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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 12, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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the solvent time journalism on the genocide on the jersey, you want reports, but at the same time you want to seek your company. you also want to stay alive, the hezbollah 5 dozens of drunken sentinels in this room. that's very nice. so that we're ready, responding the bottom of this is ellen does even live from don't how so coming up the is really a tax credit at least 25 miles to the is across the guys in the past 24 hours will
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be live from con eunice. must close the guns, evacuations and the belgrade region and screening and services. question more areas inside the russians board and power some less, some stop allen as an an see and then pick some fashion to los angeles. the celebrities alms with hezbollah has filed a barrage of rockets into northern, as well as invitation for his writing of the treat. bowman from southern 11 on last week that was really ami says about says he won't get to the 5 setting. a fire was a towns and villages. it's i and don't a defense system in deceptive. some of the vol kids that have been of a pulse of casualties as a big has moved from mazda you. and, and devon on we have heard, has been in the last few days talk to target some of his real surveillance
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equipment. so that could be some of the reason these rockets are getting through. but the, the video, the images that we're seeing, you can see the rockets going through the air and making impact, and that's quite significant. and in, in previous days we have had, has blown, so launched drones further into drugs. so right now what it seems like is that this is the perfect attack that has the law has known as a response to israel to attack on southern level on but what signature can do that . so many of these rockets have managed to get to at least the i make impacts on what we can do. we've been hearing drones all day and most of them by when we were good here. the drones overhead is where you drones, so they, in the state of hyper surveillance. but what happened is that the but get into it and as is right awaits his laws. promised responds to the claim of a senior commander slide show. us and dogs as well continues to carry out the tax
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across the strip. at least 25 people have been killed in the past 24 hours. so this really is why the palestinian central bureau statistics show as well. the forces have killed 1.8 percent of the ga, the strips population since october, the 7th. the and is really, as troy has a house in gauze and cities to shake it on one neighborhood on sunday, coming at least one person. meanwhile, in the south, tens of thousands of palestinians have been told by his very forces to evacuate the eastern parts of con eunice. many of them the sleeping on the streets as they are left with nowhere to go. that's bringing our correspondent honey mock. little of, he's joining us live from con eunice and had a attack. some guys, a city evacuations, in con eunice way. you recently relocated to the
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well, the past 24 hours have been quite difficult across the gauze trip. not all the people have to endure the intense bombing campaign that has already caused further civilian casualties in great level of destruction to remaining residential buildings and public facilities that infrastructure across the central area. and the southern part of the district so far were looking at 25 people being killed by air attacks by the heavy artillery almost non stop here. the artillery is all night long until the early hours of this morning as the lives the attacks carried out by ty predators. the quiet comforters, the reconnaissance aircraft, the attack of drones, the art of filling up the skies of the central area and the southern part of the stream. maybe the city of han, you and it's including residential homes. and then we'll say that refuge account the that is near near at 10 site then because of the intensity of the bombing
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a fire. good. the, the tents i caught on fire because of the, the bonds it dropped on the residential home. just pushing people into internal for further internal and force displacement and scattering any remaining sense of safety and protection. we are really talking about the a context of constant ongoing displace been a trauma and an intense bombing campaign for the past in months. so really any sense of safety and protection a quite a shot are right now and almost equivalent due to non any, a brief discussion with any person experiencing that. you can tell that people got to the point where they're exhausted, they are higher than what's making it worse. is the return displace busy because of the ongoing incursions of eastern parts of, of han units. then right now, evacuation or does expand it to the central part of the city, including a residential complex. that was a part of the green area, the safe zone. now,
