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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 11, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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or the safe them even come in as an international anti corruption, excellence award denominator hero. now the israel is minute, tre, ones, palestinians, living in pots the southern gospel to evacuate as it steps up operations. and con eunice or the order comes less than 24 hours off to one of his wells west, texting garza kidding. and more than $100.00 protestant meetings after school the carry johnston. this is i'll just share a life from also on the program. a mining protest growing louder,
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one of the biggest demonstrations for years and certainly is kind of the time the desperate search for the loved ones as a vast rubbish dump collapses. and you, kansas capital, engulfing hunt, the palestinians living in southern guns that have been told, but as well as ministry to evacuate the area if they haven't already moved the notices for people living in areas south of con eunice city center, including shape nasa all back and mind these ready all me says how mass continues to going through all kids from southern garza. israel has stepped off a text and so called a monetary and safest way more than $400000.00 palestinians have sort of shelter with evacuation. order comes less than 24 hours off the israel's latest mass. the current goes to city kidding. more than $100.00 pedestal and sheltering inside a school lea,
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this for around the world have condemned the attack. displaced people with performing a morning pres, at the school, in the elder raj and neighborhood when the building was hit by several missiles. dr . struggles to cope has injured people and the bodies of the dead, many in pieces would take it out of the hospital. this is the 8th time this months alone, that israel has bomb, the school of sheltering, displaced in valuable people each time as well as on may, his crate and her mouth use the facilities for operational purposes, but has never provided evidence of zeros on us of sorry, visited disco shortly after it was attacked. we had the, i just, i mean i bought a on a look. all these blankets contain body pots of civilians. these really ami perpetrated america, killing dozens of civilians who were sheltering inside the turbine school building . the victims were torn to pieces and medical teams collected the body parts that were scattered all over as we speak now. upon emetics and civil defense teams are
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still searching for missing pieces on the school building is strewn with body parts permit except that they haven't been able to find a dead body that is still home. it has estimated the roughly $100.00 promised, and civilians were killed and dozens more into. this is nothing but a mess of the body parts collected in these blankets belong to a few of the dozens of dead bodies ripped to pieces and scott, to donate. each blanket contains the body parts more than one pass. and the scenes that we are seeing a horrific this is a catastrophic situation. as we speak, civilian survivors and medics are still collecting body problem. as you can see, many are collecting the body parts of the run relatives and siblings by will measures. this is a mess, a reminiscent of the one at the baptist hospital in october. we are witnessing heart wrenching, painful theme. so beyond any description, this child has lost all of his family members. and these really as strikes on the school building. as you can see, this is the gateway to the schools primary. this is the most that was targeted on
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hit by the is randy. massage. it's located inside the school building. as display civilians prayed, is ready. will planes targeted this building even hours off the attack? metix and display civilians are still collecting the bodies and the body parts of the victim detail. the attacks carried out by israel forces on the schools this month to learn on august the 1st that allow a mug around the public school in the eastern gauze. the city was bombed kidding, at least 15 palestinians. 3 days later, at least 17 palestinians, including women and children, were killed in attacks. on the out her momma and all who was a school was both shelter, displaced people in the sake of one neighborhood, west of garza city. 30 people were killed on august the 4th. i was very well pains bummed. oh, nice sounds from a may school was in the neighborhood. near con eunice. and on august the 8th is where the plains bone, the abdul thought to hum mood and saw her schools in the east of garza city,
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that were housing, thousands of displaced people. 17 civilians died. includes a, has this update from calling eunice in southern garza or people survive this talk are saying that this is one of the worst days they witnessed since the war started on the covers trip. we're talking about policy news that we're holding for years they were praying. don, and this is when the is really for says target some with at least 3 is right extracts. now civil defense seems till this point we're talking about more than 10 hours now are still trying to rescue and to pull bodies from under the rubble. so, so far as the civil defense team said that they are a, were able to, to, to find $10100.00 dead bodies. but they're saying that there are more bodies still trap. now most of the bodies are disfigured. they're there on able to recognize who
