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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 16, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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with details coverage, it's been months now on the farm these yes to hear from his radio for these for the we some is a life or death from the house of the story. how much wife look to and this is a 3 d o. twins was killed and then is really the strike. what a house and on eunice, the, [000:00:00;00] the low on the phone here. this is the use our license. so how coming up in the next 60 minutes, is there any forces target goes as largest refugee can, can at least 7 palestinians, many of them to israeli settlers killed one palestinian bun, cause and destroy properties, and
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a number of attacks of the occupied westbank plus type of additional support, the countries youngest, prime minister, billy, in that era spent some time to show us we live in bangkok and impulse in pocket. some cases of the infectious disease of being reported outside the applicant continent after it was declared, a global health emotions. the thanks for joining us. we begin to northern goes that we're in this really strongly from the residential building and the jabante of refugee campus code 7 people including children. many of those were injured. emergency teams is searching for people trapped under the rubble. who is the way the army has code? at least 46 palestinians in the past 24 hours. one of the homes bomb to belong to paramedics abdul products have to because of the bodies of hispanics. most of them were killed in the strike. but he was able to rescue his niece and take her to his
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i'm villains, as as one, gaza has code little slow to 1000 palestinians since october. the southern guns are the story. the army has again targeted displaced palestinians this was the scene of the city where families tried to escape is right. the tax payments carried the children while running for shelter. troops saw carrying out another offensive in con eunice. let's speak to 100 my mood who joins us loud from darrow, by that in central gaza. so how do you tell us more about these attacks on your body and of course, called you this of the world over not a tax on your body records. you can be resulted in the murder of a whole entire family and the shock and surprise of for one of the paramedics, who was an ambulance to dispatch,
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through the bomb side to find out that this was his family house, his mother, his father, and his family, members inside the house were killed and he was removing rubble just to get their bodies from under the rubble of this old familiar c. and for the past months we see in doctors the nurses are from the medical staff and other people that were there from the civil defense. the crew are, are in a situation where they find out that their family members were actually among the casualties or those who are killed in the talk. this is not the 1st time we're seeing. giovanni, or he can be in a talk, the list be in the initial weeks of the word is very military and dropped many of the dom bombs that destroyed the vast majority of the residential buildings in the public facilities, entire residential blocks. on the 3rd week of the inside of work go the lease, a 100 people inside this refugee cabinet for these are not familiar with the landscape of this area. it's a smaller, it's one color square kilometer with more than
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a $100000.00 people living inside. old descendants of palestinians refugees from 94 d a to from the northern parts of palestine ended up in jump out of the refugee cabinets, a smaller space. overcrowded. a single bond can cause the issue here, level of destruction. the old means the why, the refugee camp. this particular record you can, has been on this for you a side for is reading recurrent incursion just within the past couple months. it's really military and faded. the rep is you cabin destroyed the remaining infrastructure, public disability also evacuation centers that people ended up, the seeking shelters inside of them because simply their residential homes are, have been destroyed or that severely damaged to the point they're not fit for, for living ultimate, even if you. ringback are seeing and then your value, if you can refuse to evacuate elsewhere in the northern part of god. so because
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simply there's no spaces play a sense. the fact that evacuation orders bite is really military have been largely misleading yet, and vague and contradictory. and often time moved to the depths of displaced palestinians within weeks and days or hours of their arrivals. with these shelters, mainly human at 3 and zones in defense, from the area or the southern parts of this trip. enough reasons for people to see where the ad, because simply there is 0 guarantee for, for safety on the separate attack. these really military continue to strike in the southern part of the strand, mainly the city of han units, along with the recurrent evacuation orders and force displayed internal displacement for people who woke up to the sounds of explosions and heavy artillery . then literally, the footage that we looked at, people were running for their life. and from there, the areas that was bon fight is really military by the artillery and by the air attacks picking up their belongings,
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whatever they're able to take with them and carrying their children on their hands and running under the give you a are really all of this has become a familiar at seeing and a deal redeem that palestinians have to endure and the struggles with on daily basis, whether it's early hours of the morning or at mid night. like what happened in the past. we went this really military, all the sudden it through a more evacuation order through the central part of the city of han. you and it's just pushing more people into internal further displacements shrinking the sides of the human to 3 and zones. as soon as it expand, did the rates areas that if it has become the target of these really immersed, there is just within the past 45 minutes. we got reconfirm reports of more people killed in garza city right at the center parts of the city. just increasing the
