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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 16, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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it's analysis sierra, the guys a ceasefire. talks wrap up in katara mediators say they were constructive and will resume in egypt next week. the pennsylvania is good to have you with us. this is l 0 life from the also coming up, russia says at least 11 people have been injured in ukrainian shilling of the shopping center on must go controls. and russian says it has read, taking some settlements and its course reaches criminal, accusing washington, a planning ukraine's incursion. then you end pol, experience spreads to another. continents cases have now been detected in pakistan . the
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beginning with breaking news. the 2nd day of gaza ceasefire talks is ended in the guitar, a, capital, doha, mediators from katara, egypt and the united states have released the joint statements. they say the discussions were quote, serious, constructive and conducted in a positive atmosphere. technical teams will work over the coming days on the details of implementation, including arrangements for the comprehensive humanitarian components of the agreement. and those related to hostages and detainees. senior officials will meet again in cairo before the end of next week, and the hopes of reaching an agreement on these new terms. well, us president joe biden briefly commented on this of the, the talks at the white house when we are crossing the river. man, i don't want to jinx anything, but we're
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not very much. but our correspondents are following these developments across the middle east in the us in a moment we'll be hearing from him to so who would for his really reaction. kimberly how kit is at the white house 1st though a spring and mohammed junction has been following the talks here in doha. so mohammed based on that statement that we read from the mediators, they are now aiming for a ceasefire agreement next week. of the yeah, that's right, 0. and if you look at the language that was utilized throughout that statement that was released from the us. got that in egypt. you see that the terminology is much more focused on a positive outcome or a potential positive outcome. you see a lot of language about narrowing the gaps and bridging the gaps in this proposal that was presented by the us and backed by carpet in egypt to both sides. now it
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was also said in that statement that they are going to be these technical teams that remain working and trying to get every last detail finalized. and also that officials are to meet before the end of next week in cairo. and that's where they hope to be able to finalize a ceasefire deal. it's very interesting how different things are when it comes to the, the atmosphere around the surrounding these fox just from 24 hours ago. in the lead up to these talks. you had a lot of diplomats who were kind of expressing skepticism, saying that expectations had been substantially lower. the even though was very high stakes diplomacy that was playing out. now you have a situation in which the mediator is seem to be indicating very strongly that there has been positive momentum and that is key at this hour at a time of such volatility in this region at
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a time when there's so much concern that if a ceasefire deal is not finalized assuming that there could be a wider regional war, a wider conflagration going forward. the mediators have really hopes to try to present something positive. and at the end of these 2 days of talks in caught the it seems as though the mediators are saying that they believe there is momentum to go forward. and that they do hope that perhaps by the end of next week they could get to a cease fire deal with the next meeting takes place 0 mohammed reporting from doha there. thank you very much. mom's room a honda so who does in jordan's capital, amman had a reminder that our team is there because the is really government is banned ocean 0 from reporting in israel. honda, what is the messaging coming out of israel while we have received a statement from these really prime ministers office, essentially thinking the mediators for their efforts for what? nothing. y'all who was calling the quote, their efforts to dissuade him,
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us from rejecting a deal the same. it goes on to say that these really position is known by the mediators. and i hope that pressure that's at yahoo rather. and these really hope that the mediators can continue to put pressure on have us to accept the framework of the deal. it was presented by us president joe biden, at the end of may now several anonymous sources speaking to is really media have said that there has been some movement. there is certainly progress after 2 days of talks, but there are still gaps that need to be filled and bridged. and you also have to remember that nothing y'all, himself had added several non negotiable new conditions while the talks were ongoing. and these were things, but i must have said were unacceptable to them, but nothing yahoo had rejected those remarks saying that he didn't add any new conditions. but he himself had released the statement just around 2 months ago, listing the terms of non negotiable, but he is not willing to put up with in the talk. so as the talks progress next