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these policy means are and most of the other policy needs who been insured, where it either amputated they have been very intense burning uh or injuries. and the problem is there's only one hospital facilitating now in the gulf of 50, which is an at the hospital, especially after us before hospital has been completely destroyed. it's a very horrifying day for policy news, especially those will be tons teams. they're saying that this is something very hard, it was very hard for them to collect the body. parts of those pilots didn't use that were sheltering in the school to the white house has issued a statement on these rarely striking gauze. and it says we're deeply concerned about reports of civilian casualties in gaza for the strike by the israel defense forces. when it compounds that included the school we are in touch with is really
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counterparts. so said they targeted senior high mass officials and we are asking for further details. we know him, us has been using schools as locations together and operate altoff. but we have also said repeatedly and consistently, israel must take measures to minimize civilian and us vice president's coming to hire a. so speaking right now it's a campaign about in las vegas scenario. she commented on the latest gauze or a talk. will she have her time? she joins us now from washington, dc. she have, what does she have to say? she's completely in the step without but white house statements. it's interesting. you know, you look at joseph beretta, v e u foreign policy chief, and he said there was no justification for these massacres and you have the white house statements. and what kind of that, how is that the same? what actually, how far the policy tweeted out, they basically do making payments to suggest that there may have been a justification of abuse. riley is to attack that school yet again,
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the far too many civilians have been killed. i mean, israel has a right to go after the terrorists that are her mom. but as i have said many, many times, they also have um, i believe an important responsibility to avoid civilian casualties and see how close was the spot. but washington says it will still provide an additional 3 and a half $1000000000.00 worth of military aid to israel. it is interesting if it's off to joseph joe biden. um the, the heads of state have cop tower of egypt released that statement last week. second look now is the time next thursday we're going to get this final agreement pops or final rejecting proposal. we want betsy's find out times or would you, we've had all the re things from officials like we have determined to, to get this these 5 now. so that was requested. okay, was there perhaps the us is finally willing to use it's leverage now to,
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to get that on yahoo, they've got much of it as an yahoo to, to sign on. but i guess we have our audience and that which is your at the same time the us signed off foss tracked $3500000000.00 more of weapons even before before those, those final negotiations have occurred about what you would think might be the leverage centurylink to bring combo harris back into it to, you know, when the heck is interrupted and then under also, you know, just to talk about a seatbar, they're trying to say that same note in order to get that seized by which he says that and for the will use support noms and barger hire us and they're advising the right to she does not support at arms. and bog, or she has the same by the way. donors as, as drugs are biting, does. and in the election campaign, it says web, it's where fedex for store business. as usual, are you looking for a change as one of the lead up to those negotiations? even us, even as the us is using its interlocutors to tell us bullet and iran don't do anything that will jeopardize those talks on thursday, the u. s. a signed off for another $3500000.00 a weapons for as well. so you have, thanks very much what kinda threw off this,
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a former executive director of human rights watch. visa is israel is trying to cover up its war crimes in gaza. and we're seeing these incidents over and over and over again. every time is real, such a wherever targeting a boss, every time they she to school turn shelter. and there are large numbers subsidiary in cash. it's now, it'll come, oh, i hear us. didn't quite state international humanitarian law correctly. you know, she's partly right in the sense of israel has a presumptive flight to attack some us fighters. of course, this is more but it is supposed to refrain from an attack. if the foreseeable, civil uniform will be disproportionate. and that's what you didn't talk about. you so, so is there too many civilian casualties, but she doesn't put $2.00 and $2.00 together. she doesn't explain that it is wrong . is a war crime to attack from us fighters in a way that is indeed dri, so many civilians. and you know, what's interesting to me is,
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i think these really military even knows that this one went wrong because they kind of shows 19 fighters from, from off and as long as you out. now those 19 fighters were gonna get presumptive language in the military targets, but not if many, many story inside. and when israel receive reports that eating, maybe a 100 civilians were killed. the something to that was to many, our precision weapons wouldn't have cost that many. as if to admit that is the number is that large, this was a disproportionate attack, is cost disproportionate. how much do i have? and of course, those numbers are correct. then we seen over know for the cost i home from industry reports correctly the number of $8.00. so this leads me to believe that you're going to get you to recognize that if this was a were prime, they're just trying to cover up and, and protect. and now what 10 members of the same family were among palestinians killed. the difference is rarely strike on the island. this route refugee compton central garza is ready. bombs wiped out the entire residential building until the
