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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 15, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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to the music of the way people talk, the way we walk programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on now to sierra the no, i'm already on the lines the welcome to the news our live from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, we would expect these talks to move forward as planned, director burns. and brent mckerick will travel to guitar for these discussions. because as these 5 talks is set to begin again, the lesson cats are urging both sides not to undermine them. go sions to end. so don's conflict get on the way, but only one side shows up the secretary of state who's the head of the army urging him to attend. also, you quite in ministry forces roll into roches, west,
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and border regions as the offensive and a 2nd. we will live in the city of this political shakeup in thailand. the governing coalition looks for a new prime minister off for cooling forces, stretched to tubs, into step down. i'm going to bring you all the latest on the race to choose a new president's ensure lanka, the hello, and welcome to the news. we've been a beginning. gaza web is writing strikes of killed at least 40 palestinians in the past 24 hours. pushing the official death toll from the war. close to $40000.00 a wave of attacks targeted a residential palate and parts of the southern city of con eunice with sci fi, told was due to start in doha or in the coming hours. both of us and counts are avoided all sides not to do anything to undermine the process. topic i will assume
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reports now from daryl bella in central gaza, of the doctors at most or hospital in hon. eunice, have the hands full goes a 2nd. the city seems south of district has been under is very evacuation. owed is again, while sometimes the indians have left, many refuse to be displaced. they have moved around more times than most can count and experience has to them. saved zones, do not exist. the i had my sewing stole we, i repaired shoes, so people, everything was quiet before the rock is here. these are people who accuse us of terrorism. israel is a terrorist state. now we all know this survive of an attack in fun. eunice says she was cooking for the kids in the building,
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collapse around getting to god the judge about how to the southern the we couldn't see. and stones came tumbling down on us the on know far to the know area we all civilians are only civilians in the building. i lost many members of my family in district. elsewhere in casa strongly kids, assembly home in the crowded lives around for a few decals among the victims, with several children aged between $2.11. whole federal ago was it then the we had the sound of a very strong explosion. it caused massive destruction when fell through running to see what happened and 2 of us here. we found 40 possible over the streets. imagine 2 rooms waiting areas on the floor was of cause as hospitals of home, as well to bring you. we close offensive, particularly on con eunice, comes on the eve of a new seems quiet. some people here agreed that as well as most serious about
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intermingle, and that the few rules are used to do little but will toto examples. there were stairs outside the hospital as the wounded. just keep around, i think, erica resumed, i would just say we're there. we've been a pedestal. now does. there is any mom who does outside the deluxe hospital in darrell, but i was more on is riley strikes slot. only the tax has been going on over nights and early hours of this morning coupled with the, the art galleries and the, the fact that the, the skies of the central area and the reports we received from east wind fine units . that's the skies of these 2 areas are clouded with surveillance. a drone recognizance aircraft and a package was really creating a very intimidating atlas here for people who are either trapped in their homes or trying to go into their it, they and do. what would they need to do uh, their daily life would be,
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are intimidated. they are concerned because you don't know this is unpredictable. the way these surveillance of drones that attack a drones are, are losing their attacks. they are very, very unpredictable that are many cases where people were on the streets or the driving their cars are walking by a building. when i talk happen and the just the, the, the get killed or the get, the critically injured because of these unpredictable attacks. and it just remember the past 20 days, it's been quite violent and bloody. these really military launch. many of these as high without any prior warning whatsoever. just that this regarding the life of many of the civilians, the children, the women and people who are trying to for tax and, and, and save their, their life, their families live. but overnight, it's hard. so far we look at the positive 24 hours for the people just the past 12 hours is the nighttime. we looked at at least 15 people who are being
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killed in. nope, the 40 people of the past 24 hours. 30 of them are in the san eunice city and the tragedy of this, that 8 of the 30 people in hon unit started from one family to in terms of this, these 5 total testers, take a closer look at the proposal, which is going to be discussed here in cat on the 1st phase would be a temporary truce during which i'm nice would release women, the elderly and wounded captive in exchange for palestinians held in his riley prisons. the 2nd phase would include a permanent end to the hostilities, and the release of all remaining is riley captives. the 3rd phase would be the reconstruction of gaza and they were ton of the remains of any deceased captives to israel. and i'll just as know how much i'm doing this following all of this now in doha, 1st of all, tell us who is expected to attend these negotiations scenario . i'm the parties who are going to be involved in these talks in doha are going to
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be of course, the west that delegation is going to be led by the c i. a chief bill burns in attendance also is going to be the us on board to the middle east, brett, from the guard. you're also going to have and is really delegation that's headed by david barnett. he's the head of the massage, as well as the egyptian intelligence chief, and of course, the company prime minister just how much went out, but i'm on a saturday now. the question is, how involved is, how much going to be in the coming hours because how much had released a statement saying essentially that they did not want to be entered into new negotiations. what they would like to see is they would like to be presented with the framework that they say that they agree to in early july. this is the framework deal that was presented by us president joe biden in late may, so that you don't want to enter into new negotiations about what a ceasefire would look like. they want to go ahead and just stick to be present with the plan that they say that they already agreed to a port has a lot of questions about how exactly all of this is going to unfold. the atmosphere
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around these talks is one of high, high stakes, but low expectations. there has been a concerted effort, especially from the us, from putting from egypt to try to get these parties back to the table. we must remember though, these are not direct negotiations. the mediators will be speaking to the israeli delegation, and then the mediators will be communicating with how much that's how it's always been throughout when these talks have taken place in the past, as of this hour. still a lot of questions as to the timing as to who exactly is going to be where at what time. but again, a very concerted effort from these mediators to make sure that something productive can be done in the coming hours. all right, thanks very much. mohammed jim, jim, it's now bringing over, i am for heart to use an associate professor of conflict resolution at the dawn, situate the graduate studies. what are the prospects for these negotiations taking place in doha today?
