tv Inside Story Al Jazeera August 16, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm AST
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volunteer desperately trying to help refugees and discharge of human traffic. you must fight to clear the murky waters with this documentary on the political. i'm certain, see, and toilet, and off to the constitutional cold removes the prime minister for breaching ethical standards. a week ago to solve the main office in policy. how big a role does politics play in these decisions? and could they lead to renew tube oil in thailand? this is inside story, the hello that wrong james base timelines. democracy is entering another phase in the past week. the constitutional code has dismissed the prime minister and ordered the dissolution of the main office in poverty which one last year's election. both
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decisions come at a time when the economy is sluggish. many times are frustrated by the political process. thailand's democracy has been front you all for decades with governments overthrown by the generals who remain in the wings. so what does this light is to them all mean for the country? we'll discuss all of this with a panel of guests and just a moment. but 1st this report for victoria gave me funds from thailand's constitutional court ruling. prime ministers rest its habits in should be removed from office. afterwards he questioned the verdict, but promised to abide by it because of entire i respect the decision of the constitutional court, but i want to extend that throughout my almost one year, 10 years. prime minister, i've tried to do everything correctly. i'm genuinely committed to my work, which i've done with honesty and integrity on close connections to the shooting. what family propels for us to into power last year after the elected senate blocked election. when is the progressive move fluid policy from forming a government?
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but on wednesday, the court ruled he had grossly violated ethical standards by appointing administer, he'd been jailed for contempt of court. the judgment comes a week after the wounded, the dissolution of the move forward parties. on the big picture of costs, even though we are no longer under many times the government, the question that many analysts and people in society opposing is whether we have transition from a military to a traditional cool thailand is the 2nd largest economy in southeast asia. after indonesia, economic growth is sluggish with weak exports and consumers spending a move and a 1000000 businesses unable to access loans. just look at the economy now look at the day when to move forward potty with this. so this that was very quiet. i think it probably takes continue like this. the economy wouldn't be able to grow the, it depends on the problem and on who they choose as the new prime minister and what
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the thoughts are. we'll just citizens waiting for answers from above. or some of the say the events of the past week show thailand is no longer a democratic country. when the 9 people elected by the population, an all cash and this time political party, you know, can these qualify and a couple of men can change their copying it right. it makes the election that we had just had last year. meaningless. the governing coalition has nominated pad tom . tom should've worked as the new prime minister. she's the leader of po, type, the biggest party in the government, and due to assume anita tax and she to want the appointment of any prime minister in a back room do has left many ties. deeply frustrated. victoria gave some b, l g 0. the inside story what i'll guess
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today have extensive experience of type politics from very different perspectives. from the bank called we joined by cas, it brought me, i served as foreign minister of thailand between 2008 in 2011. he's also a board member of the assay in parliamentary ins for human rights in london without pots a party of wong. a public policy adviser informs special counsel to the deputy prime minister of thailand. and also in bangkok, soon a pass, oak, a senior searcher on thailand of human rights. what she specializes in political security and foreign policy analysis of thailand. thank you. all 3 of you for joining us today and important moment for your country. i know that thailand looks like it might have a new prime minister very soon, but 1st cast it, i'd like to talk about what happened to the old one if you don't mind to rulings by the constitutional court in the space of a week sacking a prime minister, straight talk and desponding, the most popular party, which one the election last year,
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but was never allowed to govern. this doesn't reflect very well on your country. does it of this and that the but i think one has to goes it, go back to the constitution, which was not the democratic. it was say me a target, terry. and is that me? democratic. so the rules and regulation and so on. the set and reflect the wishes of the people to go for full democratization. so the military establishment a role? yeah, this could define so what they came with the constitution that they meet, that they participate trade democracy. so that you'll, you'll, that in, in, in, in, in bangkok, can you give us a feeling on the streets of people shocked by these 2 constitutional court rulings? what, what, what are you picking up? wha wrote more last considering the rolling salt. i'm fixing to look for
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something able to do. did you cool that the rolling of the constitutional cold or through the liquor problem is the problem is the fact being the entire cabinet and then the election. we move forward part and we represent the or 14000000 volts at the main office in ocoee. the ottoman water also removed from us because of disbanded. so now the country is live without the expected here brash arrow. so the option which the phone as essential to shape and bounds in democratic role. so this is chunking, this outrage, it has a disappointing. so, if we look at the last 2 decades in thailand, let me try and summarize it simply. it's being governed, in terms of who's governing it by 2 different blocks until 2006 tax and shit
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a lot. and a jessie billy, and a businessman. he was the prime minister deposed by the military in 2006. and since then, it's either been the military or military back government, or someone who is allied with mr. should've was i think, i think, i think that's right, isn't it? we're a part of the latest of those was the prime minister stretched out who has now been sacked. what are the reasons that they gave for sacking him and do you believe they stack up? well, i has to, i have to echo, uh, cuz its common that it goes back to the constitution, which i don't consider to be appropriate constitution. cuz it's very tied to say say my uh, anti democratic i think is completely anti democratic. uh and the way you phrase it is quite correct. uh is, is uh the author rights and regime or tax in or tech since allies is not because contacts and is the only special person that type people vote for. but because of
