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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  August 19, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm AST

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drowning in front of you and not being allowed to save some of the crossroads of humanity and international law. a former tier desperately trying to help refugees and discharge of human trafficking and must fight to clear the murky waters with this documentary on the the envelopes virus to goes. the world help organizations. 5 states of alert set across the republic of congo has supported the majority of cases, put infections that being recorded in sweden and profit stone. so who's at risk and is the will for past and the labels help emergency. this is inside story, the
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welcome to the product lines, the whole rom and the world health organization is issued as highest states of a load. after such an impulse, virus infections in the democratic republic of congo. cases have now much follow beyond the countries boulder showing how contagious the diseases and the international risk that it poses. within the deals a mold and 7000000 people have been displaced by decades of complex many false to live in crowded conditions where the disease can run rampant. but then the nation of a 100000000 people and fighting in the east of explanation is a huge challenge. and that is a shortage of vaccines with only a small number approved for use globally. so come to the all see, get the help it needs. is the will prepared for this outbreak and come the spread be stopped. we'll be putting that to all gas shortly. but 1st we consume sharif. how's this report of a city at the heart of an armed conflict in eastern
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democratic republic of congo for decades is now on the front lines of another bottle. goma is groans, evil in the latest outbreak of impulse. the rapidly spreading infectious disease is sending patients to this makes shift hospital enough keep promptly. this is one of the one. at 1st i felt a headache, fever, muscle, pain, and pain. and my growing after spots started to appear on me when i taught it must be an infection with my body has completely changed the nation has reported around $16000.00 cases, the caea, and most of that that it led the world health organization to, to goods highest interaction in that as a global health emergency. on wednesday, the virus press to close physical contact with someone who is infectious, contaminated materials, or infected animals. and they are well by you. i am worried. we have been shown
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images on the phone and on tv of people who are suffering from the same illness. i'm scared and i am so worried. and fox, formerly known as monkey pulse, was 1st a tech to didn't for search monkeys in denmark, in the 19 fifties and humans in congo in 1970. but the recent strain appears to spread more easily. the w h will says in some center for a more direct risk stuff, i guess most of us will is 75 percent of cases are in children onto 10 on the 25 percent or an adults between $15.50 is only count that it should also be noted is that around 70 percent of these cases that come here, cases from compass for internally displaced people. so there was a hive under ability within the company in the country, the black sea, the applicant centers for disease and control. and prevention says, and folks has been detected in sodium countries, the seal with more than 500. that's all the countries announcing cases as including sweden, reporting its 1st case to speak to the health authorities and focused on have also
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detected one case and a passenger for returning from the u. e. in 2022. the influx outbreak was reported in more than 70 countries, but it's fed was slowed within months with vaccination programs and folks in which countries exp, but say there's an urgent need for vaccine supplies in african nations to stop the spread of the wireless. i would not recommend a general explanation campaign for the general population or at risk populations at this stage. it is also clear that the vaccines that are available globally educated in africa urgently needed and regions for the virus currently is readings. and there is a severe shortage of vaccines. it looks good. the goal of treating impulse is to take care of the rash, manage pain, and prevent complications, getting an influx of vaccine loop, prevent infection and health club. the outbreak. global pharmaceuticals are
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promising millions of doses in the coming months from a consumption eve on to see the inside story the. so let's bring it all gets to this edition of inside story in geneva walker, how respects pass and follow the world health organization and good. but david, monthly director of the agency world visions operations and eastern d all see. and also in geneva and the cash cappella professor i bought this of global health on to monetary and the size of the university of memphis, the he to was fully do it to full emergencies at the w h. i will welcome to all guests i talked to harris. could i just begin with you in geneva? how worried should we be about this outbreak? it's focused in africa, but as we see now, it is spreading beyond the continent. and certainly we don't call the public health emergency of international concerned unless there is a reason for worry. i mean the he does in the name,