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unfortunately, i'm not very high, and that's uh, put a number of reasons. one is that the, the now government has added the new conditions as to the negotiation table. and this is the think about us was from a mazda the, that i'm not going to attend. and these was them to all over again, like something these by the process of the most important actually, which is more important than anything else position as to what extent the us is willing to exempt serious pressure on missing the whole to accept a ceasefire. that is the, the united states utilize the entire world once a ceasefire, but the thing the apple does not fall and does he inspire what form with that pressure take in order to bring about an agreement that i'll see areas where the us has serious leverage over that the whole financial, military and diplomatic,
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unfortunately the us has not used any of these areas as product, think as well. and the 2nd of the counselor from any, particularly the cause of a solution. $20000000000.00 the of weapons ottoman g as well. and then deploying more army, us army in the region. in the midst of this, when you are receiving all these kind of the, of support from washington, why would you, why would you list and why would you agree policies via your just continue with what you're planning to do. and that's unfortunately, the i says, blank and the conflict anyway, when it's providing gold, the military and the final charlotte, the products support those are but at the same time sending more invoice in order to print the resilience. so that's kind of the level of, of, of position from the wise. the government is not going to take a position and make a break. so in this negotiations and that's why the trends is all about.
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unfortunately, i'm not very high. why does america say that both sides have mass, and particularly israel should not undermine the process? what do they mean by that? well, what they mean by that is that the u. s. is when is the us is providing lip service in terms of lack of concrete brush out or linking this to action uh the, the, the process and 2nd be us was the, showed that they are doing something by the administration that they are doing some think i live there blaming, you know, the park, the on that doesn't look like something, but who to blame in the 1st place is the one who's arming the whole government and so sending all the money and the support so so on that level, i think that's where the problem is, and there's just, you know, we have engaged in a blame game now, as i told for it on the other side. profess everytime for hot thank you. thank you . will have mass is a tuesday,
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is right in 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu of dragging out the seas 5 discussions a national and that's all fine at t. and we expect to be told by the media is that israel has accepted what is being offered and any meeting should be based on talking about implementation mechanisms and setting deadlines rather than negotiating something and you otherwise how most finds no reason to participate. but one of the sticking points has been, israel is presence in the philadelphia cargile. the buffer zone is effectively controlled by israel, which inspects old deliveries, including aid into gaza. the area includes the roof crossing large pots of which has been destroyed since israel took control of it in may. that's made it more difficult for desperately needed a to enter gaza responsive. his new demands and sees 5 talks. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has insisted israel remain in control of the car. it will ease those that would prevent the smuggling of weapons into gaza. here's what the is
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right. the ministry chief, i'd say about this. this is the philadelphia, colorado. it is important because it deals with strengthening out position. we are preparing for all scenarios that could be decided at a political level. if they decide that we stay at the philadelphia code or we will know how to state it and stay strong. if they decide that we monitor and right every time we have an indication, we would not how to do that. i'm to sell who has worn out from jordan's capital, a mom because she's the band by the user id government on alger, their reporting inside israel, that these really negotiation team will be headed by the most on chief that israel's external security service, as well as the ssion bed to be internal security agency. now the mandate has been discussed by nets and you all in the mediators. and it was agreed upon and according to anonymous official speaking to was really media. they say that nothing you all who has softened to stance, the red lines and non negotiable are still there. senior from us officials have
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told that it is either that they are not interested in new negotiations and that they've been clear on that and are only interested in discussing the framework that was already on the table that was agreed upon by the group on july. second, after it was outlined by us president joe biden on may 31st. they want that as a guarantee. now these really is want a guarantee that says they can resume the war even if a pause in the fighting is secured. but all of this comes as the region is still facing a lot of tension, these really still bracing for retaliatory attack by it on, by his bow or even perhaps the 2 of these any young men. and earlier today, us secretary of state anthony blinking had spoken with property counterparts saying, but no country in the region should undermine the ceasefire. thompson efforts and that includes is real. additionally, the united states has said that a ceasefire in gaza is obtained, could be the thing to come regional tensions time to send fluids. as, as you know,
