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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 11, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the the the so hold on, but he wants to mail it. does it renews online for headquarters? here in dough hall coming up in the next 60 minutes, thousands of souls to flee with nowhere sites to go. displace palestinians leave calling eunice and southern gaza as israel begins, another assault is ready falls as a walton such one has been killed in the occupied west bank of the gun and opened
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fire on the vehicle. also police old hi allows into united kingdom following the funeral for a young girl killed and a staffing attacked response and violent drives. on joining us just go with the sports is the usa. you finish the olympics on top of the metals table. the americans closing out the games with goals and women's basketball. the welcome to the news we'd be getting southern gaza, what tens of thousands of palestinians have in order to flee that homes. once again . these by the army has issued an evacuation order in con, unit size. it renews expensive. the basic that is right in the military have sold all the city since last october. the evacuation order includes areas that had previously been designated as so called humanitarians owned by the is really all the those areas are, again,
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is really targets and many paula city and say they don't know where to lead to next . i mean, what i found mark, this is my, it's move. it's only been a week since i came back home to rebuild it. but her don't think i'll ever find my house again. we're being subjected to dreadfully wrong humiliation and suffering. we don't know where to go. there was no safe place in the whole of the gaza strip. whoever day is to say there was a safe zone. is elia then. when your thoughts leave your home, you do not know what to do or where to go. we had already been displaced from the north, meaning we were left with little possessions. there was nothing left to carry. a documentation older comes just a day after it is very strongly called the type in schooling cause a city which killed more than a 100 people. the you and security council is expected to hold an emergency meeting on tuesday regarding not striking under the last few hours in central garza to palestinians have been killed and then is rarely strongly called a residential area in the elizabeth refugee camp in calgary. as of this update from con eunice palestinians have been on the move,
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especially after that is really forces issued new evacuation orders for the policy, the new in new and as some of the palestinians slept on the sidewalks. it's this concert on the streets without any tense, any shelter, any food, any drinking water, no bathrooms. they're saying that they have been on the move and under this ongoing, endless displaced the cycle for 10 months. now, some policy news told us that this is the 10th time. they have been displaced from eunice. now those hollis opinions have been not knowing where to go. they're saying that where ever they go, there have been still being targeted. there's really forces ask the palestinians to evacuate to the western parts of hon. eunice. but the western parts of the community of milwaukee has been also been a target. now according to lunar well at least $75000.00 displays, palestinians evacuated in the past couple of days in the southern western part of
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the gauze trip. and then i'll just see it up on eunice because of palestine. what else we just had from hidden the head of the human agency full pallets to need refugees as confirmed that mold in 75000 people have been displaced by israel's latest evacuation. orders for the plaza really rode to all the x just in the past few days. bold and 75000 people have been displaced in south west gaza. somebody would be able to carry that children with them. some carry the whole lives in one small bag. as they are going to over crowded places where shells is already over fleming with families, they have lost everything and need every think. i'd like another was the people of gauze, a trapped that have no way to go. but at least one palestinian has been killed and the number of others injured. after his lady falls, the shell, the house, and the shape, crowd. one neighborhood of gauze, a city not send the northern parts of the siege strip. see,
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and jacob being rushed to a nearby hospital at least 39970 palestinians. a be killed in garza since as well as on sloth, began last october. while in the united states presents a bite and says, he believes that he saw green gauze or his bible before the end of his time at the white house by made the commons at his 1st entries and see abandoned his re election campaign last month to get more of this is all of the fisher who's in washington dc with those details. so what more did he say i learned about the boy garza? well, joe biden would love to have a $65.00 deal as part of his legacy. he's been talking about it for a number of weeks way before the 9 spent the started can. i spent 3 weeks ago that he was abandoning his campaign. he did his 1st interview on that decision. on the sunday shows here in the united states. i need to reveal that a number of democrats were concerned about his pulling numbers and how that could
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impact the race for the highest. and they said that he believed that he was close to donald trump, that he could still when. but many democrats were why they didn't part of the reason they were why they was because of his stance on a trip saying that he gave them an iron clad security bucket. i'd also there was no, at that stage, very little possibility of a c spot. even though his team, i continue to work for it, but he still believes that sci fi is very much within reach is a ceasefire possible useful, possible plan i put together endorsed by the g 7 endorsed by the un security jobs, so cetera is still viable. and i'm working with literally every single day to and my alternate to see to it that it doesn't escalades into original war. but at least they can see the white, how is this said for weeks that they were close to?
