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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 23, 2024 1:00am-1:30am AST

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more likely to and he says, have full house easily to put nights the vicious cycle of death and displacement in going through his way. the forces kill at least $47.00 palestinians. tens of thousands of people are. busy again, forced to move the of them or carl, this is out 0 live from. so ha, also coming up kind of a high. so set to make the biggest speech as a political career so far as the 1st black women and the 1st asian americans to accept a major policies nomination. the us presidents. not democrats, on the fly for denying palestinians a chance to speak at the convention. in spite pressure from uncommitted faces and
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outrage of israel's foreign guns also ahead russia's present accusers, ukraine. but haven't seen that attack on the cusp nuclear power station had to be in special need. there was to the i a is heading the next week and hundreds of thousands of people in nigeria on the display stuff. the floods destroy homes as farm life is the is there any forces have killed nearly 50 palestinians as they intensified the offensive? and what was once called a safe area and central and southern gone, so densely populated pockets teeming with internally displaced. palestinians have been off to evacuate, depriving tens of thousands of families, access to water and vital health services. people in gaza or on the move. once again, even as a very loved ones, also haven't been job aid begins on coverage. the theme repeated many times in
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garza, more than 40000 palestinians have been killed. the bodies of the dead are taken from alexa, hospitalized for burial. afraid is really a tax in the block, the world upside down and say these parents as the old continue to bury the young people decided to return to their homes. think of something that you so i, the army saw them walk in on the street and executed the parents a motion to the the smallest coffins with the heaviest as increasing numbers of children are killed in this war. and this all. busy to come, but if you'll all the, the own. i'm sitting on the rubble of my house and the remains of my children says this father, the 70 year old has lost several family members at his home in big block. yeah. up in the us. we were at the school, the whole family when they began to hit schools, the children and my grandchildren came to the house to sleep. i was sleeping
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outside this often midnight. we heard a sound and the school is mia. we looked over from the school and it turned out to be our house that we came to what you see here, rebel with us in the body parts left some others. i enjoyed the health industry says at least 11 people were killed by is really strikes here. as the forces continued to hit a number of neighborhoods in central and southern gaza. hospitals, schools, muskets, churches, everything has been attacked all over the receipt strip and no very safe. 1 1 it's a vicious cycle for many civilians who survive. each night strikes wake up, carry the dead crate and then move. once again, the people don't have enough time to warn. as they receive more is really orders to evacuate. some have been forced to move dozens of times since october is a tank simple to push for any areas of hon. eunice. and here say is really gunfire
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from several friends herded them to work this area. and there's a honda because it's not bad that it just broke off displacement cost as humiliation and suffering. we spend our time on the shelves and gunfire and moving from one area to another and we see no benefit in the negotiations. no, but talks on a possible ceasefire set through zoom in egypt from the ruins of his house. i'm just trying to remove that says he has one message for the world. it's enough. have mercy. some of the job aids. how does there the escalation of the will beyond dogs as bold as on the looming threat of a polio outbreak dominated today's un security council meeting on the situation in the middle east. as is kristen suddenly b explains from the u. n. there's growing concern on the international stage, a mid faltering cease fire talks that war will spread beyond gaza, despite mounting criticism. that is,
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israel's government that appears to have been stalling. the united states called on him aust to accept its latest ceasefire proposal. thank you. prime minister netanyahu confirmed that israel accept the bridging proposal that the united states guitar and egypt put forward last week as the proposal is consistent with the principles outlined by president biden in may 2024. and that this council endorsed in resolution 2735. and this bills on areas of agreement from tops convened in doha last week. but russia choose the united states and changing it to turn the global disliking the security council. never bless the deal formulated in this way and why when you called upon all of us to exhibit pressure exclusively on how much leadership to make sure that the movement accepts a new is ready when you consistently refused to work with western jerusalem, which is critically depends on you for width and supplies. what is this something that well intentioned and impartial mediate is do. unfortunately,
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conflict isn't the only thing that spreading. the polio virus is now circulating in the occupied territories, prompting concerns of an outbreak of this preventable paralyzing disease, $50000.00 palestinian children born since the start of the conflicts have not been vaccinated. the world health organization and unicef have 1600000 doses ready to distribute. but agencies say it is impossible under the current conditions. and that is the key we should not need because she ations a special permissions to bring a lot of sending medical supplies to the liens. she might have pairings and medical teams like my i and she's not spend on is the leading to the rules to be is how i talk to the company. it's a letter signed by $28.00 organization says they'll need at least 7 days with no fighting to administer the 1st dose to children, but also called for
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a permanent ceasefire christian. so me, me, i'll just era united nations and we'll keep hide. westbank is where the forces of killed at least 3 palestinians during a raid, as right email to the coast, blocked roads in and out of the took her on refugee camp for nearly 14 hours. and that's as much when the customer days posted video showing its flights as firing as his waiting troops, dozens of buildings were destroyed during the incursion. at least one is rarely sold, who was injured and just on 40 palestinians have been detained. abraham was at the scene of that is ready right in to look around and sent us this update the other day in the occupied westbank. another is really read this time to the toys cutting refugee tab that has seen a lot of destruction through the homes. but also through the infrastructure, we've been speaking to people to say that these really soldiers set homes on fire on purpose and we were talking to them as they were trying to put all the fire.