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i'm not complaining is a professor of political science at by allowing university. he joins us from wester's to them. first of all, what are your thoughts on these writing negotiating team and the approach they might take to these talks? a thank you, a live is this good morning of the day after the, the negotiations go see most honestly in 2 tracks. there is a debate between these really delegation and how boss and the doors they say on the surface behind the surface. the reason negotiation between nathaniel and basically what are your delegation now mistrust based on what your delegation of therefore sent to the house this morning. just for the advisor as a supervisor on the delegation, they had those days where the most of the day is rarely a home. so good as a and the security service and the v i d f o representative. it's ongoing
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for many, many weeks. they keep trying to be doing that, that addition of the problem, it is that the main problem of the prime minister and it is the prime and new states. another copy that the main problem of the problem is that is to admit that these war goal is unachievable as the american officials. we picked today this morning to the new york times that that said, it's impossible to destroy, completely destroyed the g for a different a div. that's the destruction of us. so professor klein, where are these talks likely to go to then if anyway, given that appointments and that's in the all who doesn't trust his own delegation, there is no path forward that they can all agree on it's, it's in so much defense. as i said earlier on my income pressure on the time, you know, i assume that there is a heavy pressure behind the scenes, but nothing,
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no hand comes out from the nose office that he's ready to head to meet or to prepare the it's really public opinion for different wall gore store to say, okay, we, we want the war and therefore we can let those. so i have a beauty with from us. how much survive and how, how much main war gain was to survive. and the composite you have, that is what i declare the far reaching unachievable war gold, which unfortunately, and i've shaved off as it is ready cost the lives of the, of so many. but his being, he has a destruction of, of guys a street. but it's, it was done on the door advantage to think of revenge with the political goal
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that there is no doctrine the concept of the day after. as is right to see that there is a mistrust or not only between them, you know, not only with his that occasion, but also with this minister, all the friends and fail to defy the result that they after. so the, the are very, as you say, divisions between the prime minister and is negotiating team divisions between is writing politicians as well. what happens if these talks fail? the able to adult fans the, the green light for the rob and his fellow retaliation offensive is, is on there is that red line of defense work there considerations where to strike when it and, and so on. but then also the way of follow the united states to blame
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1st. and i mean that then you know, and to approach visually probably directly not through the new york times, directly on camera, but by then then how is it? it's also an option. you know, the to, to bring out today is one of the streets, tens of thousands of his wireless demanding than yell resignation, demanding him to agree to say to the proposal on the table. thank you very much for joining us, professor, knock and kind thank you. meanwhile and the occupied westbank. is there any forces of killed at least 2 palestinians in nablus? that happened during a range on the block to a refugee camp. the soldiers have since withdrawn. joining forces have been conducting daily raids in palestinian towns since the war on cause it began and they also carried out large scale arrest campaign and the southern parts of the
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occupied westbank soldiers rated hebron. sir, how little i am the alpha. why come storming houses in detaining around 50 people holding 10000 pallets? things have been arrested and you'll get 5 west banks in salt type a 7. this one else elsewhere buyer just 5 rockets, 5 from lebanon. target to the northern. is there any community of mine borrow a series of his writing strikes on southern lebanon, killed at least 3 people in india, $23.00. 2 of them were killed in a dr. strike on a car and the center of the large island is randy on me on has bullet, hasn't been exchanging fire across the 11 and board as well. started the on groups, has its attacks, are in solidarity with its ally home us hospitals, across lebanon, and preparing for a potential escalation of violence. meanwhile, between israel and has bola officials that the stalking off on medical supplies and getting ready to receive mass casualties, law suite 11 and was given 32 tons of emergency medical aid by the world health
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organization. hundreds of people have been killed or wounded in his riley attacks and less than and since the wolf started the now efforts to end 60 months of conflict. and see don are underway in geneva, but only one side is attending and delegation from the power military rapids support forces has a rise, but representative from the army. haven't turned up your secretaries. they asked me bring control general abdel for talbot hahn and urged him to take part in the negotiations. so if more of this, let's go live to have a morgan who's in a hard to with only one side attending. it doesn't seem like a much could emerge from these talks about what are you hearing that well, we have read a post from the us, a special envoy who is cool heading these meetings along with saudi arabia,