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not anymore, just this has further shrunk the, the area, the safe zone that hasn't been really safe. for the past in months, but pushing people into a very smaller space here in the southern part of this trip. honey, thank you very much for bringing us those experiences of people under constant threat honey. my food live in con eunice. a mazda is released the statements in response to close by colorado. egypt in the us to resume sees 5 talks. and once the media is, has to present a plan based on pos talks rather than starting new negotiations. and the statements, the group says we called on the mediators to submit a plan to implement what they presented to the movement and approved on the 2nd of july, based on job items vision and the security council. resolution of launch as well to do so instead of going to move rounds of negotiations or new proposals that provide cover as well as aggression. well, that is where the government has bad,
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i'll just say are from reporting this a home to son who has reaction from jordan's capital a mon in a statement. how much has said that? they want to go back to the original framework outlined by us president joe biden on may 31st. so this is the framework. these really is had said they had agreed to that was brought forth by the americans. it was a 3 part plan that would ultimately see an end to the war in the 3rd phase. now there were negotiations that were on going in the month of june and july, but they were derailed and constantly failing due to continued is really bombardment in gone. so how mass of the time had released several statements saying that continued is really aggression was not going to work if they were going to negotiate a ceasefire. and we saw this just the other day when a school in gauze, the city was struck, killing a police, a 100 palestinians. now how is really media is reading into this, this thing that has, has rejected the framework of the talks altogether,
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but that is not true. a mess and saying that they want to go back to the initial plan that was on the table. how much has accused israel of adding amendments to the deal while these really is have a q come out of adding several other conditions that were not previously agreed upon. but we also have to remember that there are 2 hard liners on each side of the negotiating table. you have benjamin netanyahu, who's gone into these negotiations with several red line, several non negotiable. and how may i ask, who has said that they want to see ultimately an end to the war entirely? and yes, yes. and what is going to be representing him as indeed in direct negotiations for the 1st time. so there are a lot of moving parts here, but ultimately what him as the saying is that they want to go back to that initial framework and not what's been added by these really have to send fluids as, as the, the amount of washington is boosting its military presence in the middle east, jews are rising tensions. defense secretary lloyd austin has accidentally sent the
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transit of an ad across calia to the region. he's also ordered the deployment of a guided missile submarine. she had baton. she has moved from washington dc. so the details in the read out of the coal between lloyd austin us, secretary defense and is rarely accounts about has raised some eyebrows fast to full secretary austin that has ordered the us as abraham lincoln stripe group to accelerate its transit to the central. come on the area of responsibility when the this carrier group left in on august it was due to arrive in the red sea sometime around august, the 16th probably later august, the 16th to off to next friday is not clear whether the successor ration what that means for that timeframe, or even if it's still going to the red sea, we understand the category left guam, either on saturday or just before that's still a long way away. so it's not clear how much quicker it can get to the central compound area responsibility. secondly, them,
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it says that it will be adding to the capabilities already provided by the us us theodore roosevelt. carrot group. when it shut off, it was supposed to be really leaving the us espia door roosevelt carrier group that appears in the theater roosevelt isn't going anywhere. this would appear then to be another extended deployment. which was saying constantly was saying the that the result is stretched and very thin. and i'm the stress on those boards and within these kind of groups, a big being much hiking to is it has been reported. and then also we, we were told that the secretary is older, the us as georgia guided missiles submarine to the central c'mon region. the reason websites. and if it is, we never usually hear about the movements of us or brings those are usually kept the top secret. the element of surprise, clearly that's a message to someone in less ways. we can all take a guess as to whom. but we do understand these carrier groups, i'll ballistic missile defense capable. so that means they're able to shoot down projectiles. missiles, drones,
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very much on it. and then something that is what the us and israel is bracing for it in the same way that it and it, it matters to the shoot down drones and missiles in april from, from around in the tunnel graft that telegraphed intact. so clearly it's a message, but it still appeared necessarily how soon. suddenly the carriage groups will arrive in the region. she ever time. see elders here at washington. the . the government of russia's belgrade region has issued evacuation orders for one of its districts. they are released to bother you currently in the military shows, and it says, and portal is village in the baldwin region. on sunday, 7 days ago you kind of launched a surprise attack into weston pots of rush, just closed region. russian deployed extra forces and 3 board of regents on saturdays to stop your client's advances or if i should still control as much of your claims. eastern territory with done yet remains under russian control. but
