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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 13, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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its analysis, sierra, the the hello, i'm sorry i'm the why is the welcome to the news, our life from dough. ha. coming out for the next 60 minutes. and now the town, the athens is evacuated as greece bottles the largest wildfire of the year. for us, the day more than 2000 as riley settlers, an ultra nationalist and deluxe and most compound in occupied east jerusalem. ukraine's as its troops now control a 1000 square kilometers of rushes close to region. and it's ongoing cross border incursion. and a was on ton terrace destination, how libby is rival governments to create opportunities?
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we report from ms. rod to the hello and welcome to the program. it's 10100 g m t. we begin this news hour in greece, where a major wildfire is quickly spreading the athens. at least one person has died in the blaze on the outskirts of the capital. hundreds of 5 fights as a baffling the inferno which broke out on sunday. for caesar, evacuating towns and hospitals near athens, as the flames destroyed for us and holmes. this way to my house, it was utterly destroyed. even the walls fell down. there's nothing left. there's no more rawls, no courage. there was no money any more. everything was destroyed. that i've been living here for 35 years and never before had the fire reached this area as well.
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all the countries in the region all offering their help and assistance, the sending fi fi to helicopters, fire engines to help put out these flames out. as there is, charles stratford is following the story. he joins us from just outside athens and charles just described conditions that for us now. well, it's a, it's a critical stage now. my room, certainly, according to the authorities for the next few hours, they're expecting a pick up in the winds. we are, and as you can see, a slope of a town close to athens. this area, the height is completely devastated by the file. but as you can see, just beyond where understanding these areas of green and there is smoke, but you might be able to pick up from the camera rising from the bodies. the big concern at the moment because these are small of fires, things are so dry that the concern is, is that tender is being taken by the wind. i'm setting off places in multiple areas
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. we saw earlier, very close to here. actually, a lot of helicopter activity helicopters dropping little chairs on, on the slopes, as you mentioned, a big international effort now taking called in they said it and trying to deal with this crisis. i mean, you can just see how close residents are living to where these buys are taking place. that's a private home that you can see over. see the fiber guy, the fire truck. but if richard just swings round, you'll see this is the but basically the border or the boundary between where this uh, these only go to the ins and the main residential area of this town installed. so we've been speaking to people in town or certainly people, if you want to call it a front line who, what i'm saying that many of the residents have central way the women and children, and they, they stay age tobacco, the bright, the, the blaze. why? because certainly in his words, there wasn't enough for firefighters here to deal with the problem. we know that
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there are around 700 greek 5 flights as involved in this effort. there's also personal that have come over from all the countries of the european countries. and as you say, you are paying countries, having donated well, certainly supplied help with had a cup to is planes, vehicles and personnel. so fall, the desk told only one way. hearing that was a 60 year old woman, we understand was killed in her work, place at least 18 people injured. but as i say, you can, may, will be able to hear the winds the on the mike. but they're all these gusts of wind that are very difficult to get a stair on the direction because of the topography of this area. so um, yeah, it is the questions, these are still the fall from over. although we're not seeing the big places in this area that we've seen in the last 2 of 24 hours, but the emergency services very much on how to unexpected. just say pockets of fire to start in this area at any time. how devastating is this for people
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that who could lose that homes and livelihoods as well? yes, people are a very, very nervous indeed and increasingly angry as well. we spoke to one resident again in this town earlier and he was saying that so the government is being basically fall too slow, react to gain in his woods to react to. so these crises suddenly costing spies happen year after year. he said that and he lives in a similar situation to this with a house by next to where the place to take a place. he said that, you know, they've seen a 5 stop on the mountain last night. that's pretty making calls to the emergency services to cool in a helicopter. he was told that one would arrive indeed, but it has, you know, when you had the impact but not enough impact the flyers still building in this area. so we understand that the government is already offered people compensation
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understand up to $10000.00 euros. the people that have had property destroyed and also help with paying rent. but there are increasingly angry voices being made tools, the government, the saying that yeah they yet again, a failed to be prepared for this kind of causes that we see happen in greece pretty much every summer. thanks very much. charles stratford from just outside the great capital athens. elaine 8 and the review is global. she feeds officer you inhabitant was athens, deputy mayor. she joins us from lack of us in greece that we pick up on the point that our correspondence was making, that he's just reporting from outside degree capital, a great deal of anger and disappointment among the residents. how do you explain that lack of preparedness for this? a mega fires? hello. hello. by the way of mega fires or something that is in a new phenomenon that you've, we've been witnessing for the past few years,
