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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 22, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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the, the system even come in as an international intake or ups and excellence award nominator hero. now, the move in for the palestinians have been killed, as is rarely full says that pop the attacks across garza, the this is algebra live from doha. also coming up at the you when the security council has cools for a safe spot and also has the us unbox. busy as a deal is now in sites, also a heads come on iris makes the most important speech of
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a political career as she accepts the presidential nomination from the democratic party on russia's president accuses ukraine of trying to attack a new camp phones and the coast region. the beginning in gauze at west $47.00 palestinians have been killed across the strip since late on 1st day is when the forces continue to strike highly populated areas of being a tax on homes and bait law. here in the north of the strip. well, in the central part, it's a similar story was on the edge of it begins our coverage. the theme repeated many times and goes it. more than 40000 palestinians of being killed . the bodies of the dead are taken from alexa, hospitalized for burial. afraid is radia tax in the block. the world is upside down
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and say these parents, as the old continue to bury the young people decided to return to their homes. think of something that you saw in the army, saw them walk in on the street and executed some parents, a motion to the the smallest coffins with the heaviest, as increasing numbers of children are killed in this war. and this all out um, but if you are the, the owner, i'm sitting on the rubble of my house and the remains of my children says this father, the 70 year old has lost several family members at his home in big block. yeah. up in the midwest, we were at the school, the whole family when they began to hit schools, the children and my grandchildren came to the house to sleep. i was sleeping outside. just often midnight. we heard a sound, and the school is mia. we looked over from the school and it turned out to be our house. we came to what you see here, rubble with us in the body parts left some others i enjoyed. the health industry
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says at least 11 people were killed, but is really strikes here as the forces continue to hit a number of neighborhoods in central and southern gaza. the hospitals, schools, most churches, everything has been attacked all over the receipt strip and no very safe. 1 1 it's a vicious likely for many civilians and survive each night strikes wake up, carry the dead crate and then move. once again, people don't have enough time to warn is they receive more, is really orders to evacuate. some have been forced to move dozens of times since october. 6 is a tank simple to push for? are there any areas of hon, eunice? any here say is really gun fired from several front. started them towards this area . there's $100.00 because it's not bad that it just broke off displacement cost. as too many ation and suffering, we spent our time under shelves and gunfire and moving from one area to another.
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and we see no benefit in the negotiations. no, the thoughts on a possible cease fire set the resume in egypt from the ruins of his house of the show me. her mother says he has one message for the world. it's enough. have mercy . so i'm of a job. it was there. was there any negotiate has a reported to have arrived in the egyptian capital, cairo where the next round of gauze was seas 5 talks is due to start. meanwhile, at the united nations, us and boss of that has told the security council that how must must be pressed to accept. so seized upon a proposal and determines greenfield told the security council that deal is now in size. prime minister netanyahu confirmed that israel accepted the bridging proposal that the united states guitar and egypt put forward last week. the proposal is consistent with the principles outlined by president biden in may 2024 . and that this council endorsed in resolution 2735. and this bills on areas
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of agreement from tops convened in doha last week. we have been sold a policy and by send it to the united nation was told the council, this where any government can't be trusted due to its treatment of palestinians. those who want to place the faith of our people in the hands of this is the government hoping it will act in good faith are gravely mistaken. this is tragically prove in every day. there must be a ceasefire now in line with the terms of resolution 2735 and with no further conditions and bad faith demands that go against the spirit and the letter of that is illusion. any reasonable pro, someone would have expected this council?