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desk tall for the past 24 hours to 46 people. those collected identified by family members and the health facilities. but according to the health ministry, the number of people who are missing the number of people who are traveling that the rebels is far more shocking than what we are looking at right now. with the very latest from guys that kind of a mood. thank you. know goes a see slide talks a continuing and the guitar, a capital go on friday off to what media i just said was a constructive 1st day. while those tools got on the way the families and supports is the best way the captives held in gaza. marston, major cities, several 1000 gathered in tennessee for the mon, the government, finalize a deal to bring the remaining captive time. about a $110.00 of the $240.00 people taken on october. the 7th was to believe to be engaged, to encourage the government to sign an agreement with from us to bring back
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all the canopies. the girl demand the children, if it won't happen now i, we believe that none of the hostages wouldn't be like you to the last chance these days are very, very much for us, very hard for us. and we hope thanks to the stop. so we get the agreements and everything that would be best because otherwise it might be very, very hard to bring them back. okay, let's go to israel now speak to akiva elder is a political analyst to contribute to, to these ready daily newspaper har, etc, joins us from tel aviv, of say, the sites of many of those recent demonstrations, akiva available and welcome to you. so what now of benjamin that's in yahoo strategy of postal victory does not leave any room for any compromise as these folks go forward. as i said this, uh, it's not just in between the 10, you know, and the family is over the chapters who demonstrate and,
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and the is riley public opinion. that is very well worried about the future of the people who are still alive and that's a smaller mine already be out of the $115.00. um, there are many that will be back uh in uh, uh, 40 backs is between the united states and is ready maybe the june, you know, the, as well as the entire international community. the tradeoff is not just the captives and the war. and guys, it's now the, was the original no more was that will involve your wine lab and on cuz by law maybe will jeopardize our relationship with a, the arab countries that are still keeping their embassies here. egypt. jordan,
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be december. right. um and uh the new mattress. yeah, it's uh no just uh, seeing wow. and it's i know. and even if you would conduct a secret ballot in the can, i said in the government, you want to find out the vast majority that i hope and pray. natania will say yes, but as well has lost its checks and balances. right? actually gives way, is just a formal democracy now, and it's led by one person and you're very likely to ask me the question. what is the now, what does do you have in mind? so you have, of course, alluded to the immense amount of pressure coming from outside isabel, israel will say a huge amount of pressure from within. i mean, us officials have suggested that there was little more though this radius can achieve in gaza. but is that anything benjamin netanyahu could present as
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a victory to the hard liners in his own government. just wanted to know the victory is an as to the 2 state solution. we are talking about a different area. um, what about the day after left its uh assume that there wouldn't be an agreement coming out of the watch list. who will weigh guys out? who will stay cool, but it's not as we know, it's not uh, you know, colorado is not going to deployed. uh, forces seems garza and we still live sold sides. uh, soldiers wasn't exactly oh, once is to make sure that that will never be if a senior and states and this is the conflict that is waiting around the corner between the hail and maybe each will not be
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a president. and by then it will be either coming hours or if you like, between him and donald trump. if he wouldn't be the next president, he wants to put an end to this. you suggested that is really democracy in inverted commas is the under siege is under pressure is not in a particularly healthy shape at the moment that the government is one that simply rubbish times military maneuvers and middle house. i want to given all the pressure that we're seeing on the streets of tennessee, even other towns and cities in israel, whether there is anything left of public opinion, public pressure on the government that could persuade them to take a different course of action is not to be a little more useless. what can happen is if you look at the biden's policy, he is using these days costs off of carrots. but the very slow sticks and
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the sticks that way the. and actually this way, you probably will start moving back through the streets the way that you did a year ago when i lived on the host of the, the dictatorship, who did try to destroy the judiciary and the high quote. these people will be back in the streets, was able to realize that as well is under siege, the jewish community and united states of them. and keep in mind that during the transition period gives united states often november, mr. by then it will be free to do anything including passing. it was a lucian that includes sanctions against. is there a way to secure the causal and not using what he did? 3 times this wasn't just said in the security cause of he was not use his legal
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power that may bring these valleys back to the streets. because why that out the is riley probably feels that we are the victims and what's happened. so the but a scene of people in guys that is collateral damage when you killed 12 drawers and the gun on the heights. this is a catastrophe. this is why, but a 40000 is a but a scene is a jewel in gaza. well, it's the folder because they saw that there was inc in october 7th, and they suppose the how much this is, unfortunately, the atmosphere in these very public opinion. right now. any a, keep a good tool to keep out of the joining us from televisions. many thanks. thank you, need the
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now and p as in thailand, the voted in the countries youngest, prime minister, patch on time should know what the largest policy, the governing coalition for. ty endorsed this 37 year old. the party was founded by her father from the prime minister, texting, who was ousted in 2 in 2006. on wednesday, the constitutional court remove sati. toll we see from the prime minister role of accusing him of ethical standards. tony chain is live of the 1st type potty headquarters in bangkok, so 30 to go through. what happens now of the well uh pet hometown center. what is that say in the building behind me, she's addressing the media for the 1st time. we've been waiting for about an hour and a half since we got the results of that parliamentary votes. i didn't catch the opening statement, why? she thinks the representative representatives of the people voting for her, and it was