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prior to the imagines of the new parties to move forward to future forward and now people's party thompson and pruitt ty potty, potty, that is the party in charge today is the main party that's supposed to fight against these establishments. now the question is starting to change because once we have these new, what parties emerging, which is seen to be more progressive, some, it's use them up being and time on the kids, which i don't agree with. but now it, it makes it more interesting. it adds flavor to to, to the dish, isn't it? because the top since i live potty tie potty that is is no longer the only one standing against military dictatorship. it's in no way that's high potty is now a bit more conservative. v as a new we're what uh that, that, that's interesting. but just on the point, the point i made a point,
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i almost about the outgoing, probably minister, the one that was psyched, he was actually part of those 2 blocks. he was texans, mom. why did he get sacked to the apparently he body to the rules of ethics with the display of default bond behavior. does that stack up to you? the reasons for his sacking? it's well, it certainly does. and i was just going to about to explain that because now we have 3. uh, 3 alternatives, right? we have the military status means we have pruitt time and we have the new kid on the block. now the way the court thinks about this is whoever is, is not going to satisfy the pleasure of it, of the establishment. in other words, you need to comply with the so called fiscal discipline and policy of the establishment. or you not, you must not touch on the sensitive issue unless that just a law. then that's a way to obtain these a populist or these people back to the body. say top,
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although he's not touching on the less but just a law that protects the king, she is engaging in, in a very aggressive economic policy to boost up that high economy. and that is probably one of the reasons why he's removed. now i understand, james, the theory is being thrown around it. oh, perhaps the one to re most a task. so inc pads on time. the daughter of texting can come up. i don't buy that argument at all. and if you want me to explore that, i'll be very pleased to ad. okay, you mentioned, let's not just stay that costs it. maybe you can help us here because some of us don't know i do, but some of those don't know that french to me, which means so much in tie politics just explained what the less much of state laws are. i think one has to start from because 6 of the parasite and constitution which is stupid lay. it's that the
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institution of the 9 key or the very personality of the monarch is not to be violated. and the typical 11 tool of the criminal court is something but the saw the saw that in all getting the law you know, to protect, of the assign the, of the institution of the more not key. and i thing the protection of the head of a stay at the present, then all a king is quite come monday in every country, but the less by just the law, the protection of the more not even thailand has a lot of i think in shortcomings. and the, at times the boss being used for political purposes and i think the intention of to move forward. okay, as far as i learned is to amend it to make sure on how to enforce the law.
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for example, in all way, oh, you had many of the european more not keys a say this and cannot bring about the case to the call to a child to be at the see they said in of improper behavior to it's the more not well, it's only the government that has to act on behalf of the norwegian king, you know, to bring that pull him at the, to the court of justice. but in thailand the it has to be in practice. all along that if i don't like the ties that this and i can't charge him with less majesty, so he'd have got most of that, but you can be a person. nope. and that, that is the best, the most, all the somebody likes watch. so i wanna bring him in and see how this actually how it affects people in terms of arrests, in terms of what, what the, what the government's been doing with regard to this,
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how many people have been charged under this? and how long are the sentences that people have received a well, james from the training is very far a that see who's doing rise, all they want wasting more man in about? uh, 2020 you know 2020. that house being over $200.00 people charged with royal installed wage. to reiterate that while, cuz they just said uh, writing solid is one of the most frequent off insects in thailand carry cannot be between 3 to 15 years present. uh, so the minimum cut out these 5 we pre, yes, imprisonment amount of those $200.00 people charge me troyer. and so that i showed that include that many of them have been locked in jail way of being the trial. um, why don't you have to be recently died during this land,
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the free trial detention? i'm regardless, all company stands by a former prime is to say a top and the company and likely it will be the new brands. the alarm panel should the one for both of them probably is to support the the political parties again to reform the law by when they came to office. when say, talk to him to office, he did not, they, and knowledge is likely that the new crime is the, it's not going to do anything. it's not going to fulfill the or the electrical problem. this is about reforming the law of keeping it in line. the international human rights and the ego stand out, they have nothing to do and if they wish name went by us and will come to new. i'm fine on the new to be a close society aware of the will not he remains the trouble with that cannot be discussed. that cannot be waived. sure. so should i shuttle it just to be clear to
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me so the so i'm absolutely clear. i am a protect citizen. i have lived that for a long time and have a british citizen. and if i was in the u. k, i could say we don't want to king anymore. we don't want to king, we want to go public and that will be cost is free speech. if i was to say that in thailand, what would happen to me as well, it is likely that someone because right and saw is for you that as crimes against the stay under the law, which mean anyone can find complaint against you. and they can find anywhere in the country and it doesn't matter where who may have that call me. anybody who made my last meeting of the board make it online. they kind of do find criminal complaint against you. and the penalty as i say, it is very hard beginning with it for years in prison and how it out when you tom, you may have some comment or a to so if you mean, pray for 5 mentors about the meeting id and then they give you way in that