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or for the past decade, all around the world. it's not an easy thing to, to deal with. it's a big monster. and a lot of people that have decades of experience in firefighting are saying that they've never seen this type of fires that they've seen the last 2 years. and this is, i'm talking from a global perspective now, i'm not talking just for greece. and, and this, of course is linked to the fact that due to climate change ends to the condition of our forests. which are, you know, increasingly amassing of bio mass like dead leaves that branches, dead, dead trees that are not really managed properly, but also because of course of climate change, which the last 2023 was about this year that we've ever recorded and the last consecutively, the last 13 months have been breaking records for the hold this months ever
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recorded. so of course we had a very cold winter in greece. we had no very little rain and we were all really, really scared about what was going to happen in the summer. so to kind of close this, i think that it's really, really hard to, to, to, to, to deal with these with these fires and finally say the saying, but it's not possible to prepare an adequate response or that i know governments, he's, i'm making, i'm working on that contingency plans, and i think there's always, there's always we can always do better. and i think that the government should have and should, in the future give much more attention to prevention when they did some stuff this year, which was for the 1st time asking people to make sure that they clean their um, their pieces of land from dried up a brush and, and dried leaves, etc,
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etc. but there should be a much, i think, a really much more engaged approach in managing the forest and the dry, the dr parts of the forest. so a lot of prevention and looking into solutions from other countries that have been to are starting to try because again, this is a problem that a lot of different governments are, are, are, are dealing with australia, has a lot of knowledge that we could look into the california time about for to go from them in the building and has a lot of and part of it for example, is more traditional ways of dealing with for us before i can ask you about that then as well as far as become inc. more and more extreme, 5 fighting isn't going to be enough. what can be done in terms of prevention measures to manage this as well?
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i think that's part of part of the, of the role to play is for all of us to get more engaged with our forests and i, it sounds, it sounds crazy, but i was hoping that, you know, countries like greece would really mobilize on both the army and volunteers and with the guidance of um, foresters, and um, and firefighters decide which parts of forest we have to really clear up as well as how can we create zones of and to fire zones. and also just keep kind of engaging with for us, which we have left because a lot of people have used to live in the countryside and little villages and used to kind of a depth would from the forest and be more engaged with managing the forest. and had different livelihoods linked to the forest have left the forest behind them have moved to the, to the urban centers. so this is another aspect that we have to look into. so it's kind of more of a start to long term plan of how is your open,
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how are different countries going to really put forest as part of the, of, of their, um, productive and part of the reclaiming of the countryside together with agriculture like it really needs a more visionary and really a bit of a radical thinking and a bit clever thinking because this is devastating. the amount of forest that we're losing globally right now is really a fuel looking more and more. so 1st of all, the c o 2 emissions, but also more and more sheets all around our globe were seating up our little, much, much faster than we thought. yes, it is important. this isn't just something that is limited to greece, but it's happening in many different countries around the world. thank you very much for letting that. emily, joining us from lack of us the
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us more than 2000 is riley, illegal settlers and ultra nationalists of and to the deluxe and most compound and occupied east jerusalem. as riley police preventive, the settlers from entering the musk itself. 90 was seen performing jewish religious rituals, israel's national security minister, it's a mob been good there and another minister were among this group. and then in the occupied westbank is right exactly as the village of to one a. they responded to calls on social media to re pod us thing in the villages near hebron. the satellite arrived on bosses under the protection of is raining forces snipers provided additional kava from the rooftops. shortly we'll have to ramallah in the occupied westbank and speak to nita. apparently she's standing by force 1st . so want to talk to zane, but strongly he is in amman. jordan, because he is running. government has bind, i'll just arrow from reporting in israel. first of all, what are you hearing about developments in an around the i like so most compound
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saying of the will, this is an annual event, but there are a few things that set it apart from what we've seen previously in previous years. of course, it comes in the backdrop of the war and gaza, and this large group of people is much larger than we've seen in the past. that is being led by a known, far right politician and known far right, administer. it's more vandevere who has often peddled hate speech as what she proposes should become normal is rarely policy. so that is certainly something that has been seen as provocative and very worried. some of the numbers are very high. the rituals being performed, the raising of the as rarely flag a from, with an inside the compound, the singing of the prayers, the laying down all being presided over by them to be here. these are all things that are in violation of internationally recognized agreements that govern the holy site. now, ben, give you a, reacting to the condemnation,
