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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 15, 2024 2:00am-2:30am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the israel's deadly assault and gauze on the eve of you see, so i told him costa, dozens of kind of thing into the around the clock. this is out. is there a life in there? how is it coming up? israel's fall right? finance minister it proves a new illegal assessment on the unesco world. heritage site invested him to be occupied with the trade in forces advanced deeper into russia's coast regions. as muscular scrambles fly digits. the 4 keys in cash and the world health organization declares and pulse
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a global health emergency after such an infections and over dozen african nations struggling for vaccine. the site on the eve of us by sea spots and kata is ready for us is on least a new wave of attacks across the gaza strip. thousands more palestinians were killed pushing the death toll since october, the 7th, closer to $40000.00. it's extra state as the blinking and cast as prime minister as jake mohammed bid abdur rahman altunion a wound both sides not to undermine the talk set to be held at the hall on thursday . but despite the efforts to end the blood shed, palestinians are forced to injure more grief and more displacement as tart. assume not reports from the above. in central gaza, as the doctors at most or hospital in con eunice, have the hands full goes a 2nd. the city seems south of the split has been under,
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is very evacuation. food is again while some palestinians have left, many refuse to be displaced. they have moved around more times than most can count and experience has to them. saved zones, do not exist. the i had my sewing stole we, i repaired shoes, so people, everything was quiet before the rocket here. these are people who accuse us of terrorism. israel is a terrorist state. now we all know this survive of an attack on eunice says she was cooking for the kids when the building collapse around the god, the judge about how to the southern the we couldn't see and stones came tumbling down on us the on know far to the know area we all civilians are only civilians in the building. i lost many members of my family industry. elsewhere in casa strongly
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kids. assembly home in the crowded lives around for a few decals. among the victims, with several children aged between 2 and 11 whole federal ago was it then the we had the sound of a very strong explosion. it caused massive destruction since we went out through running to see what happened and 2 of us here. we found 40 possible over the streets. imagine c rooms waiting areas on the floor was of cause is hospitalized a full as well to bring you. we close offensive, particularly on con eunice, comes on the eve of a new seems quiet. some people here agreed that as well as more serious about intermingle, and that the few of the rules are used to do little but will toto examples there stays outside the hospital as the wounded. just keep a really think to erica by zoom. i would just say were there, we've been
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a pedestal, what is rarely sending a delegation to attendance, these photos and co. i'm to salutes reports from jordan's couple of mine on the make up of the team. a reminder, she's reporting from that because he's ready. government says find out 0 for reporting inside israel. see far top, set your resume and the parts of the capital. doha. on thursday. these really negotiation team will be headed by the most, not cheap. israel's external security service as well as the sion bed to be internal security agency. now the mandate has been discussed by nathan young and the mediators. and it was agreed upon and according to anonymous officials speaking to was really media. they say that nothing you all who has softened to stance, the red lines and non negotiable are still there. senior from us officials have told that it is either that they are not interested in new negotiations and that they've been clear on that and are only interested in discussing the framework that was already on the table that was agreed upon by the group on july. second, after it was outlined by us president joe biden on may 31st. they want that as
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a guarantee. now these really is want a guarantee that says they can resume the war even if a pausing the fighting is secured. but all of this comes as the region is still facing a lot of tension, these really still bracing for retaliatory attack by it on, by his bow or even perhaps the 2 of these any young men. and earlier today, us secretary of state anthony blinking had spoken with property counterparts saying, but no country in the region should undermine the ceasefire. thompson efforts, and that includes israel. additionally, the united states has said that a ceasefire in gaza is obtained, could be the thing to come regional tensions time to send fluids. as you know, i'm with the say i direct to bill bands and middle east and boy, bread we go, contending the talks are attending the thoughts as part of the us delegation, the white house coast, when it came to help it now has more a white house press secretary crazy on pear confirming that representing the united
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states when the resumption of tox is to begin on thursday, and del ha will be middle east is are for the united states. brett mcgriff, as well as the director for the united states build burns. now we know that these talks will focus on the relation to the implementation of the cease fire plan laid out by president biden. we know the meetings are expected to be very intensive . how mos indicating to the united states will not be there. still the united states saying the guitars have assured the united states that there will be representation by him off at the table and the us is clinging to that. now we also know that there is not expected to be any sort of rates through on thursday. still the white house is expecting forward move mid and the white house saying that it is critical that a deal be reached in the near future. the primary goal,
