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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 17, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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me is cut off from much of the rest of the palestine and little line the well the holding the powerful to account was we examined the us each row in the was on out your 0 the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm about this and this is the news on life, doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes as the death 2 months, and got some mediation, se tulsa, and caught her have been constructive. joe biden goes as far to say, a deal is in size. israel issues, one of his largest evacuation orders for the so called the safe zone in garza shrinking the area further for more than
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a $170000.00 displace palestinians sheltering the guns that record his 1st polio case in 25 years. you and calls for a 7 days to monitor the impulse to launch a vaccination campaign. impulse which is age of pakistan. reports is 1st case, and you are braces for more infections from a deadly strain. virus is killed. hundreds of people in democratic republic of congo. together we will build what i call an opportunity economy to us democratic presidential candidate campbell harris unveils her economic plan. in our 1st major policy speech, the in the us, the white house, it says a deal aimed at sci fi and gaza is quote, ready to close the us egypt and cut out the 3 mediators. i've presented a proposal to homicide israel, that they say bridges the remaining gaps,
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june talks in doha. and that the deal to conclude as soon as next week joint talks in cairo. you're a secretary of state, i'm totally. blanking is going to travel to israel on saturday. to continue, the diplomatic efforts is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, israel's fundamental principles are well known to the mediators that he hopes on us will accept the principles of the deal on us and says, israel is again trying to obstruct an agreement by insisting on adding new conditions added said again, that any deal must insure the end of aggression against palestinians. and the full withdrawal from johnson. presidential bivens says that no one in the middle east should undermine efforts to reach a ceasefire deal. we are frustrated, whatever man, i don't want to jinx anything, but
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a lot. we're not very much bunch of courses but officials in washington can see that there's still a lot of work to be done before. next week's meeting in cairo as our white house correspondent kimberly hawkins reports. there is a new feeling of optimism in the united states tonight following a call between the leaders of the united states, katara and egypt. in trying to get this cease fire deal over the finish line. that's because according to a senior administration official, there is a momentum and the last 48 hours have been among the most constructive in weeks. now the reason for this, according to this official, is that there is now a final bridge and proposal to overcome every single difference that has existed among the parties. for nearly every issue, whether it be the clearing of rubble, whether it be medical services for the people of gaza,
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whether it be for the exchange of captives for palestinian prisoners in his really jails. there is now a way to implement this agreement in and on day one and there is no longer any sort of risk for is really security. in fact, to this official thing is real security will be enhanced. a what we are told is that there is a new spirit to drive this to conclusion, and it is now just down to the fine details of implementation. now, there is a dark shadow that is looming over all of this as the parties had the cairo next week. and that is the threat of some sort of retaliatory attack by a ron towards israel. and the united states issuing this stern warning don't. in fact, the united states say the consequences should around lunch and attack would be cataclysmic . but the united states say it is prepared for all contingencies,
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and that's why it has bolstered is forced presence in the region. kimberly how hit algae 0. the white house. well, how does one who has more on for israel and how much to stand on these talks, and she's reporting from jordan's capital of mine because these where the government has bind, i'll do 0 from reporting inside israel. it is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose office released a statement saying that they are appreciative of all the mediators and efforts to try to get to him as to agree to the deal that is on the table. and that they should be putting more pressure on how much as the mediators already know, israel's terms, but anonymous officials speaking to is really media have said that they're trying to lower expectations. i made all of the us optimism around the talks that have taken place over the last couple of days in go how these officials say that, well, there has been some progress. there are still heavy gaps that need bridging. and that's because benjamin netanyahu has had a hard in stance,
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going into these types of negotiations throughout the entirety of this war. now, how much has responded saying that israel is the one who continues to obstruct and evade these negotiations. and that is really the reason why the talk have continuously collapse. thomas has said that they are only interested in the framework that was outlined by us president joe biden, at the end of may the they had responded to on july. second, the group is also saying that israel continues to add terms and conditions that do no. 1 work for them and that they will not agree to deal unless it includes an end to the war and the withdrawal of israeli troops, us secretary of state anthony blinking is set to meet with prime minister benjamin netanyahu and israel on monday. it will be the 10th visit of its kind since the war on gods began. and he's expected to put pressure on this and yahoo in order to accept a deal and is really media is reporting that the delegation has been approved to go