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to the criticism. has said that the policy of the minister of national security is to allow freedom of worship for jews everywhere, including on the temple mount really pushing consistently. this is really jewish supremacists narrative. he also said of the war and gaza, that victory is not to go to conferences into our cairo, but to force them to neil. this is the message we can defeat from us and bring them to their needs. so from this event, from inside, the alexa compound speaking in these very aggressive terms, is what is being seen as a very, very provocative and of course, optics matter this far right politician against the backdrop of one of islam totally as sites as the war and jobs as going on, as there is talk of trying to negotiate a ceasefire, a prisoner swap, all of this will definitely be seen as provocative, not just by hamas and other mediators, but certainly within is rarely politics as well. how significant is he like some
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mosque and tell us about developments and reason is why we see the barricades and the restrictions, essentially making this site decide how the site is um in accessible to the vast majority of palestinians as well. that is certainly one of the primary concerns are jordan, the caretakers of this holy site. they criticize what they've seen today saying that it is unacceptable for these, this really leaders for his really worshippers to simply go in and out as they please without any coordination without going through the proper channels for what is a very sensitive locations. these are agreed upon channels of co operation that govern the holy site to avoid any sort of consideration. it's more than give you purposefully provoking with this large crowd. and at the same time, we're seeing consistently onto today on the state videos of muslims being denied access to enter, which has been something we've seen over and over again. tight controls of most lim,
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worshippers not being allowed to go into the compound. that's been an important part of the criticism we've seen coming out of jordan is through describing this is the storming of alexa by 2 extremist is really ministers and a member of the connective. they describe the actions as provocative practices and the position of restrictions on the entry of worst for so it looks up as a flagrant by a violation of international law and the historical and legal status quotes in jerusalem with regards to a totally sites. jordan went on to say that this ongoing disregard of international law is yet another example of israel's extreme far right overtaking the narrative, and continuing to avoid israel's obligations as an occupying power. thank you very much. same bas around the reporting test from amman and jordan. that's go to him online now and you'll get 5 westbank that a friend is there. and then a tell us about the village of to one a which was stone today by is riley settlers under the protection of. is there any
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forces? always been speaking medium to people in the village would say that they've seen is really settlers before storm that, a village under different pretexts, including performing religious rituals. but by far, this has been the largest incursion to the village in years they've been seeing bosses coming there and pause city and say that it is one way of pushing palestinians out of their homes out of their lives. we know that the area and need as to when and not just that the when, but the villages in the area that the school myself. but of y'all thought is threatened to be evicted. this threatened to beat the mullers. so they see this is yet another way that these really settlers are trying to make processing his life harder and harder and to lay claim to the land. i'm here and i'm a lot and it is near and we are sending near a historical, a building. and we've been seeing his where he said levels will come to this area
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as well. and to try and to pray and perform religious rituals. here again, palestinians tried to come in and prevent them from doing so, but every time they come here, they come under the protection of these where the army and again, this is seen as yet. another way for is ways to lay claim to the lands. they believe that under the protection of these way, the army, these really force these really suckers are trying to push palestinians out of these areas to try and later on builds more and more legal is really supplements and kick palestinians out of the lives they've been in the decades it's important to note that this is part of a trend of is reading satler's assaulting and attacking palestinians. and that was one ray today that took place not far from where you are now. yes, these red new weights continued all across the occupies westbank, including in nablus with confrontations erupted. but here where we are, the palestinian has been shot dead after confrontations broke out with these way
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the 4th. now these really forces came here to demolish the houses of 2 palestinians if accuses of committing an attack in early january, they disconnected the 2 houses, making them basically uninhabitable. this was seen by families here as a policy of collective punishment, whereby even if they have a problem or an issue or they say that this person is resisting these radio occupation. families say they are paying the price and they are reminded who has the ultimate power and who has the control over every single detail of their lives . speaking of collective punishment, we've been speaking to families across the occupied west bank of janine and bethlehem, who'll say that even knowing the fate of their sons is with these really forces who are basic, intentionally withholding this information to further increase their misery.
