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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 12, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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shyness of dislike, she was supposed to start off. what's the nice partial doesn't tell you all out on the walk in sydney, illinois, royal but here's the law says this isn't the major would tell you i should. it has to present the until mccrae, this is i will just say we're live from doha. so coming up is ready attacks killed at least, $25.00 pellets to indians across guns or in the past 24 hours. we live from con eunice. most good begins evacuating. people from the bank girls of region is
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ukranian forces chosen more areas inside russia. plus i'm stephanie decker in mombasa, where the trial is under way of the leader of one of the deadliest religious cults in the world. the we begin with rising tensions on the as well living on board i as took the test of tax continue in the liberties of the group. his blog threatens to carry out a launch it offensive light on sunday, hezbollah find rockets, ends in northern is ro saying it's a retaliation for as well as bonding of southern living on last week. the is really nice is about scuse rockets for 5 sitting off the air, raid sirens, and towns and villages. it's on time, a defense system and the safety of some of the casualties has been reported. so in a hold, a is in favor with more on these license developments a this was
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a late at night to attack by house by law hezbollah, claiming responsibility saying it was in retaliation for as well as well environment of southern villages. this was not the promised response to the by has the law for the killing of its senior military commander. what we witness last nights really is what we have been witnessing over the past 10 months. hezbollah, firing rockets across the board are saying that it is targeting a military base that there were no casualties. is really military saying that the rockets fell in open areas. yes. some of them there were in. and so what this says really is that because of the law has been testing as well as the air defense system. and it's what they've been doing for some time now. they want to know it's been real abilities and it's has been vulnerable and not just a rockets or miss house, but roles, especially drones in recent days. so this is still not the promise retaliation, but this time a talk happening really tension reports from us and is really intelligent
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sources suggesting that the promise of response is coming. and it's could happen as early as monday. and this, this response really is what many have been waiting for. so you'll have sions tyson tension, but i just got off the phone with the spokesperson of the un peacekeeping force in southern lebanon. what he's telling me is that despite these tension, the trajectory of the conflict that we are with this thing is what we have been witnessing over the past 10 months is still very much localized. so the biggest question is, what happens after, as well as promised response? what kind of, what kind of a response is ralph will carry out or mount in return us from inquiry as a distinguished public policy fellow with the american university of bi road. he says as well as continuing close military coordination with the you with an
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anticipation of a tele tree attacks by a ron and his by law the expectations in the united states and israel are very high and loving as well. people think there's going to be a big attack probably from his beloved and the wrong. they. romeo's hezbollah are being very corey about this. they're really what they're doing is pretty extensive psychological warfare, more than anything else. right now, keeping the israel is on edge. i'm not just is really army, which is quite a stretch. so exhausted and still hasn't achieved its objectives and goes about these really population. and these really economy. all of these things are being hit very badly. and this is one of the things that has some sort of of advertise, butler says, month to months ago, the strategy was to just keep doing small things to keep. the israelis deployed momentarily in the notice on evacuated the civilians. i'll keep everybody else on the edge because visible,
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showing that it's drones can penetrate these ready defense systems. they're not playing the old game or one side choose the other side, which practice is much more serious. um, the hope is that this will eventually push these release to get out of gas and finally and accept the political resolution options of this complex that doesn't solve the overall tensions in the region. because this real sell shares has bella and still sees around it. that's number one for washington is basing its military presence in the middle east. due to the rising tensions defense secretary lloyd austin says he's accelerated the transit of an aircraft carrier to the region. he also ordered the deployment of a submarine carrying guided missiles on the grounds and downs. israel continues to carry out a tax right across the strip. at least 25 people have been killed in the past 24 hours. if it gets released by the palestinian central bureau,
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all of statistics show is ready, forces have killed 1.8 percent of the gallons of strips population since october, the 7th. the and is ready a strongly kit house and guns and cities shake rod one neighborhood on sunday, killing at least one person. meanwhile, in the south, tens of thousands of palestinians had been told by his riley forces to evacuate the eastern parts of con unice. many of them a sleeping on the streets as they are left with nowhere else to go. i highly recommend joins us now from con, unison to honey, more tags in northern gaza and now reports of food and security, you're getting worse in that region. what more can you tell us about that? the, well, the situation is across the gaza strip evolve into much more complexity right now.