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displaced peoples sheltering intense. nearby survivors say no warnings will give storage activity levels. don't i? was a mazda survived in his radio store. i go now to say right, refugee camp, that her only child didn't. a daughter was killed along side 9 of the members of her family. the hersh we were sleeping peacefully, crammed inside the tent. all of a sudden it all seemed like doomsday. my husband, daughter, and sister in law were killed to serve. instead of all my family were killed. all of them. i am left with no one with nothing. the attack was carried out late at night without wounding yes, i'd like to get you to a residential building that was surrounded by tends full of displaced. people saw
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something we prayed, then the children went to sleep early because there's no power or lights. we woke up to an earthquake to hear screams, and i saw dead bodies everywhere. i do not know why that is really these are doing this task. they were innocent children and sleeping in peace. as outside a hospital moves a fall, the moons 2 of his children killed in the same attack. he and his family fled gauze . the city in the hope of surviving this war must have going to look for part of the photos. so by the amount of nurses we woke up to a loud explosion and found ourselves buried under the debris. my son told me his brother, sister, and mother had been killed. then how does well have done this is zayna. she was the youngest. she was still breathing when i took her to hospital. she asked how i was and told me she was feeling cold. she a trip to let her stomach doctors try to save her. she typed this morning, the going to come up with israel claims it takes measures to mitigate to gain
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civilian casualties. but suffice to say they live in constancy with more tax. many here are asking how many more families will be devastated before the slow to end. victoria gates and b l g 0 the, the several lowest explosions have been reported in ukrainian capital anyway. the warnings were in place in kiva, as well as eastern ukraine. cheese mac says a defense system to activate 2 to repel the strikes when he attacks on the keys, commas ukrainian forces continue the incursion into russian territory. but at least 13 people entered when february from ukraine and north miss south fell on a residential building and coast. russian president vladimir putin has cooled the attacks in the region, a major publication. because governor has ordered the fast to evacuations of
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civilians in areas that risk. russia has deployed additional soldiers and equipment to try to stop the ukranian advances, which is so who would name these guys you've had the book about today? i received reports from commander in chief, alexander, assist you regarding the front lines and our actions to push the war onto the dressers territory. i am grateful to every unit of the defense forces. ukraine is proving it could indeed restore justice and insure the necessary pressure on the aggressor. the police said i had on al jazeera, figuring out what went wrong, the investigation into how to proceed in passenger plates plunged into a housing complex plus the power of the flower that could what's being created in shopping in columbia. the
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starting rates are still the potential in the northeast of try this huge circulation here gives the game away. and maria, formerly a tie food, now tropical storm becoming weaker will show itself was fairly heavy. rain and some strong winds in the home shoot. probably mostly on monday, then on sunday this is potentially flooded, giving and the drain coming back through the southern parts of china, where it's trick been dry. recently, still quite hot, mind you shanghai still showing searching 9, but the reading cool things down a bit. she made it and what seems like is the full costs are great and, and hong kong. now, maria has gone through by this time, but it's going to be a very wet time. i expect to see some pictures of funding in northern homes. you come down to monday, big south seemed likely offered a single pole column pub, possibly a possible one here and still in cambodia looks fairly wet. this a thailand to columbus full cost is funds comes on and off to be honest is not that
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on. usually for the time, the able to the indication things getting potentially robert went to the heavy rain recently in india's, been all in the process. i mean right. includes relying come in, this falls coming right. but also for the no one thing that was obvious, impact is done. the rates are starting to withdrawal. the unique perspective, i said, i really not them because you have to be i left and nothing is something you that we on heard voices. but we are committed to getting the best i can. all of you so much connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. lot of these positions, if it was part of the medical facilities in golf as it would be preventable, that's the horror of what's the stream on al, jazeera of the,
