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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 22, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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does as they see then love became funds for the region. cyber crime was taking place in new i. you certainly indicates that it represents one of the largest prime hubs in the world. the full reports, the facts before the gateway to me and mar on i was just the euro. the when we fight to malls accepts the vice presidential nomination at the democratic national convention bound to defeat donald trump and chevy vance. the hello on elizabeth donovan. this is elena 0, life from dell ha. also coming up is rarely a tax across the 1000 trip targets in residential areas. can at least 22,
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palestinian. some storm clouds in northern lodge area can at least 100 people. hundreds of thousands more have been displaced and you find in forces continued a gradual portion to close. moscow says it's building up defenses in the russian region. the de 3 of the democratic national convention has wrapped up in the city of chicago, vice presidential nominee tim waltz. told democrats that was the honor of his life, of the accepted his policies and combination. he described how his upbringing and a small town and career as a teacher and football coach shaped his life. a white house correspondent company how could reports from chicago, minnesota governor to walls or coaches, so many call him went to the office on wednesday as he formerly accepted the democratic parties, nomic nation,
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the honor of my life. to accept your nomination for vice president of the united in his speech full of sports references was shared. his background is a school teacher and football coach before becoming a member of congress. and later minnesota governor, a political record is proud of. other states are banning books from their schools. we were banishing hunger from ours walls to voters whose vision of freedom is a stark contrast from his republican opponents. when we democrats talk about freedom, we mean the freedom to make a better life for yourself and the people that you love, the your kids. freedom to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in the media tycoon. oprah winfrey also frame november's election as a flight for freedom. freedom,
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it isn't free. america is an ongoing project. it requires commitment. it requires the open to the hard work and the heart work of democracy. it's where the president bill clinton told the crowd, republican challenger, donald trump, is too selfish to care about. clinton urge voters to support the harris walls ticket. what is their opponent do with his voice? he mostly talks about himself. right? so the next time you here and don't close the laws, count, the couple of harris reportedly watched the 3rd night of the democratic national convention from her hotel room in chicago. well, working on her own acceptance speech, she'll deliver it on thursday. what she formerly accepts her parties nomination for
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president, kimberly healthcare, alice 0, chicago, and our correspondent john hender and has been speaking to people at the convention about they can sense and priorities ahead of november's election. so i have the need to rozier, i'm the rhode island delegation, and let me ask you and the, what's important to you this, what thing right now for me, what's important is bringing back some honesty and faith in america present buying this done such a great job of financing like the country ever since the election and ever since. and republicans and the former president have just trying to undermine that. every which way, whether it's advertising the, the bi partisan immigration bill or the board or bill, i should say, to just just find the rail his campaign from day one. and right now i'm excited that my cousin harris is taken up with me until he's going to bring a brand new life energy and joy. optimism back to this country that president from
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seems that doesn't exist. and the people that are in this arena are in your example that, that energy, that joy, that bite is burning, and we're ready to take on the do the 3 minutes the nay sayers and all the magazine people who say that this country is what it is and finally this is it potentially historic year come on, harris. it'd be the 1st woman, 1st black woman for south asian person. how does that striking it? amazing. i mean that i am proud to say that like really, how is it from my home state of california? so i have a little on bridge there, but it is really good for, you know, in 20 to see reaching so close to raising that glass ceiling with, with secretary clint and we were so close. and now i know that with the energy between calmer, harris governor was at all of these wonderful democrats and independents. and republicans, you believe in freedom and jets with julian energy that we're going to break that glass ceiling and come january. we will have
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a madam president campbell harris. well, anthony rose, thank you very much for talking to us. we very much appreciate it. that is the voice of rhode island delegation and you can hear the excitement in anthony's voice . this is a party that, for many people, was under despair before the president, vitally step down from this race. and comm layers took his place and you can tell they're fired. and for a 3rd day in chicago, demonstrations have been held against us support for israel and it's warned, gaza protest is according on democratic leaders to hold on sales to as well. gabriel, and he's under reports the chance of resistance as hundreds of protesters for the 3rd straight day calling on the democratic party to listen to the voices demanding in israel's genocide in gaza . i went to one sees fire. now, in the genocide vista, earlier in the day at a press conference,