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to cairo on sunday. how does that, who is ita? i'm a little i'm on is a fellow at least console on global affairs. he's joining us now live from new york . thank you very much indeed for being with us. is there anything that you've heard over the last several hours or so that gives you any sense of optimism about this deal? the 1st of all, thank you for having me. um, to be honest, i'm a bit skeptical because the we haven't heard any actual details yet. we've only heard that this is that some of the gaps have been bridge, but the, the problem to stumbling 5 blocks in the past have not been over. the details have not been over how many prisoners released on what day it's cetera. it's been over fundamentals and the very fundamental divide is that nothing yahoo has said that he has no plans to end the work any time soon. and as soon as the hostages are released, he'll go back to fighting and that how mass wants it permanent and to the hostilities and, and to the is really presence in the gaza strip. so that is
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a very fundamental thing that has not been bridged at all. and we don't know how that is going to be overcome in this new deal. i was talking to model on the chart, our senior political analyst in about an hour or so ago. and he was saying that what we should actually be doing is not looking at this in terms of the whole deal . we should be looking at it in terms of the initial initial stage. there's broken of course into 3 different stages. and he was suggesting what we might see is confirmation of some sort of initial stage of a ceasefire of some sort, but that doesn't necessarily guarantee that the remaining 2 stages are gonna fall into place. do you think that that is that argument stands up? exactly. that's a problem and there's no guarantee that you'll go from stage one in which the hostages are released to stage 2, which is a permanent end to the fighting. and that has been the problem. and the problem is that the only one pushing the united state or pushing israel were having leverage over israel. the united states has been unwilling to use that leverage to make
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those type of guarantees. and so there's no trusts from the other parties from him as of what the these rules are going to commit to. and whether the united states is going to be there to make israel commit to the full terms of the agreement, or from going from stage one stage to, to that is really the fundamental problem there. and so for to look at it in terms of the initial stage of a possible seas far of some shape. um, how likely is it? do you think that benjamin netanyahu would allow negotiators to agree to that? or he himself ultimately agreed to that given the fact that we know that a such tremendous pressure on him from the far right elements. so he's coalition to do exactly the opposite, not to sign anything remotely, like i sees far you know, there's kind of feeling pressures within israel, you know, the family, the families, and the broader society generally support. uh, you know, some kind of agreement that gets the return of the hostage. yes, there is the far right members of the coalition that are against that. but i think
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if it's within the context of, from both, forgot to now his point of view that he can only heal, agreed to it, the hostages release, and then he can go right back to, to bombing gaza. i think those members of his coalition will be fine with that. yes . are taking a hard line stance, but if you have that type of out, but that's not something that how may i ask who's getting greet agreed to, nor should they essentially, that is a contention. ready action it's will release the hostages and then go right back to, you know, facing our own destruction and the destruction of our people within the gaza strip . and so no one would agree to that. we were, this of course, is all taking place against the backdrop of a potential threat from error on following the assassination of this month, honey, a, in a, how much political leader in tech, around, and obviously from his ball that in southern lebanon, following the kenning of one of their senior leaders, if there is only an agreement of some sort of ceasefire, but there is no agreement with regard to stages 2 and 3. and this plan will not be
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enough. do thing to prevent or encourage iran and has bought up from not taking action against israel as well. there's a great urgency to some kind of ceasefire both to put an end to the suffering, the people in gaza and allow them to rebuild. and of course, to prevent a regional war that, you know, the possibility continues to exist as long as israel's a military campaign in gauze is ongoing. now, if you had some, maybe early phase of a deal or one, you know, one more part of the deal. so that might be enough to push things down the road, but ultimately as long as the war will continue on jobs, i think those, there's always the possibility that this spills over and spirals into greater more . i think, you know what you're saying. it's true in the sense that you know, this might be what's driving the conversation because the united states several times over the past 10 months has used the momentum behind the scenes fire talks to
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kind of t escalate. and that might be the case now, because if they're saying, oh, now we're very close to a deal, then him us and either on or going to be hesitant to be the ones to undermine the possibility of a cease fire by attacking israel in this moment. and so the, the, the conversation itself is prolonging uh, you know, the, the wait time for the ron and has the lot to attack. and so i think we're in that type of moment. i think the us, it might be using this as a deflection or a way of, of the escalating the situation as opposed to maybe real momentum behind the scenes fire. unfortunately, i hope that's not the case, but it seems to me the most likely scenario. it's really interesting to get your thoughts on this overall mind. we appreciate you being with us. thank you very much indeed. thanks, rodney. what as we've just been talking about 11 has been following these, these far talks and go home. that's because the root cause ball is based mainly in the side of it's being trading. rocket strikes with israel as well as says they're