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insulting way, you'll kind of multiply that used kind of basic mathematics that stopping from to you and place them in by 4 by 5 tom. so now we have someone who basically hold the jo that may have fallen off the korean king by far into the program. she is now serving 15 years present in tie that that's very sobering. what about we mentioned you mentioned earlier on that they're all now free blocks not to that. we have this new progressive block now that paul t was disbanded last week, but previously there was another policy. so that was the, the was one party and then the move put forward policy, replaced it. now i believe is changing his name again. so it's not disappearing. what's happening to it? support the, all of
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a still all day still. those people still being supported by people on the streets to yes, according to news reports within just a few days of relaunching the people's party, they manage to secure incoming donations and membership applications. so i think the voters of future fall would move forward. and now the new party called the peoples pope potty will continue to support deposit anyway. what, what is very important in the, in, in this current situation is how dos the leadership of the new people's power potty deal with the fact that they've been disbanded twice. are they going to repeat the same techniques, same, same methods of communication and phase and not the not the route will dispense so they can make and they have to make a full, spotty for the full time. now it goes back to my earlier legal point, james,
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that pro tie also face something similar before that was pure outside the current power of the current party in charge. they were disbanded, tire of tied, disbanded people's power, disbanded, and now it becomes good type. so they learn through that experience, they learn that there are some things they want to do, but they come to whether that's right or wrong, you can debate i, i'm not happy with this situation either, but that's how i decided to focus on the economy and let the people grow through economic policies. now the new kid on the block of people's pop people is potty. i think the idea is with social justice equality, we found them less, but just a lot people could be empowered. that sounds great, but whether the quotes and the establishment, and what does it call, do you notice say, my autocratic constitution will allow them to achieve that target remains a big question. okay, well i'm gonna put that question to pass it because it's not just the legs, not just stay law or is it in the, in the, in their agenda in that the proposals that upsets people,
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let me give you some of the other things they wanted to put the ministry under civilian leadership, they want to end construction. they want to break up monopolies. they want to be centralized power. they want to institute elected governorships. they want to own the whole, the education system. i'm the thing you old been referring to all the time. they want to revise the constitution. i think we have had to go back to the year 1932. that's a long way and not the absolute but not key. yeah, the way, but i think the issue see what remains to this very that. namely, the stucco, i think between 3 parties. one is the military establish been 2nd, is the conservative elements of to the saw, the liberal to progress
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a false is you know, to all the 1934 these and then came the challenges for coming from the palm. and despite the of thailand and the international communism, okay, and in between, we have protests, we have constitution, no, right thing, we have core data. and then finally, we did have a constitution in 90 of night, the save it and that was deemed to be very democratic pushing back to the military into their battery. then came the political abuses and corruption and so on. that led to speed protests at military intervention, at least 2 times during the past, i think 1015 years and so on. and with the general elections on the 14 of may last year. the move forward part the or the future of a move bending. so on unexpectedly, 140 and media boards,
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the lot the election before, they have 7000000 volt. so suddenly they got 14000000 volts, they'd be fitted every other political party. so with that of the sort of old traditional party is the type of democracy. some of the military back political part, the poor guy tied all of this and so on. they got to get in order to defend themselves and try to defeat the move forward, which they had the may succeed, basically do they, they, they succeeded the, the. yeah, they succeeded in that and they will succeed again. it seems with a new prime minister of the head of this. what about that new prime minister is the former prime minister texans daughter, his sister, her aunt is previously served as prime minister. yes. both of those, what deposed
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a military coups tell you, tell us what you think her sean, this is all and i know you know, you went to university with her to well, we went to the same university in the same year, although different schools i went to law as you went to political science. yes, we expect pat home, todd should know, watch opening door to solve my problem is that type sensitive what's to be to be uh select to to be voted in as a new p. m for thailand. now, interesting fact, james, when his what her father texting was remove and when her ons once removed the they didn't have the future full work move forward and the new liberal new kid on the block. so the equation and the political impression looks different is eva full, but now there are a varieties that will save us through the plate. so that i thing is going to be the turning point for type politics. i suspect that pro tie will transportation towards what i call a more moderate centrist potty. whereas the progressive party label will be for
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the new for the new but the new a potties. now that could perhaps be the way out for inc patch, a long time sheet. good for you. that for example, try to focus on economic policy. something to say a tile was so adamant about digital audits. injecting tap into the economy. language projects rebuilding the whole transportation that was not just for thailand, but for the time that to be a leader in southeast asia. it pads on time and successfully carry out those economic pro investment policy. perhaps the establishment might be happy to let her carry out the roll without touching on the, on the sensitive subject such as less than that just a little. but as i pointed out, it's a serious issue we called to overlook the serious issues. we cons is heidi officials under the carpet? i d. okay, let me bring it left real. so let me bring some type of house in. so now you what do you think of what the international community should do about this?