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they've just had to close the circle, but they haven't been able to get it over the line. now a bill blah, who is the head of the spice agency, the c i is heading back to the middle east this week for further talks with the egyptians the categories and also hoping that these realities and representatives from us will be there as well. right? my god is joe biden. the special adviser in the middle east is also planning to go to the region. and then we have until the blinking saying just in the last 24 hours or so that he would go to the middle east if they couldn't get to deal the thing. this is close, but they've thought that for weeks and they still still have been able to get over the line despite joe, by his desire for this piece of leg legacy. and the joe, by his desire to get the c spar in place. thanks very much. i look for sure that force in washington dc. let's join analysis. she line is a research. the quincy institute she previously served as a florida science officer at the us state department before resigning inbox your
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position to the bytes. as ministrations gauze a policy enjoys from washington dc machine and thanks for joining us on. i'll just say era. do preston buys was ring, holiday was death toll bouncing dasa is absolutely divided. ministration has said for months since october 7 said they are trying to, we reach towards a cease fire. and this is simply political theater because for netanyahu's, our key is not interested in a ceasefire in good faith. political accounts ability, if the violence were to end and for that reason, he both wants the violence in god that to continue. and he wants a regional war. and joe biden has said that he would essentially continue to provide this unconditional support which is very likely to result in us boots on the ground if it gets to that, that point. and really escalating and principal or even a ron. so this notion that the united states is pushing for
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a cease fire is nonsense because the fire ministration is not using any leverage and the netanyahu government has no interest in, in the violence ending. okay, so let's focus on the nets and yahoo governments and prime minister that's in yahoo, if he's not interested in a sci fi, i mean by the, on the list the saying that time and time again, the very close to a deal. but the deals with scott that either with bull on slopes or more assassinations, one way or another, it seems that the focus is not so much. you might say the palestinians, to a certain extent, it's about having a regional conflict to the eyes. of these riley prime minister is not the way to look at it right now. you just multiple, just with palestinians you want. so what would everyone certainly because you know, from, from his perspective he, he's, he has lost a significant amount of popularity. i mean, before october 7th, the israeli society was torn apart by protests against what his government was trying to do as far as escalating the power of the executive against the judiciary
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branch. so he was already unpopular and his, his on popularity only grew after his failures. failure to protect people in israel was october 7th. so he had no interest in seeing as violence and, and again, he wanted to expand because he knows that he's, he's concerned by what he's observed in american society, america which for decades as offered this bi partisan unconditional support to israel. and yet we've seen that starting to break down, we saw that in the campus protests, we know that the school year is about to start again. and american college students will be once again protesting what is real is doing to, to civilians. so for many honest perspective, he wants to expand this violence in such a way that perhaps he could shift that, that american public opinion once is really civilian, start dying, it's going to be a different picture right now. the only picture is coming out are of what the horrific things that day is really military is doing to defenseless starving
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civilians in gaza. and so from that new orleans perspective, he'd rather have more of that violence directed against his own people in order to shift america's public opinion on this. again, that's the difficult thing, isn't that folder. yahoo! if he's got the politicians on the side, he's able to get their opinion on side the call and get american public opinion on the. and that's why the problem is, isn't it full of the politicians who, in this particular case, we've got trump, when we've got harris, both fighting for the white house, both having that wrote narrative about how they going to deal with the middle east as well. and this speaks directly to the power of the israel lobby. we've seen a pack, the most powerful part of the israel lobby that ousted now 2 incumbent members of congress prevented them from winning their primaries by pouring millions of dollars into those elections. that was demo bowman in new york and cord bush, missouri to members of congress that will not be returning for the next session
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because a back out to them. so this just, this indicates the extent to which the israel lobby continues to control outcomes in american politics. but as you said, they're no longer able to control american public opinion, largely due to the effects of social media and what people are seeing on one tick, tock and instagram and twitter of these, these horrors that have been coming out of gaza for months. now. interesting times obviously i'm worrying times all wrapped up into the same scenario and i'll cheat on them. so we'll get more from you as the weeks progress. thank you very much for joining us from washington, dc. and a meal supplies westbank is by the security forces. se one's that one has been shot dead off the gun. an open fire at passing vehicles, and all that is by the satellite has been injured and the attack and they are in the legal sacrament. and the jordan valley is there any falls that carried out rates and several pastry villages following the shooting that abraham. how's this update from douglas in the occupied westbank?