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in support of palestinians in gaza and they're helping growing fears that things could escalate and end up in a wider regional war. i said big reports a fire and smoke rises from my team and showing another sign of tension along leopard on the southern border. recent days have seen a stream of gifts and that's posts through a route on thursday because the front is foreign minister. so we all concerned about the regional situation of very simple message about the escalation message address here to the 11 east authorities. and it will also be addressed to all the countries in the region on friday is a different time to part. now would that mean a, an immediate cease fire must be reached in the gaza strip so that we can stop the escalation . i also asserted egypt for condemnation of the provocative policies which certainly include the breach of liberty. sovereignty is without hesitating to retaliate against israel for the coming of a senior. come on the flex you can last month under,
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onto the same for the can and go from us. political head is mind and the in the wrong. i was late to his beloved late this morning came the form of the video. it appears to show an underground facility large enough for trucks loaded with me. so i made fields of, of white a reasonable, the on group wants to show it's ready and that the weapons showcased, could be pro contraction. israel has continued to tell you, i don't strikes against what it says, his without targets in 711 on the new day. you cross border tex have been slowly escalating in the last 10 months. up on friday, the ringing embassy baby, which use the social media platform x to say underground besides cities are located or over iran, and they can be used to attack the enemy from any point in the country. because these 5 talks are happening in doha, with the us got the, an egypt mediating, while the attention seems to be on the cx, 5 talks taking place in doha diplomatic efforts. they route the conflict hair and the size of the non continues. but the outcome of those tools could determine
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whether the flight thing is contained to the size here full. if the rest of the afternoon using present it to or even the region aside, big data or to tell you 7. israel continues to declare more and more of gaza out of buttons for about $2000000.00 palestinians including designated safe areas. according to the runs humanitarian affairs agency, nearly 90 percent of the gaza strip is now under evacuation orders. the most recent announcements will affect more than a 170000 people. that's the biggest group so far. and israel's 10 months long war i'll just need his colleague copies them as more from their obama in central golfer of those a so called humanitarian zones on getting smaller. and with it the opportunity to access something as basic, but critical as well to hundreds of thousands forcefully displaced,
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posting he ends up being pushed out of dairy. bella in the central goes and the from the slip, 2nd blowing just sits the hun eunice in the south, is very forced to say how most has used these areas to fully. a moses and rockets at israel civilians have an option to pick up and go a button that's played out repeatedly, to have received warnings to evacuate this area. we're collecting mold and carry. you tell me where should i go? all the people of god's have been crammed into a tiny spot, and with being pounded from all directions, dary bella has 18 root to wells. 10 of them located in the east. now the scene of purest financing. in con eunice, the population is being squeezed into a smaller parcels of land on sit to live in the low low. you'll see it
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uh about 85 percent of the entire province of con, you designed to see only 18 of the $108.00 square kilometres. i left for the population as tiny areas, crammed with people who it is almost impossible. more than 80000 palestinians are crammed here without the basic necessities of life. this defies logic to panic and see to the smooth colleagues people forced to flee again. the explosions on not far away. where the bottom line is that there is no safe space and gaza, no sheltered, no food or water, nothing at all. the whole world is watching us in silence view and says about 84 percent of the strip has been placed on the evaluation order is by the usability military. that's 1900000 who have been forcibly displaced. the goal is
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a strip of everything. so that also more than 10 months of unrelenting attacks was no response. families here are struggling to says the only thing the only a humanitarian conditions, especially with, is relevant to since it's so cold, humanitarian. so that has led to less access to nearby who uses to recognize the which is 0. the towing goes, this house and this is confirmed. it's found his 1st case of polio in a quarter of a century. united nations is urgent and calling for a 7 day pause and fighting, so that 640000 children can be vaccinated. the world health organization wants to send 1200000 vaccines to gaza. after the discovery of the polio virus and wastewater last month, michael awful reports the 1st case of the polio virus eradicated from the gaza strip. 25 years ago, has been detected in
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a 10 month old child. the united nations chief says this groom development must show in a pause in fighting to vaccinate gauze as children. i am appealing to all part of this to provide concrete to shoot as he is right away. get emptying humanitarian pauses for the campaign. let's be clear, is a team, it's vaccine for paulding the space and then the media to manufacturing ceasefire, desperate living conditions and the collapse of the health and sanitation systems often move in 10 months of war have allowed the viruses return. in severe cases, it can infect the suffer, his spinal cord causing permanent paralysis and even death. given the conditions of displacement, a little coding, switch contamination back of clean wall to an overcrowding be the idea of
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conditions sort of very high thoughts of pulled you by this transmission of the world. health organization says it wants to roll out a polio vaccination campaign. from august the 17th. the 1st phase would target about 640000 children younger than 10. some of the most vulnerable to an appeals for a cease fire on humanitarian grounds. so it stops, can move about safely and then ended had been rejected by israel in the past. the need a massive change of the current environment, which is the only see if i add an and b so that the children can be vaccinated. but be also the live feed them of move much at the end of july causes health ministry to play, the strip a polio epidemic. so the health system is already overwhelmed by $1800000.00 cases of skin diseases and respiratory infections. on top of other communicable diseases,