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[000:00:00;00] the book of bach, her mind to about top stores this type of experience living in southern guns that have been told by israel's, but it treat to evacuate the area if they haven't moved already. the notice is for people living in areas south of con, unit to send. israel has stepped top of the tax and so quotes for monetary and safety. but more than $400000.00 palestinians are sold shouts, evacuation, or that comes off to well, lead is condemned to these wells and massacre at the school and going to city for $100.00 palestinians were killed in this very striking israel claims it was
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targeting her mask appliances didn't provide evidence on several launch explosions . having reported in the ukraine and capital cheese, the cities mass says air defense systems are activated to try to repel the strikes . they come as ukraine, lowest attacks, interruptions close regions, and the cost weak. tens of thousands of people have rallied into the nights in service capital against the list, the mining project, the demonstrations and build rate for the government, reinstating australian money. and we attempted license to develop huge deposits in the west, and that such as the $2400000000.00 project could cover that 90 percent of the ups that needs a protest to say the mining will contaminate land and water and doing things of public health may not boost, that's was they haven't filed this report to the growth in belgrade is the latest in a series that have taken place across serbia in early 50 cities over the past month
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. what's interesting is that the issue of fleet you mind if it's broad, more peoples of the process in terms of the percentage of a 6 population, then the process again, violence, or don't focus on the issue of costs of all of this is currently a key issue so be all on that. the current government inherited from the previous administration, unemployment, which was the prime minister in the 2020 to stop the projects under the pressure of mazda environmental process. as of now, as the president of the national assembly, she along with inside statement she has supported in july uh, german can solar uh, all of schultz visits and valid great and uh, during that time memorandum on critical rule materials will sign marked the steps forward in the realization of the project. so previously, the constitutional course of sooner we have the clear vision to start the broad on
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the constitutional um, so here in belgrade, uh, in previous days across uh, sylvia. we could hear from the people. uh, it does seem that they fear their lives will be found on bearable after the opening of the mine and that they, they will lose access to clean water, air, and soil. on the other hand, although it is involved with our seeing that nothing will be done without guarantees for environmental protection. but at the same time, they accuse us of not being on the street because of lead to spot because they want to over to the government. the violently, without the leg press take a closer look. now the recent rise and global demand for the fee and the race to mind, the manuals is being fueled by increased production of the sea. and batteries for that should cause to ida is one of the was biggest. they can produce is the you wants to reduce its dependency on
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a chinese nephew as it moves away from fossil fuels towards green energy. analysts say the proposed mind in so there is a project to, to generate enough for lithium to meet 15 percent of the continents full cost a month in 2030. sylvia has been trying to join a you for more than a decade. preston products on the, which says the mining of projects could be a game changer for an entire region. we're in, it says a political scientist at belgrade university. he says, protest is, don't trust the product. on the one hand, as you only explain blood to him, he's one of the critical role materials and the green transition into use driving the demand for a globally. i think it is clear that the beneficiaries of this project would probably be the electric vehicle companies into you and the consumers in the but the benefits to the people. you start down a note that's clear to be honest and the other hand and the location of the planned mine is the very 1st dial valley investors,
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so they'll go to the local population tiers their lives before, which depends on area code. so we'll be lost. we've heard of many experts not totally today of the broad as but years back to pointed to the high risk of you reversible environmental damage with these kinds of projects. and the what you have to understand about serbia is that this is a country with very kind, mistrust indeed that uses that's very different from the rest of the region, but especially kite and when the government says the project will benefit the people and would not risk the environment, most people simply do not trust that what we can see now in the balls are there is a broad, politically crow scott single position to the project. and what we see today in the streets is people coming from a cross. so it'd be from many parts of the rest of us are being small citizen villages joining together and make team one of the biggest protests that i've seen
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recently saying that they that they, that don't want them. i miss rollins, presidents has re appointed mohammed as long as head of the countries atomic energy organization. it also says is one of several vice presidents around remains on the heavy sanctions by western countries following the collapse of the 2015 nuclear deal. it was designed to limits, turnarounds, new to emissions, and exchange with sanctions relief. presidents of us who possess can says he wants to revive the agreement. the campaign team for republican presidential contender donald trump, says it's been hacked, spokesman steven show is blaming what he calls foreign sources or styles to the united states. the campaign is suggesting that the reigning actors are involved but has not provided specific evidence. earlier this week, microsoft, the shooting report saying that pack has affiliated with iran,