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a fairly substantial though she got over the 248 to the deadline months by a considerable margin with more than $300.00 votes. so it was in the end quite a simple processing that happened relatively quickly. she said she promised to do her best for the, for the time people a tea thing to pray this as a set of how we sent. so you mentioned got kicked out of the job by the constitutional code just 2 days ago. he's actually here as well. and what we've seen over the last hour is a line off of a policy heavy weights coming in, then lined up inside right behind it. and i think that is that designed to convey the image that while she herself is a relatively young woman, a 30, some 7050 a next week she does come with the signal on this policy machine. and of course, the weight of her father tax, i'm sure of what she said she'd spoken to her father that he had said that she must go for the roll endorsement 1st, which she said is
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a 1st priority. but i think when you look at this, this, this other legacy that they shouldn't want family hand down to her. she'll be, that's the general in the last 2 decades to ok. so i'll keep by the prime minister position and, and there is a whole support system here built up around to. but it comes with some difficulties to pre, to assess as a fall, the tanks in there on getting logs, bus house to buy another tree. cuz i think the family will be hunting very much. it is said time lucky antonio. because it's been a sheer, usually to evelyn to j to this point has of that. and then what does all of this mean full the, some i'm faculty position in the country of the well, i mean, the, the opposition or exactly that exists in most countries. the opposition is the policy that comes 2nd, or 3rd or 4th in the election or opposition. here is the policy, the one the election. and there is a huge amount of frustration because they don't really have been forced into
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opposition, but they've also been disqualified. however, they reformed as the people's policy and they all really the threats and i think what's changed here is if the policy hit her tie, adult coupon that position for so long texting they've been kicked out in the could assist them, getting lost. it's been kicked out in the queue, they kept coming back. well now the conservative establishment sees them is the saucer between themselves and the reform is move full of policy. that well, what as of last week. and so they've shifted from the sense of left to the sense of rights they all keep on a different political sphere. now, i think for time voters, they going to be looking very carefully puts on tons of performance. they are very angry about the economy. they're gonna probably buy that tons about the political changes and the turbulence we've seen in the last couple of weeks. but i think if the economy doesn't pick up soon,
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we're going to say an awful lot of pressure to put on the politicians. and as i mean, we're still at least 4 years away from a general election. i think the most people have in their minds is next time the opposition has to win. so convincing they just can't be denied. right. so anybody thinks that tiny chang loaded bank of political ellis puncher da see we want a boot says a new lead. it doesn't necessarily mean new policies as she is that taxes a dollars. so then that's why i think it's a probably 6 gonna be percent because you know, pass on time for the so that's not really, it has extra run fast on how to, you know, push from what the policies all she doesn't, she doesn't really have the courage my, i'm all of the coalition of getting the parties to a so basically her father, the, you know, taking care and then her father will tell her to control all the policy and follow the policy. and at the same time, to negotiate the, all the college and parties, the college and government is going to be the same political parties. and i think
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it's a big, it's a full far, you know, political party to switch the position in the ministry. i think it all we've came the same minutes. do me a pause after this after last election last year. and last numbers of people on for the progressive political party move forward. that was the soul that last week. so nice her to be pose tardy. i think people are upset that you know, other people's party to not become the prime minister and form the police and government and had whole time her so she, that's not really be respected by all the more for us, most of the border of even the fall put 5 hardy, they bought for taxi and also the populace policy. the testing has to be implemented in the last almost 20 years. and um, you know, we have to wait and see the nurses can pursue a new policy of companies in the fall of policy as she did in the company. and lot lot, we're focused on these the 2nd country outside africa report on impulse infection.
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the health department, this is at least 2 cases being confirmed, suite a reported its 1st case on 1st. the world health organization has declared and pokes a global public health emergency eskimo. and this would come out high to a who's in the salo. bozza come out what, what do we know about the cases of impulse discovered and focused on of the very 1st of all i talk about the latest and that their, they've gone dead 3 baths and yeah, you're coming from the united at it, but i made it work stop, god bless you all were ad for dr. rich. the head of the toner. do that? issued a statement saying that the city were carrying that same demons, 2 of gods have been confirmed. do have the and bulked why it is the 3rd one. i've got the rating that it does reject being sent through the nation is geared ahead and it's summer bob. so the national come on and,
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and operation center i have guard said already issued, i know do, why is it a do and show preparedness in the face of this new thread? and i did the unbox. uh why that store at the moment door to the case is being that bordered from the high but booked on the pop, proven i come out. of course this comes as cases of also being confirmed in new york as well. yeah, it's not just that they're good words. remembering that back in 2023, they were 11, getting from the case in the am fox head and focused on one of them died. so indeed, what does happened is that the nation institute of head has now issue the precautionary measures that'd be by target job. that includes a routine and watching the game, as well as a clean environment and reading model, threat bought, separated, and they have cost, right?