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he is really forces continued the rates all across the jordan valley area, as well as closing off the check points leading to jericho to, to boss, to different towns in the joint been body. they believe that the perpetrator has led the scene an escaped towards one of the palestinian villages. now we've seen the use of drones as well as troops trying to locate the perpetrator or perpetrators. but as far as palestinians are telling us that they believe that these acts are considered collective punishment. it's a way forward as ways to tell the palestinians that if anyone wants to do any act that this scene is resisting these really occupation, then they will crack down on the whole population, making it difficult for people to move from one place to another. now the jordan valley is a very strategic, an important area for palestinians consists of 30 percent of the tools in the area of the occupied with beckett's, considered the reds baskets. and has been seeing
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a lot of growth when it comes to the game is really set to supplements that have been expanding and expanding at the expense of the indigenous product, simian people. so people feel like they've been trapped, and that's why we've been seeing a growing number of attacks, particularly in the georgia and by the area now in total, in the occupied west bank itself. since october, the 7th we are talking about at least 9 team is raising killed by palestinian attacks whether they were sold or is that there's a here in the west bank, which is really as telling you about the condition in the west. thank you that, but the he just the, to the occupied, the west bank palestine the the, the parents of, of the, to go killed in the 9th of to can the british to the so forth of described as the perfect dream child, the funerals
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a 9 year old and it's ugly. i was attended by hundreds of motors. colors along with 2 of the young girls were killed. joining a dance workshop in july, the teenager accused of that, but it says also charles, enjoying 7 of those false information about his identity is nearly arrived. mike would respond to riots across the u. k. we talked about which high school you might attend about growing up, having a big house with a god and then having children, children who will never happy. we will never help you raise it hurts. we will never see you grow up. you have shown great corporation in asking me to be here today to speak to give a message from you all as his family. to say that you do not want that to be anymore violence on the streets of the united kingdom in the name of your daughter . i am ashamed and i am so sorry. you have to even consider this in the planning of
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a funeral of your beautiful. busy to alice, your account was outside the church where the funeral has been held and sent this update. a deep recession area taking place. coming along down the street. there was a horse carriage in front and people wearing many different colors behind, kindly this is a funeral. the young girl was seen pin costs. we've seen those tied onto a lot of the street bounce all the way down the street. few and it's very small. increasing community could've imagined the consequences. all these dec misinformation very quickly spread online. full white cliffs came into the sleepy town of south fulton the day of the visual, and the 2nd of july still has a right outside of most also attacking police. these were it spread like waltz across the country in more than a dozen towns and cities. services days of him and i was sweet and final thoughts
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on wednesday. people seem to have had enough and didn't want racism any longer on the street. so we saw tens of thousands people come out and protests against this. we was the so one of the biggest movements of the police force was seen in decades . 6000 white trained officers on the streets of more than 700 people wrestles as swift justice. when many of those wanted to watch the sentence really trying to just incentivize some from doing this again johan, out to 0 south port. now the, what the games and powers are drawing to a close up to 2 weeks of lead level competition. the u. s. has one the most metal followed by china, japan, and australia. the closing ceremony is due to begin in the coming hours. natasha
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buckler joins us now from paris. so i suppose it's over paris. i'm ben, ben, you los angeles in the coming hours. so that's why we're waiting for the closing ceremony. we don't know a lot of details. yeah. it's the idea is that it's basically kept secret for that element of surprise. what we do know is that is being held in this, that the for all stadiums are more traditional locations evening. so radium powers themselves on the river, send the actually to parade as they normally do, in closing ceremonies for the pick some rules or have the metals given to the virus and run those note a brings to and then what is the move in 2 weeks? oh, absolutely, spectacular is full. we've got some new and the big stalls we've come back. so it's off of us, gymnast simone balls and there is no doubt that those athletes will be having a lot of fun in this stage. and most a week and a half from some french musicians at phoenix, maybe even soft funk. and they might be some in some actual mega celebrities like
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a field say tom cruise is also really meant to be that the baptist funds a way of a hand to go with the l. a in 2028 because that is where the next some of them and picks will be you organized as those. and then people will be organizing part of this closing ceremony as power. his hands over the facts on friday as his condition . there's always an issue about the legacy of these games when so much money is spent home than or yeah, that's why it's a move in terms of the legacy of powers in terms of the safety of so you're going to have things like this improved transport system this new aquatic center, the force of the 400, some of the same sound to me, has had a lot of investment put into it. that's where the start the process. but also is where the athletes village is. what powers wanted to do with these things is actually not spend loads of money building use and use you said you have to get use in the future. so what they've done is use the city's monuments built temporary stadiums. sort of, i think a bit of a green
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a game. so stage is going to be dismantled from face could be recycled. natalie. natalie, it's been age of even been sleeping on beds, laid down, so respectable cobble. so that's the kind of serious as a game saving money, it's going to be a little bit more green, of course, is hauled with these because that to be a very great powers making that for to look, i think one of the big things that people remember from these games and i can tell you something here in the city throughout them is just the spirit that you've seen and polish the joy of festivity. it really has been a big policy in here and especially for a lot of residents. what. so what's the excited about the games? i will talk to a little bit cynical, but people who really framed themselves into it. that's good to hear. of course, we'll follow the place and certainly with the natasha in the company as thanks by natasha. but with that force empowers the, the 2 people putting killed in a russian advertise on ukraine's capital keys. 3 of the people were wounded out in