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international consent. and what we're worried about is the detection and rapid spread of, of this new strain, clay one, b, and east, and d, i see it's, it's the fact that it spread so rapidly. it's, and it's also being detected in neighboring countries that had not previously reported any types of impulse. and that clearly is potential for further spread within africa, but also beyond into the rest of the world. and there is a need to try to stop it. indeed move, we'll speak more about the actual biology of played one in quite to a little bit later in the program. a david monthly, just to get your general impressions, your, as we say, at the coal face, dealing with your staff and with your colleagues in not just in your agency, i'm sure you're coordinating with many other agencies as well about the problem of m pucks right now just give us knows a few of, of where the focal point is. your age operation. yeah, this is a crisis on top of the crisis. simply due to the fact that in eastern d r c,
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there is a conflict. it's been long standing that has taken 2500000 displays of people in the camps in and around coma and ord conditions. so, so much of the work that we were doing was really just basic food provision, some general cash support protection services. really the basics for this to come into these cams and now at this point is, is really horrific. it's a, it's a new crisis. and these camps, again, you have high numbers of malnourishment from children who have high cases of abuse . these are really perfect conditions for the impacts epidemic to grow quickly. so it's a chief concern for us to do what we can now to really limit this as much as possible . i the doctor because capella in geneva, you'll no stranger to these sorts of emergencies and certainly this type of problem, but the aussie is facing right now in terms of the hey, we're now on the long term progress just let's just talk about the here. and now
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what you would expect to see from the all saw were teasing the d all see in how they are trying to help the health services on the health personnel on the ground with what's going on right now with impulse. i think that shows up the topic isn't the r c and surrounding countries, but need to upgrade to on preparations. that means making sure the practitioners are as committed royce with the same terms and signs. ensure that the have the systems in place for surveillance and the testing and the to put into place of preventing public health to measure as well. uh, which include for example, a hygiene sign is ation. water and infection control, which i think has an advantage, not only would it helps against and bolts, but also doing so many other endemic, good, good, good, good diseases. including recent,
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the academics which are still are going to go away in these parts of the wood. so that's the number one steps to be taken under to prepare the public as well to be recognized the disease when it happens in their families and communities and bring it to their attention. all the health care providers so that the b o break as it tables can be properly tracked. yeah, we'll talk about how they actually get that word as well a little bit later in, depending on log a house in geneva, i mean, how problematic is it to be able to deal with this when there's also conflict in the area? um, obviously your dealing directly with the old medical colleagues and the equivalence in the d. c and government. but at the end of the day, the troll varies hundreds of miles away from the capital of control. so indeed, the conflict makes everything more difficult when you're dealing with public health,
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said that the advice indeed is to say come to the health set to get treat, but uh, protect yourself. now if you're a displaced person, you're in the middle of a conflict. you can't get to the health center, you can protect yourself. and as david mentioned you, you don't have to do. you don't have was that you don't have the, the safe conditions. so at the same time as we take all the actions which we all taking to prevent the to prevent the spread, then needs to be much more effort to resolve the conflict of support the population . otherwise, she will just continue to have problem on problem mess. david said crisis on a crisis, david could look about doing good. but can you just tell us a little bit about those living conditions of the situations, those of that have been displaced, not just ones, but maybe twice or thrice. so actually facing because this all adds to the troll, but not be able to have clean health facilities, clean water, clean food, and accessibility to medical cap. the yeah, the these cats,
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they really sprung up over night. they were unplanned. so people that literally find themselves on the side of a road at different points in or on the periphery of goma. and poof, all of a sudden it would be 10015000, i just the other day, was it a camp or 22000 households? over 800000 people, there was garbage everywhere. there is no strong sanitation system. we enrolled vision, we provide again emergency phone cache and some hygiene support. but we're overstretched . this is so big this hundreds of thousands of displaced people just around goma. so for this to make itself known for am fox to enter into these camps were overstretched as it is. we're under funded as it is. so to be able to find the resources necessary is incredibly difficult, which is why we're asking the international community to step in immediately because we need more support in his caps. david, i'm just gonna just hold a little conversation here for a moment to give all view as a little bit of context. and then i'll be coming to macau, shortly because the democratic republic of congo has been at the center of the
