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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 13, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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the, the safe, the mean big come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator here on now the . ready ready ready israel's fall, right, security minister, it's motivated to at least photo knoxville. it says they told me i liked some most compound and occupied east jerusalem. the deluxe. all around me, once the officer, like my headquarters here and also coming up, then your guns are a former commander of the rebels with the low resistance army is found guilty of full crimes. colton and bug mothership is a murder investigation into the ousted prime minister. the following weeks of
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turmoil, the left mold and full 150 people that are following fights, as in greece, continue that back to, to control while fight. and so to be interesting, the capital assets, the welcome to the problem with the get an okey bodies, teresa, the thousands of his rarity, satellites, and ultra nationalists, had strongly accept most compound national security minutes to it's involved and give a, let the march to mock a jewish holiday, but it's being seen as the end of the efforts by far right groups to full. so change to the status quote. let's govern the holy site for years. israel has bundle just that are from reporting from the country to st. mr. avi sent this report for the jo damien capital a month. so the politics of division to so a supremacist narrative, israel's national security minister, it's more than computer says it's his offices policy to allow freedom of worship
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for jews everywhere. even though it violates internationally recognized agreements governing one of this farms holding us the, our policy is to allow premier, i will say something more. we must win this war. we must win and not go to conferences and don't how cairo rather defeat to force them to kneel. that's the message we can defeat. hum, us bring them to be nice singing dancing, religious rituals. even raising his rarely flags inside. it looks almost compound, deliberate publications. the break longstanding cruise put in place to keep the peaks at the same time, most of them worshippers were bored from entering the most to prey up setting the balance is exactly what ben gives here, says he wants all part of the far right state of days of shifting the status quote
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and taking on check control of all occupied palestinian lance. there was a chorus of condemnation from palestine and egypt as well as the custodian of the holy site. jordan, it's foreign affairs ministry issued a statement describing the incident as quote, a flagrant violation of international law and the historical and legal status quote in jerusalem and its holy sites. the incursion was part of an annual jewish event to commemorate the destruction of an ancient temple, but through a larger than usual crowd this year. a day earlier was rarely extremist attached people in jerusalem's old city and vandalized palestinian own shops. on tuesday, mobs of settlers also stormed villages near hebron. violets in the occupied westbank seemingly on the verge of spiraling, out of control the image,
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yet again of a far right leader set against the backdrop of a muslim holy side is likely to inflame tensions. not just in the region but around the world. and it is unlikely to help expected talks for a cease fire and garza and the release of captives zane bus robbie ultra 0 a month is really a strong side of again talk the displace palestinians, and otherwise refugee camp in central garza, at least 6 people have been killed, civil defense crews, all searching for missing people believe to be buried under the rubble. now these right in the army has repeatedly targeted gauze as crowded refuge weekends for the south. and the goal is to strip a 3 month old baby is the only survive. oven is really strong. the killed a family. now the strong destroyed a home and con units on monday, killing 10 people among the dead. all the babies, parents, and 5 young siblings. the parents solve another 3 children were also killed.
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there is no one left except this baby. she's 3 months old out of 20 people. she's the only one who survived. what did these children do? they were all children and they killed them. 23, and 4 year old. all of them were children. both when calling you this 1st bottles are underway between these by the army and palestinian fighters. i renewed is really military operation in the city has fulls tens of thousands of people from that homes. i'm temporary shelters. the united nation says about one 3rd of all humanitarian aid visions to gauze of this month have been denied access. that comes as the health care system, there is collapse. and the number of people getting hungry increases data. another well, food program says nearly the entire population is facing acute food and security in the us state department says can. so how does the showed washington they will work to have? how much represented in garza seeds? fine told set to take place this week?