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democratic party loyalists with the message to come over harris, that's our message to vice president harris. thoughts and prayers are not enough. we need meaningful policy change. we need his immediate and permanent ceasefire and an arms and bar go, which means not one more bomb will be provided from the united states to kill children and families in gaza. few democratic party leaders openly support in arms embargo against israel. many won't even talk about it and that party activists say, needs to change. there might be some folks in the party leadership were afraid to have this conversation. but, but, but members of the party are not afraid to have this conversation. the rank and file members of the d n. c, are not afraid to have this conversation and they're not afraid to advocate on behalf and, and m stand a solid, dirty with us to, to fight for a cease fire and to fight for and arms a bar go representative eli. omar said it should not be difficult for the us in the
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carnage. so if you really want to add a ceasefire, you just stop sending the weapons. it is that similar, right? for pro testers, it's about keeping up the pressure on the democratic party to in the genocide and also have arms. sales is real. another big protest is planned for thursday. gabriel's on don't, i'll just either chicago, the is rarely strikes of targeted heavily populated areas in northern gaza, killing at least $22.00 people since going on thursday. also in the north, at least 11 people died in an overnight strike on a residential building and base law here. emergency team to searching to survive as on to rumble. woven $40200.00 palestinians have been co since the whole began in october. the funerals having held outside nasir hospital and gauze,
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is con eunice as palestinians. mon loved ones killed them is rarely and strikes several bodies. some of the young children laid out on the ground and 40 bags had a funeral, pres, thought it was, and is in god's us bed. i'll follow the latest v as really a minute. 3 has cost a new displacement for this, for the residents of the areas. but as a result, families start to go for areas that could be a way from the bottom. and they are heating right now to the western side of gathers by that is close to the beach. now we can see that some of these are looking for an antique piece of lands in order to set the make shift 10 so that they come to this piece of land. despite all sorts of black in terms of the humanitarian basics. this is such as and humanitarian resources, including the food, the benefits of medical facilities for the new tests. they are just looking for any place that could be a waste from the abutment and from the attack in order to survive alone with the
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family members. are factions that costs with the clinic shop with the basic items in order to survive with because they have been fooling the old is a bit is very me. since then. one of the funny thing in the using up to live in as the area that is very drastic in terms of the humanitarian situation. and they are forced to cope with the situation and to sit by despite all of these challenges, unfolding them from central to southern gaza is what it has announced. new evacuation order is affecting more than a $150000.00 palestinians. areas include pots and fed on follow that a central gauze is largest city, as well as calling you and us, and the solve for the strip. alex bed has more no wrist ends, no end in size. tens of thousands of displace palestinians flee once again from areas they would told would be safe. most of facing the same di lima. there's
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no way left to go and to no guarantee of safety. this is more merciful in this country. we were displaced 20 times. i swear to god or houses and tents were struck. they do not want us to live. oh god, they don't even want us to enjoy our life. the people are dying and there's wounded everywhere. the people do not know where to go. even alma wattsey is not safe. we don't know where to go to the sea or where death is more merciful is where it expands its ground operations from south to central garza, its told civilians to leave. those evacuation orders cover some of the most densely populated areas and strip in the are all the above and 100. this place to tell us citizens carry what little they have least some have vehicles of this don't tease, but most a fleeing on foot matter. but we haven't been able to sleep for 3 days. wherever you go there is bombing, this is the 7th time i've been displaced,
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we've had enough to find a solution. we can't bear this any longer to cams like this and they're all by a way many of forced to find shelter. only 9 percent of the strip is still designated by the is rarely, military is safe and that number is deadly decreasing month by month we look at them. when look at the bill, there is no safe place. they strike everywhere at 6 o'clock in the morning there were times shells pulling on us in the east of dated but off while we were sleeping functionals mounted directly on people's heads. this morning they landed directory of, of people's heads. i'd like someone to tell me where are people supposed to go? where did people go? we've had enough enough. i did. one of them of the united nation sees at least 90 percent of guys. this population has been displaced, at least once since the beginning of the war and october. and so most palestinians and guys, and now this is the only constant alex bid l g 0,