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israel knows the danger of polio outbreak presents and began immunize in soldiers deployed to garza in the late july. at least 95 percent vaccination coverage will be needed during each round of a to round campaign needed to prevent of public health emergency. if on check, the virus could spread well beyond causes bodies. mike level, which is their one palestinian. mine's been shot dead officer is really south as attacked. a village and the occupied west bind violence by satellites against palestinians, a spite since israel's watering guys are beginning in october, sets of attacks and is really on a range of time to $630.00 lives in the occupied westbank. no road has sent us this report from the village of sheets. i think drawn page took place. the charred remains of cars. bear witness to a terrifying night in g. it's village is of the the occupied westbank. dozens of
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armed is ready, subtler storm, the village, burning vehicles, breaking into homes and trying to set them on fire my house and was inside her home with her 4 grandchildren. when settlers doused her porch in front door with the flammable liquid and set it to light the subject, my daughter in law was screaming in fear. i told her to be quiet, don't let them hear you, or they will go in and kill us all. is rarely, soldiers intervened, as they regularly do to backup the armed settlers who shot their way out of jeep killing 23 year old. the she, the said that this is not a one of incident more than 1200 subtler attacks, have been documented across the occupied west side. since october, families have reinforced their doors and windows is rarely officials have condemned this attack. but all those words of condemnation carry very little wait for
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palestinians here. indeed, who accuse them of being complicit? they point to the is really government's ministers. many of whom are settlers themselves will have increased budgets earmarked for illegal supplements, distributed tens of thousands of rifles to settlers an open lee called for adopting the destruction of palestinian villages a state policy palestinian say these statements are performative an attempt to signal to international courts investigating israel for genocide and other war crimes that is, will take such violence seriously. the conclusion validated by the release of the single is rarely subtler who was questioned in connection with the jeep attack. the international court of justice ruled in july, but these rarely occupation of the palestinian territory was illegal and that supplements must be dismantled because as long as they exist,
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no place will be safe for palestinians. events indeed, prove the judges, right. not all the theatre jeep palestine. the russian officials say at least 11 people who being injured any ukrainian attack on muscle control, then yes, local governor says the shouting is had a shopping center on the outskirts of the city, sparking of fire rushing telegram channels. say at least a 100 people were inside the center of the time. crumbling aiden nichol. i push kind of has accused the us of direct involved in planning ukraine's incursion into russia's crust. region, with washington denies the former security chiefs, accusation guns as ukrainian forces move further into western russia. they seized the boat, a ton of sous chef. meanwhile, the russians says its forces have destroyed a ukrainian reconnaissance group and across the region. i'd have re taken control
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of at least 2 settlements. the coast region is 13000 square kilometers in the west of russia. it's near ukraine's border and it's home to nearly 1200000 people. ukraine says it's forces are 35 kilometers deep into russian title tray. and i've seized control of more than $82.00 settlements, including the tons of suicide. one of the main gas supply lines from russia to the you runs through subject, which is a population of about 55000 people. the regions also home to the cost of nuclear power plant. it produces a lot of rushes electricity to now swearing ukraine bottles continue in the east where rush has been making games in the past months is our defense attitude. outage consultants from chief keeps forces may be advancing in russia's cruise region for russian reinforcements have reduced a canes to a few 100 meters a day. the cranes operation shows series signs of slowing down and fighting inside
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ukraine. things don't appear to be going keeps way, was to create new forces in the eastern. so let's region, hoping course slowly but steadily by the strategic total crossing is being evacuated, the russian army totally 10 kilometers from its outskirts, some thoughts which is to play here for a 2nd. the situation is only getting worse, it will not get better. the government and critical infrastructure remain in danger . don't be afraid. you can leave in an organized manner to pack your things and evacuate in the self ukraine's missile a tackle. the coach bridge was intercepted testament that ukraine's ongoing campaign against russian a defend cease in crimea. so full failed, any person you credit, the troops of pulling back units from its own, the bridge head, from the russian side of the deep river as they faced melting attacks, creating units specified for control of the river. the cruise cooperation was
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a morale boost for everyone here. but the reality remains that ukrainian force is a very much on the defensive, this volk memories, those that failed billing for the country. and it's set to grow. alex could topless out to 0, chief, the new cases of the impulse wires have been detected and practiced on the health department there says at least 2 people, according isolation for charlotte. i've constructed the virus, they say the patients flew in from the united auto eminence recent the impulse outbreak of the more deadly virus started in democratic republic of congo last year, and spreads to neighboring countries for both health organizations to create a global public health emergency come on hydro has more from this, i'm about the 3 passenger were coming from the united arab emirates were stopped. godfrey showered at board after which the head of the toner gave that issued