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not only to get a cease fire in israel's foreign gases, but also to bring about much needed humanitarian aid for the people of gaza and to see the release of captives in exchange for palestinian prisoners in his really jails. and the united states also is concerned about regional escalation, the fear being that there could be a broader middle east conflict, particularly the concern about escalation into 11 on something. there's a white house is determined to prevent. now the us president was asked about this. he did say that it is getting harder to try and bring about a ceasefire, but he said the united states is not giving up. kimberly hell, kit algae 0. the white house as well. how much is blaine's israel's prime minister? benjamin netanyahu have dragging out the negotiations, the product and integrate once as well to stick to the original truth proposal, which yes, president job, i've been bounced back in july and it's being by the, by the un security council biden's plan,
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which he said was proposed by israel included a temporary cease farm until it's ready trans withdrawal from gaza and the release of some captives in the 2nd stage from boston, israel would begin negotiations for pun intended, to hostilities, reconstruction of a strip and, and then to the will. a part of the 3rd and last stage. however, it is relevant since added new demands. israel wants to be allowed to resume financing, goes off to the temporary trees. and it also wants to retain control of the roof of border crossing. and philadelphia, colorado, which is a buffet in between egypt and gaza, which facilitates a deliveries national. and at the bottom it to, you know, we expect to be told by the media. it is that israel has accepted what is being offered and any meeting should be based on talking about implementation mechanisms and setting deadlines rather than negotiating something. and you know, otherwise how most finds no reason to participate. that's. that's enough in front of j. richard donati, who's a former us ambassador through egypt,
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kentucky. he says, the law arrest. so whether it's ready, politicians kind of agree on one. paul ford, it seems to be the core issue remains, whether israel, the israel, the government, can unite behind a negotiated cease fire. we've seen again recently the other parts of the cap is saying they will quit. yes and they will leave the government and the government will fall. if the turn yahoo accepts and negotiated ceasefire agreement before achieving all announced workings. and they go way beyond the philadelphia card or they include the destruction of from us. so it seems that we're still very much stuck on whether the israelis are prepared at this time is really government production. yahoo prepared this time to accept a negotiated cease fire leading to an end of the war. there could be
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a look said you don't accept that. is read his approved a new illegal sacramento, ne unesco world heritage site in bethlehem multiplied westbank israel's fall. right? finance minister both of those months, which amounts to plans for the know how have let's supplement and the posted in village back to the site is known for its ancient agricultural terraces. spin yelton, olive groves, all of his real assessments and the occupied westbank all legal on to international law nor day reports. now the effects of these ready decisions on palestinian lives in ramallah sees ready finance minister announced permission to construct a new supplement in the bethlehem area. i know this is the de facto ruler over the occupied west bank and the significance of his announcement is that is this a supplement? lives in the area that's left of bethlehem. that hasn't been taken over by illegal
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supplements construction on the wall that lies in. but tiered which was inscribed by the unesco as a world heritage side 10 years ago. but in addition to its value to humanity and to palestinian heritage that area will disconnect bethlehem from the rest of its environs. yet bethlehem, being surrounded by illegal is rarely supplements and the will and now the block of course, had ceiling to the south will be connected to the supplements of jerusalem, hard of yellow and yellow, and the expand the boundaries of jerusalem. the administer, the as rarely minister framed this decision as a response to palestinian action at the level of international court seeking accountability and to international recognition of palestine. but if we take a look, a closer look, it's really implementation of the is really government coalition agreement, which would supplement expansion as
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a priority and considers an explanation of the occupied westbank as an object of not all this data drama la palestine, to lebanon, where at least 2 people have been killed and thousands injured in a series of his ready strikes in the south. one died in a drain strike in the centre of much in southern lebanon. his being the talkative, near daily strikes, spies, ready forces for several months as a big was at the scene shortly after the dread and strike hits marching in the centre of large, large organ square was sent by a parents is ready drones right now. what we understand sofa is that we believe a call was targeted. we're not sure of any fatalities, but there is blood on the flow, you can see them mostly get away. authorities i had been looking through the day, we've been a call being taken away, a call that was headed to the authorities of also told us that we should shortly clear the area. now this is the best commercial you know to tell you in itself the town itself in surrounding areas. i'm going to get to the post,