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ukraine's incursion into curious cuz the know the main frontline is the largest cost of the attack by your clients since the will began in february 2022. the coast region contains nuclear, oil and gas power plants, which distribute electricity into southern russia are showing dollars over, tied 5 to pilot and military analyst, and he says that your clients have cushion inside russia has changed the dynamics of the war. so many of the critics have ukraine, they'd say this is a bit of a regular sac to risk funding, but was also is destined to fail. but as opposed to the free time, almost certainly a none of them in so many initiatives ever. people pass this course, everybody a call and said he quoted one of us all gone and it certainly seems difficult restoral got. and i don't to surprise. so the question then is really, why has you probably done it totally 3 reasons. one is to seize that initiative, there's a very long border between ukraine and russia,
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and it's evident that they can break for secondly, russia is, it just demonstrates the rest of the control of this morning. crane is clearly taking the rain say a 3rd what the point is really just imagine the morale on the front line and the premium policies taking the point to preston. he's saying, i'm definitely is that tim russell who to this describe these accounts of terrorism act rather than that so more because clearly he doesn't want to see the rushing go to the stage of goal because that would undermine, spoke to him is approximately because they have this will play out, see policies rushes, take traits from the front line where they've been bouncing down in the don't ask region on both suspense or reinforced. that leaves pressure on the front line. and that's exactly what ukraine needs. and ever since there was that low, when america was slow to release the 60000000000 of a rush, you were taking that found to you that window of opportunity and being on the front porch pushing away at the front line, costs them
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a huge number of traits but has been taking power train, but this does is it relieves pressure on that front line. the real issue is, powell, is ukraine going to make these last? and it sounds like most recent polls that actually reinforce net positions. so this could be a prolonged embarrassment for president base. it are the ones nuclear watchdog says europe's largest nuclear power plant in ukraine is still safe to supply the cooling towel being damaged in the fire and separate statements. russian and ukraine authorities confirmed the damage example aisha. your client's president says, radiation indicates as a normal will. automatically lensky blames russian troops starting the fire. the russians occupied the plant. they have blamed the file on ukrainian shouting, but say it's under control still ahead on knowledge as the right place on the streets, often days of protest from nigeria. but some shit, it may not last the
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in depth analysis of the day. sideline. what strategic purpose do you think this assassination serves? israel informed opinions, people who have been 18 years seem to be given a chance to best to be a bold critical the bank. russia has decided that the war crane as a defensive war inside story house. will it change the security relationship between both countries on out jersey or pod came in to be is israel at north dakota piece? i think that to move in the f one, his government with these 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking. odd since the e you made weapons being used in gaza. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running? mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential? could we go to some we cannot take effective use of the present as not any
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important effective. he had the story on talk to how does era the colleges here with the, [000:00:00;00] the, watching me it as a put on them and doha of amanda, about top stories, the sound on the lebanese group has paula has funded knowledge of strong incentives and israel. the salvo session on the cyrus and 8 to sort of the towns and villages,
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as well as i am done at defense system. antiseptic as well continues to carry out, has across the thousands tracks, at least 25 people have been killed in the past. 24 hours is rarely, for instance, of oldest thousands of pounds demands to leave the shelters. and con, i'm the governor of russians bound to outpatient has issued evacuation orders from one of the districts. video released by the ukrainian military shows it's processing the village of photos in the ballad going region. on sunday. protests over the cost of living and nigeria has ended for now, but there are warnings of move to come out of the say corruption and acute poverty is driving demonstrations against the government. what address reports from the city of condo on the streets of dodge area, children room around looking for a meal? any way they can?