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we're talking about it within the span of the past 10 months. many of the difficult is a creed and underground as a result of the intense bombing campaign. from one hand, we looked at intense bombing campaign. everywhere by the hour you see either heavy artillery or your attacks, or recurring to ground invasion. there is the ongoing mass displacement of people in forced internal displacement is really military cool that evacuation order. they're not because on the ground people are not move to safety or move to areas that are being repeatedly attacked in the past. they are still potential targets for these really military, but all of this is coupled with the difficult living conditions created on the ground particular for people in the northern part. there are those who remain in northern gaza and gaza city are struggling on daily basis. define what accommodates what helps them to cope with the difficult living conditions created by the intense bombing campaign. and by the fact that these really military has destroyed old means of live old social services elements,
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whole infrastructure roads leading to health facilities or markets. the residential buildings, people, literally, they are moving theirs in search of food and basic supply, the basic necessities of, from one evacuation center to another. this is the reasons why we see over and crowded a space because people where the op, they are either subjugated to the ongoing attacks and the fact that there is no boxes safe access to food supplies and water. the supplied the end up going to evacuation centers please. there is a secured amount of food par, so there is access to a water supply even though it's limited, but it's a matter of survivor. right? right now does very monetary destroy the vast majority of water pipelines, water tank. so rather for in northern part of the ga, the service still suffocating deland crossing by over by full, fully control. and it's for the posit,
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3 months ever since there's really monetary invaded drop off city. we haven't seen a human if you had any trucks moving to the northern part to provide people with necessity to help them coping with the difficult conditions. the tax continued to create much more difficulties on the ground at all levels. we'll see it a habit is taking place. honey. thank you so much for giving us a better understanding of exactly what it is like they're in gaza hunting. like wait for us and con, use a diamond is the founder of the in g r, the international networks that age, relief and assistance to spend 10 days in guns in june. she describes the psychological impact of the continued displacement has on the palestinians. so the space that people have to move to is shrinking drastically, but also becoming increasingly overcrowded. we need to remember that every single time a family is being told to move. these are mostly families that have already been
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displaced and assets. they already were only caring a few belongings and when they're able to settle to a certain degree in, in a certain area, they're kind of able to start collecting, missing bits and pieces, whether it's items of clothing or say, you know, some pots or a bucket to be able to wash and each time they're pulled to move a gun, they have to leave a lot of that behind. so every single time they're being displaced, the vast majority of these families are having to start from scratch, which means trying to figure out not just where to put a ton, but where to get materials for a time where to find containers to collect their water. where to be able to source whatever scarce food items are actually available and you carry with you this problem and constant and consistent fear, the psychological impact of being told over and over again. no, you are not safe. you have to stay on the move is shredding adults,
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but also children as well. they are and we hear this over and over again. quite often turning to their parents and saying things like, but mommy, daddy, maybe we should just stay here and die because it's going to be easier than the living like this or trying to survive. like that's miss moss has released the statement in response to close by contact egypt, and that you wish to resume the cx 5 towards it. once media is present a plan based on pos talks rather than starting you negotiations and assignments. the group says we call on the mediators to submit a plan to implement what they presented to the movement and approved. on the 2nd of july, i still enjoyed biden's vision and the security council resolution and applies as route to do so instead of going to more rounds of negotiations on you, proposals that provide coverage as well as aggression. these ready government has been down to 0 from reporting data. so honda salute has reaction from jordan's capital a month in a statement. him,