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but much or you itself. the center has never been hit. and this will come as a shop many people they travel through the central time. there's so many of them remained open throughout this 10 month long conflict. but now the center of the heart of this community has been hit and we all haven't repulsed that. there's possibly one person has been killed, but is it packaged ready? drone strikes this damage to the windows of the shop, around the square. we can see david's going back up along the street from that drone strike. we don't know how many strikes it was, but we do know that one call was targeted. and we have seen blood on the floor and the thursdays a half, investigating what exactly that's happened. but again, this is a shock to the community here. i started big large, are you in southern living on a still head here now? does 0 towards in the cross for hundreds of were hanging muslims killed in me and my will trying to flee the fighting between the army and out of gun rebels plus
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the angry universities, intelligent scenery, gainesville started emissions, which costs and government funding funds or protests by teachers, the, the hello there, let's get the weather full costs for north america. as we in the weekend is looking pretty quiet across both coasts of the us and canada. tropical storm nestor is expected to stay out to sea, meaning we bought twice 5 along the east coast of the us. the west. the weather is developing behind that we've got strongly conditions moving across the midwest into the great lakes. we are expecting a rumble of severe storms to push towards the south east. we could see some hail and some very heavy rain with that, stretching down to the deep south as well. and that will continue to push its way
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east. as we go to the, we can bring some rain to new york city and washington d. c. we also see some rain across the eastern parts of canada and out in the west much y a however, to the south of this temperature is continuing to pick up across a deep south for places like a wheezy on it, and mississippi. now, as you move to central america and the caribbean, this is where a tropical storm. ernesto continues to show on its way further. know, it's going to bring some when, when the conditions to some parts of the bahamas, the tux in k cause islands. but it is moving its way further, no strengthening as it does so, and it will leave behind a legacy shot was across his spun yolo, on friday. the
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midst of how much is happening before the end of the question. why have limits like this? let denise this call on it's area relief foundation the the, i don't get you watching out 0 reminder about the top story. is this a and is there any strikes across the goals descriptive, killed in these 40 palestinians in the past 24 hours, many where women and children who were sheltering in cardenas squares reinforces continue to wage and offensive. the u. s. has confirmed that the delegation had
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advise c i a direct to william penn, split tennessee's far towards the is run, it is confirmed. it will also be taken. part of us state department says it's being assured by cuts that that promotion case changes will be represented as well as approved a new illegal sacramento, the unesco will purchase items bethlehem in the occupied westbank israel's far right. finance minister as well as much which announced the plans for the no hey, let supplements the palestinian village back to you the so russia is evacuate to thousands of civilians from the cask. region is ukrainian forces continue. it's pushed deeper into russian territory. russia's military sizes deployed, find the jet to the border area and the coast region. ukraine claims and security more territory. the most cases keys main goal is to distract the russian forces. entrenched an eastern new crane,
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much of which is still under russian control. ukraine's incursion into russia's cost region is further north and the main front line. it was launched last week and is the largest cross border attack by ukraine since the war begun. jenna, how has this now? this with the same old data data mock there incursion into russia a week ago. you credit in forces say they were advancing here on patrol in a village in the coast region. what looks like a civilian, these apparently unmoved, by the presence of the vehicle best, the wide triangle in sic, neither of these ukrainian cross border operation. there is no sign of resistance briefing presidency. lensky, the head of the army, said they were making ground, were pointing to how defense falls troops continue that are offensive on the territory of the cask region. since the south of today, our troops have advanced one to 2 kilometers in various directions. to similarly bold was this report filed by