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that these are technical meetings to try to read some kind of framework or some kind of methodology to implement the budget, the agreement which was signed between the suit, the needs army and department made it through rapid support forces in may of last year. now the lack of implementation of that agreement is why this would in these army set, it is not attending the talks. in addition to the fact that the mass of air, emory is an observer to be a new round of talks. now the us state secretary anthony blinked in this book to generally have been for the people hahn in the early hours of thursday morning to get the army to join the talks, which he described as peace talks in switzerland in geneva. now the army is yet to issue a statement to the government as well as yet to issue a statement. but just the day before yesterday, the army said that they will be ne buyer talks or p socks unless these conditions of the conditions that were laid out in pictured the agreement which was signed last year is implemented. now these conditions include that they are associated
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with bright, from civilian homes and civilian facilities, and allow for human and tearing craters. and in his phone call with a general i've been put that i will, hon. lincoln said that it's urgent that these human to turn quarters are opened for those who need assistance to get said. it's not clear if the army will abide by that. 6 a call to join the talks and so they're limited for the time being. they seem to be staying puts here and so then waiting to see what happens and you need especially because this is not a one side of the fair. and in the there's not likely that does not have the other policy to this conflict attending it. thank you very much. well, the latest they're from khartoum. and so don, hipaa morgan, that was what a sure line canal, 40 presidential hopefuls of submitting that organizations to the election commission. the country will be heading to the polls to choose a leader on september 21st. the incumbents run over chromos. cigna also intends to run. he took office 2 years ago off to widespread protests during the countries at
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west financial crisis in decades. almost 17000000 people are eligible to vote. michelle fernandez brings us the latest now from columbus. and there are 40 candidates at this election, the main ones, though, off the incumbent president, around the missing of the opposition leaders such as payment assets. and i sort of a marxist lennox list, lead to, uh, quote, under commodities on like, uh, he's uh, the head of and the lines are we also have uh, the son of the former president, mind the roger pucks. so that's normal. roger fox. uh uh, so these are some of the main or the frontrunners. uh, if you like. and those who are taken seriously. uh, we also have uh, a former ami come on the media mobile and quite a lot of others in the free app. this presidential election, which is quite a critical election because it's a 1st time of the oil, the people that you're luck. i seen that the people having the chance to use level
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you have the body kids, obviously heavy security people, a lot of supporters of people waiting for the candidates to come outside that are already some banners. we hear the sound of drums, of musical instruments where there will be some valleys and things like that. just often they go back. so people, people like this as opposed to and the bro and the public in sri lanka, the issue of corruption, the issue of cost of living ok, key factors for them. and they will be when they go to the vote, because at the end of the day you talk about sort of macro economics where the country is going. but for the average man on the streets, it's about whether he can put food on the table for his kids. whether he can send these kids to school. whether he can, you not manage the. 1 necessities and even though things have satellite some more data entry long from those doc days of economic crisis, things are very, very, very difficult for a lot of your loggins. a lucky associate sort of animal too is co conveners
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of the center of monitoring election violence. he joins us from columbus. first of all, can i ask you if the conditions around civil liberties and political rights is conducive to that being a free and fair election in sri lanka? whether the current government was it was focusing on the economic renewal of revival. the past registration, which would drop the bank julia, still democratic rights, and that page was wilfully said. there was a pressing sent back to the ultimate outcome of age. but so being general, i think it should be okay because she couldn't. this will come out and express their opinions in the context of an extra campaign, but that could be restrictions such as well the
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online safety act, for example, the most egregious of the recent legislation that was passed does come up with pretty broad definitions of national damaging the inside and tools that really just added to but the last of the day, all of those kinds of things which have been the news to cub descent in the last one and a half years. and so that could continue. and the election commission has to be very vigilant that existing laws are not used in a way to check up scribe or restrict the opposition and how people been responding to these on restrictions on online content and the sort of political language they're able to use. well, i mean, i think there is a fair element of self censorship, but there are still websites that, you know,