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at least 3 pallets, demands have been killed here. and his rating rate in the occupied westbank is where the military vehicles blocked was and analysis of the protocol and refugee cab. i'm off as a military bank because sample gaze post a video of its fight is filing it is very troops, dozens of buildings were destroyed during an a talent cushion. at least one is wiley, soldier was injured. the cx 5 talks of expected to resume and cover ahead of those nice things us present, enjoyed by the end, vice president come of the house. how to go over this really payments to benjamin netanyahu. biden is reported to have stressed the urgency of reaching an agreement that follows a visit by secretary of state and to me blinking to as well egypt and come to patrick hall haines report from washington dc. we know that you as president joe biden, along with vice president common law harris, spoke to these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu buys in the phone today and the read out. they say that they talked about the us efforts to defend israel from around and its allies in the region. the same time the pentagon announced with us
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to us as abraham lincoln, carrier strike group has arrived in the central command area of responsibility. that would be the 2nd us carrier strike group in that region. they also talked about, according to the read out, the urgency of bringing the cease fire and hostage deal to closure and discuss upcoming talks in cairo to remove any remaining obstacles. that's a quote from the read out. but what exactly are those obstacles? we know that the is really the prime minister's office said and disputed it is really television report that is really had agreed to remove its troops from the philadelphia quarter. that crucial stretch of land between garza and egypt, that is so necessary to get you manage hearing aid and how mos wants to see every is really soldier. withdraw from the strip to where exactly does the us stand? well, they haven't really set exactly what they want to see happen there when it comes to
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as really troops. the only thing we've heard from the sector state entity blinking is that they don't want to see israel. they have a long term presence in gaza. so they're talking again at the highest levels about getting the ceasefire. well, whether the us president is willing use any of his leverage to try and make that happen. still still unclear. patio hang out to 0. washington. the crew of a greek flags oil. tango has been rescued by european union, each had a band and the best when it was attacked. sophie evans caused the british military assess the tank of was traveling from evoked athens through the red sea when it was repeatedly hit by missiles or drawings on wednesday. they suspect who'd be 5 was talking to the ship. the hope these have been attacking ship since the war and gaza began calling for a cease fire. but the group hasn't claimed responsibility for this attack is still a head on algae 0. south korea ran some military and civil, defend strows as tensions balance for north korea. and brochures. people are giving
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less time and less money. why? the u. k has dropped down to the top 20 most generous countries. the how are the monsoon truck continues to bring some really heavy rain in across indo china, more big bus to frame. they're coming into northern thailand, 109 millimeters of frame here in the space of 24 as good rash, the showers, the in the pool. and you know, we have see some rather live be weather to the east and past all the indonesia for the north. you can see we do have another developing time for this fellow storm at the moment that will make his way up towards dependents. we make our way through this coming. we can say no problems at present. scattering a shower, say, recross smotts of south east asia. see the west of weather coming down into borneo
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some entre things in the lobby. south. the positive indonesia is dry with more warm sunshine, as you can see. all the same as we go on 3 sides by one sunshine. very much on the cods for australia during the coming days. in fact, extreme heat for many little molten out across the southern most popular area of low pressure. just rolling in across southern areas of w way. go some way whether to into the fall, se, but clear skies for central and northern possible straight over time. so full record breaking wind to heat. as we go through the next dial side, we went into the 30 stake save across the northern half of the country, blustery showers, west of weather. moving to new statement. the news,
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the. the of the for watching me, elizabeth put on and don't have a mind to of on top stories for sale on day 3 of the democratic national convention was wrapped up in chicago's vice presidential candidates and walls accepted as calm to some nation coming to have a substantial tax and the presidential nomination on thursday is rarely strikes have targeted heavily populated areas of northern gaza,