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been trying to target us election rescue as have been digging through a mountain of rubbish, searching for more bodies onto the collapse of a landfill site to new kansas capital. and these 12 people have died off the homes, were engulfed by the vast garbage dump following heavy rain. katherine story has more the, these people in the tennessee are looking for their loved ones, beneath heaps of garbage. people walk to this tragedy of the section over rubbish, disposal sites in the copy to compile a collapse among those buried underneath. what ducklings? no, much as a sister renaud and 3 children, my people have been buried under here. i think i'm seated on top of them. i've lost them. what should i do? this see, they've also not found their relatives. everyone is in shock. because i
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have lost 7 loved ones. the garbage buried them, my wife and children, i wrote to you since we have retrieved full bodies, but the rest of us have not yet been found by the no problem so long. i have 15 tenants. some of them are nice. others i'm missing. there were many families in this area. we are looking at about 1000 people to have been displaced on the if he goes over to the homes that are being buddy, look a lot, estimate environmental. they say this was a disaster waiting to happen. the landfill is to be on its capacity, it's one of 2 garbage sites in the city and takes in an estimate of 2000 tons of rubbish, daily. and many of the sales and sales people needing here. see it's a health high for now. the moon's demos as
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a try to find and seize those who have survived kathy, so i'll just share maybe as you and recognize government based in tripoli has puts his forces on high and that is bracing for an attack by flights as an oil to with or felicia, how starting the east a u. n. is quoting for restraints from all policies. emergency services said 9 people were killed in recent battles. libya has been racked by unrest since the 2011 over through a blue mazda dolphin. and then they towed back to uprising like china reports from the city of miss rata tents called in the city of toyota, east of the capital of tripoli. that's after sporadic clashes erupted between the rest but a door armed group and the show he does a b. yeah. of classes erupted on friday afternoon after the alleged assassination attempt of a prominent commander of the lock with the door of armed group. but she is, has fall,
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crashes erupted according to the emergency ambulance service is 9. people were killed, more than 16 people injured, including civilians. this is it the 1st time that these 2 arm groups have class? they've been both have been vying for power in the strategic city of toyota law just last month of fighting fighting occurred and they, a woman was killed in the crossfire people here are calling for doug to the government to hold those responsible to justice. they want to see a count to billy. people are angry and they want to see an end to these fighting between on groups. now try not. i'll just there is right to investigate isn't that analyzing the flight to quote is recovered from the passenger plane. the plunged into housing complex in brazil. freeman, a report is expensive within 30 days on the crash,
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which happened near the knowledge of city of south how that in 2 or $62.00 people bought the 3 journalists, freeze them american jail, demanding the immediate positive or political prisoners. they were among hundreds of prisoners pardons, tamaqua king, how meant the 6th 25th anniversary. on the 3, the 3 journalists had been held for up to 6 years on charges of sexual assault that they denied. they say the and the counselor. so those are actually being punished for their opinions and that'd be about a $160.00 and of course the story is not total as we had hoped, that old prisoners of conscience, political prisoners in presence of social movements would be included them. and we hope that in the near future, joy will be complimented by brought in the direction i'm not going to to 6.8 us quite close track of japan's north coast. it's a 3rd, it's quite a cause a hit the country since thursday on friday and monday to the 7 point one trend that
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was recorded in the south west and on. and of course you should. the government has those people to avoid panic by residents on the southern coast were encouraged to be ready to evacuate if necessary. of the philippine minute treat has condemned china's air force what it cost for both of these actions and the south trying to see. it says to chinese, across, executed thing, just the new version is maritime sign. dropping flags, and the pos is philippine air force aircraft. the incident occurred on 1st day across, wet, find routine patrols. it was the dispute with the scottish sho. spain is sweltering and the heat wave that weather full cost is a could break. records temperatures are expect to the top 40 degree. so system somewhere is on sunday. it's mains 1st, official heat wave of the year and comes as other parts of southern europe and joint high temperatures.


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