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also be looking at incoming passengers to ensure that they're able to timely detect any symptoms of this wider given the fact that they, what it has the organization has already raised the alarm. and the focused on your thought or date of cause really be cognizant of that fact. or i can also know many things that come a honda, and it's not about the common aid is accused the us of being involved in planning ukraine's incursion into russia's cross creek washington. denali is the accusation by nikolai patricia of ukrainian forces are advancing in western russia. taking the board of time as soon as you feel so jabari has more of a must go let's, let's throw in. i mean, this is what's left behind after ukrainian attack on the town of sue john in the curse region of russia on thursday. the city is now on the front line after
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ukrainian forces pushed into russian territory on august 6th, as battles continue for control of the strategic border city and vital gas help of suture. both sides are claiming, tells me, gains here. sutures, home to a pipeline continues transporting russian natural gas to europe despite the ongoing hostilities. meanwhile, russia to forces claim they are slowly pushing ukrainian forces back this footer is released by the defense ministry shows a number of ukrainian paratroopers killed in the village of porky and the cursed creature. russian officials also claimed that the curse region, village of martinos, gro was cleared of ukrainian forces that's located about 8 kilometers north, east of sue, just similarly the village of crew, pets. northwest substitute job is also back in russian control. just so of course, a drone attack hit residential homes should back, you know, in the belgrade region injuring at least 5 civilians. hours later, local officials declared
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a state of emergency in the entire region. splits of lucas, our commission looked at the situation and the belgrade regions and made the decision to declare a federal emergency on the whole territory of the region. in the near future, we will explain what this really means for the effective districts, again, for the effective residents. and with the state of emergency comes more forces. the defense minister andre fellow solve an additional troops will be deployed to belgrade regionally. the move comes of thousands of people in the western regions of belgrade bri, owns, and curse had been evacuated with no clear idea when they will be able to return home. i believe that not only the russians were taken by surprise, by the sudden success of the cranium break through and maybe the in the west to worth taking the buyer were really surprised. i believe the cranium, political military, we read the ship is also surprised. right now,
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how successful they turned out to be technically and may be, is that the last want to do next. while officials in russia are preparing for the worst, this offensive is highlighted, the vulnerabilities of the 2000 kilometers of land border russia, shares with ukraine. president vladimir putin has vowed to take the enemy outs and defense officials are confident they can push the occupying forces of occurs with reinforcements on the way. with each passing day, the supplies offensive continues. it's becoming more of a real threats. and a real embarrassment for the russian military, the sources of worry algebra moscow as good a key of now defense that is uh, this could topless is standing by that. so alex 1st will bring this up to speed with what exactly is going on in the us government at the name of the ukrainian and boats are still ongoing, but it's slowing down to
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a cruel, expressed in hundreds of meters. now, robin, the columbus is expressed in the 1st few days of the votes. ukraine's be negotiating with russia to swap the hundreds of russian po deputies that they seized in the 1st days. now for p, o w, use the russia holes. but the main thing is being this graduate version of the russian red line saying that no western weapons should be used in cruise, or indeed a rush approved. but now you please just go on ahead and ignore that. the reports of u. k. challenge at times, operating in cost and to the canadian defense ministry last night said, the weapons is donated liquid tanks, a ton of resistance, infantry fighting vehicles that you've trained can go right ahead and use them in cost if it needs to. lexical isn't the only from doing this on going more, i mean, what's been happening elsewhere and it's comforting me of the so in the east,
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the move across because wanted evacuation of the city because it is vital for the next. so wrote a real junction is a main supply route for ukrainian forces. russian forces are only about 10 kilometres away from the city itself on a slowly advancing. so this is a serious, serious set back for you. creating in the south is not looking too good, either. ukraine towards the missile attack on the coast bridge that failed to hold . the missiles were shut down, which shows that ukraine's campaign against russian defences in crimea has not what have not been successful. and in the in kirsten, in the turn of print key, which is a foothold ukraine had on the fall side of the deep river, russian attacks a full screen in troops to start pulling back, even from this full small mika foothold they had on the 1st sides of the pro river, so not looking good. it's only a good good to to indeed to alex many thanks to the defense added to alex could topless speak to us from keith?