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our partners and cutter have their shirts that they will work to have from us represented as i just said, to sean. it is far time for him, us to release the remaining hostages, including the american citizens cutter has assured us that they will work to have some us represented there. and we fully expect these talks to move forward. well, for tulsa, condemned as well as far right sgo to minnesota to melbourne, give a for leading ultra nationalist and storming the elect symbols compound and occupied east jerusalem. the united states stands firmly for preservation of the historic status quote, with respects to the holy sides of jerusalem in any unilateral action which this would be that any udall lateral action like this uh, that jeopardizes of such a status quote is unacceptable. we recognize how important the holy site is. so we urge all sides to respect the status quo, but certainly actions like this. um, are they detract from that? and not only do they distract from that,
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we find them to be unacceptable. but those are corresponding to is that the state department? hi robin, me one of the questions that's being asked as these tools, whether they are brand new tools or as how much would like to see they start from where they last left off as well. it is, there is some reporting that indicates that the israel, at least has attached new conditions to some of the uh, agreed upon a points in the talks. uh and it have, i have uh requested that uh uh for example, uh, new restrictions be placed upon people returning to northern gauze and also restrictions place. or rather, i should say, a continued us or is really military presence along the southern
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border of gaza with egypt. those reports would indicate that there are new wrinkles in all of the tasks and never the less at the state department. today, the deputy spokesperson, the done patel said that he did expect that a moss would show up. he said that uh the uh, categories i had assured the united states that heads up from us would be represented at these talks. and the us has also received assurances from the net 10 yahoo government that they will participate in the talks as well. so let me close all of this happening with the bank drop of the, as rarely in terry and minnesota enslaving listed in sensibilities. alexa again, yes, and i think it is perhaps useful to point out for, for, for those who may have forgotten nor, or, or,
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or no longer remember what has happened in the immediate run up the immediate days prior to october 7th, 2023. that there was a increased flurry of a far right, a similar activity going to the all ox enclosure and praying there despite the a prohibition on that under the century old status quo. ready agreement so more than a century old. now the united states today through it spokes for it person here reiterated that he had supports the long standing stat as well as a, as you heard in that the sound bite from mister patel calling then give years activities unacceptable. say that they contribute to the instability of israel and to the, the, the instability of the region in the,
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the security of israel, the detract from the security of israel. however, when he was asked if the united states would employ any sanctions against ben to be, or, or members of his party or take any kind of action that would turn such prob occasions. he said he would not go into any of that. so a lot of talk, but apparently no intention of any action rentals that for a certain state department. thank you. and and the altered westbank is what exactly installed the village of 20. they responded to calls on social media to rage. palestinian villages they had from. the settlers arrived on the buses under the protection of his riley forces. snipes is provided additional cover from rooftops for the policy being present to us as met with the russian president vladimir putin . in moscow facing told us that he was pained by the plight of palestinians and banks. the aspiration for fleet software in the states,
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the palestinian leader will have to keep on wednesday. well, he'll meet the dress, the turkish parliament. no day joins us now for whom i like the occupied westbank. let's just begin with the west bank which has been continually bracing itself with wal attack after another by is riley settlers and today was no different. yes, so hey, let's a relentless campaign. really. you have is really sub players feeling emboldened, especially during the past months of the war. they are represented at the highest levels of government to buy a ministers like it might have been viewed. they carry out these raids into palestinian towns and communities and they're always protected by is really occupation forces. so we saw that in the southern hebron hill near at that same location and why the so see what we saw is really subtler attacking. hello simians,
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an international activist and a little further to the north in hebron city is rarely occupation force has cleared the commercial center of that city, the largest in the occupied west bank in order for it is really settlers to raid an ancient grace side. but they claim to be wholly to them. so part of that relentless situation here in the occupied westbank. where is really settlers are part and parcel of driving away palestinians from their communities making their living conditions really unbearable as we heard from various you and reports and most traits recently from the international court of justice, of course, nor to the pictures of the old to see, but this is the story, the boss takes to russia as he needs to attend. and then he'll go into to kia, it's all about what can be achieved uh, from the thoughts of visits. and once he brings back to the occupied territories in terms of some sort of resolution, if anything gets whole as well it's it's,
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i don't think that the palestinian president expects that he would bring back something concrete. but this is a bit of a flexing of political muscle, if you will. russia is a permanent member of the security council to key is a major player in the region. then they're both allies and friends of the palestinian people. and they have very good relations with the palestinian authority, their sentiments and their positions on the palestinian issue on the war. and also has been very clear. and so he, you know, would be counting on that support taking that support with them as a lead to the general assembly of the united nations in a few weeks. because after all, that is the kind of balance of power that they tell us the new the authority would want to create. given the fact that they've been silent sidelines pretty much in the discussions about ending the war about the ceasefire talks. and given the fact that nothing yahoo, the is really government by and large does not want to see
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a rule for the palestinian authority in garza after the war. so this is a bit of a, you know, bringing in all all your allies and holding them tights. while you want to claim some sort of role after the war, given the fact that you have none during it, no day for us, the in ramallah in the occupied best buy. thank you for the update. now how much is all i'm doing? all the custom brigade says it's talking to these ready, so you have 10 of these and it's sub ups with 2 rockets, explosions, 110 of these. but there are no reports of any casualties. and it is really strongly called a con, southern lebanon. his go to, has been on fight, has the vehicle was traveling between the villages of union manage it. when it was attacked is the, it doesn't use a full me,
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you're going to rebel good. then that has been found guilty of 44 will crime challenges. thomas cool. a was a member of the infamous load resistance on me. he's being found guilty of crimes including murder, right? i'm pillaging. quello was facing 90. 3 counts of all kinds, void divisions of your guns as high cold that he was acquitted them. 3 charges and $31.00 of us were dismissed. quite low as involvement in the el rey has made them a long standing target. so you can drill forward, sees the revel group has a history of all crime, accusations known as the yellow right. the they were founded by joseph cody, in northern uganda, in 1988, and i'm to overthrow the government. the one says the group is responsible for the abduction coming in rape of thousands of people in central africa. it's also accused of brutality and recruiting youngsters as child soldiers. in 2005, the international criminal court issued warrants of a restful kennedy and his senior commanders on charges of war crimes. as they already faced increasing military pressure,
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it withdrew from uganda and expanded into south to down the central african republic and the democratic republic. of congo in 2008, those countries those they've joined defensive with us support, which we can the group, however, can everybody's at launch on the group still poses a threat in some areas like like it was 10 years old when he was abducted by the el rey, he was supposed to send 13 years fighting for them until he managed to escape his story from gould in northern uganda, the bottom demira, a map beach from the lamb. so we have beach and it came out of k to k, r y, a map that kind of made emitted quite amino. do i mean i'm mad at me and i've done it many, i've got them. i know you are chapel, a man named?