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a statement saying that the 3 were carrying the same dems. 2 of gods have been confirmed. do have the and fox, why it is the 3rd one, i've got the rating that it does reject being sent through the nation is to your developer here and it's all about. so the national combined and operation center i have cartridge already issue. and there do, why is it a to ensure all preparedness in the face of this new thread? and that gives you an fox uh, wider score at the moment. uh, doors, the case is being reported from the type of pop proven it did what, remembering that back and granted ranch it st, they were 11 gun from the cases of m fox and focused on one of them died. i so indeed, where does happened is that the nation is to do it of head has now issue precautionary measures. that'd be by target job. that includes a routing and watching the game, as well as
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a clean environment and reading model thread possible. and they have caused relatively looking at incoming passengers to ensure that they're able to timely to take any symptoms of this wider, given the fact that they, what it has the organization has already raised the law. and the focused on your daughter did of course, really be cognizant of that fact. europe cells are concerned about impulse office reading reported its 1st case earlier this week. and jonah hall has more from london as well. one imagines the countries across europe, and indeed more widely than that, probably hardly pulling out and dusting off their viral prevention programs. remember that post code all those measures that are in place in airports and elsewhere, mosse squaring hand washing, screening, and so on. have launched a full in a way and one of the main purposes of the world health organizations decision to, to care a global public health emergency of and fox is to encourage countries to release
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funding for us that funding for boosting public health systems. and for accelerating the rollout of those measures, testing, screening and so at the biologist saying that, look, while they may be very few identified cases so far outside of the sort of epi center in the democratic republic, a neighboring countries, that probably means there are other cases more cases that are on the identified leading to at least the possibility of some sort of rapid global spread. go back to 202223. the 1st time this happened, it was a strain of influx monkey boxes as well as it was to include play too. that was responsible, considered less dangerous, less transmissible, certainly less deadly than the current strain. played one or played one be specifically at thought to be more infectious, deadly in some 10 percent of the cases. ready there's some evidence apparently that children in adolescence might be particularly vulnerable. so certainly there is
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widespread concern. this will be watched extremely close to the european center for disease control that has raised its at risk awareness level from low to moderate. as far as the impulse is concerned, and these kind of the urging or countries to maintain high levels of a list showing how l g 0 number. and the international federation of red crossman says that there aren't enough screening facilities and mentions for and thoughts across the african continent. there is a critical shortage of testing treatment and vaccines across the continent. the shortages are, are severely hampering the ability to contain the outbreak. we are calling for urgent international support to increase access to vaccine stocks and treatment options and to scale up testing and alert investigation. as i'm calling these a is from, i am a world health and democratic republic of congo. he says the risk of impulse transmission is higher and refugee comes well, health care access is limited. the results of one thing that we're
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seeing on the ground is that the, uh, the transmission is, is like human and being the only human being the cops. and these are, comes the, you know, who to montes interrupted, which is fine, you there. so the thing being, the website has been the college, just wanna see what the communities are. we have the risk around the people. so community engagement, meanwhile, the government, these have decided to get this, you know, calling for the stuff was, and you can ship in salt resources to make sure that we have enough. i states, actually we have the country is, you know, i'm looking at around 3 me the seems to fight against impulse y axis on the grounds. all these, all these have any doctors what 2 together to make sure that once i do everything excluding civilians to the other side where people have to get to man. but also making sure that the student is able to provide a needed support. you know,
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to the most up at the complement of it. it's the still ahead and i'll just eat up the youngest child to be, you know, tyco tax and shouldn't watch sex over his ty, prime minister, coming the 3rd member of the family to hold the post. plus the result is across india step up from the south to the rape and murder of a medicine called concert. last week, the the hello, it was one of the strongest type ruins ever to approach tokyo. so this storm now moving away, but by and large, the biggest city here duct in dodge, this one is it now moves out toward the northwest specific, but it is pumping in that heat and humidity. 30 degrees in tokyo on saturday rates . really pick it up in southern china,
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particularly around hong kong. you could scoop up about a 100 millimeters of rain in a short period of time that could certainly trigger some flooding through gwen g and g one down provinces as well. you'll be hard hit with this spring, seeing that written filtering out of myanmar pushing across to indo china fairly typical weather at this time. you're nothing out of the ordinary. so let's talk a bit further to what the cell looking good for. introduce as main island of java a bit more wet weather is we come across central and northern sumatra, and some verse of rain not too far away from k l over the course of the weekend. heavy false in the forecasts for w a. this will include pers also unsettled to word that southeast corner, but really the worst of it will be for perth, there's winds are picking up, so it's pouring and flooring here. and we'll end this by the reports in new zealand dispatch of what weather, which produced flooding for queensland states in australia, bringing a lot of rain, particularly for new plymouth.