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still ahead on the i'll just say when use a border crossing is open to the amount of turn, a supplies for a region of su, done assignment as being declared, but only temporarily. plus stephanie decker in the middle of kenya's mind. rose will be telling you the story of how this community has come together to protect this vital eco system. the the here's our forecasts for friday across europe in africa and 1st things. first heat is trapped into the balkans here and as a result of this heat, we're going to see some daytime heating storms pop up here. some places are good 10 degrees above where they should be at this of the year. nother spots. it's about 10 degrees hotter than it should be, is lisben at $38.00 degrees, taking
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a look at the 3 day forecasts. yep. okay, so you should be 28 and then very windy conditions will tap into a north or the wind. so that's gonna drop down your temperature, so there is some relief coming over the next little bit. okay, we got what weather draped over scandinavia. pushing into the baltic states trailing back through denmark, just a few showers netherlands and belgium. great into that western side of france, but looking good for the southeast corner of england sunset. so monday, your temperature we pounds to $25.00 degrees, still windy, unfortunately around athens and same goes for greece is creek island. both spots have been dealing with wildfire as here. and what a method is in this part of africa, particularly northern nigeria. the need to go and gone. a storm right across, breaking it fast. so that is likely going to trigger some flooding over the next 24 hours or so con for now in south africa. but watch what happens on saturday dust. it was a wind and
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a few showers in cape town of the nation ingles in a bitter civil war. there were systems picking more and more territory there when any found one and the see has to resort to the power button. the chaos and use threats has emerged under the sea. then what became from spread to that region. cyber crime was taking place in new i. you certainly indicates that it represents one of the largest prime hubs in the world. the full reports, the facts before the gateway to me and mar on i was just the euro. hearing the facts, people with disabilities in golf are the most vulnerable groups in israel, relentless for asking questions, you know, the number right now. what is the issue that we're proposing from the actions best feelings? and you can also get out to see who is teams across the world with the latest local news. i didn't select from documentaries. when you closer to the house of the story,
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching out just a, a is a reminder of our top story is the south. that is where the striking, the residential building and all that goes with it as code 7 feet, including children's emergency teams, is searching for people trapped under the rubble in the jabante, a refugee camp was killed over 40000 palestinians since october is what really set the lives of killed one, palestinian, an injured, another, h 2 in a tax and the oxide westbank. they've been cause and homes. yeah,
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and there's documented at least 1140 is 87 of attacks during the war on guys know road and joins us now from the sheets in the occupied the westbank to talk more about the settlement tax and nor course multiple palestinian areas hit and they said latest wave of a tax focus to what's been happening. that's right. maybe this is not the for the only attack or the only village that was subjected to is really attacks. but let me tell you what happened here. last night. the settlers came through this road, they attacked several homes, including this one which belongs to doctor, but he said that they broke into the house. they tried to start to fires in the house and they burnt those 2 cars. there were several dozen as really settlers, all armed according to the residents, and accompanied close by by is really soldiers. as usual, this is the trend of how is really subtler attacks happened. one of the residents
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tried to fund off the suppliers were setting homes on fire pouring accept accelerates inside the homes. they were shot out shot at one person that she said they was killed 23 year old. his body will be late to rest later today, after undergoing autopsy to verify and complete the investigation into his murder. this village of 3500 people has been attacked 4 times since october. over a 1000 is really set their attacks have been documented since october. it is a skyrocketing increase in comparison with other years and presidents here and across the occupied west bank point, not just to the impunity, but the complicity of the is really government. these settlers have had weapons, tens of thousands of weapons handed out to them over the past months, and they feel in bold and according to the residents to carry out these attacks. knowing no one will be held accountable, nor many thanks the nor are they in the,
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the village of sheets the occupied westbank. for this of course. let's go to zane bus for avi, who's coming developments from a mom, the jordanian capital because he's really government has found out as they are from reporting israel itself and saying is you heard that from no accusations of complicity by this way, the government and all of the settler violence has to be in any response from these really all thoughts. he's a battle this. yes absolutely. we've heard from a far right fine. there are certain minister bits, a little slow tray to himself, lives in a settlement, not far from where this incident took place. he said that the actions of the settlers are not connected in any way to the settlement, the enterprise, or to settlers there. he described what happened yesterday is the acts of criminals that should be dealt with by law enforcement. now this might seem on the surface of it a bit of sympathy from a far right settler minister in the israeli government. but you have to go on and
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read what else? he said, he said, we build and develop the settlements in a legal and stately manner as a, as, as a matter of government state matters. and he said the criminal and artist violence has absolutely nothing to do with the work of settlements. now this clearly illustrates been his own words that smoked are just more concerned about is rarely is on his turf, in a sense other israelis, settlers on his turf. but not really a cent show of sympathy for the loss of palestinian life for property. we have to remember what else he said last year, when a similar attract took place on the town of laura fletcher and said that who are needs to be wiped out. and the state of israel should do it. so these comments that seem to strike a little bit of balance on the surface of it simply are that if anything, these are performative right now, we have to ask the question why slow tricks as well as other top extra lines of israeli leadership of government are under the microscope at the icbc and the i c j on charges of genocide, we have very sensitive and delicate talks happening in the her right now. there's
