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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 22, 2024 1:00am-1:31am AST

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least humanizes as waves and has to be human eyes, palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to turn away. tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing the best, the, the best bottles in the eastern new crane well must go, tries to hold caves in cash and further into bushes, cuss region, the head of them or carl, this is officer and i from the also coming up as well. issues, new evacuation orders from positive that abala incentive goss, i'm hon. eunice in the south. a more than a 150000 palestinians all sheltering. i'm
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kimberly. how can i live at the democratic national convention in chicago or carla harris's brothers make sense to take the biggest stage of his political career, formerly extend. his parties nomination, practiced on purpose to contain an impulse outbreak to shield his thoughts economy . fanny was coverage and the cobit 19, i'm done at the, the 1st time since new crane will russia has faced his biggest ukrainian during the attack targeting it's capital mosca. that says it tries to repel kids advances and it's territory with its incursion in the cask region. national. far to say defense shut down 11 ukrainian drains targeting most go under surrounding region. i would know reports of damage, no casualties,
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fest bottles of raging and you cranes eastern don't yet squeak and hit in the city of pope roads. it's an important logistics help for the ukrainian military. when you're creating an army has released this video showing the fighting to put grubs russian forces and making advances towards the city. and that's prompted evacuation orders from ukraine. you know, far as he's in an area that's home to the 50000 people and all those advances are happening as most good scrambles devise as fast for an incursion, says the 2nd world war going in forces of advance for the in the west. them caustic region, forcing tens of thousands of civilians to flee the homes out there as those to devalue reports from the city of ca, square of thousands of seeking shelter. this surface building lies in the heart of the russian city of pers, once a source of laughter and entertainment. now a source of comfort for the weary and dispossess every day near the 1000 russians has been forced from their homes. come here to get the basic necessities. move off
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is one of the nearly 120000 people who are in this place. they made a sudden attack the attacks to drive at 3 am. they started shooting people. how is this possible? all the world say that it's russia to blame. what does russia guilty of this russian not have the right to live and they do. why is this like this liberty yard? we were right from the goose cov, oh, we've been staying here for week with my son. we left behind our house and all our life. i would not like anyone to lift through what we have lived through. i want peace as soon as possible, and for this horror, and since you created forces launched their incursion into russia on august, the 6th officials in cuba claim they have captured over 90 settlements in the course region. a number of dispute decided kremlin officials and ukraine say the aim is to set up the buffer zones, protect the country, and get more leverage in any future negotiations. something russia says,
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it's out of the question. now. the government has allocated 30000000 dollars to the curse creature, but local people are also pitching in these clothes have all been donated by people hoping they could help their neighbors in need. medical staff say thousands of civilians have been killed as ukrainian forces pushed further into russian territory. the front lines of the fighting are about 90 kilometers from here a but the effects are already being felt and that's likely to continue for generations to come. door search of worry out to 0, curse russia. when your brains president says the incursion into western russia aims to prevent further attacks by moscow across the border, as there is defense, as the others could helpless. how's this report from keys? the cruise convince of inside russia has been a burrell boost ukrainians. used to bad news on the side of the border, or you cause mitchell, the situation was answers and it was had to watch it was protected and it dragged
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on. we don't know what this will lead to, but we all have our hopes high. it seems like a courageous and important steep, especially to keep up morale. so this will change the situation and i'll say that the question is how much? but i hope it will be felt a little more compared to what else happened in this world. keeps defense, ministry says that both of you creating a force of precision us manufactured high mazda real kits, have destroyed most of the bridges across the same river in the coolest region that's aimed at cutting of supplies to russian forces. all but trapped on the side of the river. the destruction of the bridge is this part of ukraine successful strategy to be able to, to know a russian supply lines. but back in ukraine, the situation is nearly as bright as ukrainian defend is a very much on the defensive voice mail to 14, the east near port groves because intensified recreate in unit so slowly being pushed back as a russian army steadily advances. the town is vital for supplying ukrainian troops