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week in cairo, israel is still looking to point the finger at him asked for their co if they should collapse. it's a honda so who is in amman? jordan, thank you very much. let's go to our white house correspondent, kimberly how it gets. so kimberly, we heard from bite and there at the top of the show it look, you never know how much of this is theater. how much of this is real, but the president of the united states did say we're closer than we've ever been and you have to remember, this is a president who is in the final stages of a decades long political career. he's invested in this because this could ultimately be his legacy. so this is more than just to get her for the us president july. and this is personal. and we spoke her and her to the national security advisor rather spokesperson national security council spokesperson john kirby. and he said that joe biden is personally invested in seeing this across the fitness
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line before he leaves office. and so that's what he is doing. he is going to be making some calls before the going to capt david this weekend. and we could see even, and to me blinking going to the region in the coming days. now we know that the tops of wrapped up and doha, but we will have teams such as the ca, director of bill burns, who has been into hi as well as bret mcgriff, the middle. these are, they have, obviously, you know, worked on the framework and that's where things step. but now it's to the implementation stage where according to john curry, that's where the details are that are to be hammered out. that's the next stage of talks next week in cairo. but in all of this, there is the sort of other problem and that is the concern. but to, as we've had these attacks up in the west bank, the settler violence there that there is this distraction, if you will. and the fact that there could be this ongoing violence that could do
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rail the seas firefox. in fact, john kirby saying that this is not only unacceptable but counter productive to peace and security. so having these distractions along the sidelines as they're trying to get these talks across the finish line, is also a concern to the united states. so the try to keep this going. but at the same time, knowing that any of this could at any time derail a process that the us present is personally invested in seeing to as close. kimberly healthcare reporting from the white house. thank you very much for that. the spring and more one to show our house is there a senior political analyst joining us by skype from paris? my, what i'm really curious for your take on this because you could tell me, look, we've seen this all before and it's amounted to nothing. and you could tell me, no, this really sounds like this progress. and both of those arguments would make sense to me. what's your, if you yeah. um. well, actually let me think i've heard of you kind of awkward and go into your question
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by following up on what um. sure, uh, kimberly was saying earlier about how did the american president is personally invested in concluding a ceasefire? this is the same american president who was personally invested in a doing a best in genocide in guys on the past 10 months. ever since. october 17, when he gave nothing. you know, the bad hard basically saying go and get just this girl. what you do, what you must do, just don't make a lot of mistakes. all 7 is there. i mean, more than his share mistakes, but it wasn't just mistakes, of course, or the crime of it. so you could say is that as the american president invested in the ceasefire or the, you know, genocide, joe, as something called him in the united states, or is it what it's both in what sense and the sense that we could say that this is gonna be towards the the tomato because nothing, you know,
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as per usual his person of kerry and has political carrier, his government could all implode. if there is a dean that meets the minimum requirement of the sticks, right? even if it is under the pressure, be not it states that there are certain limit to how much this government good with the hold the pressure. because if it's pressure, start frenetic, coordination, part of the same time, you could say that there are really good chances because this has been going 10 months and been negotiating the going on for 8 months. and something going to give and the end of the day is there a is, there are not of targets. and even if this government must, for nothing else, probably gonna have enough correlation partners on the, on the go right. to come and save him with american health, of course, and so on, so forth. so you can make the argument that they could be ideal or know the what i
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know from the context of the regional pressure. meaning here, one in the united states don't want to go to a war and the pressure of war, regional war that is, on these negotiations. the idea is really politics. and american politics are moving towards the desired for to cease fire. and the fact that the world is getting tired of this right. and the fact that they are so many gaps had been bridge. is there any escape coming with new demands? and these demands have been much so why not to make a deal? so do you a point that could be a deal and there could not be a deal. i mean more than 5 percent that they started out on. they probably could be a deal, but that that wouldn't be the end of the world. and, and you're saying that essentially the us could manage to kind of kill 2 birds with one stone. if you'll pardon me, the expression by getting a guy the ceasefire deal,