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several large explosions. why reported teams 9 says the defense system so activated to repel the strikes, bushes. defense ministry has released the edge of what they say, a strikes on ukrainian times and drones and the task region. ukraine's military, he made a surprise attack into those western parts of russia's ca, squeaking on choose day unless you impose they need security regime in 3 border regions on site today. and probably next the thoughts as to try and stop new kinds of fences. because governor has ordered the evacuation of civilians. well, why should still control as much of east and ukraine's territory? but the next remains of the russian control. but ukraine's incursion into casks tire tree is 5, know the main front line. now it is the largest cross border attack by ukraine since the will began to say it was defensive to dallas, could topple it, says your credit is close. bold with time for russia's present. vladimir putin on
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the back foot to 60000000 barrels, saying i need to stay that policies. it's, it's, it's more embarrassing for him because it started off as a raid which found the loss of much follows. you could brush off and say, well, that's the sort of thing that happens in more time, but for ukrainian units to cross the border and then go rampaging for near on a week now. and nothing to being done about that makes him look extremely weak. and also the intelligence failure as well. now will assist you creating build up the russian troops that was sent out to donates to fight to the east, leaving, leaving a christian. you did a very kind of defensive ability. so it was easy for the cranes to attack. they've been there for 6 days. and the additional units, you're seeing substantial russian reinforcements. now a mixture of conscripts already the and the using naval infantry submarines. apple and troops sort of a lead troops are being used to unplug the gaps to stem, the tide of the training in advance, as well as well as
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a defensive load of the missiles and drones that were shut down last night. and i sent in by you kramer, shut down by these new units of add to the defense fields. and also look at pub plans just down the way. and of course, the city of course, gets off so, so it'd be his best demonstrations of being deemed a, tara, of the minority by the countries president and estimated $40000.00 that protested across 40 cities in opposition to proposals in mining. celebrate, has recently given the green light fully fee of extraction. despite having done that 2 years earlier, several activists have been arrested. so let's take a closer look at the recent rise in global demand for the fee and the rise to mind the mid roll is being fueled by increased production of let's see. and i am actually useful electric costs that china is one of the world's largest produces. the you wants to reduce is dependency on chinese with you as it moves away from fossil fuels, tools, green energy. analysts say the proposed mind inside beer is projected to generate
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enough lithium to meet 13 percent of the confidence full testament in 2030. so be a has been trying to join the football than a decade and present. alexander village says the mining project could be a game changer for serbia and the entire region. and the whole guy is a electro of european loyalty university college london with the focus of western bolton's policy with in the u. enjoys this down line from london discharge. i good to have you on the program with us. how does sort of the critical role materials i, which was adopted in march this year fits into according to the promising to the compromise and look for renewable energy, sol, said elements or to sustain the technology that will fulfill those goals as well. thank you very much. for having me in the program so that you, it has been wrestling for the last few years since the fund that makes how to the
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risk it started g when it comes to supply chain from china and all the countries. and last year we just talked with a strategy which is a good ties and gets i caught on the and one of the key objective is to rely more on the kind of a country such as serve the albany and then so on the rest and with some bolton, as well as the eastern pod mission. now certainly a here, it's quite a key because of its reserves and the reserves is predicted that it can produce the same and to fuel, at least $1.00 or more minimum batteries. and he sees this as a big sort of opportunity. however, heat has met with some opposition box to is because a deal was died in secrecy and it was not done in transpired seats. and that it has sort of the fuel fuel to this whole position that we have seen because of the lack of transpired take and how that use it is sort of i'm trying to leverage syrup. yeah. into this deal is interesting because it'd be as this, as we said is not positive e, you yeah. so this could be
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a game changing the way that they move forward. but for instance, he was set out the parameters for those rad specials that it was to increase. i mean, 10 percent. the power these supposed to come from extraction, 40 percent from processing and 25 percent of its consumption from recycles at lithium. 65 percent of the use annual consumption is allowed to come apparently from a single country wherever they go to get it from as well. this is the sort of, sort of a tricky part of the effect for, for quite some time. so it's kind of trying to leverage is a soft power to, to like, as well as it's harko and candidate countries that one joined to you by sort of having extra conditionality. and then some way you kind of sell it to the public that we are doing this because the one that sort of drawing the he, you know, want to you, it's here actually doing. it's exploring some of these countries reserves,
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as well as exploring some of the week a sort of governmental and framework that they have in place. so one of the criticism that you'll see from civil society and all those in particular and serve . yeah, it's mine and practices are below that you, you start and that's why you sort of see this opposition. now the you have the problem is and we will see that in the next 6 years, it will work with serbia to kind of come up with a program and to come up with a framework that will be in line with the you. but the fact that this very deal and sort of how it wants to meet this particular goal without being back from spine, we only sort of learned about the deal just a few days before it was announced. and then also the jump, chancellor, as well as a number of german comm, manufactured drawing to this site is it kind of puts a lot of questions. yeah. if i could just jump in that, because basically one of the other big problems is china, from some of the you perspective. because, you know,