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glad immediately and unequivocal key to condemn that there were the blood should the in humanity to support the ease of, of its mission, to the cement or that they're already vision responsible for the, the, to us at these to expect anything less. we'd be lunacy yet. we have 320 days since the slaughter and whatever we have, silence christians or they may, has more on this from the united nations. we've been hearing from a lot of member states concerns about the possible escalation of this conflict beyond guys a given the solid ceasefire talks and also a lot of concern about an impending polio outbreak in gauze given the virus has been discovered there in the last week or so the special coordinator for the middle east, for the united nations towards that us line, expresses concern about
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a fire across the blue line and to 11 on escalating and intensifying violence in the west bank also intensifying and the fact that there is only 15 percent or less of gaza, that is supposedly a safe zone for them to evacuate to. uh, this is resulting in a breakdown of lawn order and a very difficult situation for humanitarians. if not impossible, given how overcrowded these areas are and how much destruction of infrastructure there is. and of course, that infrastructure destruction also contributing to the spread of diseases like polio and so on so far. so what we've been hearing is from many security council members for that cease fire that they support to be implemented at the
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and the coming out is kind of hartsville, formally accept the democratic parties, domination for us present on the final day of the parties. national convention, she's making history as the 1st woman of color to be nominated for the job. on wednesday, the vice presidential candidate timbales, told democrats it was the owner of his life to be part of the ticket. a white house correspondent, kimberly how could reports from chicago, minnesota governor to walls or coaches, so many call him when to the office on wednesday, as if formally accepted, the democratic party's nomination, the honor of my life, to accept your nomination or vice president of the united states in his speech full of sports references was shared. his background is a school teacher and football coach before becoming a member of congress. and later minnesota governor, a political record is proud of. other states are banning books
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from their schools. we were banishing hunger from ours walls to voters whose vision of freedom is a stark contrast from his republican opponents. when we democrats talk about freedom, we mean the freedom to make a better life for yourself and the people that you love, the your kids. freedom to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in the media tycoon. oprah winfrey also frame november's election as a flight for freedom. freedom isn't free. america is an ongoing project. it requires commitment. it requires the open to the hard work and the heart work of democracy. it's where the president bill clinton told the crowd, republican challenger, donald trump,
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is too selfish to care about. clinton urge voters to support the harris walls ticket. what is their opponent do with his voice? he mostly talks about himself. right. so the next time you hear him don't count the laws. i can't say uh total a harris or personally watched the 3rd night of the democratic national convention from her hotel room in chicago. well, working on her own acceptance speech, still deliver it on thursday. what she formerly accepts her parties nomination for president, kimberly healthcare alex 0, chicago on like how to is live out from chicago inside the convention venue. and like it's been quite a few events so far and it was a main event still to comment a few hours time when comma harris takes to the stage. indeed,
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it's an anticipation that is rising here. she will become the 1st woman of color to be nominated as a presidential candidate. and very importantly as well. she will have an opportunity to lay out her policy to put her own stamp on a policy moving it on from that that was exercised when she was a vice president to president joe biden. so it's a pretty cool political speech will come of that harris. she has to lay out her agenda. she wants to create your own identity as the parties lead to. and this is what the delegates are going to be watching. to what extent that policy is reformulated. there are a number of uncommitted delegates that are on them, like how have they made the presence felt at this conference a well, numeric, a. it's a very small not the city out of some full 1000 delegates, but they have been in contact. we are told with come all as a it's and who campaign in
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a bit to get the issue of palestine and israel attacking, gone to onto the podium to get some comments about it, some speaker about it. they have not succeeded so far. they are continuing to try and put that on the agenda. however, no success as yet. however, it is something that cumberland harris is going to have to face on because it is an issue that although as the fit those i'm committed, delegates are small at the moment, the number it is an issue that could split it to a degree, the democratic party and it's something that come with that harris is going to have to confront, hit on at some stage, and they might kind of many things. indeed, some things the same that from inside the convention center in chicago. well meanwhile, republican presidential candidate donald trump has touched on arizona to visit the us, and mexico folder integration has been a whole button issue. this election with republicans identifying it as a key weakness for kala harris became next to
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a part of methyl for his board. a will the presidential candidate claims democrats for failing to finish it. if you take a look, interestingly, at the all of the wall that's lying on its side, that could have been put up in a matter of weeks, it was all set to go. it was all cut out and if you look at the top of the mountain behind us is all shaped all ready to go. could have been put up in a few weeks. much of its been sold for $0.05 and the dollar is very expensive. the rentals joins as not from cookies, county in arizona and wrote, immigration is a cornerstone of trump campaign. pictures that we can see. he's still talking that adds the pulled. uh, what else has he been saying? well, he is been trying out a new derisory nickname for complet harris calling her conrad. come along, saying that she is a, a radical marxist. uh, a fail borders are. and
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a person who actively wants to open the us borders to bring in as he put it criminals, lunatics, people from mental asylums from around the world say, claiming without any real evidence that a countries from china to venezuela, to the democratic republic of congo are emptying their jails and mental facilities in order to ship these violent criminals, as he called them, uh to the united states where they cross the border. he also listed a series, maybe a dozen or so very gruesome descriptions of the young us citizens who had been raped by a undocumented aliens and documented persons over the past several years. and again, returning over and over again to the theme that he, if he is elected president would close the border entirely. and tumble harris will