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for controlling the don't net screech and showing them for their score. the will suddenly be a pity if we have to completely conditionally surrender the net sc region. we have been dying for it for several years now, and then the width across such an important place for russia fighting is set to intensifying the coming days. makes good helpless out to 0. keep or what do i need as i lie from pittsburg and pennsylvania is called in clock. k is the director of research. so the sofa and center associates follow up investment center for counter terrorism. great to have you with us. let's. let's look at as biology of draven's that ukraine has sent towards moscow. what do you think is trying to achieve that? well, thanks for having me. i think got keys objectives or several fold one. you know, they're turning the tables on the kremlin. this is an opportunity for the premiums to do to the russians what the russians have been doing to ukraine for
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a very long time, which is terrorizing their population. the psychological impact that this has on russian citizens attempting to go about their day to day is possible. i think the 2nd is to show a real display not only of intent but of capability. and then lastly, this could be some kind of a, a distraction to conduct operations elsewhere. we've already seen the incursion into cursed. what else the cranes have plan. this could be almost a way to distract the russians. again, this is, you know, directed at moscow so very big stakes, while the ukrainians attempt to take ground potentially elsewhere. well, let me look at this incursion into ca, skin, and the number of places that we've craney. and so we'll say they've taken near the boat the eye 1st. what is it going to change the close of this rule? second level of able to hold onto those areas. both good questions, i think as of now, and it's still very early in the cursed incursion, one,
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if you think about this, this is largely unprecedented. we talked about and you set it in the preview to the segment, one of the biggest incursions, that's not the biggest, most significant into russia since world war 2. right? so it shows that the russians are vulnerable. the other piece, it's a tactical victory, at least in the short term because everyone is now talking about, wow, look, the ukrainians have the capability to take territory. this could translate into a strategic victory if this ends up being some kind of a bargaining chip in the future negotiations. i have a sense that that's likely what this is for. if we are kind of coming to that point in the conflict. and then lastly, it's a huge symbolic victory. this is a, you know, a major victory and for the ukrainians. uh, you know, to go into russian territory to take it. your question is exactly right, the 2nd one, will they be able to hold it? and that's, i think, what's on everybody's minds now, that's going to be a lot more difficult than initially taking it because they called the russians by
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surprise. and you brought up talks, the do you think we are at this point in the will when negotiations, that possible. and it's so hard to say, i'm optimistic that we're pushing in that direction. you know, the united states has played a major role in uh, you know, backing the ukrainians and attempting to forge some kind of dialogue now to get to a place where we could be looking at conflict resolution. but the united states, as you know, has limited bandwidth because of what's happening and gaza, and all the energy and resources director there to try to get some kind of a cease fire and hostage deal. so all these things geopolitically are interconnected. ukraine has been kind of on the back burner, and that's another reason why potentially you saw. so once you give the green light for an incursion at the curse, which has to bring ukraine back into the focus of international public opinion. and so let's get also repeating his appeal for more weapons as this will goes on. was
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patients likely response to the use of western weapons on boston soil? uh, you know, some people have kind of down play that they said, you know, this isn't really that, that big of a deal. i'm of the mind that this could potentially be quite high school, a tory look at whatever you think of russia's military. and i don't think much of the russian military, and this is still a country with a lot of nuclear weapons. and a leader who has proven to be quite on stable and unpredictable. and so there's always the risk that russia could escalate and could escalate against. and not just ukraine, but the nato or the united states. and that could take one of several different forms that can be in the form of cyber attacks. continued meddling in the upcoming us presidential election. something more kinetic right against an embassy or against the, you know, some kind of us or western base in europe. so i think there's
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a lot of concern what hooton's response will be in the coming days and weeks calling top. very interesting to speak to you. thanks so much for taking the time to join us. thank you. the from central to sell them goals as. 2 as amounts, new evacuation order is affecting more than a 150000 displays. palestinians. areas include deposit, they're all above that. central gulf as long just 50 thousands of people on the move they've been using. took, took some, don't kids to transform what have a belongings they have left many palestinians say they have no money and know where to go with the accusation. notice of also being ordered for areas of hon. eunice, honest events have been told to leave by is riley forces. many of them faced the same problem, but they were to go and no guarantee that anywhere is safe. most uh,