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which would also in turn of virt uh, or contain a iranian and his beloved lead retaliation against israel. yeah, that wasn't very animal friendly officer bus be that's as it may. yeah, we're very with all the tragedy of what's going on cuz i'm gonna don't go. yeah, definitely has by law has been clear on the fact that i'm like it wrong. it doesn't care whether there's going to be seduced by it or not then, but it was going to respond. so i think that that's probably that method would be through that separately. i'm not sure exactly how, but certainly the video released by hezbollah today shows and really, you know, ready to go to confront his run and the 20th, 98 for the kidding or well that has been the leader and the violation of nobody's suffering. so by attacking it's kept on so on. so for now, i tell you something this could, this is actually could be, i'm serious. vision is commission because it has been law is honest, i buttons,
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capacities, you're going to see that is there any is on that response as well. that would be the, is there a response to how much and guys, which means go off to the population, go after their loved ones go after they're popular pace. which means if anything really escalates on the, is there a lebanese fund that's going to mean, you know, many, many more thousands of people can boast in his red. and especially, you never know. so definitely there's just a whole other board in front. that's why, again, it's, there is a ceasefire regardless of the technicality of one to retaliation. but if there is a sci fi and gaza as well, that would probably be in general. steve's it's activities are consistent. now says 0 senior political analyst mironda shar, thank you very much. i or at least $46.00 palestinians have been killed in gaza
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in the last 24 hours gas as largest refugee camp in jamalia was also hits, killing 7 people, including children. officers on us, all sharif has more from the jamalia refugee camp. and a warning is report contains graphic descriptions i saw i li, i still have definitely got sick. one residential apartment in giovanni, a refugee comfortable target to define is radio stripe. paramedics and civil defense crews came to the scene and started to recover bodies of the victims in the off. the mass of this intensive strike is clearly visible on this graphic scene of a dead palestinian book to the out the rules of the building i need no one has been able to reach and recover the body. heart wrenching, seen this search and rescue operations is still underway by the civil defense team as well as people who live nearby 40 pods frustrating all over the place on
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the most whole the bell. this is a residential building. as you can see, it was hit by missiles without any warning. dozens were killed and injured. we hardly came over to see joseph calling images. look at the body hanging from the wall. this defies humanity. may god punish all of those responsible. i know i'm enough that we have been displaced for months. we have no way to go the residential multi story building job. and the one over there were founded by these really will play only women and children were taken shelter inside the bloods of those innocent children with homes, israel, and all those watching and silent. we're still collecting victims, pieces of flesh and body parts from under the rubble of the guns in an air strike. these really forces shelby's residential buildings with a wave of mist off the target and the upper floors. as a result, large numbers of women and children were killed or injured that many are still buried under the debris or teams or find it difficult to recover the dead. as you
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can see, some of the victims bodies are stuck and remain hanging on the walls till monday come on a shed. one. as you can see, some of the body is still stuck on the concrete room. in the style of medics and civil defense teams are using that bad hands and try to recover the victim of what is left of them are and this off i meant them as well, but they don't want to know what comes up. i think we're headed to come out on one hospital in response to a stress call. as we heard the explosion, we turned back to this area. i came to see the upper 3 floors toppled over my family. my father, mother and sister were killed. the 2nd sister and of course still missing and we are still searching for them. that is my father's dead body. we are trying to recover, may god grant us patients and solve this is the is really occupation forces continued to target into some palestinian civilians. the last of which was these residential
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buildings. i saw dozens were killed in the job hunting. many a still missing gum battery was under the debris chevy. if i didn't get b o y, i'm sure about you. still a head on alpha 0 is really similar violets in the occupied westbank leaves how much thing and families living in seeing the reading from decades of wor, denied education, spiteful by society, half gun women are increasingly experiencing mental health issues. but against, oh, it's a 26 year old psychologist, gives women hope what's troubling her with this documentary on a jersey to in depth analysis of the face. headline,
