tv The Bottom Line Al Jazeera August 13, 2024 6:30am-7:01am AST
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deadliest in modern history, stephanie deck houses are in the red pan. it may be hiding a blue secret side to say and in time ocean could be beneath the surface of moss researches. believe there's water up to 20 kilometers underneath the motion, crossed barbara and go. power reports a 3000000000 years ago, scientists say mosque was a web planet. a new discovery based and sees mac measurements from now says moss, inside the land is helping to unlock the mystery of how it turned into a desert. we know that mars once had rivers, oceans, potential oceans and lakes on its surface. and one of the big questions is, where did the water go? because the planet is now dry and cold. there are thoughts that some of the water escaped when mars lots of atmosphere, is it in minerals? how much is in liquid water? we've learned something new about the hydro geological or the water cycle on mars.
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that much of that water is now under ground. scientists say, if it can be extracted, it will increase the likelihood of human settlement on the red planet. nozzler has an instrument on the parts of you in silver which has manufactured oxygen. so we just need a watered in some form for human existence as well as making it ok trip in the bus, cuz it's making starship which can study $200.00 people to mars and 6 months. so it's all coming together. so, you know, in, in 1015 years, it might not look like the science fiction anymore. the research is behind the study when it will be extremely difficult to reach the will to estimated to be as deep as 20 kilometers below the motion surface. what we do on earth is we often circulate fluids or muds to help drill and get a little bit easier, you know,
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on mars, you'd have to bring that or produce it somehow. you need the power, you need the equipment. so it would be very challenging. if that can get the water to the surface, it would also go a long way to answering the question of whether there's life on mars, barbara and grandpa, out this era, to finally this bulletin scientist and brazil, a, celebrating a dramatic increase in the number of humpback whales being seen off the coast of realtors, and now the water is once a hunting ground for the marine mammals prized for they belong to researches say at the highest of the way of watching season. the how back population is estimated at 50000, but fine to say the wells remain a switch and spaces stay with us on the challenges 0, the listening close to is coming up next. thank you for watching the on counting, the cost is of a u. s. recession put the presidential camp site of campbell of harris to the test
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was from european nation, still buying washington oil both take a look. plus nigerians angry, but other presidents reforms to blame for that hardship. counting the cost on al jazeera hello. hello. okay . how's the kennel with me and shaking it with me? i'm sure you can count on little chicken on with me and see
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how i can rely on the good. there's a little higher level corolla lynn has. i've been with the se, the aluminum i showed one quick, so how to do it. and then we'll look at the home on i've been on i initial body shop was basically how your mom is i'm a let, has actually been the damn the text theater of a shimmy. i'm just gonna live on to the island. another for show of us now living on the how one of the airlines see the life version of eltic, alaska for
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a minute. i'm really nothing else. i can solve this whole so happy like in this level of detail in how to model those. uh, a of what had tim saw was, uh, a model. awesome. well montage when the how to who are not gonna cause higher, ron a couple more for the life center. so right now, live in town were in the fall and the list of how to get the how to ship with not going on here. i mean the issue a lot less salons on how them, how do my to upon the knowledge ahead hasn't been done a lot of less than uh,
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unusual, has my name is it sort of hung up on me when i had no interest while on the law and law was that the the, the the, the lot of the work for i got out of a honda and no i can, i'm hopefully you don't, guy didn't see it. and luckily a auto off, all of that are clearly and we can really like and one from us or the region and i am living with the last among the less what the heck am i
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going to show it's paula. i'm done hunt. i'm done a lot of senior at the end and i collide colin. colin don't wanna walk a little while. i love out of my cuz i lived with does village because i looking for showing malware unofficially malware, things that had enough. oh for sure. and can you, i think i'm gonna issue perfect done as you're not a younger than most of the, the, any kind of the clean up possibly a little bit dated and huddled. we'll have to have a young i'm but i'll have the it hurt if the bundle kind of sad of that. if in the mean major as there is, i mean is all i'm interested in the cub. huh. how can i help? how can i help me in fish in the fall as the
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the the, because the and what was your data elements and you know oh. c well, i'm on official shufa. yeah, i've had to share it and gotten the how to do it on it. i shouldn't come on the phone and i'm just letting you know the little i'm on with them and besides 4 and a little uh, mckenzie. and besides going on, let me put you on with them. probably go where i live with them. it's honestly because of it them 9. yeah. but you know me and one for the shuttle. i help me. i mean, can we become a shuttle you for that info. mm. especially on a loan that was performed on the full
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and you can see, oh me, i'm not a persona. and just next to the saw you you only, i'm using it the full of models. lot of them had the stuff in now. yeah. are you, i'm in most the works of but of the model decided at home. now you will send them and let them know how about us to 0. hopefully. enron, us a shot if or took a closely shuttle doesn't go with the engine in general. way i know you said to me on is the, the fact that her listen height, height was her condition. the
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the drone. can you hear that goes a $24.00 on 7 buzzing in our ears as if it's like the national anthem or something. you sleep on a drone, you wake up on a drone, you live your life on a drone. can you imagine living 6 months with this bus? it's insane. for 151 days i have been daily reported. if i wasn't like producing packages or doing live reports, i have been treating and posting on my instagram. we were driving in the car, finishing up the rec for today. and suddenly a huge explosion happened. it targets a lot out. i saw her brain. maybe she's