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china also wants those minerals so that it can produce the products themselves. china actually refines that lots of lift. the leak is actually one of the world's largest refinements of lift in europe. doesn't have that capability quite yet. we're still looking at the most of the asia pacific centric scenario when it comes to lithium production and refinement. so that for the yukon, have it all its own way right now. you know about some of the con, but here it becomes an interesting aspect. so china is quite comfortable with the you dealing with serbia in this specific sort of scenario actually is because uh certainly i have fine have to sing be a little older vision. and it's one of the only countries in europe that it has signed an extra edition with china. what you can send back some of the chinese, this is them. if they're called in the survey, i'm soiled. so that has made sort of china more comfortable with the idea here. the
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you sort of, uh, the disagreement. however, very much that you, it's kind of making this as it goes along to, if you like any kind of want to explore different culture box space because of the quote we 19 is so that supply chain can be weaponized and can be used. and this is sort of a strategy to see how we can diversified supply chain. and here we certainly is very much kind of an experimental faces and then possibly seeing how we can do it in another sort of kind of data conference that may be a bit more more broad. it'll be interesting to see how this actually comes out as the as progress, but for that, i've done the project. thanks for joining us from london. so thank you. thank you. it was a better a still a has a all the news i will assignments on specialist visits to likes, seeking to highlight the message of hope for the environments. that is bolt why this american gymnast has been forced to get back, however, olympic mental that story with joe coming up after the break,
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the hello, the winds are turning lighter through the goal, so the humidity will not be as bad. but we are looking at some bad storms as it winds off the red sea pickup and go against the huge as mountains that will sparks and storms around that could providence, for example, not too far away from jetta. we see it popping up here for has been some flooding and southwest saudi arabia, but now i think we'll see that expand further towards the north and no real breeze for us here in doha. so let's go $41.00 degrees on monday. temperature is down to bits in tater on says $39.00 degrees. and if i take you to turkey a, we've got a few showers draped over the ne black sea coast here. bit breezy through the boss for us is stumble at 32 and storms are moving out of new air,
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pushing into burkina 5. so pretty much along that border with molly as well. now, central africa looks like this. the rain still there for sol, sudan, the central african republic, and really for northern and western d. r. congo. and certainly it has been windy for the western cape province in south africa. not is bad on monday. but while this breeze has recently been a game changer dropping down to a temperature in my put so by nearly 10 degrees over 24 hours. so you've got a high of 26 degrees still breezy though. on monday, that's a snapshot of your weather. so yeah, the or
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the product you want to be able to do and use oh with me. so hold on, the reminder of all told stories in southern garza, israel has expanded evacuation orders as it begins. it's a military assault on calling you this palestinians were told to leave the city to state after being allowed to return home is rated security forces. say a settler has been shot dead. it'd be occupied. westbank got the gun and they've been 5. it's passing vehicles. another is rarely centralized, be injured in the attack. maybe illegal sacraments in the jewel. standing at a funeral has been held for 9 year old go alice, where he was killed in the 9th attacking the british town of south fulton, beginning of the 2 other young children spot riots of the false information about the suspect. philip spread online assembly have called for the to the find the a human rights groups and bug mother say around $3000.00 people became victims of
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extrajudicial killings during shake casinos. 15 years in power, families of people who go missing it. now hateful of the interim government to help find them and perhaps give them some answers. time very challenging. who pulls down from dr. bribes group in burma. they say that security forces have carried out over 640, disappearing, and says sincere casino came to power in 2009. some people were killed. all this were later, really is, but on 100, remain missing. in 2016, it been custom supreme code lawyer was forcibly abducted by plainclothes police in the capital. on 6th august, he was among the people really, as doctor, has seen up fled the country for 8 years. he says he was subject to, to talk to you at a secret detention center. he has not been created in hospital, somebody from the to be that they used to hang cough and blindfolded all of us
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detainees for 24 hours a day. i had several nervous breakdown seizures, and they also used to inject us with unknown substances. when we question senior interrogations as to why they had detained us. they would tell us that it was an instruction from the top level. many alleged that check i've seen as government use the defend forces intelligence unit, or did you f, i am the police detective branch to suppress defend a farmer military officer who spent 18 months in detention later reveal details about the secret prison inside the intelligence headquarters to the media, the current director general of the agency has denied delegations. how does it do different your cost cut off? we need profit investigation. i need to find out about the detainees who are alive or data or to get appropriate justice. they should be an independent commission for me to investigate at the agency. you've got got it from our burn with their should diplomat also have victim
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a force disappearance was released up to 15 months in secret detention. the said i was in had hundreds of names, engraving the wrong, but when the demand is immediate release, all the thousands of unnamed victims of enforced disappearance. just the girls cross crime against humanity. on saturday i protested, demanded answers. family members have disappeared. individuals and others have gathered at the bottom of the supreme court. that's what the loved ones are. they turn and figured locations, and they're demanding. they're really, i'm that those responsible be brought to justice on the families of enforce disappearance and extra judicial queuing, have been protesting for almost 15 years now. yet no single case has been investigated or anyone brought justice. yet, despite several appeals made to the higher court for years, families have had no idea of what has happened to their loved ones. they are asking