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a ukrainian journalist on russian soil as the russian flag is thrown to the ground . the reporter explains that she arrived in the coast region with a ukrainian con void, delivering a to civilians. she describes people sheltering in basements and says that while russian ministry vehicles were hit, little harm has come to civilians, no damage done to civilian infrastructure, w, one of which leads to at least wondering at ukraine's ultimate goal. i think the political aim can be to demonstrate firstly to the western r y sped t brand is still very much can be fixed by cleaning this war on. so frontier and territorial integrity. in this case, i think he prayed news, helping me quite clear. identifying and highlighting that are based as notes and incursion of a means to multiply russian territories if this rather self defensive measures. russian sources, meanwhile, tell a different story. with pictures being pulled,
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cost online of evacuated from the coast region. some said to be in need of medical attention and the ministry of defense has released video that it says shows ukrainian prisoners of war captured in the coast region along with military hardware. and with a clear russian response on the ground yet to materialize. there was this from a senior foreign ministry official to the 6 communities with the terrorist actions and the cost gavia ukraine has at a minimum, put the prospect of paste talks on hold for a long time. beyond that, the next moves on both sides remain on said joe, no whole elder, 0 and the restaurant is being issued by juvenile thirty's, for a man. suspected of being involved to the north stream pipeline and tech investigating say, the suspect has a ukrainian living in poland. also has confirmed his received the board. jim and media reporting. he was among a group of divers who planted explosives on pipelines,
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running from russia to germany. under the voltage, c, a t is gas, he told us to try and 16 months of conflict and see done the runaway in geneva. but any one site is present. the delegation from the current military rapids support forces has arrived. the representatives from the sudanese ami haven't turned up. yes, special envoy tom perennial says the army has the responsibility to join the tools . he's told them both sides to respect international law and to bring the conflict to an end table. morgan, a small from cost to in the us special envoy. he said that he is still hoping that the suit in these army will send a delegation. but in the statement yesterday, the head of the army general have been put. the behind said that they will be ne flyer talks unless certain conditions our method he specifically referred to the kid the agreement that that was signed between the army and the parent minutes. few rapid support forces in may of last year. that agreement stipulated that the rapids support forces should with problem civilian home and service facility such as what
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the plans and power plants. and that's it to happen and there should be human. it's terry and access human turn craters little bit for 8 organizations to be able to reach those in need. but since may last year, the fly thing has expanded to various parts of the country. so the head of the army says that they will be northeast clara talk, unless those conditions or our terms that have stipulated indigent the agreements are met. meanwhile, and to me. but the, the us special envoy said that this will be a launch to the process overseas far, if not the seats part of themselves. this was just a day before the star as all the talks. he said that's on the 14th. if the, if the army does not show up, and if it's not a direct talk between the army and our associates will be a thoughts to the process. because there are the ups of is not just saw, the area and the united states. there's a united arab emirates, this the african union. there's the u. m. and as the regional blog, i got all of them absorbing the upcoming seas 5 talks. and so he says that along with those actors,
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they will be trying to find ways to bring that to wearing sites together to at least provide some kind of response to those here in sedan. it's a thousands of doctors in india have boxed in protest following the brutal rape and murder of a junior doctor and cold cut to the body of the 31 year old just found by police on friday. and the state run health facility. a police volunteer has been arrested but demonstrate to say they want to sort of these to investigate for the countries central bureau investigation. taken over the case of the direction of the height, cold, thousands of rank, the refugees were trying to for the memo, are facing increased the tax last week, at least 200 were killed by trend strikes. well, trying to escape target challenge res mall from duyka. a warning, his report contains some distressing images is growing the muslims in me on my are caught in the middle of fears, battles between the military and powerful rebel drop the r a con army. the rebels are fighting for autonomy for the northwest and right kind state human rights. what saves the ethnic minority rank as
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a bearing the brunt of the atrocities committed by the you know, kelly must say is our family had no choice but to leave, to stay alive. the outcome army entered our village, followed by them yet more military side of me. there was fierce confrontations between them. the straight i munition was falling on our homes and there were drone attacks as well. many drawing up late to bangladesh crossing them not river. but on august the 5th groan strikes apparently carried out by the arctic konami killed hundreds of people. mobile phones. what is showing the aftermath is circulating on social media? mohammad 0 her last the $31.00 relatives including his mother and brothers. i love the shut it as a mother who's chromebook for shelter on the backs of the not for but they used to us to attack us. most of the 200 people were killed and many more were injured.