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the. it's a miracle this mother says the 1st one might be a life is really forced to say the killed fight. did we, sam, noon, and confiscated his bosses. the policy is real use is against the palestinians, accused of attacking his will. but district video for him in his way to hospital. so just he might be alive and receiving treatment. i oh no. i recognize the darkness under his eyes and a previous injury to his arms. i feel like i'm dreaming. while the family was waiting for the body to be returned, they dug this grief and reserve the spot for we sam to be buried. the family has removed the tombstone clinging to the hole. that is a life. but it's been months now on the farm. these yes to hear from his radio for these weather we some is a life or death even when an official is really statement said that the wife
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was alive, his family didn't believe the panel. i look through the videos and zoomed and i know my son and his outfit look there now putting a white color on him. but the 2 other men carry delta in attack near and it's really, really 3 check pointed the occupied westbank. if i told his sister, you have to accept that he became a marcher, she said, but he wasn't else injured. i said, we shouldn't rely on false hopes. the palestinian prisoners society discovered there's been a mix up. they confirmed the mother's got that. what we call this ambiguous grief people when not know the exact details of what happened to the children. and this in piece, the norman grief process. this family's grief has been put on hold for the past year. no one has officially updated them about the fate of gammon. a bucket is
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really forced to say he carried down to an attack intel, if he is really a 4th, he's often use the term neutralized which does not specify if the person has been killed or not. as the mother is convinced her son's injury is not faithful. her eldest son searches for answer, but the other, when i started looking at the videos of the attack ins to track the ambulance to find out what happened to him. they say he committed the attack so why they hiding him showed him to us. maybe they killed him later, but sofa, we don't know anything about the product of burial rituals, if they're dead or visitation rights of that or live. so i'm going to see this confusion is intentional and part of a collective punishment. power. listen the price. all they can do is endure the agonizing wait to find out if their sons are dead or alive the day,
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but he just, you know, you walk your pride with bank palestine. the ukraine is saying that it's captured a 1000 square kilometres of rushes kursk region during its cross border incursion. russian forces have been struggling to repel via sold for a week. tens of thousands of people have been ordered to move to border areas that are under attack. russia launched a series of drugs and ballistic missiles of a night. ukraine remains on high lunch, so new air attacks. alex, good talk list has more on this now. the ukrainians have taken subject the terms that they were aiming for the very beginning of this in cushion over a week ago now. and the crate forces are pushed forward to a front about 2625. 26 kilometer is deep. it's interesting that they're still pushing into
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a bow girl in the south of cruise. i know rushes declared a foot anti terrorism operation in pre owned, which is the area above course. so 3 border regions now and this russian terrorist operation ukrainians were slowly losing in the east. and so that's what we say losing it incrementally, but it was happening the russian army as far larger and you can afford more losses . the russian army still advancing towards tourette's and from cross in the south. i'll be very slowly and the idea was for ukrainian high come on was to lou. a russian forces away from that critical area and to try and get them to effectively waste their time in the north, but the craney and concussions being successful and it shows no signs of stopping as well without an action, tens of thousands of children. and so don, are risk of dying in the coming months. this is the latest warning from the united nations is described the conflict as the largest humanitarian causes in the world
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for children. the army in the pine military rapids support forces have been battling for control of the country. for 16 months. the violence has displaced almost 11000000 people from the homes. the us the same piece tools will go ahead in geneva this week. and i know the news a decade of conflicts in a humanitarian crisis in libya, the value of the current see that the non situation is making overseas travel on affordable for many people. but it has led to a subject opportunities for local developers and tourism all prices. modeling training reports from the coastal city of ms. rock to the summer days in this about the libya is the 3rd largest city and economic hub. private development, like this beach resort in recent years, has made this a destination for holiday makers across the country. it has,
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he and his family are from a just a small city, you know, lived in desert, 500 kilometers away. if it was up to the children would never leave. they loved the beach and we don't have that back home. there's lots of gains and drives in places for them to have fun. we have been coming here for some of the cases 4 years. what works for this resort. he says, business is great and it's expanding. there is no doubt that miss rider has become a destination point for tourists. we hoped to become the modern lunmark for tourists, tennessee, god willing local authorities and the govern. look of what we have achieved and start to invest in libya as task coastline. libya has suffered conflict and political divisions in small market deputy was toppled in 2011. during that time slot, that was a revel stronghold and saw intense fighting. hundreds of civilians were killed, entire neighborhood, completely rack and look at what since then, the city has been for the most part, untouched by violence,
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allowing time for development. how did the did fax is having to rival governments in libya has had a negative impact on the economy, but it's also created opportunities, not $0.07, and a lot of people cannot afford to travel for the false to vacation who fail the authorities allowed to have the funding domestic to, to the business people are investing and not be thoughts, amusement, parks and west or on the left. this mag now just a short drive from the slot to this ancient port city on the mediterranean was built by the romans more than 2 and a half 1000 years ago. it's one of 5 unesco world heritage sites in libya on its endangered list right now only a few local people come to enjoy the site, but like many other areas, if it was renovated, it could be filled with taurus, clear water, blue sky, and sandy beaches. maybe it has africa's longest mediterranean coastline, nearly 1900 kilometers, much of