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some dates as well. most of all in this country, we would just place 20 times. i squeezed it go to houses and teens with strong. i do not want us to live, but don't even want us to enjoy a lot. the people are dying and they are a wounded. the people do not know where to go. even l. milwaukee is not safe. we do not know ways of going to the see or where this is. most of the one we're of the human rights. we are, the people we're is the will bit is watching us. are we just arabs by 9? we're of the arabs of the united states and the world are against us because we are arabs. we want to die. so say hon eunice, at least 7 people were killed off to tense housing displaced, people came on the is way they attacked us, present terabyte and and vice president. cala harris of held a cool with is relate prime minister benjamin netanyahu. that cool comes at
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a critical time is us, is trying to push through a cx, 5 deal, buys and stress, the urgency of bringing the agreement to a close. they discussed upcoming tools that will take place and kyra meant to remove any remaining obstacles that's go live to pass eco haine or correspondent joining us from washington dc. just phyllis and patsy on what to come more details that we know about this phone call. well we thought going into this that one of the main focuses was going to be on the philadelphia coord or that said air. busy separating garza and egypt, they have bosses, it's necessary to get supplies in. israel says it needs to keep troops there to make sure from us as a re supply. so the bottom line is, is really wants to stay. the boss wants them to leave and now the question is, what is the us president going to push for? we don't have very much in the read out. uh, as you mentioned, they talked about defending israel from around and it's proxies and getting to the
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final stage of negotiations in cairo. no mention of the quarter, no mention of any sort of public pressure coming from this administration. throughout the war, we've seen the president vice president joe biden choose us, choose the carrots, giving israel more military sales, military 8, sending weapons, and ammunition in hopes that he couldn't get them to agree to a cease fire. so if they were going to take the public pressure route according to this readout, they're not doing that just yet. us and pass a major sticking points in. this will, has been, as well as security presence remaining security presents in garza when the cx 5, when the war finishes. what more can you tell us about the developments the from an s and yahoo side and what the americans are cooling for? well, there's really 2 different quarters that we're talking about here. we're talking about the net serene court or that's something the as early as built there in the
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course of the. busy of the war that basically cuts off northern garza from the south. these really say they want to be able to basically man check points as people return toe north of gaza to try and find some us fighters. how exactly that would work is unclear. and again, we talked about the philadelphia corridor. now, one of the points of leverage that dividing ministration could use in some democratic senators is that they need to is it's fairly clear that israel is blocking, or at least elaine humanitarian, a getting in, especially crucial fuel for generators. there is a law in the us that any country that is doing that to keeping humanitarian aid of doing it in any way that the us can not provide offensive weapons to that. we've seen the us continue to resupply is released and is really a munition date. so under law abiding administration very clearly say ok, we're not going to give you any more offensive weapons. they are not choosing to
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take that route. and we'll see if, when we hear it start to hear leaks from the phone call. if it's the it's a present, it took a much tougher tone so far he has no. okay, perfect. go ahead and bring installations back from washington dc. thanks very much bye. a set of has had own offices era for the 1st time, and nearly 2 decades or wrongs. parliament approves the entire cabinets for the precedence, the the hello, the weather is flashy. set fire across much of a straight. yeah. clear sky, full many. we have got some cloud just rolling into the south. having said that, pushing its way across the by musty conditions, down towards the southeast corner with some showers in this area. cloud have
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a lot of thunder storms. what the weather that will push its way towards new zealand will tend increasingly a when they plus 2, whether to some what, whether that will make its way towards the south w way is this area of low pressure just rolls its way in. and that will bring some heavy rain at times into the falls south west of the country to bolt the southeast . you can see companies around 17 or 18 celsius that full melvin and full adelaide . but we'll wing up as we go through the next couple of days. i hate that we have in the interior, right? one above average. alas, good 10 degrees above average here 35 celsius. the will push it down towards the south, australia pushes tools. victoria is done towards the southeast corner as we go through friday on into the fast. i need the st. melvin getting its 21 sounds just has a little more like a we got some shot with some what the weather, making its way its and they say that very well by coming in across the fall south of w way as we make a way through the we can very right by the to pushing across the korean peninsula, easing into the sea of japan, and turning decidedly unsettled for support of the
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stripped from it switches and left with a toxic legacy. when you teach, they usually forget the from leap point. when you think that the people in power meet, the inhabitants still fighting for justice jesse, wait and took, evaluate and think. and what was the money your window hold? i didn't think they even consider it as like in the black people's people the sacrifice. then on tuesday or the the