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recent talk because we've just mentioned that the counts, the mold in 90 percent of the reported infections. but in d, kenya. rwanda, and you can have reported that 1st impulse infections in the past month. now those cases of also be identified in nigeria kind of ruins, central african public, south africa, ivory coast, liberia and gone. it is also spot concerns about spreading to other countries around the world. and as we just mentioned, sweden is recorded. it's fast case, and pocket stone to has increased screening of preston shows that it's apple's after a traveler tested positive for m. polk. so we cannot view as a home doctor, the cache and idea of how far wide this is going, porous borders across the conflict. so have you gotten to the sea but randy doesn't really help matters. and now we thing sweden and pockets stop in the whole mix. when you investigate and you back track to where this old could help this is
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transmitting, besides isolating an individual and interviewing them. what is the process to try and contain the problem? certainly for countries like sweden and pocket style and right now to divert it's very come to diverse countries that i think it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that the diseases correct. so i'm the 1st to say it has been very important, not that this functional measures like both the logos and the comment that has often attended the fossil vague. so you only have to look at the border and, and cobra, which you and that those things cause as much problem as the origin of a disease. now, what can be done about it? i think it's for an outbreak is detected in a location wherever that might be very sweet, no apart to stone or a in symmetric on the country. it takes about the selecting the button. it is about the isolating the contacts. it's about to if you have access to back scenes,
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but vaccinating doors, so contact i've been keeping an eye on the media to neighborhood so that lucas outbreaks can be controlled. this is what i, that's the issue does come in and why that relevant to your hvac seems to not put generally deployment. but florida outbreak control is extremely important because the vaccines are quite to effective. i think. so to start, none of this is possible as margaret has already said it, but in the middle of across. so you don't have access. and the already heard from goma if resources are limited and infrastructure is very poor. so, you know, they're not forecasted this, but they're all day as a complicated circumstances should not at the same time be of called the or thought hopeless. you can't do anything. a lot can be done locally, little by little in a 1000000 different situations. it is to a national action and national court isn't the lead. i'm the ultimate local
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organizations. local communities are alternately vital to control this. so these are the brakes. yeah, the david degree got come to you in a moment, david about the agreeing about community support that dr. harris in geneva. we just took for the view is as well, what back seems all available. and you might say, eligible to get into the d all see what is being you might say researched on not quite verified yet. given the w a hate show tick of approval before they can be distributed. how quickly can we get these that exceeds the income? we get them in the volumes that central africa needs? so there is 2 main vaccines. so these are things were actually developed against smallpox and impulses, a member of the same family and, and that's been proven efficacious. against the impulse. so that's why we have these succeeds and that's why they've been in some countries because they've actually built up. smallpox stopped piles for one of them. they both but terrible
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names. i'm sorry, one is called m v a. and they're currently point 5000000 doses available in stock. and the, the manufacturer, uh, it says that they could produce an additional $2500000.00 doses, potentially. so by 2025, we hope that will be in an additional $10000000.00 doses produced. the other one is l. c. 16. it's a vaccine that's not commercialized but produced on behalf of the government of japan. and there is a considerable stopped part of dyslexia and japan as we're working closely with w, a show on the civil taking donations. so that vaccines, so they're all that states. now the question is, and the important thing to understand is just as location mentioned, i think it's been not full mess, vaccination campaigns. they need to be used in a very targeted way. and the best if they use for prevention of people at very high prevention of infection,
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people are very high risk of those who just been in contact with a note in case if you can fax in a them very early. so again, as we said, this depends on getting the vaccines to the right people, knowing exactly where the virus is being able to track it and, and, and doing the best quality public health. so let's go back to, to david the in the, you know, doing an agreement about the communication david, because even a ways to move it, people in africa because of bad faith because of being suspicious. cultural differences, always very worried about vaccines. i, i'm always happy that these were in the system and as a location mentioned, getting the word out is very important. how people reacting to the potential possibility of taking it back, saying, you know, they could be suspicious. they can be worried, but the mist go simple superstition. what's the general consensus for what you're