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as has said that they want to go back to the original framework outlined by us president joe biden on may 31st. so this is the framework, these really is had said they had agreed to that was brought forth by the americans . it was a 3 part plan that would ultimately see an end to the war in this 3rd phase. now there were negotiations that were on going in the month of june and july, but they were the railed and constantly failing due to continued as really bombardment in gone. so how most of the time had released several statements saying that continued his really aggression was not going to work if they were going to negotiate a ceasefire. and we saw this just the other day when a school in gauze, the city was struck, killing a police, a 100 palestinians. now how is really media is reading into this, this thing that has, has rejected the framework of the talks altogether, but that is not true. a mess and saying that they want to go back to the initial plan that was on the table. how much has accused israel of adding amendments to the
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deal while these really is have a q come out of adding several other conditions that were not previously agreed upon. but we also have to remember that there are 2 hard liners on each side of the negotiating table. you have benjamin netanyahu, who's gone into these negotiations with several red line, several non negotiable. and how may i ask, who has said that they want to see ultimately an end to the war entirely? and yes, yes. and what is going to be represented and come us indeed in direct negotiations for the 1st time. so there are a lot of moving parts here, but ultimately what him as the saying is that they want to go back to that initial framework and not what's been added by these really have to send fluids as either a man. the russia has a lot of people to evacuate positive belgrade, down to you kind increases military presence and board of regions and video
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released by the training and military shows its forces and paroles. the village in belgrade, russia has been finding ukrainian troops in the border region of coast for nearly a week, and has deployed extra forces to stop them advancing. russia still controls not show the kinds eastern territory with donate sc remains under its control. but as you kinds incursion into coast is the norm then the main front line. it is the largest cost border attack by keeps bosses since the war began in february 2022. because korean contains nuclear, oil and gas power plants, then distribute electricity right across the southern russia. and looks good. helpless is all just there is defense. it is a really a he explains the significance of the escalation along the rush. are you crime border? a spell garage in cushions. it's a really interesting move. here. we've seen the boat girl and the governor issued evacuation for a boat. a district has bought
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a district wide on the board of with ukraine. we've talked about ukrainian and georgian volunteers in this border village, which is about 3 kilometers away. now, is this a diversion? is it a, a trick or a tactic, or is it the spelling of the main for us? because all the advances in cost of slowing down to be rushed as managed to be able to get reinforcements up elite units, as well as scratch force of conscripts and anyone else that can find to try and stop you creating the funds. they've been using attack helicopters to quite a good effect, knocking out the ukrainian tanks and on the vehicles. so the advance bye ukraine isn't as isn't as broad or as wide as it was say, 4 days ago. but bell garage, let's see what happens they have because that's the one to watch because frankly, i think the ukrainians are just filling out the path of least resistance. and striking where it's easiest. this has been a huge morale boost for you cranes before you create the military to lose it,
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you had to have a reversal of that morale number one and it would be pretty much seen as it is all stuff in order to hold the territory. you need to commit a lot more troops and then rush, it would come in a lot more troops. and the danger is you create a 2nd beat going to like the one going on. and from that web brushing, you create new forces. it just totally ground down, bullet 8 if you create and can hold onto it, that is a huge advantage for them because they can phrase this in any future peace negotiations full that they want to receive back in the, in the trade off. so do you is nuclear, which dog says you have the largest nuclear power plant in ukraine is safe to spot a cooling towel being damaged in a fire. in separate statements, russian and ukrainian authorities confirmed the damage at the facility in the city of separation, ukraine's president. for a lot of minutes, the landscape has levels of radiation and normal. he blamed russian troops occupying the pond for staffing the file. but without blame to fly around ukrainian shelling and say it is under control. oh, so a hit here on al jazeera, paris,
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and list some stop. how is the city of lights hands the olympics, passing to los angeles, the a hard hitting intervenes is israel and obstacles piece. i think that the new thing you have on his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking. odd since the e you made weapons being used in gaza. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential, could we go to some we can uptake the effective use of the present as not that important factor? he had the story on talk to how does era the colleges
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the . ringback the, the,