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the interim government for answers seeking justice. or at least closure can be drudgery, obviously to talk on tens of thousands of attend, did they know duration of the london present pull to going to be used at virtually unopposed. and this is presidential election. the 66 year old folder of a leader with hometown since the rwandan genocide and in 1994, he won the election in july. he was over 99 percent of the age of the candidates for bach from running $22.00 african heads of states attended sundays. it'll get ration a recovery team. so i'll continue to search the buddies after lunch, i will collapse the new gun to at least 18 people have been killed. people living there that gets its, the garbage disposal sites, say that the disaster may have been triggered by to venture rain covering solely reports. the search for missing people buried in the survivors site and compiler is not over,
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but he's on likely anyone who will be found to live maybe see the yet to find that allows to open housing with rescue operations nelson comp time, se he's 4 year old child and wife are buried underneath the garbage. whatever the yesterday in the morning i woke up as usual. i left at 7 am to take a child to school one and about 10 minutes after i left. i received a call from my neighbor, asking me if i was homeless. so when i returned to my house was no more, i came back to this trash to do another. the. the incident happened when a section of a waste disposal sites collapsed, following heavy rings, more than 1000 people have lost their homes. ah, yes, said the boy, we had few moving the treatments. months that has been doubled
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up. moving quickly and i know many of the sites all up and off of the landfill had been used to store rubbish from the city for decades and was overflowing those who leave here see it's a health hazard and was a disaster waiting to happen. the government has proceeded closing the site and commissioning elijah one outside the city. but that plan has not been acted on the single why that when i run through what i want the most, just to find my loved ones. so i can give them a befitting burial is you can instead of leaving them buried here for now all people here can do is to try to come to tom's. what's happened in we've put those. they've lost. catherine, sorry, i'll just sarah interior business is counting. the last is of to 10 days of nationwide protests against the rising cost of living. the demonstrations tend violent in many states, resulting in the depths of at least 22 people haven't addressed
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a pool. so from the northern states of content after 10 days of disruptive protest, single one of the 10 major markets in get a 2nd most popular city is slowly coming back to life. retailers restock as labor as work to make up for lost income to market companies, just estimate $5000000.00 in sales. why last for each day the market was closed? this market and uh it is uh, not saving only uh, people have cpanel. it is uh, saving it wasn't the neighboring states and also uh some uh uh, so my country that's a lot of nibbled and like, uh, what are the nigeria? so i think uh, in room for me, jetta chad cameron. he says, customers from other states and neighboring countries stop coming days before the start of the demonstrations. disruption to production and supply chain fiscal year,
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shortages of goods that select surprises in some areas. jump seems like print replies to send, including a few kilometers away. another businessman, counts as losses of to riotous, looted and destroyed goods with more than $2000000.00. the government also took a hit facilities like this technology help have been stripped back by lucas most westbrook testers demonstrating against bad governors and rising cost of living, destruction to property and lives have been reported in many parts of the country. when the economy stores the impact of the progress and the economy is huge, that's for many years. and this is that it types of production in nigeria, so it has serious any impact on the level of employment. in addition to that, so many investment opportunities where i live in nigeria. but the concern
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he says is how to restore that invest investor confidence. you suggest that the next 6 months that crucial in determining whether the negative impact of the protest would be long or short lived, depending on how the government response to the crisis increases. i just need to kind of, of the families of 62 people killed in a plane crash in brazil, a helping forensic teams identify the bodies. investigators analyzing the function code is to determine what caused the plane to plunge into a residential area. and this pilot on friday mother can take care of it pulls from the edition that right emergency responders working in the rain in around the clock to retrieve all 62 bodies, victims of a deadly plane crash on friday. that since shop sleeves across for sales. family members are being asked by a stories to help identify their relatives at the legal medical institute of some
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follow where the bodies were taken the most affordable. we're concentrating on providing specialized assistance from psychologist social workers and legal advisor to meet the families requirements and priorities with focusing on the well being of the families. more than 50 bodies have been recovered, but most were so badly burned. identification will take time to discuss that the body's work have a nice and i being transferred to, to morgan, south palo, where they will be x range and then a test will be done to identify them to the aircraft was carrying 50 passengers and 4 crew members from the southern states of butter not to preserve the largest cities don't follow when disaster struck. nearing its destination, the plain suddenly lost speed and altitude, spinning out of control and plunging to the ground. it exploded on impact in the backyard of a house. in the midst of a residential condominium complex,
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the, there were 3 people in the house. me, my wife, and the night we are all fine. at the time we thought it was a helicopter. crashing was almost leaving the house. and suddenly we saw that a craft exploding in the back yard. rescuers rushed to put out the fire before it spread to neighboring houses. then they began to search for bodies and the debris. the regional airline company boy boss released the name of all the victims, among them a family from venezuela and a teacher from portugal. brazilian authorities have already recovered the to flight recorders, which they say will help them piece together. what happened? brazil's air force has already said that the pilot did not report an emergency for adverse weather conditions for so we know stories say the investigation to determine the cause of the tragedy should take at least