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bodies left floating in the water that brought it in, make shift graveyards, other rowing, as i pushed back, are detained by barter guns, a 11 year old us, my big them. and 6 of our relatives made it to bangladesh. she was injured, and our 2 year old brother killed. we will under constant attack and it was not possible to stay in me and mar anymore, which is why we have to flee here. our account is used right in some other weapons to attack and kill us, but with no legal refugee status in bangladesh. their future is on certain bottom of that. she has a policy of not allowing additional drawing a references from me and my to enter the country side thing. a comic buttons and security concerns already more than a 1000000 going to live in refugee camps like this one in cox's bazaar. they have called on the international community to intervene. last week bung with ash integrated,
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a new interim government. the advisor to the foreign ministry did not respond to all just or as requests for comment or an interview. the situation at the southwest border and the rising number of running a refuge is likely to be a major challenge for the new administration. can be treasury out as data dot com. for more, venezuelan presidential candidates, enrique marcus says he pulled for an investigation against the national electoral council for the last months dispute to the election market says the board is responsible for the on rest of the code off the election results with the clad are present next to me during the winter at the opposition challenge that and claim they hide the fates instead. argentine is how very minute here came to power 8 months ago with the promise to put it in to story. inflation is coming down, but many concerned about the impact to, to start the measures will have on the lives of people try to buy as
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a the teachers protesting in front of argentina as congress are met with a strong resistance by the police. they come here to demand better wages and to protest against a new law if the government wants to pass that will declare education and essential service, which they say would deny teachers. the right to strike under the island city says that government is threatening to destroy the public education system. a lot of whom they to young education is a social right, which is different than being essential. it is the budget to guarantee resources and salaries. what the government wants to do is to complicate all right, to protest and not result the problems we face. where education is a challenge in the middle of the social crises. argentina's economies in crisis with one of the world's highest inflation rates to stay their salaries have fallen short. the government of heavier malays implementing a very harsh austerity plan to renews government spending on fight inflation. it
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has reduce the funding of public universities around the country by 30 percent, according to official data. and that's one of the reasons why the university of one of site is which is one of the largest in the country has gone on strike. most of the budget for public universities is destined for teachers salaries hitting the might of the works of the medicine university says everyone is troubling. then you will see all sort i'm in there, but you'll see all one is the only funding that's arrived is to pay for electricity and water. but the professors have received a minimal raise. in spite of the inflation, they're also reducing the social security plan for professors here. the latest plan is a disaster for us. of this, have you had any lays convinced and will stay with the plan could and the high inflation rate that out? dina has been struggling with for years. in fact, the president says there's a reason to hope, given the inflation rate has decreased in the past few months and say message been 6 months, we managed to terminate an end to the fiscal deficit. we did
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a physical austerity plan to reduce 15 percent of the gd pay, the biggest adjustment in the history of humanity, of domestic words, from the precedent that his plan will work. but universities in the public sector say they need more resources now. and many are not convinced malays riley click on the plan. we succeed very so as to see that when a site is the world health organization is declared to global health emotion, save the influx viruses spreading in africa. this is the highest level of the w h. i can designate the virus is spread from the democratic republic of congo to neighbor. and can you put her in de, uganda, and rwanda level has this for the 2nd time in as many is the world health organization is displayed in parks as a public health image and see impulse spreads through close contact and has flu like symptoms accompanied by lesions on the body, earlier this week,
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africa's top public health party declared the viral infection and emergency all states rapid spreads and more than a dozen countries on the continent. the w i chose announcement followed swift. it's clear that the coordinated international response is essential to stop this out breaks and save lives. the center of the outbreak is the democratic republic of congo with 96 percent of cases have been recorded. 60 percent of those people under the age of 18, but a new strain has also sprayed to full neighboring countries compared to last year. infections have risen, a 160 percent and dates so up nearly 20 percent. so far they've been more than


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