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the a sense of the going to walk down any street in part sales to feel the presence of the spend community every day heroes and communities together. hello guys. all this little guy, a da 0, visits us offensive community and so on. so canada, where locals are fighting to maintain their identity in the face of sky rocketing rents and chipped vacation a sense of community on a jersey to investigative journalism. this is quite chilly, moving through here, sensing that last horrible mind, but it's a journey voices from different corners of organization survival. it's survivable. survival runs for reparations. and justice stories from other angles. life is actually music of the way people talk, the way we walk programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world
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today. on now to sierra the question i'll just remind you of a top stories is our 2nd day of gaza. c. as far as homes has ended in doha, the white house, as those discussions have been the most productive in months and the resume in cairo next week. guys as health ministers confirmed, that's fine. it's 1st case of polio and a quarter of a century. the united nations is urgent and calling for a 7 day pause in fighting. this is 640000 children can be vaccinated. in cases of an impulse myers have been detected, the recent outbreak started in democratic republic of congo last year,
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and spread to neighboring countries. wells health organizations to create a global public health emergency view as democratic presidential candidates capital. hi ross has unveiled her economic agenda in our 1st big policy speech. speaking in the battleground state of north carolina. thomas, i'm here. the host of the phenomena. proposals include tax cuts assigned to the child tax credit and lowering the cost of food is also promised to build a more affordable housing. hydro castro was that the campaign event in valley chevrolet and she went why? but she didn't go very deep by many or saying this is what she was supposed to do. she was laying out the wider vision of her economic agenda if she were elected president. and we know that this has been a weakness for democrats at american voters. have time and time again, believe that donald trump would perform better on the economy than a democrat. well here is try to tackle that straight on by talking about for her
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fight to lower the cost of living for americans. she said, for groceries, prices, which have been up at least 20 percent since by didn't took office. she would try to nafta, federal ban on price gouging among brochures. she talked about housing and the lack of it. she said that 3000000 new homes would be built by the time she and her 1st term as president. and she said that the government would have enough this ambitious plan of getting $25000.00 of down payment assistance to 1st time home buyers. she also talks about tax cuts across the board for middle class americans and giving a $6000.00 tax credit for the parents of newborns. i've got a big applause here among the her supporters. and then she contrast to that to what she says are the, from taxes. that's what she's calling the care of that former president trump has proposed in the past on imports saying that that price would be passed on to consumers. ultimately what she was trying to accomplish here was to draw
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a contrast between herself and trump. look voters out there. know these are campaign promises. a lot of them do not materialize. however, she was trying to create that relationship, highlighting her own background, being raised in the middle class family working at mcdonalds when she was in college and saying that in contrast to that, trump was born into a wealthy family and now only fights for billionaires. when the economy has consistently right it has the top concern for us voters. here's a quick rundown of how democrat and republican administrations i prefer of the recent years since to by mentioned the white house in 2021 g d p has claimed 8.4 percent when adjusted for inflation r g d p is the total value of goods and services produced by a country every year that that's significantly higher than the 6 point. 8 percent rise during donald trump's presidency. the last full year of his time 2020 was heavily impacted by the downturn as a result of corporate 19. well,
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the pandemic also had a negative impact on biden's economic reco. it's seen as one of the driving factor has been he behind on 19 percent rise a consumer prices since he took office. by comparison, consumer price is only find 7.8 percent during the trump presidency. microphone try is a professor and director of the race politics and policy center at george mason university is joining us live back from washington dc via skype. good to have you with us on audra 0. what are your things that come to the house is trying to achieve with this particular tone of announcement and layout? a very cannot make policies primary goal and all of these kinds of speech of have to introduce yourself to voters that don't know you and layout to those folders. the kinds of things that you care about. what are the real problems that we have right now and our public discourse and some of the anger that a lot of voters feel is that they believe that they are not being listened to by
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their leaders. and so when you're just opposed, vice president her and her sort of populist middle class targeted of speech today and policy ideas with that are present to the truck who comes out and from a very different of our perspective. she's drawing a clear distinction between the 2 campaigns and was trying to sort of those voters who were angry. i am with you and he is not. there is, of course the obvious question that if this is so simple and so straightforward, why hasn't the buyer and ministration done anything about this before? not well, not just to buy them registration for donald trump for president, for 4 years. and he had a chance to do a lot of things through both administration. and i've been faced with particular concerns. so much of what goes on in economic policy making is outside the control
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of a president. most people don't understand that the circle of a commercial business, it's the environmental and international things that impact what goes on in any domestic economy. and and so presidents in some respects give too much blame or things go wrong and too much credit when things go right. those are running for president. i understand that. and so they tend to play to things that resume boaters. but to your point from a photo of power to kind of, to expand, pointed to easily happened at the, at this snap of a finger. mm. so it sounds as though from what you're saying, this is pretty much more of a wish list rather than any fair economic strategy with much to back it up. and yet the tone of it's on the subject, as you were referring to the, to the subjects that you was talking about, actually seemed quite republican friendly. i mean, particularly with regard to this phrase because the opportunity economy that she wants people to be able to,