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also another is really air strikes that left 3 palestinians that we are talking about in increasing the use of is really area and hits against palestinian targets since the war started, the you wouldn't figure, speak about 50 is really ariel targets an area and hits against palestinians that left $113.00 that but since august as of august we can report that the on average one, palestinian is killed for the you to these is ready to air strikes and we've been hearing these really defense minister view off glancing that he is really lighting the use of aerial strikes against palestinian targets to combat the palestinians. use of a i. e. d. 's which are the improvised explosive devices that they're offering through the is really ministry vehicles when they read how to simeon villages and home, and refugee can do that. but i mean i just need all the occupied westbank policy.
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the and the coming out is cala harris. is that to be the 1st african american and asian american women to fully accept a major policies, domination for president. she will attend to the main stage of democratic national convention in chicago to deliver was all gonna be the biggest speech of her political career hosted, expect centreville, more about, have personal journey and also her vision. take on have a public and revival. donald trump, right? i lost the democrats, i tried to so united front, the discontents amongst their own policy, members over denying any policy in america. i'm a child to address the convention of despite voices supporting israel and the families of captives being allowed to at least 40 democratic delegates. fate, they uncommitted, and have withheld the support for pamela harris with the bi demonstrations stones on israel. and some democrats of openly expressed that frustration with the heart
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as well as campaign and a treat to us house democrats, broke on it says the democratic policy is making quite a tragic mistake. privatizing the ratio of policy and invoices, likening it to the ratio of palestinian political rights, my breast and democratic house representative in michigan abraham. i assess also wrote the latest evidence you cannot claim to one piece and garza but acts as a full the ability of apollo citizens to speak the truth. well, the great muslim women for harris announced that desponding, i'm withdrawing support for the statement. they say the family of the is really hostage that was on the stage tonight has a new empathy tools policy and americans. and paula sit in some kind of that all the d n c has. oh, just the moment we'll be speaking to gabriel as that was more on that outside the convention. web demonstrations have done that every day in protest against the war
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on goals are faster. let's go inside the convention venue and that we can speak to . kimberly how kit, so kimberly the main event of the final day is coming up in just a few hours time. come on harris to take the stage of the that's right. she will be making the biggest speech of her political career. she will be taking the stage behind me to make her acceptance speech as the democratic presidential dominique. this is her final opportunity to appeal to the millions who will be watching and make her case for why she should be the next president of the united states. now, we know, as you mentioned, that she will be outlining a visit, but we also know that she is going to be the sort of final act, if you will. in a very busy evening, we know that there are going to be a number of high profile celebrities that will be appearing, endorsing her,
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and making the case that she should be the next president. we know the national anthem is going to be sung by the celebrities fingers, the checks. and we also know there's a very large musical block that is being left open. it's a bit of a surprise, so we expect there are going to be some high profile names that could be filling up . we know there also is the senior pink who has said she's going to be singing as are also going to be some celebrity political labs that will be speaking as well. among them. gabby gifford, to was a former congresswoman who survived as shooting that had left her physically disabled. she will be making the case for gun control as well. so it's going to be a very emotional evening. it's going to be a very passionate evening. i can also tell you it's going to be a very crowded evening. calmly, harris is not even going to speak for at least another 4 or 5 hours. and already this room is filled to occupancy and they are already investigating whether or not they can do an overflow venue. given the fact that this is a pact auditorium,
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a packed auditory and, but there was a phone in the side of this convention, isn't that the own committed delegates, best full and number for they made the presence felt how it stays on us this. well, they certainly have done that outside given the fact that there have been protests a week. we know that there are of also been a presence on the floor. and there has certainly been the platform that has been made part of the democratic party. so that is certainly one aspect, but we also know that there is going to be another sort in comma, la harris to side as she makes her acceptance speech. and that is going to be her republican rival, donald trump. we know that when she is giving her accepted speech that donald trump is for it to be live tweeting ad fact checking come la harris. so given the fact that she is going to be giving the biggest speech of her life for republican rival