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kind of again, my more car you're watching, i'll just there as a reminder of our top stories these, this our most coast has it's repelled a large scale cranium trying to tack on his territory. best buy things taking place in the west and customer region of russia. ukraine is destroyed, a number of which is in the area. as well as mountains, new evacuation order is affecting more than a 150000 displace palestinians built as kind of hon unit in the south. as well as lots of down ballot in central cells and just present terabytes and stressing agencies for reaching a ceasefire. jail and a cool with us for any funding to benjamin netanyahu. he does discuss upcoming tools and kyra meant to remove any remaining obstacles as washington tries to push through a deal the to most well officially accept his policies, vice presidential nomination during the day 3 of the democratic national convention
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. the current minnesota governor arrived at the venue at east of pat for speech later on wednesday night, for me is present, built into and and for my house speaker nancy pelosi will also address the d. n. c . that you can see the stadium preparing for the the big 9 us bringing. kimberly, hawkins. she's also inside that convention venue that in chicago. so it can be focus through what we're expecting tonight. so yeah, it may not be quite the star studded night. the day too. was all but we do know that stevie wonder will be performing. i saw him doing a sound check not too long ago, but as he mentioned, this is the big night for tim walls, but also nancy pelosi, the former house speaker will be speaking. and she, it was of course, instrumental in seeing carmella harris to the top of the ticket, encouraging the current president joe biden to step aside. so it'll be interesting to see how she is received by this crowd. also, we will be hearing from the current transportation secretary, pete buddhist,
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as who was considered at one point to become a le harris's running mate. and also the former president bill clinton, who is a very much a, a party favorite here. the democratic party is always well received, but of course it is tim walls and his opportunity to introduce himself not only to the democratic party as he's, despite his political career. this been relatively lengthy, is still relatively unknown, not just as party, but to america. so people watching for that to hear what he has to say. yep. so they can do what do we know timble so far? or yeah, well he's, he's really been kind of a character that has been changing somewhat over his political career. and it's a sure political career given he is in his 2nd career, he was started out as a teacher and as a coach at athletic coach edit was in fact some of his students in 2006 that suggested he should run for congress. and that's exactly what he did,
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and it was them, but he was a bit of a centrist in terms of his politics. but then when he left to become the minnesota governor, it's that port that he went sort of further to the left to some critics to say far less. but he says he devises the progressive politician. and he's been a little bit criticized for some of his politics, particularly his handling of the 2020 george floyd riots the rise that occurred after the death of george floyd. but he likes to identify himself more as kind of a folksy guy, a guy from the rural areas of the midwest. and that's what this campaign is really focusing on. they're trying to target those sort of white male voters, david west, who maybe typically would be voting for donald trump. they hope that if they can capture those voters, that will be the key to winning the white house. so he's got to portray himself as that and do it in his speech and we'll see if he'll be successful. okay, we certainly will be what's in place. we can be many things in the that's going to
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be joining us from inside the democratic national conventions. we wait for it to get on the way. this is the scene outside the convention center in chicago, where a protest against america's support for israel as it wages it will on garza, on taking place full of the day. all course comes of stonehenge and his life was now at union taco. so in chicago, i don't give a sponsor of the scene, the launch as a reproach. as today. you can see there are hundreds of people out here. most of them are protesting. again, is the war in gaza and this is really hard. it's been a designated free speech area. so people can come here and protest. sometimes they go off on march. as i understand this group, we'll go off on a march later. last night we did see a pro chest that was on plan on scheduled are permitted and about 55 just to keep people who are arrested at that point. but most of them have been absolutely
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peaceful. i've got someone here who's taking part in these pro chess and this is victoria. i think we thank you for joining us and you with students for a democratic society. it 1st thing i wanted to ask you about is what we're talking about earlier. that there hasn't been the violence here that we saw in 1968. tell me about what you're seeing. yeah, i'm saying, you know, a lot of, you know, tens of thousands of people, mark industry for casa, for palo sites and amanda, amanda, and the dentist. right now, and i think it's a really historic day and i really are, you know, honor to be a part of it on martin with a student. and you really pay the personal price for your support for the palestinian pause. you checked out of your university in florida. tell me about that. yeah, i was uh, so after our in cameron of the university of south florida that was led by students for a democratic society, which was april 30th when they suspended me. i was supposed to graduate later that week and the immediately suspended being put on false code of conduct charges on me