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go ahead and say what they have to say. so it's a mixture. and i think the attitude is that look into an election campaign. this is what i write to rice, our opinions, and we will go ahead and do so. but of course the more inflammatory and extreme expressions of opinion will be cut. okay, so you have content removal blocks on social media platforms that could help the integrity of the selection. what about these, the presidential hopes, hurtful those 40 of them? yes, but as you gain or previous report, suggested to that out when the about pre main principal candidates and the others. i the proxies the split the board and some people, presumably doing it for the perks and advantages they can get as being a presidential candidate. that is mr. i have a couple showing that the incumbent president or seems to be driving up to somebody in the pores. but i think that may and a criticism against him is that he's got,
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which is way too much of the button for, you know, the structural adjustment and all of that on the less fortunate and less able to pay. so each, the middle class has a lower middle class of the working class that is with the shared it has been criticized for lack of empathy with regard to that subject playing with us. so the leader of the opposition is in a sense on economic side is not just policies on the back. lots of different to mr . ronnie lee, if it was written is, uh, but i think it was, i was more little more left of center in terms of basically just dodging good position at which time to come out of design active courses, the j, b, b, or the job have equals the federal, the candidate who is writing on behalf of the national people is power movement. and there is a lot of questions with regard to integrating these argument is that given the 2
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major punching is a chance over the last 75 years now it's out to and we, are there any want to do anything about for option? the issue with regard to perception, of course, is that, you know, they have lots of files on people, but as to whether the pest control shift and they don't stick with big so many called is a different matter. so that is a good shot. but that might be an extra traditional mechanism shut top and it would impact the whole of low if the j b p washed away. and i'll show that is concerned about the activities that they engaged in in the be the 1988 to 1992 where there was a loss of violence and terrorism perpetrated by that as well. okay. it's the 1st time it's a 3 point dress. yeah. well, thank you very much for that to for that assessment of the front runners. like you saw the sort of i know to i thank you very much for joining us. thank you. a small cell to bring you honestly is out is rouse a line grabbing the occupied westbank is continuing on handed new in eagle
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sacraments only anesco world heritage site. in fact, to him is approved the hello there. it's a divided picture across the europe, weather wise at the moment. we've got lots of hot and dry conditions out east with heat wave conditions across the bulk is still there, but out west, we're getting a cooler feel thanks to friends rolling off the atlantic, bringing some very wet weather across the world in areas with heavy rain to come from way pushing across scandinavia as well ahead. is that what more heavy rain for central parts of europe, some storms as well. rushing out across southern parts of france and the mediterranean valley. eric islands. it seems to me that wet and windy weather,
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you can see the rain picking up pushing across from central areas and out east. but maybe he to the day fund this one, it is a very hot picture for places like. so it'd be both mia and has a convenient way down to greece. we have bought some red temperature warnings out here and places like probation and that will cool down slight across the north west . the person on the island of island. that's not the case for the south. west the i 1000000000 peninsula will get a little bit cooler for some northern parts of spain, but look at the sheets continuing to build for southern spain and portugal. if we look at lisbon will be picking up to $37.00 degrees on friday, bright and breezy. i'm pleasant on saturday. as the kosovo celebrates the 25th anniversary of nato's intervention that ended the fighting between the serbian and cause of albany and force that we were meant to be completely ethnically. cleanse people have power examines the posts for landscape
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and present the challenges for the regions. youngest country, this is a vibrant nation states that is alive today because we took no attraction that's not possible the making of a states on that. just so, you know, viewing the facts, people with disabilities in jobs are the most vulnerable groups in israel, relentless or asking questions, you know, that number right now, what is the issue that we're proposing from the actual best feelings? and you can also get out to see you as teens across the world within the local news . i didn't like from documentaries when you closer to the house of the story the the
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the, i'll come back and look at the main stories and following this hour. now and as a new round of gauze, as these 5 tools set to begin in the country capital on 1st day, you as an, as well as sending delegations, mediation assets have been sold since a one week c site in november last year. f is designed and 16 months of conflicts, and so donna also taking place in geneva. but only one side is present delegations upon military rapids support forces as a rise, but representative from the sudanese army haven't turned up in albany. is the leader of australia is main opposition? policy pizza duncan has been called racist by another parliamentary of his objections to accepting refugees from gaza. is ali cycles, comments come off to doug and set the country should not taking people from gaza.