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kind of at least $22.00 people since the one on thursday. funerals have been held and con units has palestinians moving van loved ones and at least 3 palestinians have been killed during and is really right in the occupied. west back is very military, back was locked in amounts to cut and refugee cab soldiers, bathrooms, palestinian sizes, flaunting in northern nigeria has killed more than a 100 people. hundreds of thousands have vain displaced across 27 states. tens of thousands of heck days of farmland have been destroyed and homes washed away. several areas in chicago, a stays are completely cut off. let's bring our costs funded off, but address he's joining us live from guns that into college station. what you've been seeing scenes of i said devastation since you arrived. tell us about the extent of the damage the extent of damage change ago if by safe honey and we spoke to the local ships,
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you told us that you have never seen anything like this. and the safety emergency operations are saying that this is not even the peak of the rainy season. we're talking about thousands of farm lands, but i've been completely washed away. and the problem now is not what's happened to them immediately. the waters were seen because we're talking about life investments and food stores for many people, means of light root completely gone. so the problem produced may not work at the end of the day. and apart from that, then i also concerns of the outbreak of what type of diseases, but when it's time, so uh victims. what are the in terms of casualty? just in the last hour we were talking to official of the state emergency management agency. we're going to 33 people die, and shortly after we received an update that got no box cost 40 at the moment. so it's continuing to rise in terms of casualties and also in terms of devastation for families. and it was over there is uh,
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the main town of guns. uh we are actually standing on the highway that is completely cut off because of the water and we our, we see the water levels rising. yeah. you see over the houses that are completely submerged now the local checked orders more than 3000 people have been displaced from those schools. and over here, when we had the cameras, i apologize. we've lost connection, at least the audio with our correspondence in against in nigeria. is regardless, stays for the showing to us the extent of the damage caused by the flooding that it's the ukranian full. so instead of launched as stripes on russian military positions and
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equipment as part of an offensive and the closest region, the ukranian air force. what is this video is saying, it shows the attacks english couple. the f was come on us as civilians who evacuated before the city was targeted. russian authorities are installing concrete shelters in the region that's bringing on corresponding to alex the top las, he's joining us live from caves, ukraine, very much on the offensive, bit and close. but they are trying to defend front lines and ukraine itself, especially around the strategic city of park called sky looks very much so. so pro ski is the prize you create needs to hold it. russian needs to take it if it needs to control the whole of don't next. now this is the industrial hotline to the east, so hard fighting, easy to defend, hard to take. so the russians have go to fight till the hands. now they are being slowly advancing west of sorely pushy printing and defend his back. they,
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the russians of both have a defense. you needs to be able to cover the ground, the salt. so they're expecting as fraud. they're expecting missile strikes. and they come hoping to count to that. now ukraine knows just how valuable pulse is and as move reinforcements up to be able to defend the city. now if you control across, you control the whole of the region. and so this is everything is to play for right here, and it is going to be absolutely fine for the coming next, coming days and weeks to see that the fight seems pretty to intensify. and it's not clear who's, who's actually only a sentence here, because the end of the day, the russians have only got a limited amount of time before we can carry on this offensive before it runs out of steam, runs out of momentum. so yes, everything to play for in this particular month. uh huh. and this is not the only fight on the russians hands. right. alex attacks inside russia by ukraine, a military side involved. the grad has been attacked. what is the ukrainian
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strategy in these disparate attacks across russia? yes. it's a 2 full strategy effectively. the one strand is to attack russian and basses russian at defenses. deep within busher itself, so it'll stop the jets picking off and launching cab blind palms. try real phone and the side of you training for ease, ease of precision guided weapons kind of been causing a lot of damage. but the 2nd strand is also to degrade russia's industrial capacity to be able to fight haul. so looking to destroy oil refineries, actually chemical plants and the ukraine's reach has getting longer longer, longer just yesterday. a drone was shot down in the middle months, screeching this behind or above the arctic circle is 1800 kilometers away from the premium border. which is a hell of a feet full ukrainian forces and who are designing these drones. now i'm going