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a design develop. what that's starting to change. private investors are developing small beach resorts like this one across the country. but because of the conflicts in libya, most countries advise their citizens to stay away. yet people here hope lasting stability can be achieved and libya can prosper. and maybe then the world will start to come and see how beautiful this country really is. now it's right now i'll just, yeah, that's a lot to hear with and he is our life from the i'm much more still to bring you off to the break. rent is increasing 600 percent in the space of full. yes. well, look at what's behind to kids, housing crisis, because the red planet, the hiding of blue secret scientists say that could be an entire ocean beneath the surface of mars. as an important one, suspenses fear, but she hasn't done that, that's coming off and you support this on,
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on the it had lower then monday was the hottest day of the year so far across parts of europe, including the u. k. we so temperatures pick up towards the mid thirty's, across central parts of england. london recorded 33 degrees celsius and you can see people enjoying those hot and dry conditions across the north west. now that hasn't been the case across the southeast of europe for places like greece, we've, we've had hot and dry conditions, coupled with a very strong winds and those fuel wild fi is binding to the north of athens. now the bad news is that the high pressure is still gripping parts of the balkans on choose say, we've got high temperature warnings out for the likes of bosnia and herzegovina,
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serbia, and croatia as well and southern parts of easily. now we're going to see that room ad rift is way for the north of the next few days, sparking warnings across the west and pots of germany for high temperatures on wednesday. but behind that, across the western pots, if you, if it will be cooling down slightly, thanks to an area of high pressure working its way of the atlantic. that's going to bring some mixed weather conditions to person on the island of island. some storms mixed in with that heavier rain and you can see it pushing its way further east. across the front. by wednesday the one man was at the top of the most wanted list in palestine. in the 1913, he and his followers were hunted by the british and feared by the palace. oh, to 0 world tells the story of abraham stern to historians and his own family. the leads are up in arms group dedicated to the creation of
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a jewish homeland. profess pictures permitted of jewish refugees prophesied for us to turn the man, the gang, and the states announces 0, a sense of belonging. we always look for ways to be together. and the everyday heroes keeping communities together is couple of them is transforming one day in the 1st part of a series of g, a 0 visits is of a lot. but in mexico city, where locals are turning on a torrijos municipality to an urban utopia, a sense of community on it's just the to the
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welcome back here with the news our live from. don't hard look at the main stories . now, at least one person has died in major wildfire, on the outskirts of the greek capital authorities were evacuating towns. may athens, as flames spread quickly through forests and residential areas. more than 2200 is rainy satellites and ultra nationalist has entered the deluxe. almost compound and occupied east jerusalem, as well as national security minister. it's in law bank of there and the minnesota were among this group and then and they don't do 5 west banks atlas from the village of to one a. a responded to calls on social media to re palestinian villages near hebron. such as arrived on the buses under the protection of his right forces. so has on but already is a professor of international affairs. i can't tell university he's with his live now from online at 1st of all,
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i can ask you about what's been happening in and around the alex almost compound the is right, a setlist. how much of a violation is this of the kind of historical and legal long standing practices around this mosque? well, this should make elation is not a new one. i, you know, the basic shows have been doing this all this time. maybe even before to look 7 and know the important volunteer to mention about. so, you know, there's really, again, that when they talk about the legal steps that are as introduce, some says those are leaking that own settlements in the west bank can be stressing and according to the international law illegal. so those people don't alien. and he's trying to change the status, cool, and then and, and the most go around the most of my going there and present thing you ever think of the fate the company hoping that the everyone else with the problem is that what does this mean from us palestinians it means that these readers have really
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bad intentions about would be fine and status talk. you know, when they talk about the settlement in the future and everyone now was talking about to see a solution. i use of them as i think is the bottom line for the student be connected to what days where it is. i'm trying to do my using the sensor and by womanizing them is to create a different reality. and to convey the message to the kind of seeing that you can't even dream all of controlling journals to them. i think this is the, the, the message that these ladies have been trying to convey. as you say, this is a continuation of the restrictions that we have seen in our, in around the alex almost compound for many years. now. also we have seen particularly since october, the 7th arise and a soles torture and violence against palestinians in the occupied westbank. the yeah, yeah, this is these really, you know, tactics the been trying to
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a to harass the 15 is around the most we've seen a lot of the cases where people are beaten and women were beaten. children were actually uh, driven out to the most uh, but it is an old t v stations can show that easily. so it's, and i would say is support assistant policy. and the pontiff there's really government, whether this government or the one reform is dry cleaning. and that has been running is read over the last 20 years. they are actually driven by one to go. you can object that mission if one is to destroy all hopes of the proceedings and your should have been doing this on the ground day by day being and the out and the for the scene of just watching the war on gaza. expedite all of this in the sense that in the fall go for variable to accelerate. you know, that cracked down in the west bank, which is what we seen today in the village of 20. absolutely,