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a 5 year old. the we're not used to it. there's lots of stories. people who are still trapped under the rubble, people who till now don't have their bodies found people who can't feed their families, people who are arrested on their way from evacuating from the north to the south. every time i see a mother calling, i remember my aunt, my uncle, every time i see a wife cry, i remember my friends who lost her husband. and sometimes i would sit to reports and i would sit to cry like literally sob. because i wouldn't have any words to describe what i am seeing. my voice has been
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trembling all the time. i don't know if i don't have the rightful copy, larry, and i wish i had more words to describe what was going on. the mission of it was any diamond hostels? let me see what was the water and the queen jamieson done. one of them an 8 issue. oh yeah. i remember divided full. yeah. remember, could had them better for me, so it'd be a and, and the should be in fact, as a, i me inside of that been much that i do when you, when i met some people can decide to keep the simplicity hired was this plan is that even investment in how you knew nothing. what had the man said, they've been used to have the gen
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ed because any fee of them and about in the nothings like tons you don't have to you can't have those because you don't guarantee that you're going to stay alive or you won't be bombed at least for palestinians have been killed and is really air strikes. they are, they all are the hospital. so this is the 10 where we need to need work in. my colleagues were sleeping here, where this is their own phase they're living in. we're still looking for the people we know and we're still looking for our beloved when the the search bar must see how you doing it. that's 11. i'm not
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gonna agree. even one. no, no, no. can. oh no, no, no, there's be no as close to the machine open after them. never answer the phone please. oh no. as long as i've done this on the, on the boss and why is this? and i see some of the federal funding and assets almost all the way so wrong. what was what somebody wrote a lot of times in the past and, and as long as i find this, this is one mentality. somebody gets in in the house on the phone and left a movie here and, and rainy already knew it was working well, unless that's not,
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it has the effect. this was and i know, wow, what's the, what's the, what's, and that's what we as you know and let me know what's an accident. awesome. awesome . is that the i'm, that's what it was. and i haven't assessed the young atlanta. so when i was at the moment i can sample like any how and, and the high level having a really good, an alliance shortlist some especially when i was actually a photographer that could even if there's no i a part of the out before the fall ahead is rosanna, i know is i will say now what's on, why don't i sound when they are, why that's not a song i'd ask what i understand. that goes a whole different thing. i say, i don't, i think they have a phone cuz i don't at the thoughts when as was not letting me until like, i don't know so, so you know what to say. i want to play with us or for us to or not so very much of
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the ocean. oh, that's a lot of fun. right. so we yeah, it's on the phone and then yeah, i just hold on. and so i have the last name, sir. how can i say, i don't, i don't want that russian. i'm wondering if it's a little cut out of the planet. yeah. okay. also on the, when i was supposed to be there, when i went to the plan, i'm a little past almost what it was to me. i know me as all over the last one and that's where the young lady that i'm up front of me run into years. i've had a lot that wasn't enough lesson with our that hello. can i send in paper for phoenix? him? uh huh. so
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who was the last show a show on his should have shown your initial fee you enjoy and i know a sucker to publish it. and here's the log in and show her the most of the and i sure yeah. okay. not a father does not a function of love have to do and you know, right is very, very nice with the same thing as the i can or something, not at this number as opposed to i think another thing if i used to work things out, if this is not my fish, i can link doesn't i'm on the truck or is there going to work for a lot of my vision? the resolution plus along the have a little i nothing. i know it's a little i'll would be home in the national home, but i'm not home all have to do for us on this on the lot of kind of on it
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and it has a little longer. so right now on both the you know me and that's what the little seeing low and your so the hot have glass on back to the had the on the recorded it was that the fire on one was as if i said it's a lot of fun they all, for the, on the roof in the list. i'm wrong, i can see a lot in the market from the kind of the saw budget than jani ali eh, on the upper left. now save can play on your godaddy account or what the next. and then is the one that'll be here. and then we'll call you on the, on the call. i'll just come get them in as hands the single color that, let's say i wanna. yeah, i mean, whatever phone fail the best. yeah. the event shades the sob. uh, move and living the window close off of if not sign up for jack, give me
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a buzz, shout out, and then press on. well, it a mac, mac, 10 of us all month to put this when my dad is in the home. uh, enjoy on this. okay, the, well, the thing the fun is the foundation is for the month zillow. so i'll see you enough in jersey to and this is chevy fusion, about the and the less heavy weather when we got on the model, assuming the phone, how do i just dial oakland, california to new jersey. oh, no colored and had us mean who would have us top 10 in the but then when the full then wednesday la t. but the additional problem that we will supply in the until looks easy. it's as the does nimble both, and it's already in the works. he thought he hadn't been as little as he gets our little people when wallace. ha, ha,