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a month. monica not give all g a 0. we addition narrow, but the age of 90 will save us animal behavior assigned to something conservationist activist jane go to continues traveling the world to inspire people to impact the planet in a positive way. which isn't truly, to promote the work of the institute spending a message of hope in the face of pessimistic outlooks about the survival of the natural world, the sea, and even went to meet the in the field where it is packed tickets sold out in less than 24 hours. they're here to listen to a rock star of a different order, 90 year old, which is just totally just jane goodall. she was just paying when at the age of $26.00, she went to africa to study chimpanzees in the wild discovery, unsuspected similarities between them and us. she begins by telling the
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audience how it all began when she was 10 years old and read partisan of the apes. her loves were animals evolved into global activism to save the natural world through who jane goodall foundation, with branches now and over 70 countries, including hearing chilly. the 11 year old maya says, google is a role model. she's a really good person for me on i, on me, on my are here. so jane, go to the is one of those rare people who you can call a living legend. and not just because of the extraordinary work that she did when she was much younger in the jungle, but rather because of what she is doing right now to inspire all generations, especially the youngest, to know that in these days is duly new. but our plan is future,
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there is hope good. all argues that every single individual can make an impact with the choices. they make. a message that moved valentina morales to tiers. and she makes us realize that every person can make a change even by choosing which each or recycling every tiny thing matters. all good, all concedes the window of opportunity is closing, but the each person can help extend it to children, inspired by who institute show of the recycling projects, making good, all smile. she's convinced she says that those who will soon be in the leadership role can and will do much better than their parents to see and human audra 0 santiago still head held out there. a whole holmes name is neal. lots of losing the globe, but the younger generation is trying to shine, utilize, of the tradition. uninstalled don't worry fully italians on the final day of the
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olympics. all of the action from tyrus coming up after the break. the, as the cost of all celebrates the 25th anniversary of nato's intervention that ended the fighting between the serbian and because of albany and force. we were meant to be completely ethnically. cleanse people have power, examines the posts for landscape and present the challenges for the regions youngest country. this is a vibrant nation state that is alive today because we took no attraction that's not possible the making of a states on that. just so, you know, was a journey through every story. every step is a narrative celebration of what we can choose when to reach
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the welcome to send me an extra development redesigns luxury leasing, trusting of future. today we create the the, the, well with them is way from the place and so real deal and picks and joe's head to tell us absolutely, to wrap up and, and absolutely, and some of the action from the last day as well. so hale us, i have ended the powers olympics on top of the middle table, they edged out china on the final day by winning the women's basketball title, the broan, j to help the usaa men take goals, sometimes cheer on the women's team, one by the narrowest of margins, usa facing host nation fronts by
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a single point. $67.00 to $66.00 is the 8 time in a row that the us i have won the title i met tense, who china finish 2nd on the metals table early on the when when 6 a women's plus 81 kilogram title, it means the tiny. so hi, miss sizes for existing goals. so let's take a look at the final metal table for these games. the united states finished with the same number of gold medals as china, but ahead on silver metals. japan finished stood with 20 gold medals. although that's down from the 27, they won in tokyo when they hosted the last games. this is host from met the target by finishing in the top 5 with that countries biggest metal who since the 1900. but one metal was stripped from the usaa earlier, as gymnast jordan childs was forced to hon. back the bronze. she thought she'd won, and monday's women's full final. charles had a school upgraded off to a coach appealed,
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which resulted in remaining is unable to boast or losing her spots on the podium box for menus and, and pick him as he complained to sports, highest quotes, who found the school change happened outside a one minute time limit and that meant child had to hand back the bronze 2 by side . it was still a few of the spots to wrap up earlier on sundays different hass on with chrome, the new women's and then pick mattress and champion of to winning the rice in a games reco time. the thoughts run on one elbow to elbow with if you, if he has tickets to a sofa, the weld record holder with a 150 meters to go pass on edging it in 2 hours 22 minutes and 55 seconds. she also won bronze in the $5.10 b to events. i only watch on the tv people or the champion authorities. somebody is, you know, you, when you do $20.00 to $40.00, to commit to more than 2 hour and 2 hours
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a full for 20 minutes. every single except the usually it's so hard to pull in and you finish the hard money releases like i'm believe of to well, that was a well direct quote on the final day. and the women's modem penthouse, loan hungry is michelle green. yes. shows the city i am 100 a shop she to, to win gold with a record breaking points for insulates at gold, and the women's volleyball, the top rank team in the world. sweat decide. the united states in sundays final, italy crushing the defending champions and straight set is that 1st goal in this event, and they did it route. so piece that, you know, counts, and just one. and the full states delight for denmark in the men's handle. they beat germany 39 points to 26 mathias. it's so one of the heroes with 11 goals. fenmont happy to reclaim the time to live and then pick champions of swimming in
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2016. but having successful silver intake chairs, it was an old bulk and clash to dislike the men's multiple goals. so they're coming out on top speaking fallacious. $13.00 to $11.00 is the 3rd time in a row that they've won the time. so the action is over and space is getting ready for the closing ceremony. these are life pictures from paris, the ceremony that getting on the way, seen at the 80000 seats, a capacity that the fronts of correspondence pull, reese has been covering the games for us from paris. and he takes a look back at some of the more memorable moments of the sporting events all over at the olympic games in paris, from football and rugby on day 12 basketball on the day, 16000000 a 1000 metals had been handed out here as some of the highlights, the man whose thrust potable firmly into the spotlight on the planters made his dream come true of this thought, the friends, the sweetest,