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many of the parents have been displaced either by violence or poverty. even those with means of livelihood don't have much better idle model. next one of millions of nigeria and promise or account for 70 percent of the country's agriculture will output, yet they still struggle for them is address it that it's impossible to produce enough without fertilizer and mechanized tools. things that no nigerian farmer can afford these days, which means nigeria must import more or its people will install well offer from farming an industry. it has electric, increased unemployment, and i'm stopped in something many and i did a claim on the dictates of corruption. and my company progressive added to that and that's why i'm opposing many. 1 i mean these conditions along with the rump insulation corruption and especially poverty effect of
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triggered the angry protest at the start of august. and at least say, the practice may have been doubtful. now, what with poverty now, acute levels in nigeria, i live in danger, lies the head, the quote where you have such a my see a set of uh, this website is in publish, deliberately been in publish. i say it is a very, very thin dentist when we likely won't see a much a you know, out to bust, which is if we're allowed to help them. we just want to be more than just the of compounding the levels of poverty is a ticket. old violence that is displeased millions from from a press for this class, just to book water on their techs and the niger delta. and the violent, separate this agitation from the east. but the government says significant progress has been met in tackling it over as duplicate areas where they are down. but it is an ongoing and somehow is
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a big improvement of all the government. more than double the minimum wage in july, the evaluation of the local currency, the matter has a lot of people's purchasing power, reason purchased organizers. so you can have microphones that and the fuel in electricity subsidies of mint condition stuff or the government to assist the unnecessary to cut waste and encourage investment for now pieces to return to the street. but just don't clear how long it will last unless government reforms begin to be at 4 degrees. i'll just say that kind of a few. no one has been held for one of the children killed and a knife attack in the bushes town of south for 9 years old alice again to all the young girls, died while at a don's costs in july. false information about the attack as identity spot via across the u. k. or con, has moved from south for this funeral cortege is taking the body of 9 year old. i was the silver,
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a guy to catholic church in southport members of the community here. feel hot square, it can stand that such a vibrant go who loved dogs came to such a violent and we talked about which high school you might attend about growing up having a big house with a god. and then having children, children who will never happy, we will never help you raise it, has, will never seen you grow up friends, relatives, and also police officers. paramedics and charity walk is have come to support the family. this is the 1st funeral for this 3 children stop to death. don't spotty on july. the 29th. while the funeral possession has taken place just behind me in this sole and grieving town. no one head could have been imagined. a task like this taking place. but it was false information spread online about the same citizenship
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status of religion that quickly ignited, buying the riots on july, the 30th. what was supposed to be a peaceful vigil instead turned into this full rise in spite groups writing a talking of most on police and destroying property. apparent to fidget onto just as the local people here say was unjustified and unwanted. it seems to find that site, this brooks cities and towns across the u. k. y is set fire to to hotels, housing asylum, see cuz with vulnerable un, terrified people, stranded helplessly inside, probably me to secure stoba health, 3 emergency meetings and is down the street residence and session to motion the biggest policing operation in decades to point 6000 of right trade offices on the streets of the u. k. more than 700 people so far being arrested with many fits present or facing the punishment. but on
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wednesday, as move on right gatherings were planned, tens of thousands of people took the streets and it shows pulse against racism. saying the narrative of a diverse and told of the country had been hijacked by violence minority. but it's left many people questioning the source of the underlying i ended up commended on rest. so quickly and wondering how the spread of false information online could spill over into such widespread silence on the streets of person, nor how l 20 south port. patients have been evacuated from hospitals, northeast of athens, because of rapidly spreading walls. 5, hundreds of people said the town of nevada on sunday is strong winds and high temperatures fanned the flames. the flies offend sick black, smaller cause upon some degree capsule. 51 into one place half of grace cities across in the on right. and this is the countries faces