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keep it open to this flood of immigrants. but these claims to say the least are quite questionable. indeed will be saying that he hasn't given any evidence to support his claims houses the rhetoric compared with the reality as well. for example, on the issue of calling combat harris. the boarders are, that was never actually her role in the, by the administration present, but passed through with going to countries like hundreds in guatemala and others, and central america and talking to leaders. they're trying to figure out the root causes of why so many central american citizens were leaving and coming to the united states and then awarding the millions of dollars in, in us funds to programs to try to alleviate that flow of migrants. but she was never in charge of like this the one. busy all here, or the border agents,
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or any of that now on crime. the president for president trump, uh speaks in terms of a, an absolute, a, a blood bath upfront. but the facts are that over the past a quarter of this year, 2024 homicides in the us have decreased by 26.4 percent. that's according to law enforcement. sophistic, that's a very significant increase overall violence line crime, including assaults, rapes, bio, and robberies have also declined by about 15 percent. and as to the, the assertions that so many crimes are being committed by what he alternately described as, as bloodthirsty animals and, and of the people who his violence knows no bounds. long term research conducted by scholars at stanford university show that over the past several decades of
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immigrants to the united states are 60 percent less likely. the native born united states citizens to be incarcerated out. the figures are a little different difficult because when someone is arrested for a crime, in certain states, their immigration status may not be recorded. so it's difficult to say, but that status is or does when a person is incarcerated for a crime. so again, the incarceration rates for migrants are way below those of us citizens. so we now expect perhaps the care harris campaign or even paris herself when she speaks later on to offer some rebuttal to this line of arguments that president trump has been offering. and as for trump himself, you will be given mass rally in another part of the state, the largest city, phoenix, arizona, on friday. okay, rentals that the us board and our design. how many,
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thanks for all of us supreme court has revived in arizona. no. requiring sites is to show proof of american citizenship to register to vote. the quotes for an info as an appeal by the republican national committee on the state legislature was under was a key battleground states in the us. less than the republican party is pushing for a nationwide proof of citizenship. bill republicans onto this is necessary to prevent non americans from costing that balance is still a head hair on alex's era. so dawn struggles to contain the cholera outbreak of speech monitoring crisis continues to west. and that's a conflict by just on the strike by well, work is in canada. it disrupts freights and commit to services threatening international supply chain. the
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highlight we're on for some reco breaking heat into positive australia over the next couple of days. winter hate, remember, it is supposed to be on the call. so i that is not the case at present. we have lots of clear skies for many, many more of the way of unsuccessful weather, just around the southern areas using free the but every flight pressure. sell them positive w way, see one or 2 showers down towards the southeastern corner once again. but it really is about the hate as we go through the next couple of days. interior wins. fly when that hate down into good part of south australia and leaving walmart to the possible victoria and see if it's okay to terry hall to move the pos of aside. and that will just not a little further east, which as we go through fast, i just noticed the price, but for the success he's on saturday could be getting up to $28.00 for sunday. i may be able to see, by the time we come to monday, close on 40 degrees into northern positive w way at this stage. so a lot of troy hot weather around blustery showers, as i said,
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moving through the bite down to what was that se and cold pushing across the tasmania weatherford time across new zeta, but temperatures about where they should be here at least. meanwhile, we got some very hot weather, some sticky weather and some pretty wet weather into pots of japan. 60 wet back, it's northern areas. what kind of the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the again, what challenges, areas. reminder of our top stories this hour is very strikes of targeted heavily populated areas across gauze. i can at least 22 people since don't on 1st day. same surrounded homes, inmate law here up to a series of overnight raids. security council has had quotes for a ceasefire agreement and gone set, drawing a briefing on them. at least there are some positives for us to the counselors that
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a deal is now in sites. and in the coming out is kind of harris performing except the democratic parties. nomination for us, presidents on the final day off the policies national convention. she's making history as the 1st women of color to be nominated for the joe. the russian president vladimir putin has acute ukrainian forces of trying to attack the cost nuclear power plant, as long as located inside rushes west them cost region, which is being the target of ukraine and caution. the facility is around 40 kilometers from the city of costs and some 50 kilometers away from work russian territory that's being held by ukrainian forces. it houses to where i can react to is powering 19 russian regions. cave hasn't commented on pollutants. accusation of
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the assistance is the enemy tried to strike the cook nuclear power station. the international atomic energy agency has been informed the promise to come themselves defend special is to assess the situation. i hope that in the end this will be done on their part. while you're new to inspect us, we'll visit the facility next week. can you present commented on putins accusation, and cranes forces say they've taken another settlement and rushed as cask region. people that have been forced to flee the haines. those of jabari spent the day in a shelter of a and sent this report. saelens, you know, used to live in the la sky region, and course, now she lives here. a private boxing club turned into a shelter. she is one of more than 50 people, forced from their home since ukrainian forces launched that incursion into russia along the border with the curse, screeching just over 2 weeks ago. you know, how does she kind of use nicer participant? i'm grateful for the health we receive, but i feel bad that i'm here. i would prefer to be my own home. i want the war to