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because some would say always an internal match. so and actually the, the responses to the development of the constitutional cool from the, from the e. u. and the us of seem pretty muted thailand is supposed to be a candidate for the un human rights scouts. so should that be speaking out a bit stronger? well, let's not forget, james stopped last year. uh, full of crimes that say file. when did you do in general? like a suddenly i'm told a well that this is a new tyler thailand risk. take him over to grow human rights and the role of law, but it has to be an almost a g a nothing has improved in those regards at all political repression on the new to be a daily reality. and i raised continue in prison and continue. i'm the new prime minister, i'm a compliment, i likely to follow the full spit officer that is to lead our political reform. why?
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uh, pretty shooting, mainly about economy, gro, was, there is no, actually a man, uh, economy girl, either sold his stuff pretty fine, political freedom, one, not the advocates clear that a piece man is not working, same private, and say, oh you was up to use man to deal with the if a basement it fail, she is now sir. uh, probably not the new problem, sir, is likely if you used to stay around the corner and there was no guarantee on that 5th either. so what is left for probably around one, can you to be a close uh, the same item over pick society as well, cuz they say, okay, so just so we would mention that with the economy. i'd like to touch on the economy briefly at the end. because thailand, you know, back in 1990 double digit growth, many economists say thailand is not reaching its full potential cause it would you
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say that is in part because of the constant political upheaval of cost. i absolutely agree with you. so we need to have a new democratic constitution and we need to have political stability at the not to do have the stability. i think the play yes. must sit down at the table. one is the populace part saying good. second is the concept, but they've brought your list military establishment at the progress a foss, the yacht in the us, people and so on. so that should be a sort of a roy commission. know something like these upon the mentor you commission by or the baby to a play. yours come to to get to and to agreed on. so 10 basic principles about the structure and the contents of the democratic kingdom of thailand. okay. the, the, and the, everything that we've discussed, we have
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a pet. do you think it's for now to say thailand is a functioning democracy or, or, or not just briefly please. it is the same. i functioning, fragile democracy. and i totally agree with could cause it's the observation we need to come to the table and find a peaceful resolution to these long running problems. and the key is it takes time and that is something i've been uh, telling the support as a move forward future forward that prioritize spend to dictate learning from direct experience. they try to be a liberal at one point. now they've become a bit bull. conservative. why is that? because politics, rick wise, adaptive sion and whether we can, we use to the conclusion that because they propose that is something that remains to be seen. thank you very, very much. thank you. to all guess today, cuts it per on the literal part part of the wrong. and so now i pass ok what challenges 0 for continuing coverage of the story from
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a correspondent tony check in bangkok, you'll also find further analysis on our website, which is there a dot com if you have a view on the situation in thailand or the thing else would that matter? find us on facebook, facebook dot com, forward slash a inside story, or on the form a twitter. now x, we are at a inside story from the chain space and the team here, we'll see you soon by the a document, very serious exploring how traditional knowledge from indigenous communities is helping tackle today's environmental catastrophe. we see how the melanesians people of the torres strait of fighting rising sea levels which threatened to swallow their islands. the 1st nations frontline, the torres strait swallowed by the sea on our do 0 the
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even if you look at rich countries which are now being infected, the climate change. almost invariably the most vulnerable people who are suffering now are poor people. in the us, for example, this one is which is the, comes to the world and you have 25 percent of the population to live in substandard housing. but it's important to understand that. so that's climate change is an issue that a shot through is any policy in multiple respects. and we see it in class terms. first and foremost, i guess the most obvious way we know that it's the rich us that are overwhelming and responsible for, for accessing machines. and so there is a very big disparity amongst who was the problem and who suffers the consequences good to showcase and of the best documents resumed straight across the network on algae 0.
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the i had other i'm or carlindo hobbies or the top stories on out. is there a, is there any strikes of talk to, to refugee come sheltering to space palestinians in gaza at least 46 people have been killed in the past 24 hours to people dies and one of the lights to thompson and is there a refugee camp in central garza, the wounded have been taken to hospital on this ross is one of the most densely populated trumps and gaza. housing, 250000 residents, displaced people. but what is, again, shrinking the size of the circled safe zone inside casa, it's issued, new evacuation. notice in the areas of hon. eunice on 0. paula just means at least 10 wells and 2 was at the time.
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