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what strategic purpose do you think this assassination serves? israel informed opinions, people who have been 18 years old seem to be given a chance to best to be a bold critical debate. russia has decided that the war ukraine as a defensive war inside story house. will it change the security relationship between both come on out jersey, around hearing the people with disabilities. they gauze off are the most vulnerable groups in israel, relentless or i'll just see you is teams across the world when you close to the house with the story the
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the, the watching else 0 reminder of our headlines. this our a 2nd day of guns, a ceasefire. thoughts has ended in doha, mediators have released a statement saying that we're serious, constructive and positive. officials will meet again in cairo next week where they hope to reach a final agreement. at least 46 palestinians have been killed is really strikes in the last 24 hours causes largest refugee camp in jamalia and was also hit by the strikes. at least some people were killed, including children is really similar attacks on villages across the occupied westbank on thursday have left palestinians living in fear. there has been international condemnation of violence which claimed the life of the young palestinian man. no day sent us this report from the village of cheats where he was killed. the charred remains of cars bear witness to a terrifying night in g. it's village is the,
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the occupied westbank. dozens of armed is ready, subtler storm, the village, burning vehicles, breaking into homes and trying to set them on fire my house and was inside her home with her 4 grandchildren. when settlers doused her porch in front door with a flammable liquid and set it to light, that is said that my daughter in law was screaming in fear. i told her to be quiet . don't let them hear you, or they will go in and kill us. old is ready. soldiers intervened as the regular lead due to back up the armed settlers who shop their way out of date, killing 23 year old the she, the said. this is not a one of incident. more than 1200 subtler attacks have been documented across the occupied west side. since october, families have reinforced their doors and windows is rarely officials have condemned
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this attack. but all those words of condemnation carry very little wait for palestinians here. indeed, who accuse them of being complicit? they point to the is really government's ministers. many of whom are settlers themselves will have increased budgets earmarked for illegal supplements, distributed tens of thousands of rifles to settlers, an openly called for adopting the destruction of palestinian villages a state policy palestinian say these statements are performative an attempt to signal to international courts investigating israel for genocide and other war crimes that is, will take such violence seriously. the conclusion validated by the release of the single is rarely subtler who was questioned in connection with the jeep attack. the international court of justice ruled in july, but these rarely occupation of the palestinian territory was illegal and that
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supplements must be dismantled because as long as they exist, no place will be safe for palestinians. events indeed prove the judges right. not all day as us eat a jeep palestine. the russian officials say at least 11 people have been injured in a ukrainian attack on moscow control than yet. the local governor says a shilling hit a shopping center on the outskirts of the city, sparking the fire russian telegram channels say at least a 100 people were inside the center at the time after 0, his dosage of already has the latest from moscow adviser to the deputy governor pers region has said that there's been an attack while you played in forces on the same river in the close, close the origin of curse which has damage this phrase expensively now. this bridges we used to transport civilians in the settlements in that area,
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out of the conflict zones. what we understand is that those civilians are no longer going to be able to leave their homes via this bridge. and they're going to have to be transported through the waterways on the river to get out of homes way. what we've also been hearing from various other officials here is that to the situation continues to be as certainly at tents in those regions as of fighting between ukraine forces and russian forces continue. this is being called a terrorist invasion by russian officials since ukrainian forces launched this attack onto russian soil or on august 6th, for the time being uh, regional officials continue evacuating civilians from the fact of areas and are urging as more assistance from the federal government who have since thursday declared a state of emergency in belgrade regions south of curse and the evacuation process
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of civilians continue. what is not clear is the stated aim of the ukrainian forces that continue to try and push further into russian territory. the doors that's of are you out to 0, must scott and kronen. a nikolai patricia has accused us of direct involvement and planning ukraine's incursion into russia's crust. cohesion something which washington denies. the former security chief accusations comes as ukrainian forces move further into western russia. seizing the board to town, a sewage on russia says its forces destroyed a ukrainian reconnaissance group and of course the region and have re taken control of at least 2 settlements. let's take a look at the map be 30000 square kilometer area. the for us region is in the west on ukraine's border, and it's home to nearly 1200000 people. ukraine says it's forces are 35 kilometers deep into the russian territory and have seized control of one and 82 settlements, including the town, a soldier, one of the main gas supply lines from russia to the you runs through such