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he said that there was a risk they could be a mass sympathizes are. these are normal families. these are families that us taking to paint but somehow the old terrorist. but that should all be mistrusted and not with the die. i'm not would be a few minutes later, the opposition will say to the good thing we have to do in silence. you can hear me in silence or the stop a right the, the opposition and all the news. the president of new york's columbia university has resigned over handling of months of student demonstrations in solidarity with the palestinians and gaza, and an email to students and stuff and initial fee said that it's been a period of time while and difficult to overcome. divergent views. she added, but it's taking a considerable toll on her family to fix face strong backlash for cooling and police to shut down a tent and comment on campus. in april,
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she was named president of the university last year and was the 1st woman to hold that position is where i was approved any legal sacrament. tony anesco world heritage site in bethlehem as wells far right. find out some of that stuff is all a smart rich, announce the plans for the settlement and the policy and village of bye to the site is known for its ancient agricultural terraces. vineyards and olive groves is riley sacraments, and don't get bite. westbank are in need go on the international little no, a day reports now from ramallah on the impacts of this decision. the palestinians of these rarely finance minister announced permission to construct a new supplement in the bethlehem area. i know this is the de facto ruler over the occupied west bank and the significance of his announcement is that is this a supplement? lives in the area that's left of bethlehem that hasn't been taken over by illegal supplements construction. and the wallet lies in but tiered,
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which was inscribed by the unesco as a world heritage side 10 years ago. but in addition to its value, to humanity and to palestinian heritage. that area will disconnect bethlehem from the rest of its environs. yet bethlehem being surrounded by illegal is really supplements on the wall. and now the block of course has ceiling to the south will be connected to the supplements of jerusalem, hard of yellow and yellow, and the expand the boundaries of jerusalem. the administer the is rarely minister framed this decision as a response to bible study and action at the level of international court seeking accountability and to international recognition of palestine. but if we take a look, a closer look, it's really implementation of the is really government coalition agreement, which would supplement expansion as a priority and considers an explanation of the occupied with the bank as an object
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of what all this data drama, la, palestine, the russia is evacuating thousands of civilians from the course region as ukrainian forces yvonne's military size. it's deployed fine to jazz to the west. and border crane says its troops have taken more territory the the ukraine saffel said it shut down. old 29. russian ocean drive is during an overnight attack, motion order 3. k is 59 guided missiles during the attack, most close as keeps. the main goal is to destroy russian forces, entrenched in east and ukraine, much of which is still on the russian and control. ukraine's encouraging intercourse is further north and the front line. it will started last week, and it's the largest cross border attack by ukraine. since the war began, jonah, how has this report now?
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with the same old data data map there incursion into russia a week ago? you create in force these say they were advancing here on patrol in a village in the coast region. what looks like a civilian, these apparently unmoved, by the presence of the vehicle best, the wide triangle in sic, neither of these ukrainian cross border operation. there is no sign of resistance. briefing. presidents are lensky, the head of the army, said they were making ground. what point as to how defense falls troops continue that are offensive on the territory of the cask region. since the thoughts of today, our troops have advanced one to 2 kilometers in various directions. to similarly bold was this report filed by a ukranian journalist on russian soil as the russian flag is thrown to the ground. the reporter explains that she arrived in the coast region with a ukrainian con void, delivering a to civilians. she describes people sheltering in basements and says that while
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russian ministry vehicles were hit, little harm has come to civilians. no damage done to civilian infrastructure, to w is, which leads to at least wondering at ukraine's ultimate goal. i think the political aim can be to demonstrate firstly to the western allies that keep brand new. still very much can be fixed by cleaning this war on. so frontier and territorial integrity in this case, i think he prayed news, hoping quite clear, identifying and highlighting that are based as notes and incursion of a means to multiply russian territory. isn't this rather self defensive measures? the russian sources. meanwhile, tell a different story with pictures being broad cost on line of evacuated from the coast region. some said to be in need of medical attention. and the ministry of defense has released video that it says shows ukrainian prisoners of war captured in the cask region. along with military hardware and with
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a clear russian response on the ground yet to materialize. they was this from a senior foreign ministry official to the 6 communities to with the terrorist actions and the costs gavia ukraine has at a minimum and put the prospect of paste talks on hold for a long time. i'm going to be on that. the next moves on both sides remain on so i don't know how else to 0 correspond and alex could helpless and the ukrainian city of v then joins us now, bring us up to date alex on the military operation course. so the cleaning advance is still ongoing. it has slowed down since the 1st days. it's now only a matter of a few moments of the day, but they give you really do of just so expensive. it is the governor of cruise because the, or did the evacuation of books couple, which is 20 kilo, which is away from the front, but a good 68 kilometers away from suggest which was the initial ukrainian
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a target. so it is ongoing ukrainians themselves have large, massive and we saw and drones strikes against regional russian f fields in an attempt to stop rushing jets from taking off a launching precision tab. deployed phones that are being causing real issues for you, printing and forth is that what impact is encouraged and having politically politically, so for russia, puts in, is looking increasingly weak ukrainians to be there for over 7 days. now it's, they're struggling with a lot of this versus social media sites, a thing that's who's to blame. what about the intelligence failure? a lot of those arrows pointing inputs in this direction, president puts, in this audit, huge financial incentives for any conscripts joining up. so bonuses, initial loads, payments, preferential mortgages, etc, etc, and