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already broken the world echoed 8 times. this time he did it well also sealing his 2nd delinquent gold. another for whom just gold wasn't quite enough, was the american sydney mclachlan love roan. she left her challenges well behind that, she defended her 400 metre hurdles title in a new world. reco time. there was no well reco for this month, but to insure it his name was never far away from any tool on the truck. no eliles 1100 me to goals like 5000. so the 2nd piece struggle through a final zip code, 19 to win rooms and the 200 meters as leslie to 5 guys got bought. swan is 1st olympic gold medal. well, we already knew that can use for a typical and was one of the greatest $1500.00 me to run as a whole time. she became the 1st off way to win 3 olympic gold medals. in the event on the final the truck and failed, it stopped the front nearest trump for of india. how's the biggest social media following of any olympic athletes? knowing 1000000 the followers on instagram. but he couldn't hold on to his juggling gold edged out by his great friend in the final part. his guns are shut and nothing
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to setting you olympic record. while i was of really try to make these olympics unique and they decide to say hold the trustful on, on open water swimming events in the sun river, a $1500000000.00 clean up, made it possible, but not the full training sessions were cancelled due to approval to accommodate the items for persons to be able to safely go for depth. by next year for did prove safe was frenchman law shows go avoiding for gold medals. in the clear nights it was as if the pool, the 22 year old made himself annually pick stall and the new darling of the house with top support and all of his individual events at st. drums. park for the fine was somebody in the files of the troubles in touches. she one more olympic gold in paris. perhaps the time facing of winning metals on her home months could bring her back. for one final pills that glory at los angeles. 2020 i are. all right, that's useful update. so now it's back to say thanks to the home goals. that neon signs are similar to this, but it's streets, but the government says the
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a safety verse. so that being replaced with cheap and more efficient lights, but as little westbrook reports, some young people are trying to keep the traditional life a visa, some of the last remaining neon signs in hong kong advertising porn shops and much on paula's concerns about decades old science pulling down have led to strict safety rules on size and placement. about $3000.00 signs of being taken down each year since 2018 and streets have gone from this to this 83 year old most a wong is one of home comes last, remaining neon light crossman. he's watched from the studio for 40 years cx, but the benz gloss choose with his self designs blow torch to cross the complex characters, filling the chips with gas and running
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a current through them to give them that unique low. in the 19 eighties and nineties, the streets, westfield, with neon signs, as businesses tried to out showing each other. don't want hey, there cheering it's heyday. there were many on most is doing this work. but now, because these must, as a getting older and due to types of government regulations, not much in the on the sign work is done anymore. i think there are only 7 are right in the on most is left. well, some businesses have commissioned new neon signs that meets the safety requirements . mazda long says, demand has dwindled, and most of his business is repair. what on existing signs around the 16th, the warm glow with neon is being replaced by the chief of l. e. d lice, but if you look, there are still some neon signs around like this one which conforms to the new rules. as people find ways to keep the tradition a life. like a cloud right onto his car in john became fascinated by me on in 2018. she learned from most
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a wong and also traveled to the netherlands fronts in japan to study different techniques. now, how hot is displayed around the? well, i think uh what i'm good at and usually is trying to how to read to find something and objects a concept and re purpose them as well. and i think for me on as a medium that i'm using to redefine our culture and all identity. god and john raises awareness about me on cultural loss. spearheading this exhibition featuring to old signs and to new designs by an old mazda and a young artist. these days i would like to think of the future of me on basically is unlimited as, as long as we could identify that potential. and we could actually do some st. john's to develop as me owns glo fades from the streets of hong kong. the next
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generation hopes to shine a new light onto this traditional croft laura westbrook, which is 0 hong kong. that's it for me. so robins avenue, use the same. let's take you to the start, the funds to the side, where people all ready to go into the stadium ready for the closing. certainly all the olympic games in paris, 2024 and a lot more on that. all today's news and the bullets in, in a few minutes time to me on the team here. thanks for your time. project on the a sense of belonging. we always look for ways to be together. and the everyday heroes keeping communities together is tough. the lesson is transforming the day in the 1st part of the series of jazz 0 visits is of a lot. but in mexico city,
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where the locals are turning on a tortoise municipality to an urban utopia, a sense of community on this just either must be the emotion in their own words, 3 of your 0 journalists describe working as survived through his rails or so of course, a lot of my bad, well, i don't want tongue and especially as much i think the sort of journalism under genocide on a jersey or you want to report, but the same time you want to feed your company,
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you also want to stay alive the safe them even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, nominator here on now. the thousands forced to flee with nowhere seems to go displace palestinians. we've con eunice and southern garza, as israel begins, not the or a saw the hello everyone. i'm with a rock. this is out to 0 live from to her, also coming up, police on high alerts in the u. k. following the funeral for
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a young girl killed in a stabbing attack that sparked violent riots. and nigeria, businesses attempt to balance back after violent protests take


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