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no data would never be too good. and that made a law detect keeping mala mile catalogue beta. maybe they. we chatted at yahoo. okay. add on it. you got them. good. okay, well it died on my google me up my mind. i know the guy that able to come, but i know that the matter went down and now i couldn't get now and yeah, well not a not i don't law god. okay, do you got my god okay. data gets out or what data do you need? the young law get you know, can i get data? did you say the amount of time to do? yeah. did that kind of what do you have that big one man? no. food battery to wiley, winding down, well my now what you out while i come on, i get one, a sing may be well, many may come of getting well, a law wrap down for you or to keep my band ship me a gun. now,
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me to look on with the faculty, my mom i, i, when you get enough money away to be on file, now why i bet it by, bit of job. good. after we need to, why the command city and all you know me on the mad at me will by now. so one modem can for you the model, i have to get to and looked off on any know, don't look out for you to model, not a money order. well, you didn't look give it to you before you animal. and yeah, give us a call you the amount of data for you about the amount of am. well, i'm, i didn't know, but the amount will not be ma, new brand. i'm our name a room with that. that little in law. well, you need to. yeah. the got a renewal for all i can for you when damage out of the room, out of the i'm a live still a head here on, i'll just that are most good says it's striking back again. so ukrainian forces in coast. keith says it's come to the 1000 square kilometer. it's a russian territory the
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. the latest news as it breaks. recent polls show the harris campaign gaming on trump in many swing states. and some recent surveys even show were running ahead of him nationwide with details coverage that will be huge disappointment now the policy, the one the election 15 months ago. it's being dissolved from the hoss of the story . tough with those have been damaged and law and order no longer exist in areas under our stuff went to the was discussing the defining issues of our time. we are the subject of a i, we are not the users of a i going beyond the artificial intelligence hyphen, big tech propaganda to explore how to code the sites. an ethical ai though is racial biases get worse. you get more of those in power. are the ones with the
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resources to decide where it to use? how do we change this paradigm? studio b, b a r series on a jersey to investigative journalism. voices from different corners. stories from all the angles. programs that open your eyes to an alternative. as to where today on now to sierra the the book about you, what you all just bear with me single robin at the heart of mine to of on top stories, thousands of alter nationalist as riley is that still me, i likes the most compelling. they don't keep bodies to reset. national security minister is involved and give a lot the in casual many people,
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religious rituals and the site despite the battle of jews. praying that the state department says content i showed washington that they will work time from us rep presenting task seats. find told set to take place this week. that was also put the eviction of israel's internal security vista storming the 2nd most common time, a full but you got the rebel group. commend that has been found guilty of full time charges. us for yellow was a member of the infamous loads. resistance on me being found guilty of crimes, including the great until itching us a call. soon, bangladesh has opened a murder investigation into the house of prime minister shake and see that on 6 top officials and heard ministration that are accused of being responsible for the police. killing of a grocery store right now, but he was shot, drawing a crack down on student led protests last month. more than 450 people were killed during weeks of civil unrest that falls to seem to,
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to step down and flee to india. the major wildfire in greece switch protocol it on sunday, on the outskirts of the capital, athens is now mess. they have the control. at least one person has died. 66 of those all in jets. they have a capital athens while finds in greece have become a regular occurrence during the summer. as climate change. as coals increase temperatures, i'm reduced rate in full, full authority is a bit of accurate. i think people from the home send patients from hospitals in this of ups of athens. the slain, swept through pine forests, threatening residential areas. european countries including friends, italy, spain, and trust. you have offered to help by sending emergency response crews helicopters and 5 inches just waiting for my house. it was utterly destroyed. even the walls fell down. there's nothing left. there's no more rawls no courage. there's no money anymore. everything was destroyed that i've been living here for 35 years and never
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before had the fire reached this area. charles dropped fits up. this update from the back. they say side town, they athens, you're going to get a sense of how precarious the situation is here and have a look at the slide. you can see with this particular for solitude and how much mole vegetation that his own bud or that exists still up on that slope and there's still pockets of smoke rising from that area behind. down here you can see where the far as rips down the slope towards a town, a large residential area roy's up against people's homes, people's properties. well now that we spoke to say that he and his friends that sent the wives, they women and children away because they was so afraid in order that they could protects their properties. they're already complaints being made. increasingly loud