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been condemnation of been give you another far right minister for the storming of a look some off just days ago. and just this week, another a legal settlement was announced. funny unesco world heritage site. we have to remember that at least 18 palestinians were killed by settlers since the events of october 7th. no one has been brought to justice and there are at least 7 or 8 settlers within the is really government. so it seems that anything as much it says in this way is just to once again pivot towards the government's job is to expand the settlements and to strikes some kind of balance only because they are under the watchful likes of the global community right now. israel knows that its actions in cause in the west bank is making a deeply unpopular the united states, really the only ally it has left in its corner. and all of this is happening as a sign that indicates that what is happening in gauze is likely to happen in the west bank next. so if that comes out to fasting, to quickly more condemnation, more on popularity for these really government is what they're more worried about
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right now. not the loss of palestinian likes. jane many thanks to that same this for obvious thing to us from amman. let's talk about this in more detail and i would still to and finally, god is professor of public policy at home and been calling for university. he joins us from york in the united kingdom of thanks for joining us full time. so i want to talk about some of the discussions that are happening here in castle in a, in a minute. but 1st of course, that's address these settlement attacks because israel has faced international condemnation for allowing sacrament building and the occupied westbank to happen, including from its allies, the us and others along with multiple resolutions of the u. n. yet it continues seemingly unabated. all that any mechanisms left the can force israel to put a stop to this. well, the only see last is 2 days, more sanctions against the, the sensors. and then in particular, the center moments. those individuals do not operate on their own, the parts of
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a wider network that goes all the way to the united states and they've been to europe that supplies them with the money. and i do all the g is to drive the job. they need to be targeted that you need to be named as terrorist organizations and not just by year on the, you know, one to my country basis, but to internationally i think it's sort of united nations and they need to be the sanctions. the funds have to be caught, that i bet it kicked to travel needs to be interrupted. and that's the only way to lead me to influence what is going on on the ground. other than that, we can continue to pass through and resolutions and nothing would happen. and these people are incredibly, ideologically charged. they are determined, they don't come to westbank out of the deprivation or looking for a better life. majority of those are such as have come from united states from russia and they, a, they already had the budget life and in many ways they're coming here. i don't want
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you to be the coming year. been anybody that the science has been given to them solving years ago and that central stuff. so there's no way to, to negotiate with these type of people. there's no way to convince them. otherwise, the world has got to act in line with the international law. and the 100 so offers issues that have been passed since the occupation in 96 to 7 and sofa and dining 2 talks having caps off states who isn't it? the fact that day 2 is happening a tool. i mean, how encourage should we be by that 2 days? that, of course will say it doesn't seem like a huge amount of time to achieve what's being on the chief level in the past. yeah. so these are, we have be a few times. we have been to this point to get into the game, and i think there is a punch in the test develop and spots. and this is the following, that these are how we go through the motions of attending and adults sending it's
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uh, delegates usually after they've committed a major mistake. and then the while those stokes start something else would happen . whether it was that messiah and marci attacking the may or the assessing issue of india in july. and so we chose the data as adults, and then phase greater pressure on from us to accept the d, u. a or a different deal from what they have the it shouldn't be accepted. so we worry, i think, in the sense that whether there is a goodwill at, by these ladies for the stokes, or just just to, to be seen and taking gage and our process in order to prevent the ranges from retaliating against the submission of india and doing wrong, we much more difficult now for iran to undertake its action that they've promised, as well. when isn't doha negotiating? you know, you're wrong with go in a bad light at this moment. however,
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when it comes to the actual situation in, in gaza, as long as it's around does not accept that the, it's original age got to shift, particularly i think the total destruction of having us and the security and infrastructure the to us, runs in gap. so that it's very difficult to think of how the 2 sides are going to agree. i think it does, right? these are all sorts of, i wonder if we can look at a specific detail because one of the key sticking points appears to be that her boss wants to plan that was already agreed by the us. and by the un security council of guarantees, israel's israel's withdrawal from the gaza strip, specifically from the philadelphia cordele views. you don't know what that is, the buffer zone between garza and egypt. why is this detail such and contentious points of them that and well the,
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the v calling doors issue was brought in after by the analysis done back in on the 31st of, of may, which then became a us and security was russian. 2735, on the 10th of june. something that as well did as a result of his incursion in rough life, which they would not to mention do initially. now the, the situation there is that they really this connected to the potter's thing is entirely from any other contact for the rest of the world. these raise will be circulating garza from full directions, which they do at the moment since they've taken over the car door. additionally, of course is right, is demanding to have a check point in the middle of, of guys a to be able to filter the others to use as they move further north. it tend to, they're already new homes. and that's something that is the, i think the won't be acceptable for him. not assuming us as expecting is out to withdrawal altogether from the gaza strip. the rest of the world has said that this cannot control the guns a strip,