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a prolonged heat wave top holiday destination such as swanson roland has seen the temperatures of the year and sicily, the temperature, had 40 degrees, southern central and western europe. and during the heat wave, the scorching temperature is a full cost to remain for at least a week. to hong kong stop courses a pallet, it's convictions of 7 prominent for democracy. active us over the involvement and anti government protest in 2019 media tycoon jimmy line 6. all the campaigns have lost the final appeal to of attend the rulings. the quote says they organized and actively participated in unauthorized boundaries that drew an estimated 1700000 people onto the streets of hong kong. the pro democracy movement was the biggest challenge to the hong kong government since the 1997 handled over. but it lost the mentor, mocked numerous arrest the club in 19 pandemic. and the introduction of a security bull the,
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the now the power olympics of ended install after 2 weeks of lead to competition. the us top, the middle table with hose from the secure and biggest hole for moles and the century. latasha bought the reports from paris at the start the pro stadium app. so i powers the stalls, the closing ceremonies, and then pick out the lead from parade. clearly enjoying every moment and windows receive the metals, hundreds of all the chairs the sun during the dazzling shows dogs music, westbridge altis including phoenix, the. the ceremony ends more than 2 weeks of spectacular sport with new olympic stalls. dazzling come barks and history may cause like the other for the trip or dump, or winning gold for dominique or
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a dream come true for the athlete. and the 1st of the big metal for the caribbean island. this is a particle of athleticism. they've had a whole us for it on the biggest states in the world, and i always end up on a podium, but to end up on top of the podium for a country that barely has 73000 people. me, you're talking about the stadium being almost the same capacity as my population, you know. and so it's just an amazing, amazing feeling. and i'm so grateful that we're moving 10000000 visitors in paris. the city transformed into stage for the games with its famous monuments turned into sinews and the roof of send a sent a piece for swimming. events of the decade long, clean up. as for the cities residence parisians. once loosely cynical about the lympics themselves, the biggest possible so many people in gainesville copeland, you're not listing and welcome distraction off the week of political turmoil in the country pulling to light. it's not like this was really an amazing experience. the
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delta g salt, you'll see that we were a bit hesitant, but his can see pool. well it school everyone's happy and it takes a randy without control to see the entire as 2024. how did special including agenda debates and women's boxing. they also concerns about security, but in the end, few incidents generic power is how do the big flag to los angeles, which was the 2028 summer games act to tom cruise, adding a touch of hollywood plate to an extraordinary nights and such a butler to 0 powers. now, finally, this bulletin illustration, which is bank c has unveiled as maces creation and the u. k. capital, a school official popped up on a police century box in london, making it look like an aquarium. the 7th installation and the animal scene series of artworks released in the past week bank things. previous piece of a cat,
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scrolling through plywood was taken down just hours after being sponsored on an old billboard that's set familiar, elizabeth put on, but stay with us. we have a quick weather update next and then inside story. thank you very much for watching the, the the, the, the stream hate. we've seen any around and up through took past, i'm beyond to get this done. for example, has produced some very big sun just drove recently. that's and a change in the wind directions brought time just down a bit. so we talk about how you search each, raffles and middle forties. but no such change for a rock and down through the gulf stays. where are we talking about a huge 41 into hot on a dry heat, 48 in baghdad. we are still producing, send to psalms,
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possibly in their mind will likely and repeatedly in human and the south west of saudi arabia. that's the case for the next couple of days that we're up to 49. and getting the full cross scituate very hot, even for this time the, and even for key right. i put in tropic alaska that sort of been reflect to the excess heat in the atmosphere, producing some big thunderstorms in ethiopia. good potters to down south to down a lot, extending size, not toward die and go to certain in the face producing and have some of the storms . it's largely dry. so science is that through south africa, through the cape, you do get when the weather in there every now and again. but look at the time. some change in what is called the windy city of south africa. 17 and goes up to $28.00 and down to 17. again, as the wind direction changes as dusty west. the
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investigative journalism is quite chewing, walking through here, sensing that last horrible mind, but of the journey, voices from different corners of organization is survival. it's survivable survival runs for reparations and justice stories from all the angles. life is actually music of the way people talk, the way we walk programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on now to sierra on this line, telling me 40000 palestinians as well, justifies its won gaza a self defense that describes critics, including the international criminal causes antic, symmetric, so watson driving these narratives. and do they help sustain a continuous cycle of violence against the palestinian people? this is inside story. the


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