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finish as soon as possible. there's nothing else i want more than for this war to be over the 9 year old. glad and to be too young to fully understand what's happened. he's passing the time perfect thing. his gaming skills, others spend their days fine tuning their boxing techniques to grow for a little while i had no option to help the people who were affected by the ukranian armed forces invasion. people here all stressed or frightened, they didn't understand what was happening. i feel i have to help people in every possible way. most people in this mix of shelter have been here since the incursion started and say they are hopeful, they will be able to return to their home. so this is their reality for more than a 130000 russians, forced to flee their homes along the border with ukraine, and the 1st screech of the front lines maybe about 90 kilometers from here. the one consensus to shock and hardship they lift through across town. katrina and the
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latino is one of 200 volunteers who come here to help distribute aid. they lost their cheese houses. they lost the old. and i think that many people could come in uh the deal, not that bad, but uh they cried. this facility assist near the 1000 people and gives out nearly 15 tons of 8 every day, with no sign of an end to the fighting between ukrainian and russian forces. they expect to see more looking for help. very soon, door safari out 0, kirk city, russia. the claims presence, autumn is zalinski, visited the country's top, not to come on, the no face so many region as being the launching pad for ukraine's incursion into russia now. and it's the week i looked at helpless has more on this from teeth for that are below. do me, is it? let's keep visiting the border region of see me early on says day so be bored as cost, and ukrainians have been through the advancing in the coast region in russia for
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some time now. today they announced that they took a new settlement, so this pockets ukrainian pocket is slowly advancing and growing within rusher itself. he went to praise, come on, does then tell them what a great job be done, but he reserved the most praise for these commander in chief serious kate, who he said, had done a great job. this has been a great boost, not just for the training people, but also for the ukrainian military who have been receiving nothing but bad news. as russian advances in the east of ukraine, russian forces have pushed back the training defenders again and again and again in the east of the country near port croft. so this was just the news they needed to hear, and just the praise they need to get from the president. alex could topless out to 0. chief, a russia says ukraine has attacked a fairy and a cuss straight ports near crimea. that's why it was loaded with up to the see feel times the last 5 that broke out as a result could be seen from the beaches of crimea. local authorities say the fairy
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sank, the health workers in suits on us struggling to contain an outbreak of cholera world health organizations as around 300 people have died from the disease. so don't civil war has for millions of people from the highlands and sponsor humanitarian crisis. and to them on a home has more colorado spreading and eastern to dawn. the health ministry is declared an epidemic with hundreds of new cases confirmed and recent weeks. health workers do what they can to save lives, but the resources are limited. the funded would have to deduct as classify the case and stabilize it. and if it is proven to be a case of infection, treatment begins immediately. if it isn't the patient who attends home and after being stabilized and has the hospital here, does not have the capacity to accept many cases. millions of people are playing the violence of saddam civil war. a board or regions like a solid and i'll cut the risk are being overwhelmed. as public services come under increasing strain,
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water and food supplies are becoming contaminated. hastening the spread of disease . flooding has made the situation even worse. color, i call the severe diarrhea and the hydration and can kill if left untreated like that. i mean the, my name's in me was an 80 percent of the diseases we are facing ones related to the deterioration of the environment. for example, diseases that spread by insects kind of diseases because of the water quality. well, diseases related to the lack of purpose, sewage and the unavailability of suitable toy that's the, the outbreak comes as millions of people are also going hungry. or part of what the un says, as well as the world, the worst humanitarian crises sparked by saddam civil war between government forces and the are a south power military group. both sides of promised help get a to those in need. but if case numbers continue to grow, contagious diseases into done may become even more difficult to contain. fins, mullin, ologist era. it may just strike by rel, what, cuz this has stopped doing freight and commit to services in canada,
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new members of the countries to biggest rel, freight companies at the mounting back to working hours and improve benefits. the shut down means oil, freight shipments within the country and the us have stopped. thousands of communities in vancouver, toronto, and montreal are facing travel disruptions. my message is very straightforward. it is in the best interest of both sides to continue doing the hard work at the table to find a negotiated resolution. the supreme court has testified present. nicholas mentors claims that he won the presidential election. the high court is full of missouri, lawless and fizzle. my snap of homes against the government is waiting for those a requests lima. go right to review both titles from the july 28th vote. claims of fraud spots widespread protests and serbia. thousands of people have been detained off to protesting against the plans opening of
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a new state of mind. they say will damage the environment. a license granted to mining jobs we attend to it was revoked in 2022. the following nationwide process for the project was we started last month following a government, utah opponents claim that being targeted nichol apple has more of the days spent in detention and then in prison. the 3 active is so welcomed as heroes by the support as they were arrested off the blocking the main railway station in bel grade in a protest against the planned opening of alysia mind. they have been demonstration since december activists say they are being intimidated. boss ortiz possible is supposed to squeeze back to more if they sent a tax, inspect it to my company, they intimidated my family, they send and emergency response team and full come back here to my parents apartments. i received
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a call from another number saying how they would find me. so basically i have nothing left to fear. miss. several dozen environmental activists had been arrested


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