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and that is regular position is that they must do it out of protecting their own security. and of course we have the very important to show the prisoners at change . this rate is, are not calling for or demanding that they should have the right to rachel price. individuals that have numbers has the table for, for release, and that i think i get it would make it very difficult for how much to accept or make it very difficult for. the 1st thing is to look for the day after. now the situation is there's a huge political vacuum on the, the senior administration side is a major mistrust. on to my side, the top leaders are complete assessing agent. okay, so it's on bar cap. many thanks for joining us. thank. hundreds of palestinians, some buried every day in gaza. one grave digger in the south says he's been working nonstop since the war began to have
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a couple was able to pull some terra bottom. this has become for me, you see of to 10 months. so is there any bombardment people mooning, the friends and family members may be agents and they sometimes it's hoss been saying good going to his wife. oh yeah. the mother do the lifeless body of her daughter sending you out the peace of mind. oh, it's approved. can hurt like so many others thing goes was lives out traditionally, always very well. i am, i'm there and someone has to do the great thing on eunice. news of the fact is the person even know what the next, what a since the war began. we haven't stopped even for a minute. there's no place next to bury people. were exhausted. i wish for this war
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to end allies have been rude to day alone, i dug at least 70 graves. as good as told reaches 40000 people. it sprang brookings work. the concrete slab is hitting and this is the responsibility he feels to continue with this difficult job. many do not get to the stone. even the old grades, it is the unlucky concrete blocks monks where the meat some remains lie. yeah, no, it's all profession. we have been digging graves for all day and since the start of the walk, we have run out of space square having to open the old graves to bury people inside . and we have reached a situation where we're forced to bury people on top of one another in the middle of the school. this is one man's battle to provide some semblance of dignity for
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the dead. one resting place at this time, tarka, but as soon as they were there we've been on palestine and of in use of to months of pressure. the student is army says it will allow humanitarian agents adult for through chad. but only for 3 months. simon has been declared in parts of the region where a refugee camps, crowded with people, fleeing the violence between the army and rapid support forces. the army had denied agencies permission to bring an age, citing security concerns to us president joe biden, and vice president campbell of harris of health at 1st joints events in spite of left the presidential race. was it the white house policy event about lowering drug prices for seniors of health? i most like a campaign rally. white house correspondents can be how good was that? and their 1st joint appearance is joe biden endorse, comma la harris's run for the white house by then had only one words for his
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successor was incredible. toward progress he made, she could make one hell of a present. the white house policy event was focused on lowering drug costs. it was not a campaign rally, but it sure felt like one guy were running against. what's his name? donald dumpster donald harris has shifted the us election since taking over the democratic parties, picks the president, new polling shows in some battleground states. she's cut into or overtaking the lead of her republican rival, former president donald trump. these voters say it's because she is a fairly about the piece is sincerely working for the be seeing someone that looks like need be at the forefront of the change for america and firing. and i'm really excited to see what happened,
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even as the crowd focused on harris and her future. she use the moment to show appreciation for biden's presidency. it is my internal, great, great, great honor. i have to tell you to serve with this most extraordinary human being an american labor purposes. thursday's event was to highlighted deal struck with drug makers to lower prices and prescription drugs for older american. miss harris has promising whether in this administration or the one she hopes to lead to january 2025, no senior should have to choose between either filling their prescription or paying their rent. pamela harris, maybe riding a wave of popularity, but she's been accused of being spin on policy. on friday, she changes all of the app would. she travels to north carolina to unveil her 1st
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major economic policy. kimberly healthcare al jazeera prince, georgia's county, maryland. meanwhile, republican presidential candidate donald trump has held a media briefing where he intensified is a tax on coming. the house is economic policy. stepping out, it is new jersey gold club. trump was flanked by 2 tables stacked with household grocery items and the cost of those items. he blank, the house, verizon surprises that inflation. but a wednesday, the department of labor confirmed that inflation has actually hit its lowest levels for us. i still had what i would just say, right, keep calm and carry on why japan is being told who tend to know my life of stuff. it's fucking up on the essentially counseling flags
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the tie ones being leveled by magnitude 6.3 of quick this truck around 34 kilometers off the eastern city of white. again. they shook buildings and effective subway services as far away as the capital type. pay for that be no reports of damage. officials a strong off the shops and likely in the next few days and fridays quake is the 2nd biggest transfer that hit the island in less than 24 hours authorities in japan and of lifted a week long warning for us. so cool to make a quick warning was issued often as quite last week, but it's led to some aspects questioning how scientists predict future trends as