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this is very an interesting observation and your, i think to those people are using the to the 7th as it protects and they, she and it as a golden opportunity for them to fund for their integrity. it can be scamming, can dream and dressing. and so the expedition of everything and the exploration of all of these project, the actions and, and the end, the west bank and particularly in and just to them. i to disagree seen into why the context, which is these really dream of a controller and going to for older jerusalem and denying that kind of thing as any right. and yes, it up. thank you very much, professor has done it. but on a, for joining us from amman, sure. as well. and his variety, mastercard, a school in garza city on site today. as prompted another emergency meeting of the un security council that will take place on tuesday. the council's $24.00 special
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sense recession says, israel's war and gaza began on october 7th grade with others on the reports on this now from york since october, 7th meeting after meeting. and yet nothing the un security council has done or said, has been able to stop israel's war on guys a, a few examples back on october 30th, an emergency meeting, a call to hold the fighting. when the death toll was 8000, anybody seeing if it's grabbing this when it is literally, the resolution presented today does not reflect the real situation on the ground. in a sense sort to 5 times that was on may 24th. the council meets to pass a resolution condemning the killing of u. n. staff and aid workers. reports are those as already shown it g. the draft resolution demands that parties to conflict of hold their obligations go since then . another 15 un personnel killed and more humanitarian workers as well. and on may 29th. the council meet after israel strikes a camp and rafa sparking fires,
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killing dozens, we are heart broken and horrified since then more strikes by his real, more deaf. this is the 24th special session that has been called on palestine since october 7, 24 sessions get very little that the security council has actually been able to do that significant. and that's something that will continue to hurt and undermine legitimacy of the security council. you know, far past when that sees fire does is, is reaching boss. do you think there's any takeaways from what the security council has not been able to do? i think one of the biggest take away is which many member states have been shouting from the roof tops is a need for a form of the security council. we're in a situation where the security council is clearly not working to maintain international peace and security, as it was mandated to do re, augments your power steins ambassador to the un says the council and member states
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have the tools to hold is real to account. so there are many things that they can do if they have to put it together with to act. journalist report about it. diplomats listen to it. that is the power of the security council. and the hope is of been surely there will be the political will to in israel's war on gaza. something so far, the council has failed to do. gabriel's on to l, just needed at united nations in new york. u. s. presidential candidate donald trump is returned to the social media platform, x, or public, enjoying the one on one discussion with 8 on mosque. but the event was delayed by technical failure, leaving thousands of people complaining must claim the interruption on a hacking attack. he didn't provide any evidence for this type feeling hours endorsed. the full president's campaign is helping him to raise funds. not binder
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is a senior technology reports if immeasurable attack and culture news website. and he says that trump was able to provide misinformation without being challenged. and i listened to the the spaces interview with musk and trump, you know, musk obviously didn't provide any push back. there was no fact checking, there was no correcting of missed information. it was just, you know, the 2 of them having a conversation as if they were friends, you know, and if that's what they want to do on their, that's their prerogative. but no one should be listening. it uh, under the belief that they were getting some sort of hard hitting journalism. it was more like a 2 friends having a chat. there is no misinformation policy at x anymore. there's no, you know, you report something for misinformation or fake news or this information. and there's someone there on the policy team who looks into it and suspends a user that doesn't exist anymore. the misinformation policy at x is basically if
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there's misinformation on the platform, the users, it's up to the users to use the uh, the basically the fact checking feature community notes to add a note on the post that gives it some more context that basically says this is not true, this is what actually happened. the post doesn't get removed, nothing happens to that user. the post just gets a little note put on it. and again, it's up to the users that only put that note on there. button didn't give it enough votes. that it's an accurate note for it to even appear on such a post. the s b i's investigating allegations are wrong and a hack has tried to steal data from both us presidential campaigns. donald trump's team says sensitive documents were taken in a cyber attack, which it accuses iran of carrying out and advises, working for joe by doing combo harris will also allegedly targeted. iran has denied
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involvement. shop are tons. he has moved from washington over the weekend. it was revealed and some of the news publications in the us have been offered internal trump campaign documents the f b i is now investigating. and so far there's no evidence of box connected to the allegations from both microsoft on the f. b, i, the iran has been attempting to hack into both the republican and democratic party presidential campaigns we have has been investigating since june, according to the washington post. several spear fishing e mails have been sent to both campaigns. that is e mails of a port to be from some of the people within the campaigns may know they contain links. when those links are clicked, then all the inside of information is, is surrendered. at the must see a hacker, 3 harris by the officials were targeted to an hours of bite. and as the campaign