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hearing? there have been some gains made due to the fact that in recent times there's been covered, but locally as well. that was also the depaula epidemic. so there is a better understanding of vaccines, but when we talk about that local communication component, that's very important. we talk this, this is an international concern, but so many of the solutions will happen nationally or locally hygiene promotion, for example, early detection and surveillance. this is where we need more support because if you're able to, you know, detect early these cases or identify certain weak spots or the stronger hygiene promotion set up necessary sanitation services. they're going to address so many of the many issues that could lead to greater impacts numbers in these caps. so it's again working in partnership with these communities to really focus on those most vulnerable as we've noticed here. and in many cases, it's children for bearing the brunt of inbox cases and even from calories fatalities, pardon me. so for us, it's really about continuing kind of hygiene, promotions,
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community dialogue and discussion to ensure that there's buying their support at local level because that's where so much of this is going to take place. dr. lucas capella in geneva. it's all very well as it did to try and get the communications sold to it. but again, to get the vaccines that requires money, it requires a budget, it requires goodwill. there is an organization part of which the w h ways of medical gabby for all view as it's about the rich tools that's into all the rich developed countries, helping the poor, a sales, all the poor countries in the world when it comes to the need full vaccines, we sold as jewelry, the cove, it pandemic. it's it's, it's a system that works if it works properly. the yes, the before a come to that. let me just make a point to the communication point. i'm a veteran. also. i try and read the origins from all those early decades ago. and i remember the only struggled sickness at chevy and the biggest
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issue apart from trying to get the word all was the issue of stigma and the stigma onto mind the controls efforts for a very, very long time in a try be an element of the notice i saw in the, in the step. okay, so my point here is that i hope that david strategy in go my others, how just play i focus on ensuring that the victims not being stigmatized because of course, one of the move. so cost mission is also a sexual, that's $1.00 thing. i. secondly, the slow it's distance understanding, but always the at the beginnings of any a condition that's specific communications i needed to overcome a, a dispose of the obvious understanding to help even talking about all the vaccine denials. and so that's a separate issue. i'm gonna do a question on quotes. oh, vaccine equity,
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this of cultures and ongoing debate. now we have international public relations on time goodness at the last was the certainly the was agreed to improve. i didn't realize that you're still in the middle of the fact that i'm gonna go to negotiations in terms of a better treaty and we're, we're stuck on. is this business so fast sharing the offer, sol, season and the opportunities around the world to control diseases which are all countries are, are there now? i think we have to be realistic. so what's helping always have control the kitchen and where i am in canada, the us in the unit. and i hear, you know, that busy stop finding vaccines that already got some stopped by us for those positions. been some of you know, con lady dest governments, to, to try and preserve the health of their own, at risk populations that are expect montgomery to also. so what we need is, the partition installed quite to the point that they've done, other survive. second got since, and basically we do on a deputy,
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a joe and davi and others. and the un generally to come in a search because we have some kind of the above, you know, the same as your reps, the inspect your populations. but the, at least about the, which maybe it's available to respect seen. so for other countries, especially now this spring break is good to control the effort to not do hers. and so that's what we need to focus on the deluxe. is there an adult to model i have is, can i just, i'm bringing you to a sort of a uh, adult like of a of a question here. because, you know, we've seen that the d. c, a is going through a major crisis it on it's east and bold as with civil strife and, and rebel groups all vying for territory and that was fighting. we know how that's impacting on the public at large. but we also have conflicts the see a few and see tom, and we're seeing that this virus can transmit itself very quickly. if it can get to suite into pocket start to get to other parts of the content. it's
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a no deductible. cash is also loading an agreement. how do you actually start talking to governments and to interested stakeholders when there is conflict in the region? well, this is really the, the biggest difficulty i think we as a well face right now. i'd be way, way looking at conflict around the world that is closing nasty threats to human health because the health systems that have taking decades to build up but just being destroyed. and indeed, as you say it's, it's a, it's a virus gets into a country that's got no surveillance and it's got no health system. but 1st of all, you don't know, it said, because you haven't got the surveillance, 2nd executable. if you even suspect it, say you called up for the treatment because people can't even leave their homes and come to a health care center it with any safety. and with the conflicts going on around the world, we are all asking for trouble. we can be brilliant at public health,
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so we can be bringing up developing vaccines. and yet all of that is destroyed by conflict of the democratic i just come to you. i mean, it might be destroyed by conflict, but is it, is that now what time or discussion? and again, going to another direction, why you might say global health card is required by people who travel that would be universally accepted by all governments. i know that the issue with identity cod is always problematic and lots of countries, but to get the basic information of what vaccines you've had, what blood type you are. is that a conversation like an as a be had with see me, a civil servants to get the, the, the power brokers is always the civil servants that develop a push policy. i think this is extremely important to remember, begins 11 and then seeing the city address it is coming across a song ever done. what high but the children to the doctor, to the heart of faxing, it to the getting the 4 year old vaccines and the other business that says over and over again,