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alleging that i was being violent despite being, you know, to your guys by police and right. right. and rubber bull is being shot to the crowd and they later expelled me after the hearings of the code of conduct hearings and other tombs withhold my degree, even though i was only one assignment away from my bachelor's degree in grad, this was in south florida university in, in tampa. yeah. the university of south florida in tampa. and uh yeah, they also suspended. um my follow us. yes sir. joseph tarry, who's an international student? oh, so they're now putting in a mattress pretty for patients which really serious for him as well. and we want the national, as well as a local campaign to defend student protests for pala signs uh to get my sports members and joseph suspension lifted. and to demand that the university of south florida just close and divesting mediately one of the things that you were saying earlier, i thought was interesting was do you think that these protests at this convention of really built this move? yeah, 100 percent. and i think, you know, the following months will only prove that even more, i think it will be a great stepping stone as well as the single greatest achievement for building the
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boston for, for palestine. i think uh the speed and cap and cameras that we saw last spring semester really did that as well. and i think the students, as well as the communities are ready to hit the ground running and support the student camp inside this fall and continue to move it for policy. i know well victoria, i think we thank you for john can do us around you 0. a good luck with the all the school stuff. i hope you, you get that resolved. and these projects will continue, of course, throughout the democratic national convention, which caps off on thursday. and these protests will continue and is victorious as visited movement. it's growing, it's not just start. okay, don't engine joining us that from chicago. many thanks indeed from o. republican presidential kinds of donald trump has held his 1st outdoor rally since the assassination attempt on his life last month. tom spoke behind protective bloss shields at the event in north carolina extra security measures including smart pertains so put in place on wednesday. trump use as a parents to accuse the 5,
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the ministration of manipulating jobs, sophistic the wrong conservative majority parliament has approved or performed must present us or possess cans. cabinets, members is the 1st time in the decades that a president has got. one of his officials accepted, which includes a female representative as well, so it has more from 10 from of the re enrollment of consensus and do run in parliament for the 1st time. sees 2001 old 19 names propose for administrative positions, one approval, the summit lot of the he can, you to deepen them out the bus. that actually is the new for the minister. he wants to your office chief nuclear negotiator who is that the are with world powers in
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2015. former central bank chief left a message i met it is now in charge of you by been an economy peoples by international sanctions. your run is politically divided, but as new president is promising to build bridges between conservatives and reform is not in the world, i will take your opinion seriously when making my decisions. if we stand together, we can solve the country's problems. if we are divided, we can't move forward. today is the time for unity and internal coherence. conservatives have the majority in the red new parliament. a challenge for the form is best and like, charles is the explore administered of the interior and minister of sport than use of people with close ties toward the conservative parliament speak about good above the present hopes this will help him get caught above support in case of
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disagreements between the parliament and the president in your run on these active officials, the whole significant power, the president is being careful not to confront them, not to. i don't see the people on the proposed list. with the bist, however, they agreed upon and maximum consensus with those we have to have an agreement with such a security practices with their agreement, i presented the list of the cabinet members. iranians are suffering from economic hardship and limited freedoms. most of what is quoted before them as president last month hoping to have sanction lifted. and the country opened up to the world. is this the government is consider comfortable by conservative offers for the city changed over the menu? any government will not be a game changer or uphold as it, as performers guidelines stop by the ultimate par with this of the leader. there's
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instead of doing wrong overseas in pakistan, said that a spreading impulse infections could further impact that struggling economy and wondering border crossings. and i've also setup isolation more, come all high to reports from as level 5. this is the national emergency operation center, set up to date with gilbert 19 pandemic is focused on state of the art idea in years to monitor the effects of climate change. a quick then to get bored for any outbreak of major why this is an infectious diseases like m bulk. despite the financial crisis, we had a capability to monitor all different kinds of emergencies and disaster from natural disasters to the manmade and also uh, the uh, the new emerging disaster, including the pandemic. the country is digging the trait of and bulk seriously. after the organizers.


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