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the what you notice here, a reminder about top stores, the ssl at the liberties um group has the law has find the garage of rockets and moving around sitting on the air, ride sirens, and towns and villages as well. says as i am done, a defense system consist of some of them at least 25 people have been killed and is ready attacks and cancer in the past 24 hours is. is there any forces so to thousands of palestinians to leave their shelters? in con eunice and the governor refreshes belgrade region has issued evacuation orders to people. and one of his districts video released by the ukranian military shows its forces in the village of pearls in belgrade on sundays. but the can you now with a religious conflict that has gone on trial, accused of men's souls, a pool and thing, and mackenzie was arrested off to the remains of more than $400.00 people were found in the forest in kenya. last year, he is accused of encouraging his followers to stop themselves, to dis,
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telling them they would go to heaven. mckenzie and $94.00 co defendants, also based on the trials on charges, including murder, terrorism, kidnapping, and the torture of children. but from on this we're going to go over to stiff dick who is in mombasa with the trial, is taking place and so can just run a through what's happening in court today. i guess. well, mackenzie appeared along with the 94 others. you really appeared still like the man in charge. of course it's a rare opportunity that will have them gathered together. so he was greeting them, quitting some of them by name, looking around at some points before he sat down and talked to his lawyer. it is that wonder way we're hearing from the 1st prosecution witness, and that is that a secret with witness if you will protect it. so the media had to leave and they plan on bringing 5 witnesses this week and then this trial will adjourn until september. but the others go on. interesting. the, you mentioned there are,
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there's 4 separate trials going on against for mackenzie and his accomplices. one is terrorism, one is murder, one is torture and cruelty to children. and today, the last one, the 4th is taking place here of mine, soldier, a really as a case that shocks can you shock the world. if you look at the numbers, almost 500 people found in mass graves in the track, a hood of forest. and there, so hundreds missing. so if you would create that to other, for the just cult desk in modern history, it could potentially down the line be the douglas and stiff. can you just to give us an idea of the code itself, like you say it is one of because it is one of the most deeply religious cults in long history. yes, pull. mackenzie was a taxi driver and then he import appointed himself as a preacher, a pastor and mine, of goal of setting up his own church over time. that became controversial. he also had his own television channel. is this something quite common here in kenya?
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you know where they kill rudy dog, but noises people telling them that you know their problems can be sold, their illnesses can be solved. he closed the charts in 2019 when it came on the scrutiny of the government was arrested a couple of times. but really moving to the shock a whole forest urging his followers to come with him over time, it became an order for starvation that that was the only way that his followers could have salvation could go to. heaven could meet jesus. i'm at the end of the world was upon them, so this was the way they would have to prepare. and now the order is also a terrifying the details of that children have to go far. so parents starving their children of food and water, then women have to go then man. and he was to be the last his children weren't sent to the far as the interesting me. they are still living around here with our ground parents, but he's now on trial for one of that. they deny the charges and the defense also sanction they go to prove that it wasn't
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a suicide pact that it had nothing to do with the legend but just briefly also it raises the question here of the lack of scrutiny, of the lack of accountability when it comes to these religious preachers, pastors, the setting up a church has anyone can do it with no real accountability or regulation. so that's something that the government just starting to look at to. ok. thanks so much to stephanie. take it for us that and we'll bustle, or hopefully some has an a, a, have a rest of leading opposition party figure to do list according to party officials. he was arrested then by a, in the south west of the country. he had planned to take part in a really to my international use day with young people from across the country. now, police announced a ban all the use gathering, accusing the potty violent protest. pennsylvania is choose a whole presidential parliamentary polls late next year. patients have been evacuated from hospitals, northeast of athens. we have 5 cruise. i'm battling a fast breeding wall,
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5 hundreds of firefighters, and more than 20 wasn't booming plans. planes we're going to contain the forest. 5 strong winds have blown sick, like smoke of a parts of the capitol. 5 warnings are in place for much of grace. now this is june and july, with the hottest month ever recorded in the country with already the urging people to stay inside with doors and windows closed. on combs, top court has upheld the convictions of 7 prominent pro democracy activists over their involvement, an antique government protest in 2019 media tycoon. to me lie, and 6 of the campaigns have lost the final appeal to overturn the rulings. the quote says they organized and actively participated in an authorized rallies that drew an estimated 1700000 people into the streets of hong kong. the pro democracy movement was the biggest challenge, the hong kong government. since the 1997 hand the,