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ha, ha, ha, ha ha. allowed them to move out on the insurance part of the cars. i f e love to hear the image of a leo. meanwhile, lucky i see him play on japan. yeah. but i'm the one of i'll create most, i'm gonna feel past the other half as any on any level there, there was a come at the head, the amana, i let the a cannot say, i don't know if they hear nothing monitor. i'm not shocked me for sure. i'm out of the pond. as i remember the last time i was at home, it was the 2nd day of the war. that was the last time i just left and then i was treated for my family and my husband. and then i didn't even have time to take any of my belongings. so reporting on this genocide was you're living,
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it means you're also being displaced. you're also starving. you lose your friends, you lose your family members. you lose your cousins. i lost 3 cousins so far as more than 10 friends and all of these stuff are, those are some things that won't come back again. so living these stuff, everything just drugs to be objective of the cover. it's very hard. you want to report, but at the same time you want to feed your family. you want to search for walter, search for food, and also staying the lice. you also want to stay alive the, you feel like you're somewhere like in a game. and every day we're like, oh my god versed in a lives who,
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who is like more of a of an accomplishment every day you're a live like now we're lot alive for 151 days of genocide. that's a great accomplishment. yeah. for the 1st time, for new years, we're not allowed to enter the customer's trip. so that's why the world didn't have any other option. then the policy news and people are amazed us. what we are producing those policies. they're amazed that their policy is beginning, which they're, i mean, this policy needs are good editors, but yeah, we are, here we exist. we're dreamers. we're hardworking people. we are human beings. under genocide, we're resisting this genocide. and we did not choose this. we were forced to live this and to report about this. yes,
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we're brave. but we're brave because we really loved palestine and we loved guys the the let's see the emotion them the what's the name windshield, rod, arkansas and the last name then what kind of 11 is it with a supplemented a ziploc bishop. you know, what happens is that we, i mean, is that us and that's a pretty my level that's off. i'm driving. i saw a 1st session with her soon, and i was only, i don't live and not have
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a lot of that. so that's why i'm so that's what i just went off the another hand and also even i'll call them when i am as a human the one. and i'll be also model also signed by the one, right? i know when you're comfortable, and i mean, if i few minutes, they bounce off lesson for you and last year. and that's why. yeah, and the, so the only the samsung, i last alignment how when it comes saying sort of this all content and then along and that's a lot, you know, getting into stuff listening. i wrapped a. yeah. and then i was in bring the whole class, not the size of the supposed to be as long as when i was in a well, i went out the line on the phone and that applause me honey. and well, i'll tell you what i'm saying. i don't know if i'm giving you one minute. i thought
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i was wrong underneath the yeah, i live at them and they say, oh, i'm follow up and then i'm gonna say put it on the stop if that's what it means. i'll talk to someone else and nothing. if there's nothing in my name, it doesn't have that. and that's not what has has nothing a list, a lot of books from the song. it's all post on typing that was there so i can wait. i just don't remember having a problem ready for sharon? oh don't they have even a lie out of a special way and i don't even know where to sunday the i'm just on the phone waiting for over then. no plan put on a lot. hopefully it's a really long, it's all, it's doing it for helping you out. the one thing is that it's the most. oh, also in the field, 100 on the
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lot of the time that i'll tell you one of the things that happen, especially the flat of 9. it has a lot of the form to pump in the front of the same level rush. and we'll see kind of the thing to note is the how will i know if the saw the sort of the as a whole lot when they come in and it says, no matter what else to have the as well as the law is the one that was the youngest, i'm going in for fun with a lot of people. so if somebody has definitely given this afternoon and say and did it, but i saw what the hello hello. well, i really need to hear from mr. west in iowa and got on national living. i don't. one of the shy one isn't going to shy of working on the in line. i live interest
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shives. so i'm going in your mail also for the images that i see national a highly and with the law not to show and the action and the national real quick. one of those, you know, when you go up on wednesday. yeah. i well it should've been a shot, a lot of the nation, the, the oh cool enough and the actually cam done and how to do with the the size the is okay. pass. i kind of the engine the left. so that's a lot of the risk when i can get enough model of the truck coming on with. so it, in order to get in the sort of thing, it's our daughters kaylin and am if somebody ought to be in the tower the lot and
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push it off. when is it the money a lot of rain or not with the should in the oh man, well me in memphis kind of myself. and that is all the, a unique perspective, the transfer and the displacements are being vision as population has been discussed as part of design. his project went back for well over a 100 years on heard voices all the times. people have these days by the fall of the bombing connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. young people are not looking for a hand, but they're not backed up by
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a system that supports the streams on out just the or, or the safe, the mean comment as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator hero now from august, 19th until the 22nd and delegates will gather in chicago for the democratic national convention. cala harris will make history as the 1st black women and asian
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american. you. 2 as president to nominate, to walls is who are running in less than 3 months, have a with the election, full coverage analysis here on the palestinian slave of the few belongings they have left as fairly strikes from gauze to take the official desktops needs 40000 hello on elizabeth put on and this is i'll just see where i live from to ha also coming up is where the forces shoot one person dead and destroy a holland during raids in the occupied west back qualifies. move closer to the great capital full since.
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