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a which has a population of 5000 people. the region is also home to the cost of nuclear power plant, one of the biggest electricity producers in russia, or defense editor alex can temple us, has more from keith. decrease at both is ongoing, but it slowed down to a trickle. sometimes only a few 100 kilometers per day as rushed in units of being rushed up to the front to towards them, ukraine's advancing course. but it's not looking good elsewhere for ukraine. in the east, we have seen the city of a cross being evacuated and the russian army only 10 kilometres away from the city's edge. i slowly advancing in the south. the attack on the coast bridge has failed. all the missiles been, it's assisted, showing that ukraine's ongoing campaign against russian and defense units in pioneer has been a failure so far. and last but not least, we have seen the last foot whole, the printed foothold on the russian side of the knee pro river. now being slowly
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pressure as rushing attacks are mounted on a daily basis and the ukrainians are now selecting a phase withdrawal from that area. a topless out 0 teeth. your cases a v and pox virus had been detected in pakistan. the health department there says at least 2 people who are nice solution in peshawar has contract of the virus. they say the patients flew in from the u a suite and reported as 1st case on thursday. and the recent impulse outbreak of the more deadly variance started in democratic republic of congo last year and spread to neighboring countries. the world health organization has declared a global public health emergency, but it is advising against imposing travel bands to start the spread of the virus. we do not recommend a closure board us. we do not watch the closure of borders and we will be putting out speak a temporary recommendations to countries from the emergency committees. it's about knowing that you have it knowing what to look for,
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knowing how to separate each other and, and to, to do proper contact tracing and not being afraid. so there's always a balance, but not things that have terrified it's bull, a manager of shopping down the infection, so that those who are almost at risk from severe illness, the young being a surprised dr. get in fact, that's really what we're talking about. high temperatures and south korea's capital have broken a century old record overnight temperatures, and so i've sorta above $25.00 degrees celsius for nearly a month. the heat wave is expected to continue with scientists warning the city will likely set a new record every day for another week. and you can find much more on our website. the address for that w w. w dot. now she's here dot com and does it for me serve any 8, whether is next on option 0, then inside story will ask if the world is fine,
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we focusing on the crisis and the conflict incident to stay with the the hello, there's been some slight interest outside of mecca in saudi arabia. so in that you freely for the past week, it's been storming on and off. so certainly those rainwater is have accumulates. you'll see that flooding when you get birth of rain very quickly and there is more if this in store on saturday. but it's also looking bad for that western size of u. m. and not too far away from sun up where we have seen some flooding going into the golf right now. here's the forecast on saturday. we see those winds turn around, coming in off the golf for us here, and they'll have light breeze on top of that. so that means that humidity is going to shoot up on saturday for this part of asia. somewhat weather swirling around the
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caspian sea, that's throwing showers to tater, on knocking back her temperature to 35. finally, some relief from that heat, also likely to catch a few drops and ask about at $31.00 degrees. keeping the winds breezy around athens and crete island, where there has been wild fires burning. look at all this rain, central southern molly that pushes into set a goal. and again, the for this part of africa still storms ethiopia as to dance, dropping down into you've gone down. well, in this weather reports in south africa, we're a week disturbance, will brush us with a few showers and see those winds pick up for cape town on saturday. that's it from the of the, of the documentary series, exploring how traditional knowledge from indigenous communities is helping tackle today's environmental catastrophe. we see how the melanesians people of the torres strait of fighting rising sea levels,
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which threatened to swallow their islands. the 1st nations frontline, the torres strait followed by the sea on our do 0, the is the well finally of focusing on so done towards to end the 16 month complex all taking place in geneva was a dedication from the obvious fail to turn up with the buyer has taken to have been told civility is does diploma suspend a chance? this is inside story. the .


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