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a real drive to boost constriction and get troops there as quickly as possible for ukraine. they've now got to manage the territory they've taken, and that's going to be a headache. so a lot of people still left probably going to be fed, how services going to be maintained. so a lot of questions that need to be on. so thank you so much. alex could help us with forcing kids from the booth and ukraine as we go to thailand. now the country could have a new leader by the end of the week governing coalition is looking for a successor to sweat to position the constitutional court. remove the prime minister from office for violating ethics in a cabinet appointment. tony chang. how's this update now from the type parliament in bangkok? it's going to be a busy day here. the type of the many people were taken by surprise. but yes, the decision from the constitutional cooled to else, the prime minister, thought we are starting to get a sense of who the short list of replacements might be totally that leads to ruling
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coalition have ruled out pet hometown should've was she's the daughter of texas. but he's known to be concerned about putting his daughter right to the full front of type politics position. we've seen the last 7 days, which can make you very vulnerable. instead they proposed a 75 year old former m p. we've had a major brain aneurism last year with serious questions over his health. that might open the way, but 10 to 1010 with a cool amount of substantial independent. well, who leads phones? i totally vista, the policy of time politics. and the man who is known to belong to hall, but at this uh for the top job will help people in thailand reacting to the suit so that the constitutional codes decision, frankly, with a shrug, a resignation, a deep sense of disappointment, the term all the bad old days of type politics has come. once again,
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tony chang al jazeera, bank of vision. it's a unifying north and south career has been outlined by south korea's present. and so your goal of bringing the countries together has been a long held policy objective for. so, despite the often troubled relationship with peeling young public vide reports on this now from sol, a task raise president, you in sic y'alls, made his remarks at the annual liberation day anniversary, which commemorates the defeat of japan in world war 2 and the freeing of the korean peninsula, from colonial, who in spite of into korean relations, being at their worst in years, you know, fit to set up a consultation body to facilitate towards you as well. with this body, we can address any issues including economic corporation, human and cultural exchanges, and responses to disasters and climate change. in addition to using tensions,
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he also repeated calls for a nuclear, a free peninsula to connie. if north korea takes even the 1st step towards the new colorized station, we will immediately begin political and economic cooperation with its continued missile development and self declared status as a nuclear on states. north korea seems firmly set on a different course. i'm no longer until he's on the relationship between the north and the south is no longer at that a fellow country, a man or of a homogenous nature, but a vendor of 2 hostile stages. recent tensions have been heightened with the launch of thousands of fresh build balloons from north korea. then digging south korea, those balloons was sent in response to balloons. loans by north korean defect is living in the south carrying packages that include us basics, though, did with popular t v dramas, and k paul to show people in the news of what life is like here. you'd also stated
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the value of exposing north koreans to such a popular culture from the south, which combined with the recent use of loud speakers to bro cost pop music and propaganda. across the demilitarized zone, separating the neighbors and rages beyond gang, making the prospect of unification. more remote than ever, rob mcbride, i'll just say are so students, welding, sticks and buttons a fault with supporters of the overthrown government in bangladesh. the countries of the southern prime minister shake has seen a fled the nation officer of police crank down that killed at least 300 student protest is seen, had been in power for more than 20 years. an interim government has now in place led by nobel laureate mohammed eunice, at least 2 student protest as have also been named to the temporary administration . large crowds of gather to witness indian prime minister under under moody markets,
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77 years of independence. thousands of people attended the spectacle at the, at the red ford. new daily national flag was raised and mowed. he made a speech. you also pay tribute to him, how to montgomery, more than $10000.00 security personnel have been deployed across the city in preparation for the event and origin. tina, how the play came to power 8 months ago with the promise to put an end to storing inflation. well, the data shows that it is coming down, but there is still serious concerns about the impacts his austerity measures will have on people's lives upstairs to raise the bar of what's in front as ours. teachers protesting in front of identity has congress are met with a stronger assistance by the police. they come here to demand better wages and to protest against a new law. the government wants to pass that will declare education and essential
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service, which they say would deny teachers. the right to strike under the island city says that government is threatening to destroy the public education system. a lot of whom they did to yes, is your cation is a social right. which is different than being essential. it is the budget to guarantee resources and salaries. what the government wants to do is to complicate our right to protest and not resolve the problems we face. we education is a challenge in the middle of the social crises, argentina's, economies, and crisis with one of the world's highest inflation rates the to stay, their salaries have fallen short. the government of have you had a malays implementing a very harsh austerity plan to renews government spending on fight inflation. it has reduced the funding of public universities around the country by 30 percent, according to official data. and that's one of the reasons why the university of one of site is, which is one of the largest in the country has gone on. most of the budget for