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was that however, the power save the bats attempt wasn't successful. however, a search ship of the trump campaign not actually officially part of the trump campaign. roger stone, a very flamboyant supporter of donald trump, he was compromised by a spirit phishing email. his emails were compromised and then his email address is being used to target members of the trump campaign with those links to try and get access to the trump campaign internal documents. that's as far as we know so far the f b. i has an ongoing investigation to the ledges. iran is behind. all of this is prevents presented the evidence and the wrong denies everything she ever times. the alger 0 washington medical was across india has been calling for justice and safe working conditions. following the rape and much of a training, doctor, police found her body and electra hole and medical college in the city of calcutta . she had been sexually assaulted until on thursday night. suspects has been
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arrested. so in recent years, dark years become one of the most expensive countries to live in. people say the surge and the prices of property and rent has made the market on affordable. average. rents have increased 600 percent in the past 4 years. the government kept hikes at 25 percent. that's causing tensions because many alondo just evict tenants and then find new ones who are prepared to pay the high price. it's also led to mine is at least 11 people have been killed and around 50, injured, and confrontations between tenants and property owners. country is facing and you cannot make downtime and inflation is storing its currency. valera is last more than full 100 percent of the dollar since 2018. so it goes over the reports from assemble. with 1000000 the residents, espanol is the most crowded, always stumbles 57 district. but like much over the city,
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it is becoming increasingly affordable. abdullatif is having to move for a 2nd time in 10 months. his latest landlord wants to raise the rent by 60 percent, and some of the official initials buy them up or spending half of our wages to exercise our most fundamental entitlement housing. there isn't much left for us for other expenses. we're just trying to survive that alone live a normal life. brands have grown 6 folder words the last 4 years across to key it. now you may and may have retired, but she's burdened with assisting her married son. could you tell that she will not be another talk? so despite the fact that both of them work, my son and wife live on a shoe string, i pay the range with my own pension to help. the move in is overwhelmed by the wrench. she has to pay for her family and for her daughter studying in a different city. so let me just change it. as soon as my son and daughter graduate,
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we plan to return to our village. there is no future. how much longer can we rent? housing, and rental prices in a stumble are the highest across to care because it is the most popular city. it accounts nearly half of the national economy. it is also popular among 4 and proper to buyers and host hundreds of thousands of refugees. experts say that governments insistence on preserving low interest waste helped to feel the housing market during the pen, demik, fire physical. some assume other investment tools were restricted in order to maintain the low interest rate policy. seeing that an enclosure error with arrived, people didn't invest in detroit because they were due to poor interest rates. they flocked to hard assets like real estate. that's how process escalate to the central bank has since ways interest rates to 50 percent of the time sky high inflation. and that impacts home owners who have been hit with a search and loan repayment fears or for similar earthquake have driven up the
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price of safer newer buildings and assemble north of a major full line scene. i'm castillo l. just every stumble. richard siegel is an economist ambrose a capital any. she explains the reasons behind this. exponential price rise in tucking. there's been a lot of integration to just involved. and the other large cities a number of years ago because of military conflict elsewhere in the region. and more recently, a lot of people have been leaving from russia as an alternative to engage locations such as to buy. but because it's a very large converted part of the city, there's been a lot of for an investment and a lot of the investment us and to us a center or no agent. so one of the solutions would be efforts by the authorities to put people to the bank and properties, but also to build the process of housing. and sparks we found the interest rate policy that existed until about
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a year ago in which the interest rate decisions were largely from the office of the president as opposed to the central bank. and because the views of bad interest rates and inflation or on orthodox dubuque, which they have low interest rates, would lead to lower inflation over time. it unfortunately didn't work, but because it made buying property very cheap with level markets rates. and because the government was encouraging the large commercial banks to extend warrant, which is that led to a housing boom. and therefore we are in the current situation in which i was looking for an affordable for most people. it still has some olympic, and here is tompkins, on display for fossil lineup. the match itself didn't go to plan, son will be here in a minute. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global,
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your real estate destination into by the business latest these things that bind him to light global. your real estate destination in due by the
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sun is hanging out on the spot. thank you very much. marian more team usa is bit to get jordan tiles and then pitbulls middle reinstated, has been unsuccessful. after the course of arbitration for school decided not to reconsider it. charles was upgraded from 5th to said in the women's dom, that sticks of snow. final off the usa requested her school to be reviewed. that moved on the bar bustle down to full, bought the international gymnastics, federation, upgraded for bye. so back to said, following appeal up from the remaining and then pick committee off. it was revealed that the us teams inquest fell outside the one minutes limited to appeal. despite
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the appeal with new evidence from the us, cas have kept that decision for the count on to the next games and los angeles in 2028 has already begun with the arrival of the lympics flag. the flag was collected by hollywood actor tom cruz at the closing ceremony. dislike paris. it will be the 3rd time the city will host the games and a 2028th will feature a new sports like flag, football, squash, and obstacle racing. and we'll also see the return of blue cross and cricket in 4 years time, sending gamut hopes, hopes to be in this duration, that to future generations. the officer should became the 1st refugee athlete to medal at the olympics. 37, actually it's represented the refugee olympic team. and what was the said time competing at the games kind of union born of books on campbell was the flatbed for team that, that has almost quadruple the since 2016. the idea was formed to give displaced