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to use the economy to drive people's success forward. does that mean? do you think that it's going to be harder for republicans to criticize as well? so those republicans are all in or trump don't find a way to criticize anything. she says, what's your point is well taken and that she is trying to gain some of that space from the political center where motors are still undecided and trying to pull them in her direction. and so some of these ideas are that, you know, use the phrase, wish list. i think that's appropriate. both candidates for all of the, these issues are talking about things that they want to do or wish to do. but the con, the, the really important piece a lot for everyone to understand is a positive just real bar fee or pay up to go through the legislative process, which includes the house and the for, and then implement a policy and not to take a very long time and be
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a big fire if you do not have members of the house and sort of behind you. so yes, it's a wish list is not the kind of thing that's going to happen immediately for you, but can. but once you find is style listed, like i'm with certain kinds of voters and trying to draw a distinction between her and former president trump just very briefly because unfortunately, we don't have a great deal of time maybe about 45 seconds. but given the tone is that the account things that we've heard up until this point, this is the 1st time the capital house has laid out. and the thing that is approaching some sort of policy approach. do you think that this is going to have an impact on the trump campaign? will it be forced to change its narrative in order to accommodate this? just very briefly, sir, if you don't mind. yeah, there's no question of the trump campaign is problem to try to find an answer for our address, our commer harris and her campaign. this is the 1st major policy rollout that she's made and she will continue to do so. do so are and for us to present form of rosen trump, to, to respond accordingly. we're like, we're about 90 days off from the election. and so there's not
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a lot of time to both candidates. so trying to figure out the best way forward for them for them before they came to seize. and this is all the information and i would just say the september debated is going to be very, very important in that regard. microphone try, we're grateful to you for being with us, and i'll just do that, sir. thank you very much indeed for your time. i is my pleasure. if i do so to islands a point of his youngest prime minister in its history, a majority of m. p 's approved 47 year old friends are taught, gone to sit and watch a member of the largest parts in the governing coalition port type. she's the daughter of tax engine and watch her. former prime minister remains inside angel despite spending 15 years in self imposed exile. tony chang reports from bangkok. it was a process. some said it could be the rails to me and it was just the full amount now. so i'll pass on time to to why don't times you know what receive more than half the votes from the members of the house of representatives. this whole
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department has approved the motion to nominate pet hometown senior. what for appointment was prime minister for 37 years old pitt hometown shinning. what is the youngest person and only the 2nd woman take time? i'm sure she's relatively inexperienced, politically, only coming into the spotlight during last year's election campaign. she comes from a strong political tennessee, her father tax and, and her own getting lock booth from a prime minister. she would have the full backing of expanding services, kentucky. so i think that's the crucial part. right? if we say a very important role in managing the cabinet and give us a 40 with the se, wise's research very much needed to push, you know, the work for when the prime minister elect was waiting on the other side of town. well wishes arrive of their congratulations,
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a long list of policy grandees arriving here. what is effectively the count in the policy head cold is here today. and the message is very clear. they want to show that aligning downtown should've well enough to us public appearances. prime minister to support the policy with policy lead isn't cabinet ministers behind to she came out to give her 1st public address and decided that it's about time to do something for the country and for the party as well. and i just, i hope that i can do my best to you know, to make the country go forward off to it. she admitted her hands were shaking with the opposing facility. as she looked to showed a new generation of ty lead to one likely still be struggling with the constraints of the post. tony chang out to 0,
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bank of doctors and nurses in india are continuing their protests out of the rape and murder of a training doctor. they're angry of what they say is the failure of the government to keep health care workers safe calling for justice for the medical was found dead last friday at a government hospital in calcutta. and we don't have very scared right now because many of the times we guys own my duties, we work it on the floor we. we get 36 hours to be act of like $36.00 that would be the cheapest for us. so if this thing happened inside the house, he does that is like a 2nd home to us. where are we safe? not so ahead and i'll just eat up my photo spot into key is west coast is always houses and businesses. i makes hundreds of people homeless plus i'm stephanie decker in the middle of kenya's mind. rose will be telling you the story of how this community has come together to protect this by talking to
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a system the
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the the world health organization says more than $300.00 people have been killed by colorado, into done bodies as fighting between the southern these army and the part of military rapids support forces is increasing the sprite of infections. cases of den get fever and meningitis are also on the rise. is likely the actual number of cases is far higher than is being reported. floods across or down have forced tens of thousands of people from the villages and towns. the majority of people and 10
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gosset, about town and northern sit on, on, not homeless conflicts. also made it difficult to get a shelter to people, a united nations. it says at least 57 people have been killed in flooding across the human trigger by heavy rains. extreme weather has caused widespread devastation in central government with over 600 people injured homes, roads, and other essential infrastructure has been totally whiteside files and so being forcibly displaced, making an already dias, humanitarian situation, even worse and firefighters are struggling to bottle wild fires that are raging across the kia, dry, hot and windy weather conditions, hampering efforts to tackle the blazes on the west coast of the smith houses and businesses have been destroyed, forcing residents to free their homes. bermuda is bracing for how to can nesta, which is going to bring with the wind speeds of up to