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because they didn't have proper records and the doctors afraid not to believe anyone else had do things for golf street. my know, i think and we have my great yeah, my big 2 populations even move in the know how many to me i put them in their displays into that and many of them as refugees. so we know that there are still going on in terms of degree, has direct thoughts which come pick up safely or populations in process. i mean the population is cross it. so some kind of system under the framework of universal health coverage, which is a good choice such a big jump in a jump in all so as to ensure that the health records all the people wherever they might be taken by a public. i'm done accessible who decide to look at what to do to access and care might be available to them. and yes, this is also very important to, to give agency to individual is caught up in the, in the, in conflicts and crosses and moving around the 1st time it changes,
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but only makes that to make that list. so i think this is very good. i need to, we need a global approach to this building on the, to on set w at your end, you at c, r and others have already gone and they're working with margaret. it's just not final word marshalling. your results is to help those on the ground. that's the message. can the w h ha, with its partners globally help central africa in this particular instance? absolutely, and that's probably the main reason for calling the public health and much to the international could said when you have an outbreak left, this, the world needs to come together, bring the results is be the human financial scientific, technical like vaccine bring it to where the problem is, don't be worried about it coming, stop it, where it is and, and just as a matter of the whole community. we've mentioned the pandemic, tracy, this is what it's about. we can stop these problems if we work together, even when we have conflict and we all of us, all of us here will,
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all the health workers will never stop trying to help. well, it's great to have and it's good to have all of you here on inside still we talked to margaret harris, david monthly, and dr. lucas capella. thank you for joining us back from geneva and from gala and thank you to the watching this edition of inside store. you can watch at any time by visiting our website at all, just a dot com for further discussion casual facebook page at facebook dot com forward slash a great inside story. you can also join the conversation on x. i'll handle virus as a j inside story. for me, so rahman on the inside story team here, thanks very much for your time. and your company, the in a sense of belonging to walk down any street in car sales or feel the presence of a defend community. and the every day heroes keeping communities to get low. there's always a little bit of a da 0 visits. it's effective community in toronto,
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canada, where locals are fighting to maintain their identity in the face of sky rocketing rents and certification. a sense of community on a jersey to with americans more divided than ever. are we watching the end of the american era? the us once to keep the war in ukraine going to russia's will, is broken. but is that strategy working? what to do if there is no date after in israel's war on causes a quizzical look, good us politics. the bottom line of coverage of africa is what i'm most proud of. every time i travel, whether it's east or west africa, people stop me and tell me how much they appreciate coverage. and our focus is not just on that suffering, but also on the more realistic and inspiring story. people trust to tell them what's happening in their communities in at p a and unbiased. and as an applicant,
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i couldn't be more proud to be doing the people with disabilities. the jobs are the most vulnerable groups in israel, relentless for asking questions. why couldn't you know the number right now? what is the issue that reporting from the actions best feelings and also can have the worst out is it was teens across the world within the local news. i didn't like from document to he's when you close to the house of the story. it was a journey. every story, every step is a narrative, a separation of what we cannot choose when to reach the wealth, to submit an extraordinary design it redefines luxury, living,
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trusting no future. today we create the . ready ready challenges there with me. so robin de la reminder of all the top new stories. the us secretary of state is in his room. why, he said that this could be the last trends to reach a see saw dealing garza and the blinking has been holding tools with is wally prime minister benjamin netanyahu. one of several meetings on monday. it says, 9th visit to the region since october, the 7th named us robbie isn't jordan's capital because he's right. the government has done delta 0 from reporting from within his royal. he says making a deal won't be easy. benjamin netanyahu sticking to his idea that he wants to
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keep a troop presence on the ground. and god forbid he wants to continue to carry out the war that he wants to have.


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