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athletes and migrants a chance to participate god, but created history by claiming bronze and the when a 75 kilogram category. i saw, you know, to so many password i've gone 3, not out every refugee order. one to work is see my story and they motivate them and they give them something to call to, to, you know, to that cult possibly that they go into it so that, that, that area that they, you know, they, this book on the feels like forever, it's not going to end, it's going to end, then there's going to be a lot of the end of the tunnel, a number of books and turned in a monthly of half banks at the people's algeria for their support. as you return to hear his welcome an old years leif overcame continuous scrutiny surrounding her agenda eligibility to win goals and the women's will to wait category. she was her country side the for the closing ceremony. you know about you also have a tiny la, has his hands on olympic gold medal and he returned to belgrade
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a thousands of science. welcome to serving as the home of which has 24 grandson, titles to his name. and the gold medal was the one thing missing from his crib. the countries multiple lo team, also one that's the consecutive goals. metal bar salon has internationals and had the close to celebrate as they presented the euro and olympic medals to the funds on monday, all car boosted and from the lopez showed up there, limpid gold medals, following the extra time for 3 against for us. while you wrote 2024 chat is supposed to be fed on torres and the tour him is especially young plan. i mean, yeah. might as well there is. it was also a chance for new signing daniel o mode to present himself to the crowd by the match that followed did not go to plan. they lost 3 now to monaco and the pre season one caught the trophy is the 1st
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time they've lost the animal trophy for 12 years. was a good start for the new head coach, a hands the flick ahead of their legal open to against violence. yeah. on saturday, reasons. oh you said and um, i know that the team can play much better than then today. and we have um you know, 4 or 5 days more and uh we would prepare them wed for the next match against within 2. a good example for it has condensed the biggest titled history at the atp mantell, a mazda, as well, number 62, buffering beach, 15th annual blast, 6 to 6 full, and he's the us open enrollment event. so the line, the russian 2nd mazda is from the season off to winning it with, with offering is assess, afraid into when a mazda is 1000 and title base. and hugh, it's in 2003 at engine. well, okay, that's returned from injury and style as he hits a home run in the los entities. so it does fix,
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we guess the milwaukee brewers that's suffered a broken hand from fossil in june. bob's. he was back to a hit, a 2 run homer and the 5 to victory. and so here tiny was on hand to complete the when he hit his 36 home run of the season. and it was back to back home, runs that for expensive to add the cincinnati reds slash the st. louis cardinals. 61. it drove in at 5 runs the victory. it was the 1st time in his career that he hit the more than one form, brawn, and again, that's it for me, mary. i'm sign of. thank you. the red part of it may be hiding a blue secret assigned to sign entire ocean could lie beneath the surface of moss. for such is pretty visor was of water exist in fractures and rocks up to 20 kilometers underneath the motion costs barbara and go past the story. now, a 3000000000 years ago, scientist say, mosque was a web planet. a new discovery based and sees mac measurements from now says mosse.
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inside the land is helping to unlock the mystery of how it turned into a desert. we know that mars ones had rivers, oceans, potential oceans and lakes on its surface. and one of the big questions is, where did the water go? because the planet is now dry and cold. there are thoughts that some of the water escaped when mars lots as atmosphere, is it in minerals? how much is in liquid water? we've learned something new about the hydro geological or the water cycle on mars. that bunch of that water is now under ground. scientists say, if it can be extracted, it will increase the likelihood of human settlement on the red planet now. so it has an instrument on the part of viewing strosver which has manufactured oxygen. so we just need a watered in some form for human existence as well. as making it all good for him
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on bhaskar was meeting starship, which can study to 100 people, to mars and 6 months. so it's all coming together. so you know, in, in 1015 years it might not look like the science fiction anymore. the research is behind the study when it will be extremely difficult to reach the will to estimated to be as deep as 20 kilometers plaza motion surface. what we do on earth is we often circulate fluids or mugs to help drill and get a little bit easier, you know, on mars, you'd have to bring that or produce it somehow. you need the power, you need the equipment. so it would be very challenging. if that can get the water to the surface, it would also go a long way to answering the question of whether there's life on mars barbara and grab out his era. well, that's it for me. but during this here in a couple of minutes, the
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the latest news as it breaks, thousands of people lining up to see the 1st harris waltz campaign events and men even tell us they're excited to be here with detailed coverage. almost every day families come to the city more cheery to look for loved one from around the world, a demonstration by people in the phones on my side and say through 5th, it's actually being lodge up in the flood out expect to fly far right for testers. the imagined people drowning in front of you and not being allowed to save them at the crossroads of humanity and international, a former tier desperately trying to help refugees and discharge of human traffic. you must fight to clear the murky waters with this documentary on
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the the pod hitch. i mean to be is israel and obstacles piece of? i think that to move in the f one is government with the says, 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking on the e, you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table, hard from the presidential, could we do it or something we can uptake the effective use of the present as not
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that important factor via the story on talk to how does here the another town near athens is evacuated as greece bottles, the largest fire of the year for a 1st day. the you're watching l to 0 life or my headquarters in delphi and daddy navigate are also coming up. more than 2000 is really settlers, an ultra nationalist enter the an ox on mos compound in occupied east jerusalem.


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