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is also going to be giving live commentary. something i'm sure she is not welcoming, but at the same time, this is certainly something she's going to have to deal with for the 75 days remaining in her campaign. indeed, she is candidate for the moment. thanks very much. i as well, let's head outside the venue now where we can join our correspond to gabriel as on that. so it web protest as have been gathering every day of this convention. gabriel, this idea of the moves and the number of protests as they are saying out today, i would say there's a couple 1000 that have gathered here so far. it is just the beginning of this protest, a union park, which is about a kilometers so way, uh from uh, the united center where kimberly is reporting from inside that convention center where the delegates are gathering from throughout the evening. i can tell you it's something like best if there's a lot of people talking, chanting, holding up signs. it's real,
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come broader if you will. but hanging over this right now is certainly what kimberly was talking about. and that's still on committed a delegates that have not been able to convince the democratic party hierarchy to allow a palestinian american to speak on the last day of this convention. there are about 21 speakers tonight in the conventional and none are palestinian americans despite the fact there are more palestinian americans in chicago than any other city in america. let's bring in a guest now i want to talk to uh, what are the protesters here? humble habits inquiry, thanks for joining us. so now just hear you from the us house in community network . that's correct. not uncommitted delegate or done community boat or i should say is that correct? yeah, no, i'm not a delegate. i don't have any affiliation with with either party. yeah. but that, that's correct, right here. you know, i guess you could say we're uncommitted to come on harris's campaign because she supports genocide against the policy and people. let me just ask you,
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what do you think about the fact that the democratic party is not allowed so far a palestinian american to speak on the stage during this convention? yeah, you know, that's like, you don't have to say like the floor is the ceiling. that's such a low demand. it really, it really shows what the core of the rock it's happening inside of the united center right now that such as the dehumanization of policy and such to the fact that they are afraid of a valid policy that he's getting on stage and speaking and speak for like they only ask you for like one or 2 minutes even better, so too low amount. right? right. and you know, i just want to be clear that with, with respect to all the different strategies, our strategy out here is not to ask for a seat of the table with the democratic party. we're here to demand a democratic party, ends the genocide. we don't want to see what the table with the genocidal party we want it and the genocide, that's what i was gonna ask you is. why is it so important for you to be here with so many people that are all fighting for the same thing? yeah, i mean, the popular will of people in the united states,
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if you're looking at, in general, people in the united states is that they want an end to this genocide. when you look at democratic folders, again, i don't have a party affiliation for to look at just democratic voters. it's almost 80 percent. want to see an end to the genocide, an almost 40 percent want to see an arms and bar go placed against israel. and so the popular will of the people is not being acted by the party that is in power in this country. and so, and that's the same party that is enabled and funded and provide a political cover for the genocide against our people. and so we're demanding an end to that genocide. we're going to take that demand just like we have every day this week we're going to take that demand to the door step of the democratic party . there's going to be a lot of images tonight, coming out of the convention center. people cheer and clap, being rousing speech is a lot of a democratic party. political, a, leach, are going to be there just a kilometer away. what is your direct message to those that are celebrating tonight? yeah, uh, the images that are, that are in my mind are the images of children that have been burned to death,
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be headed, the elderly people who have, who have been killed by american weapons. you know, that every night is for when you scroll through instagram and you see another mass, the complimented by the israelis in real time using american weapons and american bonds. and then you see the us administration, the mouse, and the only responses are supportive as well as an iron clad. my response to those people, frankly, is that i'm concerned about their humanity. they're able to ignore a genocide and instead pretend that there should be some party happening instead. very well said thank you for speaking with this moment. we appreciate it. thanks for talking. now it is here. we've heard a lot of that like from people we've been speaking to a week where it's their humanity and what they're talking about is a lot of the democratic party delegates that are taking part in this convention. where's their humanity? why can't they allow more palestinian voices? why can't they in this genocide and take a stronger stand? so this a protest is just getting underway. it's good. we think it's gonna go on for