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longer load and load the distance. so it's really a real jump in the print capabilities. alex, thank you for that. alex patropolis, but the lease has live in keith. south korea is holding nationwide civil defense drills an annual event aimed at preparing the public for a possible attack by north korea. and this year they being staged simultaneously with joint military exercises with the us. it will comes at a time of highs intentions on the korean peninsula. mcbride reports from sol. it's an annual event designed to pass south korea for the unthinkable. a massive attack from north korea. here in sol as in cities nationwide. people are encouraged to respond to air raid sirens and seek shelter. it's the highlights of a week of civil defense drills coinciding with military exercises. that includes the largest number of joints, emissions by us and south korean rule. planes got just on the top priority
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b i o. this training is to review the government's emergency preparedness to strengthen the ability to transition to war time operations practically on public 7 . so taking part, including souls, math, nice little pieces are not so has numerous reports and strategic locations that must never be compromised, no matter the circumstances, it must be protected in any situation. also taking part on duty trained to deal with a tax by north korea and special forces who have showed in the past the threat. they oppose it. 1968. an incursion by commanders from the north reach the center of sol in the bid to assassinate the president before they were finally beaten. in response, these exercises have been held every year since public and tuesday ask them for the civil defense drills, varies from here to yeah. often depending on the perceived threat from your career
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and right now into korean relation. so what about the worst they've been for a number of years? the newest has be launching thousands of trash build balloons across the heavily fortified folder. while south korea has been blaring propaganda from loud speakers back across the barbed wire. it appears north korea sending these balloons to the star bar society and created a sense of an ease of mind. go, were citizens in spite of the height and tensions when the sirens sounded for thursday's nationwide drill. most people seem to carry on as usual, having learned to live with a threat level, whatever it may be from mcbride, i'll just say era. so india is tough investigative agencies submitting its initial findings on the rape and murder of a training doctor to the countries highest quote. the incident spot nationwide protest and surprised by health care. what is the
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supreme court has set up a national task force led by doctors to recommend safety measures for medical professionals. an explosion in southwest columbia has code, at least one person, an injury to 3 of those just thought to a police operation to clear the highway blocked by indigenous protest is the demonstrations will asking the government to recognize bear with allies ation as an indigenous authority. officials say the person who has killed wasn't part of the process. loving demos, we deeply regret the death of one person and 3 injured in that terrorist attack that took place after the road was already opened for transit and had been cleared by the police authority. in that area, the high martinez branch of the fark dissidents operates. we have asked the prosecutor's office and the police authorities to advance in the investigation to also define what type of explosive device wasn't that ditch. and i was in tina
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a 2 days troy cuz underway and some of its main universities, as part of a wide approach has against time placement and low wages. the strikers left campuses. and what a side is and offices, he's deserted president, have you been a, has of a seen financial the phones that have impacted the salaries of teachers and natural is a paper in the u. k. a less charitable than they used to be? that's according to the world given index. one of the biggest surveys tracking innovations and volunteer and globally, although the u. k. is the wills, 6th largest economy, individual giving has full according to a new report, pushing the country out of the top. 20 saw the guy who has moved from london in a world of abundance and want. there were those who have and those who do not. but in times of crisis, those you can lend a hand often do. whether it's natural disasters, such as the 2023 us quick and morocco produced at 800 percent rise and donations
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within the country. a conflict that also so a rise of a to countries such as in crane. whether it's down to a deterioration of social safety nets as a result of policies, open dynamics. many step in with a state has found it this year, the 5 most generous countries are indonesia, kenya, single, pull the gambia and side area. that's based on donations volunteering, and how often people help the strange up the u. k. is among the top 10 financial donors to charities in the world. but only a quarter of people. polls said that they volunteered to help others putting it at number 22 on the world giving index. it's part of a trends during which the u. k has steadily reduced it's spending on overseas aid. as part of the previous government's policies. the new government has promised to reverse that, but that's also down to the case own financial constraints. i don't think it's particularly surprising when.


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