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a 100 kilometers per hour and potential flash floods as it charges towards the islands. a storm which is kindly a category to is gaining strength. thanks. expect it to make landfall on saturday morning officials and the small bridge, he's tied to a tree of clothes, the airport and other businesses and open shelters. public transport also suspended . and that's the service of the trojans, our community. we are focusing on in terms and per month to period over the last 36 hours of sustained winds. and then just read the conditions, the again, this afternoon at around 2 pm. i last wrote tomorrow and into early sunday. that make sure you're good. at least ever since iris are very powerful and life threatening rooms defends meet your logical agency has lifted a week long warning for a so called mega quake. the warning was issued after an earthquake last week,
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but it led some experts to question how scientists predict future tremors. mcbride reports and one of the world's most quite prone countries experiencing around $1500.00 trim is per yeah. the 7 point, one magnitude quite last week was considered unique, occurring on the active falls line known as the 9 chi trough. it led to fears that it could trigger a much bigger quake. awesome, okay, cool. the quote that we looked into, whether the possibility of a future squeak has increased almost, we concluded the possibility is higher than normal. the government took the unusual step of issuing a form of warning, leading to some panic buying as people try to assess the danger. we're all concerned but don't know how to prepare in our neighborhood. all the rice toilet paper and water are sold out a disrupting travel plans at a peak vacation time for many japanese. so large numbers of cancellations, so
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a lot of hotels are out of pocket people when they go to the beach. fine, but you can't swim for the next week because of a heightened anxiety in the government. that may be the big one will happen this week. i'm studying records of quakes going back hundreds of years. many sized apologists in japan have concluded the country is due to experience a so called back a quake. the kind, the modeling shows, could cause a 30 meter high synonymy wave with hundreds of thousands of deaths. but the lifting of this warning, often and uneventful week has left other experts questioning how predictions are made. there is a kind of tile who i believe among some researchers that credit for regular products. but um, research has shown that that belief is rubbish. there is, there's absolutely no size of
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a basis um or conflicting patterns or pass griggs with what's going to happen in the future and does life. we tons to as near normal as it can in a country under constant seismic threat. that's the knowledge that whether that predicted, oh not that will be more quakes. rob mcbride, would you say era efforts in kenya to protect mangrove forest of bearing fruit is part of a growing realization to nature. conservation can directly benefit surrounding communities and locals on the only ones involved. they have an unexpected ally and protecting the forest. stephanie back, a reports from one boss is mine. groups in eastern can you as we're being taken into the mangroves along on buses coast this is an environmental success story. what man destroyed, man, is now restoring. and the local community is leading the way the creek running
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where young you to is fully. it does afford forest, even scared to go by yourself. i mean mohammed is a community leader and part of the ongoing mangrove restoration project. he tells us logging of the mangroves over the years, had a severe impact. mangrove wood is hardy. good for building homes and burning firewood we so very good addition on the food discuss it, the could not get fish. we could not get the bronze. we decided to step to restore it again. 55000 mangrove trees were planted here in july were told. and on the day we visit more young ones are being delivered. mangroves are the only crucial at the community level. their impact is much wider. in fact, the mangroves here and can you effect youtube? they play as a category, right? especially when it comes to climate change in mitigation because they have a capacity to capture at most 10 times cub and then any available system kind of
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sequester back on land. so we're now being taken to another way that the community gets income from the forest, but it's also being described to us as the forest secure to the army of the forest . let's take a look. see that are great with an army of bees introduced a few years ago. they're making more of a difference than just creating jobs. were told a 2 percent of the logging has stopped when you go and destroyed the forest and the be the, the tissue always this thing you. so people know they are for the, for the security. and that's how these as the access codes. but these are different for 7, for of protecting and growing this mangrove forest. is it community efforts in the name of food security and job creation? a crucial realization that by taking care of nature, it gives so much more back. stephanie decor, ultra 0, mombasa, can you and dime is going to be here in
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a couple of minutes with more on all these stories. don't forget the website course . i'll just see you at dot com on robotics and stay with us on august. the a part of his, i mean to be, is israel and obstacles piece of i think that to move in the f one of these governments with these says for that you say getting russell, a thought provoking odd since the e you made weapons being used in gaza, no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential? could we go to some we cannot take the effective use of the person as not that important effective. he had the story on talk to how does era african stories of resilience and courage. i gave him the way of
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the tradition and dedication to the investigative short documentary sky african to make it on the white 9 and the book to make it advocate direct on. i'll just see here all the remains of what was once a classroom before is rose were now schools have become regular targets for the military for desperate college to use this course in this is a neighborhood of cause a city serve as a temporary home is pretty forces issue new is actuation orders for 9 areas in for newness warning, they would for sleep operate against palestinian fighters. there look at what is happening to us by the time we reach an area. these readings want us to leave is whether or not the whole world is watching, act and find
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a solution to agony. is where the forces have fund areas in the north, south and center of the carlos troops. the latest the punctuation orders are causing comics because which is where you repeatedly targeting, so called save stones. there's no guarantee they will be safe where they go next. or the as a desk told mounts and guns a media. i just say tulips and council have been constructive, and joe biden says a deal could be insights. the other ones are in jordan, this is out as they are a life. and so also coming up israel issue is one of its largest evacuation notices and concepts shrinking. the so called safe zones, further to thousands of displaced published today. august on reports has 1st case
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of am fox and you embrace as a more infections from a deadly strain of the virus that's killed hundreds in africa plus together we


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