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a couple hours or so maybe marching through the streets a little bit. we'll be following them throughout the evening. okay. i do great stuff that goes on the, the in chicago, many things with us this evening chicago, with the democratic national convention is taking place. meanwhile, republican presidential candidate donald trump has visited the us mexico border in the swing state of arizona. immigration has been a hot button issue. this election republicans have criticized commer. harris has immigration policies accusing her of failing to protect the border. speaking next to a part of my for, for the portable, the drum trump claim, democrats will, failing to finish it. if you take a look interestingly at the all of the wall that's laying on its side, that could have been put up in a matter of weeks, it was all set to go. it was all cut out. and if you look at the top of the mountain behind us, is all shaped all ready to go. could have been put up in
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a few weeks, much of its been sold for $0.05 and the dollars very expensive. the seller has had own alex's era. the us supreme court revives a know and i reside in a required vote, is to show proof of citizenship for registering. we take a look at what this means and for the race for the white house and controversial ends that personality undertakes, has placed on the house the rest of the maintenance on the pro intake human trafficking, the that's how i, where on the system record pricing, heat into a positive australia over the next couple of days. winter hate, remember, it is supposed to be on the cold. so i that is not the case at present. we have logically as guys for many little more of the way of onset of weather, just around the southern areas, easily through the, by the area of low pressure,
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southern pots of w way. so you want to, to show us down to what the southeastern corner once again, but it really is about the hate as we go through the next couple of days. interior wins drive in that hate down into a good part of south australia and leaving walmart to the possible victoria and see the case of terry hall to northern parts of sci and that will just not a little further use which as we go through fast, i just noticed the price, but for the success he's on saturday. could be getting up to 28th of sunday. may be able to study. by the time we come to monday, close on 40 degrees into northern positive w way at this stage. so a lot of troy hot weather around blustery showers, just a said moving through the bite down to what was that se, encode pushing across tasmania weatherford time across new zeta, but temperatures about where they should be here at least. meanwhile, we got some very hot weather, some sticky weather and some pretty wet weather into pots of japan. 60 went back and snow them areas a kind of the
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a sense of the success ethan is in my system and the everyday heroes keeping communities together. a bunch of dental edges, 0 visits, the canyon town of peter that produces some of the worlds fastest runners and where a terrible crime has led to a reckoning with gender based filings. a sense of community on a jersey to the the, [000:00:00;00] the again i'm a ricardo,
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watching ultra sarah has remind you of all top stories this hour. any 50 palestinians have been killed across, gone so a day off to israel issued new displacements, old as is ready, ami struck highly populated areas in the center and south of the strength come a harris is set to be the 1st african american and asian american women. formerly accept the major policies nominations of presidents to attend to the main se, so democratic national convention in the coming out as to the level was all could be the biggest speech of happiness comb, career, and us republican presidential candidate. donald trump consists of the us, mexico for the in the swing states of arizona, speaking next to upon of metal for the, for the rule from plain democrats, for failing to finish it. to us supreme court has revived parts of an arizona no requiring some of those has to show proof of american citizenship to register to vote because rooting for the as an appeal by the republican national committee and
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the state legislature was there was a key by her grand stays in the reflection of the republican party is pushing for nationwide proof of citizenship. bill public is argued as is necessary to prevent non americans from costing that pilots as bringing rebecca curry says she's a lawyer. i'm vice president of the election center. she joins us now from chicago . thanks very much for being with us. just explain this reading a little bit for us who it will affect and how thanks for having me tonight. so it's a mix rolling. so 54 decision by the supreme court. and what it says for now that the g o, p can continue with the law, which means that, so this is that most people want to register to vote. they have to show proof of citizenship. and the problem with this is there has not been demonstrated problem of non,
