urgent need to reach a ceasefire and goals that that would secure the release of hostages. allow a search of humanitarian assistance and create the conditions for both bruises that regional stability. he also on the school, the importance of reaching a diplomatic resolution that allows both is riley lebanese families to attend to that homes. secondly, blinking a spoken so you'll have cologne's mother was lloyd austin, has spoken to him more than once. he thought they seem to be having conversations every single day with a co talk about those 3 points. one a ceasefire to the escalation of 3 thought i in clots a pool for israel, of course not is not just the ceasefire. there is also the domestic issue of some of those hostages big americans, but tends to be what you have more of
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a need to have donald trump talking about the issue. if he talks about the issue because it's not really a huge talking point him out, his rallies of the him, the message is very much bring those hostages. hi.


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