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public universities is destined for teachers salaries hitting the might of the works of the medicine university says everyone is troubling. then you will see all sort i'm in there, but you'll see all one is the only funding that's arrived is to pay for electricity and water. but the professors have received a minimal raise. in spite of the inflation, they're also reducing the social security plan for professors here. the lowest plan is a disaster for us. of this, have you had a malays convinced and will stay with the plan could and the high inflation rate that arjun tina has been struggling with for years? in fact, the president says there's a reason to hope, given the inflation rate has decreased in the past few months and say message in 6 months we manage to terminate an end to the fiscal deficit. we did a physical austerity plan to reduce 15 percent of the gd pay, the biggest adjustment in the history of humanity, of domestic words, from the precedent that his plan will work. but universities in the public sector
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say they need more resources now. and many are not convinced malays riley click on the plan. we succeed very so we'll just see that when the site is, are off for a quick break. it will take you to greece. people in athens are accusing the government of failing to prepare for the wild flies, devastating parts of the country. the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back. people in greece are returning to the homes to assess the damage off
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to the west wildfire this year. the flames came close to the greek capital, destroying thousands of buildings. thousands of people told to leave the homes, child stratford, travel to doubt and tele, near athens to meet one family whose livelihood was completely destroyed. and just to some view as might find some of the images or parts of his report obsessing and i was just trying to move the j. i'm a mess. i feel like i've lost my life. i feel i've lost a child. i'm at a funeral. i feel like i don't want to live anymore. there's not of me. demetrius says he doesn't want to go with us to see his dead animals. it upsets him too much . 100 and full goats of 5 dogs, bone to live in the place. the ripped through his livestock pens, the feet, storage buildings on the hall for hector of land that his father left him. he says
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each animals was, was more than $200.00. but the government said it will compensates him for less than hoff about the amount say, let me proceed. we need help to get back on our feet. so we can live again or have nothing less than a truck was in total, including the feeder it's stored. i've lost at least $35000.00 euros with and that's not including the buildings that have been destroyed. a scene of shocking devastation here. now the government has already offered financial compensation to people who've had their properties damaged or destroyed by this fire. however, there were many people still waiting for promised the government money to materialize of the far as they suffered 3 years ago. which is 0 1st visitors of us, the less mikaela in 2021 of to a wall 5 destroyed. he's classic call restoration business. which he says was, was more than $2000000.00, and this is
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a photos by the 1970 the workshops, and he's old homeland rusted ruin and which the drawing gross and on the gross, he still hasn't received government compensation. she was promised, she does the cut me up, but if i have not received even one reply to my repeated inquiries, and there's a lot of bureaucracy, even though everything you sent electronically like there's been no response hub or sentiment, i clicked it up. i do see that the used for as far information system says in 2023, walter 5 cause more than 2000000000 dollars worth of damage increase the countries you need to have insurance companies estimates more than 50 $1000000.00 worth of claims were made last year but exactly how many of those have been paid is unclear . the destroyed remnants of demetrius livelihood, still smolder in the off the moon. some. i could hear the cries as they died. he says,
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i need help to stop again. charles profit alger 0. the open tele grease volcanic eruption of mount etna are as close flight disruptions on the tiny, an island of sicily told his whole k no in europe. so increased activity of the night releasing fountains of law. the includes of ashen to the smoke from the option affected pilots visibility, and yet tanya international airport. and it is one of the wells most active volcanoes. scientists in the u. k. a saying that they are shocked to discover the parts of the famous stonehenge money men came from a lot further away than originally thought. they found that the ultra stone originally originated, actually 750 kilometers away in northern scotland rather than wales in the west. of the u. k, the discovery is raising more questions about how people around 4 and a half 1000 years ago were able to transport huge stones across such distances. and the site believes have been built around 500 years off to stonehenge has been
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discovered by peruvian archaeologist. it's a 4000 year old burial site in the northeast of the country remains a full individuals had been laid to rest on this side, facing the mountains of the 0 valley and buried with ornaments. just a bit of news from nasa deciding how to bring back to us for not stuck on the international space station. very well more and so need to williams blasted off on boeing stone line or the beginning of june for an 8 day mission. but for us to a malfunctions have delayed the return by $62.00 days, i'm counting now, so it must decide. now if the star line or is safe to fly, whether to use arrival space ex croft. but to that mission went return home until next february, a well, that wraps up when he's out, but i will be back in a mind what was more of a dice use a full bl, isn't coming up in just test 2 minutes.
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the unique perspective, the transfer and the displacement of being vision. this population has been discussed as part of design. his project went back for well over a 100 years on heard voices over 9 times. people have these days by the fall of this bombing connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. young people are not looking for a hand, but they're not backed up by a system that supports the stream on out. just the or the magic has of course has to has this chinese academic victor dialed 12 percent of the people of taiwan. so they want to reunify that it's not up to the people in taiwan to decide about the one to on the policy. exploring china is different. and emissions is, you know, president for like
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a true dictates. how can you explain for find the transform ation of china? if you have to take this, you had to head on a just to get out the . ringback the to turn out to the dangerous new storm to try to sell human activity. the as global binding. as of right,
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the reason expects these talks to move forward as planned, director burns and brent mckerick. we're both travel to guitar for these discussion because as these 5 tools are set to begin again, the us and council are quoting on both sides not to undermine the, the hello i, maria, minimize the, this is alger 0 life from dell also coming up on the program go stations to end. so


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