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so this is voting in arizona and that was very clear at trout 23. so as we're headed into the end of this election cycle, as we're approaching voter registration deadline, it means that people who want to vote in arizona has to provide so why of republicans pressing force if the issue of known system facing is also an issue? so what we're seeing in the united states is that they are some legislative bodies . there are some state legislators once would make it harder to vote because they want to be able to decide who gets to vote for them rather than the other way around or where boulder city or america gets to decide who's going to represent them, is what we're seeing some anti do mark or see coming out of arizona because like i said earlier, there simply hasn't been demonstrated, proved that non citizens had been voting in arizona. so instead were going to
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a different brand size, thousands of boulders in arizona because of, of, of, of this law. and because of the decision by the supreme court to uphold this particular part of the law. here's the thing. at least 10 percent of those who are body age don't even have a definitive proof of citizenship. it's not tom and the united states to walk around with your birth certificate. people simply don't do that. it's even though, so you do have their birth certificates and other forms of citizenship readily available. it's not necessarily available when they're going to register to vote with something else to consider is that even if it's locations where they're being child, where they can potentially be silent for these locations where they have to buy their, there isn't a copy machine so you can make a copy of the birth certificate or the definitive proof of citizenship. so it's really nonsense, a comb with what we're seeing in arizona and ultimately it's going disenfranchised folders. what about,
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do you think it's going to have an impact on the outcome in such a crucial swing state like ours? i know what everybody's has got accounts of every vote counts. and each time there is a anti democracy law that's on the books. it makes it harder for voters to get out and have the ability to exercise their right to vote. and just like you pointed out in states where it's going to come down to a 1000 volts here, 500 volts there, some states, you know, there's certain races are called based on 66 volts. these things can matter and ultimately we have, so we're passing legislation that is anti democratic. the reasons why they're doing it is because they don't think that they can be fairly compete at the ballot box, rebecca grief, as we appreciate you taking time's doing us many. thanks. indeed. thank you.
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the present government patient has a case ukrainian forces of trying to attack the cause of nuclear power plant, as long as located inside rushes west. them cost region, much as being the targets of ukrainian incursion. efficiency is around 40 kilometers from the city of costs and some 50 kilometers away from russian touchy that's held by a crane in forces. it houses to working reactors, power. 19 russian regents assistance. is the enemy trying to strike the cook nuclear power station? the international atomic energy agency has been informed the promise to come themselves defend specialist to assess the situation. i hope that in the end this will be done on their part. large area is bracing for more devastating floods. so as the rainy season peaks of a 120 people have been killed so far, officials won't. the loss of life on the infrastructure is increasing. i've
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addressed reports from the northern state of georgia, iowa. the highway that's become a water waste and a playground farms that may never used any great i know most of most out of took this same route to go to use 3 farms. and this is all he could start of age. a few bundles of mill it, not enough for the family, but difficult to do for a meal. you're required to have the funds have been totally destroyed. on the 3rd, i was able to harvest what can feed my family today. community leaders say the floods this. yeah, on president all the problems, especially the rise phones beginning on everything going because yeah, hoses, every single person of them and intended to display size, you know, hundreds of thousands have been displeased with tens of thousands of factors of
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palms destroyed. even the dead on spread the misery. this local cemetery, the sub emerged, the floods have changed everything for many in the ideas to god. what state printers have enough not get a 36 states have suffered flooding vis. yeah. yes. very nice. even if you have to peak and guns have sofa not open the floodgates to release excess of water worrying picture faulty shows. we have a sub demo, go back to chrome, and what it did is much more is have done well then in august. so i live, god knows what the steps would be when that when, when it is that time, the government says 110 kilometers and punishments have been constructed. and 72 kilometers of the main reboot raged by. the flooding continues to claim lives and


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