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complaints accusing the government objects a game not being prepared for this crisis. and of course, there are a wall fires in greece every year. as you can see, this is one of hundreds of far apart and trucks. but the situation across these slopes, we've also seen helicopters dropping will to see the coast directly behind me. the turnaround time in this area for a helicopter to go and collect and drop it is around 5 minutes. and we know that it has been an international effort the heavy donations of equipment far, far as your equipment, including your dropping planes. and we will see dropping helicopters by various european nations and took here. so although the situation here seems under control, the big fear is the wind and we're in a window now that according to the source is just particularly dangerous, where the wind has picked up. um, it is very difficult to tell which direction it blows because the concern is,
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is it that way and picks up burning 10 to lands in an area that has not been, but i'm unable to file the games and that explains why, as i say these by flights as in these trucks are situated right the way across these hills. just so i, but i'll just narrow them up to the of the ukraine size. it's got today 1000 square, columbus as of russia's task region. russian forces are being financing for a week to repel the ukrainian in cash and more than a $100000.00 people up in order to leave border areas that are under attack or defense such as that. and it's the top let sounds the latest ukrainians have taken subject the town that they were aiming for. the very beginning of this in cushion over a week ago now. and the creative forces are pushed forward to a front about 2625. 26 kilometer is deep. it's interesting that they're
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still pushing into a bell garage in the south of cruise. i know rushes declared a foot anti terrorism operation in pre owns which is the area above course. so 3 border regions now and this russian terrorist operation ukrainians, was slowly losing in the east until next. let me say losing it incrementally, but it was happening. the russian army is far larger and it can afford more losses . the russian let me still advancing towards tourette's across in the south. i'll be very slowly and the idea of ukrainian how come on was to lou. a russian forces away from that critical area to try and get them to effectively waste their time in the north, but the craney and ink cartridges being successful and it shows no signs of stopping as long as it gets taught. public health body has declared to a public health emergency of continental security due to an outbreak of impulse.
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the virus is not spreading from the democratic republic of congo to neighboring countries. and pumps is transmitted, replace contact, and calls us flu like symptoms plus filled lesions. phase cases, a mile that it can kill. there were been at least $15000.00 cases and $461.00 that's reported so far this year. but the number is likely to be fall high a to hey, to invest deals here telling codes to say to at least 160 micron since monday spanish and you open them says it's on 50 full people drifting into both of the southern coast of the island of love produce and most of them are off in syria. at least a $110.00 volumes were rescued in the same area on monday. it's a be assigned to deal with all day. and the last year to set up comes to my friends and refugees picked up and see the funds to open the facilities have been delayed. and you can follow those stories on our website at out. is there a dot com? it's updated throughout the time we give you the right place i on the situation,
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the goals of israel, something 11 on those, those rockets attacked tel aviv advices, i say to some of the level of more not to the i'll just say it renews on just a half months time until then. thanks very much for your time. and your company. the the had a lovely that there's lots of dry, sunny, unsettled weather across the middle east and event at the moment. but i'd like to draw your attention to the satellite image that blows of cloud if looking around western parts of u. m. and it's going to bring the potential flooding over the next few days with heavy rain on wednesday, across the west. some of that will trickle up into the of the western parts of saudi arabia as well. but across a much of the region, it is a dry picture. temperatures offset to pick up and places like to wait we, it's
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a 50 degrees celsius that on. so stay as long as the hot and dry is, well, of course the eastern parts of mediterranean pushing across that event. and that heat can be found because northern parts of africa. we all however, seen some rain in places that we don't usually at this time if you southern parts of libya as well as egypt. and that's thanks to the range that are pushing the way further east and put some easterly waves affecting west africa. also southern parts of chad seems very heavy rain on thursday. but for the south of this, it is a much quiet to pick to lots of when to keep still looking about for places like foot swanner and zimbabwe. it has been cooler in cape town, full south africa with windy conditions, but we are expecting a vast improvement here over the next few days. and 90 degrees was sunshine on thursday. the
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. ringback the how to the ex help donald trump get back into the white house. the former president and republican normally returns to the platform in a tool with a loan mosque cuz he faces real challenges from couple of harris would have placed his chances. this is inside story, the hello that on james basis recently is to use.


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