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well. but bryan reports, and one of the world's most quite prone countries experiencing around $1500.00 trim is per yeah, the $7.00 magnitude quite last week was considered unique, occurring on the active falls line known as the 9 k trough. it led to fish that it could trigger a much bigger quite could some. okay, cool. the quote amount that we looked into, whether the possibility of a future quake has increased or not, we concluded the possibility is higher than normal. the government took the unusual step of issuing a form of warning, leading to some panic, buying as people try to assess the danger. we're all concerned but don't know how to prepare in our neighborhood. all the rice toilet paper and water are sold out a disrupting travel plans at a peak vacation time for many japanese. so large numbers of cancellations. so
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a lot of hotels are out of pocket people when they go to the beach. fine, but you can't swim for the next week because of a heightened anxiety in the government. that may be the big one will happen this week. studying records of quakes going back hundreds of years. many sized apologists in japan have concluded the country is due to experience a so called back a quake. the kind, the modeling shows, could cause a 30 meter high synonymy wave with hundreds of thousands of deaths. but the lifting of this warning after a non eventful week has left other experts questioning how predictions are made. there is a kind of child who i believe among some researchers that credit for regular products. but um, research has shown that that belief is rubbish. there is, there's absolutely no sizes that make basis um,
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or conflicting the patterns and past grades with what's going to happen in the future and does life we tons to is near normal as it can in a country under constant seismic threat. that's the knowledge that whether that predicted. oh not that will be more quakes. rub mcbride, would you say right? oh screen is lita has visited some families displaced by recent flooding. kim young . i'm supposed to children in the temporary housing facility until again on thursday. those career was hit by heavy rain add floods in late july, thousands of homes, so much i up in kenya local assets to protect mangrove for us to barring fruits from this part of a growing realization that they should conservation can directly benefit the surrounding communities. but of course, on the only ones involved, they have an unexpected, allied in protecting the 1st 70 deck of
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a boat. some of buses, mangroves in eastern kenya, were being taken into the mangroves along on buses coast. this is an environmental success story. what man destroyed man is now restoring, and the local community is leading the way the creek where anywhere young to is fully does a for forest even scared to go. but your set of, i mean mohammed is a community leader and part of the ongoing mangrove restoration project. he tells us logging of the mangroves over the years, had a severe impact. mangrove wood is hardy, good for building homes and burning firewood we. so the degree edition on the for discuss it, the could not get fee, she could not get processed. we decided to start her story to again of 55000 mangrove trees were planted here in july were told, and on the day we visit more young ones are being delivered. mangroves are the only crucial at the community level. their impact is much wider. in fact,
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the mangroves here and can you effect youtube? they play as a category, right? especially when it comes to climate change in mitigation because they have a capacity to capture at most 10 times cub. and then any available system kind of sequester back on land. so we're now being taken to another way that the community gets income from the forest, but it's also being described to us as the forest security, the army of the forest. let's take a look. see the integrate with an army of bees introduced a few years ago. they're making more of a difference then just creating jobs were told, 80 percent of the logging has stopped when you go and destroyed the forest and the bees are there the tissue always. this thing you, so people know they are for the, for the security and that's how these as the access codes. but visa isn't for 7.
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protecting and growing this mangrove forest is it community efforts and the name of food security and job creation. a crucial realization that by taking care of nature, it gives so much more back. stephanie decor, audra, 0, mombasa, can you? and i'll tell you up today. that's it for me in the pocket for this news out. but i'll be back in just a moment. sun, much cool, the days that you stay with us here when i was using the jeff i explained to you takes advantage of the rain for the previous night to plow and plant. something he ideally should have done since may, may at these times see less and less rain for that means a pool, half of your own. yeah. the arrival of hundreds of thousands of refugees as such trunks. the land available to cultivate from promise depend on the rainy season because it was so little rain so far this year the crops of small farm was
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concerned that if the trend continues, they wouldn't obviously know. the biggest threat comes from climate change, the regular rainfall for long drives, pests of diverse to discharge the couch. the oil for program says motor to many and champions rely on due to poor harvest. and as a factor of climate change horses promised like jackson on the country can only hope for better rates to grow the food big a sense of belonging to walk down any street in park tell who to feel the presence of a defend community. and the every day heroes keeping communities together. little, there's always a little guy, a da 0 visits. it's effective community in toronto, canada, where locals are fighting to maintain their identity. in the face of skyrocketing
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rents and certification, a sense of community on a jersey to across the airport. a new wave of female musicians is emerging, often challenging female stereotype. we're a conservative society, i'm pretty proud of it. but that was a negative to use towards females. thing is to 0. who goes behind this with 2 bands, bringing traditional middle eastern music to new audiences, sisters and song human and don't mind on. i'll just be around the is there any forces till i get guns? is law just refugee camp killing at least 7 palestinians, many of them children the of the bulk of this. so i'll just say with life though, how was that coming up?
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israeli settlers killed one palestinian bun,


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