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the well, the parents olympics have ended in style up to 2 weeks of thrilling competition. the us top, the middle stifled with hosts from securing its biggest tool and more than a century. discussion about the reports from paris. at the start, the pro stadium map, so i power the stalls, the closing ceremonies, and then pick out the lead from parade. clearly enjoying every moment. morrison windows receive the metals. hundreds of all the chairs with the sun during the dazzling shows. dogs music, westbridge altis, including phoenix, the ceremony ends more than 2 weeks of spectacular sport with new olympic stalls. dazzling come barks and history may cause like the other for the trip or dump or winning gold for dominique. a dream come true for the athlete. and the 1st of the big metal for the
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caribbean island. this is a particle of athleticism. they've had a whole sport on the biggest stage in the world, and i always end up on a podium, but to end up on top of the podium for a country that barely has 73000 people. me, you're talking about the stadium being almost the same capacity as my population, you know. and so it's just an amazing, amazing feeling. and i'm so grateful to move in 10000000 visitors in paris. the city transformed into stage for the games with its famous monuments turned into sinews and the rivers send. a sense of peace for swimming events after decade, long clean up. as for the cities residence for the ins, once loosely cynical about the lympics themselves, the biggest posse. so many people in gainesville copeland, you're not listing and welcome distraction of the week of political turmoil in the country following july. it's not like this was really an amazing experience. and it's all good. i do sold to people who are
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a bit hesitant. it is can see pool. well it's school. everyone's happy. and it takes a randy without control oversee though and powers 2024. how did special, including agenda debates and women's boxing. they also concerns about security, but in the end, few incidents generic power is how do the big flag to los angeles, which was the 2028 summer games act to tom cruise, adding a touch of hollywood place to an extraordinary nights and such a butler to 0 power as well. straight on his bank see his own filed his latest creation and the you guys, capital the school. all fish popped off on the police century box and london making it look like an aquarium is the 7th installation and the animal same series of how it works released in the past week. thank these previous pieces, a cat chlorine to reply, would this taken down hours out to being spa,
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so it's on an old billboard. right, so for me, tell them the credit for the moment, so you can find much more information on the website. so that's, i'll just share a dot com to 12, just sarah is coming up next to stay with us. the, the hello, drenching grain is on the way for queensland states in australia. diving into those details right now, i'd say anywhere from rock hampton to brisbin. this is where the rain will be the worse copious amounts volunteer. so we take a look at the 3 day forecasting brisbin. i think this is gonna kick in by the afternoon through wednesday. so between those 48 hours, looking at 2 months worth of rain, that much rain, that fast certainly will give us some flooding. it's about the winds in new zealand
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while they've been pumping up to about 70 plus kilometers per hour. so on tuesday for the escape around gets been yeah, we can expect those wind gusts to again reach about 70 kilometers per hour. let's go to this part of southeast asia. it looks fairly quite in jakarta, at 32 degrees, few showers, rolling across sumatra. but the intense rain has backed off from where it was about 24 hours ago. there's been some flooding in cambodia, but i think the worst of the rain will actually be for the eastern slice of myanmar . and a lot of dr. whether it's a be found in china, most of the rain around united bungee and one down providence is pushing into fuji on and now the tropical storm. maria has made line fall this quite a rare landfill. by the way, only the 3rd time. a tropical storm is midland fall is part of the world. it's now moving away so much calmer conditions. the discussing the defining issues of our time. we are the subject of a i,
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we are not the users of a i going beyond the artificial intelligence hyphen, big tech propaganda to explore how to code the sites. an ethical ai though is racial bias is getting worse. you've got more of those in power. are the ones with the resources to decide where it's used? how do we change this paradigm? studio b, b a r series on a jersey to uh, the one the fall in love. many young european american jews are raised to believe that the jewish identity is contingent on the unflinching support for the state of his route. well, that identity is now very much in crisis, is many young jews watch in graphic detail. the state of israel is also gov and the worsening treatment of kind of thing is in the only 5 west back.


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